Compliance with the requirements of occupational physiology and engineering psychology. the volume and specificity of knowledge necessary to implement the work

To put it briefly, a workplace is an open or closed area of ​​territory or space, equipped with the necessary production means within which the employee is engaged in labor activity. It can also be assigned to a group of employees. Typically, a certain part of the general production cycle is carried out at the workplace.

It is logical that in order to achieve high labor productivity, it is necessary to provide conditions under which his performance will be the highest.

Important! The employer should adapt workplaces, taking into account not only the specific type of activity, qualifications, but also individual physical and psychological characteristics every employee.

General requirements for workplace organization

These requirements are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN) and other legal documents.

The main goal of organizing a workplace is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work in compliance with established deadlines and with full use of the equipment assigned to the employee.

To achieve this, organizational, technical, ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

What requirements must an employee’s workplace meet?

Occupational safety is a primary requirement!

The most important requirement when organizing a workplace is to ensure safe, comfortable working conditions and to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents. This entire set of measures is called occupational safety and health.

In other words, labor protection, in essence, is a system of legislative acts in conjunction with socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, therapeutic and preventive measures and means that ensure safe working conditions and the preservation of the health of enterprise employees.

To do this, it is necessary to create favorable working conditions in accordance with sanitary standards, safety regulations, ergonomics, and aesthetics.

Indoor microclimate

The legislation of our country strictly regulates the temperature and humidity of indoor air. In particular, when the average daily temperature outside is below 10°C, the amplitude of its fluctuations indoors should be 22-24°C. When the ambient temperature is higher than the specified value - 23-25°C. In case of temporary non-compliance with these conditions in one direction or another, the length of the working day is reduced (SanPiN dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

Protection from the harmful effects of computer technology

Since today it is impossible to imagine office work without a PC, there are standards for employees who use computer equipment in their work. For example, when working with a computer with a flat-panel monitor, the workplace must have an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters. m, when using a kinescope monitor - 6 sq.m. After each hour of operation, the room must be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 dated May 30, 2003). Same normative act the height, width and depth for the feet under the desk are regulated, and the mandatory presence of a footrest with a corrugated surface is stipulated.

The level of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, radiation and ultraviolet radiation, radio frequency ranges and other factors harmful to the health of employees are also regulated.

Attention! The use of copiers, printers and other office equipment is prohibited in basements, and for ordinary offices, appropriate standards for the distance between technical equipment have been established (SanPin 2.2.2. 1332-03).

Lighting requirements

Also, the relevant articles of SanPin establish standards for lighting. For example, the illumination in the room should be between 300 and 500 lux. When using artificial lighting, lighting parameters must ensure good visibility of the information displayed on the personal computer screen. For local lighting, lamps installed on work tables or specially equipped panels for vertical installation are recommended (SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1.).

Noise requirements

The maximum threshold for noise level is 80 decibels (SanPin 2.2.4. 3359-16).
Regulatory documents provide for the installation of special foundations or shock-absorbing pads under the main noise-producing equipment and other equipment, as well as the use of noise-absorbing materials.

Providing conditions for eating

The procedure for eating at the workplace is regulated by Article 108 Labor Code RF, SNiP 2.09.04-87:

  • if the number of employees is less than 10 people, a space of at least 6 square meters is required. m, equipped with a dining table;
  • with up to 29 employees, the required area is twice as large;
  • if the enterprise employs up to 200 employees, it is obligatory to have a canteen-serving area;
  • if the number of employees exceeds 200, the canteen must be provided with raw materials or semi-finished products.

Unregulated situations

If situations arise that are not regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards (the roof is leaking, the toilet is faulty, etc.), the employee has the right to refuse work. In this case, the employer is obliged to offer him other employment until the problem is completely eliminated. If such a decision is impossible, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to declare downtime and pay a penalty in the amount of at least 2/3 of the employee’s average salary.

Of the ergonomic requirements for the workplace, the following should be additionally noted:

  1. Selection of a rational location of the working surface and zone, taking into account the anthropometric data of a particular employee.
  2. Provision of measures to prevent or reduce premature fatigue of the employee, the occurrence of stressful situation taking into account the physiological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his character. By the way, according to psychologists, workers who constantly use electronic computers in their work are much more exposed to stress than their less “advanced” colleagues.
  3. Ensuring speed, safety and ease of maintenance in both normal and emergency operating conditions.

Technical parameters include equipment with innovative technology, devices, laboratory equipment, load-moving mechanisms, etc.

Employer's liability

According to the requirement of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the relevant federal executive body establishes the procedure for certification of workplaces in order to determine factors affecting the safety of working conditions in production. The employer is responsible for every violation of established legislation.

For the first violation, officials and individual entrepreneurs are warned or subject to a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same for organizations - a warning or a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles (Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1).

In case of repeated violation, part 5 of this article already provides for more severe penalties:

  • officials are subject to a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to three years;
  • the fine for individual entrepreneurs is similar, or their activities may be administratively suspended for up to 90 days;
  • organizations can be fined 100-200 thousand rubles or also be subject to administrative suspension of their activities.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the state of workplaces at a particular enterprise or office, one can judge not only the level of work organization and production culture in them, but also their solidity and the degree of trust potential and existing clients have in them.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher education vocational education

Izhevsk State Technical University

Department of Management


discipline: “Human Resources Management”

on the topic: “Organization of workplaces »

Is done by a student ______________ Kochurova D.V.

Supervisor: ______________ Shulakova E.V.

Associate Professor of the Department



1 Theoretical research based on literary sources

1.1 The essence of workplace organization, its elements and their characteristics.

1.2 Workplace layout, specialization

1.3 Workplace equipment

1.4 Workplace maintenance

1.5 Working conditions in the workplace

2 Case study

2.1 Workplace of the foreman of the milk processing workshop of the Krinichnaya Experimental Base

2.2 Assessment of workplace equipment

2.3 Workplace maintenance assessment

2.4 Working conditions and their assessment

2.5 Measures to improve workplaces


List of sources used


In modern conditions of highly developed production, equipped with sophisticated technology, a scientific approach to the organization of labor in the workplace is necessary. A rationally organized workplace ensures working conditions, proper structure labor process, eliminates unnecessary and inconvenient movements, reduces time spent, improves the use of equipment, improves the quality of work performed, and ensures the safety of equipment.

In order to ensure this, the organization of labor involves the implementation of a set of measures:

1 development of a list of works and operations of the main production and establishment of the sequence of their implementation;

2 selection, professional training and placement of personnel, clear definition of the responsibilities of each employee;

3 organization and equipment of workplaces, ensuring the effective fulfillment of production tasks by each employee;

4 introduction of the most rational techniques and methods for performing work;

5 creation of the necessary sanitary and production and living conditions that ensure occupational hygiene and safety, regulation of work and rest regimes for workers;

6 establishment of labor standards and their remuneration, choice of forms of moral and material stimulation of labor productivity growth.

In this course work on specific example, i.e. Using the example of the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman, an analysis of the organization of labor in this technological area will be carried out and measures will be proposed that will improve the organization of the workplace and thereby achieve some positive results.



1.1 The essence of workplace organization, its elements and their


The workplace is the primary link in the production and technological structure of the enterprise, in which the production process, its maintenance and management are carried out. It is here that the three main elements of this process are combined and achieved the main objective- production of objects of labor, provision of services or technical and economic support and management of these processes. The efficiency of using labor itself, tools and means of production and, accordingly, labor productivity, the cost of output, its quality and many other economic indicators of the functioning of the enterprise largely depend on how workplaces are organized. The workplace consists of the following elements:

Production area;

Main equipment;

Devices for storing materials, workpieces, finished products,

waste and defects;

Devices for storing tools, equipment and accessories;

Lifting and transport devices;

Devices for safety and ease of use. packaging shop foreman

Workplace is a part of the production area assigned to an individual worker or group of workers, equipped with the necessary technological, auxiliary, lifting and transport equipment, technological and organizational equipment, designed to perform a certain part of the production process.

Each workplace has its own specific characteristics associated with the peculiarities of the organization of the production process and the variety of forms of specific labor. The state of workplaces and their organization directly determine the level of labor organization in the enterprise. In addition, the organization of the workplace directly shapes the environment in which the employee is constantly located at work, which affects his well-being, mood, performance and, ultimately, labor productivity.

The organization of the workplace is a material basis that provides efficient use equipment and labor. Its main goal is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work on time based on the full use of equipment, working hours, the use of rational techniques and methods of work, the creation of comfortable working conditions that ensure long-term preservation of workers’ performance. To achieve this goal, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

From the technical side the workplace must be equipped with advanced equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tools, instrumentation provided by the technology, and lifting vehicles.

From the organizational side the equipment available at the workplace must be rationally located within the work area; an option was found for optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, workpieces, parts, tools, repair of equipment and accessories, and waste removal; Safe and healthy working conditions are provided for workers.

From the economic side The organization of the workplace should ensure optimal employment of workers, the highest possible level of labor productivity and quality of work.

Ergonomic requirements take place in the design of equipment, technological and organizational equipment, and workplace layout.

