Brigade organization of work. Classification and size of brigades

IN historical aspect There are three main stages in the development of technology and labor or the “technology - man” system: manual labor, mechanized labor, automated labor. All these types of labor take place in modern production. Ergonomics, having emerged at the stage of automated labor, is nevertheless relevant to all three of its types. Ergonomics needs a harmonious classification modern species labor. At the current stage, it seems advisable to use the classification created by the Central Statistical Office of the USSR to group workers (professions) on the basis of labor mechanization when conducting a census of the professional composition of workers. The indicated division of workers into groups based on the mechanization of labor, in particular, was successfully used in the sociological analysis of labor problems. According to this classification, there are five groups of workers, distinguished by the degree of mechanization of labor activity.

The first group is workers who perform work using machines, automated devices and installations. This includes workers who monitor the operation of automatic and semi-automatic units, units, apparatus, machines, etc., regulate their operating mode, configure and adjust them. This group also includes workers of semi-automatic machines, machine tools, devices, if their function is also to control and regulate the operation of semi-automatic machines; adjusters and adjusters of semi-automatic machines, in which the observation function predominates.

The second group is workers who perform work with the help of machines, machine tools, mechanisms, devices, mechanized tools (machine operators, machinists, drivers, tractor drivers, machine operators, mechanics, jackhammer operators, gas and electric welders, etc.). All these workers are characterized, first of all, by the function of direct control of the machine and apparatus. Within this group, a division into subgroups is sometimes introduced depending on the perfection of the tools used.

The third group is workers who perform work manually with machines and mechanisms, supplementing the work of machines with their manual labor (auxiliary workers): loaders with containers and conveyors; sorters, packers, packers, washers, pourers and other workers employed in machines and mechanisms. Workers in this group can be employed in completely similar jobs equally with non-automatic machines, as well as with automatic and semi-automatic machines. Workers throughout this group are characterized by low-skilled, usually monotonous work.

The fourth group is workers who perform work manually or with the help of non-mechanized tools, who are not employed with machines and mechanisms, i.e. handmade ah (workers of low-skilled labor of the manufacturing type, workers of highly skilled craft type, workers of highly skilled labor in manual complex assembly and adjustment of complex-assembled products.

The fifth group is workers performing work on repairing machines and mechanisms, mechanics, electricians, electrician repairmen, including those on duty. This group also includes adjusters, machine and machine adjusters, tool installers, whose predominant function is adjustment.

At the same time, workers of repair groups, sections, workshops, workshops, factories, who are not engaged in complex machine repairs, but in specialized operations, belong to one of the first four groups. For example, turners and other machine operators, gas and electric welders engaged in repair work belong to the second group, as workers who perform work using machines and power tools.

In the above classification, work related to manual, machine and automated production is intertwined. Criticisms are expressed about the strictness of the classification in the third and fourth groups, which include both unskilled (helpers, riggers, loaders, etc.) and highly qualified (mechanics, electricians, tool makers, etc.) manual workers. However, a more advanced classification of types of work activity has not yet been created.

For the purposes of ergonomic analysis, in most cases, a more detailed division of professions is carried out. Thus, workers of automated control systems, or operators (the first group), are divided into five types, in accordance with which five classes of operator activity are determined.

I. Operator-technologist. The operator is directly involved in the technological process, works mainly in the immediate service mode, performs mainly executive actions, guided by clearly regulating instructions that contain, as a rule, a complete set of situations and decisions. These are operators of technological processes of automatic lines, operators performing the functions of formal recoding and transmission of information.

II. Manipulator operator. In this case, for the operator, the main role is played by the mechanisms of sensorimotor activity, as well as, although to a lesser extent, figurative and conceptual thinking. The functions of the manipulator operator include control of manipulators, robots, and muscle energy amplifier machines. The activities of operators servicing radar stations - a classic object of study in engineering psychology - can also be included in this category. True, the activity of these operators with no less justification can be attributed to the following type - the activity of an operator-observer, since when performing tracking functions, tracking targets in conditions of interference, a huge share of the load falls on the visual system. III. Operator-observer, controller. This is a classic type of operator (radar tracking operator, transport system dispatcher, etc.). This type of activity is characterized by a greater “weight” of information and conceptual models; accordingly, its management skills are somewhat reduced (compared to the first two types of operator activity). It can operate in either immediate or deferred maintenance mode. This type of activity is widespread for operators of technical systems working in real time.

IV. Operator-researcher. Such an operator is significantly to a greater extent uses the apparatus of conceptual thinking and experience embedded in figurative and conceptual models. Controls play an even smaller role for him, and the “weight” of information models, on the contrary, increases significantly. Such operators include researchers of any profile - users of computer systems, decryptors of objects (images), etc.

V. Operator-supervisor. He does not control the technical components of a system or machine, but other people. This control is carried out both directly and indirectly - through technical means and communication channels. Such operators include organizers, managers at various levels, decision makers with relevant knowledge, experience, tact, will, decision-making skills and intuition. Operator-managers in their activities must “play” not only with the object, take into account not only the capabilities and limitations of the machine components of the system, but must fully take into account the characteristics of subordinates - their capabilities and limitations, states and moods. The main mode of activity of the operator-manager is operational thinking.

For all its imperfections, this classification of operator activity clarifies ways to harmonize external means and methods of activity and allows, at least at first, to better orient research and practical work in the field of ergonomics.

The scope of ergonomic research primarily includes types of work activities that involve the use of technical means. Manual labor is sometimes included in the study of ergonomics; There are a number of ergonomic publications devoted to the problems of manual labor.

