Ways to improve the level and quality of life of the Russian population and the possibility of applying the positive experience of Brazil. How to improve your standard of living

Let's list some criteria that directly affect the quality of life, and tell you how to change them in better side. Individually, these changes may seem small, but together they have a big impact on how happy and fulfilled you feel.


How does it affect quality of life?

Any health problems reduce the quality of life. However, not all people strive to quickly get rid of pain and discomfort, continuing to endure and hope that the body will cope on its own.

In some cases this is true, but not in all. For example, if you feel pain in your tooth when you eat sweets, it is clear that the tooth will not recover on its own. By postponing a visit to the dentist, you are simply worsening your quality of life and making the problem worse.

How to change

Don't neglect your health. Go to the dentist if you know you have tooth decay. This way you will preserve your teeth longer, without pain, removal and prosthetics.

Women should have a breast ultrasound every six months: breast cancer ranks first among oncological diseases women and can be treated well in the early stages.

Don’t tolerate lower back and neck pain after a day of work - go to a surgeon or chiropractor without waiting for a hernia or pinched nerve.

Make your health a priority and you won't have to deal with the consequences of your negligence.


How does it affect quality of life?

Junk food worsens health and shortens life span, spoils well-being and leads to obesity, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Yes, the quality of food depends to some extent on income level: healthy foods like red fish and beef, out-of-season fruits and vegetables, and nuts are quite expensive. However, by reducing the amount of fast food, sweets and other junk food, it is quite possible to buy healthy products even on a limited budget.

How to change

Go to healthy eating quite easy, the main thing is to understand and clearly define why you are doing it. By the way, you don't have to spend a lot of money to eat healthy food: here's how to save money on food and eat healthy.

Bad habits

How do they affect quality of life?

Dependence on cigarettes, alcohol, and sweets reduces the quality of life. You spend several thousand rubles a month on something that most often does not bring pleasure or benefit, you experience negative emotions from public condemnation, or you condemn yourself for weakness. In addition, your addictions, like junk food, have a bad effect on your health and shorten your life span.

How to change

To combat bad habits you need purpose and replacement.

A goal will help support your determination to get rid of the habit during the withdrawal process. Ideally, this goal should have real result, which can be tracked. For example, improving performance in sports.

However, no goal will help you last if you don't have a replacement. Addiction serves as a source of pleasure and helps cope with stress, so you need to find something that will replace your usual actions.

Try playing sports, starting a hobby, meeting new people. Such pleasures will help you get rid of stress and change your environment, which is also very useful when fighting bad habits.

Order in life

How does it affect quality of life?

One of the criteria for quality of life is household comfort, which is impossible without cleanliness and order. Clutter reduces concentration, increases stress levels and causes negative emotions. Clutter in the home reduces the feeling of comfort and even makes people eat more junk food. Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption. .

How to change

To prevent your home from becoming overgrown with dust and junk, use the following to combat clutter:

  • put things back in their places;
  • wash dishes immediately after eating;
  • throw away things you don't use;
  • arrange general cleaning once a month.

Life satisfaction

How does it affect quality of life?

If the standard of living is determined by objective indicators, such as income level, working conditions, opportunities for education and recreation, then the quality of life often depends on subjective opinion a person - whether he is satisfied with his life or not, how he evaluates its conditions.

It turns out that the quality of life can be improved under any external conditions by simply changing your attitude to what is happening.

How to change

Very often we are not upset real events, but memories of the past or fear of the future. If you learn to concentrate on the present moment, without wandering thoughts into the past or future, the source of much anxiety, stress and negative thoughts will disappear. Due to this, psychological comfort and life satisfaction will increase.

At first, focusing on the present moment, or in other words, will require effort from you. To avoid tiring yourself, try practicing mindfulness several times a day, not all the time, for example while cleaning or eating.

