Veronica Dzhioeva: biography of the Russian world opera star. Veronika Dzhioeva: “I feel bad without a stage Participation in the TV project “Big Opera”

Veronica Dzhioeva

The bright southern beauty of opera singer Veronica Dzhioeva seems to have been created for the role of Carmen. And in this image she is truly amazingly good.

But her most famous lyrical parts are from “La Traviata”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Rusalka”...

Veronica Dzhioeva became known to a wide audience two years ago, after she won the “Big Opera” television project.

However, even without this, she was and remains one of the most sought-after opera singers. When asked about the house, Veronica just laughs and shrugs it off: she sings at the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, the Moscow Bolshoi Theater, the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, and also on the best opera stages in the world. My whole life is continuous touring.

“And you know, I really like all this,” admits Veronica. “There is absolutely no desire to register in any one theater.”

Are you a mezzo or a soprano?

— Veronica, you were born and raised in the family of a weightlifter. How did the daughter of a weightlifter manage to become an opera singer?

— Dad, by the way, had a very good voice. Tenor. But in the Caucasus, being a professional singer is, to put it mildly, not prestigious. For a real man, it’s sports or business. Therefore, my dad devoted himself to sports, and from childhood he inspired me that I should sing. It was to please my parents that I started studying music. And not right away, but I realized that dad was right (although at first he wanted to see me as a gynecologist).

— Yes, I am often asked: “Are you a mezzo or a soprano?” I have a lyric-dramatic soprano, but with a large range, including low notes - chest, “non-chemical”. At the same time, it so happened that my character did not match my voice.

— Do you mean you have to play roles that are difficult to get used to?

At the same time, I succeed in lyrical images: Mimi, Michaela, Traviata, sister Angelica, Yaroslavna, Tatyana. Everyone is surprised: “How did you manage to create such subtle, touching images? To you, who has never loved anyone?..”

- How come you never loved anyone?

- That is, she did not love tragically, unrequitedly. I am designed in such a way that I cannot suffer for a person who does not reciprocate my feelings.

Russians sing

— There is now an expansion of Russian singers in the West. For example, Anna Netrebko will open the season at the Metropolitan Opera for the third time this year. Do foreign singers have any jealousy towards ours: they say, they have come in large numbers?..

- Oh yeah! For example, in Italy there definitely is. But here, do you know what the paradox is? In Russia, visiting singers are more popular. And there – our own! And in this regard, I am very upset for our people. No one is helping Russians to make their way, unlike, say, Koreans, for whom the state pays for their studies at the best conservatories in the world.

Meanwhile, it is no secret that Russians have the most luxurious “overtonal” voices with the deepest timbres. And on top of that - breadth and passion. European singers take their cue from others: their voices are meager, but they always know their parts by heart and sing with mathematical precision and correctness.

— What about knowledge of foreign languages? Opera singers have to sing in both Italian and French...

For some reason, in the West it is believed that if the opera is Russian, then you can cut yourself some slack and sing in a difficult language as best you can. Quite often you hear instead of “eye movements” - “visenya blas”... And in Russia the public does not find fault with foreign singers, they are even touched: “Oh, what a sweetie, she’s trying!..”

There is no leniency towards Russians abroad - pronunciation must be impeccable. Without exaggeration, I can say that Russians sing best in all European languages.

— Maybe this is the key to the current success of Russian singers?

- Perhaps... Although no. The secret is in our nature. Russians give such emotions! You see, you can surprise with a well-honed technique, but you can touch, hook so much that you close your eyes and enjoy - only with sincere passion.

And a sense of style is also very important. When I sang in Palermo, they asked me: “How do you know Donizetti’s style so perfectly?” Did you study in Italy?” I never studied! I just listen to the right old singers - the so-called “black and white recordings” - and follow the style. I will never sing Tchaikovsky like Donizetti and vice versa. This is something even branded singers sometimes do.

Pussy Riot and “Prince Igor”

— How do you feel about the so-called director’s operas, when classics are presented in an unexpected production?

- With understanding. Although I don't like kinks. In the fall I worked in Hamburg in “Prince Igor” directed by David Pountney. Strange, ugly look. Prince Galitsky and the choir rape a pioneer girl - they tear off her clothes, everything happens in the toilet... And at the end Pussy Riot came out - stupid girls in hats and torn tights. In “Prince Igor”! The German public did not like it, although there were those who squealed with delight...

After that, I went to sing in Madrid - there I also went to support my friends who were involved in “Boris Godunov”. The director is different. The opera is over - Pussy Riot is released again. Well, what kind of fashion is this?! It’s as if there is nothing else in Russia. It was very unpleasant.

— Another fashionable thing is television shows. In 2011, you took first place in the all-Russian television competition “Big Opera”. Although, frankly speaking, there were no worthy opponents for you there. Why did you need this?

— It’s just that the project fit well into my work schedule: filming took place exactly on those days when I was free. Well, I thought it would be an interesting experience. Although the conditions were terrible: the orchestra is located far behind the singer, rehearsals last three minutes, the aria cannot be sung to the end.

All this, of course, is terribly far from professionalism. However, such projects work to popularize opera. What is good in itself is something that is sorely lacking in Russia.

As one would expect, after the “Big Opera” I was showered with invitations from everywhere to come and give a concert: Ufa, Dnepropetrovsk, Alma-Ata. I never thought that they could even know me there! But there is no time. The only city in which I found the opportunity to perform in the near future is Petrozavodsk.

They say that the musical theater there has undergone a luxurious renovation, and the hall has very good acoustics. The performance is scheduled for April 22. The main reason I agreed is that the proceeds from this concert will go towards the restoration of the temple.

— Do you have any desire to go on stage?

- There is such an idea. I had the experience of performing Time to say good bye in a duet with Italian tenor Alessandro Safina. It worked out well, we should continue. There is no time yet to start recording and implement a full-fledged project. But I really want to demonstrate that I can sing well not only opera, but also pop works. These are, you know, completely different things.

