Elena Ishcheeva personal life. Elena Ishcheeva - a stern mother and friend of the “night wolves”

Accelerating to a speed of about 300 km/h, the host of “Domino Principle” Elena Ishcheeva hit a man. Seeing the bleeding guy sprawled on the asphalt, she decided to flee the scene.

To begin with, a little background. As you know (Ishcheeva herself has talked about this more than once in her interviews), Lena is fond of a very extreme and forbidden sport - Street Racing. From time to time they gather on their own expensive cars somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow, they place bets on who will complete the distance faster, designate a finishing point (usually the opposite part of the city) and set off. Whoever covered the distance faster gets the money.

“This is a real headache for traffic police officers,” Vladimir Kozhin, deputy head of the 11th traffic police department of the traffic police, told our correspondent. – Naturally, we try to catch these racers, which is extremely rare. As a rule, they have powerful cars that are simply impossible to keep up with; they drive without following traffic rules, often creating emergency situations... If someone is detained, it is only thanks to video cameras, which sometimes record license plates of those speeding by at a speed of up to 300 kilometers per car hour...

Last fall, many automobile magazines reported that the TV presenter bought herself a brand new BMW 5 Series and immediately converted it into a racing car. To be fair, it is worth noting that for a long time Ishcheeva managed to avoid meetings with traffic cops. She was most likely just unlucky that night...

“As the investigation department established, the car driven by Ishcheeva was moving along Mira Avenue at 3:20 a.m.,” explains Vladimir Kozhin. – Around this time, he drove under the overpass at house No. 146, drove along it... At the exit from the tunnel at house No. 190 there is a very difficult road junction. At this point, the four lanes leading from the overpass merge with the road running parallel to it. It was in this place that the victim Andrei Kurakin, born in 72, crossed the road...

When a man's figure appeared in the path of a black BMW, its driver slammed on the brakes. There was a terrible screeching and grinding sound. The car literally spun on the empty highway, as if on ice. Alas, the collision could not be avoided - the blow fell right side fender of the car. Young man was thrown to the side and fell near the dividing strip.

“An external surveillance video camera installed at the exit from the overpass recorded that a blonde woman got out of a stopped car,” continues Kozhin. “She looked around and... was in no hurry to provide first aid to the victim. On the contrary, she got back into the car and drove away. Fortunately, the BMW license plates are clearly visible on the film.

“I just saw the car and this man driving away at high speed,” recalls Marat Gureev, a taxi driver who was the first to report the incident to the police. “I stopped and ran up to him. His face was bleeding and he was shaking all over. “Man, is he alive?” – I asked. He nodded... So I practically held him in my arms until the traffic cops and doctors arrived. I can tell that he was not drunk. Why did he cross the street there, and not through an underground passage... He probably thought that there were no cars on the roads at this late hour, so he took the risk of running across...

The ambulance took the victim to City Clinical Hospital No. 40, where he was literally pulled out of the other world.

“If he had not received help in time, it is unknown how all this would have ended,” says resuscitator Mikhail Paperno. – Kurakin had multiple fractures of both arms and legs, a traumatic brain injury, a broken jaw, a ruptured spleen, and internal bleeding. The patient was admitted to us in a comatose state. I was immediately sent to the operating room, then to the intensive care unit. On this moment His condition is stable, let's hope that the patient will soon get back on his feet.

And what about Elena Ishcheeva? As they told us at the 11th traffic police department of the traffic police, she was arrested the very next morning. Using the BMW license plates, they identified its owner, her residential address, and representatives of the traffic police investigation department and a local police officer came to her home. The TV star was taken to the police station, where she had to write an explanatory note...

“Ishcheeva immediately confessed to what had happened, and the proof was under the windows of her apartment - a car with a dented right wing,” says Vladimir Kozhin. “She explained that she fled the scene because she was scared and didn’t know what to do... In accordance with the law, the star’s car was confiscated for a parking fine - until the trial (which will take place as soon as Kurakin gets back on his feet). Her driver’s license was also confiscated and she was warned that she would have to pay a fine (its amount will be determined by the traffic police review group, which will meet in last days May).

Unfortunately, we were not able to talk with Andrei Kurakin - doctors prohibit both journalists and Ishcheeva’s lawyer from communicating with him (we have information that representatives of the celebrity have already tried to talk to him - presumably, they wanted to offer the guy a certain amount of money to hush up the matter ). But Andrei’s mother, Valentina Kurakina, willingly agreed to talk with us.

