Daria Subbotina: “If I stop smiling, the program’s rating will drop. Subbotina, Daria Nikolaevna

TV presenter Daria Subbotina at for a long time disappeared from television. Subbotina's reason for retiring for a while was serious and did not require delay - the presenter left to fulfill her dream. For three whole years, Daria lived on the island of Bali and only occasionally visited the capital. Now, full of strength, Subbotina has returned to Moscow, moved to new apartment and ready to take on new projects. IN exclusive interview the presenter spoke about her dream of becoming a mother, compiled personal list wonders of the world and gave several women's councils in the style of Carrie Bradshaw.

- Tell us where you were this summer and what impressions you brought back from your trip?

I spent this summer in Moscow with great pleasure and now I’m going to rest. After all, for three whole years I lived on a paradise island, and I had the opportunity to swim in the ocean every day, sunbathe and travel to the most exotic places. I miss my city, where summer is the most wonderful time. This summer has been very bright, eventful and fun!

- Tell me, as an avid traveler, can I surprise you with something?

Of course you can! I try to choose places for my travels so that what I see can, as they say, bring tears to my eyes. So far it’s always been successful (smiles).

One of the most vivid impressions behind Lately- night climb to the largest in the world Buddhist temple Borobudur on the island of Java. There, at the top of the temple, I watched the sunrise, surrounded by active volcanoes, exotic birds and mystical jungle.

- Could you make a personal list of wonders of the world? What miracles would you name?

Borobudur Temple in Java, Lake Tamblingan in Bali, Mount Etna in Sicily, Oia town in Santorini, Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Glacier Lagoon in Iceland.

- If you had to choose a country for permanent place residence, which one would you choose?

I've lived in Bali and think it's the perfect place to live.

Now I would like to live in Rio de Janeiro and Rome.

- For quite a long time you were the host of “Dachny Otvet”, you began to understand construction better. What would your dream home be like?

Honestly, I don’t understand construction at all! First of all, because it doesn't interest me. This was the main reason why I left the Dacha Answer project. It was incredibly boring for me to talk over and over again about something from which I was so far away. Of course, I am always pleased with interesting designs, and in this sense I found use for my modest knowledge in Bali. I rented the most beautiful villas on the island and decorated them to my liking.

I recently moved to a new apartment in Moscow and again, my experience working on a design project was very useful. I like what I got!

- You worked in television for a long time, but what are you doing now? Do you continue to participate in television projects or have you decided to try something new?

I only recently finally returned to Moscow after a long “tropical” stage of my life. I dreamed long years about the opportunity to give up everything and live a completely different, free life on a paradise island. And my dream came true in Bali. Three years later, I realized that I was ready to return home. Now that there has been a complete reset, I like living in Moscow, I am pleased with its changes for the better, and now I have the strength to return to active life and work.

Now I am considering offers from several TV channels and dream of doing only what is really interesting to me. I'm open to suggestions!

- They say that every journalist deep down dreams of writing a book. What would your book be about and what genre would it be written in?

My regular readers have been asking me to write a book for a long time. Moreover, one publishing house offered its services. But everything has its time. I've always written a lot. For glossy magazines, on the Internet. And recently I became the executive editor at the large Singaporean magazine Robb Report, where I continue to write in English language. I think it's mine future book will consist of adventures around the world, and, of course, romantic stories- I always have a lot of them!

This will be a very fun book!

- In one interview, you admitted that you are very demanding by nature. Do you still remain that way or do your views on life change over time?

I think being demanding is part of my nature. Recently my mother told me a story about how, when I was 4 years old, she brought me on vacation to Batumi. a private house with a crowd of neighbors. And even now I don’t like dorms - I need my own space. So, I demanded from her that we return to Moscow as soon as possible, and she was forced to change tickets. I don't remember this episode, but it really sounds a lot like me! I’m trying to fight myself, but I’m becoming more and more convinced that this trait can be turned from a disadvantage into an advantage (smiles).

- How do you see yourself in 15-20 years?

First of all, I see myself as a mother.

I finally feel old enough to take on this responsibility. I would like to have a very modern family, where parents work and have time to spend as much time as possible with their children. I see my family as a gypsy camp - traveling, moving from country to country. I want my children to have a broad worldview and to know several languages ​​from childhood. And I see myself in the profession. Maybe not only on television, but also as editor-in-chief of a magazine.

- Daria, in interviews you often They ask about the style of clothing that you prefer.

And we will ask about shoes: what shoes do you like?