A universal classification of equipment has not yet been created, which makes it difficult to develop its ergonomic classification, the need for which is increasingly felt due to the need to prepare ergonomic requirements and recommendations for certain types of equipment. The objects of ergonomics are: production equipment (machines, mechanisms, tools, control devices for machines and technological processes, means of transport, communications, communications, etc.); non-production equipment (utility and household appliances It was noted above that cultural and household products and household products have already become the object of ergonomic research. In order to competently evaluate and design the consumer properties of such products, their consumption itself should also be considered as a special type of activity, as a consumption activity. At the same time, the similarity of the operational and technical components of labor activity and consumption activity should not be misleading. Their goals, motives, and results are fundamentally different, as are the requirements for the conditions of their use and the degree of comfort. Consumption activities are still awaiting their special study, transportation technology, educational and cultural technology, etc.), as well as military equipment (tanks, rocket launchers, aircraft, surface and underwater vessels, etc.).

For the purposes of preliminary analysis, it is of interest general classification tools and means of labor according to the degree of their automation, which allows us to schematically present the main objects of ergonomic analysis:

  • A) hand tool and simple devices;
  • b) mechanized and electrified tools;
  • c) machines without a forced connection of the working body with the object of labor, working when the worker serving them is working;
  • d) single semi-automatic machines, in which there is a forced connection of the working body with the object of labor, but without automatic loading and unloading of materials and products;
  • e) single machines in which automation of all processes of the work cycle, supply of materials and output of the finished product is carried out;
  • f) semi-automatic units (units, combines), in which all processes are automated, except for loading material to remove finished products, as a rule, they are a combination of various mechanical devices (for example, a machine and a transmission mechanism);
  • g) automatic units in which all processes are automated up to the maintenance of a given mode and methods of introducing regulatory programs.

The ergonomic classification of types of labor activity does not coincide with the classification of types of labor, nor with the classification of professions, nor with the classification of tools, i.e., external means of labor activity. As its main basis, it must have a classification of its own means (methods) of labor activity. Such a classification has not yet been created, since ideas about internal means of activity both in ergonomics and in psychology are still not sufficiently dissected. Therefore, at the present stage of development of ergonomics, it is necessary to limit ourselves to a generalized description of work activity with various means of labor, while paying attention to the most significant psychological features of these processes.

In any work, as in any other activity (learning, playing), one can distinguish cognitive, executive, motivational, including target aspects. Naturally, the content of each of these aspects, as well as the relationship between them, is specific and historical. They are determined by the development of goals, improvement of means of production, technological regimes and working conditions. This is especially clear when comparing psychological characteristics work activities with means of production such as tools, mechanized systems or machines and automated systems.

The most direct interaction between the subject and the object of labor occurs when using tools or various kinds of tools. An example of such types of activity can be not only the work of a toolmaker, a builder or a repair or adjustment specialist, the work of a doctor and a designer, but also, of course, also workers of certain types of art - artists of applied arts, sculptors, etc. Object in In these cases, the subject appears before the subject in all the diversity of its properties, and the subject has a variety of possibilities for changing and using them in order to obtain the desired result. To use these capabilities, he must carry out not only executive, but also various analytical and cognitive actions, in other words, solve the problem in the most effective organization of your actions. In this case, the means of production itself - a tool, an instrument in its idea or design - reflects both the properties of the object (shape, texture, etc.) and the functional features of the way a person acts with an object; the efforts he must make, the requirements for accuracy and speed of action. Many tools and tools created long ago still amaze with their “reasonableness”, convenience and ease of use, and most importantly, the ability with their help to create new forms of objects or transform the same object in completely different ways with quality, and not just quantity. different results. The immediacy of interaction with an object with the help of object- and functionally-specific means of labor activity creates conditions not only for executive, but also for cognitive actions. Their ratio may be different in similar labor processes, which is determined primarily not by the object and means of labor actions, but by the requirements for the results of these actions. Requirements for the functional or, for example, aesthetic qualities of the result determine the method of labor actions and the effectiveness of their implementation. When using tools, a person uses his abilities, gains experience and skills in various fields of work. He also satisfies his needs for knowledge and creativity. This type of work activity is characterized by the creation of new, more convenient or expedient means of production, and the obtaining of new results.

Activity proceeds differently when using mechanized means of production in the “man-machine” system. The object of labor (or source material, workpiece, etc.) appears here only with a limited number of its properties, since the machine is unable to take into account all the properties of the material. The depletion of the qualitative content of interaction with an object is accompanied by an increase in requirements for the quantitative characteristics of interaction, for example, its speed or the amount of energy expended. Accordingly, requirements are imposed on human labor actions in these conditions in terms of a certain quantitative effect, i.e., obtaining a given volume of output in the shortest possible time at the lowest cost.

Under such conditions of work activity, there is a constant need to improve the clarity, organization and stereotyping of executive actions. As a result, there is almost no “room” left for cognitive actions in the labor act. The production itself does not require and does not even allow any deviations in the quality characteristics of the result in relation to the specified ones. It requires a person to apply only a limited range of his abilities, mainly certain skills and their effective coordination with the time mode of operation of the machine. Essentially, the object of labor actions for a person becomes not only the object of production, but also the machine itself. It is to its spatial and temporal features that he must adapt his actions.

Accordingly, a person’s initiative in optimizing work activity can manifest itself mainly in the sphere of organizing this activity, in developing a professional style, in improving technology, that is, in everything that concerns the method of action, and not the means of production and the properties of the object. The study and analysis of the effectiveness of the latter is carried out mainly by people of other specialties who do not participate in the labor process itself.

