Fortune telling for the near future 36 cards. Fortune telling "Black Rose"

There are a large number of methods and types of fortune telling on cards. The simplest type of card deck is a deck of 36 cards and four suits. It is very easy to work with her and her predictions come true with extraordinary accuracy.

Basic techniques for fortune telling with 36 cards

Before you start studying the layouts, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of the cards.

Hearts card suit

  • Six - indicates a fast road;
  • Seven – important negotiations;
  • Eight - a love date;
  • Nine – pure love;
  • Ten – thoughts and thoughts;
  • Jack – strong feelings or problems that have arisen;
  • Lady - female blood ties;
  • The king is a man close in blood;
  • Ace is the home of a loved one.

Spades cards

  • Six - long road;
  • Seven – discontent, despair;
  • Eight – probability of a trip or invitation to stay;
  • Nine – imminent long-term illness;
  • Ten - useless and empty dreams;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless affairs and worries;
  • The lady is a very strong enemy;
  • The king is a strict superior man, quite likely holding a high position;
  • Ace - unpleasant news.

Diamond suit

  • Six is ​​the fastest way;
  • Seven – joy from meetings;
  • Eight – mutually pleasant communication;
  • Nine is the secret love of unmarried representatives of both sexes;
  • Ten - easy fulfillment of desires;
  • Jack - obstacles on the road of life;
  • The lady is a very close woman;
  • The king is a devoted friend;
  • Ace - good news.

Club cards

  • Six – road for work;
  • Seven – important business communication;
  • Eight – negotiation process;
  • Nine – mutual and passionate love;
  • Ten – financial receipt;
  • Jack - constant worries;
  • Lady - a relative from a close circle;
  • The king is a powerful man;
  • Ace is a difficult job or an important project.

When starting fortune telling, you need to think about a specific person for whom the card layout is being carried out. For the fortune telling process, you need to purchase a new deck of cards. It is very important that it is new and has not been previously used.

The deck must be thoroughly mixed, and then ask the person who is making the layout to move the cards with his left hand away from himself. After this, you need to pick up the card that is located on top of the deck and place it face down on the table. This procedure will need to be done six times. Now you can turn them over and interpret the event seen in the layout.

There are a huge variety of very simple and interesting layouts that make it possible to get answers to your questions. Understanding the layout and reading it in detail, in turn, does not cause any particular difficulties. But the most amazing thing is that card layouts, especially in relation to love affairs, always show real picture what's happening. And if you learn how to make high-quality layouts, then you can read the cards all your life, without resorting to the services of all kinds of magicians and sorcerers.

Fortune telling methods using 36 playing cards

Let's consider the most simple ways fortune telling for 36 playing cards.

A method of fortune telling called “What was, what will be, how the heart will calm down.”

This is the simplest fortune telling for the near future and the most popular in the world. currently. A layout on thirty-six playing cards helps to get answers to a series of difficult questions: “What awaits in the near future?” or “What happened before, and why did it all happen?” In this fortune telling, the cards are laid out as follows:

The six cards in front of the image of the client’s card, as well as the paired cards at the top, show the very near future, and the pairs of cards at the feet of the main card speak of very small and insignificant events.

A method of fortune telling for the near future

An elementary technique of fortune telling on thirty-six cards called “Fortune telling for an event” or for the very near future reveals the most immediate incidents and events in a person’s life. This method of fortune telling on a playing deck of cards is performed for the future, which is already very close.

When carrying out the layout, one random card is taken out from the card deck. Then the interpretation of the drawn cards is determined. They represent the immediate future and upcoming events and changes.

Method of predictions for a month, 3 months and for the coming year

This technique is used at certain very important moments in the client’s life. This arrangement is not common or everyday. In this fortune-telling, the curtain may open on the future that may await next month, as well as the coming year. Thanks to this fortune-telling, you can see your destiny without the help of sorcerers and fortune-tellers and find out what will happen in life at a certain time.

Method of card reading “Tell fortunes for the king”

The simplest method of fortune telling on thirty-six playing cards, “Fortune telling for the betrothed,” is recognized by experienced fortune tellers as one of the most truthful and popular. This is due, first of all, to the fact that a large number of representatives of the fair sex are, unfortunately, without a partner. The king card, which appears at the beginning of the layout, directly indicates the feelings, intentions, as well as the events that happen to the object of this fortune-telling.

Method of reading “Fortune telling 4 jacks”

This method has been known for a long time and carries a large amount of information. The four jacks layout is a fortune-telling about the attitude towards four men at once, which helps you choose the one who loves you from several applicants.

Method “Simple fortune telling with 36 cards”

The layout of this fortune telling will open your intuition, help you get answers to burning questions, predict your future, and take the right actions.

With this method of fortune telling with thirty-six cards, three cards at a time are removed from the top of the deck and carefully looked at. In the event that cards of the same card suit or the same value are revealed among them, they are discarded, and only the card that differs from all the others in each trio is put aside for the client’s card. By placing them in one row, from left to right, the prediction is interpreted.

Fortune telling using thirty-six playing cards can tell you about your immediate fate and the distant future. In this method of fortune telling, it is necessary to pronounce the words “diamonds, clubs, spades, wine” and remove cards from above one at a time. Cards that match the suit spoken out loud are set aside. After the number of cards set aside is 10, the layout is complete and you can begin to determine the meaning of these cards, which will tell you about your future.

