What a divine holiday September 11th is. Church Orthodox holiday of September

According to the canons of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church, on September 11, believers pay tribute to the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist and adhere to strict fasting. John the Baptist is revered by the Holy Church to the greatest extent, compared to all the saints, with the only exception being the Mother of God.

What Orthodox holiday is September 11th?

Among all church holidays one of the greatest is the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, celebrated on September 11 or August 29 according to the old style. The tragic event is described in detail by the evangelists Mark and Matthew. The popular name of the Orthodox holiday is Ivan Lenten, because the church charter requires strict fasting on this day (you cannot eat products of animal origin).

Archpriest Igor Fomin explains the meaning of the holiday of the Beheading of John the Baptist. Despite the fact that the saint parted with this world due to human cruelty, and the perpetrators of the crime remained alive, martyrdom does not cancel the good that John carried during his life. By giving our lives in the name of truth, we make the greatest sacrifice, with the help of which a person conveys his own ideals and faith in the truth to the people. The sacrifice is not in vain, both for John and for each of us.

History of the Orthodox holiday

The good sermons of the Prophet John after the baptism of Jesus Christ were not long, since he soon suffered martyrdom. During the reign of Herod Antipas in Galilee, John denounced the king for committing adultery with the wife of Herod's brother Philip during his lifetime. Herodias, Philip’s legal wife, was angry with John and in every possible way incited the king to kill him, but he was too afraid of the people’s anger. Nevertheless, John the Baptist was put in prison.

About a year has passed since then, and at a feast in honor of Herod’s birthday, the king and his guests were pleased by his stepdaughter, the daughter of Herodias, Salome, with her dancing. He promised her anything for such pleasure, and she decided to take advice from her mother. Being angry with the Baptist, who was still imprisoned, Herodias told her daughter to ask for John's head. Of course, Salome did just that, and Herod could no longer refuse her, for the promise was made publicly, and disgracing himself in front of his people was not in his plans.

A soldier (speculator) was sent to prison to cut off the head of John, after which Salome received it on a platter and carried the head of John the Baptist to her mother. In the year 32, the body of the Holy Baptist was buried by his disciples, and the relics, with the exception of right hand and the heads were burned in 362 along with the Sebaste Temple by order of Emperor Julian the Apostate. Christians managed to acquire some of the remains of the martyr and transport them to Alexandria, where they are protected to this day as the greatest shrine.

God's providence over the sinful souls of Salome, her mother and Herod was accomplished, but sources differ in the facts.

  1. According to the first version, King Herod was deprived of his own power at the behest of the Roman emperor and was exiled along with Herodias and her daughter to captivity, where they met the end of their lives.
  2. According to another version, Herodias, along with Herod, was swallowed alive by the earth, but her daughter died first. In winter, she was making her way across the river on ice, when suddenly it broke and the girl fell under the water. Her body was immediately constrained so that she hung in the water in a dancing form, as she had once danced on land. Soon a blade of ice struck her neck, and the water carried away her corpse. The head was carried away by the current straight into the hands of her mother.

His disciples began to celebrate the day of martyrdom and the beheading of John the Baptist. The Church established the day of September 11 as a great Orthodox holiday, as a demonstration of the boundless grief of Christians over the martyrdom of the great Prophet.

Traditions and customs

Among the others folk names of this Orthodox holiday - Midsummer, Golovosek, Turnip Feast, Midsummer or Flying Man. Everyday superstitions and pagan beliefs significantly affected the traditions of the celebration. Numerous Christian symbols became distorted over time in the minds of the people, and their meaning became grotesque.

For example, it is prohibited to eat round vegetables and fruits on this day, because they may visually resemble the head of John. Any sharp objects could remind the people of the sword with which the head was cut off, so they were also prohibited. Bread can only be broken with your hands, but it should not be round. In some regions, red wine and red fruits were previously rejected because they were associated with blood.

Among folk traditions There were also those who were not associated with pagan trends, but rather with the calendar cycle and weather. September 11 was identified with the arrival of autumn, but singing songs and dancing in circles was prohibited. Wanderers and the poor were always invited to the dinner table. On the Feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist, Christians not only mourn the Baptist, but also remember the deceased soldiers.

