Watch Dancing with the Stars Mogilev. Complete disappointment: Social networks are unhappy with Mogilevskaya’s victory on the show “Dancing with the Stars”

Today is the finale of Dancing with the Stars! Watch episode 10 from October 29, 2017 online - and you will find out who the winner is this season.

In the super final itself dance show There are only three star pairs left:

  • Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot,
  • Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko,
  • Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko.

We will find out which of them became the winner and received the title of best in the “Dancing with Stars” project in a few hours.

Watch “Dancing with the Stars” online at!

What's surprising about the Dancing with the Stars finale?

In the finale of “Dancing with Stars,” each couple will perform several performances: the dance with which the participants came to the project, the audience’s favorite performance and a new number.

And the stars will also appear on the floor for the first time with shared number finalists and will dance a bright opening performance in which all 10 couples of the project will take part.

Just like the jury, vocalists, and even the hosts of the 1+1 TV channel!

Opening room

Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko: 1st issue

And the grand finale is opened by Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko. The couple performs the paso doble - their first dance on the project.

Jury scores: 10, 10 and 9, Total score: 29.

Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot: number 1

Nadya Dorofeeva and Evgeniy Kot are next on the floor! The couple performs the number with which they started the project - hip-hop!

Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko: 1 issue

Argentine tango is the first dance of Natalia and Igor. The couple repeats their start on the project with great success. Natalya Mogilevskaya even received a traditional flower from Katerina Kukhar!

Jury scores: 10, 10 and 10! Total score: 30.

Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko: 2nd dance

The second dance of Akhtem and Alena will be the audience's favorite number. This is a fusion of the song “Boombox” - “People”.

For his performance, Akhtem, like Natalya Mogilevskaya earlier, received a flower from Katerina Kukhar.

Scores from the jury: 10, 10 and 10. The total score for the two numbers is 59 points.

Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot: number 2

The second number for Nadya and Zhenya was rumba - hot, fiery dance, which the bathroom. Music - Rihanna "Diamonds".

Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko: number 2

The best number for the entire project from Natalia and Igor, according to the audience, was the contemporary set to the song Sia - Chandelier.

The couple performed it, going out onto the floor for the second time.

Scores from the jury: 10, 10 and 10. The total score for two numbers is 60 points.

Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot: 3rd dance

The third number by Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kota is a touching modern set to Tina Karol’s hit “Your Eyes Closed.” This dance is dedicated to all the most beloved people who are so easy to lose... Nadya dedicated it to her father, and Zhenya to her brother: for both, the struggle with terrible disease became a deadly test.

Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko: 3rd dance

Story strong woman who, no matter what, finds the strength to move forward.

The decisive third dance from Natalia and Igor to Okean Elsa’s song “Taka, yak ti.”

Scores from the jury: 10, 10 and 10. The total score for two numbers is 90 points.

Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko: 3rd dance

Akhtem and Alena performed a folk Crimean Tatar dance to the hit song of singer Jamala. Akhtem dedicated this dance to all his people.

Scores from the jury: 10, 10 and 10. The total score for the two numbers is 89 points.

Who won the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Akhtem Seitablayev left the project a little earlier, leaving two star competitors on the floor.

The winner of the 4th season of the show “Dancing with the Stars” was Natalya Mogilevskaya!

Special guests of the grand finale of “Dancing with Stars” were Sergey Babkin, Olya Polyakova, Kamaliya, LAUD (Vlad Karashchuk), who performed their solo songs.

Natalya Mogilevskaya will also appear on the main stage of the country not only as a dancer, but also as a singer.

Kyiv, October 30 - AiF-Ukraine. The final grand show“Dancing with the Stars” on the “1+1” channel took place. IN last broadcast the audience determined the strongest couple, which received Grand Prize show, this couple is singer Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko.