Fortune telling on an ordinary deck of cards for love is quite famous and at the same time very truthful fortune telling on human relationships. This method of card layout is a little more complicated than others, but it allows you to consider the position in love relationships from various points of view, and under from different angles. Cards in this type of fortune telling are laid out repeatedly and in completely different ways, and reveal only part of the secrets of love and fate. You can always change your life for the better thanks to this alignment.

Fortune telling with playing cards for money and wealth is a simple and truthful fortune telling to determine financial and monetary receipts in the near future on nine cards of a regular playing deck of thirty-six cards. During the layout, any nine cards are randomly taken out of the deck and laid out in front of you. The answer to your questions will be the drawn suits and values ​​of the cards.

We all want to know our destiny, what awaits us ahead and what tests are prepared for us. Life is an unpredictable thing, you shouldn’t expect only positive moments from it, which is why now it’s becoming again popular question“How to tell fortunes with cards?” Behind a short time You can master fortune telling with playing cards for the future, what will happen soon, find out what the meanings of cards are in different layouts, and tell fortunes for yourself and your friends.

To lift the curtain on a mysterious future, just use the cards

Fortune telling with cards for the future is an opportunity to find out what awaits you today, tomorrow, next month, in the upcoming new year, on your birthday, what awaits you in love, in marriage, in your career. But do not forget that no matter what prediction you make, you will not be able to find out exactly your future, whether it will be true, what will happen, what interpretations and meanings there will be. When fortune telling on cards, you may be promised the most accurate prediction, but fate can turn your life around in the most unexpected way. this moment.

Types of fortune telling on cards

Now fortune telling on cards is available to everyone. Fortune telling on 36 cards and provided that they are new and no one has held them in their hands before, in this case the interpretation of fortune telling playing cards will be much more accurate. Fortune telling is:

  • on 36 playing cards;
  • on Tarot cards;
  • online fortune telling.

In the following way, you can not only find on the Internet different recipes cooking, communicating and corresponding with people, earning money, but also guessing. Moreover, you can guess: on 36 playing cards, on Tarot cards, on gypsy cards, on Osho Zen Tarot, Celtic cross(another variation of fortune telling with Tarot cards) and even with dice.

The deck and layouts also have important in fortune telling for the future. The principle is that the meaning of cards can change in different scenarios. You can tell fortunes at home, on your own, or in the company of friends. But only the fortuneteller should touch the deck.

Only the fortuneteller should touch the deck of cards. This is one of the main rules

Tarot cards "Near Future"

This kind of fortune telling for the future using playing cards is used to find out what awaits in the near future. Perhaps there are questions that are bothering you at the moment, with the help of this layout you will receive answers to your questions.

Lay out and concentrate by choosing nine cards at random from thirty-six. Arrange them in an oval shape. Three in a row, it may even look more like a square. In the middle row on the left, close to the edge - this is the recent past, this is the first card. The second one is in the top row in the middle, this is the present.

The third is in the middle row on the right, designated “near future.” The fourth is the bottom row in the middle and its meaning is “your actions.” The fifth stands to the left of the fourth and means “relationship”. Sixth – top row on the left “impact on you”. The seventh is in the top row on the right and means “further.” The eighth is “potential” and is located at the bottom right. The ninth and last one – “result” – is in the middle. Focus and you will succeed.

Lenormand "Light" cards for the future

The layout for the future on Lenormand cards is like “light” in the near future. He will tell you and show you what surprises and failures await you, where you should not interfere, what kind of people you will meet. Fortune telling for the future will help you decide what to do or how to correct the situation. To help achieve your goals and prevent failures in love, it is worth thinking about the person with whom you have a close relationship.

5 cards are selected from a deck of 36 playing cards. The first one answers the question: “What’s ahead of me?” The second is “What will happen?” The third is “advice in a situation.” The fourth is an unexpected turn of events. Fifth - what is the result of everything? The Lenormand card layout will help you interpret difficult life situations and give advice.

Layout "Mystical Cross"

Cards are laid out for the future in the form of a cross. The first is in the middle, the second and third are on the left and right, respectively. The fourth is under the first, the fifth and sixth, in order, under the first. This alignment will tell you about the future, past and present.

Having laid out six cards in this way, you will answer the questions that concern you: what awaits in the future, how to cope with problems at work, personal life, growth along the ladder career, fulfillment of your desires.

Layout " Mystical Cross» will help you find ways to solve problems at work

Fortune telling "Black Rose"

Playing cards with the “Black Rose” layout will help you decide for yourself what mistakes were made in the past, how to solve them in the present in order to avoid similar mistakes and problems in the future.

However, this fortune telling should start with a specific question in order to get an answer. You may not get a 100% result or answer, but you will dispel the myths around your situation.

Take a deck of 36 cards, hang out carefully and ask one main question or only one wish is made. Draw one card. The meaning will differ depending on the suit.

  1. Worms: numbers - your easy wish will come true soon; ace - the wish will 100% come true; figure - there will be no disappointment in the matter.
  2. Peaks: numbers – the probability that the wish will come true is 50:50; ace - definitely normal odds A little; figures – there is a chance, but it’s small.
  3. Diamonds: numbers - positive emotions from the dream will be blocked by negative ones; ace - the wish may come true, but not now; figures - before you rejoice at the fulfillment of your desire, you will experience a lot of simple troubles.
  4. Clubs: numbers - the chances of a wish coming true are zero; ace - your desire is not capable of life; figures - many unnecessary questions will appear before the wish is fulfilled.