The labor process of an employee, regardless of what functions he performs, is characterized by inherent patterns that determine:

Placing an employee in the work area;

Position of the working area;

The sequence, quantity and spatial extent of the labor movements that comprise the labor process;

The sequence of a person’s entry into work;

Appearance, increase and reduction of fatigue.

Ergonomics studies the influence exerted on the functional state and performance of a person by various factors in the working environment. The latter are taken into account when designing equipment, organizational and technological equipment, and when justifying the layout of workplaces. The correct layout should provide for such placement of the employee in the workplace area and such an arrangement of objects used in the work process in it that would provide the most comfortable working posture; the shortest and most convenient movement zones; the least tiring positions of the body, arms, legs and head during long repetition of certain movements.

Thus, the tasks of labor organization in the field of workplace organization are aimed at achieving a rational combination of the material elements of the production process and people, ensuring on this basis high productivity and favorable working conditions.

1 .2 Workplace design and assessment.

In the system of measures for organizing the workplace, its rational layout is essential. Proper layout of the workplace allows you to eliminate unnecessary labor movements and unproductive energy costs of the worker, effectively use the production area while ensuring safe working conditions.

The layout of the workplace is understood as the relative spatial arrangement of the main and auxiliary equipment, technological and organizational equipment, and the worker (or group of workers) on the allocated production area.

A rational workplace layout ensures a comfortable working posture, the possibility of using advanced techniques and methods of work, minimal trajectories of worker movements and movements of objects of labor, and adherence to a strict sequence in which one element of work smoothly directly transitions into another. At the same time, the location of means and objects of labor must satisfy the basic requirements, the violation of which leads to unproductive expenditure of working time and energy of the employee, premature fatigue and a decrease in labor productivity, and irrational use of production space.

When designing workplace layouts, a distinction is made between external and internal layouts. The external layout of the workplace consists of establishing its location in relation to adjacent workplaces in the department, to the workplace of the manager (foreman, foreman, head of department, etc.), to aisles, passages, driveways, entrances. It is advisable to design the external layout for all workplaces included in the unit at once. The initial data for such a layout is the production area allocated for the location of the department’s personnel.

When determining the location of a specific workplace within a department, one should be guided by building codes and regulations, sanitary design standards, and occupational safety standards. In this case, the following tasks must be solved:

Economical use of production space;

Rational relationship between adjacent workplaces, as well as with the immediate supervisor’s workplace;

Reducing travel distances for workers and transporting materials;

Isolation of workplaces with harmful conditions labor from other jobs;

Ensuring labor safety.

Sanitary standards stipulate that each worker must have at least 4.5 m 2 of production area with a room height of 3.2 m. The volume of the production premises for each worker must be at least 15 m. When determining the area of ​​the workplace, the dimensions of the equipment, industrial sanitation and safety standards, and the width of passages and driveways must be taken into account. The area of ​​the universal workplace is designed to be slightly larger than for a specialized workplace, since it should allow the installation of additional equipment and devices.

Interacting workplaces should be located in close proximity to each other, and the route of movement of the object of labor between workplaces in the department should be the shortest. Visual communication must be provided between workstations in one area. Approaches to workplaces should not only be the shortest, but also, if possible, should not intersect with transport routes. Entrances and exits to the premises must be free, clearly visible and safe.

The internal layout of the workplace is the placement of technological equipment and tools in the work area, tool cabinets and bedside tables, the correct arrangement of workpieces and parts in the workplace. It should provide a comfortable working posture, short and low-fatigue movements, uniform and, if possible, simultaneous performance of labor movements with both hands.

To comply with these conditions, a number of developed practical rules are used:

Each subject must be allocated specific place;

Items that are used more often during work should be located closer to the worker and, if possible, at the level of the working area;

Items must be placed so that labor movements reduce the worker to the movements of the forearm, hands and fingers;

Everything that is taken with the left hand is located on the left, everything that is taken with the right is on the right, materials and tools that are taken with both hands are located on the side where the worker’s body is facing during work.

The internal layout of the workplace should provide such an operational space in which the worker can freely form work zones, taking into account the reach zones for various working postures, both in the horizontal and vertical planes.

The reach zone is a space whose volume is limited by the possible trajectories of movement of the worker’s hands. The optimal zone is limited by the trajectories of movements of half-bent arms, carried out without bending the body with freely lowered shoulders. The maximum zone is the trajectories of movement of outstretched arms. Reach zones are determined based on the anthropometric data of the proposed workers. In addition, when designing the internal layout of the workplace, it is necessary to take into account the viewing area within which the worker must clearly see all objects located in his workplace. To perceive information display devices in the horizontal plane, an angle of 30-40° is recommended. In the vertical plane, the optimal viewing angle is 15° up and down relative to the horizontal.

The internal layout of the workplace means the placement of all equipment on its area, their rational arrangement in relation to each other and to the employee. At internal layout the following tasks are solved:

Ensuring the least amount of working time is spent on performing work assigned to the workplace;

Minimizing physiological efforts and neuropsychic tension of the employee;

Ease of operation and maintenance of equipment;

Good visibility in the active working area of ​​all parts of equipment, instruments, mechanisms;

Optimization of employee movement routes around the workplace;

Rationalization of the employee’s working posture (position);

Creation of favorable working conditions;


It is advisable to carry out work during internal planning in the following sequence:

1 Determine the location of the main and then auxiliary equipment and containers.

2 Establish the location of the performer during the labor process in relation to the equipment and his working posture.

3 Arrange information media (instruments) and controls (buttons, pedals, levers, valves, switches, etc.) on the main equipment.

4 Install security features.

5 Install organizational equipment.

6 Place items of technological equipment, working documentation, reference and special literature.

7 Install local lighting, communications, and alarm systems.

8 Place household supplies.

When planning, the possibility of its relatively quick and easy change should be taken into account, and the convenience of dismantling equipment should be ensured. The placement of the main equipment in the workplace is, first of all, determined by the characteristics of labor on it: the type and type of production, the functions and number of workers, the level of specialization and mechanization of labor, the amount of equipment and other characteristics characterizing the workplace. The main equipment must be placed in such a way as to ensure the shortest path for moving the object of labor in both horizontal and vertical planes. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the adopted building modules, established norms of distances between equipment and building elements depending on the size and type of equipment, sanitary and hygienic standards, safety standards, and anthropometric data about the performers.

When working with multiple machines, the minimum permissible distance between the machines being serviced should be set. The equipment layout should provide good review its vital parts, free access to the locations of those that require periodic inspections, adjustments and repairs. It is necessary to correctly orient the position of the main equipment in relation to windows and artificial sources of general lighting.

The location of the employee is determined by the nature of his work and, above all, by how often he will need to move around the workplace due to the nature of his work. There may be work that requires constant movement of the worker, work without movement of the worker, and work that is combined - with and without movement.

In each of the working positions, a large number of working postures are possible, representing the relative position of the body parts, arms, legs and head of a person, independent of the orientation and location of the body in space and the relationship to the support. It is incorrect to establish a working posture in a standing or sitting position only, since any static posture adversely affects a person’s performance. Prolonged static muscle loads lead to rapid fatigue of the worker. Very unfavorable, for example, are constant working postures, standing with a large (more than 15°) inclination of the torso, reclining with arms and head raised up.

In any case, if, due to the nature of the work, the employee is required to have a constant working position that causes significant static loads, the possibility of changing the position should be designed for him. For a person who works standing, it should be possible to do part of the work while sitting, and vice versa. When establishing a working posture, it is necessary to take into account the height of the working surface, the distance of the observed object from the eyes, the angle of view and visual focus, and the height of the seat. When designing the placement of information display devices (control and measuring instruments, TV screens, mnemonic diagrams, etc.), the optimal viewing angles and observation zones in the employee’s field of vision are taken into account. Great importance has a choice of sizes and layout of signs and their elements on instrumentation, a choice of the color of signs and the background on which they are depicted.

The placement and layout of organs and means of remote control of production processes is established taking into account the working posture, reach zones and other characteristics.

When deciding on the placement of information media and controls in the workplace, designers are guided by certain principles. Here are some of them:

1 principle of frequency: in the optimal range of visibility and reach should be those means of information and control that the employee most often accesses during the work shift

2 principle of importance: in the specified areas, those information and control tools that are most important for the accurate control of the production process should be located;

3 principle of manufacturability: controls and information must be arranged in such a sequence that they can be accessed one by one, following the flow of the technological process;

4 principle of conjugation: those media and controls that are interconnected should be located in close proximity to each other.

The installation of safety equipment at the workplace depends on the danger that particular work equipment poses. In one case, it is enough to install a danger warning sign. Otherwise, it is necessary to fence or isolate the source of danger. In the third case, it is necessary to isolate or fence the employee directly.

The development of the workplace layout is carried out on the basis of the analysis carried out or during the certification of the workplace in the following sequence:

The general location of this workplace on the site is determined in accordance with the specialization and nature of the work performed;

The placement of the main equipment in the workplace area relative to the technological and transport flow, light source, power supply, etc. is specified;

The auxiliary equipment that is constantly involved in the technological process is linked to the main technological equipment;

The rational location of the performer in the labor process in relation to the main technological and auxiliary equipment is established;

The locations of organizational and technological equipment, containers with materials and finished products are determined, taking into account their minimum distances to the performer;

The degree of rationality of the workplace layout is assessed.

