Vasily Brovko personal life. Equal marriage of Tina Kandelaki

Vasily Brovko, the twenty-three-year-old general director of the Apostol Media Group company, has many successful projects, two of which - the programs “Unreal Politics” and “Infomania” - stepped from the Internet onto the television screen. Vasily spoke about the future of broadcasting, freedom of speech and Tina Kandelaki as his main project.

Question: Vasily, in what environment did you grow up?

V.B.: I was street guy and played football professionally, grew up and was formed in a male company. This determined all my aspirations. I'm with young age I realized that there is friendship, teamwork and responsibility, you need to be able to stand up for yourself and keep your word. I have always had leadership qualities. I liked to be either loved or hated.

Question: You entered the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University in 2005, when people’s interest in politics was rather sluggish. Why did you choose this path?

V.B.: I have a very politicized family. For as long as I can remember, conversations about politics have been an inevitable part of family discourse. Initially, I wanted to go to the Faculty of Economics, because after the crazy 1990s it was the most shortcut into politics - through business. And after reading the book “American Hero”, based on which the film “The Tail Wags the Dog” with De Niro was filmed, I fell in love with the profession of a PR specialist and political strategist.

Question: In your own company“Apostle Media”, do you rely on experience or youth and enthusiasm?

V.B.: We employ exclusively young specialists, average age- 23-24 years old. People in leadership positions already have knowledge and experience. But no less valuable is the desire to work: force yourself to get up every day, come to work by 10 am, leave at 2 am, and in this sense be an example for everyone. I am ready to take people in and teach them if I see a crazy desire to develop, to grow above myself.

Question: Why did you need to sell the Internet channel and the fashion network if their ratings were high?

V.B.: We had to concentrate on what we do well. I am not an expert in Internet projects, but I am a good PR specialist. I am not capable of producing an entire TV channel, because it requires more experience, but I can do one good program- “Infomania.” I’m proud of Infomania, it’s developing well. This is again a question of evolution, not revolution. Gradually, perhaps, I will come to the point of becoming the general producer of a TV channel or a major Internet tycoon, but for now I need to do what I am good at. As soon as we abandoned the dispersion in the direction of development, we began to have crazy rates of economic growth. And nothing will stop us.

Question: The program “No Country for Old Men” on was hosted by Zakhar Prilepin, “Fantastic Breakfast” was hosted by Dmitry Glukhovsky - why did you decide to make writers the hosts?

V.B.: I am constantly looking for new heroes. Our TV is really the most technologically advanced, the most developed, the most advanced in Europe in this sense, but there are very few worthy people on the screen. Writers, like Glukhovsky and Prilepin, are most inclined to become heroes. They have their own audience, their own truth, this worthy people in life. Prilepin is a smart, real, honest guy. He is an oppositionist, but I respect him for his reasoned position, in which he sincerely believes.

Question: What are the functions in Apostol Media?performsTina Kandelaki?

V.B.: It in itself is the main project of our company. As a shareholder, we discuss all decisions together. Tina is a master at understanding human psychology and explains many things to me. She and I have an absolutely organic duet. I won’t reveal the secrets for now, but in about a month it will be clear what TV projects we will launch with her in the new season. Tina is already an absolutely self-sufficient, established hero, she is moving away from glamor and show business, and is involved in social and political activity and will continue to develop in this direction. Sociological surveys show that the audience from 18 to 24 years old trusts her the most. This is the Internet audience that we are going to continue to bet on, so today for Tina, television projects are the cherry in the cocktail; she no longer needs “broadcast for the sake of broadcasting.”

Question: Which professionals in your field do you look up to?

V.B.: I admire Konstantin Ernst as a person who feels the environment very deeply and subtly. I am proud to work with Vyacheslav Murugov, who on the STS channel creates absolutely new world, which is interesting to delve into and peer into. I admire Denis Sverdlov from the Yota company, because the man is building the future and thinks so un-Russian that it’s hard to imagine. I really like the head of DreamWorks Jeffrey Katzenberg, a man who comes to work at 6 am and leaves at 12 am. There are a lot of political strategists I like, whose names won’t mean anything to anyone, but nevertheless these people come up with mega-cool election campaigns and implement new technologies in the field of working with public consciousness. And I am not ashamed of the fact that I really like Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev with his logic. The main thing is that he does not get sucked into this oligarchic-retrograde swamp.

