Withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria. World reaction

The completion of the Russian operation in Syria on March 15 caused extremely mixed reactions around the world. Our website publishes the opinions of leading experts collected by TASS.

The initial shock gave way to questions about what Putin wanted to say by this? Then it was time to analyze the results of the Russian operation. Almost all experts agree that, from a military point of view, the operation was carried out brilliantly.

According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in five and a half months, Russian troops carried out more than 9,000 combat sorties, and during all this time the Aerospace Forces did not have a single technical crash of an aircraft (which, according to experts, is not just a good, but an excellent result) .

No less important are the political results of the operation, which, in fact, determined the moment of Russia’s exit from the military phase of the Syrian conflict.

It would seem that our country’s military operation in Syria has not yet achieved its final goals. The global and absolute evil - the terrorist group "Islamic State" (an organization banned in Russia) suffered serious losses, but did not stop resisting. Russian airstrikes only damaged the infrastructure of the Islamic State (the Islamic State terrorist group banned in Russia), deprived a number of oil revenues from trade with Turkey (according to the Russian Defense Minister, they destroyed over 209 oil production and refining facilities, as well as more than 2,000 means of delivering petroleum products) and allowed the Syrian army to liberate a significant, but not critically important part of the territory occupied by terrorists.

In addition, it was not possible to destroy even the majority of immigrants from Russia and the post-Soviet republics, who are now training in the ranks of the Islamic State and will want to return home after some time to organize local branches of the Caliphate in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as the Muslim regions of Russia. Sergei Shoigu reported on two thousand killed militants Russian origin, whereas at the beginning of the operation the Kremlin said that there were three times more of them there.

Finally, Moscow, at first glance, did not fulfill its promise to support the offensive of the Syrian army until its end (victorious or not, it does not matter). Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of most of the troops at a time when the Syrian army was preparing for a major offensive on IS-occupied Palmyra, after which it plans to launch an offensive on the Syrian capital of the Islamic State, Raqqa.

At the same time, as Gevorg Mirzayan, a columnist for the magazine “Exper,” emphasizes, Russia did not set the task of complete and final elimination of the Islamic State, as well as all volunteers from post-Soviet states in its ranks. The primary military objectives of the Russian operation were to save and stabilize the regime of the current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and then force the sane part of the Syrian opposition to begin a dialogue with him about bringing the country out of the state civil war. At the time of the deployment of troops, dialogue was impossible: who would talk to a de facto dead man?

Let us recall that at that time the terrorists had already invaded the president’s home province of Latakia, and Damascus was under siege. However, over the five and a half months of operations by the Russian Aerospace Forces, Assad’s position has seriously strengthened. Thanks to the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian army began to win and liberate cities, and all forces within the country (including the president’s wavering supporters) saw that rumors about the imminent fall of the Assad regime were somewhat exaggerated.

And since his fall is now impossible, then it is necessary to negotiate with him - which is what the patriotic part of the Syrian opposition, as well as some external sponsors of the Syrian civil war, did with the mediation and guarantees of the Russians. And now, at the time of the withdrawal of the main part of the Russian contingent, the Syrian army is rearmed with Russian weapons, replenished with new fighters (including representatives of the former opposition) and is ready to carry out tasks of at least holding the current territories. And given that the remaining Russian planes continue to provide air support to the advancing units of the Syrian army (against Palmyra), it can liberate the territories occupied by IS. If the Syrian army suddenly suffers defeat and begins to roll back, the Russian Aerospace Forces can always return and support their colleagues with friendly bombing.

And this goal was achieved with relatively small means. Russian President claims that the operation cost 33 billion rubles (about 400 million dollars), some Russian publications write about 38 billion rubles (480 million dollars), and Western media, whose position is relayed by representatives of the Russian pseudo-liberal opposition, talk about 4 million dollars a day (then there are about 660 million dollars for five and a half months of operation).

However, even if we take the last, most negative calculation, we are talking about only 1% of the annual budget of the Ministry of Defense, which will be fully recouped due to readiness Russian troops(after all, there are no better teachings than fighting), as well as arms contracts for the purchase by foreign states of the Russian weapon, which has proven itself well in Syria military equipment, emphasizes Gevorg Mirzayan.