In the organization of workplaces, their specialization is of great importance. Under workplace specialization it is understood assigning to him a certain range of works or operations on the basis of their technological homogeneity, complexity, processing accuracy, configuration, etc. Reducing the range of processed parts or the number of operations performed at the workplace, i.e. narrowing its specialization, helps to improve work techniques, increase production skills and work culture, as well as labor productivity.

The basis for the specialization of workplaces is the unification of products and their structural elements, as well as the typification of technological processes. These and other measures make it possible to reduce the range of processed products, increase the level of serial production and reduce the number of equipment changeovers.

The higher the specialization of production, the more to a greater extent it becomes possible to adapt each workplace in layout and equipment to a specific job, to create the most favorable working conditions for the worker, taking into account the general production requirements for a given type of work and the physiological characteristics of each specific performer.

High level specialization of jobs is achieved in mass production, where the repeatability of the work performed and the large volume of output make it possible to assign 1-2 detail operations to a workplace for a long period. It is economically profitable to equip such a workplace with special high-performance equipment, devices and tools, and to introduce progressive workplace maintenance systems.

The most unfavorable conditions for specialization are observed in single production, where there is a constant change of work performed and products produced. The constant change in the nature of the work performed forces the use of universal equipment, various technological devices, and tools.

Working containers, when properly designed, can significantly facilitate labor and accounting for released products. As containers, it is preferable to use specially designed containers adapted to the shape and size of the products to be stored and transported. The container should be light and durable, allow items to be quickly placed and removed, and may differ in color for separate accounting of released products by workers of different shifts.

Technological equipment must be divided into items of permanent and temporary use, have strictly defined storage locations and be located in a certain order. Items of permanent use should be placed in close proximity to the employee, at the level of his hands. Moreover, what is taken right hand, should be to the right of the worker, and what is taken with the left hand should be to the left.

Technological equipment must meet the requirements of production technology in its composition and quantity. Cutting tools should be easy to use, easy to install on equipment and easy to remove from it. Working hand tools, in addition to their functional suitability, must also be convenient to use, adapted to the person’s hand and to his physical capabilities. Their aesthetic appearance, formed by shape, coloring or polishing, is also of considerable importance. The same requirements apply to hand-held measuring instruments.

Organizational equipment is designed to ensure the effective performance by the employee of his duties. The tasks of the scientific organization of labor are to formulate requirements for the complexity of equipment so that such elements of equipment are not missed that ensure the creation of the necessary working conditions. When choosing technological equipment, they are guided by the fact that its design features must correspond to the nature of the work and operations performed and ensure maximum use of the technological capabilities of the equipment. It should be easy to use, safe to use, and should ensure minimal time spent on installation at the workplace.

1.3 Equipment of workplaces and its assessment

The equipment of a workplace is a set of main technological and auxiliary equipment, technological and organizational equipment, tools, technical documentation, communication and signaling equipment, and labor protection equipment located within the workplace. The set of these tools depends on the technological purpose of the workplace, the level of its specialization, and the system for servicing workplaces.

Specific types equipment, which can be very diverse, must correspond to the characteristics of each workplace and ensure the rational use of working time, saving physiological effort, labor safety, comfort and work efficiency.

Typical main equipment types are:

The main technological equipment, which is designed to perform the main work at a given workplace. These can be machines, mechanisms, units, apparatus, conveyor lines, counting and computing equipment, personal computers, printing and printing equipment, control panels, etc.;

Auxiliary equipment - individual lifting and transport devices, conveyors, carts, roller tables, slides for moving materials, etc.:

Technological equipment - working and measuring tools, fixtures, spare parts, office supplies for employees, replacement accessories such as cartridges, etc. for printing and printing equipment;

Working documentation and special literature - instructions, technological maps, safety regulations, file cabinets, files, reference books, manuals, etc.;

Organizational equipment, which includes work furniture (tables, workbenches, chairs, armchairs, cabinets, bedside tables, racks, shelves), clocks, means for placing technological equipment and working documents (cradles, music stands, filing cabinets), devices such as stands, attachments for tables, armrests, footrests, stops;

Safety equipment - fences, screens, personal protective equipment (glasses, respirators, gloves, special clothing and shoes), fire protection equipment, exhaust ventilation, danger warning signs and graphics, etc.;

Lighting means (general for the entire room and local for the working surface or space);

Means of communication with other workplaces and with the manager’s place;

Signaling means (sound, light, signs) about malfunctions and emergency situations;

Working containers for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production waste (containers, pallets, boxes, boxes);

Means for maintaining a normal microclimate in the workplace;

Household products for the care of equipment and workplace (brushes, rags, dustpans, brooms, oil cans, trash cans, etc.)

There may be other types of equipment. The main requirement for the listed equipment and accessories is quality and ensuring high productivity.

Equipment is divided into permanent and temporary. Objects of permanent use include everything that should be in the workplace, regardless of the nature of the work performed:


Constantly used devices and tools;

Lifting and transport devices;

Auxiliary materials and tools for equipment care;

Inventory of permanent use, etc.

Variables, in contrast to constants, are assigned to the workplace for one-time or random work:

Devices for this operation;

Working and measuring tools;

Containers for processing, storing and transferring this specific product.

Each type of workplace equipment has certain requirements.

Main and auxiliary equipment must ensure: ease of maintenance, adjustment and repair; rational working posture (preferably variable) of the performer; safety of operation and repair; the possibility of using progressive techniques and methods of work; convenience and ease of control; saving the physiological efforts of workers and reducing the neuropsychic load on them.

The placement of organizational equipment must correspond to the sequence of work performed and be subordinated to the ease of use. It is necessary to provide for separate storage of documentation, cutting, measuring and auxiliary tools, spare parts and accessories.

Tables and racks on which objects of labor are stored should be located so as to correspond in height to or be slightly higher than the level of processing of parts, and the height of tables or racks for finished products should correspond to the level of its processing or be slightly lower than it.

When choosing work furniture, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric data and gender of workers, have seats that are adjustable in height and seat backs that are adjustable in angle. The height of the working surface of the tables is selected taking into account the nature of the work and the gender of the workers. For example, for women performing very delicate visual work, the table surface height is recommended at 930 mm, and when assembling large parts - 630 mm. For men, this height will be 1020 and 680 mm, respectively.

Furniture, due to its dimensions, should not clutter up the workplace, and its quantity needs to be justified, while being guided by the need for rational use of production space.

The number of shelves in cabinets and racks, drawers in bedside tables and tables should be sufficient to accommodate technological equipment, working documentation, and household items. If the floors in the room do not have wooden or linoleum covering, then wooden footrests should be installed in places where workers directly perform their production functions.

The choice of lighting means is of great importance. When lighting workplaces, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient level of general lighting, special lighting of the working surface or space, uniform lighting of different devices, contrast between work elements and the background, and absence of glare of light.

1.4 Workplace maintenance

Maintenance of workplaces is an important part of the production process and is aimed at providing them with the means and objects of labor necessary for production. This service includes:

Timely delivery of production assignments with relevant documentation to workers;

Uninterrupted supply of workplaces with materials, blanks, semi-finished products, components, tools and devices;

Repair maintenance, adjustment and transport work, product quality control, maintaining cleanliness in the workplace.

The labor efficiency of auxiliary workers performing the listed functions largely depends on what system of servicing the main workers is adopted at the enterprise. The service system is a set of measures regulated in volume, frequency, timing and methods that determine the scope of activity of individual groups of auxiliary workers to provide basic workers with materials, tools, documentation and a range of services and works necessary for uninterrupted, highly productive work. It must correspond to the type of production and the nature of labor at the workplace of the main production, be linked to the structure of production and management, and ensure comprehensiveness of services.

The workplace maintenance system is based on the functional division of labor at the enterprise, as a result of which the main workers are maximally freed from performing auxiliary work, and each maintenance function is carried out by certain professionally qualified groups of auxiliary workers.

The following workplace maintenance functions are distinguished:

Production and preparatory - completing work items, issuing production tasks and technical documentation, conducting production instructions;

Instrumental - provision of tools and devices;

Commissioning - adjustment, readjustment and sub-adjustment of equipment and technological equipment. Initial setup consists of installing, equipping and adjusting new equipment; readjustment - in changing equipment and adjusting equipment during the transition to the production of a new product; sub-adjustment - in eliminating violations in the operation of equipment and accessories that appeared during the execution of a production task;

Control room - product quality control and compliance with the technological regime, defect prevention, maintenance and repair of measuring instruments and instrumentation;

Transport and warehouse - acceptance, accounting, storage and delivery of materials, parts, delivery of objects and means of labor to workplaces;

Maintenance of main and auxiliary equipment, including its preventive maintenance and repair;

Energy - providing the workplace with all types of energy;

Repair and construction - Maintenance production premises, construction of small auxiliary premises, repair of roads and access roads;

Household - systematic cleaning of industrial premises and territories, sanitary, hygienic and cultural services.