Gypsy fortune telling

More suitable for fortunetellers to resolve love and friendly affairs. The layout is as follows: 1, 2, 3 – what was, 4, 5, 6 – what is, 7, 8, 9 – what will be. Shoot in your direction if you are telling fortunes for yourself, if you are telling fortunes for a third person, then the third person should shoot.

  1. Hearts: six – travel; seven, eight - an important event, conversation; nine – love meetings, correspondence; ten – desires; jack – failures of the present time; lady - beloved; the king is a ringed man, possibly without a relationship; ace – native home, nest.
  2. Spades: six – long journey; seven – failures, tears; eight – meeting, dinner in company; nine - illness; ten - failures in plans; jack - wasted time on some business; lady - resentment, conspiracy, annoyance, disappointment; king - assistant, colleague; ace - alcohol, party.
  3. Diamonds: six - short journey; seven - a business meeting, conversations about business; eight - like seven; nine, ten - love, relationships; jack – everyday problems, disorders; lady - a girl at heart; the king is a young man; ace - a breakthrough in your career.
  4. Clubs: six – business trip; seven, eight – business acquaintances, relationships; nine is a strong habit; ten – money matters; jack - unpleasant chores; lady - any woman close by blood or marriage; king - any man close by blood or marriage; Ace is an important event.

Spanish fortune telling

This method of laying out playing cards for fortune telling migrated from Spain back in the 19th-20th centuries. It is quite simple, but effective, and will answer any of your questions. What to do:

  1. Say your wish out loud three times.
  2. Take an absolutely untouched deck of 36 playing cards.
  3. Take out all the aces and lay them out on the table.
  4. Choose one of them and remember the card.
  5. Shuffle what is left on the table from the deck.
  6. Place one card face down on each Ace. Do this until the deck runs out.
  7. Turn over what lies on the ace you first chose and count the number of cards of the same suit, along with the ace.

There are less than five cards of the same suit, alas, the wish will not come true. If more, expect surprises from fate. Card fortune telling for the future, and this particular method of fortune telling is incredibly simple, but at the same time effective.

If in Spanish fortune telling more than 5 cards of the same suit are drawn, then expect surprises from fate

Basic rules for fortune telling

Most often they ask the question “How to tell fortunes using playing cards?” girls, girls, women, ladies. Men are usually not interested in this. But for the cards to tell the truth, you need to choose the right time for the sacrament. good time for fortune telling - this is on the full moon. Night is the ideal time for conspiracies, slander, love spells and similar rituals.

Monday from morning until midnight is the ideal time for fortune telling. On Tuesdays and Fridays, refrain from asking inappropriate or vague questions. There should only be specifics.

Wednesday is a day for making wishes related to career and study. Financial problems are best resolved on Thursday. This day brings profit and prosperity to your wallet for the near future. On weekends they try to guess on something else. These are days of rest from work and even higher powers are also on a day off.


Mysterious fortune telling on cards for the future is a very interesting and completely uncomplicated process. Even after making the same layout a thousand times, you will always get different variations; the probability of repeating the same layout is equal to minimum percentage. Each card has its own interpretation, one way or another it is impossible to predict what will happen to you or your loved ones.

Desires, dreams, questions about fate - these are all unknown and unpredictable matters.

It is important to remember that the correctly chosen time and place of fortune telling, as well as the deck, will serve as success in your endeavors and will open before you previously unknown doors of fate, past, present and future.

Simple fortune telling for the future on playing cards will help you prepare for any twists of fate.

How to get a truthful answer when doing fortune telling?

Fortune telling for the future is carried out using playing cards, following a few simple rules.

  • On New Year's Eve, Christmas, Epiphany and your own birthday, the veil of the future becomes thin - this better days for fortune telling.
  • Don't guess in days church holidays and on Sundays.
  • Fortune telling decks are kept in special conditions: they are not played on or given into the hands of strangers.
  • You need to be mentally prepared for fortune telling: be calm and collected; prepare a question to which you want an answer.
  • For 1 question, cards are dealt only 1 time.

How to tell fortunes for the future on cards

Layout "Black Rose"

An ancient fortune telling that will help you look into the future.

They shuffle the deck, thinking about exciting questions.

Step 1. They draw 1 card at random - it symbolizes the person being guessed at at the moment: his thoughts and state of mind.

Meanings of the 1st card.


  • Senior cards (pictures): jealousy, anger, aggression;
  • minor cards (numbers): sadness, tears.


  • Senior cards: melancholy, heavy thoughts, hopelessness;
  • minor cards: indifference, humility.


  • Senior cards: pursuit of justice;
  • low cards: revenge.


  • Major cards: love, hopes, confidence;
  • minor cards: determination, anticipation.

Step 2. Take 3 cards from the top of the deck and place them to the left of the 1st card - these are signs of the future.

The values ​​of the top cards are determined by their value; the suit does not matter.

  • “6” - disappointments;
  • “7” - events will turn out to your advantage;
  • "8" - help;
  • “9” is a joyful event;
  • “10” - difficulties;
  • Jack - tears and difficulties associated with loved ones;
  • Lady is a deception;
  • King - achieving a goal after many obstacles;
  • Ace is an illness, an unpleasant conversation or event.

Step 3. 3 cards from the bottom of the pack are laid out on the right - this is how the upcoming events will end.

The meanings of the bottom cards are interpreted only by suit.

  • Clubs - gossip, painful conversations;
  • Peaks - illness, tears, difficulties;
  • Diamonds - profit, joyful events, Love;
  • Hearts – changes for the better.