And if you compare these expenses with the cost of the American Operation Inherent Resolve against the Islamic State in Iraq, it turns out that one day of the Russian operation, which involves dozens of combat sorties, costs less than two American sorties.

As Gevorg Mirzayan believes, the military goals of the operation related to Syria itself were only secondary. The main goal of the Russian operation was political in nature and did not directly concern Syria or its fate. Russia came to Syria for the status of a world great power - and received it.

Previously, Moscow behaved in accordance with the words of President Obama - as a regional power. The Kremlin was active in the post-Soviet space without implementing any significant projects on the international stage. The Syrian test was supposed to show Moscow’s ability not only to implement these projects, but to legitimately and decisively resolve the most important crises of the existing system international relations.
And the test passed perfectly. Russia behaved absolutely correctly from the very beginning of the operation, when it entered Syria not unilaterally in defiance of everyone, but after consultations and reaching a compromise with those who wanted to conclude this compromise, in particular with the United States, the European Union and Israel. And it also ended on a positive note - through sponsoring political negotiations in Geneva and at the Khmeimim base.

Moscow successfully implemented its strategy and, most importantly, did not go too far. In particular, she did not publicly demonstrate the helplessness of the United States in the Syrian issue, instead giving the Americans a hand and sponsoring the Geneva peace process with them.

As a result of the operation, the Kremlin not only demonstrated its determination, but also clearly emphasized the difference between the Russian and American approaches to solving complex problems. international problems, emphasizes Gevorg Mirzayan. Unlike the United States, which was noted for the ineffectiveness of its decisions and excessive ideologization of its foreign policy, the Kremlin acted exclusively within the framework of its national interests. Which, of course, makes Moscow a more predictable partner - to partner with it, you only need to take into account Russian interests. And they, unlike the American ones, are quite moderate and do not imply complete subordination to the Kremlin of the country - the recipient of the aid, not to mention restructuring according to Russian patterns through “democratization” and “liberalization.”

Taking into account all of the above, serious experts have only one question: why did Russia withdraw the main group of the Aerospace Forces today? Yes, the semi-official version seems quite logical: there is a ceasefire in Syria, and there is simply no need for so much aviation to regularly bomb those ISIS positions that the army is attacking.

In addition, the season of sandstorms has begun in Syria, during which it is difficult to fly. But, firstly, in a conversation with a correspondent of Expert magazine, a Syrian combat pilot said that it is possible to fly and bomb (if the storms are not too strong, like last year), and secondly, why it was impossible to withdraw unnecessary aircraft after a few weeks, against the background of resounding success in the form of the capture of Palmyra and a possible real suspension of hostilities by the Syrian army?

The speed of withdrawal of the main Russian group can be explained by two factors. The first factor is Turkish-Kurdish. Just a few days after the withdrawal of the main group of Russian troops (naturally, the Kremlin knew this in advance), the Syrian Kurds announced the autonomy of three Kurdish cantons (with centers in Jazeera, Afrin and Kobani) and their unification into a common region, which will be called Northern Rojava Syria (the word “Rojava” is translated from Kurdish as “west” and means the western part of the Kurdish lands, or Syrian Kurdistan). That is, they took a step that was absolutely unacceptable for Turkey.

“The Kurdish statement is a blow to Recep Erdogan’s sore spot. For him, the creation of Kurdish autonomies on the border with Turkey is a great danger, since Turkish Kurds can also become infected with “autonomy”. Ankara has already shown that it is ready to fight all these autonomies by any means: suppressing the Iraqi Kurds and putting pressure on them through soft power, opening fire on the Syrian Kurds,” believes Vladimir Avatkov, director of the Center for Oriental Studies, International Relations and Public Diplomacy.

Since these methods did not help, Turkish President faced a choice: either send troops into Syrian Kurdistan and eliminate its autonomy, or reconcile. It is possible that Erdogan will choose the first option, and the Kremlin simply did not want to stand in his way. And not because Putin is afraid to take revenge for the Su-24 shot down by the Turks and reset the Turkish expeditionary force, thereby starting a military conflict with Turkey. Moscow simply does not want to prevent Recep Erdogan from making a critical mistake.