I'm not one of those women who gets up in high heels in the morning. If possible, I will wear sneakers all day. Of course, I like myself better when I wear heels, but I like to walk, and it’s extremely difficult to do this in stiletto heels. To be completely honest, my favorite shoes are flip-flops. I lived for almost three years on the island of Bali and no other shoes were needed there. That was great!

- Maybe you remember some fashion mistake that you have ever made?

The most serious mistake happened when I went to my ex's wedding a few years ago.

Right before entering the restaurant, my new tight floor-length skirt tore at all the seams, and I had to urgently call a friend with new skirt. And the groom was so drunk that he didn’t even notice the holes in my outfit.

- Recently on your Instagram you compared yourself to Carrie Bradshaw. In general, do you consider yourself an expert on the relationship between a man and a woman? Could you write your own column?

In any relationship, even the most stable and reliable, there is no need to lose yourself and your own hobbies. Then the man will truly appreciate the woman he has been pursuing for so long.

TV presenter Daria Subbotina disappeared from television for a long time. Subbotina's reason for retiring for a while was serious and did not require delay - the presenter left to fulfill her dream. For three whole years, Daria lived on the island of Bali and only occasionally visited the capital. Now, full of strength, Subbotina has returned to Moscow, moved to a new apartment and is ready to take on new projects. In an exclusive interview, the presenter talked about her dream of becoming a mother, compiled a personal list of wonders of the world and gave some women's advice in the style of Carrie Bradshaw.

- Tell us where you were this summer and what impressions you brought back from your trip?

I spent this summer in Moscow with great pleasure and now I’m going to rest. After all, for three whole years I lived on a paradise island, and I had the opportunity to swim in the ocean every day, sunbathe and travel to the most exotic places. I miss my city, where summer is the most wonderful time. This summer has been very bright, eventful and fun!

- Tell me, as an avid traveler, can I surprise you with something?

Of course you can! I try to choose places for my travels so that what I see can, as they say, bring tears to my eyes. So far it’s always been successful (smiles).

One of the most vivid impressions in recent times was a night climb to the world's largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur on the island of Java. There, at the top of the temple, I watched the sunrise, surrounded by active volcanoes, exotic birds and mystical jungle.

- Could you make a personal list of wonders of the world? What miracles would you name?

Borobudur Temple in Java, Lake Tamblingan in Bali, Mount Etna in Sicily, Oia town in Santorini, Ha Long Bay in Vietnam, Iguazu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Glacier Lagoon in Iceland.

- If you had to choose a country for a permanent place residence, which one would you choose?

I've lived in Bali and think it's the perfect place to live.

Photo: from personal archive Daria Subbotina

Now I would like to live in Rio de Janeiro and Rome.

- For quite a long time you were the host of “Dachny Otvet”, you began to understand construction better. What would your dream home be like?

Honestly, I don’t understand construction at all! First of all, because it doesn't interest me. This was the main reason why I left the Dacha Answer project. It was incredibly boring for me to talk over and over again about something from which I was so far away. Of course, I am always pleased with interesting designs, and in this sense I found use for my modest knowledge in Bali. I rented the most beautiful villas on the island and decorated them to my liking.

Daria Subbotina was born in Moscow on January 21, 1976. She studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of International Journalism. She was the presenter of programs on radio “Echo of Moscow”.

She became famous at the beginning of her career hosting youth shows on the MUZ-TV channel, then Dasha went to travel the world with the Around the World program aired on the Rossiya TV channel and visited thirty countries, along with the entire film crew. Now Daria Subbotina is busy in the television project “World Grandmothers” on the Domashny channel.

Interview with Daria Subbotina:

Dasha, tell me, did you have a world grandmother that you could talk about in your program?

Of course, it was and is now. She feels great, and truly she is a world person. I was actually raised by my grandmother. She was the center of the family, constantly infecting those around her with her energy and optimism. She managed the household for the whole family, raised me strictly, and didn’t let me get away with any tricks, so from childhood I know what discipline is. She constantly told me that it was impossible to idle all day, so I was busy around the clock. She herself, too, never sat still; she constantly cooked, cleaned, and raised the whole family. She also has an amazing sense of humor, she always knows how to make a person laugh. And she hasn’t changed a bit throughout her life, although she is now 84 years old. She truly is the world's grandmother, even despite all our childhood grinding.

You host a show about how to cook food, although you admitted that you are not a good cook yourself. Are you taking note of some recipes?

