Aging moon in February. Love and relationships

The entire calendar month is accompanied by fluctuations in lunar activity, which, depending on one or another, increases or decreases. The lunar calendar for February 2017 will tell you when the full moon and waning moon are. It will also help you plan your work and personal life.

February is a great start for those who want to start 2017 in a new way. The lunar cycle will help determine favorable time for one thing or another.

When is the full moon in February 2017 in Ukraine, Kyiv time

The influence of the heavenly body is most acutely felt when the Moon is full. In February 2017, the full moon will take place on February 11 at 02:33 Kiev time.

Astrologers say that it is during this period that all the accumulated negativity can affect others. It is extremely important to take control of your emotions. This period is accompanied by imbalance, which can cause rash and, as a result, erroneous actions. The energy of the full moon is so strong that sometimes it seems that everything is literally falling out of your hands, and reasonable and rational thoughts, no matter how much you would like, simply “don’t get into your head.” Therefore, it is better to try to control your emotional outbursts, especially on the eve.

Penumbral lunar eclipse in February 2017

On the night of February 10-11, the world will receive the opportunity, which is considered a particularly strong energetic full moon. It is noted that this is the first eclipse in 2017. Experts say that visually this phenomenon will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, which means that the Moon will not disappear from the sky and will not become completely dark.

During the full moon, it is better to reduce physical activity and not engage in other increased activity, since during this period heavy loads cause the opposite effect - you were expecting a surge of energy, but you got fatigue, worsening mood, and the appearance of blues. Therefore, on full moon days, it is better to replace intense exercise in the gym with yoga or swimming.

During full moon It’s better not to take on difficult things and not start new ones - this is far from the best moment to show initiative.

When the Moon enters the full moon phase, it is useful to drink more fluids, but not alcohol - water or freshly squeezed juices. It is also better to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and it is advisable to refuse meat during the full moon. Fermented milk products also have a good effect on the body at this time.

When is the waning moon in January 2017

The Moon enters its waning phase after the full moon. In February 2017, the Moon will be waning from February 12 to February 25. This time is considered a period of restructuring, internal and external cleansing.

When the Moon wanes, our activity decreases and the desire to engage in any activities disappears. In other words, a loss of strength occurs when you don’t feel like being active at all. Therefore, during this period, astrologers recommend not to rush, but to do your job calmly and measuredly, without sudden fluctuations. Also, do not forget that during this period we spend our energy intensively, so it is better to spend our strength wisely.

Do not neglect the advice of experts, because living in harmony with the “capricious” Moon will allow you to maintain health and nervous system at a stable level.

If you remember your school geography lessons about the ebb and flow of the tides and the direct influence of the lunar phases on this process, you can be completely sure that the Moon has a certain effect on a person, who is 80% water. And the influence of the heavenly body is felt most acutely when the Moon is full.

Full moon in February 2017 will be February 11, but in order to be as prepared as possible, you need to know exact dates all lunar phases, and also study the lunar calendar for 2017 by day.

Lunar cycle in February 2017

  • February 1 – 3, 2017 – waxing moon phase;
  • February 4, 2017 – first quarter;
  • February 5 - 10, 2017 - continuation of the waxing Moon phase;
  • February 11, 2017 – Full Moon;
  • February 12 – 17, 2017 – transition of the Moon in its waning phase;
  • February 18, 2017 – third quarter;
  • February 19 – 25, 2017 – continuation of the waning moon phase;
  • February 26, 2017 – New Moon;
  • February 27 – 28, 2017 – continuation of the waxing phase of the Moon.

Detailed lunar calendar by day for February 2017

February 1, 2017 (5th, 6th lunar day) is a good day for making plans, trips and travel. Particular attention should be paid to your nutrition and diet. You should not visit hairdressers during this period. The return of long-standing losses is very possible.

February 2, 2017 (6th, 7th lunar day) is a good day for marriage and travel. A wonderful time for wellness procedures and diagnostics of the body. You can also visit a hairdresser and cosmetologist; the moon encourages you to do this.

February 3, 2017 (7th, 8th lunar day) is a favorable time for reshuffles and other changes. Meetings, conferences, meetings will be held on this day in the best possible way. A good day for making graphs, schedules and plans. Spring colors in your wardrobe will lift your spirits.

February 4, 2017 (8th, 9th lunar day) – more time needs to be spent on fresh air, in harmony with nature. A great option would be a short trip to a ski resort. Mood swings can lead to deep depression.

February 5, 2017 (9, 10 lunar day) – conflicts during this period should not be provoked, as they can turn into big problems. A good day for a pleasant time at home. It's a great time to start your own business commercial activities.