“I’m not a cockroach vocalist”

— Your husband Alim Shakhmametyev is a famous musician: chief conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic, artistic director of the orchestra of the Opera and Ballet Theater of the St. Petersburg Conservatory... How do two stars get along in one family?

- There is only one star - me. True, Alim tells me: “Nature has given you too much, and you are lazy, using only ten percent of your talent.”

But seriously, I obey my husband in everything. When I’m “flying away,” he will stop, advise, and guide. He is the one who manages all my affairs, so everything is always organized flawlessly.

— At the same time, for some reason you don’t have your own website. There is no place to see the tour schedule, to hear the recordings that you yourself consider successful...

- Oh, but I don’t like anything! I used to be very upset when I saw what kind of recordings from my performances were posted on YouTube. And I don’t always sing well there, and I don’t look very good. However, it was thanks to online videos that I got a great agent. So it's not so bad.

And how I shake every time after a performance - horror! I can’t sleep all night, I’m worried: well, I could have done better! Why didn’t she sing like that, why didn’t she turn like that? By morning you’ll sing the whole part again in your head several times. But from conversations with other singers I know that this is normal. Walking around like a gogol after a performance and saying: “Oh, how good I was today,” is not something a real artist will do. So, compared to some people, I am not a “cockroach” vocalist.

About Ossetia

The war did not spare my family. In the early 1990s, shells flew into our house and bullets ricocheted. I had to live in the basement. Then dad took us out of the combat zone, but mom stayed behind - she was afraid for the apartment. Like many after that war, I gave birth very early - at seventeen years old.

The son still lives in Ossetia. In August 2008, he also experienced the war. And Alim and I had just left for a week’s vacation in Africa. And suddenly this! It’s impossible to reach my relatives, I can’t fly home quickly - it’s impossible to convey this nightmare... Thank God, everyone is alive and well.

My homeland is Ossetia, but I always position myself as a Russian singer. More than once I had serious conflicts abroad, when they wrote on posters or in theater magazines: “Veronica Dzhioeva, Georgian soprano.” Why on earth?!

I sing beautifully in Georgian, and I have been invited to perform in Georgia more than once. I have great respect for Georgian culture and traditions. In recent years they have done a lot in terms of developing the art of opera. But how can I come with a concert to a country whose people killed my people?

You can talk as much as you like about the fact that art is outside of politics, but Ossetians - those who have lost children, friends, loved ones - will not understand this. I sincerely hope that soon the relations between our peoples will change for the better - and then I will be happy to perform in Georgia. After all, we are close, and all the terrible tragedies between us are the result of cynical political speculation.

“Singer from God” - this is what they call the Russian world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva. Among the images that this amazing woman embodied on stage are Tatiana (“Eugene Onegin”), Countess (“The Marriage of Figaro”), Yaroslavna (“Prince Igor”), Lady Macbeth (“Macbeth”) and many others! It is about the owner of the divine soprano that we will talk today.

Biography of Veronica Dzhioeva

Veronica Romanovna was born at the end of January 1979. The opera singer's homeland is the city of Tskhinvali, South Ossetia. In an interview, Veronica said that initially her father wanted her to become a gynecologist. True, he changed his mind in time and decided that his daughter should become an opera singer.

By the way, Veronica Dzhioeva’s father has a good tenor. He heard repeatedly that he should study vocals. However, during his youth, singing in Ossetia among men was considered a completely unmanly activity. That is why Roman chose sports for himself. The opera singer's father became a weightlifter.

Carier start

In 2000, Veronica Dzhioeva graduated from the College of Arts in Vladikavkaz. The girl studied vocals in the class of N. I. Khestanova. After 5 years, she completed her studies at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where she studied in the class of T. D. Novichenko. It is worth noting that the competition for admission to the conservatory was more than 500 people per place.

The girl first appeared on stage in 1998. Then she performed at the Philharmonic. Veronica Dzhioeva's debut as an opera singer took place in early 2004 - she performed the role of Mimi in Puccini's La Bohème.

World recognition

Today, Dzhioeva is one of the most sought-after opera singers, not only in the Russian Federation, but also outside our country. Veronica has performed on stages in Lithuania and Estonia, Italy and Japan, the United States of America and Spain, Great Britain and Germany. Among the images that Veronica Dzhioeva brought to life are the following:

  • Thais (“Thais”, Massenet).
  • The Countess (The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart).
  • Elizabeth (Don Carlos, Verdi).
  • Martha (“Passenger”, Weinberg).
  • Tatiana (Eugene Onegin, Tchaikovsky).
  • Michaela (Carmen, Bizet).
  • Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, Verdi).

It is worth noting that Veronica is the leading soloist of three opera houses in Russia: she performs on the stages of the Novosibirsk, Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters.

World recognition came to this opera singer after she performed the role of Fiordiligi in Mozart's Cosi fan tutte. On the capital's stage, Veronica Dzhioeva performed the role of Princess Urusova in Shchedrin's opera "Boyaryna Morozova". Zemfira from Rachmaninov’s “Aleko” also won the hearts of the audience. Veronica performed it at the end of the summer of 2007.

Residents of St. Petersburg remembered and loved Dzhioeva thanks to numerous premieres at the Mariinsky Theater. Veronica also pleased opera lovers in Seoul. In 2009, the premiere of Bizet’s “Carmen” took place here. And, of course, the real triumph was Veronica Dzhioeva’s performance in “La Bohème.” Now Italian theaters in Bologna and Bari are happy to see the singer on their stage. The Munich public also applauded the opera diva. Here Veronica performed the role of Tatiana in the opera Eugene Onegin.

Personal life of Dzhioeva

Family occupies a special place in the biography of Veronica Dzhioeva. The singer is happily married to Alim Shakhmametyev, who holds the position of chief conductor of the Chamber Orchestra at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic, and leads the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra at the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

The couple has two children - daughter Adriana and son Roman. By the way, the second time the audience did not even notice Veronica’s absence on stage: the opera singer performed until the eighth month of pregnancy, and just a month after the birth of the baby she returned to her favorite pastime. Veronica Dzhioeva calls herself an incorrect Ossetian woman. She believes the main reason is her dislike of cooking. But Veronica is a great wife and mother: order and mutual understanding always reign in her house.