What not to do on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist

Any sharp objects, round-shaped or red-colored products are prohibited on this day. It is forbidden to set a sumptuous table, to lead active image life and rejoice, since it was these actions that led to the tragedy. You cannot perform any actions that could provoke even the slightest association with the martyrdom of the Prophet. Food on this holiday should be no frills, exclusively lean.

Today is September 11 (August 29, old style),
The Orthodox Church celebrates:

Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
Martyr Anastasia (1794).

Beheading of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

The story of the Beheading of the Baptist John is more or less known to everyone. Saint John, prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of Christ died the death of a martyr for the truth of God. He denounced King Herod for taking the wife of his brother, also a king, Philip, and, thereby violating the law of God and man, tempted the people. I especially did not like to hear the denunciation of Herod’s most illegitimate wife, Herodias. She wanted to destroy the prophet as quickly as possible; but Herod, seeing him as a righteous man, spared him and only to please his wife put him in prison. But the evil wife soon achieved her goal. On the day of Herod’s birthday celebration, when her daughter Salome greatly pleased Herod and the guests with her dance, she taught her daughter to ask for the head of her accuser as a reward. Herod, due to his weakness of will, could not refuse the criminal request. The head was brought on a platter and served to Herodias. But the prophet even after dying denounced the sinners. His death's head uttered the previous words of accusation: “Herod, you should not have Herodias as your wife.” The weak Herod, and especially the evil Herodias, did not come to their senses with the prophet’s denunciation. Herodias, taking a pin, pricked his dead tongue and ordered him to throw his head into an unclean place. But the servant, the pious wife of the steward Chuza, put her in an earthen vessel, and buried her with honor on the Mount of Olives, where Herod’s estate was. Those responsible for the death of the Baptist of Christ did not escape punishment. Herod, deprived of his throne and exiled into captivity, was swallowed up by the open earth along with Herodias. Salome drowned, and ice floes cut off her head.

The holiday of the Orthodox Church on August 29 (September 11) is one of the great ones. Installed in memory of the beheading of John the Baptist by order of the Galilean tetrarch (tetrarch) Herod Antipas (see Matt. 14: 6–12; Mark 6: 17–29).
On this day, strict fasting is established as an expression of Christian grief over violent death great prophet.

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:

Tomorrow is a holiday:

Holidays expected:
24.03.2019 -
25.03.2019 -
26.03.2019 -

September 11, 2017 - Monday, day 254 of 2017 Gregorian calendar. September 11 corresponds to August 29 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays on September 11, 2017 in Russia

