Where did Mikhail Zhvanetsky work? Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Famous satirist writer, popular artist of his works Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934 in the city of Odessa (Ukraine) into a family of doctors.

In 1970, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, together with Kartsev and Ilyichenko, created the Theater of Miniatures at the Philharmonic in Odessa.

In 1972, Zhvanetsky was invited to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (later the Hermitage) to the position of assistant to the chief director. During these years he gained all-Union fame.

In 1972-1974, Mikhail Zhvanetsky was a production director of the State Concert and Touring Association "Rosconcert".

In 1981-1983 he worked as a literary employee at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house.

In 1988, Mikhail Zhvanetsky created the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, a permanent artistic director which he is. In the theater, based on the works of the satirist, the plays “Bird's Flight” (1988), “Favorites” (1988), “Political Cabaret” (1989), “My Odessa” (1994), “The Elderly Tomboy” (1999) and others were created.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky: “Meetings on the streets” (1982), “A year in two” (1987), “When heroes are needed” (1992), “My Odessa” (1993). In 2001, the publishing house "Vremya" published the four-volume "Collected Works" of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, and in 2006 - the fifth volume of the "Collected Works" entitled "XXI Century".

Mikhail Zhvanetsky is the host of the monthly television program “Country Duty” on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Since 1978, Zhvanetsky has been a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR/Russia. Member of the Moscow Writers Union and the Russian Pen Center.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - People's Artist of Ukraine (1999), People's Artist of Russia (2012), Honored Artist Russian Federation(2001), Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2002). He is a laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of literature and art (2001), as well as a laureate of the independent Triumph Prize (1994). Awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1994), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2009).

President of the World Club of Odessa residents, honorary citizen of the city of Odessa (1994).

In 2009, in honor of the writer’s 75th birthday in the city of Odessa, Arts Boulevard (formerly Komsomolsky) was renamed Mikhail Zhvanetsky Boulevard.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky is famous satirist, the author of many funny miniatures and even the author of some famous books. People fell in love with him for his humor, positive outlook on life, for the fact that he always smiles, lifts the spirits of others, and is simply always ready to confront life’s adversities with the help of positive emotions.

It's hard to imagine him having any problems at all, but that's certainly not the case. After all, every person has his own ups and downs, which are an undoubted companion to any success. Zhvanetsky himself is no longer young, so one can only imagine what he went through before he was recognized and he was able to win the fame that accompanies his name. Let's now take a closer look at what it was like life path, and where, in essence, it all began.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Mikhail Zhvanetsky, we can immediately say that this honored person is no longer young. Today he is already 83 years old, his height is 171 centimeters, but it is impossible to say for sure about his weight, except that he is a very plump, sweet grandfather, always smiling and ready to make the audience laugh. His wise, at the same time funny and witty statements are familiar to many, they are filled with worldly wisdom and meaning, they were able to become recognized aphorisms that are repeated by many people. His life was full bright colors, which he always generously shared with other people.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Biography and personal life Mikhail Zhvanetsky dates back to the thirties. He was born in the city of Odessa, and his early years childhood and youth are firmly connected with this stunning city, which is located near the Black Sea. The parents of the future satirist were doctors and during World War II, the whole family left for Central Asia. But after the war ended, they decided to return back. After school, the young man goes to university, but at the same time, he decides to do something for his soul. He organizes a theater of miniatures, where anyone who felt their strength in terms of art could come. There the young man composed various dialogues, monologues and miniatures, in most cases he performed them himself. It is curious that, although most of the dialogues and scenes were sad, he still wrote them in such a way that it was simply impossible not to laugh.

In the seventies, along with some others creative people, Mikhail was able to create his own theater of miniatures and very soon in home country it becomes incredibly popular, if only for the fact that for common people this was something new. The theater organizes tours, they are a huge success, taking first and second places in competitions. Everyone learned about the famous satirist Soviet Union, people laughed until they cried when he went on stage and started reading monologues own composition. He also became the author of many books, among which you can find documentary information about Odessa, about how beautiful and unusual this city is.