Firstly, it is no secret that the United States is categorically against the Turkish military operation, since they are betting on the Turkish Kurds in particular and, according to some sources, on the creation of Greater Kurdistan in general. Therefore, the introduction of Turkish troops to spite Washington will seriously aggravate US-Turkish relations, further driving Erdogan into international isolation.

Secondly, intervention in Syria would be a military disaster for the current Turkish regime, up to and including a military clash with the Syrian army and, possibly, the Iranian one. Turkish soldiers will have to leave Syria in disgrace, and this withdrawal may well entail regime change in Ankara. This is what Russia needs to normalize Russian-Turkish relations.

The second factor is the Geneva negotiations, just before which Russia made a political statement on the withdrawal of troops. This statement should put serious pressure on Russia's partners in the negotiation process - Iran and Syria.

But why should Rossi put pressure on his partners? There are several explanations. Firstly, we may be talking about a banal demonstrative concession. The opposition said that progress in Geneva requires a cessation of Russian aviation - please, aviation returns home. There will be no progress - please, aviation in right time returns from home and continues his work (in fact, Russian authorities and do not deny the possibility of the aircraft returning). But let anyone try after this to say that Putin is not a peacemaker and is not doing everything possible to advance negotiations in Syria.

Secondly, the reason may be a transaction. Either Russian-Saudi (concessions on Syria in exchange for higher oil prices), or Russian-American in the exchange of Russian concessions on Syria for American concessions on Ukraine. Forcing Damascus and Tehran to lower their demands on the opposition - perhaps this is the Russian concession that the United States needs so much to demonstrate its leadership to Turkey and Saudi Arabia accusing Obama of being passive on the Syrian issue in order to prolong the Syrian civil war.

Finally, we may be talking about Russia’s own desire to teach a lesson to its allies (which, of course, does not deny the possibility of “selling” the withdrawal of troops that Moscow needs to the Americans and Saudis). IN Lately Damascus and Tehran did not behave very well. Thus, Bashar al-Assad was very cool about the idea of ​​federalization, which formed the basis of the entire negotiation process.

“The Syrian regime perceives the hypothetical federalization of Syria as a direct path to its collapse: after all, federalism presupposes the empowerment of components countries are mandatory elements of their own statehood, and they, as we know, can be activated at any moment of crisis. And in this regard, the readiness of the official Syrian leadership, inspired by illusory hopes of preserving state integrity, to share power with its principal competitors raises great doubts,” said Arabist Leonid Isaev.

Damascus is partly understandable: before everyone’s eyes is the example of Iraq, which federalization brought to a state of half-life, but experts admit that after the civil war, Syria will no longer be able to exist as a unitary state.

Iranians behave more demonstratively. In particular, according to some experts, they are not fulfilling the obligations they assumed before the operation to conduct combat operations on the ground. And since there are not enough troops, Syrian troops cannot conduct full-fledged combat operations, and Moscow is forced to be drawn into a long-term military conflict. And she pays for the actions in it herself - after all, and secondly, Iran does not finance the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces. And it should, since Iran needs Russia’s victory in Syria much more than Russia itself. What is at stake is the continued Iranian influence throughout the Levant and the survival of Hezbollah.

At the same time - and this is thirdly - Iran is not even ready to compensate Russia for its costs after the war. Iranians enter into contracts worth tens of billions of dollars with European, not with Russian companies. The Russians cannot even pay the money for the S-300PMU-2 yet. And they even refuse to sign the general agreement of oil exporting countries on freezing production levels, so important for Moscow. Why should Russia, in this situation, continue its extensive participation in the Syrian armed conflict?

Therefore, the Kremlin, apparently, decided to sober up Tehran a little. “Now Iran, which has reduced its presence in Syria to 700 people, will understand that the Russians will not endlessly pull chestnuts out of the fire for it. Let him go and work. We did not undertake to establish justice on the planet for everyone,” emphasized Evgeniy Satanovsky, president of the Middle East Institute.

