Why when you drink alcohol. Various reasons why people drink alcohol

Everyone already knows that after drinking alcohol, a person becomes drunk. It is difficult not to distinguish a drunk person from a sober one - slurred speech, unsteady gait, specific smell. The degree of intoxication is individual for each person. It depends on many factors: age, gender, health, the amount of alcohol drunk and even in what mood the person picked up the glass.

But there are situations when ethanol has no effect on the individual. And even after a copious libation, the intoxicating drink does not take it. For what reasons did alcohol suddenly cease to bring euphoria, a feeling of relaxation, why does a person not get drunk from alcohol? What does this mean and is this syndrome dangerous for health?

If a feeling of intoxication does not come after drinking, this indicates the presence and progression of alcoholism

To deal with such a strange situation that deprives a person of the desired intoxicating feeling, it is necessary to find out what intoxication depends on. What processes occur in the body under the influence of ethanol?

  1. As soon as ethyl alcohol is in the stomach, active processes of its absorption into the bloodstream begin.
  2. Red blood cells (red blood cells), which are part of the body’s defense system, fail before the toxic effects of alcohol. Ethanol breaks their outer coating and successfully mixes with blood cells. The bloodstream quickly spreads ethyl alcohol throughout internal systems and organs.
  3. Once in the brain cells, ethanol has a detrimental effect on them. As a result, the person experiences feelings of intoxication - slight dizziness, increased mood, unsteadiness of gait, decreased reflexes and problems with speech.

The feeling of joy and euphoria is the result of the activity of the hormones serotonin, dopamine and endorphin. These neurotransmitters are responsible for the expression of joy, pleasure and good mood in humans.

But in the case of intoxication, the surge in the activity of these compounds is a short-term state. The wild fun amid intoxication is replaced by lethargy, weakness and melancholy. The fact is that red blood cells destroyed by ethyl alcohol, entering the brain through the bloodstream, mercilessly destroy brain neurons.

Brain - the main objective ethyl alcohol attacks

Intoxication is an extremely changeable state, accompanied by the death of many thousands of nerve brain cells. Moreover, damaged receptors are no longer able to recover - they are destroyed forever. What happens next?

  • decomposition of dead areas of the brain begins;
  • small bumps-bubbles with liquid putrefactive contents form in the affected areas;
  • the body is trying with all its might to get rid of tumors, using cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Thanks to this, dead and dead cells dissolve, causing powerful pressure on the cerebral cortex.

This pressure leads to the unbearable headache that visits an overdrunk person every morning. Migraines are among the most common symptoms of a hangover.

This is how the process of intoxication occurs. What if it doesn't come? What happens to the body, because some people puzzle themselves with the question of why I drink and don’t get drunk from alcohol. Let's figure it out.

Reason 1: “training”

As a result of prolonged addiction to alcohol-containing products and the massive destruction of brain cells, the cerebral cortex shrinks and decreases in size. By the way, the same reaction, along with alcoholism, is caused by tobacco and drug addiction.

It has been established that if a person regularly drinks alcohol for 4-5 years, the number of neurons in his brain decreases by several thousand. And the brain matter itself becomes 2-3 times smaller compared to the brain of a healthy, non-drinking person.

What happens in this case? The result is a person’s complete immunity to alcohol. A person does not feel drunk, because the surviving neurons die off it's already underway not at such a fast pace, there are too few of them left.

How does alcohol affect the brain matter?

Since these brain receptors are no longer restored after their death, their death occurs more at a slow pace. But how then do “brain-drunk” alcoholics even live, walk, communicate, and feel something? The fact is that this happens due to the unique features human body exist in extreme conditions.

But no matter how much the body, damaged by prolonged drunkenness, strives for a normal existence, a person suffering from alcoholism is no longer able to solve serious problems. The level of intelligence of such people is much weaker. And alcohol addicts are no longer able to think rationally as well as they could with a sober lifestyle.

Reason 2: “game of genes”

Trying to explain why you don’t get drunk from alcohol, you can also look for reasons in heredity. But first, let's go through a little physiology. When toxic alcohol enters the body, the first thing that begins to try to fight the toxic environment is the liver.

The reason for rapid alcoholism and immunity to alcohol may be hidden in the absence of alcohol dehydrogenase in the body of some people

The organ actively begins to produce a special enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. This compound oxidizes ethyl alcohol, bringing it to the final decomposition products: acetic acid and water.

In small doses, ethyl alcohol can play the role of a natural metabolite, since it produces energy when broken down. But at large doses, ethanol turns into a powerful poison.

This enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) may not be produced in all people. Most of all it is observed in the organisms of southern peoples. After all, vineyards have been grown there since ancient times, and people have been drinking natural grape wine since childhood.

