Division of managerial labor. Types


Division of managerial labor – objective process of isolating its individual types into independent spheres labor activity various groups management workers, which helps to improve the quality of control actions.

Types of division of managerial labor

1. Functional division of labor (horizontal), which involves identifying functions that are objectively necessary for effective management of an organization and assigning them to individual employees and departments of the management apparatus. As a result, managers, specialists, and employees are identified according to their functional role in the management process. All categories of employees contribute to the development and implementation of control actions (see paragraph 1. 3.).

2. Hierarchical (vertical) division of labor provides for the distribution of work packages for the implementation of management functions across the levels of the management hierarchy, assigning them to individual management employees and forming the powers of the latter on this basis. The vertical division of labor forms management levels.

3. Technological division of labor- this is the differentiation of the management process into operations for the collection, transmission, storage, analysis and transformation of information performed by certain categories of workers.

4. Professional division of labor involves differentiation of managerial work and assignment to individual employees in accordance with their professional training.

5. Qualification division of labor– distribution of work according to degree vocational training. For example, the level of qualification of specialists is characterized by category, rank or class.

6. Official division of labor involves differentiation of managerial work in accordance with the competence of employees (a set of rights, duties, responsibilities).

Types of leaders

1. Based on the division of labor, line and functional managers (supervisors, managers) are distinguished.

Line managers– persons acting on the basis of unity of command, responsible for the state and development of the organization or its divisions. For example, line managers are: director, head of the domestic tourism department, head of the group, sector, etc.

Functional managers– persons responsible for a certain functional area of ​​activity in the management system, heading functional units. For example, marketing director, HR director, etc.

2. According to their place in the management system of organizations, they are distinguished:

● lower-level managers (heads of sectors, groups, foremen, etc.);

● middle-level managers (heads of departments, product, project, regional managers, etc.);

● senior managers (director, his deputies).

Each level of management differs in the nature of the work performed. Thus, the work of managers at the lower level of management is associated with solving primarily operational (coordination, control, regulation of activities) and tactical problems, and is characterized by a variety of actions performed, frequent changes in activities, and constant communication with immediate superiors and subordinates. The actions of middle managers are dominated by the solution of tactical problems, however, issues of a strategic nature can be resolved. Senior managers determine the general directions of the functioning and development of the organization and its major components. The relevant activity has a strategic focus, is characterized by scale, complexity, and connection with external environment organizations. R. A. Fatkhutdinov gives the following structure of working time for managers ( rice. 2):

To summarize, we note that the division of managerial labor is an important factor in increasing its effectiveness, and in each organization it takes on its own specific form. As for the vertical division of labor, in small-sized organizations, which is typical for tourism activities, there may be no middle level of management.

Business qualities of a manager

In foreign and domestic literature and sociological research, much attention is paid to the business qualities of a manager as the intellectual core of the team.

The qualities that a leader should have, in our opinion, should be divided into three groups: professional, organizational, personal, which is associated with a variety of roles performed.

So, Z. P. Rumyantseva requirements for professional competence managers formulates as follows:

1.Understanding the nature of managerial work and management processes.

2. Knowledge of officials and functional responsibilities manager, ways to achieve goals and increase the efficiency of the organization.

3. Ability to use modern information technology and means of communication necessary in the management process.

4. Mastery of the art of human resource management.

5. Mastery of the art of establishing external relations.

6. The ability to self-esteem. Ability to draw correct conclusions and continuously improve qualifications (knowledge and skills).

In our opinion, this list of professional qualities can be divided into three subgroups: methodological competence social competence(ability to communicate, cooperate, resolve conflicts, etc.).

Among organizational qualities The following can be distinguished: determination, the ability to select and effectively use employees, determine their tasks and functions, delegate authority, adherence to the principles of unity of word and deed, finishing what is started, personal organization, the ability to create a favorable socio-psychological climate, etc.

To work with people, managers must have personal qualities, which enhance trust and respect from those with whom they come into contact. First of all, these are: intelligence, energy, perseverance in achieving goals, integrity and determination, honesty, justice, high demands on oneself and others, respectful and caring attitude towards people, regardless of their position in the hierarchy, a sense of duty and responsibility. Particularly noteworthy is the quality of ability to work in stressful situations, as well as the ability to quickly restore your physical and mental strength.

A. Ya. Kibanov identifies the following set business And personal qualities that are of particular importance in the process of business assessment of a manager:

1. Social-civil maturity (the ability to subordinate personal interests to public ones, the ability to listen to criticism, be self-critical, actively participate in social activities, high political literacy).

2. Attitude to work (sense of personal responsibility, sensitive and attentive attitude towards people, hard work, personal discipline and insistence on the observance of discipline by others).

3. Level of knowledge and experience (qualification, knowledge of management fundamentals, advanced management methods).

4. Organizational abilities (the ability to organize a management system, the ability to organize one’s work, the ability to hold business meetings, the ability to self-assess one’s capabilities and one’s work, the capabilities and work of others).