  • Day military glory Russia - Victory Day of the Russian squadron at Cape Tendra (1790). September 11 marks one of the Days of Military Glory of Russia - Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790). It was established Federal law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 “On the days of military glory and memorable dates ah Russia." IN Russian-Turkish war 1787-1791 Russian ground forces successfully assisted by the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Fyodor Ushakov. One of major events This war was the victory of the Russian squadron over the Turks at Cape Tendra in the northeastern part of the Black Sea. (August 28) On September 8, 1790, as a result of an intense battle, 7 Turkish ships surrendered, the rest fled. During the battle, the Turks lost over 2 thousand people, including more than 700 prisoners. The Russian fleet, consisting of 10 battleships, 6 frigates, 1 bombardment ship, 20 auxiliary ships, about 800 guns, had no losses in ships, 21 people were killed, 25 were wounded. The victory at Cape Tendra in the military campaign of 1790 ensured the lasting dominance of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. Brilliant victory The Russian fleet also ensured a breakthrough to Izmail for the Dnieper flotilla, which provided great assistance ground army in taking the fortress. And Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov was nicknamed “sea Suvorov” in Russia.
  • Organ Specialist Day educational work Armed Forces. The guarantor of the security of any country is an active army, ready at any moment to act as a shield for the civilian population or a “punishing sword” for those who encroach on the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. Every day, military personnel, Suvorov students, cadets and cadets of various educational institutions perform their feasible service for the benefit of the Motherland. But all of them and each individually - ordinary people who need care, guardianship and understanding. The functions of creating and ensuring healthy moral and psychological training in military teams, strengthening and maintaining a certain discipline and organization, as well as establishing constructive connections with civil society are assigned to employees of educational bodies. A professional holiday in the Russian Federation is dedicated to them. Educational Specialist Day is celebrated in Russia every year on September 11th. The holiday was established by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 25 of May 30, 2007 in connection with the invaluable importance and significance of the work of these employees of the country's Armed Forces. In 2017 it is celebrated for the 11th time. On September 11, solemn congratulations on the professional holiday are accepted by employees engaged in educational work in the troops, specialists of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the RF Armed Forces, as well as personnel of the country’s military educational institutions. The date of the Educational Work Specialist Day is associated with the Charter of the Land Noble Cadet Corps of 1766, which marked the beginning of the profession of an educational officer in the army. With the exception of military educational institutions, no organizational and educational work in modern understanding this value was practically not studied. All similar functions were assigned to commanders of various levels and ranks, who, in parallel with training, were supposed to influence the personnel with their high organization and moral qualities. In addition, from the 18th century to educational processes In the army, the church was often involved - priests always went on campaigns with rifle regiments. A new significant stage in the development of educational work began in 1917. In August, the political department of the Minister of War was created, and in 1918 the institution of military priests was abolished. Then it was replaced by the political bodies of the Red Army, which, with minor modifications, existed until 1990. In the same year they became part of the military administration, and a year later they were abolished. Created at the end of 1991, the USSR Ministry of Defense Committee for Work with Personnel in September 1992 was transformed into the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and then into the Main Directorate for Educational Work of the RF Armed Forces. An educational officer is, first of all, a military officer who creates a new generation of military defenders, using modern methodology and advanced means for training and training personnel. It forms a correct idea of ​​the political balance of power in the country and the world, maintains the prestige of the profession and the moral and psychological state of military personnel. In 2013, a monument to Russian officers-educators of the First Russian was erected in Serbia Cadet Corps who were shot near the city of Bila Tserkva in 1944.
  • All-Russian Day of Sobriety. In 1913, on the initiative of the ministers of the Orthodox Church, the first Russian Day of Sobriety was held. In March 1914, the Holy Synod decided to annually celebrate the All-Russian Temperance Day. The date was chosen in honor of the Orthodox holiday of the Beheading of the Holy Prophet John the Baptist (in the new style - September 11), during which strict fasting should be observed. In Russia on these days, all wine shops were closed and the sale of alcoholic beverages stopped. IN Orthodox churches religious processions were held and proclamations were read about the importance and significance of a sober lifestyle, and then a prayer service was held to John the Baptist. Anyone could take a vow of sobriety, which was blessed by the priest. Currently, churches are holding events “Light a candle for the healing of those suffering from the disease of drunkenness,” and those who wish to receive recovery from the misfortune offer prayers to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, which grants healing from diseases, alcoholism and drug addiction. Priests recommend spending this day in action - going to church, lighting a candle and praying for everyone suffering from the disease of drunkenness. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the limit of alcohol consumption, after which the degradation of society begins, is the consumption of alcohol in the amount of 8 liters of alcohol per person per year. In 1913, when Russia celebrated the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, the amount of alcohol per capita was 4.7 liters of alcohol per year. In the pre-revolutionary years, 43% of the male population in the country remained absolute abstainers. By 1979, the proportion of men who did not drink had dropped to 0.6%. And currently the amount of alcohol per capita, including minors, is 18 liters of alcohol per year, which is far beyond the norm. Today, All-Russian Day of Sobriety is more relevant than ever. A reasonable and conscious choice of a sober lifestyle is one of the main tasks facing modern society. And on this day, various public and youth organizations hold thematic events, exhibitions, flash mobs and other events in many Russian cities.

Also read:

Holidays on September 11, 2017 in Ukraine

  • There are no holidays on September 11, 2017 in Ukraine.

World and international holidays September 11, 2017

Orthodox holidays September 11, 2017

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • The beheading of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John.