Participation in the television project “Big Opera”

In 2011, the southern beauty Veronica Dzhioeva became the winner of the “Big Opera” project. The opera diva entered the television competition of her own free will, but against the wishes of her husband, colleagues and relatives.

A few years after the TV project, in an interview, Veronica said that it all started with a rehearsal for a New Year’s program on the “Culture” channel. It was the employees of this channel who told Dzhioeva about the competition.

The recording of the “Big Opera” program took place on Mondays, when the theater had a day off. Veronica admitted that then she thought that something like this would never happen in her life again, and agreed to participate in the project. The singer's husband was categorically against it and argued that Veronica should not waste herself on trifles. Almost everyone I knew tried to dissuade the diva. Veronica’s character played a big role in the choice - to spite everyone, she said “Yes!”

By the way, Dzhioeva’s voice is often heard in films, including the films “Vasilievsky Island” and “Monte Cristo”. Veronica also recorded an album called Opera arias. And in 2010, Pavel Golovkin’s film “Winter Wave Solo” was released. This picture is dedicated to the work of Dzhioeva.

Despite the fact that the singer’s homeland is Ossetia, Veronica positions herself as an opera singer from Russia. This is what is always indicated on the posters. However, there were also unpleasant situations abroad. For example, when several theater magazines and posters called Dzhioeva a “Georgian soprano.” The singer was seriously angry, and the organizers had to not only apologize, but also confiscate all printed copies and re-publish posters and magazines.

Veronica explains this very simply - she studied in St. Petersburg with Russian teachers. Georgia has nothing to do with this. The armed conflicts between Georgia and her homeland influenced the position of the opera diva.


Veronica Dzhioeva is not only the winner of the “Big Opera” television competition. She is a laureate of various competitions and festivals of opera performers. For example, in 2003 she became a laureate of the Glinka International Competition, and in 2005 she became the winner of the Maria Gallas Grand Prix. Dzhioeva’s awards include the Paradise, Golden Sofit and Golden Mask theater awards. It is worth noting that Veronica is an honored artist of two republics - South and North Ossetia.

Diploma winner of the Golden Mask competition, winner of the Bolshoi Opera competition, Honored Artist of South Ossetia... but this singer prefers to be simply announced as Veronica Dzhioeva, because her name is famous enough to tell the public more than any honorary titles. The future opera star was born in Tskhinvali. Her father had an excellent tenor, but during his youth a musical career was not considered prestigious for a man, and he became a professional athlete. Having recognized his daughter’s talent in time, he wanted her to become a singer and instilled in her a love of music. Veronica had a beautiful voice already in childhood, and together with her sister Inga she performed at competitions. True, she performed at her first solo concert at the age of thirteen not as a singer, but as a performer of folk dances.

Veronica Dzhioeva received her musical education at the Tskhinvali Music College, then at the Vladikavkaz College of Arts with Nelly Khestanova. After graduating from this educational institution, she went to St. Petersburg to enter the conservatory. Before the entrance exam, an unexpected difficulty arose - her voice disappeared, but the mentor who accompanied her told her: “Go out, tear your ligaments, but sing!” And Veronica sang - as it seemed to her, she sang better than ever. She became a student at the conservatory, where she studied with Tamara Novichenko. The singer calls her mentor “a teacher with a capital T” - not only because her graduates sing all over the world, but also for her reverent attitude towards her students.

Even before graduating from the conservatory - in 2004 - Veronika Dzhioeva made her debut, performing the role of Mimi in the opera studio of the conservatory. After two years, the young performer makes herself known in the capital: on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music she plays the role of Fiordiligi in "". He conducted this performance. In the same year, the premiere of the work, the opera “Boyarina Morozova”, took place in the Russian capital, and the role of Princess Urusova was performed by Dzhioeva. A year later, the work was presented in Italy - and again with her participation.

Since that time, the singer has gone from success to success: performing in the role of Zemfira in “” under the direction of , performing the same role at the Mariinsky Theater in Baden-Baden, Michaela in “” in Seoul. Subsequently, the artist performed this part more than once. Mikaela may not seem the most interesting way - especially in comparison with the main character - but Veronica Dzhioeva has a special relationship with her. In her interpretation, Michaela does not look like a “naive blonde,” but a strong girl, despite her rustic simplicity, capable of fighting for her own happiness. There was a case in the singer’s career when the audience applauded her Michaela so much that the performer of the role of Escamillo refused to bow.

Whatever roles Dzhioeva performed, wherever she sang: Yaroslavna in Hamburg, the title role in “Sister Angelica” in Madrid, Maria Stuart in Palermo, Elvira in “” at the Houston Opera. At the Bolshoi Theater, her first role was the same role with which her career in opera began - Mimi, then there were Elizaveta in "", Gorislava in "". The singer's voice is surprisingly deep and rich, its range even includes low, “chest” notes, which are more associated with mezzo-soprano than with soprano. There is both passion and tenderness in her voice. He has such power that in the West sometimes it is difficult to select a composition for such a “large” voice. The singer embodies both lyrical images (Martha in “”, Tatiana) and dramatic ones (Lady Macbeth). The Italian opera is especially close to the artist - Giacomo Puccini, and she calls “” her favorite opera.” She doesn’t see herself in the role of a cruel princess, but she happily plays the part of Liu.

The singer's concert repertoire is no less rich than her operatic one. She participated in the performance of Requiems and, "The Bells", Ludwig van Beethoven and. Dzhioeva attaches particular importance to the performance of romances, considering this genre as a kind of “test” for belonging to the Russian world. She started with romances by Bulakhov and Varlamov, then works appeared in her chamber repertoire, and she considers the latter the most complex. According to Veronica Dzhioeva, working on romances helps in working on opera roles.