All these functions can be performed using different systems - centralized, decentralized and mixed.

With a centralized system, maintenance is carried out by unified functional services of the enterprise.

The decentralized system provides that service functions are performed either by production or service workers located in these departments (workshop, section, line).

In a mixed (combined) system, some service functions are performed centrally, others - decentralized.

Centralized services have significant organizational and economic advantages. It allows for a more rational use of service workers, concentrating their efforts in certain service areas during the required period, mechanizing labor, etc. At the same time, the possibilities for organizing in-production planning of maintenance work are improved, which improves their quality, reliability, timeliness, and efficiency. With a decentralized system, each workshop manager has subordinate auxiliary workers who perform the entire complex necessary work. This ensures timeliness and efficiency of their implementation. However, with this system it is difficult to ensure normal and stable employment of support personnel and their rational use in accordance with their qualifications. The most widespread in enterprises is a mixed (combined) service system, in which part of the service functions is carried out centrally, and the other part is decentralized.

The choice of a service system is influenced by the scale and type of production, the production structure of the enterprise, the quality level of available equipment, the complexity of the product, requirements for its quality, layout of production areas, etc. However, in all cases, the criterion for choosing the optimal service system is the minimum expenditure of working time And material resources for service with high quality of the latter.

From this point of view, the construction of any of the listed systems should be based on the following principles:

Planned and preventive nature;



High quality of service;


The planned preventative nature of maintenance means the coordination of the maintenance system with the operational calendar planning of the progress of the main production, preliminary preparation and delivery of everything necessary for the effective functioning of the workplace.

The flexibility of the system means the possibility of its rapid restructuring in connection with possible deviations from the normal course of the service process.

The complexity of the system presupposes the coordination and linkage of all service functions performed by various services of the enterprise during the same period of time and at the same facilities.

High quality and efficiency are ensured by appropriate qualifications of support workers with their optimal number, clear organization of work, and provision of everything necessary to perform their functions.

Specific maintenance of workplaces can be carried out in one of three main forms: standard, scheduled and preventative and on duty.

Standard (regulated) maintenance allows you to strictly link the work of maintenance personnel with the work schedule of the main production and thereby minimizes downtime of the main workers and equipment. The advantages of this form of service include ensuring full utilization of auxiliary workers, reducing time spent on maintenance, and high quality of work. This system is most appropriate in conditions of mass and large-scale production.

In serial production, where there is a high probability of possible deviations from the normal flow of the production process, it is advisable to use planned preventive maintenance. This form is of a precautionary nature, which is expressed in the preliminary completion of working documentation, tools and devices, workpieces, repairs, adjustments and other work. This ensures smooth and rhythmic work of maintenance personnel and minimal likelihood of downtime for key workers.

On-call service is used in single and small-scale production and is characterized by the absence of pre-developed schedules and schedules. It is carried out on calls from key workers as needed. A prerequisite for this system is the availability of operational communication between workplaces and auxiliary services and the control center.

Speaking about the advisability of one or another form of servicing the main production, it would be wrong to recommend one or the other in its pure form. Any type of production is characterized not only by regular processes, but also by random deviations from them. Therefore, each system of regulated maintenance, which prevents most of the possible deviations from the normal course of the production process, but does not exclude their occurrence, must be complemented by another system that quickly responds to various deviations and eliminates them.

Thus, we are talking about a mixed system, in which part of the production maintenance functions is carried out according to pre-developed regulations, and part - as certain deviations from the regulations arise. The optimal ratio between the volumes of regulated and unregulated services depends on many factors. It is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each system and find economically optimal solutions.

In general, the development of a workplace maintenance system includes:

The choice of forms of its organization;

Determination of the professional composition of service personnel;

Establishment of its regulation;

Providing maintenance personnel with relevant technical and instructional documentation;

Calculation of service standards;

Organization of labor and equipment of workplaces for auxiliary workers;

Organization of regular and reliable communication between the main production workplaces and service personnel.

Design is carried out in several stages, performed in the following sequence.

At the first stage, the composition and scope of work by type of service are identified for each workplace of the main workers and the functional content of the service system is established.

At the second stage, groups of auxiliary workers are formed for all service functions based on relevant standards.

At the third stage, the form of service, service areas, and connections between the main and service workers are determined.

At the fourth stage, service regulations are developed, schedules and regulations are drawn up, routes and schedules for the movement of auxiliary workers are calculated, and the organization of work places for auxiliary workers is designed.

1.5 Assessment of working conditions in the workplace

Working conditions is a set of environmental factors that influence a person’s performance and health during the work process. An employee in a production environment is affected by a large number of external factors, which, based on their origin, can be divided into two groups. The first includes factors that do not depend on the characteristics of production, among them geographical and climatic factors, which are determined by the geographical area and climatic zone of the enterprise location, and socio-economic ones. The latter depend on the socio-economic system of society and determine the position of the worker in society as a whole. They find their expression in labor legislation, in a set of social benefits and guarantees.

The second group includes factors that depend on the characteristics of production and its staff. These factors are formed, on the one hand, under the influence of the features of technology, technology, economics and production organization (production and technical), and, on the other hand, under the influence of the features labor collective(socio-psychological).

The group of production and technical factors is the most extensive. It includes:

Technical and technological factors - features of equipment and technology, the level of mechanization and automation of labor, the degree of equipment of workplaces, work and rest regime. Under the influence of these factors, the physical severity of labor is formed, characterized by the volume of physical work and static load per shift, and neuropsychic tension, determined by the amount of information processed, the intensity of attention, the intensity of analytical and mental activity, the degree of monotony of work, the pace of work;

Sanitary and hygienic factors - temperature, humidity, air speed in the workroom; levels of noise, vibration, dust, gas contamination, radiation; illumination, contact of the worker’s body parts with water, machine oil, toxic substances, general condition production premises;

Safety factors that guarantee worker protection from mechanical damage, electric shock, chemical and radiation contamination;

Engineering and psychological factors - comfort in the workplace, perfect design and layout of equipment, controls and means of monitoring the progress of the technological process, ease of maintenance of machines and mechanisms;

Aesthetic factors - architectural and planning solutions of the interior and exterior, aesthetically expressive shape and color of work equipment, workwear, appropriate design of recreation areas, etc.;

Household factors - organization of intra-shift meals for workers; the presence and condition of cabins, washbasins, showers, toilets; organization of washing, dry cleaning and repair of work clothes, cleaning of premises and territory, etc.

Socio-psychological factors - socio-demographic structure of the team, set of interests, value orientations employees, leadership style in departments and the enterprise as a whole, the scale and nature of the activities of public organizations. These factors form the moral and psychological climate in the team.

Ergonomics studies the influence of various factors on the functional state of a person environment: air composition, noise, vibrations, lighting, meteorological conditions, etc. Regarding the listed factors, ergonomics determines “zones” of comfort and develops means of effectively protecting the human body from the harmful influences of the environment.

The production conditions surrounding a person are reduced to four types:

unbearable, when the human body cannot exist for a long time;

uncomfortable, when one or two elements of the external environment deviate significantly from the norm. Such conditions are observed in foundries, forges, thermal, galvanic and other hazardous production workshops;

comfortable, when all elements of the work environment are in sufficient accordance with human factor;

highly comfortable, when all elements are in the best possible accordance with the human factor.

Productive work depends not only on the environment, but also on many production factors. Creating normal working conditions is one of the important tasks of a manager.


2.1 Workplace of the milk processing shop foreman

"Experimental base "Krinichnaya"

This course work examines the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman, his job responsibilities, principles of operation, conditions in which it operates.

The foreman is the immediate leader of the primary labor collective, the organizer of labor and production, and the educator of workers at the level (section) he heads.

Let's pay attention to the layout of the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman. Although the work of a foreman involves movement around the workshop, he still has to work at his desk.

The master's workplace is equipped with a table and chair. They must correspond to the anthropometric data of a person, ensure a comfortable position for the worker’s body, create conditions for less fatigue, good visual perception, freedom of movement, etc.

The window is not in the field of view of the master at the workplace; it is located on the right. Therefore, during the day the sun does not interfere with work in the office.

To avoid the adverse effects of radiant heat from heating appliances, the table is located at a sufficient distance.

Working surface wooden table, hard, smooth. There is nothing superfluous on the surface of the table or inside it, and tools, stationery, and documentation have a strictly defined place. There are special trays for office supplies.

The sizes of drawers and shelves in the tables correspond to the sizes of papers and folders.

Let's pay attention to the chair. Because When working, the master moves around the workshop and during regulated breaks he sits down to rest. Therefore, the master’s chair should be comfortable.

With such a layout, the minimum amount of working time spent on performing work that is assigned to the workplace is ensured, the physiological efforts and neuropsychic tension of the worker are minimized, a good overview of all parts of equipment and mechanisms in the active working area is provided, and favorable working conditions are created.