National holidays September 11, 2017

  • Ivan Postny. The national holiday “Ivan Lent” is celebrated on September 11 (according to the old style - August 29). By church calendar This is the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, in honor of which a strict one-day fast was established. Other names of the holiday: “The Flyer”, “The Golovosek”, “Ivan the Flyer”, “Turnip Festival”. The Gospels of Matthew and Mark tell the story of the martyrdom of John the Baptist. The Baptist more than once reproached Herod, the ruler of Galilee, for his sins, which aroused the anger of his mistress, who swore to kill John. One day, Herodias persuaded her daughter Salome to dance in front of Herod and ask for the head of St. John the Baptist as a reward. Herod had to fulfill this wish. But even the severed head of the Forerunner continued to denounce Herod and Herodias. Orthodox people, as usual, celebrated the day of the beheading of St. John with fasting. At this time, it was not allowed to eat anything round: neither cook cabbage soup from a round head of cabbage, nor cut poppy heads, nor dig potato tubers, nor pick apples. On September 11, it was forbidden to eat meat or pick up any object shaped like a sword. The bread was cut in advance so as not to break it with your hands later. It was believed that having fun, dancing and singing on this holiday is great sin. It was also customary to commemorate all soldiers who died in battles. Ivan Lenten was considered a turning point in peasant concerns. Field work was ending, but the preparation of pickles for the winter began. Autumn trades and fairs opened. It turned out that prohibitions and temptations converged on the Forerunner in one place, and therefore fasting was especially difficult to bear. “Ivanov’s fast is not great, but before it is Filippov’s fast,” people said. A big turn was coming in nature: summer was ending, and autumn was coming along with the first frosts. “Ivan Lenten came and took away the red summer,” people noted. There were other sayings on the same topic: “With Ivan, a man meets autumn, a woman begins Indian summer”; “Ivan Lent - Godfather of Autumn”; “Ivan the Baptist drives the birds far away.” By the way, the weather was judged by the behavior of different birds that day. If cranes flew south on Ivan Lenten, this foreshadowed a short autumn and early snow. If the starlings did not fly away for a long time, they waited for a dry autumn, and if flocks of rooks stretched over the ground on dark evenings, they hoped for good weather. They also noticed: a swan flies towards snow, and a goose flies towards rain. On September 11, in some places it was customary to organize a “turnip holiday.” It was celebrated quite modestly: without songs, but with abundant food and treats for the poor, the poor and wanderers. Until this day, it was forbidden to eat turnips, and the fields sown with them had to remain inviolable under pain of “shameful” punishment. This punishment consisted in the fact that a person caught in repishka before Midsummer's Day, be it a man, woman, boy or girl, was stripped naked, clothes were wrapped around his head and in this form they were driven along the entire village street.