Well, at the same time Moscow proved to everyone Arab countries that Putin did not choose the side of the Shiite world in the conflict with the Sunni one. This, of course, does not mean that the Kremlin chose the Sunni - surrendered Iran and sided with the KSA. Putin has chosen the side of Russia and is only demonstrating to Iranian partners his flexibility and willingness to cooperate with those countries that respect Russian interests and pay for Russian work, concludes Gevorg Mirzayan.

March 16, 2016

Opinions barely had time to emerge that the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria was a retreat, a defeat, and Putin leaked it again - and now, the witnesses of the cunning plan are already ready with thermonuclear counter-arguments in this regard.

Putin's supporters are rushing to prove that Russia won (although it is not entirely clear who), the withdrawal of troops was carried out at the most necessary moment, and in general nothing has been completed yet.

In general, the cunning plan lived, the cunning plan lived, the cunning plan will live!

The multi-step process continues, gentlemen of the jury!

I present to your attention the arguments that are given in favor of the version of the success of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.


In my estimation, this is the most popular version.

It sounds very convenient - no one is to blame, it’s just the way weather phenomena are, you can’t argue with the weather. One drawback is that neither the president, nor the minister of defense, nor any of the officials even said a word about the sandstorm factor. It was announced that the operation was completed and the troops were withdrawn. Not about rotation, not about temporary reduction of the group, but about completion. In addition, the question arises: is there really no other way to wait out a sandstorm, only on Russian territory? But what about the Syrian aviation - where is it waiting out these storms? Is it really flying to winter in warm countries nest and hatch chicks?

I wonder if the Russian Aerospace Forces will return after the sandstorm season? If they do, then it will probably be another operation, since the previous one is officially completed.

However, I have a hint for supporters of this version: sandstorms will blow away the terrorists. True, they didn’t blow away in previous years, but this year they will certainly blow away. Just because. The cunning plan is not discussed.


Logical. But the president has already announced the completion of the operation. If you have to return, it will turn out somehow strange. It turns out that I completed it today and resumed tomorrow.

In general, that’s how things are in international politics are not done. I do not remember that completed military operations were resumed after their completion had already been announced. Perhaps this happened somewhere, but I can’t find an example yet.

Input-output, input-output - it’s not exactly a war, but something else.


Yeah. It turns out that we will withdraw very slowly, so that if something happens we can cancel the withdrawal and continue the war. Interesting approach.

According to this version of the cunning plan, the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces must be carried out at a rate of approximately one aircraft per week. To stretch it out for a year.

I would probably even believe in this option, but it does not agree with reality, because the president ordered the withdrawal to begin as soon as possible and the first group of aircraft has already returned to Russia. And some of the equipment has already been taken out on military transport.

In general, it doesn’t look like anyone was trying to delay the return.


It's clear. And the S-400 air defense system, which provides airspace cover, also remains. But this is only the protection of the bases themselves. Russia leaves only base security and permanent personnel. And no one will fight terrorists or provide military support to the Syrian army.

So the operation is completed.


Naturally! The West did not expect Russia to make its move so quickly. The State Department couldn’t even find what to say about this - first you need to lift your jaw off the floor.

The effect of surprise, of course, was achieved - nothing can be said here. But it is unlikely that the sudden withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria will become a demoralizing factor for ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front, Turkey and the United States. Quite the contrary.

And if one of the Western politicians cannot find the words to speak about the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria, this only means that they are holding back, trying not to show how incredibly happy they are.

Let me remind you that the collapse of the USSR also came as a surprise to many Western politicians at one time. They didn’t think then that everything would end so quickly in 1991.


They say this out of politeness. Or out of joy. As an option, teeth speak. In general, they try not to show that they are incredibly happy.

At the same time, let me remind you that Gorbachev was also very praised in the West at one time. They also wrote that he does everything right, that he is a very progressive leader... and to this day Mikhail Sergeevich is loved, appreciated and respected in the West. And how can you not respect him if he is the whole USSR with Warsaw Pact leaked Or maybe someone still believes that Gorbachev did not leak? Maybe Mikhail Sergeevich also had his own cunning plan, his own multi-move, we just didn’t appreciate it?


Of course we don't know.

But do you just need circumstances or results?