The work of a milk processing shop foreman requires good lighting of this technological area. When a master works with documents, combined lighting is used at his workplace, i.e. a combination of general and local lighting. This type of lighting is used in the dark, and in daylight it is natural; it is most favorable for the worker. When a foreman works directly at a technological site, general lighting is sufficient for him in the dark, unless he is training a worker in advanced work techniques and other operations that require precision, and therefore good illumination of the workplace.

2.2 Assessment of workplace equipment

Overall, I gave a satisfactory assessment of the workplace.

Firstly, at the workplace, among the above documentation, there are no safety instructions, and there are also no fire protection equipment, warning signs, graphics, etc.

Secondly, from the workwear, the worker is equipped only with a robe, and a headscarf and boots are not provided, while in order to ensure sanitary and hygienic working conditions and taking into account aesthetic requirements, the operator must be equipped with the above-mentioned workwear and special footwear.

As for the work furniture, I also rated it as satisfactorily organized. In general, the furniture takes into account the anthropometric data of the workers; the chair has a height-adjustable seat and an adjustable backrest. Furniture does not clutter up the workplace, while the production area is used rationally. At the same time, I believe that the number of shelves and drawers in a table designed to store tools is not enough. This leads to the fact that due to the large number of parts, tools and their different production purposes, the worker loses a lot of time finding the right tool.

2.3 Workplace maintenance assessment

Having studied all the functions of servicing the workplace, I believe that the workshop foreman’s workplace is well maintained, based on the division of labor between the operator himself and the auxiliary workers, and covers functions by type, timing and methods of performing auxiliary and main work. The necessary conditions have been created for conducting production processes without interruption. The master has “self-service” functions, such as maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace and production and preparatory checks of the serviceability of equipment, preparing it for work. This allows the master’s working time to be used more fully and at the same time not to involve additional auxiliary workers. At the same time, “self-service” does not include repair and overhaul maintenance operations. Therefore, there is no significant downtime and situations when the worker himself is simply not able, due to insufficient qualifications, to fix complex equipment if problems arise. These functions are performed by the workshop repair service under the supervision of a workshop mechanic and an equipment cleaner (between-repair function).

2.4 Working conditions and their assessment

Let's consider the working conditions of a milk processing shop foreman.

1) Microclimate of the production environment . The concept of microclimate of the production environment includes: air temperature, humidity and movement speed, as well as the temperature of surrounding surfaces. Optimal microclimatic conditions are created by combining microclimate parameters, which, with prolonged and systematic exposure to a person, ensure the preservation of the normal functional and thermal state of the body without straining the thermoregulation reaction. At the foreman’s workplace, the relative air humidity does not correspond to the norm and is accordingly 47% compared to the norm (60%). The air temperature is 11 degrees, which is 11 degrees below normal. Thus, we can conclude that the microclimate neither corresponds to sanitary and hygienic conditions, nor to the norms of temperature and humidity conditions of the technological process.

2) Industrial noise . Currently, noise is becoming one of the most common environmental factors. The harmful effects of noise on the body can manifest themselves both in the form of specific damage to the hearing organs and in the form of disorders of many other organs and systems. At our workplace, the noise does not exceed 85 dB and this corresponds to the norm. The source of noise is operating equipment. Other harmful production factors There is no industrial radiation, dust or vibration in the workplace. Let us pay attention to issues related to the organization of work in the workplace, the structure labor activity.

3) Working hours. The duration of this work is 8 hours. The work is carried out in 2 shifts. First shift from 7:00 to 15:20. Lunch from 11:00 to 11:20. Second shift from 15:20 to 23:40. Lunch from 19:00 to 19:20.

4) Working methods.

2.5 Measures to improve workplaces

This paragraph provides justification for the proposed measures necessary for the rational use of the employee’s potential capabilities.

Firstly, by observing the work and rest regime, the period of work is reduced, and this increases the phase of stable performance, and this will increase the productivity of the entire enterprise.

Secondly, using light colors of paint when painting the walls, floors in the workshop and with the help of cleaners cleaning the workshop during breaks will possibly reduce worker fatigue. This event can have a positive impact on the emotional well-being of the master, and this is very important, because... During the shift, the foreman has to communicate very often with the workshop workers.

Thirdly, it is necessary to improve the operation of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the milk packaging workshop, especially when working in winter time. And since the work of a foreman involves constant movement around the workshop, this event will improve the well-being of workers and have a positive impact on their work.

Fourthly, strictly observing the labor process, i.e. Having excluded work not provided for by the master’s duties, we will allow him to engage in mentoring work, i.e. devote more time to young and inexperienced workers, train them in advanced and rational labor techniques, transfer their experience to them, and this will primarily affect the quality of products and labor productivity.

Fifthly, when describing the microclimate in the preparation workshop, it was indicated that the temperature and humidity were significantly lower than normal. This affects the fact that female workers quickly become overworked. Insufficient air temperature does not allow the master to use his working time with the greatest efficiency. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to improve the operation of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the workshop. Savings on working conditions do not allow achieving maximum productivity, and due to non-compliance with temperature and humidity production conditions, an increase in the production of low-quality products is observed.

Sixthly, when considering the aesthetic conditions, it was noticed that the walls were painted blue. However, shabby paint and untidy appearance of the walls adversely affect the emotional mood of the employee. Therefore, you should re-paint the walls of the workshop with light and soft colors.

All this will allow this team to efficiently and timely solve the most difficult and important tasks and instructions of the enterprise management.


For efficient functioning modern production based on application complex technology and technology characterized big amount intra-production connections, a clear organization of the workplace is necessary. On at this stage development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus (i.e. at the stage of transition and entry into a market economy), it is very important to rationally, accurately organize the workplace, harmoniously link all elements of the organization, i.e. planning, equipment, maintenance and, of course, providing the employee with favorable and comfortable conditions for the effective implementation of the labor process with the highest possible productivity.

The workplace should be maximally suitable for highly productive, efficient work with minimal time and effort.

The organization of the workplace refers to their technological and organizational equipment, layout and maintenance. Work on organizing the workplace depends on the type of production and the content of the labor process.

Technological equipment of workplaces includes devices, tools, devices for maintaining and controlling the technological process.

Organizational equipment includes industrial furniture for placing and storing tools, auxiliary devices for maintaining equipment and space, and means for mechanizing auxiliary operations.

Improving workplace services involves developing the most rational forms of division and cooperation of workers' labor. For large volumes of service operations, it is advisable to highlight them as a separate function with the specialization of certain employees. At the same time, each employee is set optimal zone or area, mode, schedule and route of service.

There are three methods of workplace maintenance:

On-call (in case of problems, a specialist is called);

On-duty (waiting for problems to appear and resolve);

Planned and preventive (active warning of possible problems).

Having analyzed each element of the organization of the workshop foreman’s workplace, it can be revealed that as a result of improving its organization, a reserve for increasing labor productivity arises, and, consequently, savings on the wage fund (in the amount of 246,058 rubles). The annual economic effect from the implementation of the proposed measures will be 224,058 rubles.

Thus, in the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman, it is possible to improve the worker’s working conditions with the help of the measures proposed in paragraph 2.4 of the work, due to which we can increase the labor productivity of the entire workshop.


1 Adamchuka V.V. "Organization and rationing of labor." Tutorial. 2003

2 Gromov M.N. “Scientific organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at agricultural enterprises.” Textbook, 2005

3 Zudina L.A. "Organization of managerial work." Textbook, 2004.

4 Kibanova A.Ya. “Personnel Management of an Organization”, INFA-M, 2001.

5 Kutepova K.V., Pobedinsky G.V. “Scientific organization of labor and labor regulation.” Textbook for universities, 2004.

6 Ochakova A.I. and others. “Scientific organization and labor regulation in enterprises.” Textbook M.: Radio and communications, 2001.

7 Pashuto V.P. “Organization and standardization of labor at an enterprise” Mn, 2001.

8 Pushkin P.S., Ovchinnikov S.I. “Scientific organization of labor and technical regulation”, M., 2001.

9 Rofe A.I. "Scientific organization of labor", 2005.

10 Smirnov E.L. “Reference Guide” – 3rd ed., add. "Economics", 2001

11 Shipunov V.G., Kishkel E.N. “Fundamentals of management activities”,

textbook, 2nd edition, revised and expanded, 2000

12 Methodology for determining the economic efficiency of measures,” 3rd ed., 2003.


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Workplace equipment

Equipment depends on production, technical and psychological factors. The first include the type of production, technological purpose of the workplace, the nature of labor functions, the number of workers involved, the level of specialization; the second - anthropometric, psychological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic conditions for performing work.

The means of equipping the workplace must correspond to the content of the production process. These funds are divided into two groups: variable (temporary) and permanent. Variables are used to perform one specific operation. These include devices, containers, control and measuring and working tools. Permanent are always located at the workplace. This is the main and auxiliary equipment of a stationary nature, always used tools, shelving, cabinets, lighting elements, etc. Equipment should help reduce the physical effort of the worker, ensure favorable sanitary, hygienic and safe working conditions, and use rational techniques and methods of work.