Holidays on September 11, 2017 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in Ethiopia September 11, 2017 - Enkutatash - Ethiopian New Year. Every year on September 11 or 12, Ethiopia and Eritrea celebrate New Year's Day. The Ethiopian New Year is called Enkutatash, which translates into Russian as “day of offering of jewels.” Legend has it that after the Queen of Sheba returned from Jerusalem from King Solomon, the tribal leaders greeted her by filling the queen's treasury with jewelry. Perhaps the origins of this holiday are really that ancient, but Enkutatash is celebrated according to the calendar used by the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox churches. The liturgical calendars of these ancient Eastern churches are based on the Coptic calendar, since the Ethiopian Orthodox Church was part of the Coptic Church until 1959, and the Eritrean Orthodox Church only separated from the Ethiopian Church in 1993, after Eritrea gained independence. New Year according to the Ethiopian calendar falls on September 11 in normal years and on September 12 in leap years. According to tradition, Enkutatash begins to be celebrated in the evening of the previous day, lighting bonfires of spruce and eucalyptus. Early in the morning, people put on national clothes and go to church, and after service in the church they return home to share a festive meal with their family. IN Lately began to spread among the wealthy segments of the population Western tradition congratulating each other with postcards.
  • Holiday in Argentina September 11, 2017 - Teacher's Day. In many countries, Teacher's Day was established in memory of some outstanding figure in education and science. Argentina was no exception. In this country, teachers celebrate their professional holiday on September 11 in memory of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento began his career as a military leader, but later became a journalist, writer and teacher. From 1865 to 1868 he served as Minister of the Interior and Education, and from 1868 to 1874 he was President. Sarmiento fought to modernize the country. During his presidency, Sarmiento actively carried out reforms, many of which were aimed at developing culture and education in Argentina. He opened primary and secondary schools, vocational educational establishments, libraries, established training programs for teachers and advocated the creation of special schools where teachers could improve their qualifications. For this, Sarmiento was called the “president-teacher.” In 1882, thanks to Sarmiento, the Free Education Law was passed, which made schooling free, compulsory and secular. The day of his death, September 11, was proclaimed Teacher's Day in Argentina in 1915.
  • Holiday in Pakistan September 11, 2017 - National Day of Remembrance of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In Pakistan, September 11 is celebrated as a memorable date - the anniversary of the death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. This Muslim politician is revered in Pakistan as the founding father of national statehood. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876. After receiving his education in London, he returned to his homeland and opened a law practice in Bombay, becoming the only Muslim lawyer in the city. In 1904, he began his political career by attending the twentieth annual meeting of the Indian National Congress. In 1913, Jinnah joined the Muslim League, but remained a member of the Indian National Congress. After the conflict with Gandhi, Jinnah withdrew from political activity and devoted himself to the practice of law, but retained his membership in the Muslim League. Until 1940, the league leadership called for the right of self-government for India. But then Jinnah realized that the new state would be dominated by Hindus, and began to support the partition plan. As a result of the activities of Jinnah and the Muslim League, British India was divided into the Indian Union and Pakistan, and Jinnah became the first Governor-General of Pakistan. The founder of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Muslim rights activist died on September 11, 1948 from pneumonia at the age of 71.
  • Holiday in the USA September 11, 2017 - Patriot's Day. In the United States, Patriot Day is celebrated annually on September 11 (since 2012 called Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance). It was installed in memory of the 2,977 people who were killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It was originally called the Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks. US President George W. Bush signed the law establishing this memorial day in December 2001. On September 4, 2002, a week before the ceremony, it was decided to change the name to Patriot Day. On this day, the US national flag (both within the country and abroad) must be flown at half-staff. A moment of silence begins at 8:46 a.m. ET, which is when the first plane crashed into the World War II North Tower. shopping center. 17 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower. Because Patriot's Day is not a federal holiday, schools and organizations remain open on this day and operate as usual. But many people take part in memorial ceremonies to honor the victims. Most Americans still refer to the day simply as September 11 or 9/11.
  • Holiday in Chile September 11, 2017 - The anniversary of the 1973 military coup, the day of remembrance of Salvador Allende. One of the memorable dates celebrated in Chile is the anniversary of the 1973 military coup. It is celebrated on September 11, which is also the day of remembrance of Salvador Allende, the 29th president of Chile, who was overthrown in a coup and committed suicide. Salvador Allende adhered to socialist views. By 1973, the country was divided into two warring camps: Allende's supporters were left-wing and focused on Chile's relations with the USSR, while his opponents were right-wing and supported cooperation with the United States. On September 11, 1973, the army and the Carabinieri corps carried out a military coup in Chile, as a result of which President Salvador Allende and the government were overthrown National Unity. The US CIA was directly involved in the preparation and implementation of the coup. Allende died in the coup and was confirmed to have committed suicide in 2011. The coup led to the rise to power of a military junta and the establishment of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile. The anniversary of the coup is sometimes called "Chile's own 9/11", comparing the scale of two tragedies - the 1973 coup in Chile and the 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.
  • Holiday in Catalonia September 11, 2017 - National Day of Catalonia. Celebrated annually on September 11th to commemorate the anniversary of the end of the 1714 Siege of Barcelona, ​​the last battle of the War of the Spanish Succession, which resulted in the loss of autonomy for the Catalans. As punishment for the support, including military support, by the Catalan nobility of Archduke Charles VI in his quest to obtain the Spanish throne, the actual winner of the battle and war, King Philip V of Spain (then Duke of Anjou) abolished all rights and privileges of the Kingdom of Aragon and Catalonia, which ceased your existence. In 1980, the reactivated Generalitat of Catalonia (autonomous government) made its first decision to proclaim September 11 as Diada - National Day of Catalonia. Nationalist Catalan organizations and political parties traditionally lay flowers at the monument to Rafael Casanova in Barcelona, ​​who played big role during the siege of Barcelona in 1714, at its final stage he led the forces of urban self-defense of Barcelona against the French-Spanish army and became one of the “pillars” of Catalan nationalism. Throughout the day, various political actions, demonstrations, concerts and holiday events. Many Barcelona residents wear stripes with national symbols on their clothes and hang national Catalan flags on their balconies.

What Orthodox holiday does the church celebrate on September 11th in 2019? On this day, the Orthodox Church celebrates a great holiday in memory of the beheading of the prophet, forerunner and baptizer of the Lord John.