“I understand that now everyone is on Ishcheeva’s side, everyone will defend her, but I want to say that we will stand to the last and will go to all courts,” says Valentina Semyonovna. – When Andryusha comes to his senses, we will discuss with him how to act. And there can be no forgiveness. Since she's buying one for herself expensive car and creates such chaos on the streets of the city that even the traffic police is not a decree for her, then let her be responsible for her actions... This is some kind of woman-death!

We contacted Elena Ishcheeva by phone. The TV star refused to talk about what happened.

Hanga and Ishcheeva fight over money

The two hosts of "The Domino Principle", two Elenas - Hanga and Ishcheeva - smile at each other only in front of the camera. And when they meet in the corridors of Ostankino, they either defiantly turn away, or with faces twisted with anger, mutter insults through clenched teeth. From the inner circle of the two TV personalities, the newspaper "Life" learned that the scandal broke out over money.

It all started with the fact that Elena Hanga went to to CEO NTV Nikolai Yuryevich Senkevich (son of the famous journalist and traveler) and demanded an increase in salary. Hanga was not happy with the fact that she (a TV star with a lot of experience) and “the girl from Good Morning! "" (meaning Ishcheeva) they get the same amount - eight thousand dollars. Senkevich accepted the arguments and almost doubled Khanga’s salary ($15 thousand), leaving Ishcheeva’s remuneration the same. Hanga’s double fee for her colleague did not remain a secret for long, and, seething with indignation, Ishcheeva went to the same Senkevich. Lena’s arguments were as follows: “We do the same work, so why does Hanga get twice as much?” Nikolai Yuryevich listened to the visitor attentively and politely sent her away. And immediately informed about this conversation general producer NTV Kirill Nabutov. And the latter scolded Ishcheeva like a girl: they say, who allowed her to contact the general director over the head of her immediate superior, that is, his, Nabutov’s, head? ! And what kind of amateur activity is this anyway? ! And he added that after such self-will, she could not count on anything at all.

From that day on, Elena became bitter enemies. Mutual friends and colleagues repeatedly tried to reconcile the women, but to no avail. As soon as the ladies met in an informal setting, Hanga immediately called Ishcheeva a snitch, and Ishcheeva Hanga a grabber and selfish. When it became clear that reconciliation was impossible, the management, fearing that one day the ladies would simply disrupt the filming schedule due to enmity, demanded that Ishcheeva write a letter of resignation for at will with an open date. The “dominos” themselves refused to comment on the conflict.

Personal life Elena Ishcheeva: husband, children, photo

Elena Ishcheeva was never a born humanitarian; an invaluable contribution to her life and development as a person was made by her grandfathers, who were Air Force colonels.
At the age of six, Elena began doing rhythmic gymnastics. Daily training on the other side of Moscow led her to the title of Master of Sports in the USSR (1988). Elena admits that it was gymnastics that strengthened her spirit and character. After school, Elena Ishcheeva enters evening studies at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. She managed to successfully combine her studies and work as a courier in the editorial office of the USSR State Broadcasting. Only two years later, Elena receives the position of correspondent for the Smena radio station. Professional biography of Ishcheeva.

After graduating from the university with honors in 1996, Elena was invited to the ORT channel as the host of the Teleutro program. From this moment it begins television career. But despite all the twists and turns of fate, permanent employment and business trips, Elena meets entrepreneur Philip Ilyin, who later becomes her husband. Elena Ishcheeva and her husband Philip Ilyin-Adaev have been happily married for many years. Elena Ishcheeva, daughter Agatha and son Daniil created a strong support for Philip. A complete harmonious family is a role model for many couples in our country. In his autobiographical book, she tells how she managed to create such a cozy and warm family hearth.

Elena Ishcheeva and her children form a harmoniously developing trio. Elena assures that it is not she, but the children who teach her to look at the world with different eyes and perceive it in all its glory. Quote: “After I left the world of television, I managed to become a reliable partner and friend to my husband. We support each other in all issues and projects.”

A famous TV presenter dreams of becoming a housewife

She passed long way from courier to super popular presenter. There is a lot of talk and debate about it. And just recently Elena ISCHEEVA was the face of the Domashny channel, and today she works for information portal, where he hosts video news and several educational columns.