The other day, among fans of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki, a rumor surfaced that Tina and her husband Vasily Brovko no longer live together and are preparing for divorce. Kandelaki denied these rumors, admires Vasily and says that everything is fine with them.

It all started with misinformation of fans by one of the “yellow sites”. For the sake of clicks on the news, unscrupulous journalists put a catchy headline about the supposed separation of the bright TV presenter from her chosen one - Vasily Brovko, director of communications, analytics and strategic research at the Rostec state corporation. Then the effect “ snowball“- the readers themselves came up with the reasons, the information began to spread through the media, and many believed it. There was talk of betrayal on the part of Vasily, but this is not true - Tina’s husband is still faithful to his soulmate and loves her.

Vasily Brovko and Tina Kandelaki broke up: the information turned out to be false

Tina Kandelaki even shared a secret happy marriage. On her Instagram page, Tina published a cute photo where she posed with Vasily, affectionately called him her Fevralik, and wrote that he is a real inventor, and she believes in his fantasies. It was fantasy that the TV presenter called the small world that she created with her beloved. Kandelaki noted that they never get bored, because their world changes with them. Tina's fans were very happy with this turn of events - after all, they sincerely loved

Vasily Brovko and Tina Kandelaki broke up: such rumors have already circulated

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that the star couple was suspected of breaking up their relationship. Last year, Tina appeared alone in the world for some time. Yours Family status The mystery woman did not comment, so the press seized on this fact and made it big. But later it turned out that the fact of Tina’s “loneliness” was connected only with the busyness of her successful husband, and she simply did not want to stay at home.
Tina Kandelaki in her posts expresses hopes that the couple will spend more than one decade together, and there is every reason to believe this.

30-year-old director of special assignments, who renamed the Russian Technologies corporation to Rostec, is one of the most promising managers in Russia.

Vasily Yurievich Brovko born in Zhukovsky near Moscow in 1987. The cities near Moscow were not a very comfortable place at that time, and often downright dangerous, but in the “science cities” the audience was still a little more decent. Information about Brovko’s parents is not publicly available, but it is known that Vasily studied at a prestigious lyceum with a mathematical focus, then entered Moscow State University, and not into economics, as was planned for some time, but into the faculty of philosophy (department of political science). This was a very revealing choice - his entire short (on this moment), but his unusually turbulent career will take place at the intersection of politics and economics. The ability to negotiate and the ability to count money were very useful to our hero.

Like many energetic young people from wealthy families, Vasily tried to “stir up business” from his first years at the institute. At first it was another web magazine with good columnists - there Brovko met, for example, Nikita Belykh. In general, Vasily actively and consciously expanded his circle of promising acquaintances, and this constantly helped him in life. Just like that, from the street, at the age of 19, to the position of producer, albeit an ordinary one, but federal channel O2TV doesn't come. Vasily worked with political programs, thanks to which, again, he met very useful people. This process continued as director of the directorate for prime-time broadcasting of radio programs at the Mayak State Radio Company (at the age of 20!). Somewhere around this time, Vasily’s historic meeting with a popular TV presenter took place Tinatin Kandelaki.

In January 2008, even before his 21st birthday, Brovko founded another company - Apostol Media. At first it was an unremarkable PR agency, but everything changed when Kandelaki came into the picture. She was both a client of “Apostol” (the organization very successfully promoted the image of a TV presenter, which was one of the reasons for her reaching the next height, a top media manager), and its PR manager: Tinatin Givievna’s connections made it possible to get very many clients for the agency high level. In particular, thanks to Kandelaki’s friendship with the wife of the head of Russian Technologies Sergei Chemezov, the state corporation entrusted the formation of its image to the Apostle. And there they got down to business, rolling up their sleeves: according to media reports, the renaming of Rostekhnologii to Rostec, born in the depths of Apostol, alone cost the state 27.9 million rubles.

Another side of the Apostle’s activities is considered to be the creation of a network of Internet trolls - those who would later be called “Olginsky”. The tasks of these elusive network agents are considered to be both the formation of the desired opinion by maintaining thousands of blogs and pages on social networks (“white PR”), and constant attacks on opponents through offensive comments, complaints from the administration, minor provocations, and so on (such PR can be called “brown PR”). "). In addition, Apostol also took on a related task - promoting clients on social networks. They managed to increase the number of subscribers significantly in the shortest possible time; Another question is that not all of these citizens actually existed. Often the client actually paid for an army of bots.