Meditation also helps to train yourself to be mindful. Just don’t try to meditate for a long time right away: you’ll quickly get bored and won’t be able to force yourself anymore. Start gradually and form a habit - this is the key to success in any business.

As you can see, to improve your quality of life, you don’t have to earn twice as much. Sometimes it’s enough to cure a tooth that’s been bothering you for a week, feel a burst of energy from a healthy lunch, clear away the clutter on your desk and notice how delicious your coffee is or how happy you are to see your friend.

Developed, “thinking about lofty things”, in whom you would never discern a developed personality because of the cigarette in his mouth, rude obscenities and holey trousers. Don’t laugh, but the widespread denial of the capitalist values ​​of a consumer society often results in precisely this kind of behavior. Meanwhile, our world is harmonious and built on balance, so there is no need to choose between the spiritual and the worldly, the wealth of the mind and the material - you can have both. Having embarked on the path, it is not at all necessary to give up earthly pleasures and a comfortable life, but often we ourselves prevent ourselves from fully enjoying the riches of the Universe. You can improve your quality of life by analyzing your behavior and changing it - you will be surprised what little things can influence a person’s life.

Marginal habits

Suppose you want to increase your level of well-being, you use effective techniques that allow you to earn more money, but for some reason the process is not progressing or changes are happening too slowly. What is the reason? You yourself block the wealth that can come to you with the wrong way of thinking and behavior. Enemy number one is those that have survived from those times (if there were any) when you lived in poverty or squalor: complaining about the fact that there is no money, envying a colleague whose salary was raised, buying the cheapest products in untidy stores with rude cashiers, etc. .d. Everyone knows these types of behaviors and must recognize and let them go. If you want to be rich, you need to think as if it has already happened. Would a rich person spare a couple of hundred rubles for a taxi and go across the city by public transport in 30-degree frost? No. Eradicate all the habits from your poor past if you want to improve your quality of life in the near future.

Lifestyle for the poor

If you have already achieved material stability, but further growth stalled, analyze your lifestyle in comparison with your model. Moreover, we advise you to take the model not from Russian realities, but to turn to the West: for example, if you want to become a very rich person, do not analyze the life of Russian oligarchs, there is no point in copying it, it is better to study the lifestyle of an American or European millionaire. The Internet can help you find out what the average millionaire does, where he vacations, and what kind of lifestyle he leads. We are talking about the West because the culture of livability is much more developed there. I bet it turns out that the rich man:

b) Works a lot, but allows himself to rest, delegates authority to his assistants, vice presidents, etc. As a rule, such people keep business activity much longer than rich Russians live - up to 70-80 years.

c) Never stops the process of self-development - reads serious literature, never misses an opportunity to communicate with interesting and smart person, improves yours, etc.

d) Is not indifferent to the fate of other people, does charity work for the benefit of various groups citizens, environmental programs.

Now compare your lifestyle to the model: you lead healthy image life? Are you involved in charity or volunteering? Do you know how to delegate authority to others or are you making yourself strong by trying to do all the work yourself?

Any points where you find a discrepancy need to be addressed. Replace old habits with new ones, while continuing to work to improve your quality of life - as soon as your consciousness becomes the consciousness of a rich person, these changes will come to life.

According to the UN, the list of countries with high level life, published in 2014, Russia ranks only 57th place. We have something to strive for.

How can you improve your standard of living? Russian society? First of all, you need to start with yourself!

1. Set specific goals for yourself.

2. Identify and eliminate things that interfere with achieving goals. This may be dissatisfaction with the job (bad team, low wages, just don’t like it), problems in personal life, general psychological and physical state, environment. It is necessary to work very carefully on this point and try to completely eliminate anything that may interfere with the achievement of your goals. Often many people give up if the result is not visible or not fully understood.

3. Set deadlines for achieving these goals. Try not to break them.

4. Increase your well-being. As soon as most of the problems were solved (transferred to another department at work, began to relax at home, signed up for a massage course, bought new winter tires), you realize that there is a shortage material resources. They either ended when I was solving current problems, or they were no longer enough and I had to deny myself something.

