Decoration of the hall for the Day of Unity of Nations. Materials for stand design for National Unity Day

Elena Sutyrina

November 4 will mark the Day of National Unity, the day of unity of all who love their country, their Motherland. I present a brief report on the preparations for the holiday for your consideration today.

At first the children were tells the story of the origin of this holiday, We also read excerpts from Vladimir Solovyov’s book “Minin and Pozharsky”.

Children look at the book’s illustrations with interest and discuss.

With friends played the games “Let’s Live Together” and “Tell a Compliment to a Friend”.

We learned a poem with the children:

“We are family and we are friends.

We are the people, and we are united.

Together we are invincible."

Introduced proverbs and sayings:

The people have one home - the Motherland.

He who stands up for his homeland is a true hero.

Children with sisters and brothers prepared small crafts.

Together completed teamwork“Our Motherland is Russia”.

A screen was presented for parents on the theme of the holiday.

“On Unity Day we will be close, we will be together forever!”

Happy holiday to you, dear colleagues!

Peace, unity, harmony to all families and our big beautiful

Homeland called Russia!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “National Unity Day” Day national unity The hall is festively decorated. The song “About Russia” sounds, the children enter the hall and take their seats. Presenter: Good.

Scenario of the event “Day of National Unity” Holiday "Day of National Unity". They don’t argue with history, They live with history, It unites One state for heroism and labor, When.

Entertainment “National Unity Day” (senior preschool age) Entertainment for older people “National Unity Day” Goals and objectives of the holiday: - to instill in students an interest in the history of the Day holiday.

Entertainment “National Unity Day” in the senior group Goal: To acquaint children with the peoples of Russia, talk about their culture and customs. Objectives: 1) Educational - to instill respect for their culture.

Nishcheva N.V.
Festive decoration interiors of preschool educational institution: Music hall. Russia Day, Constitution Day, National Unity Day. Visual material

Publisher: Childhood-Press
Genre: Visual aids

Good quality
Pages: 32
Format: pdf, fb2, epub

The project of the publishing house “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” is called “Festive decoration of the interiors of a preschool educational institution. Music Hall" and includes elements of the design of a music hall for holiday matinees and a selection of poems for each holiday. These include roll calls and poems for skits, scripts, and individual performances by children. Design elements completed the best artists and designers of the publishing house "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", and the poems were written by order of the publishing house by professional poets. The main idea of ​​the project is to create a set of materials necessary for preparing for holiday matinees by specialists - artists, designers, poets, since only professional approach can provide a high aesthetic level of these materials. Each set of elements for decorating a music hall contains flat images for decorating the backdrop, including letters for writing the name of the holiday; planar images for the walls between the windows. All images are made in uniform style and maintained in a certain color scheme. The next set contains a selection of materials for three holiday dates at once: Russia Day, Constitution Day, National Unity Day.

Tatyana Deeva

Dear Colleagues! I want to give you my decoration of the music hall for May 1! Holiday May 1 - Day unity and harmony of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is high mountains , deep lakes, fast rivers, endless steppes, gentle steppe breeze, bright stars in the blue-black night sky, a golden sun among white lambs in the azure sky. Many have heard about Kazakhstan, but not everyone knows who exactly lives in our country, what people do. And they live in our country, except for the indigenous people - Kazakhs, people of more than 100 nationalities and nationalities. They work in factories and factories, grow wheat, cotton and rice in the fields, extract oil from the depths of the earth, coal, iron and copper ore. Young people study at schools and universities and are actively involved in sports. On Kazakh, Russian, Tatar, Uyghur, Korean books and newspapers are published, work national theaters, pop ensembles, national programs are broadcast on radio and television. All of us people different nationalities, unites common: We people of Kazakhstan.

Every people, living in Kazakhstan, has its own rich culture. Customs and traditions are passed on from generation to generation. They tell tales in their own way and sing different songs peoples. But in one they are united: their unites desire to be happy, live in peace and consent. “The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a person is in friendship”, - reads Kazakh proverb, therefore, if we live together, no one will break us.

Publications on the topic:

Master Class. Decoration of the music hall for March 8 During the festive events Great attention is always paid to design.

Just recently, nature outside the window delighted us with golden decorations. And now we see snow-white, shiny snow-covered streets today.