In fact, the biography of Mikhail Zhvanetsky represents the life of an optimistic person. Today he lives and works in Moscow. As for his personal life, the actor was legally married only once, and today he lives with a woman with whom he has a son, but they are not officially married. The satirist also has several children from different women, last son he became the boy Maxim from common-law wife Venus, from whom he also broke up. Now he lives with a woman with whom he has been together for fifteen years.

Family and children of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The family and children of Mikhail Zhvanetsky today consist of himself, his actual wife Natalya and his several children who do not live with him. Zhvanetsky himself was officially married only once; he had several unofficial spouses, as well as affairs on the side, from which he left children. Now Mikhail Zhvanetsky lives with a woman who, before meeting him, worked as a costume designer, whom he met at another event. We can say that Zhvanetsky was fully established as an actor, writer and family man. After all, for him, like for any other person, it is very important to have not only a good career behind him, but also to be sure that he is eagerly awaited at home.

Sons of Mikhail Zhvanetsky - Maxim Zhvanetsky, Dmitry Zhvanetsky

As already mentioned, Zhvanetsky has several children, including two sons and three daughters. Among them are sons Maxim Zhvanetsky, Dmitry Zhvanetsky. They were born from different women, Maxim from his actual wife Venus, with whom he broke up due to the fact that the latter did not tolerate his infidelity, and the second son from his actual wife Natalya, with whom he has lived to this day for the last fifteen years. It’s difficult to say why, the satirist was in no hurry to tie the knot in the legal sense. Maybe because he was disappointed in his first marriage. Now his sons are already quite old people, they try to regularly communicate with their father.

Daughters of Mikhail Zhvanetsky - Elizaveta and two daughters whose names are unknown

In addition to two sons, Mikhail Zhvanetsky has three more daughters, although the name is known only to one of them. This is the daughter Elizabeth, who was born in a de facto marriage with Nadezhda Gaiduk. The satirist and actor also did not live with her for so long; after some time the couple broke up, although they had common child. Today, the daughters of Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Elizaveta and two daughters, whose names are unknown, are already adults, each living their own lives, sometimes seeing their famous dad, who is at a very old age, but is still interesting to the public and loved by his family, firstly turn of the current wife and children.

Wives of Mikhail Zhvanetsky - Larisa (legal wife), actual spouses: Nadezhda, Venus, Natalya

Speaking about the personal life of the satirist, the following women should be noted here: the wife of Mikhail Zhvanetsky - Larisa (legal wife), actual spouses: Nadezhda, Venus, Natalya. They all played a certain role in Zhvanetsky’s life and helped him feel like a family man and father. True, he was legally married only to a young woman named Larisa. They then lived with Mikhail’s mother-in-law, the financial situation was not very good, but when it improved, Larisa wanted to get a divorce, and although her husband loved her, he made concessions. After the first bitter experience, the satirist no longer wanted to tie himself to legal marriage.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky quotes, aphorisms, monologues

Since Zhvanetsky became famous for writing books and creating his own monologues, it is not surprising that he became the author of many valuable aphorisms. You can find them all by request: Mikhail Zhvanetsky quotes, aphorisms, monologues that amaze with their subtle humor and worldly wisdom. You can read them on the Internet, in any case, they are all funny. For example, it’s hard to disagree with the aphorism: “I came - thank you, I left - thank you very much.” Apparently, Zhvanetsky knew how not only to laugh, but also to notice simple truths that are close to us, but we do not always pay attention to them.

Wikipedia Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Since Zhvanetsky is not only a public person, but also has certain services to television, there is, of course, a lot of information about him on the Internet. One of the main sources is a personal page on Wikipedia, which contains general facts about his life, both creative and personal. So, if you want to know more about the writer and satirist, then Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhvanetsky,_Mikhail_Mikhailovich) Mikhail Zhvanetsky is always at your service, will give answers to your questions about this interesting personality. Even after so many years, he is still interesting to the public as a famous satirist and public figure, who is always ready to give a good mood.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky, his biography on Wikipedia (year of birth, where he was born, nationality), personal life, family - his wife and children in the photo are of interest to many viewers, and this is no coincidence, because this satirist, author of sparkling miniatures and humorous books, amazes with his multifaceted talent, and he famous phrases, filled with worldly wisdom, have long become aphorisms.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - biography

Mikhail Mikhailovich was born in 1934 in Odessa into a family of doctors. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Odessa Institute of Engineers navy, and as a student, he took an active part in amateur artistic activities at the university - he wrote miniatures and monologues, and often performed with them at concerts.