When you go to the store to buy bread, you also do not know all the circumstances that someone faces at the bakery, elevator and in the fields. I assure you, there are also many difficulties there - loans, equipment, personnel, drought, equipment, fuel, pests...

But it doesn’t matter to you what difficulties the grain growers went through to get fresh bread on your table.

You are either happy when you buy fresh, delicious bread, or you are unhappy if the shelf in the store is empty.

So I, too, view the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria as a consumer. The Russian leadership made it clear to me that the Russian Aerospace Forces are sent to Syria to support the legitimate government (Bashar al-Assad) and fight terrorism. So I evaluate the operation based on the actual results.

Was Bashar Assad protected? Yes, at the current stage they have protected it. But I have every reason to suspect that after the departure of the Russian Aerospace Forces, no one else will defend Bashar Assad and he will be overthrown in one way or another, and Syria will be divided.

Were the terrorists defeated? Some won. But ISIS and al-Nusra still control large areas and entire cities, so calling the current situation a victory over terrorism is not even a stretch, but an outright lie. And after the departure of the Russian Aerospace Forces from Syria, no one will fight ISIS and other terrorists with the same effectiveness - this is obvious.

Therefore, as a citizen and voter, I feel deceived. And I am dissatisfied in the same way as any buyer in front of an empty shelf, even if the supplier of the goods has good reasons, for which he was unable to produce and deliver the goods.

By the way, if it is impossible to deliver goods, suppliers usually give reasons. But I never heard any real reasons from the president regarding the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces.


Yes, Bashar Assad remains president, he was not torn to pieces like Gaddafi, he was not arrested, he was not hanged, the Americans are not bombing Damascus.

Yes, on this moment Yes.

But this is about the same explanation as “Bandera’s troops did not capture Donetsk.” Indeed, they were not captured. But in Donetsk they live worse than in Kharkov and Odessa (although there is no sugar for Russian people there either). Especially where the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ shells continue to land. Entire neighborhoods lie in ruins, some residents go outside to fetch water, and in some places they cannot provide electricity. Was the victory good? This is roughly the same thing with Syria. Terrorists did not capture Damascus, but Syria was not completely liberated from terrorists. And many cities will remain in ruins indefinitely. And fighting will continue on the line of contact.

And there are no guarantees that terrorists will not launch a new offensive after waiting for the completion of the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Likewise, there is no guarantee that Turkey will not regain control of the Syrian border and will not again trade smuggled oil.

And no one guaranteed the political future of Bashar al-Assad either. Yes, he was not killed by terrorists. But he can be removed as a result of political intrigues “democratically”; the Americans are very strong in this.

There are no guarantees - that’s what’s fundamentally important.

Russia withdrew the Russian Aerospace Forces without any guarantees. Even the Minsk agreements, with all their vileness, are a kind of document in which at least some obligations of the Ukrainian side are recorded, even if signed by the pensioner Kuchma. And in relation to Syria, this is not even the case. No one promised Syria anything at all, even in words.


The most original explanation for the withdrawal of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

This argument hints either that Russia will soon have to fight on its territory, or somewhere near the borders.

Maybe the Russian Aerospace Forces will now be used in Ukraine?

As for Ukraine, let me immediately remind you that Russian attack aircraft are not needed there. If a decision arises to continue the operation in Ukraine, it is enough to simply abandon the Minsk agreements and resume military trade.

The militia (VSN), with the support of the "vacationers", successfully conducted the operation without air support.

Moreover, Ukraine has quite strong air defense systems - BUK and S-200, so it will not work in the same way as in Syria. If Russian attack aircraft appear in the Ukrainian sky, they will be shot down one by one. To prevent this from happening, it will be necessary to suppress the air defense system, and for this it will be necessary to strike at great depths on the territory of Ukraine. And this can no longer be attributed to the work of the militia - it will turn out to be an outright war.

In short, the explanation is as original as it is unsuccessful.


They demonstrated and washed their hands - right? I recognize the task of demonstrating the latest Russian weapons; such a task exists. But to declare that this was the main task and only for the sake of this the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out an operation in Syria is excuse me...