Let us immediately note that Mogilevskaya’s victory was predicted by many fans, viewers and even other participants in the show, since returning to the project became a rather uncomfortable topic for the singer. The thing is that last time she was literally one step away from victory - then her duet with Vlad Yama thundered throughout the country. However, the pair of Vladimir Zelensky and Alena Shoptenko won in the final confrontation, and Mogilevskaya won only second place.

Ten years have passed and everything has changed. For fourth season“Dances” Mogilevskaya danced a waltz, a tango, and a paso doble, but only the words of the judges that their couple needed to take a risk at least once forced them to radically change the direction of their performances. So the couple got several unforgettable numbers, of which the final ones are worth highlighting.

Natalya opened the final confrontation with the famous Argentine tango, with which the second part of the dance novel for the artist began. Then there was a fiery, exciting, literally impossible to exhale, contemporary dance with a clock, where throughout the dance the partners reminded each other that many of us have so little time, but we want to do a lot. Note that all these performances are repetitions of the couple’s best performances in the history of the program.

IN last time on the floor, the couple depicted not a dance, not a composition, or even memorized movements. It was a real confession from Natalia Mogilevskaya, which she opened with a poem by Lina Kostenko, and then danced an incredibly sensual rumba to the immortal composition of “Ocean Elzy” “Taka, yak ti”. It was this performance that captivated the audience and the jury.

“My victory is not something special. This is just a way to prove to everyone that anyone can do something like this. The main thing is to believe in yourself"- said Natalya Mogilevskaya after the announcement of the voting results.

And you know, we fully believe, because Natalya Mogilevskaya has been waiting for her victory, her “dance Oscar” for more than 10 years!

By the way, we should also note the incredibly touching performances of the other finalists. Thus, for the first time, the director of the performance in the pair Shoptenko - Seitablayev was the “ward” - he brought national Tatar flavor to the dance performed to Jamala’s song “1944”. In it, the artists touchingly tried to save a flower, symbolizing life, during a drought. And the end of the dance only confirmed that sometimes faith alone is enough to make a wish come true. After all, this dance was special for the Crimean Tatar actor and director Akhtem Seitablaev, which he saved especially for the finale in the hope that he would still get there. Well, that's what happened. The couple also repeated their famous fusion number to the song “Boombox” - “People are still very much loved.”

Nadya Dorofeeva and Evgeniy Kot, who took second place in the dance duel, surprised and touched the audience with their modern dance to a cover of Tina Karol’s song “They Closed Your Eyes.” In the dance, both participants expressed all their emotions and skills, which, by the way, there was someone to dedicate. After all, Nadya Dorofeeva dedicated the dance about how one of the most terrible diseases takes away millions of people all over the world to her father, and Evgeny Kot to his brother.

Tina Karol, whose song was performed in live program, performed her composition “Cosmic Feelings” directly from the “Ukraine” Palace, where on Sunday, October 29, her concert was held in support of the new album “Intonation”.

In addition to the finalists, the show featured singer Kamaliya with her hit I'm Alive, as well as Olya Polyakova, who performed her new single “Former” in the guise of the Black Swan.

Now Natalya Mogilevskaya can add to her many awards a prize from “Dancing with the Stars,” which she waited for ten years and which, like all miracles, still happened!

We previously reported that, just like the sensual rumba from Natalia Mogilevskaya, the audience was amazed by the performance of Oni Polyakova in the image.

After winning the show “Dancing with the Stars,” social networks turned against Natalia Mogilevskaya. The audience considers her victory undeserved.

“It seems that the show was made for her, unfairly, they promoted her,” Oksana Mishko wrote.

“I support, such a “victory” should. I don’t argue, she also danced, BUT, the main word is -also-, and Akhtem and his partner put their souls into it. All these “persuasions” from Natasha, her endless hysterics and demands spoiled the taste of this wonderful program. Akhtem and Elena, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!”, said Elena Shapovalova.

“The project called Mogilevskaya’s return to show business has ended. It’s still not clear why the organizers didn’t give Dorofeev’s word, it turned out ugly,” wrote Taras Ryabokon.