5. Ability to work with people (with subordinates, with managers, the ability to create a cohesive team, select, place and secure personnel).

6. Ability to work with documents and information (the ability to briefly and clearly formulate goals, present business letters, orders, instructions, the ability to clearly formulate instructions, give assignments, knowledge of opportunities modern technology management and the ability to use it in one’s work, the ability to read documents).

7. The ability to make and implement decisions in a timely manner, including the ability to ensure control over the implementation of decisions, the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment, resolve conflict situations, self-control, and maintain mental hygiene.

8. The ability to see and support the cutting edge, including the ability to support innovators, neutralize naysayers, conservatives, courage and the ability to take informed risks.

9. Moral and ethical character traits (honesty, conscientiousness, decency, integrity, restraint, politeness, perseverance, etc.).

In Western literature on management, discussion and clarification of the set of requirements for managers continues. Thus, English management specialists M. Woodcock and D. Francis offer the following list: the ability to manage oneself, reasonable personal values, clear personal goals, emphasis on constant personal growth, problem-solving skills, ingenuity and the ability to innovate, a high ability to influence others , knowledge of modern management approaches, the ability to lead, the ability to train and develop subordinates, the ability to form and develop work groups.

D. Fuller especially notes such a quality as the ability to work with people: “The boss has his own job and he does it with the hands of his subordinates.” The task of a leader is to encourage people to achieve the desired goals, to use them to obtain the intended result, and for this he must know the needs of subordinates, interests, value orientations, abilities and possibilities. “When doing his work, he must be firm, honest and active; he must, finally, maintain his authority and not crave universal love. He should be a leader, giving orders and indicating the general direction, and not a father figure, pampering and comforting his subordinates.”

Modern management practice has led to the need to highlight such qualities as the ability to work in a team, guided by the principle of co-creation and management consulting. A team, according to A. Prigozhin, is not a collection of direct subordinates to a manager, but a group of professionals. Note that the team should be built on the principle of complementing the weaknesses of the leader.

The specificity of Russia is the ability of a manager to make decisions under conditions of the highest risk and uncertainty, quickly navigate a changing market situation, and redistribute resources to the most profitable areas of application. For what modern leaders are forced to acquire knowledge of marketing, financial theory, human resource management, including issues of personnel incentives and their “client orientation”.

In conclusion, we note that in each specific case for each specific position and organization, the list of the most important qualities of managers will vary somewhat, and can be supplemented with specific qualities. For example, requirements for professional competence managers, which are reflected in the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, can be detailed in industry professional standards, intra-company professional standards, job descriptions. Thus, in the tourism industry, by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 17, 1999 No. 8, “ Qualification requirements (professional standards) to the main positions of tourism industry workers.” Qualification requirements have been developed for travel agencies, tour operators, excursion bureaus, and basic hotel services. Considering that high-quality service to tourists is of decisive importance for the success of the tourism and hotel business, the requirements for positions of employees in the main sectors of the tourism industry were standardized, not only a list was determined job responsibilities, but also the level of skill and knowledge required to perform them. IN adj.2 As an example, the requirements for the professional competence of employees of the third qualification level of the “Tourism Activities” sector, the “Travel Agency” subsector are given.

Conclusions on the topic

1. Management and management are quite similar concepts. The difference is due to the variety of control objects.

2. Management in the socio-cultural sphere and tourism is a broader concept than management (this is also public administration, and non-state, non-political management of social processes, and economic management), is multi-level in nature. Management in SCS and T, in turn, is economic management carried out at the micro level, that is, at the level of an individual business entity.

3. Managerial labor is a special type of labor that has its own subject and product of labor, using specific means of labor. Managerial work is indirectly productive, but at the same time directly affecting the efficiency of the organization.

4. An objective process that increases the efficiency of managerial work is the process of division of labor. The variety of types of division of managerial labor is due to the variety of its forms. The division of labor in each organization takes on its own specific form. As for the vertical division of labor, in small-sized organizations, which is typical for tourism activities, there may be no middle level of management .

5.U Management work in one form or another is inherent not only to managers, but also to ordinary employees of the management apparatus.

6. The set of qualities inherent in a manager may be different, depending on a number of factors. In general, three subgroups of business qualities can be distinguished: actual professional competence(special knowledge, skills, abilities); methodological competence(ability to perceive and interpret information, structure problems, systems thinking, etc.); social competence(ability to communicate, cooperate, resolve conflicts, etc.). The higher the position of the manager, the less importance professional competence acquires and the role of social competence increases.

7. Requirements for the professional competence of managers, which are reflected in the Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and employees, can be detailed in industry professional standards, internal professional standards, and job descriptions. Thus, in the tourism industry, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 17, 1999 No. 8 approved “Qualification requirements (professional standards) for the main positions of workers in the tourism industry.”