Workplace layout

In organizing workplaces, small-scale mechanization tools and organizational equipment are of great importance. Workplaces are equipped with safety devices (screens, shields, communication equipment), as well as the necessary technical documentation (drawings, diagrams, instructions for use and care of equipment, etc.). All equipment in the workplace must be arranged in a certain order, ensuring savings in worker labor. This is achieved by rational layout of workplaces, which is understood as the appropriate spatial arrangement in the horizontal and vertical planes of all elements of equipment necessary for the implementation of the labor process.

The following requirements are imposed on the layout of the workplace: the layout must provide the shortest path for the product to pass horizontally and vertically during its manufacture; the workplace should always have everything you need and nothing superfluous; each item in the workplace must have its own permanent place so that the worker can always take it without wasting effort and time (without wasting a second); items of most frequent use should lie closer to the worker and preferably under the right hand; everything that is taken with the right hand is located on the right, and everything with the left hand is located to the left of the worker.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of the work area of ​​the space that is within reach of the employee's outstretched arms. The main technological equipment and equipment are located here. Reach zones can be optimal (normal) and maximum. The optimal zone is determined by the span of the arm bent at the elbow joint with the shoulder freely lowered. Working in this zone is less tiring. The maximum reach area is limited by the span of your outstretched arm. Equipment controls, tools, materials and devices must be within reach of the worker in his field of vision. Equipment is placed taking into account compliance with life safety rules.

Workplace maintenance

Workplace maintenance issues are also of great importance in increasing production labor. Maintenance of the workplace is understood as a set of works and activities aimed at providing the workplace with means and objects, placing them in the prescribed manner in order to create conditions for uninterrupted operation to complete the production task. This complex includes work on production instruction of workers, provision of necessary technical information and documentation, supply of necessary materials, blanks, semi-finished products, all types of energy, adjustment, repair or maintenance of equipment, delivery of tools to workplaces, as well as transport and transportation control operations and services of a sanitary-hygienic and industrial-household nature.

Maintenance of workplaces in mechanical engineering, for example, requires workers to spend from 3 to 8% of operational work time. Downtime of equipment and workers due to poor maintenance of workplaces accounts for up to 25% of shift time. Therefore, in order to increase labor productivity when organizing maintenance of workplaces, the following principles must be observed: planning in providing workplaces with everything necessary for highly productive work; prevention of all possible violations, malfunctions and interruptions in the main production process; comprehensiveness of workplace services.

In mechanical engineering, the following types of workplace maintenance are distinguished: duty – carried out by shop duty personnel on calls coming from the workplace; preventive maintenance – carried out in accordance with plans and schedules drawn up for a month, quarter, year. This includes changing and sharpening tools, repairing equipment according to a unified system of scheduled maintenance, etc. Maintenance of a workplace at an enterprise can be represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2.

CIS – central measuring station; PPO – planning and production department; OTM – technical materials department; RMC – settlement and material center; OTiZ – department of labor and wages; TsRK – workshop distribution pantry; BTK – technical control bureau; BOTIZ - bureau of the labor and wages department; PDB - preparatory bureau

A favorable work environment is a complex concept and consists of compliance with the requirements of labor physiology and engineering psychology; introduction of industrial aesthetics in the design of workshops and workplaces; maintaining cleanliness and order in production.

Compliance with the requirements of occupational physiology and engineering psychology

Research in the field of labor physiology shows ways and methods of creating such working conditions for a person that contribute to maintaining stable performance and normal vitality. A separate science deals with the analysis of the relationship between man and machine - engineering psychology. Its focus is the development of principles and methods for harmonizing the design of machines and the features of technological processes with the capabilities and properties of humans. These principles should ensure maximum speed, accuracy and reliability of human actions, and consequently of the entire “man-machine” system as a whole.

The introduction of NOT in the field of creating a favorable working environment should ensure collaboration engineers, psychologists, physiologists and hygienists. Their recommendations include the correct rhythm of work; necessary breaks, pauses and micro-pauses in work; issues of human use of visual tension and attention; rational lighting of workplaces; room temperature and humidity; correct painting of the premises and equipment, etc.

The practice of leading enterprises shows that high industrial aesthetics improves the mood of workers, their well-being and, consequently, labor productivity. Industrial aesthetics includes: beautiful design workshops and equipment through special painting of walls and equipment; use of ornamental plants; the use of rational, well-placed lamps; reduction of production noise.

Maintaining cleanliness and order is carried out by using special cleaning machines, vacuum cleaners, devices for cleaning window frames and glass, wiping lamps and fittings, and cleaning floors from oil, debris and dirt. Workers must be provided with special clothing in accordance with the work performed. Good ventilation of the room must be provided.

Equipping a workplace means providing it with all the necessary means by which it is possible to create conditions for an employee to effectively perform his professional duties.

Specific types of equipment, which can be very diverse, must correspond to the characteristics of each workplace and ensure the rational use of working time, saving physiological effort, labor safety, comfort and efficiency.

Typical main equipment types are:

main technological equipment that is designed to perform the main work at a given workplace. These can be machines, mechanisms, units, apparatus, conveyor lines, counting and computing equipment, personal computers, printing and printing equipment, control panels, etc. It is also possible that basic technological equipment that coincides with the concept of a workplace - this applies to individual vehicles: cars, combines, trolleybuses, etc.;

auxiliary equipment - individual lifting and transport devices, conveyors, carts, roller conveyors,

slides for moving materials, etc.;

technological equipment - working and measuring tools, fixtures, spare parts, office supplies for employees, replacement accessories such as cartridges, etc. for printing and printing equipment;

working documentation and special literature - instructions, technological maps, safety regulations, file cabinets, files, reference books, manuals, etc.;

organizational equipment, which includes work furniture (tables, workbenches, chairs, armchairs, cabinets, bedside tables, racks, shelves), clocks, means for placing technological equipment;

and working documents (cradles, music stands, card indexes), devices such as stands, table attachments, armrests, movable grids, stops. A specific type of organizational equipment will be scaffolding, which is erected on objects being constructed or repaired to provide access for builders to their workplaces;

safety equipment - fences, screens, personal protective equipment (goggles, respirators, gloves, special clothing and shoes), fire protection equipment, exhaust ventilation, danger warning signs and graphics, etc.;

means of lighting (general for the entire room and local for the working surface or space);

means of communication with other workplaces and with the manager’s place;

signaling means (sound, light, signs, combined) about malfunctions and emergency situations;

working containers for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production waste (containers, pallets, containers for liquid substances, boxes, crates);

means for maintaining a normal microclimate in the workplace - forced and exhaust ventilation, heating;

objects for the aestheticization of industrial interiors (drapes, curtains, blinds, flower stands, works of decorative and applied art, rugs, paths, etc.);

household products for caring for equipment and the workplace (brushes, rags, dustpans, brooms, oil cans, trash cans, etc.).

There may be other types of equipment.

Equipment is divided into permanent and temporary. Permanent equipment is always at the workplace, regardless of the type and nature of the work being carried out. Variables, in contrast to constants, are assigned to the workplace for one-time or occasional work. It is advisable to include permanent equipment in the inventory of equipment that should be available at the workplace.

Each type of workplace equipment has certain requirements.

The main and auxiliary equipment must ensure its maintenance, adjustment and repair; rational working posture (preferably variable) of the performer; safety of operation and repair; the possibility of using progressive techniques and methods of work; convenience and ease of control; saving the physiological efforts of workers and reducing the neuropsychic load on them.

All of the listed requirements for equipment are addressed primarily to designers, creators new technology, which when designing machines, mechanisms, office equipment, etc. must be guided by norms and standards that ensure not only the functional compliance of the equipment with its intended purpose, but also meet the requirements of occupational safety, ergonomics 30, and industrial aesthetics. In turn, equipment customers need to strictly monitor the implementation of these requirements by designers and manufacturers of equipment.

If the installed equipment does not meet some of the requirements, then it is advisable to modernize or modify it, equip it, or improve it.

Technological equipment must meet the requirements of production technology in its composition and quantity. Cutting tools should be easy to use, easy to install on equipment and easy to remove from it. In addition to functional suitability, manual workers must also be easy to use, adapted to the person’s hand and to his physical capabilities. Their aesthetic appearance, formed by shape, coloring or polishing, is also of considerable importance. The same requirements apply to hand-held measuring instruments.

Stationery, drawing tools, and management equipment must meet modern requirements for their quality, appearance, variety and aesthetic design.

It is advisable to use standardized samples of technological equipment, which reduces the cost and speeds up its production, restoration, and repair. Organizational equipment is designed to ensure the effective performance of the employee’s duties. When choosing work furniture, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric data and gender of the workers, to have height-adjustable seats and adjustable seat back angles. The height of the working surface of the tables is selected taking into account the nature of the work and the gender of the workers. For example, for women who perform very delicate visual work (assembling watches, engraving, etc.), the height of the table surface is recommended at 930 mm, and when typing or assembling large parts - 630 mm. For men, this height will be 1020 and 680 mm, respectively.

Furniture, due to its dimensions, should not clutter up the workplace, and its quantity needs to be justified, while being guided by the need for rational use of production space.