But the peoples of the north cannot boast in this regard. Their body is genetically programmed to produce little alcohol dehydrogenase. By the way, some indigenous northerners do not produce this enzyme at all. That is why such nationalities as the Yakuts, Nenets, Sami, Chukchi, Khanty instantly become alcoholics.

And northerners develop addiction even after 100-200 g of alcohol. Well, the natural result is the development of the body’s tolerance (and quite quickly) to alcohol itself and its further immunity.

If you are not one of the peoples of the North, then the inability to get drunk after taking a dose of alcohol should seriously alert you. This suggests that it is high time to visit a narcologist and begin treatment for alcohol addiction, which is rapidly progressing.

I wonder if there are people who have had to drink sweet vodka? We don't know what it actually tastes like, but those who have tried to figure out why people drink have at least gotten an idea.

While studying the neurosurgery of alcoholism in rodents, scientists found that animals, like humans, also have an ambiguous reaction to poison. The experiment was carried out on white rats. As a result, they were divided into three groups:

  • the first group, 52% of the subjects, reacted with disgust to the mixture of alcohol and vodka;
  • the second group, 25%, reacted moderately;
  • the third group, 23%, showed a clear interest in drinks.

The curiosity of scientists did not end there. Now alcoholics will salivate with envy.

Over the course of a quarter, subjects were given alcohol against their will. But it was not possible to get the rodents drunk.

They tried to deceive them and began to sweeten the alcohol solution. The result is the same.

The learned men did not calm down. They increased the dose, but what if she fell off her feet? The animals began to simply turn the dishes over and push them out of the cage: the alcohol evaporated, after which the water could be drunk. Research has shown that they “agreed” to take a solution of ethyl alcohol with a concentration of no more than 15 percent during the day. Moreover, no more than a few grams per kilogram of weight, i.e. the daily volume that the body is able to process during the day.

The French expanded the scope of the experiment. Observations of several species of animals convincingly proved that most subjects had to be forced to drink alcohol because they completely refused it. The exception was the close “relatives” of humans—chimpanzees.

Is Darwin’s theory of human evolution really so subtly calculated that man even inherited a predisposition to alcohol addiction from his ancient ancestor?

And yet, experiments using sweetness in an alcohol solution did not go unnoticed. In laboratory conditions, it was found that taste also matters in attracting a living organism to alcohol. Alcoholic drinks with the addition of all kinds of juices, for example, orange or various essences, Coca-Cola, Fanta drinks, etc., increased interest in drinks containing alcohol.

But isn’t it this same “cocktail” of bitter and sweet that attracts a person to alcohol?

Version two: beautiful label

Everyone alive has tried the taste of an alcoholic drink at least once. Some have feasts accompanied by Bacchus on holidays or “on occasion.” Others, like the chimpanzees in the scientists' experiments, cannot deny themselves the regular pleasure of getting high under the influence of alcohol. And there are more and more such “images” in society over the years. Those. under the influence of accompanying factors or out of habit, the human body still receives an additional dose of alcohol.

One more thing noticed. A person can be an alcoholic himself and live in such a family. Or he may coexist surrounded by strangers suffering from alcoholism, see drunks sleeping right on the ground, even in bad weather, or be an unwitting witness to crimes related to alcoholism.

The life of the first group of people is directly dependent, while the second is indirectly dependent on the carriers of a bad habit or disease.

Both for a person who is indifferent and does not perceive the lifestyle of alcoholics, it is not clear what could be seductive about her. Understanding the constant risk to the life of an alcoholic further pushes people with an adequate perception of existence away from regular feasts. In their subconscious, the question is increasingly heard: why do people drink without fear of the consequences? After all, the gap between the sober and the drunk is obvious!

Go into the store and pay attention to the department where they sell vodka. You don’t need to look at the faces in line - they might ruin it big picture. Notice how rich our land is in talents! What artists and designers were dug up by the Datura producers! This is a work of art: how colorful and attractive the display window looks - just an exhibition of paintings, or rather, labels on bottles! The bottles themselves are also original and can be recognized by touch. What's inside?

Slavic peoples used vodka as a traditional grain drink. And now it is produced even in countries poor in grain, where, for example, black molasses is used. Different nations They came up with their own recipes and therefore the contents of the bottles are different. There is, for example, an opinion that Russian vodka and Ukrainian vodka are also different from each other. IN last years the range of drinks has increased significantly. But, according to experts, they differ little in their composition. Maybe it tastes like something. Information on beautiful labels does not always reflect the true inner content of the drink. So the buyer has to take information about the quality of the product on faith. And this does not always go unnoticed for health.