To be honest, I don't remember anything, I just don't think I'll ever need it. If I fall in love, I don’t think my man will want me to prepare something like that for him. It’s just that we don’t even have a chance to get close to such a man. I just realize myself in other types of activities. I am very interested in discovering new things, learning, but I don’t know how to cook, and I don’t want to torture myself by mastering various recipes. I was raised that way; only my grandmother cooked in our family. Mom is a very busy person and if she cooks, she only cooks what is necessary.

That is, you want your future husband to cook for you?

Of course not. We live in Moscow, after all. huge city where you can buy everything. Therefore, you don’t have to think about what to cook for dinner and how much to spend on it. There are a lot of interesting things in the world, so you need to have time, find out everything, and you need to spend a minimum of your time on cooking. Why waste it on such a useless task if you can do something more worthwhile. Now I think so, but then maybe I will change my point of view, but for now that’s how it is. My man must also think like me, otherwise we simply will not have peace and harmony in the family.

What cuisine do you prefer?

I really like Indian and Italian cuisine. I really love going on vacation to Italy, I like absolutely everything there, including the food. Italian culture has firmly entered my life. I cannot claim that I have a great understanding of Indian cuisine; no, it is too complex to understand all the nuances. I know some dishes well and can order them in a restaurant, but I don’t really know what they are made from. At home I can only cook spaghetti and that’s it.

When you graduated from school, did you decide to only become a journalist?

I like journalism; while I was still at school, I worked part-time at Author’s Television. Therefore, I was absolutely sure that this was my job. As a child, I was surrounded by the children of television and radio workers; I feel very comfortable in this world. So I didn't even have any other options. My choice was right, since I now feel comfortable and love my job.

Did you create your projects yourself or only take on ready-made scripts?

There were both those and other projects. On the MUZ-TV channel, most of the projects in which I participated were invented by myself. Now I am hosting a program that has already been written in advance by scriptwriters, but my next project on the Domashny TV channel belongs to me. It all depends on fate, how it turns out, so it will be.

Is “World Grandmothers” a spontaneous or pre-written show?

All my lines are always spontaneous, I don’t memorize anything in advance. But sometimes, when I need to talk about the heroine of a program, about her life, I try to prepare the text in advance, but it doesn’t always work out. I write down all my texts on scraps of paper and try to say them right away on the air so as not to forget. I believe that in the work of a TV presenter there should be more improvisation than memorized phrases.

Having traveled to many countries for work, are you still excited about your next trip? Or is this already commonplace for you?

I don’t go on business trips anymore. All my programs are local in nature, and I no longer want to travel far on business trips. I’ve already had enough, and I’ve lived such a life, I don’t like it. But I really love traveling on my own. I don’t visit new countries; I go to places I’ve already been with a film crew.

Do you still have any contacts with the characters of your TV shows after the broadcast? Do you continue to communicate with them?

Alas, almost all acquaintances end immediately after the broadcast. It is very difficult to maintain communication over vast distances. For example, I have a good relationship developed in Argentina, but going there to visit is incredibly difficult. There I made friends with a girl guide, Karla, when we were leaving, she and I simply could not hold back our tears, we had a very good time in this country. Some of film crew We also went to Argentina and met Karla, we only maintain friendship through mutual friends.

Tell us about your career.

I started my career as a TV presenter back when school years, then worked in the “Vremechko” program and on the radio “Echo of Moscow”, where I hosted my own column. While studying at the institute, I found out about a casting for a new channel and decided to go there. I passed it and became one of the full-time TV presenters of MUZ-TV. This channel has not yet broadcast, we worked in a small group. We grew together with the channel, gained new experience, and when we became popular, I felt confident in my abilities. When I was offered to work on another channel, I agreed in order to try myself in a different field. I am sure that a journalist should not constantly work in the same direction, he needs to change areas of activity. Because when you're 20 you can lead entertainment shows, but when you are already 25 you need to think about your life. It is necessary to start trying to conduct serious programs. I discovered that I like to travel, now I’m looking for something more mature.

You once said in an interview that in winter you mostly read books. What do you like to read?

Now I’m reading Dmitry Lipskerov, it’s very modern author. I love his books. I recently tried to read Plevin, but to be honest, I didn’t like it. Some of his books interest me, others whose plot is based on glamor and vampires disgust me. I can't understand how he created good books, can write something like this.
I like the Irish writer Marian Kayes. It is not yet released in Russian in our country, so you have to read it in English. Her books are very easy to read, she writes in the style of the TV series Sex and the City.

This fragile girl with sparkling eyes and a charming smile has already become a recognized star. Russian television. Daria Subbotina was on Muz-TV, telling us about distant countries...