Questions for self-control

1. Define the concepts of “management” and “management”.

2. Select similar and distinctive features these concepts.

3. Identify the main elements of the management process.

4. Give the difference between the concepts of “subject of management” and “subject of management activities”.

5. Justify the importance feedback in the management process.

6. Entrepreneur and manager: similarities and differences between concepts.

7. List the features of managerial work.

8. Forms of managerial work.

9. Signs and types of division of managerial labor.

10. Outline the fundamental difference between line and functional managers.

11. Requirements for managers.

12. What determines the necessary set of qualities of a leader.

IN modern society The efficiency of companies largely depends on the high performance of management personnel, although the entire team takes an active part in solving the tasks assigned to the organization. Therefore, one of the main problems of modern management remains increasing the performance of managers. Now, to solve this problem, it is proposed to use the division of managerial labor.

This means that individual company employees belonging to the management apparatus specialize in the same types of activities, or otherwise, each group of employees solves some of its own specific issues. In other words, the following important elements are separated among them:

  • responsibility
  • right,
  • powers.

Naturally, the entire team of company employees makes a feasible contribution to the work, but companies have groups of managers who are involved in planning, control, organization of work and other functions.

This approach brings only positive results, since managers do not spread themselves thin, but specialize in narrow, specific issues. They, accordingly, quickly acquire the necessary experience in solving issues in each area. In general, this affects the increase in efficiency in the company. This way everyone makes a contribution to the common cause.

The whole mass of modern companies differs:

  • location,
  • field of activity,
  • size,
  • structure.

However, it is possible to identify identical features in the division of managerial labor; they relate to the vertical and horizontal division of labor of company employees:

  1. Vertical. It includes: lower, middle, higher. Low-level managers manage the performing labor employees who work in production. The majority of managers work at the middle level in various departments of production organization. And only a negligible part - the administration of companies from the top level - manages them. At each level, management personnel perform their specific functions.
  2. Horizontal division. Includes: management making decisions, specialists developing different variants decisions, employees, ensuring the production process.

The success of modern companies depends on two elements of labor organization: division and cooperation. Cooperation of managerial labor is the interaction of all employees in order to achieve one common goal and related tasks, the main of which is the effective operation of the company.

Thanks to these elements, each employee has his own area of ​​competence, and all employees interact clearly in this management. They coexist safely when they comply with the following rules:

  1. They work all day long.
  2. The employee's activities correspond to his qualifications.
  3. Great responsibility for the result.
  4. Improvement of employee qualifications.
  5. Work in full.

Classification of forms of managerial labor

Only proper division contributes to the success of any company in modern circumstances. Based on the characteristics, the following forms of division of managerial labor are distinguished.

Division of labor - functional

This form depends on the size of the company, the specifics of the industry where it operates, and the volume of work. A classifier helps in correct functional separation. He organizes the correspondence between parts of the company and the positions of management personnel, thereby establishing powers and responsibilities in all areas.

Professional qualification division

This form is implemented in professional groups among management staff. It establishes a direct correspondence between the employee’s duties and his qualifications. More skilled workers get more challenging jobs. Thanks to this form, the compliance of labor with qualifications is maximally observed. It also does not allow employees to be employed in jobs unrelated to their education.

Technological division of labor

This form allows you to divide the labor of people of the same specialization into different types. Thus, management personnel are divided into managers, specialists and technical performers. Each of these categories of workers performs different kinds activities. Moreover, the labor of those who manage the company’s team is the least differentiated, and the most differentiated is the work of people performing similar operations. Modern technical means improve labor savings and quality of operations.

Linear division of labor

This form is based on the production structure of the enterprise. It secures leaders different levels for all levels of production.

Program-targeted division of labor

This form allows you to form temporary special groups of employees to solve very important problems of the company, for example, to launch a new production or improve an old one, reconstruct the company or improve management, etc. The group is assigned a leader, and a program is developed with the help of which the assigned tasks are realized.

Management – ​​mental work?

Mental work, in contrast to physical work (working with mechanisms, conveyors, and also requiring the use of muscle strength), is characterized by low motor activity and overload of memory and attention, because it is necessary to process huge amounts of information. It is divided into several forms for some reasons.

  • Cameraman. It is specific to modern companies. Work involves processing large amounts of information.
  • Managerial. This is the work of company leaders. Here, the immediate implementation of the optimal solution is of paramount importance.
  • Creative. The most difficult work. People in this profession constantly feel nervous and emotional overload.
  • Professions that require constant communication with people.
  • Study in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Therefore, management refers to mental work.

Functional division of managerial labor

The work of any company is a complex living organism. It is divided into big number independent phases. Each of them is assigned a group of workers. Each group solves its own problem in the production process. This division of labor is called functional.

If we consider management personnel, then functional division is also applied here. Thanks to this, various services and structural divisions necessary for each specific company are created in the management apparatus.

Functional separation guarantees:

  • equal employment among all employees of the management apparatus,
  • optimal uniform intensity of work for everyone,
  • lack of duplication in work.