After graduating from university in 1956, Zhvanetsky got a job in his specialty and began his labor activity as a mechanical engineer at the Odessa port.

So several years passed, and perhaps we would never have known about the great comedian from Odessa, if not for chance. In 1963, the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures came to Odessa on tour, and Mikhail attended a concert by Arkady Raikin, already quite famous at that time. They get acquainted, and the great comedian takes several of Zhvanetsky’s works into the theater’s repertoire, and a year later invites him there, though for now to the position of head of the literary department. Very soon Raikin realized that Zhvanetsky was completely unsuitable for this position, but was captivated by him as an author, with an outstanding literary gift, acuity and paradoxical worldview, so Mikhail’s works began to be constantly included in the theater’s repertoire and for some time he became the premiere author.

In 1969, Raikin, together with Zhvanetsky, came up with and staged a program called “Traffic Light”, which included almost only Mikhail’s miniatures, among which were “Scarcity”, “Avas” and “Age of Technology”, which later became extremely popular.

— We met in November 1990 at the opening of the World Club of Odessa residents. One of the organizers of the event, a good friend of mine, asked me to help - serve tea and coffee to the guests. Mikhail Zhvanetsky was the president of this club. Of course I knew him. I really liked his popular miniature about how to drive up to a market in a tank and ask the price: “Hop, whack?!” Since that evening, we have practically never been apart. Smart men with a sense of humor always impressed me strong impression. Everything else - appearance, age, position - did not matter. The first years of our acquaintance, everyone except Misha seemed insipid and stupid. (Laughs.) It was only later that I learned to treat people with greater tolerance and not compare them with Zhvanetsky.

— Were you not embarrassed to talk to Mikhail Mikhailovich? After all, a conversation with an intelligent, ironic person is scary.

“Fortunately, I was never afraid or embarrassed, although, of course, at 24 years old, I couldn’t say anything particularly impressive to him, an adult. I don’t think that I shine with intellect now, but still, during my long life together with Misha, I learned a lot from him. Next to him, for example, it is impossible to watch an average film - after all, sometimes you want to lose yourself in some disgusting comedy. It silently boils and begins to itch. (laughs.) I immediately feel embarrassed, and I suggest: “Let’s turn it off? The movie is terrible."

— What is Zhvanetsky like at home?

- Just as cheerful and restless as you see him on the screen. He is interested in everything, he constantly comes up with something, he delves into everything: who came? When? Who is the letter from? where do the bills come from? why did he call? but this one doesn't? new bag? whose production? What kind of wood is this cabinet made of? It would never even have occurred to me to ask so many questions. In terms of the degree of curiosity, he can be compared to a five-year-old child. As soon as Misha gets into the new car, all the panels begin to open and close, instruments are checked, and levers are pressed. Our age difference with him - 32 years - is not felt at all. He is much more mobile than me. We are the last to leave parties when they start turning over chairs and the cleaning lady appears. Misha still jokes sparklingly in a small circle, and I have been dozing next to him for a long time.

— Your main profession is the wife of a genius. Have you ever wanted to work as someone else, at least temporarily?

- No, this is absolutely impossible. Until the child grew up, I was attached to both of them, now that Mitya entered the university, all attention is switched to Misha: he needs my presence constantly. Sometimes he is reluctant to let him go to his friends, but preferably during the day, while he is working alone in a city apartment (at home - we live outside the city - he becomes chilled out: he hangs out with the cat, with me, and tries to talk to us all the time).

But it's a small sacrifice on my part. 22 continuous operation being on duty at Zhvanetsky’s wishes is not a burden to me.

— Victoria Tokareva once talked about her affair with Georgiy Danelia and noted that they could never be together, because only a “notepad woman” can get along with the creator - the one who follows on the heels and writes down all the thoughts of a genius...

“Everything is different in our family.” Misha is a very responsible person, he writes everything down himself. He has notebooks—checked school notebooks cut in half—about a hundred! Or maybe more... He doesn’t part with them, the thought came and he wrote it down.

