The reason for the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One has been named. Andrei Malakhov: “Everything to which I was attached was burned out in me Andrei Malakhov is leaving the program, let them say

Over the past week, rumors have not subsided that the famous Russian TV presenter, Andrei Malakhov, leaves Channel One, with whom he began working in the early 90s. Malakhov himself does not comment on what caused the showman’s decision. But information has already appeared in the media, which was confirmed by Malakhov’s wife, that leaving Channel One is not a rumor at all, but a true reality.

Versions of the reasons for leaving also appeared. Moreover, more than ten candidates who can replace Malakhov have already been presented in the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

But Andrey’s real experience as a presenter came in the “Style” program on the radio station, the author of which was himself. But what made Malakhova truly recognizable was the program “ Good morning", the host of which he became in 1996.

Also at this time, the young TV presenter voiced the material he had prepared for the “Weather on the Planet” program. He also studied at the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Great success and popularity came to Malakhov in 2001 with the release of a talk show, of which he was the host, called “ Big Wash" Thanks to his professionalism and charisma, he was able to attract large audience. And already in the same year, he became the best TV presenter according to the ratings of TV viewers.

After this, there were a number of offers not only in talk shows, but also as a host of concerts and charts, and even became the host of the famous music competition, Eurovision. After the “Big Wash” came the talk show “Five Evenings”, and then the talk show “Let Them Talk”, combining these two programs, which was a tremendous success. At the same time, I began to combine it with work on the “Tonight” project.

Confirmation of his success is the award that Andrei received in 2006 “For services to the Fatherland”

Quite recently it became known that the beloved TV presenter decided to leave Channel One, and in particular the “Let Them Talk” program. A lot of versions immediately appeared about the reasons for his departure. One of the most common is the version about the scandal between Malakhov and the producer of Channel One.

According to the media, Andrei is not satisfied with the work of the new producer, and he demanded the return of the previous one, who had worked with him for 10 years. Malakhov himself does not confirm this version, and does not comment on this situation at all.

But one of the Russian publications, whose director is Malakhov’s wife, reports a different version of the reasons for this scandal. Thus, the publication claims that the cause of the scandal was the TV presenter’s desire to leave for maternity leave, but the producers flatly forbade him to do this. Let us recall that Malakhov’s wife is in a position, and according to the law, he has every right go on maternity leave to care for a child instead of your wife. They also say that Malakhov intends to leave Channel One for Russia1.

Finally, all the i's are dotted - Andrei Malakhov officially left Channel One. “I was always subordinate. A human soldier, following orders. But I wanted independence. I looked at my colleagues: they became producers of their programs, they began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly the understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight confines.” , Malakhov explained in an interview with Woman`s Day.


And in his address to the country’s chief television doctor, Elena Malysheva, published in StarHit, he was a little more specific: “We need to develop, you, as the producer of your own program, understand this better than others. And if at the same time I pushed you to new topic broadcast called “The first manifestations of male menopause” is also not bad.”

Now for people far from the television kitchen, it is worth explaining what Malakhov meant. The fact is that Natalya Nikonova returned to Channel One as a producer. She returned and developed vigorous activity, seizing the reins of the “Let Them Talk” program. Employees of Channel One reported that Nikonova’s task is to “shake up the socio-political block of broadcasts.” These changes were not to the liking of the star TV presenter.

The changes, it must be said, were revolutionary. Firstly, Andrei, as they say, was deprived of the opportunity to formulate the editorial plan of the Let Them Talk program. He was assigned only the role of the presenter, to whom questions are written to the heroes and into whose ear monitor the director gives the commands “Let them fight,” “Don’t approach the heroine, let her scream,” “Approach the experts in the hall.” Malakhov was not satisfied with the “talking head” function in any way.

The second change concerns the subject matter of his program. If “Let Them Talk” previously touched on the social and everyday sphere, Nikonova decided to make the program a political talk show, which would talk about America, Syria, Ukraine and other news-producing countries. New format has already been tested - the first episode of “Let Them Talk” with a new host was dedicated to Mikheil Saakashvili. Malakhov, of course, is not at all interested in politics.