New Year is the brightest and most long-awaited holiday for adults and children. In our preschool institution in the design of the music hall were accepted.

Here's how to New Year's holidays decorated this year music hall in our garden. We made Christmas trees from insulating foil material. Christmas trees.

▫ Alevtina Petrovna, this is their job.
▫ There is something. There is no word. But the menacingly meek source has already snatched away his love. It’s already clear how his future outline stands up for his brothers and sisters. How dark it all is, how stupid. Who is who's brother and who is who's sister? Anything to everyone. When a word comes, it knows no distant relationship. It kisses breathlessness on the lips. The response exhalation is audible and great. Only the word tramples nonsense and chaos and speaks to mortals about immortality. Bella Akhmadulina 1982 (excerpt, but I hope that all lovers of Poetry know it well - MUSIC!) 6176621-a151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thank you! It is logical and I like exactly this answer to the question. And it arose because a caustic epigram was received from Anna Akhmatova, or rather from Alina Alexandrovna in her commentary. Nevertheless, I looked at the popularity rating of poems from Russian lyrics. For every 10-15 male poets, 1 woman appears. And Marina Tsvetaeva stands above Akhmatova, third (confidently) is Bella Akhmadulina, then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronika Tushnova.... But I’ll end with your opinion on this matter: “Every poet is inimitable! And the fates of all people are different. And everyone is respected by someone, And everyone writes “excellently”, Everyone is interesting in their own way....(c) Each of us has the MOST!!! AND NOT ALONE! AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE! Today it would be fair to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Poets here on this page! Olga Fedorovna Berggolts was born on May 16 (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer. 6582469-a151550 Igor Severyanin was born on May 16 (most of literary activity the author preferred the spelling Igor-Severyanin; real name - Igor Vasilievich Lotarev; May 4 (16), 1887, St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet of the Silver Age. 6465544-a151550 Thank you for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `The Colonel says that he, damn it, is a soldier, and not a fucking comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, the above-mentioned does not repent of comrades in arms...
▫ They just push asexual education through them, that’s all. In this they are perhaps the best.... If their model is introduced in our schools, don’t say later that you don’t like it. I wanted it myself, after all. Do you want yours to write in pencil and do all their homework in 15 minutes? All their super-duperness is only in the fact that they will not abandon the child “with ignorance of the topic”, they will explain to the last. And we have a hard time with this, very hard, but this is a flaw of the directors. But the same Amonashvili and Lysenkovs, decades ago before Finland, developed methods that allow one to assimilate most of the material without shouting or coercion. But it was the Finns who surrendered to us. National Unity Day

Hall decoration:
Cards Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia.

State symbols (Flags and Emblems) of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia.

Poster "We are proud of our Fatherland."

Exhibition “10 Years of Creation”.

Exhibition of student drawings.

Colorfully designed symbolic Magazine “In unity is our strength.”

Title page - Coat of Arms of Russia.

1 page “Here Minin and Pozharsky are still alive.”

Page 2 “Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s fatherland.”

Page 3 “The Mordovians and Russians have intertwined roots.”

Page 4 “Through labor we create the might of the Fatherland.”

Page 5 “We are united, therefore we are invincible.”

Globe, record player, gramophone records.

Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavovich with the Polovtsians”

Painting "Standing on the Ugra"

Painting "Battle on the Ice"

The painting “Minin’s Appeal to the People of Nizhny Novgorod” A. Kivshenko

Painting “Defense of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius from Polish invaders”

Portraits of Minin and Pozharsky

Illustration “Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow.”

Photo of Minin's tombstone Nizhny Novgorod.

Painting by Pryanishnikov “In 1812”.

Painting "Victory Salute".

Photo of the monument “Forever with Russia” in Saransk.

Poster “What peoples live in Russia.”
Introductory conversation

Guys, what holidays celebrated by all the people do you know? (answer)

Another holiday has appeared on our calendar – National Unity Day, which will be celebrated on November 4th. What was the importance of unity for our country? Why did the State Duma make such a decision? And why exactly November 4? This is what we will talk about at today's event.

(The curtain opens)

1 led. “The Motherland is a huge, dear, breathing creature, like a person,” wrote Alexander Blok. These words are both precise and ambiguous at the same time.