There are living people in Syria, by the way. They hoped that Russia would help them fight off militants, terrorists, and Islamists. And we, it turns out, just wanted to show off our strength, and then burn everything with fire?

This turns out to be approximately the same as what the Americans did when they dropped nuclear bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings had practically no military significance; Japan was already on the verge of defeat, and nuclear bombs were thrown in order to demonstrate the latest weapons to Stalin. It turns out that we are the same in Syria? No, I cannot agree that Russia simply used Syria as a testing ground for demonstrating military force. A rather cynical version, a little reminiscent of ordinary fascism. In this version, a country with living people is considered simply as a base for experiments.

Supporters of this version, trying to justify the success of the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces by the demonstration of weapons, essentially prove that the leadership of the Russian Federation are moral monsters on the level of Kolomoisky and Turchynov, for whom the people are consumables in solving their practical problems, in this case the task of advertising weapons.

Great, right?

They wanted to prove that Putin is the winner, but during the proof they derived the predicate that the President is a monster. Beauty!


Witnesses to the cunning plan will stop at nothing to prove that everything is fine, we are winning, Putin is doing everything right and he has some cunning plan that we know nothing about, but success is guaranteed.

If we sum up all the arguments given, it turns out like this:

The Russian Aerospace Forces were withdrawn due to the sandstorm season, which Putin, due to his modesty, remained silent about; as we brought it out, we will bring it in; We will take it out slowly; We won’t take everyone out; The West is confused by our unexpected withdrawal; Western experts confirm Russia's success; we do not know all the circumstances; Damascus has not been captured by terrorists; planes are more needed in Russia and in general - it was just a demonstration of Caliber and nothing more.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a partial withdrawal of the Russian aviation group from Syria from March 15. For many, including American intelligence, this apparently came as a complete surprise. Nevertheless, world leaders and representatives of international organizations recognized that this was a positive indicator.


"We have taken note good decision Russia will begin withdrawing part of its forces. When we see the withdrawal of forces, it means that the war took a different path", RIA Novosti quotes Angola's permanent representative to the UN, Ismael Gaspar Martins, who holds the post of chairman of the organization's Security Council in March. "The decision of the Russian President is a positive step,” the diplomat emphasized.

The Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, said that the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General, Staffan de Mistura, also noted the importance of the statement. "Those members who commented, rightly, in my opinion, noted that this shows Russia's deep commitment to the political process. This is exactly what all our actions were aimed at from the very beginning,” he said.

“The fact that Russia announced the withdrawal of some of its troops shows that they do not see an imminent need to resort to force in maintaining the truce. That in itself should be a positive sign. Now we need to wait and see,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

"Russia's actions can be positive - if they are part of a real commitment to a political solution to the Syrian crisis and a cessation of hostilities,” British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond wrote on his Twitter page. His German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier stressed that Russia’s actions will push the Assad government and the opposition to start serious negotiations.

"We highly appreciate the decision made by the Russian President to withdraw troops, and I hope that other leaders will take the same approach in order for peace to prevail in Syria,” said the head of the Malaysian Senate, Abu Zahar Ujang. The speaker of the upper house of the Kazakh parliament, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, also noted the positive consequences of this step. “The Kremlin’s decision to withdraw aviation and stop hostilities in Syria creates good conditions for a real truce and peace process,” he is confident.

Let us recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the need for a partial withdrawal of the aviation group from Syria at a meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He also discussed this issue in telephone conversation with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. The withdrawal of troops will begin on March 15, however, in order to monitor compliance with the cessation of hostilities, the Russian side will maintain an aviation flight support point in the region.

Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the withdrawal of Russian aerospace forces from Syria. The president announced this today at a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The withdrawal of troops will begin on March 15, while the Russian Khmeimim airbase and the naval station in Tartus remain on full combat readiness. According to the president, “our bases - maritime in Tartus and aviation at the Khmeimim airfield - will function as before.”

In fact, this order from Putin means that the anti-terrorist operation in Syria was a success. In fact, this is true. About four hundred were liberated from the forces of the Islamic State. settlements. ISIS's military and economic infrastructure was destroyed. Thousands of terrorists were killed. Moreover, the government and moderate opposition in Syria managed to enter the phase of political and diplomatic negotiations. In other words, the military conflict in this country was stopped.