The scheme for preparing alcoholic drinks consists of mixing and processing three components: ethyl alcohol, water and flavoring additives: 1/3 dry mixtures and 2/3 liquid. There is more water in the drink, as in nature, so the quality of the final product largely depends on it. Since the time of the discoverers of the “green serpent” under the influence environmental factors The composition of the water has changed significantly, enriched with various impurities. Therefore, to maintain the proper quality of vodka, you need to check and, if necessary, correct the composition of the water, compare it with the periodic table. If there are unnecessary elements, remove them. Do you think the owner of a “candle factory” and the owner of a vodka workshop located in a remote village would be willing to worry about the composition of the water? Most likely, deciliters of finished products at the end of the conveyor are more important to him. It turns out that we need to trust the brands of large industrial companies more.

But they are more expensive! That's why it's more expensive. There are many more others, cheap ones, and these are the ones people prefer. And they drink! And nothing stops!

Version three: for “warming up”

Looking at an alcoholic lying on the cold ground, one involuntarily trembles. And his drinking companions, on the contrary, comment on the situation as a positive quality of alcohol, they say, you see, a clear example, a drunk person does not get sick, because alcohol warms him up.

Does it warm?

Undoubtedly, alcohol actually, when entering the human body, dilates blood vessels and the body becomes warmer. For this reason, personnel working outside during the cold season take stoparik to “warm up” so as not to freeze. The outside temperature takes its toll and the worker again has to take warming fluids. If you don’t use other methods, then by spring the body will get so used to it that it will continue to demand the established norm in the summer.

Another opinion is that alcohol provokes appetite, invigorates and excites. An invisible spirit takes over a person, so alcohol experts recommend alcohol as a drug to reduce fatigue, malaise and a stimulant of a good, festive mood.

Alcohol must be taken to replenish the body's energy needs, which is very useful for physical activity. This is not a recommendation, but another opinion of active participants in the feasts.

They are supported by another category of supporters of the theory of the usefulness of alcohol, who are confident in medicinal properties alcohol. As an illustration of their correctness, they cite the fact of drinking alcohol for colds, in some other cases, and, in particular, for abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it worth challenging such “optimists”?

In pharmacy, rubbing alcohol is actually used. But not as a remedy. Back in the last century, scientists came to the conclusion that alcohol, when it enters the human body, “settles” in all organs, without exception, and poisons them. In terms of destructive ability, he has no equal and nothing can replace him in this.

Thesis about positive impact on appetite is also an illusion based on the perception of the first dose. It can cause the secretion of gastric juice. But then it takes an antagonistic position in relation to the efficiency of the digestive process, blocks the activity of the liver and pancreas.

Version four: tribute to tradition

Why talk about the dangers of alcohol? Remember the ancient times: whatever you sit down at the table, where there is plenty of food, 100 grams! And how the ancestors lived!

Proponents of a shot before breakfast, lunch and dinner will certainly recall the tradition of their ancestors to begin a meal with a drink. Like, in ancient times this was an obligatory point in the life of a Slavic family.

Let us remember academician V. Bekhterev, who lived precisely on turn of XIX-XX centuries, i.e., at the very time to which the current “philosophers” of drinking rules are hinting. He called drunkenness an age-old evil that has taken its roots so deeply into human life and is ingrained in its traditions that it continues to demand a “drink” for any reason. This trait “sits” in a person to this day. And it is extremely difficult to extract or overcome it from there, these are the rules:

  • you didn’t drink, and even when you didn’t drink for the health of the newlyweds at the wedding, it means you don’t wish them happiness;
  • If you don’t have a drink with a friend, it means you don’t respect him;
  • I haven’t finished drinking, which means I’m not a man, a “weakling,” etc.

In consciousness and drinking culture modern man old stereotypes prevail. Therefore, we have to convince you that the inability to refuse a drink is precisely willpower. And the one who silently succumbs to unsubstantiated calls and accusations, who decides that it would be better to die tomorrow from a headache than today from shame, is precisely showing weakness of character. Some people purposefully get drunk in order to “drown out” the sounds of conscience within themselves.

Returning to the costs of drinking traditions, the main conclusion about the reasons for drinking can be the formula derived by medical specialists: alcohol is not a natural need for the human body. Why then pour it into yourself?

But they pour it in and drink it. Why?

Version five: Russians drink from childhood

"There is a reason!". This phrase, even without continuation, can give the go-ahead for filling the first glass. And its prerequisites are laid long before acquaintance with the taste of bitter. When parents are in common festive table sit their child down, pour his favorite juice into a glass and teach him to “clink glasses”, consider that they have begun to introduce him to drinking like an adult. While the child or teenager is simply learning the basics of the feast ritual. Consciousness records the conditions for holding a holiday, celebration, or just getting together with friends: a circle of familiar or not so familiar people, treats or snacks, songs, “relaxation” and fun. The mandatory presence of alcoholic beverages on the table is regarded as an element of adult life.

