Familiarizing preschoolers with paintings by artists: nurturing a sense of beauty in children. Project “Russian artists Russian artists of preschool children

Before preschool education There is an important task - to teach children from an early age to understand and appreciate works of art, in particular fine art.

IN kindergarten children get acquainted with various types of fine arts, including painting.

Experience shows that even older preschoolers are able to understand works of art of all genres: portrait, landscape, still life, subject painting.

How to familiarize preschoolers with paintings by artists

When selecting works for children, one must proceed from the accessibility of their content. Most accessible to children preschool age landscapes by Levitan, Shishkin, Savrasov, Plastov, Yuon and other artists. These wonderful paintings Russian nature evokes in children a feeling of love for the Motherland and pride in it, cultivates a sense of beauty, and develops the ability to see, understand and love nature.

Forms of introducing children to fine arts in general and in particular with landscape painting can be different: conversations, organization of viewing and discussion of exhibitions.

The first conversation should be devoted to talking with children about the artist’s work. First of all, you need to introduce children to the profession of an artist, talk about the variety of types of his activities. It would be very good if an artist, professional or amateur, took part in the conversation - he would show his equipment, easel, paints, and how to use them.

And here it is important to say that the artist creates paintings that can depict nature - a landscape, a person - a portrait, flowers, fruits, utensils - a still life or scenes from life. During this conversation, you need to show one or two paintings of each genre.

Children's acquaintance with paintings by artists must begin with landscapes. Pictures depicting Russian nature are closest to a child. This is due to the fact that the child begins to explore the world from nature. During the walk, mom introduces plants, talks about clouds and the sun, draws attention to phenomena such as rain, sunset, sometimes dawn, fog, dew on the grass and much more.

Among the authors of landscape paintings, one can note A.K. Savrasova (“The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Rainbow”, “River Bank”, etc.), I.I. Levitan (“Ples”, “After the Rain”, “Golden Autumn”, etc.), I.I. Shishkina (“Morning in pine forest", "Rye", "Winter", etc.), V.M. Vasnetsova (“Ivan the Tsarevich in gray wolf", "Alyonushka", etc.).

From an early age, children begin to read books, fairy tales and poems that are easy to remember, but they especially enjoy looking at illustrations. Therefore, you can start introducing children to the work of artists with the works of illustrators. Most well-known representatives this genre can be called V.M. Konashevich, E.I Charushin, E.M. Racheva. It is important that the illustrations that children look at are clear and believable and appropriate for the age group.

Gradually you can move on to plot paintings, where certain actions of people or animals are depicted. Famous painting V. Serov’s “Bogatyrs” can be demonstrated after a story about their actions and valor.

Still lifes are not difficult for children to understand, since during drawing classes they often depict fruits or vegetables on a platter or flowers in a vase. The last stage is the portrait. Here you need to guess the person’s mood and age category.

Introducing preschoolers to the works of artists should be accompanied by conversations, discussions and games, which will provide a better understanding of art.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Paintings by Russian artists:

Educational cartoon on drawing techniques:

Renaissance Artists:

Agree that probably, if not all, then at least the majority of all parents on the Planet want to raise their children to be creative, unique, highly cultural individuals. We are from the very early years We are trying to teach and instill in our children a love for theaters, galleries, exhibitions and much more. But not every child experiences joy from visiting such establishments. Something may frighten him, something may be incomprehensible to him, and therefore boring... In any case, I think that probably the main task of us parents is not to obsessively drag our child around all the famous establishments, but to instill a love for the arts, tell why all this is needed. Therefore, before taking your child, take the appropriate literature, tell about the artists, show pictures, talk, and then take your already well-prepared child to the museum. Thus, when he appears there, everything will seem familiar to him, he will recognize the paintings that he looked at with you, remember the artists that you told him about at home, and this world will no longer be alien to him, but will be a piece of something familiar and home.

I believe that a child can be introduced to art from a very young age, when he is 3 months old. His brain is so inquisitive and inquisitive at this time that he will look at everything you show him with great pleasure. So why not show him paintings of some of the most famous artists.

Here I would like to write a few words about very good books that you can use to tell your children about art.


In addition, here you can download paintings by famous artists for free:

Click on the pictures below to download and print:

Here are collected paintings by some of the most famous artists

How to play?

For the youngest children, you can simply print out and show the cards, while naming the names of the paintings and artists. With older children you can play development games, fine motor skills, attentiveness, memory and much more. The easiest option is to print out two types of identical pictures, cut one of them into cards and offer the child to lay out the cut cards with the main field of cards. This game is suitable for children aged 1.3-1.5 years. A memory development game - print out two types of identical cards and turn them over until you find a pair of the same ones.