Finally, under the conditions of using automated means of production, the functional orientation of human actions is further differentiated, the requirements for timing or speed of execution of actions increase, and their organization as a whole becomes even more stringent. A rigid, algorithmic organization of actions, for example, of an observer operator or a tracking system operator does not always allow the operator to formulate the most convenient method of action for him and does not directly create the need to improve the quality of the final result. In fact, the very content of the result changes. It is no longer understood as the result of human influence using automated means on any object, but as the result of changes that are caused by human actions in the automated device itself. And those measures that determine the effectiveness of the system’s operating mode are transferred to human actions. These include measures of accuracy, speed and reliability.

Thus, the direct object of activity for a person becomes the means of production itself, and the requirements for the result of interaction are limited by its operating mode or state. In practice, these requirements relate only to the executive actions of a person, and only in the case when the device itself stops working in a given mode, does the person have the opportunity to perform some cognitive actions to detect the cause of the accident. These actions are often characterized not by the measure of need, but by the measure of responsibility. As a result, one could conclude that the main criteria for labor actions should be measures of executive action, which are established based on the effective functioning of the system. However, in the conditions of automated production, new types of professions appear: operator-researcher and manager, which require a different approach.

In these types of activities everything big role play not only perfect mastery of tools and means of labor, not only executive and cognitive processes, but also the processes of forming or setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them. At the same time, we are talking about setting goals that are quite specific, immanent to labor processes and the dynamic conditions in which they take place, and not external to labor activity. Ergonomic analysis of many modern types of work activity requires mandatory consideration of human subjectivity, analysis of the motivational sphere and goal-setting processes, characterization of the subjective representation of goals and their changes in the labor process itself. These requirements for ergonomic analysis are related to the fact that goals are woven into the work process; they cannot be replaced by either work attitudes or motives.

The subject of ergonomics is any activity insofar as it is included in a fairly broad context of technical means. This, naturally, does not mean that ergonomics is identical to the general theory of activity - it has much more narrow tasks, associated primarily with the analysis and purposeful design of existing types of work activity. That is why, as noted earlier, ergonomics contributes to the development of a general theory of human labor activity in modern production conditions.

Defining activities as a subject of ergonomic research faces serious difficulties. This is also due to the fact that the distinction between the concepts of “activity”, “labor”, “labor activity” has almost never been attempted in our literature, and their different uses are more intuitive than scientifically based. Despite the fact that the concepts of activity and labor have much in common, the distinction between their volume and content cannot be carried out mechanically. And such a distinction is far from a simple task. The point is not even that the concepts of work and activity are intersecting. There is a complex system of relationships between them (development, functioning, etc.). Labor is to the same extent a condition for the development of activity, in which the development of activity is a condition for the development of labor. That is why in general philosophical or sociological research much more similarities between them are found than differences. The situation is the same in ergonomics, which turns out to be associated with the general theory of activity or with general theoretical ideas about human activity. Methodologically, this looks quite natural: a special scientific study of activity should have, as its theoretical and methodological prerequisites, some general ideas about activity as a whole, about the laws of its organization and structure. In practice, as E. G. Yudin noted, the situation is much more complicated; Modern scientific knowledge, in essence, does not have a theoretically developed phenomenology of activity as a whole, so the researcher of activity actually has the only option, if he is trying to find and explicitly define the theoretical basis of his work, to turn to the ideas about activity that have been developed by psychology. The authors followed this path when analyzing functional structure executive and cognitive activity which will be carried out in the following paragraphs of this chapter.

All worker professions are also divided according to the degree of mechanization of labor. The degree of mechanization of the labor of each worker and the corresponding code of profession are determined according to the methodology of the Central Statistical Office of the USSR (form No. 2 of the report on the operation of oil and gas pipelines, approved by the Central Statistical Office of the USSR dated 02/04/82) code 1 - work on machines, automated units, installations, devices code 2 - in a mechanized way ( using machines, machine tools and mechanisms, as well as mechanized, electric and pneumatic tools, if work with them is permanent and takes up at least 50% of the working time) code 3 - manually, work with machines and mechanisms code 4 -. manually, but not with machines and mechanisms code 5 - manually, adjustment and repair of machines and mechanisms.

Let's look at the mechanization of some of them. The industry currently employs about 160 thousand workers in plumbing and assembly work, and the degree of mechanization of their labor was 27.2% in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan. In this regard, the industry is currently widely introducing comprehensive mechanization of these processes, semi-automatic and automatic assembly lines for mass-produced electric motors, and individual operations are being automated through the use of industrial robots. As a result, during the eleventh five-year plan, about 55 thousand people were released from metalwork and assembly work, and the degree of labor mechanization was increased by 35%. In the current five-year plan, measures have been taken to further increase the level of mechanization of these works.

The leading criterion in this regard is the content and nature of work. On this basis, workers are divided into two main groups - predominantly mental and predominantly physical labor. In the process of analyzing the structure of the team, it is necessary to identify intra-group differentiation in terms of number, age and gender, length of service, skill level (for workers), degree of mechanization of labor, employment in difficult and hazardous work.

This article includes the costs of developing standards for labor and wages, for the consumption of materials, fuel, tools, and for drawing up cost estimates. The costs for each component are determined experimentally and statistically, depending on the volume of work and the degree of mechanization of the developers’ labor

In industry, every third worker is employed in low-skilled manual labor. The rate of decline in manual labor in Russia is slightly more than 1% per year, while in the US food industry, the use of low-skilled manual labor has decreased over 25 years by 71%, or almost 3% per year. The degree of labor mechanization in the food concentrate industry is 44%, in the sugar industry - up to 60% (in the main production - 50-60%, in auxiliary production - 26-40%).

O Degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06.

Currently, the state food industry is experiencing an acute crisis. The strategy for the development of public catering establishments that emerged over the previous decades was aimed at creating a highly concentrated network of canteens and restaurants with the construction of large kitchens with a capacity of up to 100 tons per day and the need for significant transportation of raw materials and finished products to the retail network. As a result, today we have a poorly concentrated (since it has ceased to be profitable) public catering system and a lack of fresh and tasty food and a wide range of quality products in stores. In addition, the degree of labor mechanization in the industry does not reach 40%. The city of eight million is provided with fast food by only 15 large companies. In Moscow, 500 tons of instant bread products are produced and sold daily. The consumption of pizza by the middle class in Moscow was 10 kg in 1996, 15 kg in 1997, and 20 kg per capita in 1998, with an upward trend as the demand for pizza grows. In Russia, it is traditional to consume a large number of products that are fashionable around the world, besides, prices for other food products are growing faster, and we guarantee price stability. The city center is characterized by an increase in demand for high-quality goods, which is explained both by an increase in the number of migrants and by an increase in the proportion of people with high purchasing power.

Degree of labor mechanization

One of important points in warehouse work is the division and cooperation of labor of warehouse workers, which implies specialization between performers in the implementation of the technological process of the warehouse complex. At the same time, the division of labor of warehouse workers is carried out based on the nature of the functions they perform and the degree of mechanization of labor. In turn, labor cooperation involves the joint activity of warehouse workers during the operation of the warehouse complex.

It should be noted that in many schemes for classifying labor processes to the listed species include, and hardware. At the same time, two completely different classification characteristics are mixed: the degree of mechanization of labor and the type of equipment used, which determines the method of influencing the object of labor. This combination of classification criteria is unlawful. This can be seen from the fact that hardware processes can be both automated and non-automated.

The choice of a specific method for studying the cost of working time depends on the content of the production process (mechanical or physical-chemical), the degree of mechanization of labor of the working type of production, the form of labor organization in the workplace (individual, team, multi-machine), the repetition frequency and duration of the production process cycle (cyclic, periodic and continuous processes).

At the same time, socialism is characterized by the still incomplete maturity of direct social labor. Socialism is still characterized by social differences in labor, due to the qualitative heterogeneity of the elements of its productive forces, varying degrees of mechanization of labor, the presence in certain areas of production of difficult and harmful conditions for the body, varying degrees of elements of creativity in labor and therefore varying degrees of satisfaction with work.

To correctly assess the degree of labor mechanization, it is necessary to attach a justified and detailed list of professions and specialties to industry methods for determining the level of mechanization and automation. The lack of such data leads to the fact that sometimes the implementation of mechanization measures reduces this indicator. Thus, at the Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, charge loading in ferroalloy furnaces was mechanized, which freed up 55 smelters. However, the indicator of the degree of labor mechanization at the plant decreased by 1%. This happened because when filling the charge manually, all smelters were classified as mechanized workers.

Degree of mechanization Labor is completely mechanized

At the same time, for the living standards of the people, the working conditions of workers and peasants are of the greatest importance: the length of the working day, the duration of vacations, the degree of mechanization of labor, the degree of its intensity, the severity and harmfulness of work, the state of safety precautions, etc. When comparing living standards in countries with different social systems, it is necessary to take into account the degree of employment of the working class, depending on the presence and size of unemployment, and for the rural population - the presence and size of agrarian overpopulation. An essential aspect of the living standard of workers is also the structure of their expenditure budget, the ratio of expenses to satisfy various types of needs.

This accounting provides very important information about the distribution of workers according to the degree of mechanization of labor into the following groups of workers (including apprentices) who perform work on automated installations in a mechanized manner, manually, on machines and mechanisms manually, manually on setting up and repairing machines and mechanisms.

Degree of labor mechanization 104

An examination of the specific weights of factors for assessing the complexity of labor showed that, to the greatest extent, specific complexity factors are inherent in manual and machine-manual processes, and therefore the specific importance of these factors decreases with an increase in the degree of mechanization of labor, with the exception of manual creative labor, which is given the highest specific the weight of this factor, taking into account the importance of the individual qualities of the employee, which are the main condition for performing work of a creative nature.

Thus, the rate of renewal of existing industrial fixed assets is in direct connection with the growth of mechanization of production processes. The higher the degree of mechanization of labor in industry, the greater the rate of replacement of existing fixed assets. Consequently, the reconstruction of industrial enterprises as the main form of updating existing fixed assets will continue to occupy a significant place in the expanded reproduction of fixed assets.

The second type includes factors characterizing the system and method of work, the degree of mechanization of labor, the forms of documentation used and other organizational conditions. The labor productivity of engineers and employees largely depends on them.

When calculating the indicator specific gravity manual labor in terms of the number of workers, its value is distorted by the professional attribute of assigning workers to one or another group according to the degree of mechanization of labor in accordance with the classification

E A large volume is performed in loading and unloading, transport and warehouse operations. Until recently, the industry employed more than 106 thousand workers in these jobs. The main reason is the low level of mechanization of these works. Thus, in warehouse and packaging work at the beginning of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan it was 3%. In the eleventh five-year plan, 1,745 mechanized warehouses, 2,330 units of floor-mounted trackless transport, and 40 thousand m of conveyors were introduced in the industry. This made it possible to increase the degree of mechanization of workers’ labor to 54.3% over the five years. In the twelfth five-year plan, robotic warehouse complexes, automated transport and warehouse systems, automated and mechanized warehouses are being introduced.