5. Become a professional in your field. If you don’t have the opportunity to study somewhere, actively educate yourself.

6. Earn money using what you already know. It should be remembered that no matter how many diplomas you have and no matter how elite education you receive, if you do not work, you do not have a salary. And for as long as you like, you can console yourself with the thought that now I will learn English, and then I will go to work for a large international company at a high salary. wages, That will not happen. Your time disappears without a trace: there is no result, no money. Moreover, you lose valuable experience and practical skills. The more we do, the more we accomplish. Learn to combine.

7. Make savings. The situation in which our savings can be eaten up by inflation is commonplace. Invest in gold, for example. A good option there will be real estate. Invest in securities (if you don’t understand anything about securities, then you shouldn’t invest money counting on chance). This position will be justified in the long term. Don't forget about savings in the short term and spend them on achieving global goals.

8. Realize your big dream. They planned to build a house, but did not have enough money. Take out a loan to complete the construction of a house. We saved money for a long time to travel with our child to Dubai. The season has come and prices have risen. You're a little short on money again. Should we really wait until next year? In such a situation, you can also use a loan. Having received great pleasure from achieving your goal, you will have an incentive to pay off the loan as soon as possible and move on.

A loan is another opportunity to increase your level of well-being. In Europe and America, borrowed funds are commonplace for people. Loans are taken out for everything, even for education. But there the interest rate for using borrowed funds is much lower than in Russia. Russians also want to live well, so they actively use loans. The issue of saving is very acute, which means studying information on the Internet, searching for the best offers from banks is something that occupies the minds of many compatriots. I would like to note that today, when competition in the market is high, many large banks, in the fight for their clients, offer reduced interest rates. The validity period of such an offer is limited and is aimed at arousing the interest of potential consumers, who may subsequently become regular customers.

So, today Citibank offers to take out a loan at a reduced rate, only 15% per annum. Will the lucky ones have time to take advantage of this offer? If they succeed, then we can assume that they caught luck by the tail.

Forming and achieving goals is a continuous process. We must remember that we do not live below the poverty line in Zimbabwe or the Congo, but we live in Russia, which does not limit us if we have a desire for development and growth. We need to act, not sit still!

The process of increasing the level and quality of life of the population is a dynamic process and requires constant regulation. Taking into account that this process cannot be carried out spontaneously, it is necessary to indicate who and for what purpose carries out a conscious influence on the level and quality of life of the population.

In the economic literature, considerable attention is paid to the characteristics of the subjects (participants in the process) who should ensure an increase in the level and quality of life. At the same time, various researchers most often highlight the state as a priority subject. Thus, denoting the quality of life as the most important state priority and one of the promising directions of socio-economic development of Russia, government officials note that many citizens still believe that ensuring a decent quality of life is the task of the authorities, and neither business nor the public can and should not interfere in solving this problem.

You can come across statements that the main entity ensuring an increase in the level and quality of life is not the state and government, but creative person, whose resources are inexhaustible. This opinion belongs to the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences social technologies and local government, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, prof. Patrushev V.I.

A number of experts insist that the process of improving the level and quality of life of the population should be carried out by representatives of the local community. Social self-organization will allow you to equip your territory, create favorable living conditions not only for yourself, but also

for future generations.

In contrast to these opinions, Petrov N.P. believes that exactly

Russian business must take responsibility for improving the level and quality of life. Turkin S.V. and Anokhin M.G. raise the question of social responsibility Russian business, on the participation of business structures in the decision social problems enterprises, organizations, cities, regions, the whole society.

Thus, today the subjects carrying out the process of improving the level and quality of life are seen as the state represented by representatives of federal, regional and local authorities, the business community (various commercial structures) and the person himself (or an association of people).

