On February 1st all events are holidays. Church Orthodox holidays

SIGN: 12° Aquarius


CHARACTER. They are distinguished by exceptional materiality and rationality. Possessing courage, perseverance and stubbornness, they know how to insist on their own in a way that makes an impression on others. Thanks to their ability to improvise, they manage to find a way out of any situation, even an unpleasant one, but they are often considered superficial. In fact, they tend to leave many things unfinished, which, in turn, often plunges them, especially in their youth, into emotional depression. Most of their problems are associated with excessive rationality, which prevents them from using their developed intuition. If a rational start is not enough, feelings take over, and those born on February 1 plunge into depression.
LOVE. In their youth, those born on this day tend to fall in love with a new person every day. In adulthood, they hide their feelings behind a wall of rationality and logic. If you manage to overcome this barrier, you will see a person full of life and love.
CAREER. They can only succeed if they learn to cope with problems and work closely with colleagues.


Name of the figure: Magician, Magician, Craftsman.
Image of the figure: a young magician (or magician) in front of his table, on which there are tools.
Symbol: one who, thanks to his personal qualities achieves the goal.
Meanings: will, intuition, eloquence, fruitfulness, indecision, careerism, illusions.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Sun in the sign of Leo; HEALTH: eye diseases, pain in the heart area; PROFESSIONS: craftsman, lawyer, businessman.


SUN (1): source of light and life and the basis of personality. A symbol of warmth, courage, generosity, vitality, passion, energy, pride, dignity, majesty, creative energy. Represents confidence and power, as well as ambition and vanity.


NUMBER 1: symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. Symbol of success and fame.
HEALTH. Migraine, hypertension, baldness, colitis.
PROFESSIONS. Singer, journalist, actor.
ADVANTAGES. Perseverance, insight, calm.
FLAWS. Stubbornness, irresponsibility, down to earth.

Published 02/01/18 00:18

Today, February 1, 2018, also celebrates National Freedom Day and other events.

On February 1, 2018, the national holiday Makaryev Day is celebrated. On this day, the Church remembers the Monk Macarius the Great, popularly nicknamed the Spring Pointer, since the weather of this day was used to judge when spring would come.

According to legend, Saint Macarius lived in Egypt. After the death of his parents, he retired to the Paran desert. A few years later he became a disciple of St. Anthony the Great. At the age of 40 he became a priest and abbot of the monks who lived intkkihs in the Skit desert.

Every day people came to him asking for help and advice. In order to retire in prayer, Macarius had to dig a cave under his cell, in which he hid.

Many miracles are attributed to him, including even the resurrection of the dead. The greatest contribution of the Monk Macarius to Christianity is considered to be the works he left behind.

It is not advisable to work on this day. Today it is customary to meet with family and friends over a cup of hot tea.

According to signs, it was believed that whatever the weather was like all day, it would be like that for the whole month.

If the blizzard clears up by the middle of the day, then this weather will last for a long time.

If it's Makary's Day severe frost, then the summer will be warm.

It is believed that on the night of Macarius Day one has prophetic dreams.

In the United States, February 1 is celebrated as National Freedom Day. In 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed a congressional resolution introducing the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution to abolish slavery. This resolution stated that there should never be slavery, forced labor, and so on in the United States or any other place.

Since then local residents There is a tradition of laying a wreath at the Liberty Bell. The bell is one of the symbols of American independence and freedom. National Freedom Day is widely celebrated in all states. But so far, the holiday has not been made a national holiday.

Anton, Arseny, Efim, Makar, Mark, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor.