Vasily directed the “Apostle” in his unique style, a mixture of a gopnik and an intellectual. The young team did a great job network games, but when it came to more serious tasks, the lack of experience and professionalism affected. Still, it’s one thing to overwhelm opponents on LiveJournal with mocking comments, and another thing to make a real web project for a serious reader. Unfortunately, the agency never reached this level. But it did a great job promoting its leaders, and when both took the right positions, it simply became unnecessary. Double springboard Brovko and Kandelaki (their relationship was not a secret for employees back in 2011, long before official announcement about marriage), “Apostle” was closed in 2016 through bankruptcy proceedings.

Vasily Brovko left in 2013 to join his best client, Rostec. The state corporation, which has united a huge number of assets under its wing, has added production technologies new trend– political technologies. Over four years of work, Brovko rose to the outlandish post of director for special assignments.

“Director for Special Assignments”... How does it sound - revolutionary, extremely, merciless! Does your company have such a director? Hardly. It is possible that Vasily Yuryevich came up with the name of the position for himself in 2016. This, by the way, turned out to be contagious - in November 2017, a second “special officer” appeared at Rostec, Nikolay Andrianov, but at least he comes from the relevant authorities.

In this capacity, Brovko reports directly to the head of the company, Sergei Chemezov, but does not have his own “department for special assignments”. Free shooter. Dream job. Something very secret, not very legal, requiring determination, brutality and reduced disgust. An ideal post for Brovko.

Probably, the idea of ​​​​creating such a position arose a little earlier, when Vasily served as director of communications, analytics and strategic research at Rostec.

Rostec has now become a state within a state - just like the holding once did Gusinsky"Bridge" or corporation Khodorkovsky YUKOS. Only now the actions of “special commissioners” are sanctified by the epithet “state” in the definition of a corporation. So “the widest fields” are open to Vasily Brovko, as his favorite punk singer put it Egor Letov.

There is almost no doubt that Vasily is expecting bright career that we are only seeing the beginning of acceleration. Working in a state corporation is always a crossroads between politics and business. It seems to us that Brovko’s entrepreneurial talents are significantly inferior to his political abilities, so, having accepted in time the right decision, he may find himself surrounded by top Russian leaders in the next decade.

For “special assignments” are given there more and more often.

Vasily Brovko is a Russian entrepreneur, founder of the Apostol Center for Strategic Communications and director of communications, analytics and strategic research at Rostec Corporation.

The future businessman was born on February 6, 1987 in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow. The boy's parents were engaged in science. Vasily grew up as a street boy, loved to kick the ball with the guys and was even a member of a professional youth football team. Thanks to sports, the boy realized what a team and responsibility are, and also developed leadership qualities.

Brovko studied at a lyceum with a mathematical focus, after which he submitted documents to Moscow State University named after. Initially, the young man planned to enter the Faculty of Economics, but his choice of specialty was ultimately influenced by the atmosphere in the family. The fact is that Vasily’s parents at home heatedly discussed political problems in the country and abroad. And the young man himself enjoyed reading a lot of literature in which political strategists and PR people were the heroes.

Vasily Brovko graduated from the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Philosophy. By the way, while still in his second year, the young man created his first project - the youth online magazine And after university, the young man plunged into the field of television.


On initial stage professional biography Vasily Brovko became a producer of political and entertainment programs“Conversation without rules”, “Black and White”, “Political League”. Later, Vasily headed the prime-time broadcasting of radio programs of the Mayak State Radio Company, and then created the Apostol Media Center for Strategic Communications, which promotes projects on the Russian and international markets.

Vasily quickly realized that the Internet segment could not be ignored. Therefore, Brovko launched the Post TV channel and the programs “Unreal Politics” with, “No Country for Old Men” with, “Fantastic Breakfast” with, “ Video Version” with, “Real Sports” with, “Men’s Games” with and others . In addition, Brovko was promoting the blogger’s popular video channel “+100500”.

Vasily came up with the idea of ​​the national educational project “Smart School”, which is gaining momentum, which is based on the school-park format. Promoted at school individual approach to each student, used in teaching project activities, as close to reality as possible. The educational program consists of a number of main components, which include in-depth study foreign languages, work activity, school sports.

The project includes annual educational forums, visits to regional educational institutions, development of the Internet resource “Smart-school.rf”, through which direct communication is carried out with representatives of the Public Chamber, the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation. Tina Kandelaki also participated in the creation of the Smart School concept. Later “Smart School” transformed into educational project, which has no analogues in Russia. Funds from private investors were raised to implement the project.