During the survey, the distribution of workers was studied according to the degree of labor mechanization, types of work performed, professional composition at certain types works The survey showed that a significant amount of manual work falls on the share of mechanical repair shops and is unsatisfactory

Manufacturing process- this is a set of labor processes and technology necessary to regularly achieve a certain production goal; it is characterized by special technological content and requires special means of production and workers of certain professions for its implementation.

Technological process- this is an expedient change in the shape, size, condition, structure, position, location of objects of labor. A technological process can also be considered as a set of sequential technological operations necessary to achieve the goal of the production process (or one of the particular goals).

Labor process- a set of actions of a performer or a group of performers to transform objects of labor into its product, performed at workplaces.

Technological processes are classified according to the following main characteristics:

Source of energy required to carry out the process:

passive (natural), active;

Degrees of continuity: continuous (passing around the clock, which can be interrupted due to the end of the working day or after completing a given release program), discrete (cyclic, non-cyclical); method of influencing the object of labor: mechanical, hardware.

Classification labor processes shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Classification of labor processes

Passive technological processes occur as natural processes and do not require additional human-transformed energy to influence the object of labor (drying raw materials, cooling metal under normal conditions, etc.).

Active technological processes occur as a result of direct human influence on the subject of labor or as a result of the influence of means of labor set in motion by energy expediently transformed by man. In continuous processes, the technological process is not interrupted during loading of raw materials, issuance of finished products and process control. The division of continuous processes into those that take place around the clock and processes that can be interrupted due to the end of the working day or after completing a given production program is carried out for the purpose of organizing labor standards. The first includes: iron smelting, continuous hardware processes in the chemical industry, the second - the production, for example, of dumplings on machines, and the transportation of goods on conveyor belts. Due to the peculiarity of the approach to establishing standards, processes with continuous output of the same product can be classified as continuous, in which there may be breaks during the working day to prevent and eliminate violations of the process itself (manufacture of products on an automatic line, production of a certain type of fabric on automatic looms). Discrete processes are characterized by the presence of interruptions in the impact on the subject of labor. In turn, they are divided into cyclic and non-cyclical. Cyclic processes include discontinuous processes that are repeated when performing a specific production task for the manufacture of a given product (production of butter, mechanical processing of a series of parts on machines, etc.). Non-cyclic processes include discontinuous processes that are not repeated or repeated in different sequences (heat treatment of parts in small-scale and single production). Mechanical processes are carried out manually or using machines (machines, automatic assembly machines, etc.). As a result, the object of labor is subjected to mechanical influences, i.e. its shape, size, and position change. During hardware processes, the physicochemical properties of objects of labor change under the influence of chemical reactions, thermal energy, and various types of radiation. These processes take place in devices of various structural forms - ovens, chambers, baths, vessels, etc. The product of the hardware process may differ from the raw material in chemical composition, structure and state of aggregation. Hardware processes predominate in the chemical, metallurgical, food, and microbiological industries. All types of technological processes at an enterprise can only be carried out as a result of the labor of its employees. Labor processes differ in the nature of the subject and product of labor, the functions of workers, the degree of human participation in influencing the subject of labor (the degree of mechanization of labor), and the organization of labor. Material-energy labor processes, distinguished by the nature of the subject and the product of labor, are characteristic of workers, and information processes are characteristic of employees. The subject and product of labor of the former is substance (raw materials, materials, machine parts) or energy (electric, thermal, hydraulic, etc.), of the latter - information (economic, design, technological, etc.). Further differentiation of the labor processes of workers and employees is determined by their functions. Currently, the labor processes of workers are divided into main and auxiliary and, accordingly, workers into main and auxiliary. A separate group consists of processes for servicing equipment and workplaces.

All processes performed by workers can be divided into three groups: basic, general shop, general plant.

Basic- product release processes; general shop- repair and transport, control, warehouse, cleaning; general plant- production processes of general plant workshops (auxiliary, instrumental, energy, etc.). To organize and standardize labor, it is enough to distinguish three groups of labor processes, the purpose of which is the production of products in the main and auxiliary shops, as well as the maintenance of workplace equipment in the main and auxiliary shops. Accordingly, according to the nature of the functions performed, three groups of workers are distinguished:

Basic - workers of the main workshops engaged in production;

General factory workers - workers engaged in the production of products in general factory workshops;

General shop workers - workers who create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of equipment and workplaces in the main and general plant shops.

Employees of the enterprise are also divided into three groups according to the functions they perform:

Managers (making decisions and ensuring their implementation);

Specialists (preparation of information on the basis of which managers make decisions);

Technical performers (providing necessary conditions

for the work of managers and specialists According to the degree of human participation in influencing the subject of labor, labor processes are divided into manual, machine-manual, machine and automated.

Manual processes are carried out by one worker or a group manually using the simplest tools (axe, plane, shovel, hydraulic tool, etc.). As a result, objects of labor change under the influence of the physical efforts of workers.

In machine-manual processes, the material is processed by a mechanism with the direct participation of the worker (sewing on a sewing machine, processing parts on a machine with manual feed, etc.).

Machine or mechanized processes include processes in which the shape, size, appearance, and position of an object are changed by the actuators of the machine. The worker manually or using machine control mechanisms also performs elements of auxiliary work (fastening and removing parts, changing tools, etc.).