Summarizing the opinions of scientists and based on our own vision of the essence of the process of increasing the level and quality of life, it can be presented in the form of the following model (Fig. 15).

Undoubtedly, the main subject of influence on the quality and standard of living of the country’s population is the state, which determines the minimum social standards, carrying out state social transfers, improving the social environment, guaranteeing freedom of choice of a person, controlling cleanliness environment.

Rice. 15.


Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation in light of the implementation of constitutional guarantees and rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, as well as the most important decisions taken by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, it formulated a mission, which is to develop human capital, contribute to improving the demographic situation, increasing the level and quality of life through increasing incomes of the population, improving health, creating conditions for decent work and productive employment, strengthening social protection of vulnerable groups of the population. All these issues are reflected in social policy, budget policy and tax policy, which are necessary tool the process of improving the quality of life of the population.

Today, priority national projects implemented in problematic areas of our country’s life: healthcare, education, housing construction and agriculture are a new tool for influencing the quality of life. The priority of these areas is clear, since they affect every person, determine the quality of life and form “ human capital" - an educated and healthy nation. The social well-being of society and the demographic well-being of the country depend on the state of these areas.

The comprehensive role of the authorities in the process of improving the quality of life should be manifested: in caring for the replenishment of the treasury, reasonable budget planning; in environmental protection; in creating conditions for improving the quality of life by citizens themselves (conditions for earning money, access to education and medical care); in increasing payments to socially vulnerable segments of the population; in activating business towards social responsibility and forming partnerships with the business community.

Figure 16 shows the most relevant ways, in the author’s understanding, of increasing the level and quality of life of the population for modern Russia.

Paths social nature is, first of all, a social system

protection aimed at supporting disabled and difficult citizens of the country; establishing minimum

social standards, which are standards for the formation of social and economic policy both the state itself and enterprises and organizations; implementation of priority national projects aimed at improving the standard of living of the population by increasing funding for key areas of increasing well-being.

Economic ways to improve the quality of life include

development and support of small business as one of the sectors of the economy that ensures self-employment of the population; ban on the development of industries

economies degrading society and contradicting social

standards of morality and ethics (for example, gambling, prostitution, production of narcotic substances, etc.); transition to innovation in all spheres of life, promoting the search and use in practice of new achievements of science and technology; intensification of production to increase volume material goods through resource saving programs (primarily natural resources and electricity).

To date social role business is increasing. This is due to the fact that there is a growing understanding of the benefits of having people who are more educated and live in better conditions than the poor and ignorant. Social responsibility cannot be imposed on businesses, since they will not participate in obviously unprofitable programs, or in proposals to simply give money to the state. Therefore one of possible ways improving the quality of life of the population through business opportunities is to intensify the implementation of the concept of social responsibility.

Along with the state, business acts as a “source” of satisfying human needs. Their main task is to satisfy material needs and create conditions for satisfying spiritual ones.

However, all measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the population can be effectively implemented only by combining the efforts of all subjects in the process of improving the quality of life. For objective reasons, these efforts are unequal. For example, the construction of cultural and leisure facilities does not mean an increase in cultural level population, since these objects may remain either unclaimed by the population or demanded by an insignificant part of it, which also has a low level of cultural and aesthetic tastes and demands.

Based on this, it can be assumed that if the efforts of one subject increase while the contribution of the other (or others) decreases or remains unchanged, then an increase in the quality of life of the population will not be observed. Thus, achieving the goal in the process of improving the quality of life of the population becomes dependent on the joint efforts of all participants in the process.

In order to realize this goal, the main directions social policy should become:

Creating conditions and opportunities for all able-bodied citizens to earn money to meet their needs;

Ensuring rational employment of the population based on preserving jobs in vital and promising enterprises, creating new jobs, including in the private sector of the economy;

Creation of a flexible system of training and retraining of personnel;

Ensuring the growth of real cash incomes of the population;

Consistently increasing the level of wages as the main source of cash income for the population and the most important incentive for the labor activity of hired workers;

Formation of the middle class as a factor in stabilizing society based on a significant increase in the monetary income of the population and a decrease in the level of poverty;

Increasing social protection for those in need by strengthening the targeting of assistance, rationalizing the system of benefits, improving social services and others .

