Creating a home Wi-Fi hotspot. What is better for accessing the Internet: a USB modem or a smartphone as a Wi-Fi router

Nowadays, the Internet has become so integrated into the lives of ordinary people that the first thing that arises when moving to a new home is the question of running an Internet cable there. But if previously most people had only one computer in their apartment, now each family member has a separate personal gadget with Internet access, and they are all connected not via a cable, but via a Wi-Fi interface, so the problem of purchasing equipment arises. which can satisfy these needs. When you come to the store, you will see a huge number of different types of devices (routers, access points, repeaters), similar in functionality, and how can you buy exactly what you really need from all those presented?

Network equipment, although it performs similar tasks, differs in its functionality and capabilities

When choosing wireless communication equipment for their home, many users do not see the difference between Acess Point and Router and often buy the wrong thing. It would seem that both equipment distributes a Wi-Fi signal, but the difference between them is colossal.

What is an access point?

An access point is a regular wireless interface splitter that allows you to cover a certain area of ​​your apartment with a radio signal. Most often, the device is used to:

  • Receive Internet traffic and broadcast it to other gadgets via Wi-Fi. That is, we connect our AP to existing network equipment (to a router that does not have a wireless interface or to a computer) and it, in turn, transmits a signal via radio frequencies to your gadgets.

  • Receive radio signals from your gadgets and transmit them further via cable (feedback).
  • Acess Point is also used in repeater (repeater) mode to increase the coverage area of ​​an existing Wi-Fi. That is, if you already have a Router and you need to transmit the signal further to client machines, then installing an AP will help solve this problem.

What is a router?

Routers, or routers as they are also called, are a much more complex device. Among other things, they differ in that with their help you can organize a new network, and the AP is already built in there. Router features:

  • Distribution of Internet data packages between devices.

  • Assignment and distribution of IP addresses for gadgets connected to it.
  • Protection against hacker attacks from external networks (built-in firewall).
  • Limiting Internet speed for various devices on your network, as well as filtering MAC addresses, IP addresses and other parameters to limit the penetration of other clients into your network.

From this we can conclude that a Wi-Fi router is a router with a built-in access point, and the AP itself cannot do anything except distribute Wi-Fi. That is, if we need to provide ourselves with a wireless interface in our apartment, then we need to buy a router. You can limit yourself to purchasing an AP only if you already have a router without Wi-Fi function.

The other day I discovered an adsl router with a built-in wi-fi access point lying around for no reason - ZTE 531B. The adsl port on this router died, and therefore for its intended purpose - to grab the Internet from the telephone socket and distribute it left and right - there was no way to use it - there was no DSL signal, and that’s it, it didn’t connect. But everything else worked like clockwork. It would be a shame to throw it away, so it was decided to attach it like a regular wireless access point to a regular switch in one of the rooms where there was only wired Internet.

So, the input data:

There is a wired Internet, it goes into the computer on a network card with a static IP, for example,, the mask is, the gate for it is In the connection properties it is set to public.
The computer has a second network card, which is automatically assigned the address, through which a simple hub (not a router) is connected, through which the Internet is distributed to two more computers, their addresses are and, respectively, masks are .

I connect it with a cable to its regular LAN port, from the hub, assign it IP, mask It should be noted that the vast majority of such devices come with built-in IP addresses - it will not be visible from a card with IP, therefore, in order to change the IP on it to the above, you need to set the IP on the network card from the range -, go to it, change its IP from to, then assign IP to the network card again. Continue. I’m setting up a Wi-Fi access point on it (well, there’s nothing to describe here - everything is as usual), I turn it off DHCP Server, I tell the phone and laptop to use static IP, and, respectively, mask, and as a gate - of the first computer- everything is great - manually connects Wi-Fi to them through it, everything flies, the Internet is everywhere, happiness knows no bounds.

However, if you climb onto the router, turn on the DHCP Server so that it automatically distributes IP over Wi-Fi, turn off the use of static IPs in the phone and laptop - they are automatically assigned the same, and, respectively, they are connected, the router c they are seen at perfectly, from the computer - it is also visible perfectly. But there is no Internet on either the laptop or the phone.
It feels like they are trying to use it as a gate instead of, but he, the stupid piece of hardware, doesn’t know that it is necessary to route packets between and
It’s not clear what to do with this. There are Static Route settings, but I tried to enter them into Destination, Netmask, Gateway - nothing helps. On ixbt they say that you need to set up a DHCP server on your computer, but for a number of reasons you don’t want to bother with this.

In principle, since everything works with a static gate and IP hardcoded on the devices, you don’t have to worry about it any further.

Also, similar settings can be approximated for other situations, when, for example, the Internet is distributed not from a second network card, but from a regular wired router - it doesn’t matter whether adsl or not. I connected their LAN ports with a cable, and off I went.