February 6, 2017 (10th, 11th lunar day) – it is on this day that you should plan moves, trips and business trips. However, the day is also quite traumatic, so you should be careful. It's best to leave your heels at home and wear something low-top. It is advisable to postpone a visit to the hairdresser.

February 7, 2017 (11th, 12th lunar day) – today, more than ever, it is important to monitor your actions and show understanding to the people around you. A good day for charity and helping those in need. It is advisable to visit the temple.

February 8, 2017 (12, 13 lunar day) – it is better to postpone changes until later. Don't interfere with anything and just go with the flow. It will be extremely useful to take care of your health and appearance: visit a cosmetologist, massage therapist, master in a beauty salon.

February 9, 2017 (13, 14 lunar day) is a good day for changing jobs, solving responsible and important matters, all financial issues and commercial activities. Problems need to be resolved as they arise. A haircut can significantly affect the further course of events.

February 10, 2017 (14, 15 lunar day) - laziness needs to be pushed into the very drawer of the chest of drawers and apathy should be completely eliminated. This time can be fraught with many obstacles and unexpected pitfalls, therefore, it is better to postpone all plans to another day.

February 11, 2017 (15, 16 lunar day) - on the Full Moon, all the accumulated negativity can affect others. It is extremely important to take control of your emotions and spend the day in peace and quiet, striving to achieve inner harmony. Yoga and meditation will help for these purposes.

February 12, 2017 (16, 17 lunar day) - the day is intended for a fun time with friends and loved ones. Good to visit holiday events. It is better to postpone forced work and routine until later. A change in image can affect a change in the attitude of people around you better side. Bright colors clothing will help with this.

February 13, 2017 (17, 18 lunar day) - lovers of travel can rejoice - the day is conducive to long trips. This is also a good time to rejuvenate and cleanse the body. You can visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.

February 14, 2017 (18, 19 lunar day) is not the best time for signing important papers and concluding deals. It is also advisable to postpone work with money to another, more favorable time. A good day for everyday work that does not require much work.

February 15, 2017 (19, 20 lunar day) - it is better to spend this day in a cozy home environment, pay attention to your family, show love and understanding.

February 16, 2017 (20 lunar day) – the moon is waning, vitality is at its limit, which leads to malfunctions in the body. You need to try to work without strain and take care of your health. You should choose warm and cozy things in pastel shades and comfortable shoes.

February 17, 2017 (20, 21 lunar days) - in order to avoid a big quarrel, it is better to keep all emotions to yourself. The day is great for marriages, teamwork, and also for changing workplaces. A stylish haircut will attract the attention of your colleagues.

February 18, 2017 (21st, 22nd lunar day) is an unfavorable day for starting new projects and concluding contracts, and you should not go on a trip during this period. It is better to engage in study, science, additional education. All the experience gained on this day will turn into a pleasant and significant bonus in the future.

February 19, 2017 (22, 23 lunar day) - it’s time to pay attention to yourself, engage in introspection, and search for inner harmony. Visiting crowded places is absolutely contraindicated. You should also avoid cutting your hair. But dyeing your hair is a good idea.

February 20, 2017 (23, 24 lunar day) – you should not give in to pessimism or sadness during this period. This is a good time to start work, new things, ideas and projects. It would be nice to change your wardrobe and look at yourself in a new way.

February 21, 2017 (24, 25 lunar day) - this day will be full of unfounded expectations. However, thoughtless haste can ruin everything. good time for going to the hairdresser: a haircut will fill your hair with health and strength, and coloring, as well as tinting, will be very successful.

February 22, 2017 (25, 26 lunar day) - if there is a lot of work in plans, it should be postponed. Overvoltage and excess load will have a detrimental effect on your internal state. Business meetings It's also better to reschedule.

February 23, 2017 (26, 27 lunar day) - on this day of melancholy, like bad mood you need to say a decisive “no!” February 23, 2017 is unfavorable for business and important matters. It is better to wait with all undertakings. You need to try to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and arrange a short trip for yourself. Blue and cyan colors in clothes will help achieve peace, and red will add the necessary contrast and become a bright accent.

February 24, 2017 (27, 28 lunar day) - if you plan to go to the hairdresser, you should not do this, otherwise your hair will become lifeless and unruly. The day is good for big things. Shopping will come in handy more than ever, because all purchases and acquisitions today will be successful.

February 25, 2017 (28, 29 lunar day) - calm, calm, just calm. It costs nothing to plan or start. A good day for solving household and family issues. Will give you determination and self-confidence cardinal change hairstyles, makeup, wardrobe.