Enormity means geographical space, countless riches, the pristine beauty and enormity of what the people have experienced, their heroic labors and exploits.

For a long time, our compatriots have been proud of the greatness and beauty of the Motherland. N.V. Gogol was amazed at its immensity: “... thought goes numb before your space.” And I.S. Nikitin, captivated by her beauty, wrote:

Wide are you, Rus',

Across the face of the earth

In royal beauty

Turned around.

But they love their Motherland and are proud of it not only because it is always great, lofty and beautiful everywhere, always and in everything.

They are a hundred times more proud of the enormity of what the Fatherland and the people have experienced.

Let's take a look at the map of our Motherland. It took many centuries to populate, develop, and protect it from external enemies. We know that many enemies were haunted by the endless distances, many tried to desecrate the royal beauty, seize untold riches, and kill the Russian soul.

And how many lightning bolts struck your chest.

More than once bursting into your house, insolent,

The enemies shouted: “It’s finished with Russia!”

And they recognized your, Russia, anger.

1 page

Here Minin and Pozharsky are still alive.

2 led. At first, the steppe people constantly violated the borders of our Motherland. The appanage princes tried to defeat them one by one. In 1185, Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky made a campaign against the Polovtsians, the Russian squad fought bravely:

...there was a lack of bloody wine here,

here the brave Russians finished the feast:

They gave the matchmakers a drink and they themselves died

for the Russian land.

“Isn’t it your brave squad that roars like aurochs wounded by hot sabers in an unrecognizable field? Step, princes, into golden stirrups for the insult of our time, for the Russian land for the wounds of Igor, the brave Svyatoslavovich.”

Igor's defeat is not a defeat for Rus', but only the beginning of a great battle with the enemy - victory will for the Russians, but subject to their unification. Just a few years later, the united Russian squads defeated the Polovtsians. (Display of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov)

3 ved. Do not forget the descendants of the invasion of the Swedes and German knights - the crusaders. The Neva Battle with the Swedes in 1240 showed: Rus' is alive. In April 1242, a battle broke out again on Lake Peipsi - Battle on the Ice. The Germans “being proud” boasted not only of defeating the army of Prince Alexander Nevsky, but also of taking him with their hands. But instead they found their death at the bottom of Lake Peipsi. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” (Display of the painting “Battle on the Ice”)
4 ved. For more than two and a half centuries, the Tatar-Mongols trampled and devastated our lands like locusts. In the 1370s, Prince Dmitry devoted all his efforts to uniting Russian lands to fight the Golden Horde.

"And sent out Grand Duke“all over the Russian land there were disputable messengers with their letters. And the princes of Belozersky, the prince of Kargopol and the princes of Andoma came to him. The Yaroslavl princes came with their forces and the princes of Ustyug and other princes and governors with many forces” and an army gathered, ready to die for Rus'; on September 7, 1380, the united Russian regiments led by Prince Dmitry proved to the “damned Sygoyaders” that their lasso would not hang forever over the Russian heads, that they will never be the masters of Russian lands.

5 ved. Ivan ΙΙΙ became worthy of his ancestor. He vowed to “stand strong for our piety” Orthodox faith and harrow your fatherland.” He kept his oath. It was he who completed the collection of Russian lands, and in 1480, after the troops of Ivan ΙΙΙ and Khan Akhmat “stood” on the banks of the Ugra River, all the people “rejoiced.” Rus' became free. (Display of the painting “Standing of the troops of Ivan ΙΙΙ and Khan Akhmat on the Ugra River)
6 ved. In Russia, the “arrogant army of Poles” met its obstacle; we will tell you about this time in more detail, since it has direct relation for the holiday of National Unity Day.

The beginning of the 17th century is characterized as Time of Troubles. Ivan ΙV the Terrible Vasilievich. After his reign, Ivan the Terrible left a decline in the economy, the desolation of many lands, and the escape of peasants.