Workers are divided into the following groups:

  • the main ones, engaged in the production of the main products of the company,
  • auxiliary workers who help the main workers in their work,
  • service workers who, through their labor, ensure a normal production process and conditions for good work for everyone.

Types of managerial work

Managerial work is a type of work of administrative and managerial personnel to implement management functions in a company. These personnel are required to effectively develop and accept management decisions. The following basic operations help with this:

  • setting a specific task,
  • search and analysis of the information necessary for this,
  • necessary calculations,
  • development of certain decisions,
  • making the right decisions,
  • preparation of documentation.

It is clear that the most important thing in managerial work is acceptance the right decision at a specific moment.

The fact is that there is a division in this activity. It is influenced by different indicators and characteristics of labor. Thus, managers are divided into three categories:

  • managers carrying out management,
  • specialists involved in making management decisions,
  • performers performing auxiliary operations.

One employee specialty leads to technological separation. There are three forms of this division:

  1. Target. Leaders solve multiple problems that have the same goal.
  2. Subject. This form is typical for specialists who solve two or three tasks in the process of work, moreover, they are homogeneous.
  3. Operating room. Here the workers do the same work - they are technical performers.

The works are grouped as follows:

  • especially complex,
  • increased complexity,
  • medium difficulty,
  • minimum complexity.

Each group corresponds to a certain qualification of employees.

The types and forms of managerial labor correspond to the same forms of cooperation. Thus, in the case of a functional division of labor, the relevance of cooperation between different parts of the company arises. If we're talking about about the technological division of labor, then cooperation arises for departments and employees. The qualification division of labor leads to cooperation among workers in the department.

Management is understood as a set of processes that ensure the maintenance of the system in a given state and (or) its transfer to a new, more vital state of the organization through the development and implementation of targeted influences.

The development of control actions includes the collection, transmission and processing of necessary information, decision-making, which necessarily includes the determination of control actions.

division of labor of managers, i.e. specialization of management employees in performing certain types of activities (functions), delimitation of their powers, rights and areas of responsibility.

Separation is based on the formation of groups of management workers performing the same management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control). Accordingly, specialists appear in the management apparatus to deal with their specific issues.

Structural separation managerial work is based on such characteristics of the managed object as organizational structure, scale, scope of activity, sectoral, territorial specifics. Due to the variety of factors affecting the structural division of labor, it is specific to each organization. You can select common features relating to the vertical and horizontal division of labor of managers.

Vertical division of labor built on the identification of three levels of management - grassroots, middle and top.

To the grassroots level management includes managers who subordinate workers primarily in performing labor. They manage such primary units as brigades, shifts, and sections.

Average level (50-60% of the number of management personnel) includes managers responsible for the progress of the production process in departments. This includes managers of the headquarters and functional services of the management apparatus of the company, its branches, departments, as well as the management of auxiliary and service production, target programs and projects.

Highest level (3- 7%) - the administration of the enterprise, exercising general strategic management of the organization, its functional and production complexes.

At each management level, a certain amount of work is provided for management functions. This horizontal division of labor function managers. A deeper division is expected among the main subsystems of the enterprise (personnel, R&D, marketing, production, finance).

Takes into account the types and complexity of work performed. There are managers (decision making, organizing their implementation), specialists (design and development of solution options), and employees (information support for the process).

15. Management principles.

There are several approaches to the classification of management principles

The principles of rational management were first formulated in 1912 by the American manager G. Emerson in the book “The Twelve Principles of Productivity.” However, one of the founders of the scientific organization of labor, the creator of the “theory of administration” A. Fayol expressed the idea that the number of management principles is unlimited. And this is true, since every rule takes its place among the principles of management, at least for as long as practice confirms its effectiveness.

Having deeply learned in practice the patterns of functioning of the company, Fayol formulated 14 principles of administrative management, which have retained their significance to this day.

Inseparability of power from responsibility.

Division of labor (however, this process has a limit beyond which its effectiveness decreases).

Unity of command, or unity of command. An employee must receive orders only from one immediate superior.

Discipline that is mandatory for everyone and presupposes mutual respect between management and subordinates. Discipline also involves fair application of sanctions.

Unity of leadership based on the principle of “one leader and one plan for a set of operations with a common goal”

Subordination of individual interests to common ones.

Fair compensation for everyone.

Reasonable specialization, weakening as the scale of the enterprise increases.

Hierarchy, which involves minimizing management levels and the usefulness of horizontal connections.

An order based on the principle “to each his place and everyone in his place.”

Fairness ensured by the dedication of the staff and the objectivity of the administration.

Staff stability, because turnover is a consequence of poor management.

An initiative that requires the leader to fully encourage and suppress his own vanity.

Corporate spirit, that is, the common interests of workers and collectivism in work.

Other management principles

The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management.

The principle of unity of command and collegiality in management .