February 26, 2017 (29, 30, 1 lunar day) – it is better to avoid even the slightest conflicts today. A favorable day for summing up and analyzing your work. All debts must be repaid and promises fulfilled. What you give will be returned many times over.

February 27, 2017 (1st, 2nd lunar day) is an unfavorable day for signing important papers and financial transactions. A good day for trips, travel, and creative activities. This time is also great for business and trade. White colors will come in handy in your wardrobe.

February 28, 2017 (2nd, 3rd lunar day) is an extremely unfavorable day for changing your image and going to the hairdresser. There is no need to make important decisions today. You should also avoid making large purchases. All water treatments will only bring benefits. Oriental martial arts or dancing will help improve your well-being.

The influence of the Moon on the human condition has been known since ancient times, and many scientists are still enthusiastically studying this influence, without ceasing to closely monitor the night luminary, but now with the help modern technology. It is thanks to it that it became possible for almost anyone who is passionate about astronomy and knows about the influence of the Moon on the Earth to monitor the movement of our natural satellite in real time. You can record your observations in online diaries, which are presented in all sorts of variations on the Internet.

Moon phases in February 2017 - phase calendar

Already now you have the opportunity to find out about the state of the Moon on any day of the month, using the lunar phase calendar, which is located below and in which you will find not only the lunar phases, but also the zodiac signs in which the Moon is located.

Lunar calendar for February 2017 (table)

The most unfavorable days of the lunar month are the new moon, full moon, as well as the first and last days first and last lunar quarters. It is at these moments that the Moon and the Sun are in an active interacting phase, which has an impact on well-being, performance (both of humans and equipment) and emotional uplift. In other words, even our inspiration may depend on what phase the Moon will be in on a given day (see by month).

Favorable and unfavorable lunar days

It is noteworthy that February this year will be a surprisingly favorable month according to astronomy and astrology. Therefore, even the most negative dates will not be able to fully affect your well-being and overall tone.

Unfavorable days: February 4,10,11,13,18,19,22,25-27.
Favorable days: February 1-3.5-7.9.15-17.28.

At the same time, the most favorable lunar days this month, the following days will be: February 3, 6 and 7. Rest lunar days are neutral.

New moon and full moon in February 2017

February 4 (Sat) – First quarter, Moon ruled by Taurus. Day of illusions. Be careful when communicating with strangers, do not trust the first person you meet, keep personal belongings and money with you - thefts may become more frequent on this lunar day.

February 11 (Sat) – Full Moon, ruling sign is Virgo. Perhaps the most unfavorable day of the month. You should not plan important events on it, including visits to the doctor and ending with financial transactions.

February 18 (Sat) – Last quarter, Moon in Sagittarius. Don’t be afraid to make bold decisions or change your life - any innovation will be received condescendingly and loyally, you will have the strength to solve difficult issues.

February 26 (Sun) – New Moon, influence of the sign of Pisces. Smooth and calm lunar day. You are unlikely to find great opportunities for cardinal questions, but the enveloping cosmic calm will become the most natural state for you, influencing most of the decisions you make and helping in adequately assessing acute situations.

We really hope that the lunar calendar presented above will be useful to you!

Lunar calendars began to be used in almost all areas of life

In Russia, the idea that the lunar calendar 2017 has a significant impact on human life is not as widespread as, for example, in the West (Japan, China, India) or in Muslim countries, where the lunar calendar is recognized at the state level, just like our solar calendar , reports RIA VladNews with reference to Informing.

It should be clarified that this method of calculating time is the most ancient, and many archaeological excavations indicate that observations of the Earth’s natural satellite were used back in the Paleolithic.

Nowadays, such a huge number of ways to observe the Moon and compile calendars of phase changes have been invented that it is not difficult to find out about the nature of the movement of the night star long before a certain moment.

It is known that the nature of the Moon’s movement in its orbit has a huge impact on a person’s life and performance, which is why it is so important to know favorable lunar days in 2017.

Note that, thanks to the observations of scientists, lunar calendars began to be used in almost all spheres of life: from medicine to sowing.

IN lunar month There is no fixed number of days, so such a month varies from 29 to 30 days. The most commonly used is a synodic month, that is, one that is measured between two identical events of the lunar cycle, for example, new moons.

The most famous lunar calendars are considered to be Islamic and Buddhist, which are among the most ancient on Earth.