After the death of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ivanovich became tsar, and full power belonged to Boris Godunov, his wife’s brother. Fedor was childless. And the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Dmitry, died due to unclear circumstances. Boris Godunov became Tsar. The first years of his reign were marked by a terrible famine that killed a third of the population. 127 thousand people were buried in mass graves in Moscow alone. At this time, from the Chudov Monastery through Lithuania to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, i.e. Grishka Otrepyev escapes to Poland and pretends to be the escaped Tsarevich Dmitry. Known as False Dmitry II. Boris Godunov dies, his son and wife are killed by the people of False Dmitry II. In May 1605 he solemnly entered Moscow. Muscovites were dissatisfied with his rule and his marriage to Marina Mnishek. Moscow rebelled, a few days after the magnificent wedding (May 17, 1606). False Dmitry tried to escape, jumped from a 20-meter height, broke his leg, and was killed. He was buried under the Serpukhov gate, then his corpse was dug up, burned, the ashes were mixed with gunpowder and fired from the Tsar Cannon. Vasily Shuisky became king. At this time, False Dmitry ΙΙ (Tushino thief) appeared in Tushino, who also soon escaped in a cart with manure. He was caught and killed in Kaluga in 1610.

After him, another False Dmitry ΙΙΙ appeared in Ivangorod, his real name was either Sidorka or Matyushka, a Moscow clerk. In 1611 he captured Pskov and committed reckless arbitrariness, debauchery, and violence. In May 1612 he escaped, was caught, taken to Moscow and executed.

And in Moscow at that time the Poles were in charge. To liberate Moscow and expel the invaders from Russian borders, zemstvo militias began to form throughout the country. The Second Militia was headed by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. Minin addressed the people with the words: “Kupno for one!... (Together for one”) Let’s give all our bellies...” He himself gave away his savings, a third of his fortune, his wife - jewelry. With this single good deed, the liberation of Russia from the Swedes and Poles began. There has never been such a nationwide impulse before. Karelians, Mordovians, Tatars, Chuvashs and other nations and nationalities stood up to defend their homeland. Remember the feat of Ivan Susanin.
Reader "Where have you taken us?" - the old Lyakh cried out.

“Where you need it!” - Susanin said.-

Kill, torture! - my grave is here!

But know and strive: I saved Mikhail!

You thought you found a traitor in me:

They are not and will not be on Russian land!

In it, everyone loves the Fatherland from infancy

And he will not destroy his soul by betrayal.”

"The villain! - the enemies shouted, boiling, -

You will die under swords!” - “Your anger is not afraid!

He who is Russian at heart is cheerful and courageous

And joyfully dies for a just cause!

Neither execution nor death and I am not afraid:

Without flinching, I will die for the Tsar and for Rus'!”

On October 26, 1612, the Polish garrison surrendered, and on the 27th the Russian army solemnly entered the devastated capital.

In 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected Tsar and the 300-year reign of the Romanov Dynasty began, until 1917. And the turmoil continued. And only in 1618 the exhausted country received a respite.

Ved. Kuzma Minich Minin (year of birth unknown) Nizhny Novgorod townsman, zemstvo elder, sold meat. During the years of troubles he became the initiator of the second militia. He took into account the experience of the first militia and began by collecting money, donating a third of his own fortune for the good of his homeland. He obtained the consent of Pozharsky, who had not yet recovered from a serious wound, to lead the militia, and he himself took up organizational issues. Fought near Moscow. Later he became a member of the zemstvo government. The new king granted him noble title. Died in 1616.
Ved. Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky is a prince, a representative of the Nizhny Novgorod nobles. Born in 1578. For the first time, Pozharsky’s talent as a commander manifested itself in the battle of the village of Vysokoye in 1608, as a result of which the Poles could not capture Moscow. In 1610 he led the defense of Zaraysk from the Poles. When a militia began to form in Nizhny Novgorod, he led its march to Moscow in 1612. In fact, at this time he was the head of state. From 1615 to 1618 he fought several times, and then was sent into “honorable exile as a governor in Mozhaisk.” Died in 1642.

It was after the liberation of Moscow in the fall of 1612 that the revival of society and the establishment of order began. There was no repression, revenge, settling of scores, extortion, or bloodshed.

Grateful descendants erected a monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in 1818. This was the first sculptural monument. (Display of portraits, paintings and images of the monument)
Ved. Another heroic page in our history - Patriotic War 1812. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte managed to reach the very heart of our homeland, Moscow. But …
Reader. Moscow... so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!
Here, surrounded by his own oak grove,

Petrovsky Castle. He's gloomy

Recent proud of fame.

Napoleon waited in vain

Intoxicated with the last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head.