Finally, competitors from “Russia” are said to have offered Andrey almost twice as much salary. And “the best presenter in the country,” as Malakhov was introduced to the team, “ Live broadcast", he really needs money now for diapers, rattles and strollers - at the end of the year he will become a dad.

Recently, rumors appeared in the media about the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov, who has been working there since 1992, from Channel One. According to Ruposters, the TV presenter decided to leave for VGTRK. For more than 10 years he has been the host of one of the most rating shows in the country “Let them talk,” and for many Malakhov’s fans this news became a sensation. However, neither Andrei himself nor the management of Channel One comment on this news in any way.

Nevertheless, it appeared in the media new information. According to the Russian BBC service, Andrei is leaving for VGTRK due to the decision of the management of Channel One to add more political topics to the air of the “Let Them Talk” program. As it turned out, in May of this year, Natalya Nikonova returned to the channel, who had previously worked on Malakhov’s show, but left there and became the producer of the “Live Broadcast” program on “Russia 1”. It was after her return that the conflict began between the TV presenter and the channel’s management.

Dmitry Borisov, Dmitry Shepelev,

“Nikonova returned to First to shake up the socio-political bloc before presidential elections. <…>When she arrived, everyone didn’t really understand what was happening. There was no conflict as such, but everyone was tense. She did “Live Broadcast” on “Russia 1”. And this is s***. The editors don’t want to do shit,” said an interlocutor of the BBC Russian Service.

The source also noted that so far no one has written a letter of resignation, but on the sidelines they are already discussing that “Evening News” announcer Dmitry Borisov and Dmitry Shepelev, who recently began hosting a new show on the First “Actually,” are trying out for Malakhov’s place. It is worth noting that none of them confirmed or denied this information.

Conversations about the departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One actually proved one thing: television as a determining factor public opinion, it’s too early to discount it. A simple replacement of a popular presenter, his transition from one channel to another can cause something close to panic in society and the media. What happened, why did Andrei Malakhov suddenly decide to leave Channel One? There are so many rumors and speculations about this matter that we decided to look into it.

I do not rule out that the “trigger” of Andrei Malakhov’s conflict with the leadership was some careless word, a hint, or simply a tough conversation. IN creative team that happens. Colleagues from the “Let Them Talk” team with whom I had the opportunity to talk confirm: “Yes, there is a conflict. But the details are known only “at the top.” Perhaps they want to lure Andrey with money to another channel or there is a human factor. There are only two options. Either everything is resolved peacefully and Malakhov remains, or he switches to another channel - most likely to “Russia”. Several people from his team, who once started the “Big Laundry” with him, have already moved there.

The new producer put an end to Malakhov’s plans

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Ernst appointed a new producer of the talk show “Let Them Talk” - Natalya Nikonova. Nikonova is a famous person on TV. Twice laureate national award“TEFI”, founder of the programs “Let them talk”, “Lolita without complexes”, “Malakhov+”, “Judge for yourself”. In general, a kind of “godmother” show for Russian housewives. IN Lately she produced the show “Live” with Boris Korchevnikov on “Russia-1”. However, sources at VGTRK confidentially reported that Nikonova may have left “by pike command» after financial verification. The violations were allegedly discovered by Alexander Mitroshenkov, president of the Transcontinental Media Company, which includes New company– producer of “Live Broadcast”. Allegedly, Nikonova for a long time accrued the salary of her protégé, Dmitry Shepelev, who in fact did not go on air. If so, what serious ideas could Nikonova offer to the leadership of First in order to be taken to a leadership position after such a scandal?

It's no secret that Malakhov for a long time asked Ernst for the opportunity to produce his own programs. Indeed, at the age of 45, running around the hall with a microphone and cutting your hair “like a boy” is somehow no longer respectable. But Ernst stubbornly did not meet the “face of the channel”, and the arrival of Natalya Nikonova on “First” finally put an end to Malakhov’s plans to produce the program on his own. One of the editors of “First” commented on the situation: “The channel returned to the program the producer who worked there nine years ago, hoping that she would help to significantly raise dropped ratings programs. But Malakhov did not work well with her and demanded the return of his previous colleague. Since the channel did not make concessions for a long time, the presenter began to declare that otherwise he would leave.”