— Is it true that a writer never parts with his famous briefcase throughout his life?

- Yes, this old, frayed, patched briefcase, held on by paper clips, seemed to belong to Misha’s dad. My husband is so used to it that it even seems to me that he considers it a talisman. Takes to all performances. The papers are placed in the briefcase, the briefcase is placed in a large bag. He takes care of it like a musician takes care of a Stradivarius violin.

— I noticed that all of Zhvanetsky’s texts were written the old fashioned way - by hand.

- It's right. My husband doesn't recognize the computer. And he almost never corrects or rewrites texts. He has this manner of crossing out phrases only lightly. And sometimes he reads them, sometimes he doesn’t, depending on the reaction of the audience.

— Are you the first listener of the new text?

- No, Misha doesn’t have one specific “inspector”. All summer we live in Odessa, where he writes lyrics for his concerts. When everything is ready, he gathers his friends, about 30-40 people, in a restaurant equipped on a barge, and reads his new miniatures - so to speak, he runs the program.

- Natasha, where is Mikhail Mikhailovich’s favorite place in your house?

— In the bedroom on the bed. He loves to lie down with a book or watch the news on TV. The second entertainment is to talk to the cat, our huge, fat Maurice. They adore each other, Michal Mikhalych considers him an ideal interlocutor. He is silent when his husband tells him something. But mostly I hear: “Handsome, handsome...” (With laughter.)

— Does your husband solve everyday issues with ease?

- Everyday life is entirely up to me. It happens that Misha interferes in the process and rushes to buy a refrigerator, TV or something else useful. I’m trying to say that I can handle it myself, because he will certainly buy the first thing he comes across, but the most expensive, beautiful and with a bunch of useless bells and whistles. However, he doesn’t hear me and does everything his own way.

- But it’s hard for a woman to bear it!

- He's not always at home. (Laughs.) Traveling, concerts, recording television programs, working on books - all this occupies him much more than everyday issues. He leaves for a couple of days, and my son and I plunge into a calm state. This is impossible with dad: when he is at home, he disturbs everyone.

— Don’t you accompany your husband on tour?

- It’s extremely rare, we practically never part. We hardly go to concerts either: Misha doesn’t like it when my son and I are in the audience. He often talks about our family: I cooked borscht incorrectly, got offended, burst into tears, locked up the cat, punished the child - it’s all about me. I accept such “revelations” normally, but for some reason he feels uncomfortable in my presence.

- Of course! In his “wife’s monologue,” his wife is not very affectionate: “Go be funny, you creature, make me laugh, you bastard, just try not to make me laugh!”

“Not knowing exactly how Misha’s works are created, many people think that he simply tells the truth about the family - it sounds so authentic. My husband's cousin takes everything very seriously. As soon as she listens to Zhvanetsky, she immediately calls him: “Mishenka, how could you write SUCH about your wife?!” Of course, much of his monologues came from life. I recognize myself, our son, and acquaintances... Misha refines what he hears from us - and a new miniature is obtained.

He loves to listen, but banal stories do not interest him, you cannot gossip with him. (Laughs.) One of my Odessa friends adores Michal Mikhalych and, when she visits us, she strives to talk to him. And then he once shared with me: “When I told him how to beat butter, he listened very carefully. And I started saying smart things - I switched off.” Well, from her point of view, they are smart. (Laughs.) Misha is only interested in information from which he can learn something.

— Returning to the “wife’s monologue”... But does the writer Zhvanetsky really need to be stimulated and forced to work?

— Like any person, he sometimes experiences the blues. And then it sounds: “Nothing works out! That’s it, I’m retiring!” I answer: “It won’t work! You have a young wife and child.” Of course, this sounds frivolous, but, on the other hand, we are responsible for those we have tamed. In addition, Misha constantly helps someone financially - friends, relatives, even, sometimes, completely unfamiliar people. Someone's house burned down, someone's breadwinner died - the husband responds to other people's troubles.

- Mikhail Mikhailovich talks about women with such love and knowledge of the matter that you involuntarily begin to envy you - it’s probably very easy to come to an agreement with him, he’s so knowledgeable about female psychology!