You can post 4 different paintings, then ask the baby to close his eyes and hide one of them. When he opens his eyes, ask him to guess which of the pictures has disappeared.

Books on the topic

In addition, I advise everyone to download or buy the book by the famous French art critic, teacher of Art History at the Louvre School Françoise Barbe-Galle, “How to talk to children about art?”

This is a book written about art specifically for parents who themselves love everything beautiful and strive to instill this in their children.

Very good book, which tells children about art, publishing house White City"The ABC of Russian painting." It is an encyclopedia that contains more than 100 famous paintings Russian artists. With her help the baby will get to know each other in various directions and genres of Russian painting.

This is what this wonderful book looks like:

Example of a page from inside a book:

And, of course, I wanted to write a few words about the wonderful series of books published by Phoenix for the youngest children about artists. The series is called “Artists”. This includes 4 life history books famous artists Degas, Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. The purpose of these books is to introduce our kids to a series of paintings by the most famous artists. In books, pictures are described in lungs for children's understanding colors, there are also small fictional stories. The books are very colorful.

Even for many of us, an art exhibition sometimes causes yawning and is associated with something boring and uninteresting: well, a painting, well, something drawn - so what? And it seems that the child will not understand anything. But if you choose a suitable plot, discuss what you see together and share your impressions, it will be fun for both the children and you. Therefore, to avoid indifferent adults, it is better to learn to understand art and respect the work of a master from an early age.

Natalya Ignatova, a lecturer, shared her secrets on how to instill in children a love of beauty. educational project Level One and Chartered Art Historian.

Natalia Ignatova

Lecturer of the educational project Level One and certified art historian

Getting children interested in an art exhibition is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. And all parents can do it. To make a trip to the museum a good one family tradition, consider age young viewer and study art in game form. Knowing your child, you can tell him the story of the painting in an unobtrusive and accessible way, which means you won’t overload him with unnecessary information.


Children from 4 to 6 years old are not very interested in who painted this or that painting and why. To begin with, they just need to explain what a museum is and paintings in general. Most children at this age are already familiar with photographs. They've probably already tried filming mom and dad or their toys. Therefore, we can say that paintings are something like photographs. It’s just that before there were no smartphones or cameras, and people could only draw – and not only reality, but also fairy tales.

In preschool age, first of all, you need to teach your child to look carefully at pictures. Please keep in mind that in the galleries there are paintings depicting both nudity and scenes of violence. Therefore, think about your route in advance. IN Tretyakov Gallery It’s best to immediately go to the hall with paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov (room No. 26). The ideal work for children to perceive is “Bogatyrs”.

V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs” (1898)

Tell the plot of this painting, which the artist loved very much, in the form of a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there were three heroes. Their names were Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. And they protected their lands from the invasion of enemies. And one day they went out into the field and...” Here you can ask the child what he thinks: do they see enemies or not? Draw the child’s attention to how the sword is extended, the arrow is prepared, how the characters in the picture are looking - in general, push him to the conclusion that the enemy is somewhere nearby. Imagine together what will happen next. Invite your child to think about how the epic heroes are similar and different, what their characters are.

By the way, this particular painting was the last in the collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, which he bought himself and hung with Vasnetsov in the place where the canvas hangs now.

Besides fairy tales, children will enjoy studying paintings of animals, everyday scenes and still lifes.

I. F. Khrutsky “Flowers and Fruits” (1839)

Go to the still life of Ivan Khrutsky (room No. 14) and explain to your child that artists often draw everything they see. Ask him what fruits and vegetables are in the picture, where the insect is hidden, what paints the artist used, who likes which color best. At the same time, it will be more interesting if parents also share their impressions.

With younger schoolchildren, it is no longer necessary to run to specific halls, fearing that they will see scenes of war or the tender embrace of lovers. You can start with portraits and explain what genre they are.

Selecting images different people, ask your child if they are different from us and how, and also play the game “Guess who it is?” A military man, a merchant or, say, a king, with the attributes of power - a power and a scepter. Tell us also that portraits differ in genre - there are ceremonial portraits, full height, and there are chamber ones - up to the waist, and offer to determine which is which.

In addition, draw your child’s attention to the emotions of the characters. To do this, consider, for example, the faces of the men in Orest Kiprensky’s painting “Newspaper Readers in Naples” (room No. 8).