This is the background against which a truly adult interest in alcohol slowly begins to emerge. And there are also reasons that arise for the purpose of the need to “sit with friends.” Over the years, they are reasons and friends also “grow up.”

When asked whether you drink or not, almost everyone answers approximately the same - like everyone else: on holidays, on birthdays, on the anniversary of the Paris Commune and New Year!

Craving for alcohol is determined by various manifestations:

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

  1. Reasons to drink:
    • first salary;
    • successful business trip or short-term departure from your usual settled place of residence;
    • Friday, end of the week and important matters, etc.
  2. Changes in behavior:
    • noticeable improvement in mood on the eve of drinking;
    • haste, dictated by the desire to quickly “push” the work and be in time for the first toast.
  3. Positive assessment of everything that happens around alcohol:
    • a person does not tolerate ridicule, condemnation, etc., directed at drinking buddies;
    • he is ready to prove by all available means that his drinking buddies are not alcoholics, but simply his friends with whom it is pleasant;
    • friendship with “like-minded people” has only positive implications;
    • an alcoholic always and everywhere defends his right to drink.
  4. Comfort of the alcoholic state:
    • the patient feels comfortable both physically and psychologically only in a state of intoxication.
  5. Exculpatory “arguments” for drunkenness:
    • the drunkard claims that alcohol in small doses is recommended by doctors and ancestors;
    • he is convinced that alcohol always overcomes fatigue;
    • alcohol tones and increases a person’s performance;
    • the alcoholic perceives only a positive assessment of the effects of alcohol;
    • a person imposes his point of view on everyone around him.
  6. Change of priorities and principles of morality:
    • the alcoholic rejects everything that prevents him from drinking;
    • family ties become a burden because they interfere with “socializing with friends.”
  7. Denial of any mention of the possibility of being dependent on alcohol.

Alcoholism also has its own age categories:

  • accidental acquaintance with alcohol at the age of 11 out of one’s own curiosity or with the permission of elders;
  • use “a little bit” on a special day or on a special occasion;
  • fear of ridicule from peers and inability to refuse a drink offered by friends, at the age of 14-16 years;
  • "parental blessing" on adult life: you can drink, but not much;
  • the desire to get new sensations at 16-18 years old;
  • an attempt to instill courage and bravery before trials or crucial moments in life at the age of 18-22;
  • the desire to relieve tension on any occasion that is accompanied by disagreement with someone’s point of view, behavior or disruption of some plans.

The first thorough acquaintance with alcohol often discourages you from giving up a bad habit. The unfamiliar taste of the drink, to which the body is not adapted and does not want to accept it, actually turns out to be different, not as sweet as the imagination imagined. And if the norms of alcohol consumed turn out to be clearly too high, the reaction of rejection of the uninvited guest will remain unforgettable and will create a psychological barrier for a long time that will seem eternal.

But not for everyone.

Small border limit spiritual world and the desire to stand out in the team and make people talk about themselves pushes them to an alcoholic feat: “I’ll drink right now, and I can do anything!” Then the bravado turns into aimless wandering through the streets in search of a place and opportunity to commit dubious acts. Society and the law often do not evaluate them as a “hero” expects, but in the eyes of their peers, the young alcoholic is simply a hero. At least, he thinks so, and continues to “gain momentum” until older people, a man in uniform or a judge’s robe, stop him.

The transition period is always accompanied by experiences: bad rating, a peer’s refusal of friendship, a seemingly sideways glance from one of the adults, a discrepancy between self-esteem and the adults’ assessment of their actions, etc. Tension and failures then drown in a glass of alcoholic drink.

Illusory self-affirmation turns around bad habits. A false stereotype is being reinforced that all problems can be solved only with the participation of alcohol and drinking buddies...

You can always find reasons to drink, if desired. But they are not justified every time. And they always cause harm to health if a person does not see the “edges” of the glass.

Over the years, there are more of them, the accumulated experience is improved and finely adjusted to a specific situation. Intelligence fades, and explanations become more and more plausible.

Version six: who said that female friendship does not exist!

A tipsy, and even more so, drunk woman is a sign of the most serious condemnation. There is a serious reason for this: female body“prescribes” alcohol to yourself faster and easier. The disease progresses unnoticed and usually manifests itself with undisguised symptoms when it’s time to go to a narcologist. It is more difficult to persuade a woman to undergo treatment than a man. Few of the representatives of the fair half of humanity agree that there are not only male, but also female.