Veronica Dzhioeva does not like the dictates of directors at the opera house - and not only because it is offensive when the director’s name is written on the poster in large letters, and the names of the singers are barely visible. The artist is worried about thoughtless “innovation” that has nothing to do with art. For example, the singer experienced great irritation when girls in the image of... Pussy Riot appeared on stage in the play "" in Hamburg, and then the same thing happened in "" in Madrid. Dzhioeva herself prefers classical productions, which make it possible to feel like a person from a different era.

Musical Seasons

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“Singer from God” - this is what they call the Russian world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva. Among the images that this amazing woman embodied on stage are Tatiana (“Eugene Onegin”), Countess (“The Marriage of Figaro”), Yaroslavna (“Prince Igor”), Lady Macbeth (“Macbeth”) and many others! It is about the owner of the divine soprano that we will talk today.

Biography of Veronica Dzhioeva

Veronica Romanovna was born at the end of January 1979. The opera singer’s homeland is the city of Tskhinvali, South Ossetia. In an interview, Veronica said that initially her father wanted her to become a gynecologist. True, he changed his mind in time and decided that his daughter should become an opera singer.

By the way, Veronica Dzhioeva’s father has a good tenor. He heard repeatedly that he should study vocals. However, during his youth, singing in Ossetia among men was considered a completely unmanly activity. That is why Roman chose sports for himself. The opera singer's father became a weightlifter.

Carier start

In 2000, Veronica Dzhioeva graduated from the College of Arts in Vladikavkaz. The girl studied vocals in the class of N. I. Khestanova. After 5 years, she completed her studies at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where she studied in the class of T. D. Novichenko. It is worth noting that the competition for admission to the conservatory was more than 500 people per place.

The girl first appeared on stage in 1998. Then she performed at the Philharmonic. Veronica Dzhioeva's debut as an opera singer took place in early 2004 - she performed the role of Mimi in Puccini's La Bohème.

World recognition

Today, Dzhioeva is one of the most sought-after opera singers, not only in the Russian Federation, but also outside our country. Veronica has performed on stages in Lithuania and Estonia, Italy and Japan, the United States of America and Spain, Great Britain and Germany. Among the images that Veronica Dzhioeva brought to life are the following:

  • Thais (“Thais”, Massenet).
  • The Countess (The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart).
  • Elizabeth (Don Carlos, Verdi).
  • Martha (“Passenger”, Weinberg).
  • Tatiana (Eugene Onegin, Tchaikovsky).
  • Michaela (Carmen, Bizet).
  • Lady Macbeth (Macbeth, Verdi).

It is worth noting that Veronica is the leading soloist of three opera houses in Russia: she performs on the stages of the Novosibirsk, Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters.

World recognition came to this opera singer after she performed the role of Fiordiligi in Mozart's Cosi fan tutte. On the capital's stage, Veronica Dzhioeva performed the role of Princess Urusova in Shchedrin's opera "Boyaryna Morozova". Zemfira from Rachmaninov’s “Aleko” also won the hearts of the audience. Veronica performed it at the end of the summer of 2007.

Residents of St. Petersburg remembered and loved Dzhioeva thanks to numerous premieres at the Mariinsky Theater. Veronica also pleased opera lovers in Seoul. In 2009, the premiere of Bizet’s “Carmen” took place here. And, of course, the real triumph was Veronica Dzhioeva’s performance in “La Bohème.” Now Italian theaters in Bologna and Bari are happy to see the singer on their stage. The Munich public also applauded the opera diva. Here Veronica performed the role of Tatiana in the opera Eugene Onegin.

Personal life of Dzhioeva

Family occupies a special place in the biography of Veronica Dzhioeva. The singer is happily married to Alim Shakhmametyev, who holds the position of chief conductor of the Chamber Orchestra at the Novosibirsk Philharmonic, and leads the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra at the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

The couple has two children - daughter Adriana and son Roman. By the way, the second time the audience did not even notice Veronica’s absence on stage: the opera singer performed until the eighth month of pregnancy, and just a month after the birth of the baby she returned to her favorite pastime. Veronica Dzhioeva calls herself an incorrect Ossetian woman. She believes the main reason is her dislike of cooking. But Veronica is a great wife and mother: order and mutual understanding always reign in her house.

Participation in the television project “Big Opera”

In 2011, the southern beauty Veronica Dzhioeva became the winner of the “Big Opera” project. The opera diva entered the television competition of her own free will, but against the wishes of her husband, colleagues and relatives.

A few years after the TV project, in an interview, Veronica said that it all started with a rehearsal for a New Year’s program on the “Culture” channel. It was the employees of this channel who told Dzhioeva about the competition.

The recording of the “Big Opera” program took place on Mondays, when the theater had a day off. Veronica admitted that then she thought that something like this would never happen in her life again, and agreed to participate in the project. The singer's husband was categorically against it and argued that Veronica should not waste herself on trifles. Almost everyone I knew tried to dissuade the diva. Veronica’s character played a big role in the choice - to spite everyone, she said “Yes!”

By the way, Dzhioeva’s voice is often heard in films, including the films “Vasilievsky Island” and “Monte Cristo”. Veronica also recorded an album called Opera arias. And in 2010, Pavel Golovkin’s film “Winter Wave Solo” was released. This picture is dedicated to the work of Dzhioeva.

Despite the fact that the singer’s homeland is Ossetia, Veronica positions herself as an opera singer from Russia. This is what is always indicated on the posters. However, there were also unpleasant situations abroad. For example, when several theater magazines and posters called Dzhioeva a “Georgian soprano.” The singer was seriously angry, and the organizers had to not only apologize, but also confiscate all printed copies and re-publish posters and magazines.

Veronica explains this very simply - she studied in St. Petersburg with Russian teachers. Georgia has nothing to do with this. The armed conflicts between Georgia and her homeland influenced the position of the opera diva.


Veronica Dzhioeva is not only the winner of the “Big Opera” television competition. She is a laureate of various competitions and festivals of opera performers. For example, in 2003 she became a laureate of the Glinka International Competition, and in 2005 she became the winner of the Maria Gallas Grand Prix. Dzhioeva’s awards include the Paradise, Golden Sofit and Golden Mask theater awards. It is worth noting that Veronica is an honored artist of two republics - South and North Ossetia.

