Interesting stories you can tell a guy. What interesting things can you tell a girl about yourself: a few examples

Good afternoon, dear girls! Has it ever happened that you have an awkward pause while communicating with a young man? Being an interesting and pleasant conversationalist is not as simple a task as it might seem. Today I want to talk to you about what you can tell a guy about yourself. Which topics are better not to touch on and how not to blurt out too much. How to interest a young man and look like a pleasant interlocutor in his eyes.

What to talk about

If you have just recently communicated with a young man, then you have a huge number of topics to talk about. Don't be afraid to talk about yourself. Stories from childhood, funny incidents from your life, your interests and hobbies.

Try to talk with interest in your eyes. Don’t just mumble under your breath, but describe events vividly and vividly. What story to tell is up to you to choose. It can be funny or sad, it all depends on the tone of your conversation.

If you communicate easily and naturally, then a story about how, for example, in your youth you were in the wrong audience and sat for a whole hour and a half at another lecture may well be suitable.

Tell us about your work or study. Only if it's really interesting. For example, my client works in a library. She always starts her story about herself with this fact. The interlocutor's interest in her person instantly disappears.

Now, if she had told how robbers from a neighboring building once ran into her place, they were robbing a bank there to hide from the police, and then the police arrived, cordoned off the building, and so on, this would have impressed the interlocutor.

If you travel a lot, then you probably have a lot of stories, funny and cheerful, sad, touching and even dangerous.

What do you usually talk about with guys? What are you telling about yourself? What questions do you ask him?

Be friendly and open, then the conversation will definitely succeed.
Good luck to you!

What should you tell your boyfriend about yourself? This question worries most girls, because many of them are very worried before meeting a young man. Unfortunately, there is no clear scheme, following which one could build an ideal relationship with a person, but there are still several basic principles. Quite often, girls are very worried, not knowing what they can talk about with a young man, then the guys themselves have to ask their companions any questions. You will learn further about how to properly carry on a conversation with a guy.

What to tell a guy when meeting him and how to do it correctly?

How to interest a guy and avoid awkwardness during a conversation? There are several principles by using which you are guaranteed a successful date.

Principle one - silence is the best assistant

Being able to pause for a few seconds while answering a question is much better than a quick and empty answer. When a guy asks the same type of questions, try to answer in as much detail as possible, use a couple of variations and try to support each answer with arguments. By answering the question in this way, you show your interlocutor the breadth of your horizons and education.

Principle two – Anglo-Japanese

The people of England and Japan are among the most educated people who are best able to conclude the most suitable contract for themselves. So different peoples have one thing in common: During negotiations, they do not use categorical statements such as “yes” and “no” at all.. Regardless of the fact that this model of communication contradicts the straightforwardness of a Russian-speaking person, it is considered one of the most effective. During a conversation, you must refrain from using expressions such as “no”, “never”. Use more streamlined expressions. By adhering to this principle, you will be able to avoid many heated arguments.

Third principle: sport is the key to health

Most well-known psychologists claim that what interests the interlocutor most is a conversation about sports hobbies, which on a subconscious level confirms your physical health. Surprisingly, the interlocutor doesn’t care whether you have a judo belt or you just like to play tennis, the main thing is that it associates you with the sport. Therefore, when meeting a guy, you can safely tell a guy about your sports hobbies.

Principle four - share your dreams

Not only kids, but also adults can dream. Even the most formidable person has a dream in his soul. But, unfortunately, telling people about your adult dreams is not as interesting as telling people about your childhood dreams. Children's dreams are especially touching and simple, so they allow people to get closer.

About 75% of interlocutors reciprocate and also begin to share their dreams. This rather innocent digression is one of the serious drivers for the convergence of human interests, because childhood for many is a time-tested topic. Tell your guy about your childhood dreams - and you will see how much you have in common!

Principle five - avoid fears

Absolutely every person on this earth has fears. However, this is far from a topic for conversation between a girl and a guy when they meet. Fear is a weakness at the subconscious level. Thus, if you start telling a person about your phobias, he will understand on a subconscious level that you are afraid of something, but you don’t need that. Therefore, when talking about yourself, it is better to simply avoid topics that make you afraid, using tolerant statements: “This must be incredibly interesting.”


If you remember all these few principles for an ideal conversation, you will easily find a common language with guys, and topics for talking about yourself will come by themselves.