Moon phases January 2017
- New Moon - January 28, 2017 at 3 hours 05 minutes 54 seconds.
- Full moon - January 12, 2017 at 14 hours 32 minutes 51 seconds.
- First quarter - January 05, 2017 at 22 hours 45 minutes 54 seconds.
- Last quarter - January 20, 2017 at 01 hours 12 minutes 17 seconds.
- Waxing Moon - from January 1 to January 11 and from January 29 to January 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from January 13 to January 27, 2017 and from January 24 to January 31, 2016.

Moon phases February 2017
- New Moon - February 26, 2017 at 17 hours 57 minutes 14 seconds.
- Full moon - February 11, 2017 at 3 hours 31 minutes 44 seconds.
- First quarter - February 4, 2017 at 07 hours 17 minutes 46 seconds.
- Last quarter - February 18, 2017 at 22 hours 31 minutes 58 seconds.
- Waxing Moon - from February 1 to 10 and from February 27 to 28, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from February 12 to February 25, 2017.
- Solar eclipse- February 26, 2017 at 17 hours 54 minutes 10 seconds.
- Moon eclipse- February 11, 2017 at 3 hours 45 minutes 11 seconds.

Moon phases March 2017
- New Moon - March 28, 2017 at 5 hours 56 minutes 10 seconds.
- Full moon - March 12, 2017 at 17 hours 52 minutes 40 seconds.
- First quarter - March 5, 2017 at 14:31:21.
- Last quarter - March 20, 2017 at 02:09:48.
- Waxing Moon - from March 1 to March 11 and from March 29 to March 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from March 13 to March 27, 2017.

Moon phases April 2017
- New Moon - April 26, 2017 at 15 hours 15 minutes 01 seconds.
- Full moon - April 11, 2017 at 09 hours 07 minutes 01 seconds.
- First quarter - April 03, 2017 at 21:38:29.
- Last quarter - April 19, 2017 at 12:55:40.
- Waxing Moon - from April 1 to April 10 and from April 27 to April 30, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from April 12 to April 25, 2017.

Moon phases May 2017
- New Moon - May 25, 2017 at 22 hours 43 minutes 15 seconds.
- Full moon - May 11, 2017 at 00 hours 41 minutes 25 seconds.
- First quarter - May 03, 2017 at 05:45:48.
- Last quarter - May 19, 2017 at 03:31:44.
- Waxing Moon - from May 1 to May 10 and from May 26 to May 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from May 12 to May 24, 2017.

Moon phases June 2017
- New Moon - June 24, 2017 at 5 hours 29 minutes 30 seconds.
- Full moon - June 09, 2017 at 16 hours 08 minutes 30 seconds.
- First quarter - June 01, 2017 at 15:40:54.
- Last quarter - June 17, 2017 at 14:31:38.
- Waxing Moon - from June 1 to June 8 and from June 25 to June 30, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from June 10 to June 23, 2017.

Moon phases July 2017
- New Moon - July 23, 2017 at 12 hours 44 minutes 21 seconds.
- Full moon - July 9, 2017 at 07 hours 05 minutes 31 seconds.
- First quarter - July 1, 2017 at 03:49:57.
- Second First Quarter - July 30, 2017 at 18:22:01.
- Last quarter - July 16, 2017 at 22:24:26.
- Waxing Moon - from July 1 to July 8 and from July 24 to July 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from July 10 to July 22, 2017.

Moon phases August 2017
- New Moon - August 21, 2017 at 21 hours 29 minutes 02 seconds.
- Full moon - August 7, 2017 at 21 hours 09 minutes 29 seconds.
- First quarter - August 29, 2017 at 11:11:53.
- Last quarter - August 15, 2017 at 04:13:50.
- Waxing Moon - from August 1 to 6 and from August 22 to 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - August 8 to August 20, 2017.

Moon phases September 2017
- New Moon - September 20, 2017 at 08 hours 28 minutes 47 seconds.
- Full moon - September 6, 2017 at 10 hours 01 minutes 29 seconds.
- First quarter - September 28, 2017 at 05:52:24.
- Last quarter - September 13, 2017 at 09:23:45.
- Waxing Moon - from September 1 to 5 and from September 21 to 30, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from September 7 to September 19, 2017.
- Solar eclipse - September 1, 2017 at 12 hours 02 minutes 43 seconds.
- Lunar eclipse - September 16, 2017 at 22 hours 04 minutes 22 seconds.

Moon phases October 2017
- New Moon - October 19, 2017 at 22 hours 10 minutes 47 seconds.
- Full moon - October 5, 2017 at 21 hours 38 minutes 41 seconds.
- First quarter - October 28, 2017 at 01:20:51.
- Last quarter - October 12, 2017 at 15:24:08.
- Waxing Moon - October 1 to 4 and from October 20 to 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from October 6 to October 18, 2017.