Not a holiday, not a receiving gift,

She was preparing a fire

To the impatient hero.

Set aside, deep in thought

He looked at the menacing flame. A.S. Pushkin.

The whole people stood up to fight the French: old people, women, children. The war sharpened the feeling among the Russian people national pride and love for the Motherland. “The peasants resignedly joined the ranks of the militia, the nobles took up arms, the merchants donated a tenth of their income,” wrote A.I. Herzen. “Every village turned into either a fire or a fortress as we approached,” recalled a participant in Napoleon’s campaign.

Napoleon, who experienced only “precarious happiness,” had to get away from Moscow and later find his inglorious end on the island of St. Helena. (Display of Pryanishnikov’s painting “In 1812”)

Song "Borodino" lyrics by M. Lermontov, folk music.

2 page

Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity.
Ved. The summer of 1941 was supposed to bring a rich harvest, but it brought blood, ashes, and destruction:

In the forty-first memorable year

From the nest of fascist Berlin

Bad luck for all people

An iron avalanche rushed.

“Drang, nah Osten” - Forward to the East... but the invaders from the Volga, as we say, did not have to drink water. “Defense of the Motherland is defense of one’s dignity,” said Nicholas Roerich. Humanity does not remember many examples when the entire people, young and old, stood up with arms in hand to defend their fatherland. He fought at the front and behind the front line, clinging to every hillock, every piece of his native land, abundantly watering it with his own and the enemy’s blood.

Reader. But then on the greedy enemy

The fields and meadows are up in arms,

Even the adonis got angry,

The tree even shot after

At night the partisans raided the bushes

And the bridges flew up like chips,

Grandfathers and fathers walked from the churchyard,

The bullets were supplied by the dead

And, shaggy like clouds,

Centuries went into hand-to-hand combat.

The heart hardened to the ground,

And the soldiers walked, and walked, and walked,

Dark ore was coming from the Urals,

The iron herds walked, thundering.

There was a dense forest in the Smolensk region,

A thin, jagged ax walked,

Empty, dim fields walked,

There was a big Russian land.

Ilya Erenburg.
Reader. "No! - we told the fascists -

Our people will not tolerate

So that Russian bread is fragrant

Called by the word "brot"

And from sea to sea

The Russian regiments stood up.

We stood united with the Russians

Belarusians, Latvians.

People of free Ukraine,

Both Armenians and Georgians,

Moldovans, Chuvashs,

All Soviet peoples

Against a common enemy

Everyone who loves freedom,

And Russia is expensive!

S. Mikhalkov.

Reader. House! We all understand this word

In any of our languages.

We came from different divisions,

Here is a Latvian - he defended Moscow,

Dark-skinned native of Kutaisi,

The Russian who treated me to makhorka,

A Belarusian and a Ukrainian are nearby,

The Siberian who came from Stalingrad,

And the Estonian... We came for that

So that happiness smiles on everyone.

Reader. The cannonade does not stop in the morning.

So day after day, so many, many days,

The enemies want in the place of Leningrad

Leave piles of sawdust and stones...
But we are a wall from earth to sky,

Everyone stood up and defended the light.

And Ladoga and distant Onega

We heard a standing voice: “No.”

No, we will not surrender the city of Russian glory

And we will protect you from earth to sky,

Its majestic gardens and parks,

We will not give our shrines to our enemies!...

We will not give up the endless blue fields,

Where we have won and will win,

We will not give up beautiful Russia,

We won't give it up!

A. Prokhorov.

Reader. From the endless plain


To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up,

Our great, mighty people.

He came out, free and right,

Responding war to war,

Stand up for your native country,

For our mighty country.

Crushing iron and stone,

He mercilessly struck down the enemy,

Victory banner over Berlin -

He hoisted the banner of his truth.

Reader. The old people were returning home

And very young fathers -

Muscovites, Leningraders, Donetsk...

The Siberians were returning -

Both hunters and fishermen,

And drivers of complex cars,

And the rulers of peaceful valleys, -

Have you returned?

He walked forward

Walked forward

Winner people!

A. Martynov

Reader. Our people are immortal.

There is no such thing in the world as free Russia,

Our colors are brighter and stronger than the rocks,

Our Russian, our eternal, our proud people!