An interview is a standard step during a job search. After all, after a suitable vacancy has been found, there will be a meeting with the employer, where you will have to personally prove to him your professional suitability. The most important thing here is to present yourself correctly, which means you need to compose a competent story about yourself. For examples of what to tell about yourself during a job interview, see below.

Don’t forget to ask your employer about your future job – ?

Most often, an interview with an employer consists of a series of standard questions. For example, this could be personal data where they will ask about place of residence, age and work experience. But the main part of the interview is self-presentation. And more often than not, this is the part that confuses most people. To successfully pass it, you should prepare in advance and write a sample text of a story about yourself.

What to tell about yourself at a job interview

Many people, before going to a meeting with an employer, hope to improvise on the spot. But it has been proven that even the most resourceful people often get lost when answering the most common questions. Therefore, it would not be amiss to write a short story about yourself at home.

When writing a story about yourself, it is worth remembering that brevity is the sister of talent. The overall story should be between two and four minutes long. Therefore, the written text must be carefully re-read loudly and out loud, with your usual diction. You need to talk about the most important facts in your biography so that the monologue turns out to be short, but free and meaningful.

It would be a good idea to find out some additional information that will be very helpful during the interview:

  • Check out the company's website. There you can find out in what direction it works and what kind of employees it is looking for;
  • Based on this data, make a list of personal qualities that may be useful while working in the desired position. For example, responsiveness, determination, self-discipline;
  • If this is wholesale or retail sales, then you can talk about successful experience working with many clients;
  • Mention achievements without embellishing them, but also without keeping silent. After all, they can play an important role during the selection of a candidate.

After collecting data, you can begin to compile a story about yourself. The main thing is to take into account that all remarks must be meaningful, but at the same time succinct and concise.

To hold attention, you should basically avoid saying “no” and any negative particles. You can include in your self-presentation:

  • The name of the educational institution, not forgetting to mention its advantages and benefits. But at the same time, you should not list all places of study, starting with school. One is enough;
  • It would not be amiss to mention the completion of special courses, knowledge of PCs and foreign languages, if any;
  • Be sure to tell us about your experience. But most importantly, it is necessary to emphasize the achievements while working in previous companies.

5 examples of stories about yourself at an interview

Example 1:

My name is Maria Ivanovna (or Sviridova Maria Ivanovna). I am 25 years old. I live in Moscow. Single. In 2012 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University. After graduation, I worked in my profession. My work and study experience convinced me that this field is very close to me. Therefore, when I saw a vacancy for a marketing specialist in your company, I hurried to come for an interview. I think that this is where I can work in my profession with pleasure, because the prospects provide not only analytics, but also product promotion. This is exactly what has always fascinated me.

I have all the professional qualities for this position (they should be listed here). I speak English and am a fluent user of basic computer programs. I am easy to learn and have no conflicts. I am creative and always approach situations from a non-standard angle. This is what helped me prepare shares at my previous job, which subsequently brought several large clients to the company.

4 more examples of talking about yourself(click to enlarge text):

Example 2: Example 3: Example 4: Example 5:

Often employers ask during an interview about a person's hobby, which can tell a lot about him. Under no circumstances should we remain silent about this question. Having a favorite activity will characterize you as a versatile and active person.

If a graduate is interviewing for a job, then you shouldn’t get lost here either. When asked about your experience, you can safely state your scientific activities at the university, talk about successes and achievements, which employers very often appreciate.

Thus, the outcome of each interview depends on personal preparation. With a detailed study of self-presentation, data collection and correct behavior during a personal conversation, you can easily interest the employer and get the desired position.

How to behave during an interview

To make a positive impression of yourself, you need to carefully consider not only what to say, but also how to behave during a job interview. There are some common tips from negotiation experts.

Girls and men are an eternal topic of debate, conversation and disagreement, but despite this, they are simply made for each other. In some cases, communication between people of opposite sexes does not work out exactly the way they want. Surely there is not a single woman in the world who would never be interested in what interesting things can be told to a young man? Sometimes interlocutors simply get lost during a meeting. Quite often it happens that a guy asks a girl to tell her something about herself, and she, in turn, begins to worry, feel shy, and this causes a pause.

What interesting thing can you tell a young man? So what can a girl tell a man to avoid awkwardness?

1. You can tell the guy about yourself

Are you looking for a good psychologist-psychotherapist? Visit the page of my psychological office. " " I will try to help you!

Of course, the girl must take into account the type of relationship with the young man. If people have just gotten to know each other, then the lady should present herself competently and do everything possible to create an excellent impression of her. She does not have to tell her entire biography; it will be enough if she talks about her interests and hobbies.