Despite the fact that Brazil has a number of problems in ensuring a decent standard of living for the population, nevertheless, the experience of this country can be very valuable for Russia. The value of Brazil's experience lies, first of all, in the fact that Lately The reforms carried out significantly increased the level and quality of life of the Brazilian population.

IN last years The Brazilian government is implementing several programs to reduce poverty in Brazil. According to the “My Home, My Life” program, all Brazilians with an income of less than 1,600 reais (about $700) will be able to buy decent housing because the federal government will pay 90% of its cost.

Under this program, a large-scale plan was implemented to build affordable housing for the poor. For 2009-2011 About 1 million apartments were built, and the total amount of financing amounted to 16.1 billion dollars. Thus, the government not only solved the most pressing social issue for Brazil, but also created more than 1 million new jobs. Funding for the program was distributed as follows: $6.8 billion was allocated from the federal budget, $5.1 billion from the state pension fund FGTS, the rest from state banks and regional and municipal authorities.

The program is primarily aimed at the huge layer of poor people living in the so-called favelas - Brazilian slums.

The program for the construction of affordable housing included eight economic categories citizens and three basic level monthly salary(the highest is about $1900). At the same time, the poorest received an interest-free loan and pay about $9 a month, having already moved into new apartment. And the loan rate for the wealthiest did not exceed 5%. In addition, there are special defense mechanisms so that those who have lost their jobs are not left without a roof over their heads.

Under the Affectionate Brazil program, citizens with children under the age of 15 receive assistance for each child in the amount of 70 reais ($33). These programs have already shown their results: during 2012, the number of poor people in Brazil decreased by 6.4 million people.

Brazil's healthcare system also deserves attention.

The country has a so-called Unified Health Care System, which everyone can use, but at the same time, there is also private medicine. Of the country's 180 million population, 68% have only state health insurance.

Doctors in Brazil are classified as people of liberal professions, along with lawyers and journalists. The number of leaders among doctors is minimal. Hospitals are run by managers and nurses work there on a permanent basis. Doctors just come for examination. In severe cases, patients are treated by intensive care doctors, of whom there are 5-10 throughout the hospital.

In Brazil, a number of interventions have been implemented to improve access to health services for the poorest members of society. These activities include:

Implementation of primary health care programs;

Targeting special health programs to meet the needs of the poor;

Implementation of programs that provide cash incentives/rewards to municipalities that provide health services to poor families;

As well as payment of cash incentives to residents of these municipalities the poorest families who make adequate use of available health and education services provided by

government agencies.

IN Brazil patients are very well socially protected. Here hemodialysis, all cardiovascular surgeries and other high-tech procedures are paid for by the state. Treatment AIDS, hepatitis C (starting with certain changes), pulmonary diseases; insulin, all medications for diabetics and much more - everything lies with the state. (Which largely served to eliminate bribery in this area.).

The state guarantees qualified medical care to everyone without exception. Even if a tourist ends up with a heart attack in a public hospital, he will be provided with assistance, and no one will demand an insurance policy from him. In a critical situation, he will be helped at the expense of the Brazilian state.

A Brazilian citizen has the right to medical service;, can take advantage of all the procedures and also receive free medicine. A well-thought-out tax policy provides this opportunity. In Russia, income tax is 13%, there it is 27%. In addition, 1% of any banking transaction goes to healthcare. The huge list of free medications includes expensive drugs, contraceptives, and much more. Some cosmetic and plastic surgery are done free of charge, especially after burns and injuries.