  • 1671 - Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich married Natalya Naryshkina.
  • 1865 - Lincoln signed a congressional resolution introducing the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which abolished slavery.
  • 1929 - The world premiere of the first film musical, Broadway Melody, took place in Los Angeles.
  • 1958 - The USA became the second country after the USSR to independently launch artificial satellite Earth.
  • 1973 - For the first time in its history, the London Stock Exchange allowed female brokers to trade.
  • 2003 - the crew of the American shuttle Columbia died.
  • Vladimir Betkherev 1857 - Russian psychiatrist, academician.
  • Evgeny Zamyatin 1884 - Soviet writer and publicist.
  • Clark Gable 1901 - American actor.
  • Boris Yeltsin 1931 - Soviet and Russian statesman, politician
  • Ekaterina Maksimova 1939 - Russian ballerina and choreographer.
  • Anatoly Firsov 1941 - Soviet hockey player.
  • Lev Leshchenko 1942 - Russian pop singer.
  • Anatoly Panfilov 1951 - Russian political and public figure.
  • Yuri Loza 1954 - Russian singer.
  • Brandon Lee 1965 - American film actor.
  • Giuseppe Rossi 1987 - Italian football player.

On February 1, 2009, the enthronement of the sixteenth Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Kirill, took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Construction on patriarchal throne performed during Divine Liturgy, - an epoch-making event in life Orthodox Church, therefore it is always distinguished by special solemnity. The newly elected Patriarch was greeted by the festive ringing of bells from all five...

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National Freedom Day is celebrated in the United States annually on February 1st. On this day in 1865, US President Abraham Lincoln signed a congressional resolution to amend the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution to abolish slavery. The congressional resolution to amend the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which abolished slavery, read: “Nor in the United States, in no way...

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And also on this day

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These are rather gentle people, but only for those whom they consider their loved ones. Those born on February 1, the zodiac sign Aquarius, very carefully choose their circle of friends, crossing off from the lists those who did not pass the strength test. But with those who have passed the selection, they are gentle and responsive, at times to the point of pain, imbued with the experiences of loved ones, racking their brains over how they could help, inventing various strategies and plans.

It often happens that those born on February 1 with the zodiac sign Aquarius allow their loved ones to take advantage of their responsiveness; in this case, all their warlike ardor is automatically turned off, and they can turn into scapegoats. But even with such extraordinary gentleness characteristic of these people, one day they run out of patience, and they eliminate the offender without the right to restore relations.

Those born on February 1, the zodiac sign Aquarius, are not distinguished by delicacy in their statements, even with those they love, and the point is not at all that they seek to offend their interlocutor, but that if a person close to them does rash things, these Aquarians will not choose pleasant words, but will directly express their thoughts on this matter, at times even too harshly. Therefore, it is better not to piss them off: if these people are confident that they are right, they will stop at nothing. But, since they belong to the element of air, they will not bend their line if they are not sure of something, but boldly admit that they are wrong.

In unforeseen circumstances, those born on February 1, the zodiac sign Aquarius, show enviable resilience; their firmness and ability to keep their emotions in check allow them to get out of the most extraordinary situations and get away with it. Their innate intuition helps them in this, but, unfortunately, they often ignore this gift, due to the fact that they are accustomed to analyzing and thinking through everything to the smallest detail. This does not mean at all that they are little emotional, it’s just that these people masterfully know how to keep emotions within themselves and not throw empty hysterics, but inside them there is often a volcano of passions raging.

Many of those who were born on February 1st with the zodiac sign Aquarius are very creative personalities and are able to turn a pile of unnecessary scraps and bolts into masterpieces. They like to give Special attention small details, drawing everything very thoroughly - this is a little inconsistent with their nature, since they are restless and are unlikely to be able to do one thing for a long time. But art really draws them in, and these restless people enter into a kind of meditation.

Those born on February 1st of the zodiac sign Aquarius are quite scrupulous about money; it is important for them to know that the available resources will be enough for right time. They are not afraid of work and are able to do it on a large scale, feeling equally comfortable both in high positions and working for someone else.

In relationships, those born on February 1 are devoted, they become incredibly attached to their partners and will be happy to live with them all their lives.

ADVICE: In your daily worries, try to find time for yourself, because you truly deserve it. It is also worth paying attention to your intuition, explore it, and try to trust it - it is your true gift.

People born on February 1st are members of the Aquarius sign, which is ruled by Uranus. The progressive planet patronizes innovators and experimenters with extraordinary abilities and original thinking. Such people are distinguished by constant optimism, faith in a happy future and confidence in their mission to achieve it. Their ideas always have a global scale; they are not inclined to focus on trifles and perceive insignificant moments. These character qualities allow such individuals to become locomotives technical progress, but interfere with their objective perception of reality.