Gypsy fortune telling

Experience gypsy fortune telling on playing cards for the future.

The cards are not shuffled, but shuffled face down on the table and collected into a deck. With the left hand they remove the cards to themselves.

Take 9 cards from above in order and lay them out on the table in 3 rows, each with 3 cards:

  • the row at the top is the past;
  • average – what is;
  • the bottom one is the future.

See below for card meanings.


They shuffle the deck, thinking about their plans for the future. Then they take 3 cards from the deck at random and use them to interpret the future. If there is not enough information, they take another “three” cards - 1 time.

See below for card meanings.


The fortune teller makes a wish on a card for herself or for the person for whom she makes a fortune:

Men (Kings):

  • single guy - Tambourines;
  • married guy - Hearts;
  • a man in years - Clubs;
  • a brunette at any age or a man in an official position - Spades.

Women (Ladies):

  • unmarried girl under 30 years old - Tambourines;
  • woman over 30 – Hearts;
  • widow, woman over 50 – Clubs.

The deck is shuffled, thinking about the future, and 3 cards are laid out on the table in a fan, one under the other, until the hidden card falls out. After the “three” with the hidden card, another “three” fan is laid out.

  • Two cards that fell out along with the hidden card are the near future;
  • row on top - distant events;
  • the row below is the past.

If there is no top or bottom row, you should not lay out the cards a second time. Be content with what you have.

"Yes or no"

Simple fortune telling with playing cards for the future will help you find answers to specific questions. For example, you can ask: “Will I be able to get a job?”, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will the trip work out?” etc.

They hold the cards in their hands, thinking about their question. Then they shuffle them and remove them with their left hand towards themselves.

Three cards take part in the divination: from the top of the deck, from the bottom and one from the middle - whichever one comes across.

The answer is interpreted according to the suits of the 3 cards drawn:

  • the diamond and club suits mean “Negative, no”;
  • hearts and spades suits - “Positively, yes.”

If the cards contradict each other, it means that the path to achieving the goal will be difficult and thorny.

Fortune telling on 16 cards

Carefully shuffle the deck and remove it towards you with your left hand. Now lay out 5 cards in a horizontal row from the top of the deck in order. Then they again remove the cards with their left hand towards themselves and lay out 5 more cards on top of the first. The same steps are repeated a third time. 5 stacks of 3 cards each will appear on the table. Then the deck is removed and 1 card is taken from above - it is placed separately.

Card stack values:

  • 1st stack - for yourself;
  • 2nd pile – what’s on your mind;
  • 3rd pile – what’s in the family;
  • 4th pile – past;
  • The 5th pile is the future.

They interpret the meanings of the cards in each pile and try to intuitively comprehend the meaning of the message.

The last card means how the heart will calm down if unpleasant events occur.

See the interpretation of the cards below.

What do the cards mean?

Each card predicts a certain event, and their combination is a kind of message. To understand it, you need to connect your intuition, listen to your feelings and sensations. You can write down the resulting layout so that you can slowly think about it later.

“Randomly” dropped cards deserve special attention - they must be interpreted and associated with the result obtained during fortune telling.

“6” – long-distance expedition;
“7” – scheduled meeting;
“8” – stranger;
“9” – tarnished reputation;
“10” is an incredible event;
Jack - difficulties;
Lady - friend;
King - feeling;
Ace is your own home.

“6” – time spent with friends;
“7” – an unexpected joyful event;
“8” – meaningful conversation;
“9” – flirting;
“10” – success;
Jack - bad news;
Lady - blood relatives;
The king is the enemy;
Ace is a written document.

“6” – false hopes;
“7” – profit;
“8” – joyful dates;
“9” – divided love;
“10” – interest;
Jack - happy worries;
A lady is an unexpected event;
The king is a family man;
Ace is an official institution.

“6” – fruitless journey;
“7” - you will cry;
“8” – an unpleasant interlocutor;
“9” – unrequited love;
“10” is a lost cause;
Jack - fruitless hopes;
A lady is a two-faced person in the immediate environment;
King - you will meet a dangerous person;
Ace – illness, depression, bad news.

When fortune telling with cards, intuition is very important - you should not try to comprehend the future in a rational way.

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People turn to cards for advice in completely different ways. life situations. After all, you don’t always know what to do, what to do?! The love sphere is no exception. Fortune telling on cards for love began in ancient times, which is not at all surprising. This method of fortune telling is quite simple and informative. The cards will help the girl decide on her choice of life partner, find out about his intentions, feelings, how serious the existing relationship is, the prospects for its further development and other issues.

Let us examine in more detail the preparation for fortune-telling, the most popular layouts, correct interpretation and useful tips.

Choosing a deck and preparing for card fortune telling for love

There are many card decks - Indian, Gypsy, Tarot, Lenormand, standard 36 and 54. For the correct layout and interpretation of the first four, many years of experience and certain knowledge in this area will be required. Even a beginner can master fortune telling with playing cards for love. Therefore, this method is very popular.

Before you begin the fortune telling process, do not forget to consider the preparatory steps. Otherwise, cards will be issued false information, and the person will not receive answers to his questions.

  • For fortune telling, use a deck that is not played on, or a new one. Don't give your deck to strangers.
  • There should be no strangers or noise in the room.
  • Remove all jewelry and let your hair down.
  • It is forbidden to guess on Sundays and on church holidays!
  • Concentrate on the question, say it mentally, and tune in to a positive attitude.
  • You should not guess more than once a day.

