Forms 1 t prof. Rosstat reported which organizations will have to report on the number of employees by occupational group

Entrepreneurs must not only provide information on the results and operating conditions of enterprises and organizations for the past period of time in government agency authorities, which exercises financial control and performs the tasks of identifying and preventing tax offenses and the Pension Fund, but are also obliged to timely submit a report to federal service state statistics.

Statistical reporting affects all areas of employment and characteristics in the enterprise. As an example, calculate the number of its employees and take into account the duties they perform. It is important to send Form 1-T (statistics) to Rosstat on November 28. The form must be completed by all legal entities with more than five employees. There is no need to submit Form 1-T to all small business participants and certain institutions.

Thus, the statistics body expects information from: legal entities that carry out commercial activities, non-state enterprises, organizations with special rights and benefits, institutions related to ensuring the country’s defense capability.

All other enterprises can become participants in a survey based on these reports if they are included by Rosstat in the planned scientifically based sample population source of information about units of observation for the current year.

New version of the document

According to the July decree of Rosstat No. 325, an updated form 1-T was introduced.

Civil servants need it to understand the following points:

  • what is the number of employees of a particular organization;
  • what kind of employees professional qualifications are in greatest demand (and vice versa), which are in short supply.

Based on the information received from Form 1-T, Rosstat will begin to study organizations that employ 5 or more people. Only small businesses will not be selected. According to annual data, the sample includes about 68,000 institutions.

If the organization has branches, it is necessary to fill out Form 1-T for each of them and for the entire enterprise in general.

There is a strictly verified period for completing Form 1-T: the information in the form is reflected as of October 31 of the current year; The form must be submitted within the period from November 1st to November 28th of the current year. Usually occurs on the first day working week(Monday) and is last date to submit information.

Who submits and when?

After conducting the sample, it becomes clear which organizations must provide Form 1-T. Usually there are about 68,000 thousand such institutions.

Federal bodies of Rosstat are obliged to inform the enterprise about the need to fill out Form 1-T by fax, written or electronic notification. You can find out whether there or another organization is included in the sample list using the Rosstat website.

In the required window you need to enter the following information about the enterprise:

  • or .

After a few seconds, the system will provide the information of interest regarding the form.

Statistical form 1-T is compiled based on registered information as of October 31. After this, it must be sent to the federal authorities of Rosstat by November 29 (November 28 is the deadline).

If the company has branches, offices or other divisions, then the form is filled out for them too. All forms are sent to federal authorities according to their location.

Instructions and sample for filling out form 1-T

Filling out Form 1-T is not particularly difficult if you have read the instructions. The form is the initial page and one area in the form of a table where data on professional qualifications and the type of activity performed is entered. First, the initial page is filled in, which contains a fairly small amount of information.

The procedure for entering is as follows:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization;
  • detailed location of the organization; The legal address does not have to coincide with the actual one, but in this case you need to register the latter;
  • main organization code (OKPO), which is assigned by Rosstat.

Now you can move on to the table, where in the first section you need to record the number of employees on staff of the company. The information entered is provided in accordance with positions held and professional qualifications. Information about the shortage of employees in a particular area and vacancies is also indicated. When filling out the table, you need to divide employees into those who work under a long-term contract and conscripts.

If the persons who founded the organization themselves occupy some positions with payment, they need to be recorded separately in the table. Part-time employees are reported as full-time units. If one employee combines two positions, he is included in the list according to his main position.

The rules stated in legal acts Rosstat on the design of the unified form 1-T states that the following categories do not need to be included in the list:

  • employees who work part-time in one institution and at the same time in another, where they are registered as employees at their main place of work;
  • serving in the army;
  • women on maternity leave.

The new Form 1-T has made changes regarding the number and need for employees by professional division. The data in the table was greatly detailed through certain additions.

In contrast to the previous form, there was a redistribution of employees according to professional qualifications, and the names of professional groups also changed, some of the groups were added again, and others were deleted.

It is impossible to list all the changes. But certain professional groups that did not appear in previous 1-T forms began to be mentioned in the current one.

These include:

  • “Labor contract and recruitment agents”, they refer to specialized workers in the economic field.
  • Employees of companies involved in debt collection. Those who developed the form consider them to be workers who serve the public. To employees preparing and processing various kinds materials are classified as employees who collect the opinions of the population (that is, consumers).
  • The “unskilled workers” section now includes salespeople performing their job responsibilities in street conditions.