Moon phases November 2017
- New Moon - November 18, 2017 at 14 hours 40 minutes 51 seconds.
- Full moon - November 4, 2017 at 08 hours 21 minutes 31 seconds.
- First quarter - November 26, 2017 at 20:01:35.
- Last quarter - November 10, 2017 at 23:35:15.
- Waxing Moon - from November 1 to 3 and from November 19 to 30, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from November 5 to November 17, 2017.

Moon phases December 2017
- New Moon - December 18, 2017 at 9 hours 29 minutes 19 seconds.
- Full moon - December 3, 2017 at 18 hours 45 minutes 41 seconds.
- First quarter - December 26, 2017 at 12:18:52.
- Last quarter - December 10, 2017 at 10:50:16.
- Waxing Moon - from December 1 to 2 and from December 19 to 31, 2017.
- Waning Moon - from December 4 to December 17, 2017

It should be clarified that the dates and exact times of new moons, full moons and lunar phases in the calendar for 2017 are calculated for the city of Moscow and are indicated in Moscow time, that is, in another region you should take into account the time correction for your city

The lunar calendar will help you determine for yourself the main directions of development in February 2017. Astrologers will tell you how to attract good luck during the growth of the Moon.

The energy of the growing Moon always has a special influence on our worldview and luck. The fact is that during this period lunar phase your mood may change frequently. To stay in control of the situation, you may need help. When your mood fluctuates, it is difficult to keep good luck on your sleeve because your thoughts become confused and it is easier for negativity to enter your mind.

The period of growth of the Moon in February will begin on the 1st and end on the 10th. On February 27, the Moon will begin to rise again. As for the first period, it is important to remember that it will begin with the strong influence of Aries. It will be Wednesday-Thursday, so you should expect possible problems at work and at home.

These two days will set the mood for the entire period, so be careful throughout the 10 days. Before the immediate Full Moon, the relay will be in the hands of Leo, who will also not be able to soften the Moon’s stormy temper. Do not try to solve problems on the 10th through deception or false promises.

As for the last two days of February, only the first of them will be successful, since Aries will return to duty again. Don't panic, because Monday will be under the auspices of Pisces, who will help you solve your emotional problems and outline basic plans for the future.

Finance and work

It is better not to resolve career issues on the waxing Moon through negotiations in February. The most the best way prove and demonstrate your right to promotion and advancement career ladder All duties will be completed on time. Conquer your laziness and show everyone what you are really capable of. This will not go unnoticed. The main thing is not to shout about your merits and merits. Modesty will be like a cherry on delicious cake- an excellent ending, a final note.

In February, on the waxing Moon, find extra time for part-time jobs, because they will help you solve your main problems on time. It is better to rest on the waning Moon, and during its waxing it is better to concentrate on business tasks - fortunately, there will be more than enough energy to complete them.

Love and relationships

From February 1 to February 10, 27 and 28, spend more time with your significant other. Romantic dates are best planned for Friday or Saturday evenings. A wedding held during the waxing of the Moon in February will be very positive in any regard. You just need to be serious about who you invite to the ceremony.

Sexual energy, as usual, should not be kept within oneself on the waxing Moon. Allow all the accumulated energy to come out of you during lovemaking. Concerning psychological aspect love, then you should believe in the power of mutual understanding. Make sure your paths don't diverge.

In relationships with people in general, you may face many disappointments and problems, but all of them will lead to success. Any relationship grows stronger by passing through a sieve of troubles. Don't be afraid of disagreements and arguments, but remain calm. Flexibility will not hinder you on the waxing Moon. If you don’t want a slight conflict or quarrel to turn into a war, then just know how to tell yourself “stop.”

Health and emotions

For big ones physical activity leave the first, second and last day of the month. Aries will give you a lot of strength that you will need to use wisely. There won't be any special health problems if you spend more time outside. Go to the pool, go for walks and don’t stay at home. Solar activity will be weak, so sports in February will be extremely productive. This also applies to intellectual sports - academic success awaits the most diligent.

You yourself will control your emotions, not the Moon - this time it will not be able to harm your fighting spirit. Depression should be overcome during such periods by work and physical exercise. Don't try to escape problems - try to make sure their impact on you is minimal. Learn to distract yourself from them.

May the growth period of the Moon in February be favorable for you in all areas of your life. Don’t forget that thoughts materialize in the world around you, so get rid of any negativity that you encounter along the way. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.01.2017 04:20

With the help of a special short phrase, you can set your thoughts on a positive wave and speed up the execution of your...

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