She is called “a singer from God”, “an opera diva”, “a divine soprano”... Her talent captivates, her singing culture delights, and her efficiency never ceases to amaze.

Conversation with world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva turned out different. She recalled her childhood with a smile. She spoke with pain about the terrible days that little South Ossetia, where she was born, had to endure. And she talked sadly about modern opera, without which she couldn’t imagine life. Every word she uttered was filled with emotions that came from the very heart. It is not surprising that the world opera stage loves Veronica Dzhioeva so much.

"Dad guessed exactly what I needed..."

Veronica, were you raised strictly as a child?

- Yes. Dad was quite strict.

Which of his prohibitions are you still afraid to disobey?

― (laughs). Good question. My sister and I were often sick, so dad forbade us to eat ice cream. And Inga and I bit icicles. One day dad saw us and gave us a hard time. And since then, for a long time I was afraid of ice cream, and cold things in general, although, on the contrary, it was necessary to harden my throat - after all, we only work with the throat, and any cold instantly affects the voice. I was afraid of cold things for a long time, and then I realized that I was only making things worse for myself. I began to harden myself and now I am not afraid of cold water, ice cream, or ice. True, I immediately get sick after eating cold fruit, so they are excluded from my menu.

Is it true that dad saw you as a gynecologist?

― (laughs). Yes, but he doesn't remember. And when I tell him about this, he is very surprised.

Fortunately, he changed his mind in time. In the end, who made the decision to make music - you or him?

- To dad. He really wanted me to become a serious opera singer. And he guessed exactly what I needed.

Little Veronica in the arms of her dad - Roman Dzhioev, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR

Why didn’t your dad, having a wonderful voice himself, become a professional singer?

- Dad really had a very good voice. Tenor. And many said that he needed to go to the opera stage. Even today he plays the piano well, and even better on the guitar. In general, we have a musical family: dad has an amazing voice, sister Inga also has excellent vocal abilities.

Dad says that during his youth in Ossetia and in the Caucasus in general, singing seriously was considered not a man’s activity. For a real man, it’s sports or business. Therefore, dad devoted himself to sports - he became a weightlifter and won prestigious competitions. Then he became a coach.

And now?

- Now everything is different. Today it is prestigious. After all, look, the most important theaters in the country are led by Ossetian conductors: at the Bolshoi - Tugan Sokhiev, and at the Mariinsky - Valery Gergiev. This is something to be proud of. Ossetians are incredibly talented, they have beautiful voices and they are distinguished by the strength of their timbre.

Recently, Ossetians generally occupy more and more places on the classical stage. What do you think is causing this surge in musical activity?

“Probably, the Ossetians themselves simply felt freer and believed in their strength thanks to Valery Gergiev. I think this is the influence of his image, it’s not for nothing that he is called the most famous Ossetian in the world. And at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where I studied, everyone dreamed of going to the Mariinsky Theater and singing with Valery Abisalovich.

"The pain in Tskhinvali is still felt everywhere..."

You were born in Tskhinvali. Are you more accustomed to calling it that or Tskhinvali?

- Tskhinvali. “Tskhinvali” sounds somehow Georgian.

The city of your childhood - how do you remember it?

- With a fountain on the square. Colorful. Bright. But Tskhinvali is no longer the city of my childhood, unfortunately. Men in Black. All gray haired. 30 year olds look like 40 year olds. The war left a strong imprint.

Are there, perhaps, places associated with your childhood that you visit first when you are in your homeland?

- This is probably the famous school No. 5, whose sports ground in 1991 during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict became the last refuge for teachers and students. All our heroes are buried there. I studied there. The school is right behind our house, and the cemetery is visible from my bedroom window.

What feelings do you experience when looking at him?

- Great sadness. And, of course, there is always pain. It can still be felt everywhere in Tskhinvali.

I was amazed that your family experienced the horrors of war twice

- Yes, both in the early 90s and in 2008. I remember how we hid in the basement during shelling. Shells flew into our house and bullets ricocheted, so we had to live in the basement. Then, in August 2008, my son, sister Inga and her children already experienced this horror. Alim and I had just left for a week’s vacation in Africa. And suddenly on August 8th it happened! I almost went crazy at that moment. On TV I saw my sister’s destroyed house. And I was shocked by the words of the presenter: “At night, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia...”. I started calling my family, both on their home phones and on their mobile phones. The answer is silence. I hung up on my phone for three days. It’s impossible to reach my family, I can’t fly home quickly - it’s impossible to convey this nightmare... Only on the fourth day did I find out that my family was okay, I talked to my son. He said: “Mom, we are all alive!” And then he cried:

Mom, I saw my dead classmates being carried out of their houses.

It's very scary. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Why didn’t you leave your troubled homeland after the first armed conflict?

- Nobody expected that there would be a second war. And Ossetians are such a people - they don’t like to leave their native land. To be honest, I didn’t have the opportunity to help before. But as soon as they appeared, we immediately invited Inga to move to Germany. But she refused. Now she often visits North Ossetia - it is quiet and peaceful there. I have real estate in Vladikavkaz. We can only hope that such horror will not happen again.

Years later, have you figured out for yourself who was right and wrong in the horror of 2008?

- I don’t really like to talk about politics, because I’m a person of art. I can only say that in 2008 Russian troops saved us. If it weren't for Russia, we wouldn't exist anymore.

“I want to have a choice in everything - with whom to sing, where to perform, how many times to go on stage. I love fame, I love attention, I love being recognized and loved.”

Say that you don’t like to talk about politics. But, as far as I know, you refuse to perform in Georgia. This is politics after all.

- You know, in North Ossetia there are many Georgian singers who have become honored and even popular. And Georgian singers, along with Russian ones, are now among the strongest in world opera. Many of them are my friends. And there are no Georgians or Ossetians in art. If it weren’t for Makvala Kasrashvili, I might not have been on the world stage. She helps me a lot. But I never sang in Georgia.

- But would you sing?