Also, together with the TV presenter, Vasily Brovko participated in the creation of AM-Invest, a company that invests in the development of Internet startups and computer software for secondary schools.

At the end of 2013, the businessman joined the directorate of the Rostec corporation and managed to achieve great results in this position. A year later, Rostec entered the top three leaders among Russian state corporations according to the ratings of the Medialogia company. And in 2015, the brand value reached 31.2 billion rubles, which allowed Rostec to become one of the first 15 expensive brands in Russia.

The result of the company’s fruitful work was an approved plan for the next ten years, according to which annual revenue should reach 17% per annum and increase the corporation’s profit to 6 billion rubles. It is also planned to increase the share of civilian products to 50%.

In addition to Rostec, the young entrepreneur is on the board of directors of the group and a number of other enterprises, including Elektronika, RT-Inform.

Personal life

Until recently, the personal life of an entrepreneur was hidden from prying eyes. Vasily Brovko met his wife Tina Kandelaki through work, because the young people had been studying together for several years joint projects. Star's romantic relationships for a long time hidden from the public. Even, which took place back in 2015, became widespread only in June 2016.

Brovko and Kandelaki are in no hurry to become parents yet, but Kandelaki’s children from his first marriage – daughter Melania and son Leonty – live with their spouses.

Since childhood, Brovko has remained faithful to his favorite game - football. The entrepreneur is an ardent fan of Zenit St. Petersburg and the Russian national team. As a professional PR specialist, Vasily worked on the “Concept for the development of children’s and youth football in Dagestan”, intended for the Anzhi football club. The young entrepreneur was also involved in organizing a presentation of the star player of the Makhachkala team, Samuel Eto’o.

Vasily Brovko now

In mid-2017, an enthusiastic post appeared on Tina Kandelaki’s page, dedicated to work husband. In the comments to joint photo, which the couple made at the CIPR conference - the largest in Eastern Europe IT industry forum, the TV presenter rejoiced at the success of her husband, who united talented young people around him. According to Tina, Vasily gives them a chance that the ideas of young specialists in the field of IT technologies will be accepted by society.

Now the Rostec company, whose director at large is Vasily Brovko, is among the companies engaged in the digital transformation of sectors of the Russian economy and individual entities according to a plan developed by the Russian government.

Vasily Brovko continues to develop the Smart School project. Next educational institution will open in Irkutsk in 2018. The school will accept 1000 students, of which 150 are orphans. The architectural appearance of the building will be recreated by specialists from CEBRA (Denmark).


  • 2009–2012 – “Infomania”
  • 2010 - program “+100500” by Maxim Golopolosov
  • 2010-2011 – “The Right Choice”
  • 2010-2011 – “Food for strength”
  • 2010-2011 – “Russia in numbers”
  • 2011 – “Moscow 24/7”
  • 2012 - political talk show “Flight with Kamikaze”
  • Daily and weekly show for Russian lottery"Gosloto"

One of the most skilled entrepreneurs, producers, media managers Russian Federation is Vasily Brovko. On February 6, 1987, he was born in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region, and during the building of his career he held a considerable number of positions. Today Vasily works at the Rostec state corporation as director of the communications department.

School years and student life

So, the director of the communications department of the state corporation Rostec was born in the city of Zhukovsky, which belongs to the Moscow region in 1987. Vasily Brovko, whose parents pointed out to him the importance of sports, decided to professionally engage in the most popular football in our country. His studies at a school with a mathematical bias ended in 2005. Four more years later, in 2009, he graduated from Moscow State University, becoming a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Department of Political Science.

Participation in media projects from 2004 to 2007

Vasily Brovko, his activities in the field of media projects, personal life which, according to many, is associated with television presenter Tina Kandelaki, began while still a student at the Moscow state university. There he creates his first media project. It was a youth magazine, which was presented in the form of an Internet site ( The list of lecturers and columnists of the magazine included Alexey Volin, Nikita Belykh and Valery Fadeev.

In 2006, Vasily was invited to take the position of producer on the O2TV channel. There he begins to lead the political, as well as entertainment blocks. During all the time that Brovko spent there, he managed to produce at least fifteen unique programs. Their list includes “Black and White”, “Conversation without Rules”, “Political League”. Another year later, Vasily was invited to take a position on the radio program of the GRK “Mayak”, where he became the director of the broadcasting department. This proposal came to him from Sergei Arkhipov, General Director of VGTRK.