Automated processes are carried out under the control and supervision of the performer without his direct influence on the objects of labor, i.e. The main work is fully mechanized, and the auxiliary work is partially (semi-automatic) or completely (automatic).

Based on organizational characteristics, individual and collective (group, brigade) labor processes are distinguished.

Working conditions - a set of factors that influence a person’s performance and health during the work process. They are divided into two groups: factors independent and dependent on production.

Factors independent of production:

Geographical area;

Climate zone;

Socio-economic (socio-economic system of society, the place of a person in this society, the legislation of this society).

Factors depending on production:

1) production and technical factors:

Technical and technological factors (features of equipment and technology, degree of mechanization and automation, work and rest schedule, degree of equipment of workplaces);

Sanitary and hygienic factors (temperature, humidity, air speed in the workroom, radiation, noise and vibration, dust, gas contamination, lighting, contact of the worker’s body parts with water, machine oil, toxic substances, general condition production premises);

Safety factors that guarantee the protection of workers from mechanical damage, electric shock, chemical and radiation exposure;

Engineering and psychological factors (comfort in the workplace, perfect design and layout of equipment, controls and means of monitoring the progress of the technological process, ease of maintenance of machines and mechanisms);

Aesthetic factors (interior architectural and planning solutions, aesthetics of shapes and colors of labor tools, workwear, recreation areas, etc.);

Household factors (organization of intra-shift meals for workers, the presence and condition of cabins, washbasins, showers, toilets, organization of washing, dry cleaning and repair of work clothes, cleaning of premises and territories, etc.);

2) social psychological factors:

Socio-demographic structure of the team;

The set of interests and value orientations of employees;

Leadership style in departments and in the organization as a whole;

The scale and nature of the activities of public organizations (trade unions, veterans’ council, etc.).

The listed groups of factors form the basis of the production environment.

Assessment of working conditions

A prerequisite for organizing work to create favorable working conditions is an objective assessment of their actual condition. At the same time, along with the analysis and assessment of individual factors influencing the formation of working conditions, it is important to express all the diversity of the impact of the production environment using a single, integral indicator.

Quantitative and qualitative assessment the cumulative impact of all factors of the working environment on a person’s performance, health and vital activity is expressed in the indicator the severity of labor. This concept is applied to both physical and mental work. Under the influence of working conditions, three main functional states of the body are formed: normal, borderline (between normal and pathological) and pathological. Each state has its own distinctive characteristics, and the results of his work activity and health depend on which of them the human body is in.

These signs serve as a physiological scale of the severity of work, and all work according to medical and physiological classification, developed by the Labor Research Institute, are divided into six categories of severity.

First category- work performed in conditions close to physiological comfort. At the same time, mental, physical and neuro-emotional stress fully corresponds to the physiological capabilities of a person. In practically healthy people, such conditions increase the body’s fitness and performance. Fatigue at the end of the working day is insignificant. Throughout the entire working period of life, a person maintains high performance and health.

Second category- work performed in favorable conditions. They also do not cause any significant changes in psychophysical functions. At the end of the labor process, people who do not have medical contraindications to such work do not experience significant fatigue. Efficiency is not impaired, deviations in the state of health associated with the profession are not observed throughout the entire period of work.

Third category- labor processes taking place in not entirely favorable conditions and accompanied by increased muscular, mental and neuro-emotional stress. At the same time, practically healthy people experience reactions characteristic of a borderline state of the body: indicators of physiological functions decrease, especially towards the end of work, compared to the pre-work level; functional indicators deteriorate during labor efforts, especially the functions of the central nervous system; the recovery period is prolonged, etc. An effective means of eliminating such negative changes is the development of rational work and rest regimes.

Fourth category- work that takes place in unfavorable conditions and causes deeper borderline (pre-pathological) reactions in the body of practically healthy people. Most physiological indicators deteriorate both in interoperative intervals and at the time of labor effort. The ratios of periods in the dynamics of working capacity and labor productivity change. The level of general morbidity is increasing, work-related diseases are appearing, and the number and severity of work-related injuries are growing. In the presence of higher level exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors Occupational diseases may also occur. The necessary performance can be maintained only by overstraining the mechanisms that compensate for impaired body functions.

Fifth category- jobs characterized by the presence of extreme working conditions, under the influence of which, at the end of the working period (shift, week), reactions are formed that correspond to the pathological functional state of the body in practically healthy people. For most workers, such reactions disappear after sufficient and complete rest, but due to various reasons they can stabilize and develop into a more or less developed disease. Therefore, this category is characterized by a high level of work-related and occupational morbidity. At the same time, workers’ performance indicators deteriorate significantly, and their working capacity and labor productivity curves change (often chaotically).

Sixth category- labor processes taking place in particularly unfavorable conditions, causing the rapid development of pathological reactions of the body, often accompanied by severe functional disorders of vital organs.

Work and rest schedule

Work and rest schedule - the order of alternation and duration of periods of work and rest established for each type of work to maintain high stable performance and human health.

Work time - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the organization and conditions employment contract must perform job duties.

Night time - time from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock.

Time relax - time during which the employee is free from work labor responsibilities, and which he can use at his discretion.

Types of rest time:

Breaks during the working day (shift);

Daily (between shifts) rest;

Weekends (weekly uninterrupted rest);

Non-working holidays;

Removable The work and rest schedule determines: the duration of the shift, its start and end time; the duration of the lunch break, its start and end time; duration and frequency of general regulated breaks in work. Human performance is uneven and is characterized by periodic fluctuations (Figure 3).