- I respect Georgian culture and traditions. But how can I come with a concert to a country whose people killed my people? You can talk as much as you like about the fact that art is outside of politics, but Ossetians - those who have lost children, friends, loved ones - will not understand this. Therefore, when I was invited and am invited, I refuse. I always say:

How do you imagine that? I am an Ossetian, a famous person, they know me in Ossetia... This is impossible.

I can take part in an international project with the participation of Russian, Abkhaz, Georgian and other performers. But on the condition that it will take place in Russia. I won’t go to Georgia to sing. If someday relations between our peoples change for the better, I will be happy to perform in Georgia. In the meantime, to all offers I say: “No.”

“I can’t say that I’m a proper Ossetian woman...”

When performing abroad, how do you position yourself: a singer from Russia or Ossetia?

- My homeland is Ossetia, but I always position myself as a Russian singer . I am, first of all, a Russian singer. This is indicated on all posters. More than once I had serious conflicts abroad, when, for example, in Lucerne and Hamburg, on posters and in theater magazines they indicated: “Veronica Dzhioeva, Georgian soprano.” Why on earth?! The tour organizers had to apologize, confiscate the copies and reprint them. I speak:

If you do not recognize South Ossetia, then why write “Georgian soprano”? I am a Russian singer, I received my education at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, I was taught by Russian teachers. What does Georgia have to do with it?

But are you talking about Ossetia?

- Yes, sure. Both before and after performances, people often come into the dressing room and want to meet and chat with me. When there is a reason, I always say that I was born in Ossetia. The West knows about the republic mainly in the context of negative events - military conflicts with Georgia in South Ossetia, the terrible September 2004 in Beslan... As for August 2008, they had different information. And when, after the events of this war, I said that the Russians saved us, they did not believe me. I don’t know how it is now, but then they believed that I was an Ossetian who simply supported Russia. I felt this even when I performed in the Baltics.

“Sister Inga also has excellent vocal abilities. She and I won all kinds of competitions, we can say that in childhood my sister and I had an established duet.” Veronica Dzhioeva with her sister and niece

When relatives come to visit you in Moscow or abroad, do you ask them to bring you something national and dear?

- Sometimes I ask you to bring pickles and wine. True, they forget all the time (laughs). My mother is a great cook, so I always ask her to make something delicious. I myself hate standing at the stove, but I love home cooking. I miss her. No matter what city I perform in, I always look for Caucasian cuisine. I really love Korean dishes, but when I stay in Korea for a long time, I start to miss borscht and dumplings terribly. I'm just going crazy (laughs).

Do you like to cook yourself?

(laughs) I can’t say that I am a proper Ossetian woman. I don’t like and don’t know how to cook. But in all other respects I am a real Ossetian. I love bright things and my temperament is explosive not only on stage, but also off it. Apart from cooking, in other respects I am an exemplary wife: I love to clean the house and, like a true Ossetian woman, serve my husband, bring him slippers... I am pleased with this.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan said that when he is abroad, he looks for corners that remind him of Yerevan and Armenia.

- Ossetian corners are difficult to find anywhere in the world (laughs).

But are you drawn to your small homeland?

- I love my motherland. Unfortunately, the opportunity to visit there does not come often. Lately, it seems to me, Tskhinvali has changed significantly. But I really want people to be kinder to each other; according to my feelings, people lack love, kindness, and understanding. I would like both North and South Ossetia to pay more attention to art. For example, I am uncomfortable in such conditions. I can't live without a stage. I feel bad without her. Therefore, the maximum time I can spend there is half a month. And when I manage to come home, I meet only the closest people. It's good when musicians are treated with understanding. After all, musicians bring goodness and creation to the world.

How important is the opinion of your fellow countrymen to you?

- Naturally, it is important to me what my people say. Although, I admit, I do not always agree with my fellow countrymen.

Who are the people whose opinions you care about?

- My teacher, family, friends.

"It's good when musicians are treated with understanding. After all, musicians bring goodness and creation to the world." Veronika Dzhioeva with the Prime Minister of North Ossetia Sergei Takoev and Senator from North Ossetia Alexander Totoonov

How do you feel connected to your native land?

- Ossetia is always in my heart, because my son is there. His name, like his dad’s, is Roman. He is already a big boy and made his own choice. He said his manly word: “I am Ossetian - and I will live in my homeland, in Ossetia.” My sister Inga is there, my nieces, my aunt... I am constantly in touch with them, I know everything about Ossetia. My soul hurts for her, I want more to be done for the people. I know there are a lot of my fans there, they are waiting for me there. I promised them that when there is time, I will come and sing for them.

Last summer you gave a charity concert “For the Motherland I Love” in Tskhinvali. Do you have plans related to Ossetia?

- This concert was in favor of the children of the boarding school. I wanted to show that it is possible to help these children. We have a lot of talented children and it is necessary to create conditions for them so that they can develop their talents and improve in art. My dream is to attract sponsors so that children have the opportunity to study in good universities. Subsequently, they would return and teach our children. Of course, conditions will need to be created for them.

There are plans to organize a festival in South Ossetia - a creative competition for young performers, where children from all the republics of the Caucasus could take part. For my part, I promise to attract good musicians.

I was recently in Krasnodar, where Anna Netrebko is from. They idolize her there: they present orders, medals, honorary titles. Would you like this kind of treatment in your small homeland?

- Of course, this is pleasant for any artist. Five years ago I became an Honored Artist of North Ossetia. Later - and South Ossetia. Although in Europe all these titles mean nothing. That's why I always ask you to simply announce me: Veronica Dzhioeva .

“If they tell me “no”, I will definitely say “yes” to spite everyone...”

Your track record includes many awards and titles... Is there a special one for you?

I have many prestigious awards, including European ones, but it’s too early to rejoice. We - vocalists - while we sing, we constantly improve, and do not stop at the achieved results. Therefore, every successful performance is a kind of victory for me, albeit a small one. And many small victories mean that the big one will soon be there! (laughs).

“If it weren’t for my character, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve anything.” Veronica Dzhioeva in the TV project "Big Opera"

Just like in the TV show "Grand opera"?