Only it will be even simpler: most likely it will be seen from the computer, even if you do not change the IP on the computer, but you will need to reconfigure it so that its IP and the IP of the wired router are different. Well, in the router with an access point, disable the distribution of addresses, and the wired router will distribute them, fortunately, the dhcp server is built into all of them.

Just don’t tell me that it’s easier to buy a regular WLAN router, plug the incoming ethernet cable into it, and let it distribute it to both ports and Wi-Fi - I know this very well myself, the task here was to dispose of this in the most useful way.

Wifi surrounded us everywhere. We can no longer imagine life without these networks, which allow us to connect to the Internet anywhere. But they cannot arise on their own. For this, special network devices are used. A large variety of them are produced. In this article, we’ll look at one of these devices and figure out what a wifi access point is.

Let's first look at the definitions of each of these devices.

An access point is a small station that creates a connection to a ready-made network. It receives Internet connection from the router and transmits it further. There are more expensive models that allow you to do this without routers, but they vary greatly in price. It should also be noted that the access point has only one connector.

Router ( router) is a special network device that has several interfaces. It allows you to exchange data between different devices on the network. The router is capable of distributing Wi-Fi to all devices located nearby.

What do a router and an access point have in common? The answer is quite simple. Most modern routers have the function of creating a new wireless network. Access points operate on a similar system. This allows all home devices to use wifi.

But the access point has additional functions. It allows you to create a Wi-Fi connection based on an existing one. This is necessary in cases where the router cannot distribute the Internet at the required distance on its own. It can also help reduce the load on the router. There are many applications that can be found.

Next, let's talk about how to choose an access point

access points and their applications

Access point specifications

Manufacturing materials

The device is divided into the following types based on materials of manufacture:

  • For external placement. Used when you need to place the device outdoors or in other unpredictable environments.
  • For indoor placement. Placement in an office or home.

It should be noted that the first type requires stronger materials in order for the device to work as long as possible.

Installing an access point

Also, the device can be placed in different ways. Standard placement options are on a table or on a wall. But you can also plug it into a power outlet, which is ideal for repeater mode. This is the most convenient and easiest way of all.

  • Operating frequency

Transmitters can operate at different frequencies - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Models that support these frequencies simultaneously are also sold.

  • Transmitter power

The resulting transmitter power affects the strength and distance over which the signal is transmitted. The higher it is, the further you can distribute the wifi network. Also, with high power, the network passes through walls and other obstacles better.

But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to buy a device with the strongest signal without obtaining special permits. The maximum permitted transmitter power in our system is 20dBm. Anything more is professional equipment that must be registered with special authorities.

  • Maximum wifi speed

Each access point has its own standard of supported communication. It allows you to draw conclusions about the speed at which you can use the Internet. Information about the standard must be clarified before purchasing. The best thing to do here is to consult a specialist.

  • Number of antennas

This option is completely related to the previous paragraph. The more antennas a wi-fi access point has, the faster its speed. But you need to understand that not all antennas can be used. Some of them will not work if there are fewer of them in the receiving device, such as a laptop.

Antennas can have different operating ranges.

  • Antenna types

There are two types of antennas:

  1. internal;
  2. external.

The second type of antenna can often be removed in order to replace it with a more powerful and suitable one. This helps strengthen the signal.

  • Ethernet port speed

These ports connect the transmitter to a wired network. If you have a high-speed Internet connection, then you should choose the maximum allowable speed of these ports, i.e. up to 1000 Mbit/s. If your provider does not allow you to use a very fast connection, then a speed of 100 Mbit/s will be sufficient.

  • PoE support

This is a special function that transmits electrical energy and data using a transmitter. It is used in cases where the transmitter is located at a considerable distance from sockets and other means of supplying electricity. But this function

will significantly increase the cost of the access point. This function is used mainly in professional models.

Transmitter operating modes

  • Access point

The most popular and used operating mode, which creates a wifi network for connecting devices. It is also possible to create a network based on an existing one.

A bridge connects two wireless networks together. This increases range and capabilities.

  • Repeater

A wifi access point is used as a signal repeater. Allows you to repeat an existing signal, which greatly increases the network coverage area.

This is what allows you to turn the received wireless signal into a wired one. Used for desktop computers.

  • Router

Allows you to create a new wifi connection with your own settings.

Making a choice

We have already decided on access point and what is it. Now let's move on to the choice.

First of all, you need to choose in which mode your transmitter will be used, options:

  1. If you want to create wifi on an existing wired network, then select the “access point” mode
  2. If you need to connect two networks into one, then select support for the “bridge” mode.
  3. If you want to expand the coverage area of ​​one wifi network, you must choose models with repeater support.

After you decide on the operating mode, proceed to selecting the connection speed. The common range is 2.4 GHz. It is cheaper than other options. 5 GHz is suitable for residents of high-rise buildings who require less network congestion. Also, when choosing a speed, keep in mind that devices must support the same connection standards.