Working conditions are specified in form 1-T under the same name.

In order for Form 1-T to be filled out properly, without making mistakes, you need to be guided by the All-Russian Classification of Occupations - OKZ (OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08)), which approved the order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 N 2020-st. This material stores all information about professions, positions, etc. that can be taken into account in statistics.

Liability for failure to submit and errors

If you pay attention to the upper area of ​​the 1-T form, you will notice instructions that state that for failure to provide or provision of knowingly distorted information, penalties are imposed, established in accordance with Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ, as well as Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 1992 No. 2761-1.

In accordance with Art. 3 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1 establishes that all organizations that have caused damage to federal bodies are obliged to compensate it in the manner prescribed by the Law.

In case of delay in sending the form, a fine is imposed in accordance with Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Taking into account Art. 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation should be considered a repeated violation that occurred within 1 year from the day the legal entity was prosecuted for the first violation. In case of errors or inaccurate information, the monetary penalty remains the same. The period during which the company is subject to penalties is 2 months.

Organizations and entrepreneurs, in addition to reporting in tax office, as well as the Pension Fund, requires constant reporting to statistics. This kind of reporting is very diverse and covers all issues of the functioning of the organization, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of its work. Such indicators include data on the number of employees who work in the organization, as well as the existing need to attract personnel. The specified information is filled in the report 1-T Prof “Information on the number and needs of organizations for workers professional groups» .

For whom reporting on Form 1-T Prof is mandatory

Form 1-T was established by order of Rosstat dated 07/05/2016 N 325. It is filled out by all legal entities with average number employees over 5 people. Excluded from this list are small businesses and a number of other organizations, which include financial, public, extraterritorial, state organizations and institutions whose statutory task is to ensure military security. All other legal entities, having been included by Rosstat in a specially developed reporting plan, are required to report to statistical authorities in Form 1-T once every 2 years. To find out whether your organization is included in the specified monitoring plan, you should go to the statistics website and fill in the TIN or OKPO for a specific legal entity in the request form that appears. Thus, in 2016, 68,000 organizations are required to submit the reports under consideration, and all of them must be notified by Rosstat of these obligations by any in an accessible way(mail notification, email).

How to correctly fill out the 1-T Prof form (filling sample, recommendations)

The 1-T prof form itself can be downloaded directly from the statistics website, or from the website Here you can also find a sample of filling out the report. If you have legal entity several separate divisions, the report is submitted both for the legal entity as a whole and separately for each branch at its location. Filling out the information in form 1-T prof is easy. The title page contains information about the reporting organization:

Full and abbreviated name;
address of the actual location with the obligatory indication of the subject of the Russian Federation and postal code;
OPKO, which is assigned by Rosstat.

The tabular part in the first section indicates the payroll number broken down by employee position. The organization’s need to attract personnel to fill existing vacancies is also indicated. Citizens working under employment contracts are taken into account separately, and those in temporary or seasonal work are taken into account separately. Founders who are employed and receive a salary are also taken into account. In relation to persons registered for part-time work, the following applies: general rule accounting, i.e. like 1 person. In the case of internal part-time work, the person is counted according to his main profession.

According to explanations from Rosstat, form 1-T professional is not filled out for a number of categories of workers, namely external part-time workers working under civil contracts; women on maternity leave; people serving in the army.

When filling out the report, the occupational classifier N 2020-st approved by Rosstandart is used.

Sample of filling out the form 1-T prof

Step by step filling out the 1-T prof report is as follows:

1. The title page is filled out;
2. Section 1 is completed indicating the groups of workers;
3. The accuracy of the information provided is certified by the signature of an authorized person indicating the date of preparation of the report.

Form 1-T prof must be submitted to statistical authorities no later than November 28 of the current year. At the same time, it must contain data as of October 31. It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than November 28.

Responsibility for the absence of the report in question or errors made during its preparation entails administrative liability. In this case, both the legal entity and the officials responsible for reporting are subject to a fine. The amount of the fine imposed on a legal entity is 20-70,000 rubles; for officials - 10-20,000 rubles. Please keep in mind that for issuing penalties there is a two-month period from the day following the date scheduled for submission of the report.

Download documents:

Form 1-T (statistics) characterizes information about the number and wages of employees. We’ll figure out who submits the form, present its current form (can be downloaded in the article) and provide a sample for filling it out.