0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Opening hours

Figure 3 - Human performance curve during a shift:

a – working time; c – stable operation; c – decreased performance.

To maintain performance during the shift, short breaks are introduced - pauses. There are four categories of breaks in work associated with active or passive rest:

Micropauses up to 30 s;

Short pauses from 30 s to 2 min;

Pauses from 2 minutes to 8 minutes;

Breaks lasting more than 8 minutes.

Micropauses are necessary to transition from one labor action to another. They provide a certain rhythm and intensity of work. The micropause time can reach up to 10% of the working time. When switching from one type of movement or activity to another, in order to reduce fatigue, physical training breaks and pauses for industrial gymnastics are used.

It is important to properly organize pauses and breaks. If work involves prolonged standing or walking, then it is recommended to sit or lie down during rest. When working in a forced position, during pauses you should take a different body position that promotes rest for those muscle groups that bear the main load during work.

Daily work and rest regime - the number of shifts (cycles) per day, which must be a multiple of 24. Therefore, work in one, two, three, four shifts. There is a certain biological rhythm in changing a person’s performance in accordance with his adaptability to environmental conditions. It is typical to have two maximum and two minimum performance points during the day (Figure 4).



Figure 4 - Change in human performance during the day

Maximum performance is observed in the pre-lunch hours, and at night there is a sharp decrease. The decline in performance is a reversible process. After scientifically proven rest, she recovers.

Weekly The work and rest regime provides for different work schedules, the number of days off per week, work on weekends and holidays based on a time norm of no more than 40 hours per week. A person’s performance varies throughout the week and also has periods of workability, stability of performance and its decline (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Change in performance during the working week

Monthly the work and rest regime provides for the number of workers and non-working days in a given month, the number of employees going on vacation, and the duration of the main and additional vacations.

Annual The work and rest regime includes a working time budget and a vacation schedule.

Working time budget– distribution of working time of the personnel of a given organization into time worked in production and time not used for various reasons.

Vacation schedule- this is a schedule for the provision of annual leave, which is usually established by the administration in agreement with the trade union body (if there is one). The schedule is drawn up for each calendar year and approved at the beginning of the current year. Vacations can be granted at any time throughout the year, but without disrupting the normal course of work of the organization. When drawing up a vacation schedule, the wishes of employees and the specifics of the production process are taken into account. Based on the need to ensure the normal operation of the organization, in a collective agreement or other local normative act a maximum number of employees of a particular unit who can simultaneously go on vacation may be set. Leave must not begin earlier than the working year for which it is granted.

Related information.

In conditions of market competition, reducing costs and thereby extracting more income becomes of particular importance for each company. The key direction in this activity is the correct organization of labor processes.

Relevance of the issue

When creating products, materials, semi-finished products and raw materials are transformed into finished products. In this case, three components are used: tools of production, an object and work force. With the help of the former, a person changes the shape of an object, its physical and chemical characteristics, appearance, and location. Production tools are used to control the manufacturing process of a product and to carry out other activities. Taken together, all operations form the activity of the enterprise. Thus, the content of the labor process includes personnel operations necessary for the expedient change of the subject. The effectiveness of operations depends on various factors. Among them are the nature of the production process, the specifics of the task, and the degree of human participation in its implementation.

Features of product manufacturing

During work activity materials, raw materials and semi-finished products are transformed into products ready for use/use. This is carried out with the participation or under the control of a person. In practice, the following classification is accepted production processes:

  1. Basic. Their purpose is to produce goods for the market.
  2. Auxiliary. These include, for example, transport and repair operations. They ensure the normal operation of the enterprise.

Classification has significant practical significance. Any of them can be viewed from two sides. First of all, production processes are complexes of changes that occur with objects. At the same time, they are a set of actions of workers aimed at obtaining a finished product. In the first case, we are talking about the technological process, and in the second, about the labor process.

Transaction categories

Technological processes are classified according to:

  • degrees of continuity;
  • energy source;
  • method of influencing an object.

Depending on the energy source, active and passive operations are distinguished. The latter are considered natural and do not require additional energy converted by man to influence the object. An example of a passive operation is the cooling of metal under normal conditions. Active processes occur under the direct influence of either a person on an object, or set in motion by energy transformed by a worker. Technological operations can be continuous or discrete. In the first case, it does not stop during the period of loading materials, issuing products, or during control activities. Accordingly, the second category is distinguished by the presence of breaks. Depending on the method of influencing the object and the type of equipment used, the technological process can be hardware or mechanical. The latter is carried out by an employee manually or with the help of machines, machines, etc. In this process, the object is subjected to mechanical action. As a result, a change in the shape, position, and size of the object occurs. Hardware processes involve exposure to thermal energy, chemical reactions, biological elements or radiation. Such operations take place in chambers, ovens, vessels, baths, etc. The result is a product that may differ from the original material in its chemical properties, state of aggregation, and structure. Hardware operations are most often used in the food, metallurgical, microbiological, and chemical industries.

Study of labor processes

All technological operations at enterprises are carried out with human participation. In industrial conditions, the labor process is the activity of personnel aimed at converting certain resources into specific products. Its key features are:

  • energy and time costs;
  • usefulness of the results;
  • income;
  • degree of satisfaction with the performance of functions.

The essence of the activity is determined by the totality of operations and personnel movements that are required to complete all stages. The organization of labor processes must ensure:

  • receiving assignments;
  • information and material preparation;
  • direct participation in the transformation of raw materials into the finished product, according to technology;
  • delivery of the result.