After you have properly tuned in and taken into account all the tips, you can proceed directly to the fortune-telling process.

It is necessary to associate the partners for whom fortune telling is being performed with figures of certain stripes.

For girls and women the following apply:

  • Young unmarried girl under 25 years old – Queen of Diamonds
  • Married or aged 25 – 50 years – Queen of Hearts
  • Widow or woman over 50 years of age – Queen of Clubs (Cross)

For men:

  • Young unmarried guy – King of Diamonds
  • Married or over 25 years old – King of Hearts
  • Widower or over 50 years of age – King of Clubs (Crossie)

Most popular layouts

Fortune telling with six cards

Focus your thoughts on your loved one, your relationship and your future together.

A standard deck of 36 elements is taken and carefully shuffled. Remove the deck with the little finger of your left hand towards you. Turn over the top card and place it on the table. You should repeat these manipulations six times (shuffle six times, remove with your left little finger, set aside the inverted top card). Lay out the dropped cards from top to bottom. Their interpretation:

  1. What is the person you are guessing about thinking about?
  2. What's on his mind
  3. What awaits him in the future
  4. What does he really want?
  5. His future plans
  6. What is happening to him in the present

The old way of card fortune telling for love

Our grandmothers also used this method of layout.

Find a king in the deck that matches the type of man you need. Place this card in the center of the table. Mix the cards well, don’t stop thinking about your lover, slide the deck toward you with your left little finger.

  1. Remove the top three cards and place them on the king: they will tell about his heartfelt experiences.
  2. Place three cards to the right and left of the king - they symbolize his present.
  3. The three cards on top are information about his future.
  4. The three cards below will talk about his past.
  5. Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

For the future of your relationship

Find your Queen and King in the deck, which represents your loved one. The King is on the left and the Queen is on the right. Be sure to leave a gap between them. Shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. Remove cards in a row, one after another, face down.

The layout will be as follows:

  • Two cards to the left of the King and to the right of the Queen mean information that the young people are hiding from each other;
  • The King and Queen have two at the bottom - plans for the near future;
  • The King and the Lady have two on top - the lovers’ thoughts about each other;
  • Two to the left of the outermost cards of the King, two to the right of the outermost cards of the Queen - obstacles that interfere with harmonious relationships on each side;
  • Two each directly for the King and the Queen - what is going on in the soul and heart of each partner;
  • One card each for the King and Queen - they show the real feelings of a man for a woman, and a woman for a man;
  • Place two cards three times between the King and Queen - they will tell you about the past, present and future of your couple;

The cards should be revealed and interpreted in the same order in which they were laid out.

Detailed meanings by suit are given in the table below.

Alignment for the feelings of a loved one

If you want to find out more about the feelings of your loved one, use this particular fortune telling.

Shuffle the deck, mentally think about your lover, remove the cards with your left little finger towards yourself, trying to bring them closer to your heart.

The cards are laid out in rows of six. Take a closer look at the diagonal values, if they coincide (two Aces, two Tens, and so on), set aside the resulting pairs from the layout. After all the cards have been laid out and the diagonal pairs have been removed, assemble the deck in order, STARTING FROM THE END OF THE SCHEDULE! Under no circumstances should you shuffle the resulting deck!

Place the cards in rows again, but now in groups of 5, removing paired ones diagonally. Then 4 at a time, then 3 and 2 at a time (the same ones diagonally are also put aside).

  • One - possible early marriage
  • Two - your partner sincerely loves you
  • Three – mutual interest
  • Four - the beloved is sad
  • Five - his thoughts are connected only with you
  • Six - perhaps your husband is cheating on you
  • Seven - your person is indifferent to him

Fortune telling for a homewrecker

If you are unsure of the fidelity of your spouse or lover, make the following arrangement. Mentally ask one specific question, shuffle the deck and slide it towards you with your left little finger. In random order, pull out four cards, which will be the answer.

  • The first one means your current position.
  • The second will describe a possible homewrecker.
  • The third one will tell you how to change the current situation.
  • The fourth one will explain why your partner is cheating on you.

If you work on your own mistakes in your relationship with your loved one in time, you can avoid divorce or separation.