“Last time I fell on my knees in front of Yama and kissed his hands. At first she looked at Igor as if he were empty space, and when they hinted at this to her, she began to play around. All the time we kept talking about the topic of relations with Vlad, trying to create intrigue. Somehow everything is played out. There were no real emotions after the results were announced. And the final performance... I wonder if someone else had won, would she have sung too? It all looked strange... Akhtem and Alena were allowed to say a word, but Nadya and Zhenya were stepped over. Honestly, it’s a complete disappointment,” wrote Natalya Petruk.

“Not fair at all!!! Initially, all participants who had nothing to do with dancing were invited to perform, but what does Mogilevskaya have to do with it??? She already had one, at least a small one, but still!!! And it’s not fair to other participants!!! And the victory is not deserved!!!” - Ekaterina Trizna is sure.

“Even before the start it was clear, it was so disgusting to see how the entire channel worked for one Mogilevskaya, well done 1 + 1, but people see everything,” said Konstantin Linnik.

“This is somewhat reminiscent of elections, the majority chooses Nadya, and Mogilevskaya is declared the winner. Even though they themselves understand Nadya more than anyone!” Sergei Antonenko is sure.

Meanwhile, there were also fans of Mogilevskaya online, but not as many as expected.

“There are so many people, so many opinions, but she still dances better than anyone, the show participants themselves talked about this, as well as about how much time she spent in the rehearsal room. be more objective, don’t slander,” said Irina Shkavero.

“Natasha is a YOUTH, don’t write nonsense, no one promoted her, but Nadyushka was pulled by the ears, the whole jury, Manatik was already glued together, how he wants to get closer to Potap, ugh, Kukhar suddenly chose her as a favorite, and even for Yama in general I’m silent, he openly spread rot on Natalya, (as can be seen from the channel’s script) the biased judging irritated me. But reason clearly won. In total, they were expected,” says Irina Cherenkova.

“Lord, people, you can hear yourself, why the money right away, it was clear how hard she tried, how much time she spent in training. She won and good, it was important for her! I just don’t understand why people should throw mud at someone, she’s old and fat, but who cares, if the old life is over, don’t forget, each of us will also be 40 years old. Yes, Nadya also danced well, but her dances were not as interesting and varied as Natasha’s. Nadya still has everything ahead. One thing I ask is to stop washing a person’s bones, some comments are disgusting to read,” wrote Marianna Tarasenko.

Let us remind you that Natalya Mogilevskaya, in a duet with Igor Kuzmenko, won “Dancing with the Stars” on the “1+1” TV channel.

The famous singer took a long time to win - this is her second participation in dance competition. It should be noted that Mogilevskaya had to lose 25 kg.

On October 29, the grand finale of the legendary updated “Dancing with the Stars” took place, during which Nadya Dorofeeva and Evgeniy Kot, Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko, as well as Akhtem Seitablayev and Alena Shoptenko competed for the honorary title of the best dancing couple in the country.

It was reported that throughout the week, viewers voted for their favorite couples, thus bringing them closer to victory. As a result audience voting and the jury's scores revealed who won the show. Thus, third place went to Alena Shoptenko and Akhtem Saitblaev. Nadya Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kot took second place. But the victory in the updated “Dancing with the Stars” was won by Natalya Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko.

30.10.2017, 00:10

The project “Dancing with Stars” in 2017, the 10th episode was released on October 29 at 21:00 on the “1+1” TV channel. In the final episode, a new dance legend was identified. About the voting results and the victory of a strong woman, which of the strongest couples came close to victory, read and look at Without Taboo.

In the tenth broadcast, "based on the results of jury assessments and audience voting, the three strongest couples made it to the finals: couple Nadezhda Dorofeeva And Evgenia Kota, Natalia Mogilevskaya And Igor Kuzmenko, Akhtem Seitablaev And Alena Shoptenko. Most dancing couple countries became a couple Natalia Mogilevskaya And Igor Kuzmenko.