The labor process and its rationalization are ensured by the methods used to perform individual operations that help reduce physical activity, creating convenience when carrying out activities, eliminating unnecessary and repeated actions. The methods used also facilitate control and accounting activities. The classification, content and composition of labor processes are closely related to the technology used in the enterprise. In this regard, the effectiveness of the activity will depend not only on its direct performer. Of no small importance is the design of the equipment used, the organization of labor processes and workplaces. These elements are playing an increasingly important role in modern conditions.

Features of work activity

The labor process and the principles of its organization are considered one of the fundamental elements of any enterprise. In conditions of automation and mechanization, the requirements for the quality of activities of personnel performing equipment maintenance are significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of the enterprise will depend on this.

Classification of labor processes: diagram, table

The structure of the activity depends on the task, the technology used and logistics. To study its diversity, a classification of labor processes is carried out. Various types of activities are combined into groups according to specific characteristics. Depending on the purposes of the study, certain criteria are selected that characterize the labor process and its organization. Classification of personnel activities can be carried out according to:

  • characteristics of the raw materials used in chemical, metal and woodworking operations, and others;
  • functions performed (the classification of labor processes in this case involves division into basic, service, and management operations);
  • type of production: it can be mass, serial, individual (single);
  • the nature and content of operations: they can be processing, thermal, mining, physical and chemical, and so on;
  • form of organization of labor activity: it can be individual, subject-closed, collective;
  • frequency and duration.

Basic information is presented in the table below.


Depending on the purpose of the product, personnel activities are divided into auxiliary and primary. This classification of labor processes influences the choice of standards for employees and methods of establishing them. It also influences the choice of methods for creating the necessary conditions for people to realize their professional activity. Classification of labor processes is also carried out depending on the degree of personnel participation in them. Manual operations are performed manually or using non-mechanized tools. For example, this could be painting the workpiece with a brush. Manual mechanized operations are performed using more complex instruments. For example, this could be drilling holes using an electric drill. Machine-manual operations are performed by mechanisms with the participation of a worker. In this case, the specialist makes certain efforts to control the elements of the equipment. Machine operations include processes that are performed on machines and other units. In these cases, the employee's participation is limited solely to operating the equipment. Automated processes are processes that are performed by machines, the movement of the working parts of which, as well as control, is carried out according to a given program using computers. The employee's tasks are limited to monitoring the progress of operations.

Nature of the product and item

There is a classification of labor processes, within which operations are divided into informational and material-energy. In the latter case, the product and subject of professional activity is substance (parts, materials, raw materials) or energy (hydraulic, thermal, electrical). Accordingly, such labor processes are typical for workers. The product and subject in the first case are information. It can be design, technological, economic. Information operations are carried out by employees (specialists).

Specifics of creating conditions for activity

One of the key components of labor organization in the company is improved planning and improved maintenance of existing jobs. This is necessary to create conditions for performing high-quality and high-performance operations at the lowest possible physical cost. Workplaces are the primary link in the enterprise structure. Each of them is an area of ​​application of human physical and mental efforts. The workplace must be equipped with the necessary tools used to perform assigned tasks by one or more subjects. It predetermines the conditions for carrying out activities (difficult, normal, harmful), rest and employment regimes, the nature of operations (monotonous, varied, and so on).

Key areas of administration

The workplace acts as one of the the most important categories, studied within the framework of control theory. This is due to the fact that the zone in which a person performs his professional tasks, has a direct impact on operational efficiency. The effectiveness of personnel management and the enterprise as a whole depends on it. In the process of organizing places of work, the following tasks are solved:

  • optimal use of enterprise space;
  • rational arrangement within a limited area of ​​all elements of the workplace;
  • creating convenient and comfortable conditions for employees;
  • preventing the negative impact of internal and external factors on people;
  • uninterrupted high-quality service for each workplace, ensuring rhythmic, continuous and synchronous functioning of areas.

Administration Purpose

At the workplace, the components of the labor process are connected: means, objects and direct efforts of employees. The main task within the administration is the functional placement of elements to reduce time and physical losses. Special attention is paid to ensuring safety when equipping workplaces. Competent management is characterized by adequate justification for the regulation of professional activities. This is achieved if standards are developed:

  • experienced specialists;
  • according to the recommended method;
  • using labor standards.

Time Analysis

It is necessary to establish adequate standards. The analysis is performed in accordance with the classification of employee time spent. The criteria may be:

  • direct physical efforts of personnel;
  • subject of activity;
  • equipment.

Working time is a measure of labor costs.

The importance of site maintenance and provision

Workplaces must ensure timely delivery of raw materials, tools and materials, repair and adjustment of equipment. At enterprises, a system of comprehensive provision of sites is created and implemented. It provides:

  • preparation and communication of planned tasks to personnel and distribution of operations;
  • equipment with tools;
  • equipment adjustment;
  • energy supply, overhaul maintenance of devices and installations;
  • current repair and maintenance of equipment;
  • quality control of tools and objects of labor;
  • acceptance of finished products to warehouses.


It allows you to detect workplaces that do not meet modern requirements, where unskilled, heavy, manual labor is used, or tasks are performed in conditions that are dangerous for the employee. All deficiencies identified during certification must be eliminated as soon as possible. Bringing workplaces up to date is the responsibility of managers. Implementation allows you to improve and optimize the activities of enterprises.


Labor processes and their classification are the basis of the activities of any enterprise. In modern conditions, with the ever-increasing role of automation, the requirements for the quality and speed of operations are growing. As part of management activities, models for optimizing the workspace are developed and implemented, and worn-out equipment is eliminated.

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