— We must give our husband his due: he always clearly explains his behavior and his position. This is an indispensable quality in family life. Misha doesn’t allow me to be hysterical and tormented by doubts about how to behave correctly, what to ask him and what not to ask. He says in plain text: “Now I’m in bad mood. This doesn't apply to you." Or: “The child is annoying me now.” At the dawn of ours with him life together could return home in the morning. Like any wife, I didn’t like it. But he said: “Don’t make me go home in horror. A man should return joyful, then this will happen more often.” Well... I pulled myself together, stopped being nervous, and he began to linger somewhere less and less often.

Scandalizing and shaming a man is a road to nowhere. Previously, when we argued, I would turn around, slam the door and walk out into the night. And when I returned, I heard: “You shouldn’t do that. How can you leave, leaving me without food, in a dirty apartment and with an unironed shirt?” I argued: “You offended me! In your opinion, I should have cleaned up, cooked dinner, done laundry, ironed shirts, washed the floors and then left?” “Yes,” my husband answered in all seriousness.

Misha - very clever man. I began to do as he saw fit. Let's argue - I take a rag, wash the floors, prepare compote, iron my shirt. By the time I finish, I’ve forgotten about the insults. (Laughs.) In general, it’s better to never leave your husbands. You must understand that they may not go looking for you. Besides, it’s stupid to run out of the house wearing only slippers. Leaving go! Take money, passport, child, cat, suitcase. By the time you get ready, you’ll think a hundred times.

My husband and I rarely quarrel; sometimes I quite consciously start: “Oh, you don’t like my borscht?!” He happily takes up the argument: “Yes, absolutely terrible!”

Misha is my teacher. Thanks to his upbringing I became ideal wife. I stopped asking who called, where he went and when he would return. But now for some reason my husband is dissatisfied again: “Why don’t you ask who is calling me and when I’ll be there?!”

“Women also love to delve into the past of their husbands and find out who they loved before them...

— When I was young, I also got into trouble. I wanted to hear: “I have never loved a single woman, you are my first love.” Even if it were a deliberate lie, I would believe it with joy. However, Misha cannot stand lies, so he answered all questions evasively.

I have an obstinate character. I think it was the willingness to leave at any moment that ultimately brought us together. We both didn’t believe in our union for a long time, we believed that everything was temporary - maybe a year, maybe two... When I periodically left, Misha’s friends went looking for me and brought me back... This independence probably melted his wariness.

— What does it mean “Misha’s friends were looking for”, but Mikhail Mikhailovich himself did not consider it necessary to do this?

“He had an interesting position: “If a woman is mine, she will not leave.” This is what many men think... That is, bring her as much as you want, if she endures it, it’s yours. If he can’t stand it, it means he’s not your man.

But Mishino’s circle, all his friends, treated me warmly from our very first meeting. I think they were just tired of his endless string of girlfriends. Still, whatever one may say, a 50-year-old man who changes young girlfriends looks like an idiot. I assume that the wives of his friends also approved of our relationship; they certainly didn’t like Zhvanetsky’s young girlfriends. In a word, literally everyone wanted us to be together. Therefore, they helped us in every possible way not to separate. The first person Zhvanetsky showed me to was Shirvindt. Alexander Anatolyevich immediately said: “You’ll be a fool if you don’t get married.”

“Grown men are terribly afraid that they will be tricked, tricked by young predators...

- Funny! When we started living together, Misha had a one-room apartment in Moscow, an old Mercedes and a dacha in Odessa. Everything else was already purchased with me. It seems that he left a lot to the women he left.

- Natasha, I wonder what Mikhail Mikhailovich thinks about the eternal feminine conviction: a man must always guess what’s on his beloved’s mind?

“And it seemed to me that he should guess my desires.” I could even afford to throw a tantrum about this. For example, let's go on a visit, I have nothing to wear. Misha asks: “Why didn’t you tell me in advance?” - “Don’t you see it yourself?” And - into tears! - “No, I don’t see. I like the way you're dressed. If necessary, tell me."

- Your husband is generous, won’t he refuse?