— Why did you choose the profession of journalist?
— It all started when I was fifteen, when I came to work at the Smena radio station. There I quickly rose from courier to special correspondent. And already at university I realized that I was fascinated by television. At that moment there were strengths, desires, a lot of new ideas. And I already knew how to edit, knew how to work with sound, and put together the reports myself. Therefore, when the opportunity came to try myself on TV, I very easily fell into the rhythm.
— And we immediately hit the first button!
- Yes. It turned out like this. A friend gave me the phone number I needed. I called the morning program director and said I wanted to try it. And they gave me a chance. Why? I said into the phone what all managers fall for: “I have work experience. I worked on the radio for six years as both a special correspondent and a presenter.”
— Which other of your classmates achieved success?
- It’s just me and him on the course. Olga Kokorekina achieved something. And the rest left the profession. Although, maybe they work in newspaper journalism, I just haven’t heard anything about them. Now it has become tougher and more pragmatic. To get a decent job, you need a call from the right person.

Paradise place

— Many TV viewers know you exclusively thanks to the “Domino Principle” program, which you hosted with Elena Hanga on NTV. They say that this program was made for your partner?
- I don’t know why they now say that the program was planned in advance for Elena Hanga, Lena was in America then, she gave birth, and I lived in Moscow... Lena - good performer. But no more. I always suggested different moves on the project, but Hanga was silent. I have never seen super-genius ideas from her.
—You weren’t friends?
“I tried to make friends with her, but it didn’t work.” Without friendship, success is impossible. But Lena works with her mind, and I work with my heart. We turned out to be different. At first there was a desire to continue, but one day this desire went away. I realized that I didn’t want to continue either friendship or friendly relations with this person, everything became disgusting to me. And I got up and left. The relationship has become terrible, but I respect myself. Everyone told me: “Where are you going? Are you crazy?!” But I knew that I couldn’t do this anymore! For me, the team and the relationships within it are the most important thing. Many managers considered my departure a challenge. And they didn’t forgive me... They love obedient people on TV. One famous TV presenter She told me that I had to die, but stand. And I retorted to her: “Why wait? Before a heart attack? Looking back, I regard my action as a challenge. But I showed everyone that a person always has a choice.
— How do you view yourself as a professional?
— I haven’t had a single failure, neither on First, nor on NTV, nor on Domashny. I'm a good journalist. Yes, I feel tired. But I try to find time to relax even in the busiest schedule. We are going with my husband and son to heavenly places. For example, I really love the Maldives.

Mani Pedi

—Your son is a schoolboy. Well done on you for deciding to have a baby with such a crazy schedule!
— A child is very important for a family. I admit, I would really like to give birth to a second one. But... Working on TV has a huge impact on your health. Here we pay for our popularity with our health. I have friends who have achieved a lot in life, but did not have time to give birth: they ran too fast, worked hard... You need to be able to combine everything. Only a universal woman - mother, wife, careerist, lover - can be truly happy.
— How important is money to you?
- Of course, money is important. I don't like spending it on any unnecessary junk. One day I set a goal, saved up and bought an apartment. Undoubtedly, like any woman, I need money for manicures and pedicures. But these are minor things. I am not fanatical about money.
— What is the most important thing in your life today?
— Harmony in the family. Love and harmony. I'm tired of running like a horse. I’ll run around a little more and become a quiet housewife. I will live off my husband. I already warned him about this! (Laughs).

* Elena ISCHEEVA born in 1973 in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region.
* Education: Olympic Reserve School "Meteor" (Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics), Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
* Was a TV presenter " Good morning"(ORT) and "The Domino Principle" (NTV).
* In 2007, she published an autobiography, “Life on the Edge of TV.”


Do you know that...

My mother’s father was an honored test pilot who flew strategic bombers into the sky. He was such a gifted pilot that during the war he was not allowed to go to the front and was left to teach. Once, when I was working on the radio, I received a letter from a listener, on the envelope of which was a portrait of a Hero Soviet Union Nikolai Goryainov - my grandfather. I was shocked by this coincidence: the woman did not know that I was his granddaughter, and I did not even think that such envelopes existed.

I used to reproach my mother: “Mom, you deprived me of my childhood! I have nothing to remember!” But now I understand: if my childhood had been easy, I would not be sitting in front of you now, but would be trading somewhere in the clothing market of my native Zhukovsky, and this would be the limit of my dreams.