September 11 – Day of Remembrance of the Beheading of John the Baptist

Let's tell you more about this holiday. According to legend, at a feast hosted by the ruler of Galilee, Emperor Herod, Salome, his brother’s daughter, performed a dance in front of the guests. Herod, who liked her performance, promised to fulfill any of her requests, even if she asked for half of his kingdom.

Salome turned to her mother Herodias for advice. Herod cohabited with her, leaving his legal wife, the daughter of the Arabian king Arethas, for which he was denounced by the prophet John the Baptist.

Herodias told her daughter to ask her to bring the severed head of John the Baptist on a platter as a reward for the dance. Herod feared the wrath of God for the murder of the prophet and popular unrest, but still decided to fulfill the oath.

John's head was handed to Salome on a platter. As the legend says, the lips dead head The preachers once again opened up and said: “Herod, you should not have the wife of your brother Philip.”

John's disciples and followers buried the prophet's body. A Christian holiday was established in memory of this event.

How is the Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist celebrated?

The full name of this holiday is the Beheading of the Honest Head, the Honest and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John. On the eve of the temples all-night vigil, and on the day of celebration - liturgy. Attend a church service, read prayers, and do good deeds on this day.

Let us also recall that the Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist is a time of strict fasting. Believers are not allowed to eat not only meat and dairy foods, but even fish.

Parents' Saturday for the Beheading of John the Baptist

It is also a day of special general remembrance of the departed Orthodox Church– one of the “parents’ Saturdays”.

In the church Orthodox calendar there are eight such days a year: Meat Saturday, Trinity Saturday, Dmitrievskaya Saturday, Beheading of John the Baptist, days of remembrance in Lent (second, third and fourth Saturdays from the beginning of Lent) and Radonitsa.

At this time, commemoration of the dead is performed in churches. People tidy up the graves of the deceased and treat their acquaintances so that they too remember the deceased. On this day it is also customary to treat beggars and poor wanderers.

It is also a day of remembrance for the child warriors who laid down their lives for the Fatherland. The commemoration was established in 1769, when there was a war with Turkey and a war in Poland.

John the Baptist is the last of the Old Testament prophets, who foreshadowed the New Testament with his life and preaching. He was called the Forerunner, or the one who shows the way of the Messiah.

The attributes of John the Baptist were a reed cross, a staff with a banner on which was written in Latin “Behold the Lamb of God,” a baptismal cup and a lamb.

The father of John the Baptist, the priest Zechariah, was deprived of the power of speech as punishment for not believing the angel who announced that his wife Elizabeth, who had passed childbearing age, would give birth to an extraordinary child, who should be named John.

According to apocryphal texts and folk legends, Mary remained with Elizabeth until she gave birth to a son.

Elizabeth, who was expecting a child, was visited by her cousin Maria, who also carried a wonderful child under her heart.

The spiritual life of John the Baptist was predetermined by his extraordinary birth and religious upbringing from childhood. He led harsh life in the desert and was depicted barefoot, accompanied by wild animals.

Beheading of John the Baptist

September 11 is one of the great church holidays - the day of remembrance of John the Baptist, when the whole world mourns for him. tragic death.

The Gospels tell the story that John, who baptized Jesus and many in the Jordan River, denounced the ruler of Galilee, Herod Antipas, for which he was arrested and, at the instigation of Herod’s wife, Herodias, executed.

This legend is based on actual events. The ancient historian Flavius, who lived in the 1st century, mentions the preacher John executed by Herod.

The name of Herod's stepdaughter is not mentioned in the Bible. Only in later sources is she called Salome.

The ruler of Galilee, Herod, held a feast on the occasion of his birthday. The main “dish” of this celebration was the sensual and shameless dance of Salome, the daughter of Herodias, cruel and beautiful, like her mother. Herod liked the dance so much that he vowed to fulfill Salome’s every whim. And she, at the instigation of Herodias, who hated John the Baptist, demanded the head of the prophet presented on a platter. Herod did not dare to break his promise to the guests. And he presented his stepdaughter with the head of John, which Herodias immediately threw into the mud, and the body of the prophet was kidnapped by his disciples and buried in the city of Sebastia.

On this day, strict fasting is required. The Church prohibits eating meat and fish, so the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist is better known among believers as “John the Lenten.” Also, on September 11, it is necessary to abandon entertainment, since entertainment symbolizes the feast that led to the death of the prophet.

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