They have their own characteristics:

  • failures in organizing family life;
  • stress or tragic incidents, after which you want to put the ends of an unresolved problem in a bottle and drown them in it;
  • weakness and ignorance.

The costs of women's drinking sessions affect all family members. And a girl who drinks risks “rewarding” her offspring with alcohol symptoms. Children born to such a mother are considered, even from the maternity ward, to be potentially predisposed to alcohol abuse. The atmosphere of family fusel fumes intoxicates the mind of a teenager and by the time he comes of age, he can join his parents in company.

What kind of health will such children have, what kind of future will they have?

When filling a glass with vodka or a wine glass to talk with a friend about “your own, feminine things,” do not get carried away, dear women, with the drink. Everyone always has a more useful and important topic.

Let not even a glass of beer tempt you!

Version seven: a can of beer

The version of beer’s harmlessness has not been completely refuted, but the version of beer’s harmlessness remains in great doubt. Alone, remembering old times, talk about trade stalls with the laconic name “Beer”. And, of course, there are long queues for them.

Now there are no queues for beer, and there is no more beer. It's different today.

The more opportunities there were to take communion with beer, the more closely they began to look closely and discuss the topic of the drink’s usefulness.

Beer is a drink that contains alcohol, just like its stronger counterparts. It should not be drunk without moderation.

Contrary to misleading belief, beer is even more harmful than liquor:

  1. Beer contains alcohol, just like vodka or wine: its smaller percentage is successfully “overshadowed” by the volume of alcohol consumed.
  2. Beer contains cobalt, which is very dangerous for the heart, esophagus and stomach: beer lovers “successfully” transform their healthy heart into the so-called “Bavarian” one, which “looses” and reluctantly drives blood through the vessels.
  3. Beer is made with hops, which makes the drinker aggressive and kills brain cells.

Despite convincing and reasoned explanations of the harm of alcohol, people still continue to drink. Why?

Pundits have their own explanations and their own version.

Version eight, irrefutable

Its authors leave no chance for doubt: a person drinks because his own body prevents him from overcoming a bad habit. Experts still tend to classify alcohol as a drug. Getting into the human body, it “populates” the brain and controls the human consciousness from there. It either causes pleasant sensations or “quenches” negative ones. After a short period of relief, certain areas of the nervous system urgently require replenishment of alcohol reserves. And in case of attempts to get rid of its presence, it causes such “protests” that the person is unable to resist the discomfort that has arisen.

Only professional intervention in this confrontation between alcohol and the human body can stop a person from danger. Alcohol unmistakably leads its owner to personal degradation. Remember the chimpanzee who quickly adapted to alcoholic drinks and was willing to regularly accept external reinforcement? If a drinker, having gone through all the stages of alcoholic intoxication, does not stop drinking, he takes the opposite path to Darwin’s theory of human evolution.

Even if the theory has solid ground, why refute it with your own health, or even life. This is not why a person is born a Human.

It's cheaper not to drink! This is not a version.

This is a reality based on medical practice and the bitter experience of people who suffered from alcohol addiction.

There are many situations that can be considered as to why people drink alcohol. This mainly happens on festive events, to lift the mood and spirit of the company. Man drinks different drinks, and they also differ in the quality of the manufacturer. Before production begins alcoholic products on an industrial scale, people prepared moonshine, which they consumed at home. But with the beginning of its widespread production, a large assortment of this type of product appeared on the market. Apart from holidays, there are many reasons why people drink alcohol.

All over the world there are traditions and various holidays that are completely impossible without the use of alcoholic beverages. Both women and men drink alcohol. But statistics show that men are more susceptible this influence. Why men drink more can be examined using behavioral stereotypes as an example. wide range of people. Women are still more inclined towards domestic activities. As a result of arranging a “warm hearth”, a woman should be at home all the time. However, this is not the case in all cases.

Scientists have proven that when a man starts drinking, his body secretesdopamine, which is popularly called the hormone of joy. When drinking alcohol, a man produces more of the hormone than a woman. Subsequently, when drinking strong drinks, its level drops and more alcohol is needed to form. Due to this fact, alcohol addiction sets in. Let's look at the main reasons for drinking alcohol.