This fragile girl with sparkling eyes and a charming smile has already become a recognized star of Russian television. Daria Subbotina rocked Muz-TV, told us about distant countries in the Around the World program on the Rossiya TV channel, and now, having become more mature and serious, she preaches family values on "Home".

- Dasha, who did your parents see you and who did you want to become when you grew up?

  • My parents wanted me to become either a translator or a journalist so that I would have intellectual and creative profession. Actually, this is what happened, because languages ​​were very useful to me in my journalistic practice. I myself am in early childhood wanted to become a ballerina, but then very quickly decided to study journalism. Probably because I have always been interested in communicating with people. Without communication, I simply suffocate.

- This is probably why you got a job on television?

    I had good English: I studied it in a special school. And so I was hired to work in the English-language program for foreigners “Afternoon in Russia.” It was on the fourth, educational channel. At first I wrote texts for the presenter in English, and then I became a correspondent, interviewing different characters. I was still very young then, studying at school. After entering the journalism department at the age of 19, I got to the casting of Muz-TV presenters - a regular casting that is carried out by thousands in television companies. And she passed it.

- Do you remember the first time you saw yourself on camera?

  • I had mixed feelings. I liked myself outwardly, although it was not my merit, but good job makeup artists. “Muz-TV” is an image channel, so it was impossible to look nondescript.

- Did you have some kind of image imposed on you?

    I was considered the most romantic girl on the channel. Although, of course, this was not true. On the one hand I am a romantic, on the other I am a terrible cynic. Colleagues always made fun of me because of this image, which came about by itself. During the first broadcasts, I had internal self-doubt and fear, which probably was not felt on camera. But I noticed it myself and worked on myself in every possible way. It took a lot of time, but now I am 99 percent confident in myself.

- Your work in the Around the World program would be the envy of many. Traveled to so many countries!

  • During the 2.5 years that I worked in the Around the World program, I really liked it there, but recent months I simply overpowered myself and traveled reluctantly because I was very tired. It is much harder for a girl to work in this mode than for a young man, especially in some extreme situations. And my personal life suffers. I worked live on Muz-TV for a long time and communicated with a lot of Russian-speaking people, understood Russian jokes, responded in kind, found each other mutual language. And I missed this while working on the Rossiya TV channel. I really wanted to get back into mode live broadcast. And when they told me about the live broadcast on Domashny, I immediately agreed, because this is exactly what I wanted. There are guests, calls, and live communication.

- Don’t you want to sit at home after so much traveling?

    This is exactly what I’ve been doing for three months now - I don’t leave Moscow at all, and I like it so much that it’s simply impossible to force me to leave somewhere. I fell in love with Moscow only after I started leaving it often. For me she is best city on the planet.

- Dasha, does your personal life suffer after changing jobs?

    Now I'm looking great love. (Laughs.) I have finished one story. I try to forget her and start a new life.

- Do you want to settle down?

    I didn’t hide from any of the young people I ever dated that I wanted a family. And she never pretended to be an inaccessible and independent woman who doesn’t need anything, she can handle everything herself. Maybe in the 90s there was a fashion for independent women, and now, as you can see from magazines and television programs, the attitude towards the family has changed. These values ​​have become fashionable. But I'm not trying to follow fashion. Now for me the most important thing in life is to get married and have a child.

- What qualities in a man are absolutely unacceptable to you?

    Duplicity. I'm very afraid of this and don't like it. I've encountered this more than once in my life. The most important thing is that this does not happen further. When a person lives double life, says one thing, but thinks another, hides something - this is disgusting. I wouldn't want to go through that again.

- And yours weak sides You know?

    Yes. (Laughs.) I think that I am quite selfish, but I constantly struggle with this, I try to catch myself at such moments when I feel that my selfishness is already going off scale. I demand a lot of attention and love when people listen to me. I’m also completely uneconomical. Simply because I had no reason to become a good housewife. This should probably come with experience when I start living with a family. But that's it for now. I don’t really know how to cook or look after the house.

At the beginning of the interview, you said that while working at Muz-TV you were used to looking good. Did you like to dress fashionably before or did television instill in you a taste for beautiful clothes?

    I have always been and will be a terrible fashionista. This came from my childhood, I don’t even know how it happened. For many years now, my favorite brand has been Missoni. I really like their bright, hippie style, which is present in their collection every year in one form or another, mixed with ethnic or a more glamorous option. I like them bright colors, drawings, prints. I also like Kenzo because it’s also bright. Of the simpler brands, I like Bershka - this brand is widespread in Europe, but it is not yet available in Moscow. Their clothes are very cheap. Since I traveled a lot, I simply bought kilos of clothes from this brand. There are a lot of original things that you won’t find in expensive brand stores. I'm also obsessed with bags and buy crazy amounts of them.