At the same time, representatives of the moderate opposition, who are now initiating the creation of a new constitution for the country, are based in the Russian humanitarian center. Vladimir Putin, speaking about the truce and withdrawal of troops, emphasized: “I hope that today’s decision will be a good signal for all conflicting parties. I hope that this will significantly increase the confidence of all participants in the process.” At the same time, the head of state instructed Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to “intensify Russia’s participation in organizing peace processes in Syria.” The time of hostilities is over, the time of diplomacy has begun.

Actually, this withdrawal of troops after the declaration of a truce in Syria makes it clear that Russia acted there only and exclusively as a peacemaker and fighter against terrorism. Our country did not have any “hidden political motives.” In contrast to the “allies,” a coalition of more than sixty states, which for several years were doing something unclear in Syria and were only able to advance 15 kilometers deep into ISIS territory.

Assad is also pleased. According to media reports, the head of Syria Bashar al-Assad, in a telephone conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, “thanked him for his large-scale assistance in the fight against terrorism, as well as for the humanitarian support provided to the population of the country.”

“Assad expressed hope that negotiations between the Syrian government and representatives of the opposition, which will start on March 14 in Geneva under the auspices of the UN, will bring concrete results. In addition, he declared his readiness to quickly establish a political process in the Arab Republic,” the Kremlin website says.

“It would be a mistake to make statements about victory over terrorism at all, since not a single country in the world has been able to achieve this. But President Vladimir Putin’s decision to withdraw Russian forces from Syria states the creation necessary conditions to resolve the crisis in the Arab Republic,” news agencies quote the words of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

“By order of the Commander-in-Chief, complete security of these facilities will be ensured from the air, land and sea. And these facilities will perform the functions of monitoring compliance with the ceasefire conditions,” Peskov added. He explained that “The withdrawal of Russian forces from Syria was discussed only with the President of the Arab Republic Bashar Assad. Of course, one way or another, contacts between the President and Western colleagues will take place.”

At the same time, however, the whole world saw how effectively it could act Russian army and what results our armed forces can achieve in the shortest possible time. In a political sense, Russia has shown itself to be a true peacemaker. At the same time, the image of the Western powers was somewhat compromised, since their anti-terrorist operation was ineffective.

And this is not to mention the effective use of the most modern weapons, the recognition of the Pentagon, NATO generals and world military experts in the “amazing military power that Russia showed after the failure in the 90s,” as well as a completely different attitude of the world towards Russia - already as to an effective peacemaker influencing the fate of the world.

“The Russian Aerospace Forces operation in Syria had military and political goals. The Minister of Defense spoke beautifully about the military - about the destruction of communications, oil columns, warehouses and bunkers of ISIS, terrorists, their bases and infrastructure. The political task was not just to preserve the statehood of Syria, but also to launch a truce process in which all parties participate. The official government of Syria is now participating in it as a recognized and important party. In addition, now the Western coalition is really engaged in the fight against ISIS,” the site said in an interview. Professor at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, political scientist Boris Mezhuev.

“It was a risky task, which was perfectly accomplished. Risky because Russia did not drown in Syria like the USSR did in Afghanistan, and there were no difficulties with the Sunni population living in Russia,” the political scientist added.

“In this case, the Russian military completed the entire range of tasks that were initially assigned to the Russian Aerospace Forces and, in accordance with the stated goals, a limited contingent is leaving Syria, and military bases remain on its territory, the status of which will be determined in detail and specifically in the future,” - concluded the famous expert.

There is hope that with the truce in Syria, the situation in the Middle East as a whole will begin to calm down. And the “Arab Spring,” which has plagued the region for several years now, will begin to subside. Moreover, there is an opinion that many eastern powers will now cooperate more closely with Russia than with their Western “partners,” who are only able to initiate revolutions, wars and chaos, but cannot curb them.

Overall, it seems that political and economic opportunities may soon open up for Russia in the Middle East region that were not there before. Moreover, it is obvious that the Russian presence in the Middle East will now be permanent, and will only increase over time. And it will be not so much military as political.

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