O. A. Kiprensky “Newspaper Readers in Naples” (1831)

One of them is reading a newspaper. You can ask: what are others doing? They listen - this is evident from the turn of the head of one and the thoughtful look of the other. Then it’s worth asking the question: why does one read to everyone? And the parents themselves will help answer it, with a little preparation. All these people in the picture are foreigners, and only one of them knows the language in which the newspaper is written. And he translates. The least interesting thing to read is to a dog who looks at the viewer and has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. we're talking about. Try to show your child that you are also listening to someone carefully, and invite him to compare how similar your face is to the facial expressions of the characters in the picture.

I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” (1895)

Also at this age you can admire the landscapes, so clear and bright. Review with your child " Golden autumn» Isaac Levitan (hall No. 37). Ask him: why is it autumn, what period does the landscape belong to, what colors did the artist use, what mood does the painting evoke?

Try to guess what time of year is in the picture " Wet meadow» Fedora Vasiliev (hall No. 18). There are green trees painted there, flowers grow and the sun breaks through the clouds.

Also introduce your child to the landscapes of Konstantin Korovin (room No. 43). In his painting “In Winter” you will see a yard covered with snow and a horse harnessed to a sleigh.

Go to the painting by Alexei Savrasov, familiar to everyone from childhood, “The Rooks Have Arrived” (Hall No. 18). The artist depicted the middle of spring, when it becomes warm, so birds return from the south, but the leaves have not yet blossomed and the snow has not melted.

I. I. Shishkin “Morning in pine forest"(1889)

Well, how can a little sweet tooth get past such a familiar picture (hall No. 25). Be sure to share a secret with your little one: the furry animals on a broken pine tree were painted by another artist, Konstantin Savitsky. At one time, he told his family that the author sold the painting for 4 thousand rubles, and therefore became “a participant in the 4th share.” Savitsky first put his signature on the work, but then removed it.

Draw the child’s attention to the fact that the tops of many trees seem to have been cut off and do not even fit on the canvas - with this the artist wanted to convey their power and majesty. And we, like the bears, find ourselves inside a dense thicket.

Children aged 9 years and older

Children aged 9-11 years can already be told about the personality of the artist and his life. However, for this, adults will have to prepare or take an audio guide.

Not every artist decides to paint a child’s portrait; images of children on canvases appeared quite late. Of course, earlier painters tried to depict children, but they looked more like miniature copies of adults, but it is quite difficult to convey children’s spontaneity, character traits, movements, and gestures.

It’s very nice to look at such paintings, but it’s difficult to paint children, because it’s very difficult to get a child to pose for an artist for several hours. However, famous artists succeeded perfectly in this, and we will talk about their paintings.

Pierre Auguste Renoir left a lot of legacy, among his paintings there are many images of children. Children peering into the pages of books or a child leaning against the side of his mother - everything is depicted so truthfully and beautifully that it is simply impossible to resist.

It is impossible not to mention the artists who painted children's portraits. Western European masters it took several centuries to perfect the spiritual realm child portrait, Russian artists have achieved amazing results at an accelerated pace. Children's images in painting are filled amazing light, they are touching and gentle. Portrait of Stroganov by Jean Baptiste Greuze, Mika Morozov and Children, painted by the Russian painter Serov, Head of a Boy, painted by Tropinin, Kharlamov “Head of a Girl” and others.

Diego Velazquez is also a very prominent representative of the golden age of Spanish painting.

He is known, first of all, for portraits, including children’s, as well as genre compositions. As a court artist, he painted portraits of kings, their courtiers, and family members. Special attention Portraits of the infantes deserve this section: costumes of that era, soft outlines of faces, still childishly angular, a wonderful combination of shades.

Remembering paintings in which small children are present, let's turn to the image of the Madonna and Child. Among the most striking masterpieces, the painting by Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael stands out. The images created by the brush of these masters are familiar to the whole world.

Many foreign artists depicted children, creating a special composition. It seems to be a child and the main thing actor, and at the same time is a participant in the ongoing action. Bright to that an example is the painting “The Spoiled Child” by Jean Baptiste Greuze. Among observers, she evokes the most contradictory emotions: both sympathy for the nanny and indignation towards the child. “He would like a good belt,” many will say, but to this day spoiled offspring are found in many families, so it can be argued that the artist sought to depict social problems society.

Completely opposite sensations from Chardin’s painting “Prayer Before Dinner”. A mother serving food to the table, the spiritual faces of two daughters saying a prayer before a meal - it would seem that the characters are the same, a woman and a child, but how the atmosphere changes!

"Girl on the Ball" - famous painting Picasso, the flexible and graceful figure of a child balances on an unstable ball, and the strongman watches the staging of the act. It would seem a simple plot, but nevertheless, this picture is known to connoisseurs from different countries peace.