Card meanings in layouts



Diamonds Clubs Hearts Peaks
Six A short trip to visit friends or relatives. Business trip. Next to the suit of Spades are family squabbles. A joint journey, a trip, a long journey. Perhaps it means reciprocity of feelings. Unfavorable long journey.
Next to your man's map may mean his secret path.
Seven Meetings with friends, parties. Next to the suit of Spades is jealousy. Successful business negotiations or improving relationships with loved ones. Love meeting, secluded date. Quarrels, conflicts, hysterics and tears. If there is a Lady nearby - an unpleasant date.
Eight Making general plans for the future. Perhaps a joint holiday with friends. Making family shopping plans. Next to the suit of Spades - monetary disagreements, accusations of commercialism. Romantic communication, correspondence. Possible matchmaking. Domestic quarrels and scandals, claims from both partners. A drunken party with friends that is best avoided.
Nine Friendship, first love or true feelings. A love relationship or marriage that pursues selfish goals. Sincere and mutual feelings of partners. If the Jack of Hearts is nearby - an early pregnancy. Blues and ill health of you or someone close to you.
Ten Prospects, projects in the friendly sphere. Next to the suit of CLUBS are general acquisitions of necessary things. Luck is on your side. Success in any life sphere, new ones are possible romantic relationship. An unexpected gift, inheritance, winning or receiving a bonus at work. Shared life, general plans for the future. Collapsed plans and dreams. Complete disappointment in your soulmate.
Jack Friendly troubles. Possibly a young admirer. Financial difficulties, due to which discord in the family is possible. Sexual troubles are possible. Unreasonable actions, wasted efforts. Possibly a dark-haired man with selfish intentions. In scenarios for the present and future, it means dead-end relationships.
Lady Blonde woman, young girl, faithful friend. A dark-haired woman in your environment or a fortune teller herself. Perhaps the lady you owe money to. Blonde married woman, perhaps a fortune teller herself. If there is a suit of Spades nearby - a homewrecker, with a suit of Diamonds - a friend, an acquaintance. Anger, resentment, jealousy. Perhaps an ill-wisher or a rival.
King A young guy or husband, for an unmarried girl - the chosen one. Dark-haired middle-aged man: lover, spouse, fiancé, colleague or boss. Blonde man, groom or spouse. Can also mean a rich lover. An elderly man who belongs to government agencies or has power. Perhaps an enemy or a seducer.
Ace An important message or letter. Perhaps a close friend will help you with business. Next to the suit of CLUBS is the conclusion of a marriage agreement. Joint venture or personal business. Perhaps it's just the work of each partner. Symbolizes home, family hearth. If the tip of the Ace is directed downward, there is a strong blow, discord in relationships and separation. If up - troubles and mistrust.

When deciphering the dropped cards, correlate the values ​​with real life, listen to the prompts of your inner voice. In this case, you will be able to analyze the situation more specifically and get a clear answer.

  1. Only guess when you really need the help of the cards. This ritual exhausts a person energetically.
  2. Give the deck a break, at least for a couple of days.
  3. Avoid night fortune-telling, as this can attract the attention of dark forces.
  4. Don't guess out of boredom or curiosity.

The love sphere of human relationships is quite complex and confusing. Sometimes a person is not able to independently understand the events taking place and accept the right decision. Then cards can come to the rescue. If you follow all recommendations and advice, they will answer all questions and suggest further actions.

Predict love and further development relationship between a man and a woman, you can open the door to the secrets of your destiny, you can see the prospect of marriage with the help of fortune telling. Its popularity has lasted for many years among people of different ages.

Decoding the cards gives direct answers to the troubles that have arisen in love relationships. The most accessible tool for fortune telling with cards for love is a playing deck consisting of 36 pieces.

Fortune telling rules

In order for the prediction result to be true, certain rules must be followed. Most favorable days To predict the future for women, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are considered. The art of fortune telling loves silence, so there should only be two people in the room - the fortune teller and the person to whom she is telling fortunes.

Before a fortune-telling session, the fortuneteller talks to his cards, asks them to tell the truth, and whispers a certain prayer when using the cards for the first time. The spoken words of the conspiracy strengthen the invisible connection between the fortune teller and the cards. During the day you are allowed to use one deck of cards no more than 3 times.

How to set up cards to predict correctly

There are many ways to customize the cards so that they give accurate answers to questions asked. For example:

  • find the door handle attached on both sides, pass the entire deck of fortune telling cards through it 36 ​​times (this is a proven accurate method);
  • if the person who came to tell fortunes is a virgin, she needs to sit on a deck of cards for 1 minute, and the fortune-telling will become 100% truthful;
  • the shift from the deck is carried out in the direction where the person for whom the future is being predicted is located.
  • an unmarried, sociable representative of the fairer sex, unmarried or divorced - the lady of diamonds;
  • girl - a woman aged 28 - 50 years old who is married - queen of hearts;
  • a woman who is a widow or over 50 years of age, loving power and quite successful - the queen of clubs;
  • a widow or a female representative of the older generation - the queen of spades.

Each type of man also corresponds to a certain card suit:

  • a young, unencumbered and very sociable guy who is popular with the fairer sex - the king of diamonds;
  • a young, but already married man - the king of hearts;
  • a man over 50 years old, a respected person - the king of clubs;
  • no matter what age the representative strong point with dark hair, holding a certain position, possibly a widower - king of spades.

There is another way to determine suit, which is very often used by experienced fortune tellers - by hair color. This method is convenient for work and does not cause confusion. Clients with dark brown hair are perceived as being of cross color. Blonde-haired people are of the suit of diamonds, and fair-haired people are of the suit of hearts. People with black hair are the suit of spades.

Rules for using a card deck:

  1. Single unused new card deck.
  2. Under no circumstances should you transfer your fortune-telling tool into the hands of others.
  3. You cannot tell fortunes with atlas or foreign maps.
  4. It is prohibited to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling on Sundays and on major church holidays.
  5. It is a sin to cast spells on fasting and days of remembrance.
  6. During the divination session, you need to let your hair down and remove your jewelry.
  7. Fortune telling about love must be done with lit red candles.
  8. Mentally ask the cards for help and only then can you ask your question.
  9. One question is asked only once, even if the answer of the cards is not to your liking.

The best time for fortune telling has long been considered evening or night, but only experienced fortune tellers can cast fortunes at night. Everyone else is advised to carry out the ritual throughout the day. Layout rules:

  1. The deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled several times.
  2. Then, only with your left hand, approximately a fifth of the deck is removed strictly towards you.
  3. Repeat 5 times and lay out 5 pieces of cards on the table.
  4. Place one card separately.
  5. Carry out the described manipulation 2 more times (unfold).