Principle of scientific validity presupposes scientific foresight and socio-economic transformations of the organization planned over time.

The essence the principle of planning in establishing the main directions and proportions of the organization’s development in the future.

The principle of combining rights, duties and responsibilities assumes that each subordinate must complete the tasks assigned to him and periodically report for their implementation.

The principle of private autonomy and freedom assumes that all initiatives come from freely operating economic entities performing managerial functions at will within the framework of current legislation.

The principle of hierarchy and feedback in creating a multi-stage management structure. Constant monitoring of the activities of all parts of the organization is carried out on the basis of feedback.

Principle of motivation .

The principle of democratization of management – participation in the management of the organization of all employees.

Systematic approach to management - consists of the following - provides for decision-making based on taking into account the most important circumstances and possible methods of influence in their interaction;

Situational management principle -Requires making specific decisions only in connection with a specific situation;

Mechanization and automation management process - represents the introduction of mechanical devices into management work: computers, modern communications, duplicating machines and other office equipment;

Internationalization means strengthening the role of the international factor in the management of an organization due to the growing interstate division and cooperation of labor,

Applicability principle - management develops a kind of guide to action for all employees working in the company.

The principle of multifunctionality - management covers various aspects of activity: material (resources, services), functional (labor organization), semantic (achieving the final goal).


1. Functional division of labor in the management process and its


3. Characteristics of OJSC Dalsvyaz

4. Characteristics of the distribution of management functions across levels and links of the management apparatus of OJSC Dalsvyaz



For correct construction management system of the organization, determining its structure, the degree of centralization and decentralization, establishing the range of rights and responsibilities of departments and individual employees important has a definition of management functions, their clear, justified classification.

Management functions arise from the content of the organization’s activities and are determined by their objects and the composition of the tasks to be solved. Each of the specific control functions provides a targeted impact on a particular object. There is a separation of various functions, such as personnel management, finance, technical support, etc. The specifics of the managed object determine the content of these functions. Management functions are specific types of activities that have a unity of purpose, the nature of the work and operations performed, aimed at a certain part of the managed object to achieve the goal.

To perform management functions, a management apparatus is created, and separate structural divisions are created to perform one or another specific function (or a number of functions). Only in combination do the functions ensure the normal functioning and development of the managed object.

The management function is divided into its component parts: work, operations, elements. Most often, the entire function is performed by a larger or smaller number of workers, each of whom, in the course of daily work, performs individual species works Correct allocation of functions allows work that is close and similar in nature to be combined into one management unit, thereby simplifying the structure and facilitating the coordination of the activities of functional units.

1. Functional division of labor in the management process and its characteristics

Based on the composition and scope of work for management functions, the rational construction of the management system and the number of employees for each function are determined, and organizational regulation documents are developed. The functional division of management processes is important for their organization, since it determines the goals, objectives and directions of activity of management workers.

Compliance with controllability standards is ensured by introducing an additional link in the management hierarchy. At the same time, a certain number of intermediate level managers are subordinate to the top manager, each of whom will have control over a permissible number of subordinates.

The introduction of second-level managers frees up top-level managers to address more important and long-term issues of development of the entire organization. In addition, more attention is paid to the management of ordinary performers, since fewer of them report to each of the second-level managers.

The question of limiting the controllability rate is of great practical importance.

The decision on the appropriate number of levels in the organizational management hierarchy and the number of subordinates for each manager is one of the central issues in the formation of a management structure. When analyzing the controllability standards that have developed in an organization, one should not draw hasty conclusions. There are cases when, in organizations that function very effectively, the sphere of control of some senior managers significantly exceeded the calculated theoretically optimal value. The possibility of overloading top management depends on whether the manager actually exercises real management of all divisions and persons who are subordinate to him, how much time he devotes to each of them, how effective the system of communications and information about the state of affairs in the divisions entrusted to him is. Much depends on the business qualities of deputy senior managers and the degree of their independence. In a number of cases, departments in an organization are subordinated to top management only for reasons of increasing their overall status, but in reality they do not burden the manager with resolving their issues and act relatively independently.

Unlike linear system, when the manager is responsible for the entire volume of activities of the unit entrusted to him on the basis of unity of command, functional management is based not on general, but on specialized responsibility for a specific function in the organization.

The functional division of labor in the management apparatus is usually based on the stages of the decision-making process (planning, control, information processing, etc.), stages of the production and economic process (supply, production, sales, etc.) or elements of production (products , technology, etc.). The need to form specialized functional units depends on many other factors, for example, on the volume of work to perform the function, the degree of its importance for achieving the ultimate goals of production organizations, as well as on the degree of interaction of the organization with the external environment, on the need to set new goals and objectives and on the availability qualified personnel. The key issue in identifying functional services in the management structure is determining their status and relationships with line managers. If the line manager determines the need to carry out certain actions, the time, place and specific performers of these actions, then the role of functional managers comes down primarily to determining appropriate methods and procedures for carrying out these actions. That is why specialists and heads of functional departments must have, first of all, such qualities as competence in their field, the ability to analyze and independently evaluate processes and phenomena, as well as to effectively communicate their conclusions and recommendations to line managers who have the right to act on the basis of these recommendations . The parallel existence of linear and functional management in an organization creates certain problems in the process of its functioning. On the one hand, the principle of unity of command implies the need to establish a formal organizational structure in which each subordinate receives orders and instructions from only one leader and reports only to him. On the other hand, if this principle is taken literally, then employees of functional services should generally only deal with line managers.