Activities in 2008

Vasily Brovko, whose biography is presented in the article, in January 2008 became the founder of the Center for Strategic Communications, which later received the name “Apostle Media”. The man's new position is director general of education. Part of the name (namely “Media”) was dropped in 2012 due to rebranding. From the very beginning of its existence, the Center for Strategic Communications was aimed at creating Internet projects, their development, as well as television production and PR.

In September, Vasily Brovko teams up with Tina Kandelaki and Andrei Kolesnikov to launch the “Unreal Politics” project, which started on the Internet. The project lasted for about one year at their disposal, and during this time at least five million people managed to watch it. However, in 2009, at the very end, the rights to the project were sold to the REN-TV television channel.

Even after Vasily renounced the rights to “Unreal Politics,” he continued to work on this project. The management of the REN-TV channel called on the director of the Center for Strategic Communications to cooperate, and Brovko continued to oversee the preparation of the releases. Nevertheless, only four issues were published under his leadership, after which “Apostle” refused to continue activities in this area. Let's jump ahead a little and note that later the rights to broadcast the program were purchased from REN TV by another channel - NTV. This happened in 2010. To summarize what has been said, it should be said that “Unreal Politics” became the first startup-type project that began on the Internet and continued on television.

At the end of 2008, Vasily Brovko launched another Internet channel, later named Post TV. Several programs were shown within the channel. These included such programs as “No Country for Old Men” (hosted by Zakhar Prilepin), “Men’s Games” (hosted by Oleg Taktarov), “Fantastic Breakfast” (hosted by Dmitry Glukhovsky), “Real Sports” (hosted by Victoria Lopyreva ).

Activities in 2009

During this period (and more specifically, from April to December) Vasily Brovko held the position of General Director social network, which was created for representatives of the fashion industry. Also in 2009, Brovko became a co-producer of “Infomania”. This transfer was carried out by him under a contract for television channel STS in the period from 2009 to 2012. In 2010, the community of television critics decided to award her a special prize, and the reason for this was a successful experiment conducted in the field of convergence of the Internet and television. “Infomania” was nominated twice for “TEFI”.

Activities in 2011

During this time, the Center for Strategic Communications, under the management of Vasily Brovko (then “Apostol Media”), was engaged in cooperation with the TVC television channel. For him, the holding produced a weekly program called “Moscow 24/7”, as well as “The Life of Ordinary Muscovites”. These programs were also nominated for the TEFI award.

Vasily began close cooperation with Tina Kandelaki in March 2011. Then they founded an investment company called AM-Invest. She began to finance startup-type projects on the Internet. The company also developed software and educational programs for computer science lessons in schools. Brovko became general director“AM-Invest”, which was expected. As he himself said, the team at the Center for Strategic Communications worked to create software for multiple platforms.

In October 2011, Brovko began cooperation with football club"Anji". There he helped develop the “Concept for the development of children’s and youth football in the Republic of Dagestan.” This concept included not only the creation of appropriate infrastructure, but also the training of professional coaching staff.

Vasily Brovko. Parents and personal life

Until now, resources cannot provide any useful information about the parents of a talented entrepreneur. There is no information about who they worked for; perhaps the son followed in the footsteps of his ancestors? In any case, this information is not available on the Internet. Vasily Brovko (his wife, according to official information, is absent) is “suspected” by the public of having a relationship with TV presenter Tina Kandelaki. However, until now there has been no official confirmation of the rumors.

Conflict with Navalny

At the time of the conflict, Alexei Navalny was still a member of the board of directors of Aeroflot. In 2013, he accused the Apostol holding of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract. However, Brovko responded to the claims with reason, saying that in total the company’s videos on YouTube received the required number of views, surpassing even their German and French “colleagues” in popularity.

Navalny could not answer this, but after some time he stated that the rebranding of the Apostol Center for Strategic Communications was an unjustified measure. Brovko also had a reasoned answer to this. He cited the values ​​of the favorability index, which increased from 10.9 thousand to 29.5.

In 2013, on March 27, Ruslan Leviev, who was a supporter of Navalny, accused the holding of boosting views. Navalny himself copied the entry to his blog. Vasily Brovko responded to this unfounded attack with an article in which he ridiculed Navalny for trying to carry out an information attack without facts and evidence.

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