The number of trays, shelves in cabinets and racks, drawers in bedside tables and tables should be sufficient to accommodate technological equipment, working documentation, specialized literature, and household items. If the floors in the room do not have wooden or linoleum covering, then wooden footrests should be installed in places where workers directly perform their production functions.

The choice of means and lighting is of great importance. When lighting workplaces, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient level of general lighting, special lighting of the working surface or space, uniform lighting of different devices, contrast between work elements and the background, absence of glare and reflected glare.

The choice of communication and signaling means is determined by the specifics of the workplace. Telephones, local production radio and television, dispatch communication stations, and radio call systems can be used as means of communication. Signaling devices can be light (signal lamps, traffic lights, light displays, tickers, etc.), sound (bells, beeps, sirens, buzzers, etc.), object signs (figures, numbers, flags, symbols, etc. ).

Working containers, when properly designed, can significantly facilitate labor and accounting for manufactured products. It is preferable to use specially designed containers adapted to the shape and size of the products to be stored and transported. The container should be light and durable, allow items to be quickly placed and removed, and may differ in color for separate accounting of released products by workers of different shifts. The tasks of the scientific organization of labor are to formulate titles for the complexity of equipment, so that such elements of equipment that ensure the creation of the necessary working conditions are not missed. NOTE also imposes requirements on the quality of each of the equipment elements, on their ergonomics, i.e. adaptability to the anthropometric, physical and mental characteristics of a person.

The equipment of a workplace is a set of main technological and auxiliary equipment, technological and organizational equipment, tools, technical documentation, communication and signaling equipment, and labor protection equipment located within the workplace. The set of these tools depends on the technological purpose of the workplace, the level of its specialization, and the system for servicing workplaces.

Specific types of equipment, which can be very diverse, must correspond to the characteristics of each workplace and ensure the rational use of working time, saving physiological effort, labor safety, comfort and efficiency.

Typical main equipment types are:

The main technological equipment, which is designed to perform the main work at a given workplace. These can be machines, mechanisms, units, apparatus, conveyor lines, counting and computing equipment, personal computers, printing and printing equipment, control panels, etc.;

Auxiliary equipment - individual lifting and transport devices, conveyors, carts, roller tables, slides for moving materials, etc.:

Technological equipment - working and measuring tools, fixtures, spare parts, office supplies for employees, replacement accessories such as cartridges, etc. for printing and printing equipment;

Working documentation and special literature - instructions, technological maps, safety regulations, file cabinets, files, reference books, manuals, etc.;

Organizational equipment, which includes work furniture (tables, workbenches, chairs, armchairs, cabinets, bedside tables, racks, shelves), clocks, means for placing technological equipment and working documents (cradles, music stands, filing cabinets), devices such as stands, attachments for tables, armrests, footrests, stops;

Safety equipment - fences, screens, personal protective equipment (goggles, respirators, gloves, special clothing and shoes), fire protection equipment, exhaust ventilation, danger warning signs and graphics, etc.;

Lighting means (general for the entire room and local for the working surface or space);

Means of communication with other workplaces and with the manager’s place;

Signaling means (sound, light, signs) about malfunctions and emergency situations;

Working containers for raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products, production waste (containers, pallets, boxes, boxes);

Means for maintaining a normal microclimate in the workplace;

Household products for the care of equipment and workplace (brushes, rags, dustpans, brooms, oil cans, trash cans, etc.)

There may be other types of equipment. The main requirement for the listed equipment and accessories is quality and ensuring high productivity.

Equipment is divided into permanent and temporary. Objects of permanent use include everything that should be in the workplace, regardless of the nature of the work performed:


Constantly used devices and tools;

Lifting and transport devices;

Auxiliary materials and tools for equipment care;

Inventory of permanent use, etc.

Variables, in contrast to constants, are assigned to the workplace for one-time or random work:

Devices for this operation;

Working and measuring tools;

Containers for processing, storing and transferring this specific product.

Each type of workplace equipment has certain requirements.

Main and auxiliary equipment must ensure: ease of maintenance, adjustment and repair; rational working posture (preferably variable) of the performer; safety of operation and repair; the possibility of using progressive techniques and methods of work; convenience and ease of control; saving the physiological efforts of workers and reducing the neuropsychic load on them.

The placement of organizational equipment must correspond to the sequence of work performed and be subordinated to the ease of use. It is necessary to provide for separate storage of documentation, cutting, measuring and auxiliary tools, spare parts and accessories.

Tables and racks on which objects of labor are stored should be located so as to correspond in height to or be slightly higher than the level of processing of parts, and the height of tables or racks for finished products should correspond to the level of its processing or be slightly lower than it.

When choosing work furniture, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric data and gender of workers, have seats that are adjustable in height and seat backs that are adjustable in angle. The height of the working surface of the tables is selected taking into account the nature of the work and the gender of the workers. For example, for women performing very delicate visual work, the table surface height is recommended at 930 mm, and when assembling large parts - 630 mm. For men, this height will be 1020 and 680 mm, respectively.

Furniture, due to its dimensions, should not clutter up the workplace, and its quantity needs to be justified, while being guided by the need for rational use of production space.

The number of shelves in cabinets and racks, drawers in bedside tables and tables should be sufficient to accommodate technological equipment, working documentation, and household items. If the floors in the room do not have wooden or linoleum covering, then wooden footrests should be installed in places where workers directly perform their production functions.

The choice of lighting means is of great importance. When lighting workplaces, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient level of general lighting, special lighting of the working surface or space, uniform lighting of different devices, contrast between work elements and the background, and absence of glare of light.

Maintenance of workplaces is an important part of the production process and is aimed at providing them with the means and objects of labor necessary for production. This service includes:

Timely delivery of production assignments with relevant documentation to workers;

Uninterrupted supply of workplaces with materials, blanks, semi-finished products, components, tools and devices;

Repair maintenance, adjustment and transport work, product quality control, maintaining cleanliness in the workplace.

The labor efficiency of auxiliary workers performing the listed functions largely depends on what system of servicing the main workers is adopted at the enterprise. The service system is a set of measures regulated in volume, frequency, timing and methods that determine the scope of activity of individual groups of auxiliary workers to provide basic workers with materials, tools, documentation and a range of services and works necessary for uninterrupted, highly productive work. It must correspond to the type of production and the nature of labor at the workplace of the main production, be linked to the structure of production and management, and ensure comprehensiveness of services.

The workplace maintenance system is based on functional division labor at the enterprise, as a result of which the main workers are maximally freed from performing auxiliary work, and each service function is carried out by certain professionally qualified groups of auxiliary workers.

The following workplace maintenance functions are distinguished:

Production and preparatory – completing work items, issuing production tasks and technical documentation, conducting production instructions;

Instrumental – provision of tools and devices;

Commissioning – adjustment, readjustment and sub-adjustment of equipment and technological equipment. Initial setup consists of installing, equipping and adjusting new equipment; readjustment - in changing equipment and adjusting equipment during the transition to the production of a new product; sub-adjustment - in eliminating violations in the operation of equipment and accessories that appeared during the execution of a production task;

Control room - product quality control and adherence to technological conditions, defect prevention, maintenance and repair of measuring instruments and instrumentation;

Transport and warehouse – acceptance, accounting, storage and delivery of materials, parts, delivery of objects and means of labor to workplaces;

Maintenance of main and auxiliary equipment, including its preventive maintenance and repair;

Energy – providing the workplace with all types of energy;

Repair and construction – current repairs of industrial premises, construction of small auxiliary premises, repair of roads and access roads;

Household - systematic cleaning of industrial premises and territories, sanitary, hygienic and cultural services.

All these functions can be performed using different systems - centralized, decentralized and mixed.

With a centralized system, maintenance is carried out by unified functional services of the enterprise.

The decentralized system provides that service functions are performed either by production or service workers located in these departments (workshop, section, line).

In a mixed (combined) system, some service functions are performed centrally, others - decentralized.

Centralized services have significant organizational and economic advantages. It allows for a more rational use of service workers, concentrating their efforts in certain service areas during the required period, mechanizing labor, etc. At the same time, the possibilities for organizing in-production planning of maintenance work are improved, which improves their quality, reliability, timeliness, and efficiency. In a decentralized system, each workshop manager has subordinate auxiliary workers who perform the entire range of necessary work. This ensures timeliness and efficiency of their implementation. However, with this system it is difficult to ensure normal and stable employment of support personnel and their rational use in accordance with their qualifications. The most widespread in enterprises is a mixed (combined) service system, in which some service functions are carried out centrally, and the other part - decentralized.

The choice of a service system is influenced by the scale and type of production, the production structure of the enterprise, the quality level of available equipment, the complexity of the product, requirements for its quality, layout of production areas, etc. However, in all cases, the criterion for choosing the optimal service system is the minimum expenditure of working time and material resources for maintenance with high quality of the latter.

From this point of view, the construction of any of the listed systems should be based on the following principles:

Planned and preventive nature;



High quality of service;


The planned preventative nature of maintenance means the coordination of the maintenance system with the operational calendar planning of the progress of the main production, preliminary preparation and delivery of everything necessary for the effective functioning of the workplace.