And indeed: back in 2013, the rating of the Malakhov talk show was 9%, it was ahead of the program “Voice”, “Time”, “Let’s Get Married”, “Vesti” and “ glacial period" However, recently “Let Them Talk” has been heavily criticized for the monotony of its themes and some morbid interest in finding out the authenticity of the paternity and maternity of other people’s children ( gossips“Let them talk” was even dubbed “a branch of the DNA laboratory”). Ratings decreased accordingly - for example, in April they were only 6.2%.

Politics for housewives?

On this topic

I have never been to the “Let Them Talk” program, despite the annoying invitations of the editors. The fact is that I know the technology of this project too well. Once there, the unfortunate “invitees” fall into a trap. An accompanying person is required to leave the studio. The invitee, who has undergone “psychological processing” by the editors, is sent to share his misfortune under the camera lenses and can no longer leave the studio. And so that the hero would not find out that his illegitimate children, neighbors and colleagues were called to the show, they were escorted through other entrances. The effect of surprise turned out to be very strong, but not always pleasant and, you see, correct. Now the program will be filmed in a former factory workshop on Liza Chaikina Street. In the so-called “Teledom” there will be fewer “set-ups”. They say that Andrei Malakhov was categorically against moving the studio, and this became one of the reasons for the conflict.

However, there is another reason, which is talked about in whispers on the television sidelines, but is discussed with might and main in in social networks people close to political structures. For example, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky writes on his Facebook: “It is absolutely obvious that I should host the “Let Them Talk” program instead of Malakhov. In turn, I am ready to give up my places to Andrei Nikolaevich in the Direct Line and Panopticon programs on OTK Dozhd. This is a subtle hint that the show for housewives "Let Them Talk" will now, if rumors are to be believed, give preference to politics. However, according to our information, Andrei Malakhov spoke out categorically against this, using harsh expressions in relation to a person about whom the host of the country’s main channel clearly should not have spoken. But, as you know, “he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.” This proverb is very popular on TV, where any careless word can cost a person his career. By the way, the fact that “Let Them Talk” is going to be politicized is indirectly confirmed by another fact: Andrei Borisov, the news editor’s “News” presenter, was tried for the role of the new leading project. However, according to reviews, it left a weak impression. As for Malakhov, then, again, according to rumors, his careless words cost him not only his work in “Let Them Talk” - it is even stated that he will allegedly no longer be on the screen at all.

There are other points of view on the situation. Malakhov’s colleagues, for example, express the version that, they say, the presenter “starred” - 25 years television fame"The roof was blown away." Maybe. But all these are accompanying circumstances, as well as Andrei Malakhov’s declared desire to go on maternity leave (his wife Natalya Shkuleva is on recent months pregnancy). Something else is alarming. As it became known, at the same time as darling Malakhov, handsome Alexander Oleshko, the host of “Minute of Glory” and “Just the Same,” was fired from “First.” No matter how we treated these people, they were the “faces of the channel.” The conclusion suggests itself: “First” is weakening its position against the background of VGTRK. Is this a coincidence? In professional circles, it is not ruled out that the transition to the “second button” of strong personnel is only the beginning of Konstantin Ernst losing ground. Whether VGTRK "First" will be absorbed or not - this issue is now being discussed in the television environment with might and main. On the eve of the elections, as we know, anything is possible.

Channel One showed new release program “Let Them Talk” without Andrei Malakhov. Instead, Dmitry Borisov acted as a TV presenter.

“Today you will witness the denouement of the most discussed television intrigue of the season. Where is Andrei Malakhov now? Over the past few days, whoever the press has listed as candidates for this place. But since my name was heard most often in this context, then, perhaps, I will start this broadcast. And then we’ll see,” Borisov said at the beginning of the program.

  • ddborisov/Instagram

He emphasized that since we are talking about a “first-tier” star, the lineup of guests for the issue will also be stellar.

The guests of the program were Dmitry Dibrov, Philip Kirkorov, Dmitry Nagiyev and other celebrities (some of them recorded video messages in advance).

Throughout the entire program, its host and guests talked about Andrei Malakhov, his contribution to the development of the program, and also recalled some resonant stories.