  • The first time a person tries alcohol is to satisfy an interest. Hearing the stories of his comrades or following the example of the people around him. Sometimes this happens to support the company, so as not to stand out and be like everyone else.
  • Feeling relaxed, avoiding your problems. This is why people drink alcohol after they try it for the first time. Plus with alcohol inside big company always fun. This forms a certain stereotype that leads to a habit.
  • Later formed psychological dependence. And along with the habit, it is effectively integrated into the lifestyle. Harmful attachment suppresses pleasure in other activities.
  • As a result of a hangover, a person experiences intoxication in the body. The condition is very serious, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To alleviate the feeling of well-being, the individual begins to drink alcohol again. As a result, this develops into a protracted binge. A person who is on a drinking binge is constantly hung over. Coming to a sober state, due to dehydration and an excess of toxins in the blood, the general condition becomes unbearable. Subsequently, the best solution to this situation is to continue the banquet.

As a result, you can notice that increased alcohol consumption leads to addiction. Alcohol addiction- This is a bad habit that not everyone can get rid of on their own. It is formed gradually, as a result of a certain incident or facts.

Psychology of the problem of drunkenness

In most cases, the cause of alcoholism lies deep within a person. If a person lives in abundance, he has good job And loving family, many loyal and kind friends who will support him in difficult times - such a person is unlikely to become an alcoholic. After all, a person who drinks is someone who is not happy with life; he carries a heavy load. And he dilutes his bitterness in the soul with alcoholic drinks. Internal complexes, childhood problems, and psychological trauma can also lead to this.

Thus, the feeling of intoxication removes him from problems and internal tension. This allows you to be on a short time happy and self-sufficient. When a new day comes, the sunny mood is replaced by the same burden that he was quickly trying to get rid of. The drinker wants to return to where it is good and carefree.

Unresolved problems can become a motivator for alcohol addiction. The more an unresolved problem exists, the greater the tension becomes. Not everyone copes with this load and becomes like drunken habits. It can start quite unnoticed, from evening beer drinking to alcohol abuse.

At the same time, negative memories can become a lever for a bad alcohol habit. Scientists argue that the genetics of parents and ancestors play a significant role in the initiation of drunkenness. You need to pay attention to your passions Special attention, and be more careful with entertainment activities. You can try to switch to another interesting hobby that brings pleasure.

Low social status in society, may be the answer to the question why people drink alcohol. There may be restrictions on activities due to financial instability. And in the future, personality degradation, depending on related factors. Actually, you can endlessly dilute your life with alcohol, but this will not lead to anything good.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Long-term drinking of alcohol in all cases leads to negative consequences. Problems begin in personal life and when interacting with others. Alcohol has a negative impact on health, sometimes with irreversible consequences. We all know many cases from others about people who drink and drink. People around them speak unflatteringly about them. Subsequently, one can observe a tendency towards a decline in the overall influence on the life position of the alcoholic himself.

  • Quarrels occur with loved ones.
  • Dismissal from work.
  • Arrests or more serious administrative or criminal penalties.
  • Causing harm to health.
  • Loss and damage to your property and those around you.
  • Families are breaking up.
  • Plans collapse, and along with them hopes for a happy future.
  • Financial difficulties arise.
  • An alcoholic takes things out of the house to sell them and get another dose.
  • Personality degradation.

And this is far from full list negative consequences from the abuse of high-grade drinks. The appearance of an addicted person changes before our eyes: the skin turns pale and sagging, bags and wrinkles appear, the oval of the face swells. Alcohol in the body turns into a derivative substance - acetaldehyde. The result is a more detrimental effect on the body. In other words, in large quantities alcohol is poison.

Diseases associated with alcoholism

Alcoholic drinks themselves are not harmful if consumed in moderation, observing proportions relative to body parameters. But an excess leads to a serious deterioration in well-being and health. In addition to the standard symptoms of a hangover such as headache, nausea, apathy and others, there is also a real threat to health, which is formed as a result of both long-term and one-time consumption of alcohol.

Anemia. This is the number of red blood cells in the blood. These components serve as transporters of gas in the blood. They supply vital oxygen to cells and remove harmful carbon dioxide. As a result, there is constant fatigue, shortness of breath, drowsiness, and dizziness.

Cirrhosis of the liver. The liver is the body's main filter. With this disease, the cells of the organ change and cease to perform their functionality. This disease develops depending on the metabolism of a particular person. It may also appear with small doses of alcohol.

Malignant tumors. Acetaldehyde, a derivative of alcohol, is a severe carcinogen. Possible lesions of malignant formations of the gastrointestinal tract, mucous membranes of the larynx and mouth, liver and mammary gland.

Dementia. As a result of excessive consumption, brain processes deteriorate. Cells die in the brain and its volume decreases. Memory deteriorates, analytical thinking declines, and there is a decrease in general intellectual abilities.

Infectious and viral diseases. When drinking alcohol, a person's immunity decreases. This affects the body’s ability to resist mild infections and severe pathogens that develop into a chronic form.