The flexibility of the system means the possibility of its rapid restructuring in connection with possible deviations from the normal course of the service process.

The complexity of the system presupposes the coordination and linkage of all service functions performed by various services of the enterprise during the same period of time and at the same facilities.

High quality and efficiency are ensured by appropriate qualifications of support workers with their optimal number, clear organization of work, and provision of everything necessary to perform their functions.

Specific maintenance of workplaces can be carried out in one of three main forms: standard, scheduled and preventative and on duty.

Standard (regulated) maintenance allows you to strictly link the work of maintenance personnel with the work schedule of the main production and thereby minimizes downtime of the main workers and equipment. The advantages of this form of service include ensuring full utilization of auxiliary workers, reducing time spent on maintenance, and high quality of work. This system is most appropriate in conditions of mass and large-scale production.

In mass production, where there is a high probability of possible deviations from the normal flow of the production process, it is advisable to use planned preventive maintenance. This form is of a precautionary nature, which is expressed in the preliminary completion of working documentation, tools and devices, workpieces, repairs, adjustments and other work. This ensures smooth and rhythmic work of maintenance personnel and minimal likelihood of downtime for key workers.

On-call service is used in single and small-scale production and is characterized by the absence of pre-developed schedules and schedules. It is carried out on calls from key workers as needed. A prerequisite for this system is the availability of operational communication between workplaces and auxiliary services and the control center.

Speaking about the advisability of one or another form of servicing the main production, it would be wrong to recommend one or the other in its pure form. Any type of production is characterized not only by regular processes, but also by random deviations from them. Therefore, each system of regulated maintenance, which prevents most of the possible deviations from the normal course of the production process, but does not exclude their occurrence, must be complemented by another system that quickly responds to various deviations and eliminates them.

Thus, we are talking about a mixed system, in which part of the production maintenance functions is carried out according to pre-developed regulations, and part - as certain deviations from the regulations arise. The optimal ratio between the volumes of regulated and unregulated services depends on many factors. It is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each system and find economically optimal solutions.

In general, the development of a workplace maintenance system includes:

The choice of forms of its organization;

Determination of the professional composition of service personnel;

Establishment of its regulation;

Providing maintenance personnel with relevant technical and instructional documentation;

Calculation of service standards;

Organization of labor and equipment of workplaces for auxiliary workers;

Organization of regular and reliable communication between the main production workplaces and service personnel.

Design is carried out in several stages, performed in the following sequence.

At the first stage, the composition and scope of work by type of service are identified for each workplace of the main workers and the functional content of the service system is established.

At the second stage, groups of auxiliary workers are formed for all service functions based on relevant standards.

At the third stage, the form of service, service areas, and connections between the main and service workers are determined.

At the fourth stage, service regulations are developed, schedules are drawn up, routes and schedules for the movement of auxiliary workers are calculated, and the organization of work places for auxiliary workers is designed.

2.3 Organization of the workplace of the foreman of the milk processing workshop of the Krinichnaya Experimental Base

Assessment of the state of ergonomic organization of workplaces at an enterprise is carried out through certification of workplaces. Certification is carried out annually or every 3 years.

Jobs are assessed according to the methodology chosen by the management of the enterprise, namely the organizational level and the quality of labor standards. The efficiency of the use of labor and the compliance of existing conditions with ergonomic requirements are assessed. A form in the form of a certificate or workplace certification card is filled out.

Subjects to be assessed during certification:

1. Equipment and maintenance of the workplace (organizational and technical equipment, supplies, etc.)

2. Planning the workplace and working and environmental conditions (work and rest hours, working conditions, etc.)

3. Specialization and cooperation of labor (service activities, combination of professions, individual or collective form of workplace organization, maintenance of several pieces of equipment)

4. Labor standardization (methods for developing standards, studying and updating standards, intensity of standards, integral coefficient of quality of labor standards).

The compliance of existing conditions with requirements is assessed by assigning a specific score to each characteristic.

The accumulation of a certain number of points determines the certification or non-certification of jobs.

In case of non-certification of a workplace, a set of measures is developed that will help improve the organization of this workplace, a responsible person and a period of execution are assigned. After a certain period of time, the workplace is again certified.

The proposed method is not the only one; any organization can use various methods of workplace certification or turn to external specialized organizations.

This course work examines the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman, his job responsibilities, principles of work, and the conditions in which he works.

The foreman is the immediate leader of the primary labor collective, the organizer of labor and production, and the educator of workers at the level (section) he heads.

Let's pay attention to the layout of the workplace of a milk processing shop foreman. Although the work of a foreman involves movement around the workshop, he still has to work at his desk.

The master's workplace is equipped with a table and chair. They must correspond to the anthropometric data of a person, ensure a comfortable position for the worker’s body, create conditions for less fatigue, good visual perception, freedom of movement, etc.

The window is not in the field of view of the master at the workplace; it is located on the right. Therefore, during the day the sun does not interfere with work in the office.

To avoid the adverse effects of radiant heat from heating appliances, the table is located at a sufficient distance.

The working surface of the table is wooden, hard, smooth. There is nothing superfluous on the surface of the table or inside it, and tools, stationery, and documentation have a strictly defined place. There are special trays for office supplies.

The sizes of drawers and shelves in the tables correspond to the sizes of papers and folders.

Let's pay attention to the chair. Because When working, the master moves around the workshop and during regulated breaks he sits down to rest. Therefore, the master’s chair should be comfortable.

With such a layout, the minimum amount of working time spent on performing work that is assigned to the workplace is ensured, the physiological efforts and neuropsychic tension of the worker are minimized, a good overview of all parts of equipment and mechanisms in the active working area is provided, and favorable working conditions are created.

The work of a milk processing shop foreman requires good lighting of this technological area. When a master works with documents, combined lighting is used at his workplace, i.e. a combination of general and local lighting. This type of lighting is used in the dark, and in daylight it is natural; it is most favorable for the worker. When a foreman works directly at a technological site, general lighting is sufficient for him in the dark, unless he is training a worker in advanced work techniques and other operations that require precision, and therefore good illumination of the workplace.

In general, a satisfactory assessment of the workplace can be given.

Firstly, at the workplace, among the above documentation, there are no safety instructions, there are also no fire protection equipment, warning signs, graphics, etc.

Secondly, the worker is equipped with only a robe as special clothing, and a scarf and boots are not provided, while in order to ensure sanitary and hygienic working conditions and taking into account aesthetic requirements, the operator must be equipped with the above-mentioned special clothing and special footwear.

As for the work furniture, I also rate it as satisfactorily organized. In general, the furniture takes into account the anthropometric data of the workers; the chair has a height-adjustable seat and an adjustable backrest. Furniture does not clutter up the workplace, while the production area is used rationally. At the same time, I believe that the number of shelves and drawers in a table designed to store tools is not enough. This leads to the fact that due to the large number of parts, tools and their different production purposes, the worker loses a lot of time finding the right tool.

Having studied all the functions of servicing the workplace, I believe that the workshop foreman’s workplace is well maintained, based on the division of labor between the operator himself and the auxiliary workers, and covers functions by type, timing and methods of performing auxiliary and main work. The necessary conditions have been created to conduct production processes without interruptions. The master has “self-service” functions, such as maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace and production and preparatory checks of the serviceability of equipment, preparing it for work. This allows the master’s working time to be used more fully and at the same time not to involve additional auxiliary workers. At the same time, “self-service” does not include repair and overhaul maintenance operations. Therefore, there is no significant downtime and situations when the worker himself is simply not able, due to insufficient qualifications, to fix complex equipment if problems arise. These functions are performed by the workshop repair service under the supervision of a workshop mechanic and an equipment cleaner (between-repair function).


For the effective functioning of modern production, based on the use of complex equipment and technology, characterized by a large number of intra-production connections, a clear organization of the workplace is necessary. At this stage of development of the country's economy ( market economy) it is very important to rationally, accurately organize the workplace, harmoniously link all elements of the organization, i.e. planning, equipment, maintenance and, of course, providing the employee with favorable and comfortable conditions for the effective implementation of the labor process with the highest possible productivity.

The workplace should be maximally suitable for highly productive, efficient work with minimal time and effort.

The organization of the workplace refers to their technological and organizational equipment, layout and maintenance. Work on organizing the workplace depends on the type of production and the content of the labor process.

Technological equipment of workplaces includes devices, tools, devices for maintaining and controlling the technological process.

Organizational equipment includes industrial furniture for placing and storing tools, auxiliary devices for maintaining equipment and space, and means for mechanizing auxiliary operations.

Improving workplace services involves developing the most rational forms of division and cooperation of workers' labor. For large volumes of service operations, it is advisable to highlight them as a separate function with the specialization of certain employees. At the same time, each employee is assigned an optimal zone or area, regime, schedule and service route.

There are three methods of workplace maintenance:

On-call (in case of problems, a specialist is called);

On-duty (waiting for problems to appear and resolve);

Planned and preventive (active warning of possible problems).

Having analyzed each element of the organization of the workshop foreman’s workplace, it can be revealed that as a result of improving its organization, a reserve for increasing labor productivity arises, and, consequently, savings on the wage fund.


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