What story can a man tell? A girl can remember something funny from her childhood, tell about some prank. The main thing is to keep the conversation easy. Thanks to this, she will be able to understand whether she and the man have common ground.

A lady should not talk non-stop, as guys get tired and lose interest quite quickly. Among other things, it may seem to a guy that the girl belongs to that category of people who cannot remain silent for a minute. The young man should also participate in the conversation. A girl can ask him about what interests him, but at the same time she should not pry into his soul, since decent ladies behave rather reservedly.

2. Hobbies

A girl can also tell a representative of the stronger sex about her own hobbies. Maybe these two people have the same hobbies, in which case they can not only discuss their favorite activity, but also understand how they can spend time together and still have great fun. But if a guy and a girl have different interests, then there will be no less reasons for conversation. The girl will be able to ask the young man why he likes the chosen activity. The thing is that when a person talks about what gives him pleasure, he begins to come off, which means it becomes much easier to recognize him.

3. Impressions.

There was an awkward pause in the conversation with the girl - it’s time to tell something interesting about yourself. What can you talk about and what is it better not to talk about when you first meet? How to tell it in a way that makes her interested? We will talk about this in our article with examples of successful stories.

What can you tell about yourself on a date?

A funny story about how you glued your tongue to a swing or brought home a puppy is a win-win option to interest a young lady at the beginning of a relationship.

The stories can be both good and bad, but there is one taboo. If we are talking about hooliganism, then it should not have caused any harm. For example, lathering the board with soap before a test is a good example, catching bugs and tearing off their wings is a bad example.

Traveling around Russia or other countries

In this case, it is important to tell selectively, focusing on the most interesting. Share your impressions of several local dishes or indigenous traditions. Tell me a funny incident that happened to you.

If you have traveled little or not at all, tell us something interesting about your hometown or where you live now. Even in small towns there are places that few people know about. Try to surprise a girl with simple things.


If you have or had a hobby other than sitting in front of a computer, then the girl will be happy to hear about it. Tell us what you were interested in as a child.

If you don’t have a hobby, think about what interests you - perhaps you like to read articles on a certain topic or are well versed in types of cider. What if it turns out that you both dream of visiting Afghanistan or love making coffee-based cocktails.

Unusual and funny stories from life

In the life of every person there is an interesting story that could become the basis of a short story. If you think that you have something similar, feel free to tell us! A good example would be how you got behind the train or how your friends once decided to play a prank on you.

The main principle is that the story should be funny or attention-grabbing.

Future plans

Plans for the future can and should be shared, because this is the only way you can understand whether you are looking in the same direction as the girl. In addition, the young lady will see that her companion is an ambitious person and is not going to sit in one job all his life in the same situation.

You should not describe in detail how old you are going to get married and how many children you want, but the general picture about your future occupation or at least your country of residence can be described.

This article contains some more useful tips on: what you should pay attention to and how to avoid mistakes.

Flirting with a woman correctly is a real art. But anyone can.

How to tell the story correctly: basic rules

The story must be true. Firstly, out of curiosity, a young lady may begin to ask questions that not every person who lies can answer right away. Secondly, lies can come out and put a man in an awkward position.

The exception is an obvious invention, when a man wants to cheer up a girl, and both know about it. For example, a flying cow or old man Hottabych may appear in the middle of history. The main thing is to tell it emotionally, as if it were a role in the theater. Such an invention will only work once and on one of the first dates.

Attention to detail. Men sometimes omit details, which makes the story faceless and boring. Focusing on some details will add specificity to the story and can attract attention.

It is important not to overdo it and not to describe every chair and cup, but to focus on what is really important. When talking about your childhood, describe yourself or show 1-2 photos, do not bombard the girl with pictures from your summer trip - describe the best attractions or a funny tourist from another country whom you managed to meet.

Speak emotionally. If you had problems reading poetry at the blackboard at school, now is the time to catch up. When telling a story, emphasize your voice with intonation.

You shouldn’t shout all over the street, but you can and should raise your voice a little at a particularly dangerous and exciting moment. You want to listen to stories told in this way for hours, because with the help of emotions the listener vividly imagines the whole picture before his eyes and seems to become a participant in the events.

Stay confident. Think in advance about what to talk about and how it will affect your image. At the same time, you should not embellish events and add something of your own, but if there is something compromising in the story, then it is quite possible to keep silent about it without distorting everything else.