2. Classification and content of management functions

The classification features of management functions are divided into:

a) in the sphere of production and economic activity - the functions of managing production itself and the functions of managing non-production activities;

b) elements production process- control functions labor resources(human resources management functions); management functions of equipment and production technology; control functions material resources; financial resource management functions;

c) stages of production - functions of managing the preparation of production (scientific, technical, economic, social), functions of managing the production stage (main and auxiliary service production);

d) levels of management hierarchy - management functions of a site, workshop, enterprise, association;

e) the nature of management functions - basic, specific, auxiliary management functions;

f) the content of management goals - general (basic) management functions (planning, organization, coordination, stimulation, control) and specific (specific and private) management functions (design preproduction management, technological production management, repair maintenance management, capital construction management , occupational health and safety management, product (service) sales management, labor and wage management, financial and accounting management, operational management production, personnel management, personnel training management, management of technical support of the management system, improvement of the management system, etc.).

Currently, the last sign of classification of management functions has the most higher value.

These common (basic) functions for management employees reflect the target orientation and the tasks that the management system must solve. General functions are inherent in any management system, characteristic of both general and specialized types of management activities. The management process begins with setting goals (planning) and ends with accounting and analysis of their implementation. Only by the totality of these functions is the goal achieved, for the achievement of which the control system is created, and the normal functioning of the controlled object is ensured. The general functions of management are strictly interconnected and, therefore, the activities of any management employee achieve the highest efficiency when all the main functions are given the necessary attention and each is implemented in accordance with its place and content.

Planning as a management function is to determine the goals (tasks) of the managed object and develop a program of its actions to achieve them. The actions of all other management functions are in one way or another subordinate to the tasks defined in the planned tasks. That's why this function is fundamental among other basic functions.

The function of the organization is designed to ensure the implementation of the goal outlined in the plan by establishing proportions between the elements of work activity and the order of their interaction: the formation of managed and control systems; determining the place and role of each employee in the system and distributing them among departments; organizing clear interaction between them; development of documents regulating the activities of the entire management apparatus, individual departments and employees, in order to ensure the desired flow of the production process and the performance of all functions.

The purpose of the regulation function (coordination, management) is to achieve agreements between various parts managed system by establishing the most rational internal and external connections. With the growth of economic, organizational, technical and other connections, the need arises for their streamlining and rational organization. As deviations, failures, and shortcomings are revealed during monitoring, the system also needs to be regulated and brought back to normal.

The control function consists of continuous observation, analysis, assessment of the actual progress of the system and comparison with that established in the program, plan, and identification of necessary actions in the next management cycle. Systems, forms and methods of control are diverse and are determined by the tasks assigned to it and the nature of the functioning of the object. Effective management of any organization is possible only when its activities are reliably and continuously monitored.

The function of accounting and analysis is organically connected with control, which gives credibility to all types and forms of control. This function also consists of characterizing the implementation of the plan and using accounting information to analyze and develop a new plan.

Thus, the general (basic) management functions in unity ensure the integrity of the organization’s management process.

3. Characteristics of OJSC Dalsvyaz

Dalsvyaz provides communication services in 7 regions Far East: Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories, Sakhalin, Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan and Jewish Autonomous Regions. The regional territory is 3.3 million square meters. km. (20% of the territory of Russia), where 6.1 million people live (4.2% of the total population of Russia), including 4.8 million urban residents and 1.3 million people rural population.

Currently, OJSC Dalsvyaz, in a competitive market, is an operator-supplier of a full range of telecommunications services in the Far Eastern Federal District, serving 1 million 259 thousand subscribers of the local telephone network, providing other modern communication services. The company's telephone network is closely linked to the facilities
OJSC Rostelecom is the regional part of the network common use Russia. Alternative telecom operators have the opportunity to be included in this network.

The company was registered by the Administration of Vladivostok on May 12, 1994. Registration number 5464. Included in the Unified State Register legal entities September 6, 2002 by the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation for the Leninsky district of Vladivostok. Assigned OGRN 1022501276159.

The management bodies of the Company are General meeting shareholders, Board of Directors, Management Board, CEO. The Company's control body is the Audit Commission.

Priority areas of activity are determined by the Company's mission - "Formation and full satisfaction of customer needs for modern communication services in the Far Eastern Federal District."