He endured the invasion of Batu's hordes,

Broke every link of the shackles,

He created Russia, he raised Russia

To the stars, to the highest, to the crests of centuries.

And only to the fascist ober - the wolf.

To think such a thing, to dare such a thing...

Don't tell tales and don't sing songs!

It contains years of celebration and centuries of effort,

And only bloody enemies cannot understand

That Russia is eternal, Russia is immortal,

It cannot be taken away from the world.

So multiply their graves everywhere in the expanse,

No, you’re lying, if you don’t kill us, we’ll kill ourselves,

Our people are immortal, great and free,

Russia is immortal, we sing its glory.

Performance of the song “I love you, Russia” music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by M. Nozhkin.
I love you, Russia, our dear Rus',

Unspent strength, unsolved sadness.

You are immense in scope,

there is no end to anything for you

You have been incomprehensible to strangers for centuries

to the sages.

How many times were you tortured:

to be Russia or not to be

How many times have they tried to kill your Russian soul?

But I know you cannot be broken or intimidated.

You are my dear homeland, our dear mother.

3 page
Mordovians and Russians have intertwined roots

Ved. Friendship and mutual understanding are a great blessing in relations between people and nations. The centuries-old desire of the Mordovian people to live in peace and harmony with other peoples, as an oath to the “Russians”, was already reflected in the “legends of deep antiquity” - heroic tales about the hero Siyazhar, who defended Rus' and native land from common enemies.

We will always go side by side with you,

Through stormy rivers - you and I,

Through the raging fire - we are with you,

As one, shoulder to shoulder, we are with you.

More than 500 years ago he expressed a desire to voluntarily join the Russian state, to unite your fate with the fate of the Russian people. Each of them has their own language, their own traditions, their own writing, their own poetic colors, but they are united by one common feeling, the feeling of “one family.”

So that people walk the same road,

Preserved the peace of our native land,

So that the words ring with songs -

The Mordovians became related to the Russians.
Reader. Among the Mordovians and Russians

the roots are intertwined -

Their memory is deep

friendship is great:

Hordes of Nogais

we beat together,

Together, the oppression of tsarism crushed us for centuries.

We walked with the Russian giant

Under a happy star -

Red star.

We stood to the death

In a terrible time - they fought, fought

with the black plague.

Mother Russia

from time immemorial with the Mordovians

True protection

we have always had

And together today

by one will

We plow the land, we sow,

we build cities

All flesh and blood

We are in you, Russia,

That's why happiness

found in life.

It will be richer

it will be beautiful too

Sunny tomorrow

near their native land.

Vitaly Yushkin.

Reader. Psiste syvordak braton kedy

Thank you aunt, dear master,

These mon break - azor,

Loman lomanne a vergiz –

Dream Paro Yalga, Ruz, Kyrgyz,

Chuvash, Erzya or Kazakh -

Martos ve so ekshs ozak.

Vastomsto pshkad tenst: “Shumbrat.”

Sonst yutkso ulyat, when brother,

Yalgakschint kis maksyk ohimet,

Maile a savi janksems aunt.

Psiste syvordak braton ked –

Dy tate sedeiste sedeis sedi.

Pavel Lyubaev.

Reader. Brotherhood (translation)

Thank you, dear land

That I am now your master,

What is a person to a person?

Not a wolf, but best friend forever.

What are these times like?

Peoples and tribes merged

In one union of working people,

A bright star shines for them,

Now you,

Russian Il Mordvin –

Come sit at the table alone

I am now a brother to all peoples,

And I tell everyone: -

Our path is the same.

Our motto is simple:

Heart to Heart -

light bridge.

I ring with all my soul,

my land

Give it for eternal friendship.

Pavel Lyubaev.

Reader. Dear land, you are so rich

With the glow of dawn and the ringing of birches!

Here in the meadows there is laughter and conversation,

And round dances of colorful girls,

Both Russian dialect and Mordovian dialect

They sound like one melody.

I share happiness, Russian brother, with you,

And we are not familiar with melancholy and sadness.

After all, for centuries, living by one destiny,

Rus' became related to the Mordovians and the Chud.

Dear land, you are so rich

The shine of dawn and the ringing of birches!

Here I call the Russian brother,

After all, I was born and grew up with him.