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    general characteristics

    People who celebrate their birthday on February 1 are sociable and friendly. They nurture progressive ideas for improving the world and try to convey them to others at the first opportunity. Aquarians know how to conduct a dialogue, present the necessary arguments and lead a large number of people.

    People around them try to be closer, to touch the future, to look at the world in bright colors, and those born on February 1 help them with this. But for all their spiritual persuasiveness, Aquarians suffer from emotional imbalance.

    It’s as if two radically opposite personalities are hidden in one person. A confident innovator and optimist suddenly becomes an indecisive hermit, frustrated and lost in thought. He zealously defends his dream and suddenly gives up even where he can prove that he is right. Those born on the first of February should work on their character and choose the right vector of action. They need to make more use of their innate intuition, which they sometimes ignore, preferring intelligence and science.

    In order for Aquarians to achieve significant heights, a personal hierarchy should be formed: intuition, logic, sincerity, feelings, and only then – emotions. If you act in this sequence, you can find inner harmony and get rid of many problems and worries (sometimes completely groundless).


    The horoscope foretells for men born on this day an interesting and rich life. These people always strive to learn something new, never stop there and never give in to difficulties. Sometimes they get too emotional about negative moments in their lives, but quickly cool down and switch to another problem.

    The zodiac sign Aquarius is under the protection of the air element, so the guy is distinguished by his incredible love of freedom. He lives by his own rules, or rather, the man has none. It is difficult for him to get along with the work team, although he is friendly and sociable. The secret lies in the originality of the individual, who perceives each case in his own way and does not want to obey. A man will succeed in creativity, where there are no certain canons, but will not be able to adapt to a constant regime and routine work. He is able to easily quit an uninteresting task or refuse to follow the instructions of his superiors. Negative quality Those born on February 1 may have a tendency to lie.

    In personal relationships, the guy is fickle. He quickly cools off towards his partner if she ceases to be interesting to him. If a woman wants to keep him with pregnancy, prohibitions or jealousy, she will not succeed. The man will enter into serious relationship solely of their own free will and at a fairly advanced age. If the marriage takes place before the age of 30, in most cases it will not last long.

    A man born on February 1 is a wonderful lover. He is able to surprise his partner with an abundance of experiments and an original approach to the process. But this will be exclusively in the case of spiritual compatibility of lovers.


    A girl born on February 1 is always distinguished by her original appearance. Even if she is not very beautiful, she has a certain charm that makes her stand out from the crowd. The woman is in perfect physical fitness and looks youthful into old age. She is sociable and friendly, she will always help in difficult times and will not pass by injustice indifferently. Despite her honesty and directness, she is sometimes tactless, but only when circumstances require it.

    She is valued and respected at work because she is a professional and a responsible employee. High level intelligence and desire for self-improvement allow her to make a wonderful career. If a woman is forced to leave her job for family circumstances, she will not sit idly by. Aquarius will find something to do that she will like and will continue her spiritual development. At the first successful opportunity, she will return to building a career and achieve her goal.

    TO personal life a girl born on February 1 approaches with full responsibility. She is not afraid of marriage, she even dreams about it. But there is one condition: the husband should not limit her freedom. If a man turns out to be loyal and tolerant, he will get a wonderful housewife, a faithful companion and caring mother their children.

    IN intimate life a woman born on February 1 is romantic and inventive. She views intimacy as a new stage in the spiritual knowledge of a loved one.


    Aquarians are not used to expressing their feelings emotionally. They are quite cool and even arrogant initial stages relationships.

    But people born on February 1 are the most passionate and sensitive in love among representatives of this zodiac sign. At the same time, they will not clearly demonstrate their affection, and will not rush to say goodbye to their freedom (which is typical of all representatives of the air element). They search for their soul mate for a long time and systematically. Finding it is quite difficult, since the partner must be like-minded with Aquarius and understand the subtleties of his soul.