Couple Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Zhenya Kota viewers put it in second place. Pair Akhtema Seitablaeva And Alena Shoptenko scored the lowest number of points according to the results of the audience vote.

For more than six months, Natalya Mogilevskaya was persuaded to become a participant in this show. She agreed to become a judge first and then dance. All this time, Natalya quarreled and made peace with the judges, but continued to fight and dance, because she is a true legend... of Ukrainian show business.

The new dance legend of "Dance with Stars 2017" was a couple of singers, actresses, people's artist Ukraine, TV presenter and producer Natalia Mogilevskaya and finalist of the open championships of England, USA, Germany, France and Holland Igor Kuzmenko.

We'll see how the winning couple performed in the grand finale in the video.

Passionate dance - Argentine tango, the first dance with which Natalia Mogilevskaya And Igor Kuzmenko came to the project.

"Dancing with Stars 2017" 10th episode super final watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 1 dance - Argentine tango:

This dance is for Natalia Mogilevskaya was a turning point. For the first time, viewers saw her real, defenseless and tender. And the most titled baller of the show helped her with this - Igor Kuzmenko. The contemporary dance to Sia's song "Chandelier" was remembered and loved by the audience more than any other dance in 9 weeks.

"Dancing with Stars 2017" 10th episode super final watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 2nd dance - Contemporary:

Natalia Mogilevskaya And Igor Kuzmenko in the finale they performed a new self-portrait dance, rumba, to the song of the Okean Elzi group “Taka yak ti”. Natalia Mogilevskaya together with your partner Igor Kuzmenko told the story of a strong woman who always finds the strength to move forward. Natalya Mogilevskaya dreamed about this moment for 10 long years. Even without knowing about her victory in the final, in this enchanting dance Natalya already received the most important victory for herself - she overcame her complexes. And in this dance there is a confession that she did not dare to make all her life.

"Dancing with Stars 2017" 10th episode super final watch online video: Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko - 3rd dance - Rumba:

After Yuri Gorbunov presented the cup to the winners, Natalya Mogilevskaya thanked everyone.

That’s why I came to this project, partly to prove to myself, and partly to say that everything impossible is possible. That neither crisis, nor difficulties, nor depression, nor age, nor weight will prevent you from realizing your dream, - shared Natalya Mogilevskaya. - Anyone can do this! Just everyone! And faith in yourself is the same as faith in the Lord. Have you ever thought seriously about this phrase: “In your own image and likeness.” What does it mean? Certainly not like the little man on the cloud that we look like. It's about about the strength of the spirit, about the possibilities when a person is able to get rid of deadly diseases by the strength of the spirit, to get up and walk when the whole world said that it is “impossible”, to give birth to children when this is impossible. This is self-confidence, this is inhuman strength of spirit and it is given to each, each, each of us!

The legendary project "Dancing with Stars" returned to Ukrainian screens after a 10-year pause and is now to star heroes the show gets a lot of attention. In particular, they especially follow the successes on the floor of Natalia Mogilevskaya, who decided to take revenge and returned for victory. On everyone’s lips is her sensual number to the song of everyone’s favorite Kuzma Scriabin.

Since “Dancing with the Stars” 2017 episode 3 was dedicated to the theme of love, the stars’ revelations were very personal. Thus, the singer spoke about the wild loneliness that she experienced: the loss of her husband, dear mother and even the wards with whom she worked as a producer. There was such pain in her words that it was impossible not to feel emotional.

There was a lot of love in my life, but I never really met my man. I was a cruel person, a real bitch. I feel that this man exists and I really miss him. I just ask myself: “Why haven’t you come for so long, what lessons should I learn for myself?”

Watch the video of the performance of Natalia Mogilevskaya and Igor Kuzmenko in the third episode of Dancing with the Stars.

Watch online video Mogilevskaya spoke about bitter loneliness and burst into tears while dancing (VIDEO)

video 315 615 2017-09-11T09:38:24+02:00 T0H6M0S

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