Pancreatitis. Inflammatory processes occur in the pancreas. As a result, there is a deterioration in digestive function.

Depression. As a result of long-term alcohol intake, they develop depressive disorders. The body stops receiving joy hormones synthesized as a result of drinking alcohol. A rapid increase and a sharp, prolonged hormonal decline indicate further depression.

Destruction of the nervous system. As a result of the toxicity of substances formed as a result of catalysis in the body, damage to nerve cells occurs at the micro level.

This is not the entire list of problems. There are problems such as cardiovascular diseases, gout, epilepsy, diseases associated with damage to the brain and nervous system. The list can be continued endlessly, since the abuse of alcohol-containing substances disrupts metabolism. And this leads to other health problems.

To drink or not to drink is everyone's business. Alcohol can have both a positive effect, normalizing blood pressure and increasing metabolism, and a negative effect, causing the above-mentioned complications. It is necessary to take into account not only the volume, but also the quality of the drink, in order to prevent other serious consequences. Key concept here, it's moderation. Drinking a drink in moderation will give you good mood and will allow you to relax.

Why do people drink alcohol? The question is, of course, interesting. Civilization has been familiar with strong drinks for about 6 thousand years, that is, people have been drinking almost always. And today many people are “friends” with alcohol. Each person drinks alcohol differently, some drink a glass of beer every day, some drink a glass of wine in the evening, and some generally start in the morning and finish at a party or just like that.

Why do people drink? No holiday is complete without alcoholic drinks. The tradition of drinking on holidays has been going on since ancient times. But some people can stop and say “stop” to themselves, while others don’t have enough willpower. The second option includes weak people who wash down their grief and problems with alcohol. This habit is typical more for men than women. They may also start taking alcohol to wash down their emptiness, for example, after death. loved one, or when a person cannot find a job, and it seems to him that everything in life is lost.

Why do men start drinking?

Men can start drinking various reasons, but none of them can be called an excuse. There are many men who drink alcohol daily. Some of them may look healthy, but in reality they have no idea what the consequences of touching the bottle will be.

There are internal and external reasons for a man’s alcoholism. Psychology considers the following to be external:

  1. Selfishness. Any man, walking home after work, might think: “Shouldn’t I have a beer?” And he immediately buys himself a bottle of beer, not suspecting that by submitting to a moment of weakness, he is harming himself.
  2. Large team. Sometimes, thinking that in order to maintain friendly relations with the team it is impossible to refuse to go to a bar together, a man allows himself to drink too much. But such friendly relations will not lead to good, and in the end the man will still be left alone.
  3. Fictitious circumstances. Sometimes men work themselves up and start drinking because of a lack of appearance or intimate sphere. Some because they were unlucky with their wife or career. But this is just a reason to drink an extra bottle and feel sorry for yourself.
  4. Weakness. A person's weakness lies in abstaining from alcohol. He drinks a little at first, thinking that it won't hurt and that he can stop whenever he wants. But over time, he begins to abuse and can no longer stop. In such cases, you need to understand in time that you are sick and contact a narcologist.


  1. Relaxation. Stressed at work or other circumstances, a man begins to look for a way to relieve stress. And alcohol helps him with this.
  2. Jealousy. Jealousy towards his wife stresses the man even more. Just like in the first option, he starts drinking in order to relax and forget about worries.
  3. Lack of happiness. Any man needs female attention. If a man does not have such attention, then he fills this void with alcohol.
  4. Sadness. A man can also drink out of loneliness, boredom, or problems.

Why do women start drinking?

When a woman starts drinking, she is judged more than a man. The cause of alcoholism can be an unhappy life, problems with family, children and much more. Stress or tragedy can push a woman to drink. After all, this is the easiest way to get away from all problems for a while. Of course, not all women can drink; weak-willed women succumb to alcohol in to a greater extent than ladies with strong force will.

Family and children suffer from female alcoholism. Children born to an alcoholic mother may also become alcoholics in the future. Also often drinking women sick children are born. Of course, when a wife starts drinking, not every husband will help her cope with alcohol; someone can simply quit and go live their own lives.

Five main reasons why people start drinking

  1. Alcohol dependence is absent in people who drink for the first time or drink socially in small doses and very rarely.
  2. A person who drinks several times a month. A person begins to drink for company, and the next time he tries to repeat these sensations. Alcoholism in such people is absent or less pronounced.
  3. If a person drinks regularly on weekends, this is already a sign of alcoholism. This is already a psychological addiction of a person, in which a person is used to drinking every week on the weekend.
  4. A person who drinks every day has already poisoned his body, and he drinks alcohol to relieve discomfort. Thinking that he is making things easier for himself, he is ruining himself even more.
  5. A person who is constantly in a drunken state has impaired functioning of the entire body.