- Never. It just seemed to me that he himself should buy what I want. But on his own initiative, my husband never gives me anything - why should he rack his brains over what I want? Once in Israel, in the window of a jewelry store, I saw an incredibly beautiful and terribly expensive pearl bracelet. The saleswoman, a stately woman of about sixty who spoke little Russian, asked: “Do you like it?” - “Yes... But it’s so expensive.” “But this is a world-famous brand! Where is your husband? Show it to me." I pointed to Misha walking nearby. She confidently says: “Call me! He will buy it." As soon as I mentioned that I liked the bracelet, my husband paid at that very moment.

Misha taught me to speak openly about my desires and feelings. This is the wisest tactic for family life. Don't want a dialogue? Then walk around offended for at least a year, no one will ever understand what’s going on.

Over the years, I was never bored with him, we did not irritate each other. Of all my close friends, I was the only one who had a strong marriage. Although, as I already said, we could not even imagine that our story would last long. When it became clear to both that time is running, and the feelings did not fade, Misha started talking about the child.

- In this case, why not honestly say about your desire to become a mother?

“This is, perhaps, the only case when a woman should wait for a man’s decision.” It’s unfair to get pregnant and present your husband with a fait accompli. Until he himself wanted a child, I didn’t start a conversation about it. I think Misha understood: the time will come, I will want to give birth, and he will have to choose - stay with me and become a father or leave. The son appeared because my husband wanted me to stay close.

— And what kind of Mikhail Mikhailovich was the father?

— While Mitya was little, he did not amuse him at all and did not particularly interest him. I don’t remember any touching pictures of a dad messing with his son. Mitya often stayed with the nanny while we went on tour. Relatively recently, about four years ago, Misha finally became interested in communicating with our son. When they are together, I try to leave and not disturb. I think they are proud of each other.

— Wikipedia says that Zhvanetsky, in addition to Mitya, has four more children...

- Nobody really knows how much, but it doesn’t matter. I know for sure that there is a son who lives in America. So he was born with Misha’s consent. And the rest were simply presented to him. Once I told Mitya about his American brother. He was very surprised and took this news very seriously and wanted to get to know him. Of course, this will have to be done. It turns out interesting: we, adults, cannot even imagine how important some, from our point of view, formalities are to our children. For example, when Mitya found out that his father and I were not scheduled, he was also shocked.

- Why didn’t you register the relationship?

- Naturally, I wanted to sign. IN to a greater extent for the peace of mind of my parents. They didn’t understand how it was possible to live and not work, moreover, with a much older man, and even unspecified... Although they adore Misha. So, for a couple of years I asked to be taken to the registry office, but Misha did not show great joy and desires. He said that as soon as we sign, problems will begin, that he is afraid of jinxing it... Whether this is true or a man’s tricks, who knows. Well, I spat on all these formalities and stopped thinking about them. And suddenly one day, two years ago, he asked why I didn’t want to sign with him. The devils danced in my head, I had a desire to say: yes! Don't want! But I pulled myself together. (Laughs.) We got married in Odessa, modestly, without witnesses, guests and feast.

— Has something changed in the relationship?

- Misha thinks that I behave differently now. Bold and uncompromising. (Laughs.) And he forgets that I just got older. I am 46 years old, but for him, apparently, I am still young.

— His words: “Loyalty, devotion is a tightly tied tie. Loyalty is an easy sign of lack of intelligence.” I wonder how to live with a man who really thinks so? Or does he write one thing and think another?

- It is likely that we're talking about about that all-consuming devotion of women when they look into a man’s mouth and catch every breath. From such devotion they become very and quickly tired. Don't betray your husband, be him true friend, but to remain independent is what I wish for our women.

— And the last question: what should women do if they are faithful and their husbands are not?

“Misha says this: of course, you can track down your spouse, but you’ll have to decide what to do about it.” If you can’t imagine life without your man, then why do you need to know a lot? For example, I don’t ask about many things - why be upset? (Laughs.)