    When such people find their ideal chosen one, they devote their entire lives to him. This is not to say that living with an Aquarius is easy. To do this you need to understand it. People born on February 1 will never impose their opinions, re-educate or demand obedience. They are very democratic and allow their significant other to live as they see fit. Aquarius themselves will not cheat, they will be able to financially provide for their family and charge their loved ones with their optimism.

    Work and career

    It is very important for those born on February 1 to understand how important work is for them personally. Any field of activity will be successful if Aquarius likes it. Such a person will never waste time on a business that he does not like. Representatives of the air sign are quite scrupulous about money and are not used to throwing it away. But even material interest will not force them to do routine, useless (by their standards) work.

    These people have extraordinary intellectual abilities, are distinguished by originality of approaches and methods in labor activity. Their ideas are bold and original; those around them do not always agree with the possibility of their implementation. But Aquarius is ready to provide compelling arguments and accurate calculations for his ideas. This progressive person will never propose something that could not become a reality.

    Those born on the first day of February will defend their views and point of view until the last. If they are not supported, such people are ready to express directly and honestly everything they think about this matter. After this, they often have to change jobs.

    Aquarians are shown activities that do not imply a clear schedule and certain restrictions. Implementation will be successful in creative professions, trade, tourism business. It would be wise to find a like-minded colleague who will help in the matter and be able to provide backup at the right time. The most suitable person would be a representative of the Gemini sign.


    People born on February 1 have a choleric temperament. They are very emotional and take every failure to heart. These are mostly hyperactive individuals, but among them there are lazy and passive individuals. Their increased sensitivity and constant troubles lead to disruption nervous system, the appearance of neuroses, insomnia and headaches. Active people need to remember to rest, otherwise they risk driving themselves to exhaustion. Inert people should move more, since such a lifestyle can provoke metabolic disorders.

    Aquarians need moderation in everything, only then will they be completely healthy and happy. It is recommended to exercise regularly, eat right (avoid excessive consumption of sweets) and be philosophical about problems that arise.

    A separate warning will be a ban on the use of doping substances in the form of alcohol, drugs and smoking. Those born on February 1 have a risk of addiction, which forms in a minimum amount of time. Even moderate smoking is completely contraindicated for representatives of the air sign.

    You need to treat your body with love, monitor your lifestyle and not ignore the recommendations of specialists.

    Luck and fate

    People celebrating their birthday on the first last month winters are endowed with enormous potential. They are smart, original, inventive and progressive. Their ambition, ambition and determination allow them to achieve high results in life. Aquarius cannot be called the darlings of fate, but they are given much more opportunity to become happy than other zodiac signs. Sometimes such people take advantage of these privileges and choose the right vector of movement in achieving success.

    But there are times when representatives of the sign become too arrogant, self-confident and arrogant. Feeling their mental superiority over others, they begin to sharply express their thoughts, ignore the advice of others, and use unscrupulous methods to achieve their goals. Then those around him begin to reject the personality of Aquarius, and many enemies and enemies appear around him. As a result, the representative of the sign himself suffers; all these factors negatively affect his physical and mental health.

    Aquarius is a sweet, kind and sympathetic person. His extraordinary abilities can bring many benefits to people, and first of all to himself. You should not lose optimism and a positive attitude; you need to create a favorable atmosphere in which everyone will feel comfortable. Aquarius will definitely succeed if he puts in at least a little effort.

    The following aspects need to be paid attention to:

    • Intuition. It is very developed in people born on February 1, but they often neglect it. It is worth listening to your inner voice and not trying to ignore it. Intuition must be constantly developed and improved, then it will become the best adviser on all issues.
    • Vanity and arrogance. Aquarians know the value of their intelligence and often exaggerate their importance. They consider themselves the smartest and are dismissive of other people (especially those at a lower social level). Because of their pride and narcissism, those born on February 1 do not notice kindness towards themselves and lose truly decent people.
    • Internal disharmony. Such people cannot find a reasonable balance in their emotions. They either resort to unhealthy restrictions, or “go all out” and waste their lives aimlessly. You need to decide on your priorities, learn to control your feelings and emotions. It is worth listening to a cold mind and becoming more balanced.