Let's not forget about Russian painters whose canvases feature children. First of all, “The Rider” by Bryullov. Of course, the central place in the picture is given to the beauty of horses - only Bryullov was able to depict these animals so subtly and subtly. But take a closer look: near the fence, a girl in a pink dress is watching her mother with an enthusiastic look. Cute dark curls, big brown eyes sparkling with excitement, chiseled lips - this girl is a real beauty from an aristocratic family!

Plastov’s “First Snow” presents to our eyes a different picture: a wretched log hut, rickety steps, a dirty yard - and a clean white snow falls from the sky. Children living in poverty rarely see anything sparkling clean, perhaps that is why they are so happy about the first snow.

Aching pity and melancholy overcomes the heart and when looking at the painting “Troika” by Perov, the artisan’s students, who are at most 10 years old, are carrying a heavy frozen barrel of water. Fatigue and despair are clearly visible on their faces and simply cannot touch the hearts of casual viewers.

A slight sadness also arises when looking at Vasnetsov’s painting “Alyonushka”. There's probably no need to tell everyone famous fairy tale, everyone understands who the elder sister is yearning for, sitting on a large stone and looking into muddy water pond.

Children blowing soap bubbles by Ivanov and Bathing a baby by Kustodiev are a vivid example of childish carelessness that touches and causes smiles. Rural free school Morozov is a different retrospective, but on the faces of the children you can read all the emotions: from interest to outright boredom.

“The Birdcatcher” by Perov, “They Didn’t Expect” by Repin, “Children Running from a Thunderstorm” by Makovsky - this vivid examples how different ways you can fit the images of children into the overall composition.

Expanding on the topic of depicting children in paintings by famous artists, it is worth recalling V. Serov’s painting “Girl with Peaches.” The canvas is made in soft pastel colors and perfectly emphasizes the fragility and tenderness of youth. This is one of the artist's best and most memorable paintings.

Soviet realism is depicted in the painting “Deuce Again.” The canvas depicts a family welcoming their son home from school. A girl in a pioneer tie and a tired mother looks reproachfully at her unlucky son and brother, younger son does not yet understand what is going on, and it seems that only the dog is happy that its little master has returned from school. Life picture, which probably happened in the lives of many people when they were children.

And finally, one of the most positive and kind contemporary artists- American Donald Zolan. Only a person who sincerely loves and understands children can create such miracles. Dreaminess and mischief, sadness and spontaneity - the children in Zolan’s paintings are different, but they all remind us that childhood is truly a happy time, awakening amazing memories in adults.

Children in genre paintings Soviet artists May 14th, 2016

Images of children on the canvases of artists appeared quite late. Of course, earlier painters tried to depict children, but they looked more like miniature copies of adults, but it is quite difficult to convey children’s spontaneity, character traits, movements, and gestures. It took several centuries to learn how to paint children's portraits. Russian artists were especially successful in this. The children's images in their paintings are filled with amazing light, they are touching and gentle.

I think that children are always a win-win topic for an artist. This was especially felt during the Soviet era. No matter what textbook you opened, you could find a reproduction of some artist on a given topic... At the same time, the subjects of the paintings were understood by a child’s consciousness. Because life was reflected there, our life, real life. Not just any comics... However, see for yourself. I don't want to comment. Just watch.

Got tongues. 1943. F. Reshetnikov

They didn't take us fishing. K. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

“Difficult transition” F. Sychkov

Troika (Children by the river). 1937-1946. A. Plastov

New Year. 1967 A. Gulyaev

Daughter of Soviet Kyrgyzstan. 1950 S. Chuikov

Arrived on vacation. 1948 F. Reshetnikov

For peace! 1950 F. Reshetnikov.

Two again. 1951 F. Reshetnikov

Goalkeeper. 1949 S. Grigoriev

First of September. 1951 A. Volkov

Morning. 1954 T. Yablonskaya

Resit. 1954 F. Reshetnikov

Winter has come. Childhood. 1960 S. Tutunov

Children on the roof. 1963 P. Radoman

Excellent study. G. Gavrilenko

Unsolved problem. 1969 V. Tsvetkov

Another five. 1954 E. Gundobin

IN THE USSR great importance devoted himself to education. Therefore, it is not surprising that many paintings by Soviet artists about schooling of children appeared.

I accidentally came across a long-forgotten song. Today one listens somewhat naively and, as today’s children say, “stupid”... But that’s exactly how we were brought up in Soviet time. And not the most bad people worked out, in general.

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