Surely you only recently started buying clothes in Moscow, because it is believed that they are much cheaper abroad?

  • I used to buy things wherever I needed (mostly while traveling). I had such cases that while filming was going on at a train station somewhere in Portugal, I ran to the nearest store and bought things in 15-20 minutes, without even trying them on. And she flew on to filming.

- How do you spend your free time now?

    Now the main thing for me is the company of friends. I really love feasts, I like to visit people and go to restaurants. When my friends are nearby, I can spend time with them anywhere.

- Can you wish anything to the readers of Woman Journal?

  • We, the residents big cities, are subject to a lot of temptations, influences from outside - fashion, other people's views on life, men dictating their will to us. I want to wish you not to change yourself in any way. I say this from my own experience. You can't live under dictation. You can't rely on other people's opinions. You can listen to advice, but apply it only through the prism of your personality. I would like to wish everyone to remain true to their individuality in all respects.

In the century information technologies Every person can easily find out any information. Thanks to the Internet, you can watch stories famous people, and also send them a message to in social networks. In the article we will talk about the biography of Daria Subbotina, her participation in the group “Paints” and life on television.

Where was I born and raised?

The girl was born in 1976 in the city of Moscow, which at that time was part of the RSFSR. The parents loved their first-born and paid her a lot of attention. She was especially loved by her grandparents, with whom she spent most of her childhood.

They took care of her and taught her a lot, and also gave her basic education: the ability to count, write, and so on. Grandfather and grandmother loved their granddaughter and often spoiled her with sweets, which Daria herself was incredibly happy about.

The girl’s mother, Tatyana Syrova, worked as a director at the popular state radio station Gosteleradio. But one day I realized that I needed to change my profession, retrained as a DJ and began working on Nostalgie radio.


The parents decided to send Daria Subbotina to a special school, where they studied in depth foreign languages. Even in early childhood, she showed abilities for them. Therefore, Daria was sent to study at this educational institution.

IN school life she actively participated and even wrote texts for the Author’s Television program. Directly at school, she began filming her first serious reports: she interviewed foreigners or compatriots. After some time, Daria Subbotina was already running her own column, which was popular among the girl’s friends. But soon she needed to change her job, and she switched to the Vremechko program.

Studying at university

The girl realized that she wanted to become a famous journalist or TV presenter. To fulfill her dream, she goes to study at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Along with her studies, she continues to work on the “Vremechko” program, and then left it and moved to the “Veter” television studio.

How did she become popular?

Daria Subbotina gained her fame as a presenter on the MUZ-TV channel. She was able to successfully pass the casting and become one of the most recognizable presenters of the program. At the beginning of her career, she led a column in MuzMetel, and then she was transferred to Evening Bell. For a short time I worked on the PlayMenu program.

This pretty girl of model appearance with a touch of sentimentalism was awarded the honorary award “Most Romantic” on the MUZ-TV channel. Which is not surprising, her facial features reveal the pathetic nature of the girl’s soul.

She worked on the channel for seven whole years, during this long period of time, she managed to acquire big amount friends and gain valuable experience. She hosted the “Siesta” program and helped gather people during the presidential elections in 1996: she conducted thematic events, organized concerts, etc.

Daria decides to invite famous TV channel"Russia", which belongs to state media. She was offered to work as a correspondent for the popular television program “Around the World,” where she had to travel to different countries.

She readily agreed because she loved to travel. She worked on the program for about three years, Daria visited thirty countries around the globe.

But in 2005 she moved to the Domashny TV channel at the invitation of management. She began hosting the “Useful Morning” program, which, as you know, aired early in the morning. After which Daria released her series of programs “Women’s Property”.

Daria Subbotina and the group "Kraski"

For some time, Daria was the soloist of the popular Russian pop group "Kraski". She joined the group relatively recently, in October 2015, and managed to win the respect of her colleagues.

The group performs frequently and is very popular. Every month they give more than ten concerts, touring the Commonwealth countries. The leader and producer is Andrey Voronov.


ABOUT personal life Almost nothing is known about Daria Subbotina. She is not dating anyone and so far the girl has no children. But Daria dreams of becoming a mother. Let's hope her hopes come true soon. In the meantime, Daria is enjoying her free life and improving herself.

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