At the beginning of the program, Borisov promised to reveal the main intrigue of the season, but at the end of the program he said that this would be done later. Meanwhile, he confirmed the information that Malakhov will have a child.

“We will have the most interesting things tomorrow,” the presenter promised.

Transfer of the Year

At the end of July, reports appeared in the media that Andrei Malakhov was moving to work from Channel One to VGTRK.

The official representative of the TV presenter then refused to comment to RT on the information about the transition, and the press service of VGTRK did not confirm this information.

“Our entire management is on vacation, so this physically cannot happen in this moment", RT said on the TV channel.

Later, RIA Novosti, citing a source, reported that Malakhov wrote a letter of resignation, but it is unclear whether it was signed. Sources from Elle magazine noted that the journalist is resigning in order to go on maternity leave: he and his wife Natalya Shkuleva are expecting a child. In response to this, the producer of “Let Them Talk” allegedly asked Malakhov to choose whether he was a “TV presenter or a babysitter.” Malakhov, according to media reports, considered such a reaction unacceptable.

On August 14, a statement from the TV presenter appeared on the website of StarHit magazine, of which Malakhov is the editor-in-chief, in which he confirmed the information about his going on maternity leave.

“Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child! I don’t know yet whether I will follow in the footsteps of the general director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater Vladimir Kekhman, who after the birth of his fourth child decided to go on maternity leave for three years, or whether I will act on a shortened version, like Prince William with Cristiano Ro -nalda, who devoted a little less time to caring for their babies,” the journalist said.

  • Anton Belitsky

Everyone's talking

The possible departure of Andrei Malakhov from the TV channel has become one of the most discussed news on social networks. The presenter also stirred up interest in what was happening by publishing a photo of a questionnaire for checking into a hotel, where “blogger” was noted in the “profession” field.

On August 11, Lenta.Ru reported that the host of the Vremya program, Dmitry Borisov, was participating in the filming of test episodes of the program. At the same time, as a media source emphasized, Borisov is not the only candidate for this position. According to the publication’s interlocutor, Malakhov has not yet made a final decision about his work on the channel and has not signed a letter of resignation.

TASS reported that resignation letters have been signed for members of Andrei Malakhov’s team, and the former cast of the “Let Them Talk” program is leaving the channel.

“The statements were written by about 30 people, all editors and creators of the program, who worked on it for more than ten years,” said an agency source.

Another source noted that producer Natalya Nikonova brought in another team of editors of at least 20 people. It was not specified whether the presenter’s statement was signed.

On August 12, TASS reported that the pilot episode of “Let Them Talk” was filmed, but only on Monday it will become clear whether it will be aired.

“Everyone expected Andrei to eventually enter the studio, but this did not happen, until now everything looks like a prank,” an employee of the TV show told the agency.

On August 14, the press service of Channel One issued a statement in which it promised to “reveal the intrigue” in the near future.

“Who will host Let Them Talk in the new season? Andrey Malakhov or...? They have been talking about this non-stop for the last two weeks, putting forward the most incredible versions. Hundreds of notes and posts on social networks have been written, website traffic records have been broken, and heights in the tops of popular news have been achieved. Versions have been put forward and refuted. Deciphered secret signs. Today you will see everything with your own eyes - at 19:50 in the “Let Them Talk” program the intrigue will be revealed,” the statement said.

Among the possible candidates for the post of presenter of the program, who were mentioned by the media, are Dmitry Borisov, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev and presenter of the Krasnoyarsk TVK channel Alexander Smol.

  • Channel One Archive

"The Big Wash" and other predecessors

Andrei Malakhov began his career in television, in particular on Channel One Ostankino, in 1992. Then he wrote texts for the “Weather on the Planet” section of the “Sunday with Sergei Alekseev” program. Three years later, Malakhov became the editor of the Morning program, and until 2001 he worked as the host of the Good Morning program on ORT. From 2001 to 2004, he hosted the “Big Wash” program on ORT, and then for a year he performed in a similar role on the talk show “Five Evenings.”

In 2005, Andrei Malakhov became talk show host"Let them talk". The program's plots are built around scandalous and resonant stories, but some of its episodes are purely entertaining.

Dmitry Borisov came to Channel One in 2011 as a presenter information program"Time". Currently he hosts the Evening News program.

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