The form for information on the number and wages of employees and a sample filling that meets all legal requirements are presented below:

You can find, fill out and download other forms of statistical reporting for free in our program

Who submits Form 1-T

The list of organizations that are required to report on it includes:

  • public;
  • religious;
  • horticultural;
  • dacha partnerships;
  • garage or housing cooperatives
  • organizations like those listed above.

At the same time, they must meet the following criteria:

  • is not a small business entity;
  • the average number of employees based on the results of work for the year was no more than 15 people;
  • included by the territorial divisions of Rosstat in the list of organizations that do not report in Form P-4.

Branches, representative offices and divisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation are also required to report in Form 1-T.

Organizations using the simplified tax system report on a general basis.

There are two ways to find out in advance whether your company must submit Form 1-T:

  1. Through the website of the territorial division of Rosstat. Find your region on the official website of the department (“About Rosstat” - “Territorial Bodies (TOGS)” - “TOGS Sites”). Go to the website of the territorial division. Open the tabs on it: “Reporting” - “Statistical reporting” - “List of reporting business entities” and download the list.
  2. Directly in the territorial division of Rosstat. Using the method described above, find the website of your territorial division. Open it and in the main menu, click on the tab about the department. There you will find department data. Once you know the address, you can call the department or come to it in person and request information and a form.

Frequency of submission of form 1-T

The frequency of submission of Form 1-T is annual. The deadline for submitting the document to the territorial division of Rosstat at the location of the company is January 20 of the year following the reporting year.

You must report on Form 1-T for 2018 no later than January 22, 2019 (Monday). When the due date indicated in the form is a weekend or a non-working holiday, it is postponed to the next working day (State Statistics Committee post dated 03/07/2000 No. 18).

You can check the deadlines for submitting statistical, accounting and tax reporting in the accountant’s calendar:

Check reporting deadlines

Sample of filling out form 1-T

Rosstat approved the current form 1-T on August 6, 2018 by order No. 485 (Appendix 1). It includes a title page and a sheet with a table consisting of seven columns, into which data on the average payroll personnel, wage fund and social payments.

The form looks like this:

Let's look at an example of filling it out.

Procedure and features of filling

First fill out the title page. It indicates the full name of the organization. In the presence of short name it is indicated in brackets.

In the form for a separate division, indicate its name and legal address with postal code in the appropriate fields.

If the legal address does not coincide with the actual place of business, enter the actual address.

In the table of the second sheet on line 01 they give general values. For the remaining lines, they are deciphered and OKVED2 codes are indicated (column 3).

You can find current OKVED using our online service:

Column 4 shows the average number of employees for the year. Find it using the formula:

Average number of employees for all months of the reporting year: 12

Please note: the calculation includes persons with whom the organization has entered into employment contracts (including for temporary or seasonal work) and the owners of the organization who are paid salaries.

Table 1. Who does not participate in the calculation of the average headcount?


Women on maternity leave

clause 79.1 of the Directives, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

Persons on leave related to the adoption of a newborn from a maternity hospital

Persons on parental leave (except for those working from home or part-time and continuing to receive benefits)

Employees on unpaid leave for training purposes

Employees on leave without pay for the purpose of passing entrance exams to an educational organization

Persons who are not included in the payroll (in particular, those working under a civil contract)

clause 78 of the Directives, approved. by order of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772

To calculate the monthly average number of employees, you need to determine the number of employees on the payroll for each day of the month. The resulting value is divided by the quantity calendar days month.

Columns 5 and 6 include wages in cash and in kind for hours worked, compensation payments, which relate to labor activity, additional payments, allowances, bonuses, one-time incentive payments, as well as systematic payment for food and (or) accommodation.

Column 7 indicates the amounts transferred to employees in the form of social benefits (see the list in paragraph 88 of the Instructions).

After filling out all the columns, you need to fill in lines 14 and 15.

Line 14 is intended for information regarding non-payroll personnel (their payroll and the amount of social payments).

If there are no payments in the reporting period, the data is not filled in. To reduce the risk of claims, you can send a letter to your territorial division of Rosstat about the absence of indicators.

The completed Form 1-T is signed by the director of the organization or a person authorized to submit statistical reports on its behalf. In addition to the signature, the form indicates their positions, telephone numbers, addresses Email. In addition, the date the form was filled out is indicated.

Rosstat announced a new mandatory form for companies - 1-T (prof). The companies will commission it in November 2016. It is mandatory for everyone, but only companies that are included in a special Rosstat sample will be given the test.