The main objectives of the Company are:

Providing a full range of telecommunications services;

Implementation of the functions of a reliable operator - a leader providing communication services High Quality, available to all categories of users;

Improving the way we serve and interact with clients; comprehensive development of services based on modern technologies;

Creating conditions under which the fullest realization of the abilities of each employee is possible for the benefit of the entire company;

Growth of income and capitalization of the company, creation of favorable conditions for attracting investments.

4. Characteristics of the distribution of management functions across levels and links of the management apparatus of OJSC Dalsvyaz

The organizational structure of the management of OJSC Dalsvyaz is presented in Appendix 1.

The existing procedure for the distribution of functional responsibilities between the structural divisions of OJSC Dalsvyaz is presented in
table 1.

Table 1 Functional table for analyzing the distribution of functions of structural divisions of OJSC Dalsvyaz

Name and content of management functions

Name and content of management subfunctions

Name and content of procedures and operations


General Directorate

Department management

Department management

Department specialists

Forecasting and


1. Establishing the goals and objectives of the organization’s activities

2. Development of strategies, programs and plans

3. Determining the required resources

Mission Statement

Vision and Goals

Hierarchy of goals

Definition priority areas development

Organization's strategic plans

Divisional strategic plans

Determining Resource Needs

Resource Allocation

Work organization

1. Technical and design training


2. Financial activities

3. General office work

Introduction of modern technologies

Equipment service

Implementation of investment projects

Financial management

Approval of document forms

Preparation of documents, etc.


1. Organization of labor and wages

2. Development of motivation schemes;

3. Organization and regulation of labor

Setting salaries

Development of a financial incentive program

Determining employee needs;

Choice of motivation methods, etc.

Improving working and rest conditions;

Determination of labor norms and standards

Coordination and


1. Legal support

2. Formation corporate culture

3. Tariff regulation

Preparation legal documents

Permission conflict situations

Defining the organization's values;

Development of organizational culture

Tariff development

Tariff approval

The table uses the following conventions: · - direct execution of operations; d – preparation of documentation; +/- - computational and settlement operations; c – approval, approval of documents; k – execution control; and – instructions, consultations, assistance in performing operations, etc.

5. Proposals for improving the distribution of functional responsibilities

In order for an organization to operate effectively, improved management techniques are necessary.

The essence of improvement is that every leader of an organization or another level of management was interested in every employee, in his personal interest. This can be achieved different ways: improving the moral climate in the team or having the opportunity to retrain personnel, and this can also be material incentives, social success (help for the family, health, morale).

It is necessary for the manager to develop current leadership and management plans, where it is necessary to reflect current and long-term development activities of the organization: improving the style and methods of work, analyzing one’s own mistakes, organizing the work of the team.

In order to reduce staff turnover and secure young specialists in key positions, it is proposed to study the socio-psychological climate of the team to identify the needs of personnel, introduce programs for providing loans to employees, etc.

Increasing importance should be given to the organization of corporate and in-house training.

In order to improve the management structure of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its functioning, it is recommended:

Implement a set of measures to improve the organization of work at the enterprise, the rational distribution of functional responsibilities, and strengthen the performance discipline of employees;

Make more active use of the funds approved for this purpose to materially stimulate skilled workers and secure them in production;

Streamline the planning of repair and maintenance work, basing it on the results of regular inspections, at least 2 times a year;

Develop our own production in order to reduce the cost of services when carrying out work in larger volume use your materials;

Intensify efforts to collect payments from the population for services provided.


Enterprise management is intended to preserve its mission and is carried out by counteracting the destruction of the enterprise as a result of its interaction with the external environment. Considering the process of enterprise management as a technology, we can imagine it as a set of cycles performed by employees of the management apparatus, based on the division of labor.

Division of labor is one of the main principles of organizing the management process. It is based on the functional, professional, qualification and operational-technological division of labor.

The functional division of labor in the management process is based on the hierarchy of enterprise management functions (research, design, regulatory, planning, technical, organizational, coordination, support, accounting and sales) and is a combination of certain groups, complexes of operations that are consistently repeated during their implementation.

To properly organize each functional process in the management system, it is necessary:

Determine the number, sequence and nature of the operations that make up the process; ·

Select (develop) appropriate methods, techniques (techniques), and technical means for each operation;

Determine the optimal conditions for the process in time and environment.


1. GOST 24525.0-80 "Management of a production association and industrial enterprise".

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. – M.: Gardariki, 2002.

3. Business planning: Methods. Organization. Modern practice. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997. - 368 p.

4. Mukhin Yu.I. The science of managing people: a presentation for everyone. - M.: Folium, 1995. - 368 p.

5. Fundamentals of Management / Ed. D. D. Vachugova. – M.: Higher School, 2002.

6. Semenov A.K. Nabokov V.I. Fundamentals of management. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 465 p.

7. Khan D. Planning and control: the concept of controlling / Transl. with him. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997. - 800 p.