I got into the TV project of my own free will, but contrary to the opinions of my husband, teachers and colleagues. I was rehearsing a number for the New Year's program on the Kultura TV channel. The channel employees told me about this competition. And I was just rehearsing “Ruslan and Lyudmila” with Mitya Chernyakov at the Bolshoi Theater. The recording of each stage of the “Grand Opera” took place on Mondays. It was a day off at the theater that day. I thought: “When else will I have such an opportunity?!” And she agreed. The husband was categorically against it. He said that this is not my level. And in general, there is no need to waste yourself on such trifles. Many acquaintances also dissuaded me. And I have such a character that if everyone says “no” to me, I will definitely say “yes” to spite everyone. And she said.

“It’s a paradox, in Russia they love visiting singers more. And in the West - their own! And in this regard, I’m very upset for ours: it’s no secret that Russians have the most luxurious “overtone” voices with the deepest timbres. And in addition to this - breadth and passion ". Veronica Dzhioeva in the dressing room before the performance

Are you a singer with character? Do you like freedom?

- I want to be a branded singer and have a choice in everything - with whom to sing, where to perform, how many times to go on stage. I won’t lie, I love fame, I love attention, I love being recognized and loved. Television helps make dreams come true faster. That is why I went to the Bolshoi Opera. Although my foreign colleagues assure that Russia recognizes its singers only after they receive a wide calling in the West.

I can say that I did not hold on to this project. She always spoke the truth and knew how to position herself. She argued often. She refused to sign the standard contract. I made my own. If they had refused to sign it, I would have simply left the project.

Many considered me the most capricious and most immodest participant in the project. Everyone was annoyed by my self-confidence. But if it weren’t for this confidence, I wouldn’t be able to achieve anything in life. Even in this competition.

“It’s great in Europe, but I’m always drawn to Russia...”

What do you think is the difference between mountain natives and people living on flat terrain?

- Do you mean, are Ossetians like Germans?


- I think each region has its own flavor. And people are very different everywhere.

But personally, who is easier for you to communicate with - Russians, Europeans, city dwellers, villagers?

- With the Russians. I love Russia and Russians. In Europe, of course, it’s wonderful, but I’m always drawn to Russia.

Living abroad, do you celebrate any national holidays?

- Frankly, I don’t have time, and I usually perform on holidays. And, as a rule, far from home. My parents have no time for this either, they are with my little daughter (On June 8, 2013, Veronica Dzhioeva’s daughter Adriana was born - author). Unless dad can make an Ossetian toast in honor of the holiday. Basically, this is what the celebration is limited to. I don’t even celebrate my birthday. What to be happy about? The fact that he has aged a year? (laughs).

What about children's birthdays?

- It's true. But I’m not with them on their birthdays, unfortunately. I've only been to Roma's once - I work all the time. Concerts, recordings, much, much more. My schedule until 2017 is so tight that I have to refuse some offers.

Are you able to talk to your son about this?

- Now he is already an adult and understands everything, although before it was much more difficult. Like any child, he wanted a mother.

Veronica, on the website of our magazine, popular elections “Highlander of the Year” are held annually. Readers can vote for those they think deserve to win. At the end of 2013, you won in the “Classical Music” category , ahead of, among other things, Anna Netrebko.

Is popular recognition important to you? Or do you listen exclusively to the opinions of fellow professionals?

- All this, of course, is pleasant, like any small victory. And it’s doubly pleasant to be on the same page with such talented people as Anya Netrebko, Tugan Sokhiev, Khibla Gerzmava.

“My character has helped and continues to help me...”

In 2000, you entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory with a competition of 501 people per place. And now you perform at famous opera stages. Which of your qualities do you think helped you achieve this?

- Self confidence. Character. I don't really believe in fortune. As my personal experience has shown, only self-confidence, desire and work can give a worthy result. I can say that I achieved everything myself. I know when I studied at the conservatory that some artists were helped: they rented apartments and paid for competitions. I didn't even know that this was possible in principle. I lived in a communal apartment where rats ran around. Horror! But not in a hostel, and that’s good. And, probably, stage courage helped me. I am often asked before going on stage: how can you not worry? But of course I'm worried. But no one ever sees this simply because I love the stage and my voice so much. The viewer needs to be pleased, and not to shift your problems and experiences onto his shoulders.

Did you easily beat 500 competitors when you entered the conservatory?

(laughs) Easily? I remember before the entrance exams I lost my voice, it was just hoarse. Imagine: the time has come to sing tours, but there is no voice. And then my teacher from Vladikavkaz, Nelly Khestanova, who had been working all this time to regain her voice, exclaimed in her hearts, hitting the piano: “Get out, tear your ligaments, but sing! I left my sick mother and came with you not for this, so that you don't do it!" It seems to me that I have never sung so well! (laughs). And we did! The competition was really incredibly large - about 500 applicants. It was incredibly difficult, but I managed to do it. My character has helped me and is helping me. Of course, character! (laughs)

During your studies, have you ever heard the expression “a person of Caucasian nationality” addressed to you?

- Fortunately, no. In St. Petersburg, I lived on Teatralnaya Square, next to the Conservatory, so I didn’t take the metro. She often participated in competitions in Europe. In general, I saw only kind, talented people. And when I heard about such cases, I always thought: is this really possible?

“My homeland is Ossetia, but I always position myself as a Russian singer.”

Does it matter to you on what stage to sing: in Novosibirsk, Moscow or Zurich?

- The stage is everywhere. But when there is a choice, I always choose the one with more prestige. For me, every concert and every performance is a victory. I'm from a small town in South Ossetia.

In Europe, do people actually understand more about opera than in Russia?

- The Europeans themselves say that only five percent of those who go to the Opera are experts. In Russia - less than one percent. Both with them and with us, the audience comes, first of all, to the name. Opera has generally gone down the wrong path. Previously, singers were chosen by conductors, now they are chosen by directors. And for them, the most important thing is the picture, so they often make poor choices. For example, I often hear singers with soubrette voices performing lead roles.