Accountants had many questions: how many companies will have to report using the new form? From what date can a report be submitted? Will there be a penalty if the report is late? When will companies be able to find out on the website that they need to submit Form No. 1-T (prof)? Will Rosstat authorities notify companies by letter about the need to submit a report? Rosstat spoke about a new report for companies in a letter dated 10.10.16 No. 04-04-4/132-SMI.

Form 1-T (prof): what is it

The new form 1-T is fully called “information on the number and need for employees according to form No. 1-T (professional)”. It was approved by Rosstat order No. 325 dated 07/05/16. The department explained that in accordance with clause 1.30.4 of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, Rosstat conducts selective federal statistical observation of organizations on the number and needs of organizations for workers by professional groups with a frequency of 1 time in 2 year as of October 31 (odd-numbered years, starting from 2008). The results obtained as part of this sample survey allow us to analyze the professional and qualification structure of the number of workers and the current situation with a shortage of specialists and workers in:

Professional groups in accordance with the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ);

Views economic activity(except financial activities; government controlled and ensuring military security; social insurance; activities public associations and extraterritorial organizations);

Forms of ownership of organizations (state and municipal; non-state);

Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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The new form consists of title page and one section. We have provided the form at the end of the article.

How to find out if you need to submit a report

Rosstat promised to inform all respondents included in the sample free of charge that they need to submit a report. Notifications will be made by mail, fax or email. Considering the short deadlines for this statistical observation, in case of failure to receive information from the territorial body of state statistics, the organization must check the information on the website

Detailed instructions for filling out with an example are in a separate article.

Who takes the new form 1-T (professional)

In 2016, about 68 thousand organizations will be subject to inspection. Organizations (except for small businesses) and their separate divisions of all forms of ownership with an average number of employees of 5 people or more, as well as branches, representative offices and subdivisions of foreign organizations operating in the Russian Federation are subject to a sample survey in form No. 1-T (prof).

From October 25, a list of respondents (organizations) in respect of which the above sample survey is being conducted in the reporting year will be posted on the website If questions arise, the organization can contact the territorial body of state statistics at the place of its activities.

When should I submit Form 1-T and what will be the fine if it is violated?

The data on the form is filled out as of October 31, 2016; the organization can submit a report to the territorial body of state statistics at the address established by it, starting from November 1 to November 28, 2016 inclusive.

If the form is not submitted within the prescribed period, state statistics bodies may apply penalties under Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for late provision of primary statistical data.

Report form according to form No. 1-T prof.

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ORDER of Rosstat dated 07/07/2008 156 (as amended on 02/08/2010) ON APPROVAL OF STATISTICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE ORGANIZATION... Relevant in 2018

Instructions for filling out form N 1-T (professional)

For territorially separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate division.

2. Organizations that provide a summary report in Form N P-4 (for example, educational, healthcare organizations, etc.) fill out data in Form N 1-T (prof) for all organizations included in the summary report.

3. Employees on the payroll of the organization as of October 31, 2008 are distributed according to column 4 of section 1 of the form into nine enlarged groups, which in turn are distributed into subgroups. The list of employees includes employees who worked under an employment contract and performed permanent, temporary or seasonal work one day or more, as well as working owners of organizations who received wages in this organization.

4. Employees registered in accordance with employment contract for incomplete work time, are counted in the payroll as whole units. Employees who combine several professions in an organization are counted only once for their main profession.

5. The following employees are not included in the data of section 1:

Those who worked as part-time workers hired from other organizations (external part-time workers);

Performed work under construction contracts and other civil contracts;

Those on maternity leave and parental leave.

6. When distributing workers into professional groups, one should be guided by the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ), put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 298 on January 1, 1995.

Section 1 of the form in enlarged groups from 2 to 5 provides a list of occupations for basic groups (4 OKZ signs), in 1, 6, 7 and 8 enlarged groups - for composite groups (3 OKZ signs) and in 9 enlarged group “Unskilled workers” " - by subgroups (2 OKZ signs).

To correctly distribute employees of organizations into subgroups, you should use the Directory of distribution of employees into subgroups or OKZ groups, which is posted on the Rosstat website: under the heading Federal State Statistical Observation Forms/Album of Forms for 2008/"Labor Market/Form N 1 -T (prof)". The directory was developed in Excel program and contains 9 sheets, each of which corresponds to one of the enlarged groups. For each group or subgroup of OKZ, a list of professions included in this group is provided.

7. When distributing the payroll of employees into professional groups, one should be guided by the following:

Enlarged group 1. Heads of institutions, organizations and enterprises and their structural divisions(services).