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The division of labor is one of the main principles of organizing the management process, the specialization of management workers to perform certain types of activities (functions), the delimitation of their powers, rights and areas of responsibility. It is based on the functional, professional, qualification and operational-technological division of labor. The functional division of labor is based on the formation of groups of management workers performing the same general functions management. Accordingly, some management staff specialize in planning work, others direct their efforts to organizing work to implement plans, others are specialists in monitoring progress, measuring results and evaluating work, etc. Along with this, the functional division of labor involves the selection from the general staff of managers of specialists who are responsible for the management process as a whole, and not for any one function. These managers are called general managers and their main task is to ensure the integrity of the organization's functioning. Therefore, a general manager is the head of the enterprise as a whole or managers individual parts enterprises that integrate the work of functional managers and specialists. Their tasks include: developing a vision of the future, i.e. pictures of what the organization should be like in the future and how this can be achieved; developing the potential of the organization and the people working in it; taking the necessary actions to achieve your goals. The functional division of labor manifests itself in two directions: between categories of workers and between main and support personnel. In the first case, the organization’s personnel includes such categories of workers as managers, specialists, and other employees (technical performers). Another direction of the functional division of labor is the division of workers into main workers (directly involved in the production of main products or services) and auxiliary workers (creating conditions for the uninterrupted and efficient work of main workers). The structural division of managerial labor is based on such characteristics of the managed object as organizational structure, scale, scope of activity, industry, and territorial specifics. Due to the variety of factors affecting the structural division of labor, it is specific to each organization. It is possible to identify common features regarding the vertical and horizontal division of labor of managers. The vertical division of labor is based on the identification of three levels of management - lower, middle and higher. The lowest level of management includes managers who subordinate workers primarily in performing work. They manage such primary units as brigades, shifts, and sections. Average level(50-60% of the number of management personnel) includes managers responsible for the progress of the production process in departments. This includes managers of the headquarters and functional services of the management apparatus of the company, its branches, departments, as well as the management of auxiliary and service production, target programs and projects. Highest level(3-7%) - the administration of the enterprise, exercising general strategic management of the organization, its functional and production complexes. At each management level, a certain amount of work is provided for management functions. This horizontal division labor of function managers. A deeper division is expected among the main subsystems of the enterprise (personnel, marketing, production, finance). The technological and professional-qualification division of labor of managers takes into account the types and complexity of the work performed. According to these criteria, the management apparatus is divided into three categories of workers: managers, specialists and employees. From the point of view of the technology of the management process, the tasks of managers primarily come down to making decisions and organizing their practical implementation, specialists design and develop solution options, and employees are mainly involved in providing information support for the entire process.
8. Management mechanism and methods of management influence

The control mechanism is a set of means and methods of influencing the activities of people and teams. The peculiarity of the control mechanism is the ability to strengthen or weaken the influence of controls, to choose means of influence.

Control mechanism: controls (what can be used to control); control methods (methods of putting levers into action).

Controls are those levers with the help of which the control process directly occurs.

Personal levers are interests, motives, incentives, attitudes, fears, habits, etc.

Economic levers - rewards, allowances, deductions, loans, fines, etc.

Social and psychological levers - education, culture, social norms, microclimate

Information levers – structure and completeness of information, forms of its presentation, value, availability of information, etc.

Group levers - common goal, forms of leadership, control system, autonomy, etc.

Management methods are ways of performing various functions to implement influences, differing in the nature of execution. The management method is dictated by the specific situation and the nature of the problem being solved.

Control methods included integral part into management methodology through a management mechanism.

Methods are putting levers into action, ways of implementing management functions.

Management methods are selected and used depending on the combination of management functions and management tools, the scale of management and its goals, the quality of personnel and other factors.

Management methods can be classified according to various signs:

a) by scale of application: related to the entire system, related to parts of the system.

b) by area of ​​application: in business, in ecology, in industry, in government. and mun. management

c) according to their role in the life support of the organization: formative, researching, leading, stabilizing, etc. d) according to the degree of influence: direct, indirect.

e) in accordance with management functions: forecasting, planning, organization, motivation, coordination and regulation.

f) by the nature of the situation and the objects of management: management, financial management; quality management methods, etc.

g) by the nature of management influence on the management object: administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

Administrative management methods are a type of management methods that are used to influence organizational relationships to achieve set goals. With their help, rights and obligations, functions and responsibilities, contracts, orders, regulations and other documents are regulated.

Economic management methods are ways of influencing the object of management by creating economic conditions that encourage employees to act in the right direction to achieve the goals of the organization. The essence of economics methods: by influencing the employee’s economic interests and economics. counterparties using economy. levers (price, credit, tax, fine...) to create an effective operating mechanism.

Social – psychological methods of management are methods of influencing the object of management, based on the use of social (psychological) factors and aimed at managing social (psychological) relationships developing in the team. These methods influence needs, interests, involve the use of incentives and complement previous methods.

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