Maxim Beban.
Staged poem "Two Ivans"

Through the rain and through the storms

In the middle of a great war

We walked west, two Ivans -

Mother of one son.
Both are strong, both are strong,

There is a poppy blush on the cheeks.

They shared equally

Bread, and water, and tobacco.

The path was difficult

The path was long, an endless hurricane.

There was only Ivan Mordvin,

The other Ivan was Russian.

The fire howled

Bullets whistled.

On the brink of disaster.

They drank from the Dnieper

Black ice water.
Evenings at rest

Under a two-row accordion

Two Ivans sang

About the stove and fire.

And then attack again,

Death is everywhere you look.

Defenseless and harsh

My heart melted in my chest.

In hatred and sadness

Two Ivans - the salt of the earth -

This is how they helped each other out

That they didn’t take care of themselves.

Once upon a time the battle lasted

A day in smoky, bitter darkness.

But the next morning it was confirmed

Our banner is on the hill.

The world has barely woken up

Enchanted by the silence

How Ivan the Mordvin swayed,

Crazy wounded by a bullet.

And he fell.

To him


Russian “Vanyushka, what’s wrong with you?!”

And Ivan is a Mordvin whiter than chalk:

Mordvin "In his last battle"

I fought the way I needed to...

There’s no point in taking me to the medical battalion.”

Russian “Death is unarmed before friendship -

That's what people say."

Russian Vanya answers

And he carries him to the medical battalion.

Russian “Soon you’ll be next to me again.”

Mordvin “No, it’s in vain, brother”

Russian “No, my friend, it’s not in vain -

You're just a little bit hurt

Long - long

Red – red

The trail behind the fighters continued.

He was reaching straight for the sun

Young as hell

To the medical battalion window,

Where they drink living water,

Where any wound is treated,

Where medicines don't taste bitter

Where is immortality for Ivan

It will be handed to you upon arrival.

Russian Vanya,

Knowing this

He carried his friend there quickly...

Suddenly the planet shook,

Time moved faster.

And two obelisks rose

Full height -

Neither give nor take,

Somewhere near,

Somewhere close

It's a pity that you can't always see it.

Pavel Lyubaev.

In the late 80s and early 90s, our republic also went through troubled times.

In 1995, a new Constitution was adopted. For ten years now, the Republic of Mordovia has been walking along the path of reconciliation, harmony and creation.
Reader. In the Mordovian region, where the grain is noisy,

Where the birch trees rustle with their earrings,

My Russian brother says “Shumbrat” to me

What does “Hello” mean in Mordovian.

And, smiling, he invites you to visit again,

Oh, let your faces always shine with happiness!

And the blue sky will be peaceful.

We end this page with the words of N.I. Merkushkina

We are together, together we walk the path of creation!

We believe in your future, our Mordovia!

For we believe in the future of our great Russia!

4 page

Through labor we create the might of the Fatherland.
Ved Yes, the path of our Motherland is great, and the burden is not light. When the Tatar-Mongol lasso whistled overhead, the noise of feasts rolled through the uluses, when blood was cheaper than wine, when old life was humiliated a hundred times, was burned, ruined, stripped to the ground, another country would have grown old and grey, and would not have been taller than grass, but it flowed, became taller, grew kinder - and again stood on its feet. Our strength is in unity. And why? Who knows?

Students: We know the answer.

1 reader. Labor is the basis, the factor of life,

We break any record with hard work.

Through your labor we are the power of the Fatherland

And we take all the records.

G.G. Chavanidze.

2 reader. Bye space

The planet is spinning

On her, smelling of the sun,

there will never be a day

so that there is no dawn,

There won't be a day without work!

1 reader. This is how it was in our fleeting life

in a victorious roar

copper pipes

instead of war -

Great and Patriotic -


and Domestic
2 reader. Own country,

healing your destiny,

didn’t save up strength in reserve

And it didn't save us

no miracle.

What saved you?

Yes, he was the only one who saved -

Great and Patriotic.


Multiplied by thousands


Let it be slow

May it be impossible for a long time,

but the holiday is ours

rose from the ruins!

1 reader. On construction sites,

on the fields,

and on the roads

in the metropolitan hubbub,

in the villages of the deaf,

on the most simple ones,


No need

condescending grimace


"not the right size"

After all, there is not only

BAM and Kam Azy-

there is an inescapable

common labor


2 reader. Great

from great effort,

ascended over the country

your wing!