Line 03 (OKZ code 121) takes into account managers heading enterprises, institutions, organizations (top officials), and their deputies.

Line 04 (OKZ code 122) takes into account the heads of specialized (production and operational) departments and services and their deputies, who manage departments (services) related to the main activities of the organization. As a rule, the names of their positions contain the words: chief, manager, manager, work foreman (foreman), commandant, director (production, technical, programs, etc.), senior (trainer, instructor-methodologist), foreman ( site, workshop, drilling rig, etc.), chief (architect, mechanic, engineer, technologist, agronomist, livestock specialist, editor, etc.), manager, technical director, academic secretary, chef, vice-rector, dean and etc.

Line 05 (OKZ code 123) takes into account the heads (their deputies) of functional and other departments and services: financial and economic, administrative, personnel management and labor relations, marketing and sales of products, advertising and information, logistics, computer support, scientific and technical development, etc.

Line 06 (OKZ code 131) takes into account managers who, as a rule, manage a privatized or private institution, organization, enterprise from own name or on behalf of his (her) owner without anyone’s help or with the help of one manager (his deputy), who should also be classified in this subgroup.

You should pay attention to the correctness of the accounting of employees with the job title “manager”. The manager belongs to the category of managers (OKZ code 122 or 123); The manager's level of education is usually higher or secondary vocational education. Low-level managers who are organizers commercial activities and performing mainly the functions of marketing, logistics, product sales, etc., should be classified in the professional group “Sales Agents” (OKZ code 3415).

Enlarged group 2. "Specialists" top level qualifications." Most occupations (professions) united by this classification group differ high degree complexity of the work performed and requires a level of qualification corresponding to higher professional education, as well as higher levels of it, determined by additional special knowledge and skills and characterized by the presence of an academic degree.

Enlarged group 3. “Specialists of mid-level qualifications.” Occupations (professions) of this group usually require average vocational education or intermediate (full) general education and subsequent vocational training(course or individual), and in some cases - higher professional education.

Enlarged group 4. “Employees involved in the preparation of information, documentation, accounting and maintenance.” For most occupations (professions) in this group, the required qualifications are achieved through individual training or special training in installed program on the basis of secondary (complete) general education. For a number of professional groups included in this enlarged group, the necessary qualifications are acquired upon receipt of primary vocational education or secondary vocational education.

For most occupations (professions) of enlarged groups from 5 to 8, the required qualifications are achieved through special training according to an established program on the basis of basic general education or secondary (complete) general education or individual on-the-job training. For a number of professional groups, the necessary qualifications are acquired when receiving primary vocational education or secondary vocational training.

Most of the professions of enlarged group 9 “Unskilled workers” are characterized by a low level of qualifications, which, as a rule, corresponds to the presence of basic general or secondary (complete) general education and individual training on the job.

8. Column 6 indicates the organization’s need for workers to fill existing vacant jobs (provided they are fully employed) by professional group. Shows the number of vacant jobs (rates) by staffing table, while the vacancy of half the rate (0.5) in the state is taken into account as a whole unit.

Vacant jobs include those vacated in the event of employee dismissal, maternity leave or child care leave, as well as newly created jobs for which it is planned to hire employees within 30 days after the reporting period.

9. The distribution of enterprises’ needs for workers by professional groups is carried out similarly to the distribution of payroll (see paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Instructions).

10. Certificate 1 is filled out in accordance with paragraphs. 3 - 8 Instructions for employees carrying out activities and/or performing work in the production of goods and services related to the creation and use of nanotechnologies, based on the data in section 1. The number of employees is indicated for 4 of the 9 enlarged groups indicated in column 2 And corresponding lines 07, 70, 201 and 234 sections 1.

When filling out, you should be guided by the following definition of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is a group of technologies concerned with manipulating matter and processes at the nanometer scale (typically less than 100 nanometers in one or more dimensions) and providing new properties of matter in order to create improved materials, devices or systems that exploit these new properties.

Nanotechnologies may require the involvement of competencies from such fields of knowledge as, for example, physics, chemistry, computer science, electronics, engineering sciences, biology, biotechnology, materials science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, etc. Nanotechnologies include the following areas: nanomaterials; nanoelectronics; nanophotonics; nanobiotechnology; nanomedicine; nanotools (nanodiagnostics); technologies for obtaining (production) of nanomaterials, nanodevices, nanoproducts; special technological equipment, etc.

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