Don't talk about drunken antics and don't boast about your own superiority. Inner confidence is felt, and if a man tries to somehow prove it in words, then the effect will be completely opposite.

Work with images. Any good story should create an effect of presence in the interlocutor. Your story should be beautiful and juicy. To do this, you need to use words in your story that make you feel what you felt at that moment.

For example, when talking about a trip to the beach, you can talk about how the sun was dazzlingly reflected from the water (visual image), about the sound of the surf and the cries of seagulls (sound image), about the warm, salty wind in your face and the hot sand under your feet (kinesthetic image). .

What you shouldn't tell about yourself when you first meet


You can talk about your exes after you and your girlfriend are in a serious relationship. At the initial stage of a relationship, this is inappropriate.

The young lady will compare herself with one of her exes, and this will not end well. In addition, it will be extremely difficult on your part to maintain a neutral attitude when telling the story. As a result, you will talk about someone too reverently, as if you still have feelings, and about someone too negatively, as if you still hate them.

Success with girls

A man looks stupid when he tries to show off his success with women. If a girl agreed to go on a date, then she already liked her partner, and there is no point in telling her that she is not unique in her preferences. When a man is confident in himself, he will not attract a girl's attention in this way.


In this case, we are talking about failures that the man is still worried about. There are 2 kinds of losers: the first are not sure of success in advance and often don’t even start anything, and the second learn from their mistakes and move on.

If a man talks about what didn’t work out for him once, but at the same time demonstrates what he learned from the situation, then there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, a story in a positive way and with a couple of jokes will add confidence to the girl’s man.


Men often like to show off in front of their companions and tell them how much they earn, what kind of car and apartment they have. Moreover, some of them then do not even pay for the girl in the cafe and do not bring a single flower to the meeting.

It’s better not to talk about money at all. If the conversation turns to work, then it’s enough to say that you are satisfied with the salary and not focus on its size. In addition, talking about money will also confuse a reasonable girl.


Boasting is also prohibited. A man should not allow himself to be publicly placed above others on this or that occasion. You especially shouldn’t put yourself above a girl, trying to “measure” her salary and education with her, but this also happens.

A real man, even if he has a really great job, a new “three ruble in the center” and a latest model BMW, will never flaunt it and shout about his material achievements at every corner.

Talk about problems and complain about life

Problems are not inspiring, so until you start living together, it’s better not to talk about them. There is no need to scare away the girl by putting the burden of all the failures and troubles on her. A woman’s nature is to sympathize and empathize, so you yourself will soon get tired of excessive attention on her part.

The same goes for health. She will probably notice if you have asthma, but it’s better not to tell her about everything else.

An example of a good story about yourself from life

Bad example:

In general, I went to Sochi a couple of years ago to relax. The plane tickets were sold out, so I had to travel by train for a day. And I haven’t traveled on them for 10 years - with my salary, the only trains I respect are the Sapsan business class. Well, I went out at night to smoke at the station, and the train took off and moved off. I ran after him a little, but no one noticed me, and he left without me. And, most importantly, even the conductor, that fool, did not come out to warn that the train was leaving. And, most importantly, she made eyes at me the whole way. She probably decided to take revenge because I didn’t even look in her direction!

I had to sit at this stinking station until the morning until the next train appeared. Well, on the other hand, I never take my wallet out of my pocket - I gave it to the local boss so that my things would be removed from the train on time and handed over to me at the next station. So he treated me to cognac later and invited me to stop by when I passed by. But I will never travel by train again - it’s more expensive for myself to get involved!

Good example:

Two years ago I decided to relax in Sochi. I wanted to feel like the hero of a Soviet film, and at the beginning of September I took a train ticket. On the first night, for some reason I couldn’t fall asleep, so I went out to get some fresh air. While I was walking along the tracks, the train took off and left! Probably the conductor did not notice that someone had left, because it was already 2 o’clock in the morning. At the station there is only a watchman and a police station. It’s good that I had my wallet with documents with me. I managed to talk to the police and contact the next station to have my things removed, and buy a ticket for the morning train. In general, I got there later without incident, but I never leave the carriage alone again. Now, of course, I remember the whole story with laughter, but that night I was not laughing...

In a word, do not try to pretend to be another person. Do not belittle other people in your stories and do not exaggerate your own merits. And if you don’t know what to talk about, ask the girl what she would be interested in hearing. And don’t forget that this shouldn’t be an endless monologue. The story is interesting when the young lady asks questions and elicits details. And for this to happen, do not forget to speak emotionally and emphasize your speech.

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