The lack of spirituality, morality, and any hobbies leads a person to alcohol.

Every person has wondered why people drink alcohol. After all, everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to health, and at the same time, some often use it and become addicted. You can hear various excuses about why this is being done. But most of them are just excuses that a drinking person comes up with. In fact, at each stage of alcoholism there is a reason that forces you to consume strong alcohol. Now let’s figure out what factors cause dependence.

What can you hear from alcoholics?

Before we figure out why people start drinking alcohol, let’s list the false reasons. They serve as an excuse both at an early stage of the disease and at a later stage. Moreover, a person inspires this not only to others, but also to himself.

You can often hear that alcohol helps you become more sociable and feel freer.

Yes, if you drink a glass of wine, you can really feel how the psychological barrier disappears. If you drink more alcohol, you can forget about all the norms of behavior. , and this makes the person stupider. Looseness is actually inadequacy, and sociability is annoying.

Another reason is to feel the fun. If a person needs to drink to feel joy, then he clearly has psychological problems. Well, alcohol is not really a source of fun. Yes, you can feel better, but at the same time emotional swings are likely. That is, after joy there will come deep sadness. And in the morning the mood will obviously not be good.

“For courage” - this is what you can often hear from a person who drinks strong alcohol. Yes, it becomes easier to perform various actions, but this is due to the loss of normal perception of reality. This often ends with the man behaving indecently towards a person of the opposite sex or even mutilating himself. After all, for a time there are no boundaries for him, including the instinct of self-preservation.

To get rid of stress, starting to drink is far from the best solution. . This leads to depression, apathy and mental disorders. Stress may disappear for a while, but then it only doubles. Accordingly, it would be unwise to use alcoholic beverages in order to relieve oneself mental condition and relieve nervous tension.

Drinking alcohol to relieve a hangover is one of the worst reasons. This is a direct path to alcoholism, as a vicious circle arises. Therefore, it is unacceptable to fight a hangover using alcohol. Otherwise, you may soon notice the appearance of addiction.

The real reasons

When it comes to why an alcoholic decided to drink, you shouldn't believe excuses. He can complain as much as he wants about life, about problems, or convince him that strong drinks have a positive effect. In fact, there are only five true reasons, and each of them appears at a certain stage.

Naturally, no one is born with alcoholism. There may be a predisposition if parents suffered from a bad habit. However, the dependence itself develops over time. It usually takes several years for this disease to appear. Moreover, women become drunk faster than men. Now let's figure out what leads to a sad outcome.

Real reasons:

  • Start. This is the moment when a person just starts drinking. It can happen in at different ages. For most people it doesn’t go further than this, but there is still a risk. The main reason is drinking alcohol out of curiosity or for company. There is no dependence, and the person drinks once a month or less.
  • Stage 2. The person drinks alcohol several times a month, but does so irregularly. There are already several reasons, including “for the company.” As a rule, this is done in order to once again feel the sensations that appear during intoxication. There is a euphoria that you want to repeat. There is no dependence yet, but there are hints of it.
  • Stage 3. It is characterized by the fact that the person regularly drinks on weekends (or on any other days). For example, a person gets used to beer on Fridays and does not deny himself it. That is, ethanol consumption becomes a habit. Here another reason is added: dependence on a psychological level. That is, without alcoholic drinks a Friday evening is not possible.
  • Stage 4. In this case, a strong addiction has appeared, and the person drinks almost every day. The body is seriously poisoned harmful substances, and the alcoholic seeks to get rid of negative symptoms with the help of ethanol. He regularly suffers from hangovers, from which strong drinks help. A person can no longer imagine his life without alcoholic beverages.
  • The final stage. This is an extreme degree of alcoholism, when a person loses adequacy and connection with the outside world. He does not come out of his state of intoxication. The functioning of the body is greatly deteriorated; organs cannot function normally. Brain damage, central nervous system. Relatives fail to recognize a loved one in an alcoholic. There are three reasons for this: an established habit, an attempt to maintain the body’s energy, and a desire to alleviate intoxication.

From this we can understand that people did not drink because of those factors that serve as excuses. But, in any case, if addiction is suspected, immediate action must be taken.

On early stages You can prevent alcoholism or, if it exists, it will be easier to get rid of it.

Tools from the Internet will help you overcome a bad habit. It will also be useful to talk to a psychologist who will help you understand the problem and overcome addiction. The sooner treatment begins, the sooner it will be possible to return your loved one to normal life. The main thing is to support him and help him overcome the craving for alcohol. We must remember that this is a disease, and it can be treated even in its later stages if you make an effort.

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