Let's sum it up

We answered the question about what a wi-fi access point is. This is a way of creating or expanding the range of a signal. You should not buy models with a large number of antennas or high speed if this is not necessary. Choose a device that suits your individual needs.

It is more convenient to view browser pages and edit documents from a laptop than from a smartphone or tablet. Use your Android gadget as a wireless modem to set up and distribute Wi-Fi using an access point.

What is a Wi-Fi hotspot

Wi-Fi access point is a station that provides access to a wireless network for several devices. A gadget with the Android operating system can act as an access point. Device requirements:

  • presence of a Wi-fi module;
  • presence of GSM/3G module.
  • If your smartphone or tablet does not support GSM/3G, but works with OTG technology, that is, it detects connected flash drives, you can connect a USB modem to it and use it as a wireless access point.

    The modem interacts with the tablet via a cable using OTG technology

    When turning on an access point, remember: by distributing Wi-Fi, you are using up mobile traffic. If the tariff is not unlimited, monitor your balance after surfing the Internet. Also, an active access point increases battery consumption.

    How to distribute the Internet from a phone, smartphone or tablet

    There are two ways to distribute Wi-Fi from a smartphone or tablet - using standard Android tools or using a third-party application. Please note - you can only distribute mobile traffic from the connectionGSM/3G. It is not possible to configure the access point usingWi-fi network connection.

    Setting up an Android device as a router

    The Android system, starting from version 2.3.x, allows you to broadcast Wi-fi to other devices. To set up an access point, make sure that mobile Internet is turned on and go to the gadget menu. Example of setting up LG G3, Android 5.0 version:

  • Open the menu item “Settings - Networks”.
  • Select "Shared modem and networks - Wi-fi access point."
  • Click "Create Wi-fi hotspot"
  • Set the name of the access point - this is how it will be displayed when searching from other devices.
  • Select the level of network security - WPA PSK to connect computers running Windows XP SP2 or WPA2 PSK to connect Windows XP SP3 and other systems.
  • Set a password longer than 8 characters.
  • Set the maximum number of users who can connect to the access point at the same time.
  • Go back and activate the hotspot by dragging the slider.
  • You can enable mobile Internet (data transfer) by using the menu item “Settings - Wireless networks - Mobile data”.

    On Android earlier versions, to set up an access point:

  • Go to "Settings - Wireless networks".
  • Select "More" or "Next".
  • Select "Tethering and Hotspot" or "Mobile AP".
  • Next, make the settings according to the instructions above.
  • Once the connection is activated, you will see the corresponding icon in the notification bar at the top of the screen.

    It is enough to set up an access point once; for subsequent connections, it will be enough to activate the function in the network settings or by pulling out the notification shade at the top of the screen and clicking on the “Access Point” button.

    Photo gallery: setting up an access point in the Android menu

    Step 1. Open Settings Step 2: Select “Tethering & Networks” Step 3. Select “Access Point...” menu Step 4. Create a Wi-fi hotspot Step 5. Configure hotspot settings Step 6. Enable hotspot When reconnecting no need to configure an access point

    Using Applications

    Use apps to distribute Wi-Fi access if your smartphone or tablet does not support standard settings. Well-known programs: Osmino, mHotspot, MyPublicWiFi.

    Setting up a Wi-Fi connection using the Osmino program as an example:

  • Download the app from Play Store and open it.
  • Enter the network name, set a password and click Share.
  • The smartphone or tablet will switch to modem mode. To disable the access point, go to the application and click “Stop distribution”.

    Photo gallery: how to enable Wi-Fi distribution in the Osmino application

    Step 1. Download the application Step 2. Specify network parameters and enable distribution Appears when you turn on the program for the first time

    Why does the Internet not turn on and work through the access point?

    After connecting the mobile Internet and activating the hotspot, the user may encounter difficulties. There are three reasons why a Wi-fi access point may not work correctly.

  • blocking the connection with an antivirus program;
  • the impact of a downloaded application or virus on network operation;
  • error in the OS.
  • An antivirus that protects your smartphone in real time can block network connections. Go to the application, disable the firewall and activate the access point. If there is no connection, uninstall your antivirus program and try again.

    Installed applications make changes to the operation of the operating system. Check your smartphone with antivirus and block malicious files. Using Application Manager, find out which program has rights to control network connections and remove it. Then turn on the access point.

    If the previous methods do not work, reset your gadget to factory settings. For this:

  • Go to the "Options" menu.
  • Select "General - Backup and reset".
  • Click Reset Settings.
  • By performing a factory reset, you will lose all data saved in the device memory. Create a backup first.

    Your mobile operator can block the distribution of traffic via Wi-Fi. If you set up an access point on Android according to the instructions and eliminated the errors described above, contact the contact center with a request to check the network settings and the presence of blocking.

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