Thus, we got 5 stacks of cards, each with 3 cards and one separately. The cards are interpreted as follows:

  • I stack – characterizes a person as a person;
  • Second pile – will tell about the worries and anxieties that torment a person;
  • ІІІ pile – information about the house, family and friends;
  • IV deck - will tell about events from the past;
  • The V pile is information about the near future.

The last card to be considered is the one that lies separately. She will give information about the intended question. And from it you can get the main recommendation.

36 playing cards: options for simple fortune telling for love

Although it is said “darlings scold - they only amuse themselves,” but if suddenly a quarrel arises and a loved one behaves unfriendly, and actions raise only questions, then it is necessary to understand a number of issues. Fortune telling on playing cards for love using all 36 cards will help you get an objective picture of the current situation and understand what the intentions and desires of your loved one are. Layouts do not require special preliminary preparation.

The principle of fortune telling using three cards

Take the entire deck and shuffle it three times. Mentally hold the guy you want next to you and ask a certain question about him. Take 3 cards from the deck and arrange them in a row (from right to left). Carefully consider the predominance of color and, of course, suit. Decoding of the laid out cards:

  • all dropped cards are red - the only reliable answer is positive;
  • if black cards fall out, the answer to the question asked is, of course, negative;
  • if suddenly two cards are red and one is black, the answer is regarded as more likely to be positive;
  • when drawing two black cards and one red from the deck, the answer is of course not.

For a guy's love

The fortune telling will tell truthfully about the feelings of a man or guy, and will tell a lonely heart when and where it is possible to meet true love. The technique is this: the deck is shuffled, the lover’s card is in the deck and it is placed on the left.

Similarly, your own card is found and placed on the table with right side. Space is left between cards. The deck is shuffled again, remove a small part of the cards with your left hand (towards the heart). Cards must be taken in a row, but they must be laid out face down. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 2 cards on the right side of the queen, and 2 pieces on the left side of the king - these cards will show what he and you are hiding in yourself;
  • put 2 cards each at the “feet” (bottom) of the king and queen - they will talk about the near future;
  • Place 2 pieces above your heads - they will reveal secret thoughts about each other;
  • Place 2 cards next to the left pile from the king, and accordingly with the right pile from the queen - these cards will show life’s obstacles;
  • 2 cards placed on top will tell you what is hidden in both of their hearts;
  • 1 card placed under the queen and 1 card under the king - you can accurately find out about true attitude to each other;
  • 6 cards laid out 2 each between the king and queen three times - they will open the curtain on the recent past, what is happening now and the relationship in the future.

Fortune telling of this type is interpreted in the same order as the cards were laid out.

The performed ritual will help determine the feelings of the partner, will tell you what fate has written - both in love and in separation, and will give answers to troubling questions.

Interpretation of cards

First of all, the fortune teller pays attention to the color prevailing in the cards. This is what is important.

  1. If worms predominate, this symbolizes a quick marriage, strong friendship and love. Sometimes this suggests the right way out of the current situation.
  2. The predominance of clubs predicts sadness and minor troubles. A long separation from a person is possible.
  3. Most of the diamond cards indicate material wealth, predicting a certain monetary income and possible career growth.
  4. The spades suit is the most terrible and quite unpleasant. It predicts failures in love relationships and symbolizes loss. According to some card combinations, it foretells mourning.

Cards have a certain significance:

  • Ace - pleasant official notice, news, power;
  • The king is a young unmarried guy, a friend;
  • Lady - a young representative of the fairer sex, you yourself or a friend;
  • Jack - troubles, difficulties in life, minor problems;
  • Ten - friendly interest, a dream come true, professional success;
  • Nine - independent friendship, love, there may be a slight obstacle;
  • Eight – evil and anger, hatred, conversation, discussion of a joint future;
  • Seven - joyful meetings, pleasure and achievements, friendships, possibly betrayal;
  • Six – pleasant road, vacation.
  • Ace – the house where a loved one lives, love, tenderness and romance, wedding;
  • The king is a passion, an older man, most likely a father, a beloved;
  • Lady - a close relative (mother, sister), maybe the lover’s sister or rival;
  • Jack - problems in intimate sphere, experiences;
  • Ten – dream come true, pleasant warm conversation;
  • Nine – mutual feeling of love, new relationships, warmth of feelings;
  • Eight – date, recognition, pleasant conversation, pleasure, friendship;
  • Seven - secret date, important conversation, family life;
  • Six is ​​the road, a short but pleasant journey.
  • Ace - work, evil intent, litigation;
  • King - man - boss, lover, married admirer;
  • Lady - relative, colleague - intriguer, boss;
  • Jack – financial troubles, problems, separation;
  • Ten - monetary profit, an expensive gift;
  • Nine – love, passionate romance, care;
  • Eight - talking about the budget, unfulfilled dreams;
  • Seven – business meeting, problems in a government agency;
  • Six – trip, long journey, business trip.

  • Ace - major unpleasant news, separation, failure in love and business;
  • The king is a man - a representative of power, a noble person;
  • Lady - a strong evil enemy, jealousy, rival, loss;
  • Jack is a waste of time, useless chores and affairs;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams, disappointment, deprivation;
  • Nine – serious illness;
  • Eight – road, jealousy, faded feelings;
  • Seven – tears, quarrel with a lover, grief and sadness;
  • Six is ​​a long road that must be avoided.

It is also important to learn to recognize the meaning of cards in their combination with each other.