Another important social initiative of the government of Dilma Rousseff is the provision of state support small agricultural producers and farmers. The plan, called Safra for Family Agriculture, aims to improve living and working conditions for millions of smallholders. The government allocates them for the upcoming agricultural season preferential loans, equivalent to 10 billion dollars. These measures have increased productivity in the farming sector and improved the quality of life of producers, especially among those most in need, including Indian agricultural workers.

Also, the Brazilian authorities support the country's agricultural sector, allocating an amount equal to 67 billion 850 million dollars for its development. These subsidies are aimed primarily at increasing the seed fund and developing the country's sugar industry.

Thus, for Russia, the experience of Brazil is very indicative - they are actively fighting poverty and providing support to the population through the implementation of special programs. To improve the standard of living of Russians, it is also necessary to implement Federal programs, look for individual approach to support the poorest and most socially vulnerable population. In Russia it is also necessary to provide for the construction of low-cost housing for the poor. It is also very useful to adopt the positive experience of Brazil in organizing the healthcare system, because almost all indicators of the level and quality of life depend on the health of the nation.

Pace of life modern man sometimes they just go off scale. Sometimes it seems that there is no more strength. I want to give up everything: quit all my jobs and go to a desert island. Stop! It’s better to switch your thoughts about escaping from problems into a more constructive direction: think about the methods available to you here and now that will help improve your performance.

1. Know how to stop in time.

Sometimes the body really needs to switch to energy-saving mode: usually it hints to us about this by knocking us down with some kind of illness. Thanks to fever and cough, we get the legal right to spend the whole day watching TV, wrapped in a blanket. However, most often the disease could be avoided if the stop valve was pulled at the right moment.

2. The best rest is a change of activities.

Agree that you feel more positive and fulfilled not when you spent the whole day lying on the couch (see point 1), but when you had a busy day off - for example, a bike ride in the park with the children, then a trip to the circus together, Meeting with friends.

Don’t equate rest with idleness. If you are an office worker and are forced to sit at the computer for 10 hours, then watching a video on the same computer will not help you. Better do 10 minutes of exercise. If you are a hairdresser and spend the whole day on your feet, then, on the contrary, you need to think about physical relaxation and intellectual stress. Take a salt bath, do some relaxing asanas, read good book.

3. Set up a routine.

It is believed that an adult needs 8 hours of sleep. But that's just average value. For some, 5 hours is enough, while others need to sleep for all 9.

It is important to train your body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Don’t try to compensate for the lack of sleep on the weekend - it’s impossible to get enough sleep. By doing so, you will only further upset your biological clock.

4. We are what we eat.

This banal truth will never lose its relevance. Even if you are a very busy person and you don’t have time to indulge in gastronomic pleasures, there is always the opportunity to stick to a more or less healthy diet. Instead of chocolates, eat muesli bars as a snack - buy them in bulk at the pharmacy and carry them with you in your bag. Chips can easily be replaced with a nut-fruit mixture. Sweets - fruits. Pies - curds. Just small adjustments - and very soon you will notice how your life has begun to change.

5. Breathe deeply!

Oxygen is necessary for our brain to function at full capacity. Therefore, regular walks fresh air– the key to good energy levels.

You can also practice various breathing exercises that help saturate the body with oxygen - oxysize, bodyflex, qigong, etc.

6. Order on the desktop means order in the head.

There is no need to justify yourself by saying that it is easier for you to work in conditions of artistic chaos. About nothing productive use time and effort are out of the question if a basic action (for example, searching) the required document or a fountain pen) it takes you 10-15 minutes. Psychologists and labor management specialists never tire of repeating: get rid of the rubble in drawers, cabinets, and on the table - and you will feel that your work has begun to progress.

In general, there are universal energy generators available to every person. Sports, positive communication, healthy food, sex, art, reading good literature - all this enriches us, makes our lives better, and us more productive. And then there are universal energy absorbers, which are also familiar to all of us - communication with “vampires” and whiners, alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, TV. The choice is yours.

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