    To choose a partner for a harmonious relationship, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of compatibility of Aquarius born on February 1 with representatives of other zodiac signs.


    This is an excellent union of two people with similar views and worldviews. They are energetic, active, do not like to rest on their laurels and are constantly moving forward. Aries will help in the implementation of the plans conceived by Aquarius, and will teach the partner determination and self-confidence.

    The Aries guy will see his ideal in his chosen one, the girl will feel a reliable man's shoulder. The problem may be the desire of the spouse to re-educate his wife or the memory of past relationships (Aries is very jealous).

    The Aries girl will act wisely if she entrusts her husband with the position of leader and does not limit his freedom. Thanks to this, she will receive a faithful life partner who can teach her a lot.

    The partners have excellent business and sexual compatibility.


    This complex union, since such people have different life rhythms and priorities. The energetic and easy-going Aquarius is the complete opposite of the conservative, calm Taurus.

    An earthly man will always be annoyed by his wife’s desire to constantly communicate, to rush somewhere and not listen to his moral teachings. He does not understand the desire for change at a time when the house is comfortable and cozy. It is the economic and practical skills that he will miss from the representative of the air element.

    The Taurus woman will not be able to withstand the constant absence and busyness of her husband. She does not understand what she cannot feel on the material level, so she will perceive Aquarius’ ideas with caution. A man will not like his wife’s desire to remain at the previous level of spiritual development.

    Sexual compatibility is also not very high; partners have different preferences in bed.


    This is one of the best compatibility for people born on February 1st. Representatives of the signs are under the protection of the air element, so it is easy for them to understand each other. They not only good lovers, but also devoted like-minded people.

    The Gemini man will take responsibility for the decision serious problems, the Aquarius woman will not limit his actions and control his freedom (which is very important for representatives of the air element).

    The Gemini girl is distinguished by her activity, high intellectual level and great feeling humor. She has entrepreneurial skills and knows how to find a way out of any situation. For Aquarius, she is an ideal wife, since he must see the real merits of his other half.

    The partners have excellent sexual compatibility, but there is a possibility of jealousy on both sides.


    This is not the best compatibility, since such people have completely different temperaments and life priorities. Disagreements will arise constantly, but each spouse will react to them differently. A conflict-free but stubborn Aquarius will prefer to simply disappear from home and try to avoid a showdown. Thoughtful and scrupulous Cancer will try to get to the bottom of the truth, secluded in his “shell.”

    It will be difficult for an Aquarius woman to understand her passive husband, who once again does not want to leave the house. The guy will become annoyed by his wife's mismanagement.

    The Aquarius man will not understand his wife’s isolation and secrecy, but she will limit his freedom in every possible way. People will learn to manipulate each other, begin to break up and make peace again. Constant inconsistency in material and everyday issues will extinguish feelings.

    Sexual compatibility is not above average.

    a lion

    This union is ambiguous. These people are similar to each other in many ways, because they always strive to be in society, to be financially independent, and to enjoy life to the fullest. The difference is that a stable future is important for Leo, but Aquarius does not know what will happen to him tomorrow.

    The Aquarius woman will not be satisfied with constant control from her husband; she will resist in every possible way. Leo doesn’t like it when his chosen one has interests other than him and his family.

    The lioness must keep everything under control. Since she is not able to limit her spouse’s freedom (he will always slip away), for her this relationship will become burdensome and painful. The woman will be jealous and create scandals, which is why Aquarius will run away even faster.


    This is a difficult union, since the elements of earth and air do not combine well with each other. Aquarius is constantly in the flight of his thoughts, new ideas and fantasies. Virgo prefers to stay on the ground, carefully double-checking and analyzing everything. Such people will immediately understand that they categorically disagree on many issues.

    Virgo man expects from his soulmate more participation in economic matters, but the woman prefers social activity.

    The Aquarius guy will be disappointed by his wife’s conservatism, her desire to live a planned life and limit herself to many pleasures. A woman will not like the fact that her chosen one prefers to spend time outside the home and reacts negatively to her comments.