For in it

and peoples

her equals!

R. Rozhdestvensky.

A song about friendship. A.Eshpay.

5 page

We are united, therefore invincible.

The people have created many proverbs that condemn war and glorify peace, friendship, brotherhood, and unity. We managed to collect more than 70 proverbs. Here are some of them.

Flowers need sun, and people need peace.

The world will change - the stone will crack.

Peace gives bread, but war gives grief.

Peace is happiness for the people.

Where there is agreement, there is strength.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

Take it together, it won't be too heavy.

There is safety in numbers.

You can't tie a knot with one hand.

One bee will make a little honey.

Where there is unity, there is agreement.
Reader. We are Tatars


Ossetians and Tuvans,

Kabardians and Maris,

Kalmyks, Bashkirs, Komi -

With whom we know each other so well,

And we are happy to see each other!

We are Karelians and Buryats,

And the Yakuts and the Udmurts...

We are Chechens, Dagestanis,

Russian Federation envoys.

Readers. What are we?

  1. What is “we”

  2. We are from the vast forests,

  3. We are from the darkness of the siege.

  4. We are from burned poems,

  5. From low huts,

  6. From the omnipotence of song,

  7. We are from immortality,

  8. From your flesh

  1. We are from leaden rods
They fell into the snow with a running start,

  1. But - they rose in height,
Sounds like victory!

  1. We, the continuation of the day,
They walked hard and powerfully...

1,3,5,7. You can kill me

All. It is impossible to kill us!

R. Rozhdestvensky.

Song "If only the boys of the whole earth." In Soloviev-Sedoy.

Reader. I shun strangers and strangers

Swamps, bogs and soft fords,

Shining with the rainbow of friendship

I want the unity of peoples.

It stands up like that!

It breathes with such breath!

Strike with thunder into the core -

And you will hear another thunder in the mountains.
It’s not a language, not just sounds,

There are no words for wandering ice floes,

You can hear labor, and sweat, and torment in them -

A living union of a single family.

Pavlo Tychyna.

Reader. The one who strives for friendship,

will find our friendship,

The one who strives for truth

He will find our truth

The one who strives for song,

He will find our song.

But who sows the wind?

Above the world

Both day and night,

Conquering obstacles

Sound victorious!

They won't detain you

There are posts on the borders,

Through thorns and ditches

You're breaking through!

Maxim Tank.
Song “Anthem of Democratic Youth” by A.G. Novikov, L. Oshanin.
Reader with a globe.

This ball flying by

Stars, comets and space routes,

It's called peace for a reason,

It is revered by the world among us.

Peace is the high title of the planet,

A path directed into infinity,

Ruthless Rocket Pencils

He won't dare cross it out.

To the whole planet and dear homeland

We will be faithful with the highest fidelity,

If, as they say, the whole world

We will protect the earth from war.

E. Dolmatovsky.

Reader. Fly, larks, fly -

Hurry from edge to edge in the morning,

Fly, ring - tell everyone

a message of hope, peace, goodness:

Sun and brotherhood! Sun and happiness! –

Our call sounds over the entire earth, -

Create happiness for all people!

Every nation has a homeland -

How many peoples, so many fatherlands.

But our common homeland is the Planet,

And our common wealth is life,

Our planet hurts like a heart,

But we believe: she must be healed -

Will become the Planet of happiness and light

For all time, for all time

Aliyev phase.

Song How to sing about this land

Above the high dawns,

With the lilac wind of the south,

With the azure sky of the south.

With what is saturated in the heart,

And we won't part forever

Over the gray Kuril Islands

The day begins again.

Light and joy to you,

Peace and prosperity,

True friends, good

Sunny days in fate.

I wish you, my land,

I wish you, my land,

High clear sky

And I wish you happiness.

Congratulations on the holiday.
Russian anthem.

The song “My Motherland” sounds (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov)

I you he she

Together - a whole country

Together - a friendly family.

There are one hundred thousand “I”s in the word “we”

Big-eyed, mischievous,

Black, red, and linen,

Friendly and cheerful

In cities and villages.

Participants and spectators get up and leave to the tune of this song.

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