“I had the experience of performing Time to say good bye in a duet with the Italian tenor Alessandro Safina. It turned out well, I should continue.” Veronica Dzhioeva with Alessandro Safina

It shouldn’t be like this - before, such singers would not have been accepted into the choir. Directors try to fill the opera with a large number of events on stage, in some places turning it into cinema or theater. Not knowing the essence of opera and not really understanding music, they try to squeeze the maximum out of opera librettos. In their desire to somehow diversify the largely primitive plot, they are trying to stuff it with non-existent conflicts. And so the following happens: the singer moves in and some action comes to the fore. And people who come to listen to opera, as a rule, know the libretto. For them there are no surprises about who will kill whom or who will fall in love with whom. And they follow the emotions, not the picture. This misunderstanding has led to the fact that opera has not been in great demand in the last decade compared to popular culture.

But you personally had no desire to integrate opera into popular music? There are successful examples: Netrebko and Kirkorov, Sissel and Warren G...

In concerts I sang with both Alessandro Safina and Kolya Baskov. It worked out well, we should continue. There is no time yet to start recording and implement a full-fledged project. I want to demonstrate that I can sing well not only opera, but also pop works. But for now, I refuse to record everything that is offered - the songs are ugly. And you have to like them. Maybe someday it will work out.

“My husband conducts both the orchestra and me...”

Veronica, which city or country appeals to you the most?

- NY. I love Moscow very much, I feel very good here. We want to live in Vienna.

“Alim conducts the orchestra at work, and conducts me at home. And he does it wonderfully.” Veronica Dzhioeva with her husband Alim Shakhmametyev

Have you decided to move from Prague, where do you live now? If I’m not mistaken, you said: “Living in Prague and not working in Prague is normal, but as a musician, living in Vienna but not working there is very strange.”

- (laughs). Therefore, we will move to Vienna as soon as we get a job there.

In Prague, can you really be seen going for a morning jog?

- Oh, because of the constant flights, I started this business. But now everything will be different. There is no life without sport. It should help me with my breathing and my voice. We were simply told that opera singers should not engage in sports. After all, we eat with our stomachs, and when you pump your abs, your muscles begin to ache. But this is in the beginning, then the pain goes away. In general, I realized that if you are not mobile, not seasoned, and look bad, no one needs you. That's why sport is important.

What kind of music do you usually listen to while jogging?

- Definitely not an opera (laughs). Everything I Love: Michael Bolton, K-Maro, Tiziano Ferro, Mary J. Blige.

Veronica Dzhioeva after the premiere "Don Carlos" at the Bolshoi Theater

Is it true that playing Queen Elizabeth at the premiere of Don Carlos at the Bolshoi Theater became real torture for you? I read that the crown put pressure on the temples so much that it was impossible to sing...

- The suit was also very tight (laughs). I gained weight while the opera was being prepared; after the birth of my child, I didn’t have time to get in shape. And the measurements were taken before that. But I like to sing in a “tightened position,” so I asked to leave the costume as is, not to alter it. But after it, terrible marks remained on the body.

Your husband, Alim Shakhmametyev, artistic director of the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra of the Opera and Ballet Theater of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov, chief conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. Don’t you have a feeling of being “tight” in life?

- No. Each of us does his own thing. Alim helps me.

Does he conduct only in the theater, or does he conduct you too?

(laughs) At work he conducts the orchestra, and at home he conducts me. And it does it wonderfully. It's difficult without him.

When he came up to say hello during the interview, it seemed to me that you immediately became calmer.

- Maybe. I am stormy, and Alim is reasonable. And only he manages to restrain me.

How did you meet?

- Almost on stage. Later, Alim admitted that when he heard my voice, he immediately fell in love with it. During rehearsals I thought then: so young and already knows and can do so much! That's how our relationship began. I must say that Alim looked after me very beautifully. In general, I think it’s wonderful when the wife sings and the husband conducts!

How do two stars get along in one family?

- (laughs) There is only one star - me. True, Alim tells me: “Nature has given you too much, and you are lazy, using only ten percent of your talent.” But seriously, I obey my husband in everything. When I’m “flying away,” he will stop, advise, and guide. He is the one who manages all my affairs, so everything is always organized flawlessly.

Tell us about your husband...

- Alim has been given a lot from God. Just as he was a child prodigy in childhood, he remains an outstanding personality: he succeeds in everything. And he also studied with such musicians, such masters as Kozlov and Musin. He found great professors and was imbued with the spirit of their music. What can I say if Tishchenko himself dedicated a symphony to him! And Tishchenko is unique! A most brilliant composer, a student of Shostakovich. My husband has given me a lot both as a musician and as a man. Alim is a gift for me as a woman. This is my other half. Next to such a person I will only develop.

Veronica Dzhioeva with mom and dad

What is Veronica Dzhioeva like off stage? What is it like at home, with your family?

- Like most women, I love everything beautiful. I love shopping, fragrances, jewelry. It gives me pleasure to make pleasant surprises for my family. I love my family very much, my parents live in Germany, but during my absence they look after my daughter Adriana. And what a joy it is to fly in and see everyone at home! Can't put it into words. As for the second part of the question, off stage I am the same as everyone else: cheerful, sad, loving, capricious, harmful. Different, in a word!

Veronica Dzhioeva: “If I were born again, I would choose my profession again.”

We are talking at a hotel in the center of Moscow. How important are the attributes of prestige and luxurious life to you?

- I don’t have a rider with lilies and champagne for one and a half thousand euros. But if it’s a hotel, then at least 4 stars; if it’s an airplane, then it’s definitely business class. I have a lot of flights, and I don’t want to hear noise or commotion. Although it happens in “business”, they behave inappropriately. But, fortunately, rarely.

Does this rhythm bother you?

- What do you! I like to live in hotels, and I don’t like to live in apartments. Life bothers me. I love new countries and concert venues, communicating with talented people. I never get tired of it. This is exactly how I want to live. If I were born again and I was forced to choose, I would choose my profession again.

Interviewed by Sergei Pustovoitov. Photo: personal archive of Veronica Dzhioeva

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