    Sex life will also not be problem-free. Aquarius loves experiments, while Virgo is shy and conservative.


    This is one of the most favorable unions, since two signs of the same element are united. Such people easily solve any problems, try to avoid conflicts and resolve all issues peacefully.

    The Aquarius woman will contribute in every possible way to career growth and spiritual development your chosen one. The guy will become more responsible and serious, he will take on all everyday problems and financial support for the family. The Aquarius man will be happy that the girl of his dreams is next to him.

    The spouses will live happily ever after, their couple will become an object of delight for everyone around them. This union can be not only love, but also productive, since people have the same principles and methods of doing work. Sexual compatibility is very high, tastes and preferences in this matter also coincide.


    This is a very complex tandem in which people do not find mutual understanding on many issues. Each of the partners considers their role to be a losing one and does not understand the reasons for this state.

    The Scorpio man is jealous of a woman’s communication not only with the stronger sex, but also with numerous female friends. In his understanding, a girl should be more economical and devoted to her family.

    The Aquarius man will immediately fall under the influence of his soulmate, although he will resist in every possible way. Spouses will try to avoid conflicts, but each will remain dissatisfied and offended.

    The couple's sexual compatibility is quite good. This allows partners to stay married for a long time and avoid breaking up the relationship.


    This is a very good union in which there is mutual understanding. Both spouses have the same attitude towards life and prefer to enjoy all its benefits. Each of them helps their other half to achieve career growth, although sometimes there are notes of competition.

    The Sagittarius man is impressed by the woman’s lack of commercialism and her lack of conflict. A woman likes to have someone next to her a real man who is able to take care of the well-being of their family.

    The Sagittarius girl will be glad that her husband does not limit her freedom and shares her hobbies.

    The partners have excellent sexual compatibility, as Sagittarius demonstrates passion, and Aquarius adds innovation and experimentation to the relationship.


    This union will be difficult, since the partners are antagonists by temperament. However, such people also have many chances to build long-term, strong relationships.

    The Capricorn man lacks housekeeping on the part of his chosen one; he sees his wife as more “homely”. A woman cannot stand routine and boredom, into which a representative of the earthly element involves her. She wants more ease and ease in relationships.

    An Aquarius man will find Capricorn too practical and down-to-earth; constant requirements and restrictions will irritate him. The girl should be less categorical, and the guy needs to take more care of his chosen one and devote time to his family.

    Sexual compatibility is good.


    This is a union of two like-minded people who find mutual understanding on all issues except responsibility. Such people can engage in a common cause, invent original ideas, fun to spend your leisure time. They never quarrel and try not to limit each other's freedom.

    Sexual compatibility is very high, although this side of life is far from the first place in a relationship. Partners need spiritual kinship, and everything else doesn't really matter.

    The only problem that may arise is a lack of planning for the future and an unwillingness to take responsibility for solving serious issues. The best way out will be the help of a third party who will be able to teach the lovers practicality at first. Or a guest marriage, when people are tied together only love relationship.


    This union will be controversial, but can last a long time. Such people have many contradictions in their views on life, but at the same time they are interesting to each other.

    The Pisces woman will be happy to learn something new from her significant other. A man will be glad to have such a companion, since she prefers to avoid scandals and adapts to her husband.

    The Pisces man will become much calmer and more optimistic. The Aquarius woman will see next to her a gentle and caring spouse and a creative like-minded person.

    Representatives of these signs do not want to solve important problems and prefer to shift this burden onto each other. They will be helped by a third party in the form of friends or relatives, who will teach the spouses how to properly distribute responsibilities.


    • Actors Brandon Lee, Michael C. Hall.
    • Playwrights Germaine Delavigne, Pietro Garinei.
    • Architects Wilhelm Tretter, Ivan Malgerb.
    • Ballerina Ekaterina Maksimova.
    • Football player Gabriel Batistuta.
    • Hockey player Anatoly Firsov.
    • Basketball player Vitaly Nosov.
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