Popular fortune telling with 6 cards

This type of prediction is the most common and simple. It goes like this:

  1. Mix the deck thoroughly.
  2. Use the little finger of your left hand to remove the top card.
  3. Shuffle the deck and remove the card with your little finger again.
  4. Place the cards diagonally.
  5. Repeat 4 more times.

The meaning of the cards is:

  • the first card tells about the thoughts of the mysterious person;
  • the second popularly describes anxieties and emotional experiences;
  • the third predicts future events;
  • the fourth describes his secret dreams and desires;
  • the fifth talks about the plans of a loved one;
  • the sixth is the present and the near future.

It is important to know that fortune telling is a warning about possible events and it depends only on the person whether everything will happen as the cards said, or whether the person will independently change the future.

Fortune telling on cards is very popular in modern world. Moreover, in order to tell fortunes, it is absolutely not necessary to turn to professional fortune tellers. The fortune-telling ritual is easy to perform independently at home. Often, in order to get an accurate prediction and clarify certain issues for oneself, fortune-telling using cards “36 cards” is carried out.

Fortune telling with cards “36 cards” has certain features that must be taken into account in order to obtain true predictions. First of all, you should remember that cards that are used for fortune telling cannot be played. Recommends purchasing a new deck of cards and subsequently using it only for fortune-telling rituals. In addition, such a deck must have one owner. It is important that it never falls into the wrong hands.

To charge a new deck of cards with your own energy, you need to put it under your pillow at night for a week. In addition, during the day you should, if possible, pick it up periodically. By the end of the week, you should feel the response of the cards on a subconscious level. This means that they are willing to tell you the truth and can be used for fortune telling.

Fortune telling with playing cards “36 cards” is often used to clarify relationships with a loved one. This ritual can be performed by both women and men. For such fortune telling to be truthful, it should be carried out in a neutral mood. If for some reason you are overwhelmed by positive emotions or, on the contrary, you are irritated by something, then it is better to postpone the fortune-telling ritual to another day.

Fortune telling with playing cards “36 cards” must be carried out in absolute privacy. A special atmosphere should be created in the room. You need to turn off artificial lighting and light red candles. The table should be covered with a dark tablecloth.

For this fortune telling, it is recommended to use a new deck of cards on which fortune telling has not been previously performed. This is explained by the fact that accurate forecasts in the field of feelings can be distorted by the energy that the cards absorbed during other fortune telling.

Before starting fortune telling, you should decide on a card that will symbolize you and your lover:

  • The king and queen of diamonds are suitable for free people under the age of 25 years.
  • The king and queen of hearts are chosen if people are married and over 25 years old.
  • King and queen of clubs for older singles.

Place on the table on the left the card symbolizing your lover, and on the right the card symbolizing you. Then shuffle the cards thoroughly.

After this, you need to lay out the cards in the following sequence:

  • A pair of cards on the left side of the king and on the right side of the queen. They will point out information that is hidden from you and what you are hiding.
  • A pair of cards from the bottom of a king and a queen. They describe events in the near future for partners.
  • A pair of cards on top of a king and a queen. They will reflect the partners’ thoughts about each other.
  • A pair of cards again on the left side of the king and on the right side of the queen. They focus on the obstacles that prevent the harmonious development of relationships.
  • A pair of cards directly to the king and to the queen. They indicate what feelings are in the hearts of partners.
  • One card for the king and one for the queen. They describe true state relationships.
  • Three times a pair of cards between the king and queen. They describe events in the past, present, and future that affect relationships.

Interpretation of the layout

This layout is deciphered in the same sequence in which the cards were laid out. It is very important to connect your own internal associations with the basic meanings of the cards:

Cards of the heart suit can mean the following:

  • Six - movement towards each other, mutual sympathy. The card may foretell a joint journey that will bring pleasure.
  • Seven - secret dates that will end with a decision to live together.
  • Eight - the pleasure of joint conversations that are filled with declarations of love.
  • Nine - sincere and bright love feelings.
  • Ten - planning life together, dreams and hopes for a happy future.
  • Jack - possible problems in the intimate sphere.
  • The lady is you, and also perhaps your friend or your lover.
  • The king is your loved one, or perhaps just a man you know.
  • Ace - cohabitation.

Cards of the diamond suit can mean the following:

  • Six - a joint short journey or trip.
  • Seven - spending time with friends in a fun company.
  • Eight - making plans together.
  • Nine - friendly and loving feelings.
  • Ten - only friendly relations.
  • Jack - a huge amount of unpleasant troubles will arise.
  • The lady is you, and also possibly your friend.
  • The king is your lover or another young unmarried man.
  • Ace - official message.

Cards of the club suit can represent the following:

  • Six - business trip or business trip.
  • Seven - participation in business negotiations.
  • Eight - the beginning of life together with combining budgets.
  • Nine - there is a high probability of a romantic relationship at work, which will develop into an office romance.
  • Ten - you will be presented with an expensive present.
  • Jack - the occurrence of financial difficulties.
  • Lady - you or another woman who may be a colleague or manager.
  • A king is a man who is loved; this could be a boss, a colleague or a relative.
  • Ace - a variety of actions in the financial sector.

Cards of the spades suit can mean the following:

  • Six - a long journey together.
  • Seven is a period filled with quarrels and disagreements.
  • Eight - strong emotional experiences caused by jealousy.
  • Nine - there is a high probability of developing a serious illness.
  • Ten - disappointment in love.
  • Jack - useless chores that will take a lot of time.
  • Lady - spiritual anger or rival.
  • The king is a noble man who can be an official.
  • Ace - parting with a loved one.

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