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Family: wife - Natalya; son - Dmitry (17 years old), student of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University

Education: graduated from the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers

Career: V student years participated in amateur performances, where he began to write miniatures, which he often performed himself. From 1964 to the early 1970s he worked at the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures together with Arkady Raikin, Viktor Ilchenko and Roman Kartsev, for whom he wrote more than 300 miniatures and monologues. Since 1988, he has been the artistic director of the Moscow Theater of Miniatures, which he created. From 2002 to the present, he has been a permanent presenter of the monthly television program “Duty in the Country” on the Russia channel. People's Artist of Russia

Mikhail Manyevich Zhvanetsky was born into a family of doctors. Father - Mane (Emmanuel) Moiseevich Zhvanetsky - surgeon, mother - Raisa Yakovlevna Zhvanetskaya - dentist. The writer spoke about his childhood like this: “Something very sunny, beachy... Until the war broke out. Next is the train, middle Asia, school, Victory, return to Odessa.” Mikhail Zhvanetsky graduated from the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers, receiving the specialty of mechanical engineer of port handling equipment. Already during his studies, Zhvanetsky founded his own theater - the student theater of miniatures "Parnas-2".

The creative path of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

It was difficult to get into the evenings at Zhvanetsky’s student theater; the concerts were held in completely filled halls. Zhvanetsky wrote miniatures and monologues, which he then performed himself. After graduating from the institute, he worked in the Odessa port as a mechanic, then as an engineer of hoisting and transport mechanisms at the Prodmash plant. “Eight years of loading and unloading,” recalls Mikhail Manyevich, “driving around on a forklift, sitting in a steamer, in the hold, in the coal, when only eyes and teeth are visible. I grew up there..."

Mikhail Zhvanetsky on video

Then Mikhail went to work at the Central Design Bureau. After some time, Mikhail Zhvanetsky met Roman Kartsev, and later Arkady Raikin. Raikin took Zhvanetsky's works into the repertoire of his theater. Later, Arkady Isaakovich invited Mikhail Zhvanetsky to work in his theater as a director. Real fame came to the writer after Raikin began to personally perform Mikhail’s miniatures. A little later, under the direction of Arkady Isaakovich Raikin, the theater staged the “Traffic Light” program based on the works of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. The program featured legendary miniatures: “Avas”, “The Age of Technology”, “No Claims About Buttons”.

While working at the Raikin Theater, Zhvanetsky wrote miniatures and monologues for Roman Kartsev and Viktor Ilchenko. Mikhail Manyevich, having found his individual style, I realized that I could work independently. Zhvanetsky left the Arkady Raikin Theater.

In 1970, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, together with Roman Kartsev and Viktor Ilchenko, created the Theater of Miniatures in Odessa. The theater was a success with the audience. At this time, Zhvanetsky worked as an artist conversational genre. He was invited to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures to the position of assistant to the chief director. For a couple of years, Mikhail Manyevich was a production director at the State Concert and Touring Association “Rosconcert”. Later he was invited to the publishing house “Young Guard” as a literary employee.

In the late 80s, the writer created a miniature theater in Moscow, where he became its artistic director. The theater hosted performances based on such works of the writer as “Bird’s Flight”, “Favorites”, “Political Cabaret”, “Sincerely Yours”, “My Odessa”, “Benefit Performance”, “Elderly Tomboy” and many others.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky is the author of famous miniatures: “I don’t understand what’s happening to people”, “Day, full of life”, “Only pleasant things”, “Physically gifted”, “Everything is fine with me”, “Words, words...”, “Strange boy”, “Cities”, “How old people are treated”, “The power of words”, “In the century technology”, “Dispute”, “Your health?”, “Drinking is harmful”.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky. No brains

Mikhail Zhvanetsky wrote several books and collections (“Meetings on the Street”, “A Year in Two”, “When Heroes are Needed”, “My Odessa”, “Odessa Dachas”), and published 4 volumes “Collected Works”.


Zhvanetsky Mikhail Manyevich is People's Artist Russian Federation and Ukraine. Zhvanetsky is a laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, laureate of the Triumph Prize. The writer has the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The satirist is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR and Russia, and is the president of the World Club of Odessa residents. Mikhail Zhvanetsky is an honorary citizen of Odessa.

Personal life

Mikhail Zhvanetsky was officially married once. The wife's name was Larisa. The writer did not further record relationships with women. So, in a civil marriage, he lived with Nadezhda Gaiduk, who gave birth to the writer’s daughter Elizabeth. The next unofficial wife's name was Venus. The couple have a son, Maxim. The last wife, Natalya, works as a costume designer. Natalya gave birth to Zhvanetsky's son Dmitry.
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