Appearances are deceptive. You know, when I got a job as a correspondent on television, one of the high television bosses told me: “Girl, your appearance is from the nineteenth century, and your grip is from the twenty-first.” So today is my time.

- Elena, every time I see you in “The Domino Principle”, you are very restrained, serious, positive. The Snow Queen directly…

This is just how Elena Ishcheeva looks when she works. She has tough phrases and a rather demanding look. But if he comes to the studio interesting hero with a sense of humor that improvises, all my, as you said, seriousness disappears. There are such broadcasts when I can’t straighten up from laughing. In addition, whenever a person straightens his back, proudly raises his head and watches his posture, many people think that he is arrogant. I just don't want to give in to problems. If one day I start dragging my leg, people just won’t want to look at it. This is television, not a bazaar station.

- Aren’t you like that outside the studio?

I'm completely different. I am far from being the Snow Queen, I am an explosive and sometimes eccentric person. Nobody suspects, but I was friends with the Night Wolves. It's hard to imagine Ishcheeva at back seat a racing Harley. Nobody saw this, but all this happened in my life. I am a party person and a sociable person. Adore leisure, sometimes I like to fool around. I recently spent a day of my time calling all my friends. I have long dreamed of going to a night disco. They told me: “Lena, this is nonsense! How old are you that you’re doing this?!” But I insisted on my own! We danced until four in the morning... My appearance on air - hairstyle, makeup, formal suits, shoes high heels- the work of a stylist and producer. I love sporty style and quite often I don’t wear makeup. Until I want people on the street to recognize me, no one will recognize me.

As the Steel Was Tempered

- As a child, you were a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Was it hard? Still, such loads...

My childhood passed under the motto “This is how the steel was tempered.” When I was not yet 6 years old, my mother sent me to rhythmic gymnastics, in order to strengthen my character. Can you imagine, from the age of 7–8 I actually lived adult life: sports camps, competitions throughout the USSR, training. Athletes already at the age of 15 understand what others only come to at the age of 25. You plunge into the adult world of intrigue.

- Do you regret such a childhood?

I used to reproach my mother: “Mom, you deprived me of my childhood! I have nothing to remember!” But now I understand, if my childhood had been easy, I would not be sitting in front of you now, but would be trading somewhere in the clothing market of my native Zhukovsky, and this would be the limit of my dreams.

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Old Maid Syndrome

- How did you meet your future husband?

We both studied at the Faculty of Journalism: he studied in the daytime, and I studied in the evening. We didn’t communicate, and when we saw each other, I seemed too businesslike and even aggressive to Philip. And he liked quiet, homely girls. I didn't have much interest in him either. Then we flew to Sochi for a symposium of young journalists. We started talking on the plane. I immediately realized that in front of me was an honest and decent person, we look at life the same way. That evening we had our first date, and a year and a half later we got married.

- You got married at twenty-three. Why so early?

Early? It was extremely late for me! I had the syndrome of an unmarried young lady: by that time, all my closest friends had acquired husbands, families, separate housing, and I was still with my parents!

- In the West, people mostly get married after the age of 30, and before that they pursue a career. In Russia it is now legal for people to get married at the age of 14. What age is ideal to start a family?

It doesn't depend on age. Now, excuse me, I’ll say it straight: you need to start a family when you become financially independent from your parents. When you can provide for your family not at the expense of mom and dad, but at the expense of your own salary. Philip and I signed the moment we both received Good work and realized that they were able to feed themselves.

- Many of my friends are not only frightened, but horrified by the prospect of living their lives with one single person. Some people simply don't believe it's possible.

Live? You can live.

- What about loving the same person all your life?

And to love, to love... everything is possible. I was incredibly lucky with my husband; he admitted to me honestly: “I created one and only family, and I will never have another.” I consider Philip the last romantic of a bygone era. It is extremely difficult for me to answer your question unambiguously. You see, I communicate with a huge number of people, I see how destinies are broken, families are destroyed. Therefore, I’m simply afraid to talk about my love openly; I might jinx my happiness. But I know for sure: they don’t refuse the kind of love that my husband gives me.

“I’ll rip anyone’s throat out for the family”

- Do you and your husband go hand in hand?

Yes, we are doing well so far. Moreover, I see the happy eyes of my son. This is something that needs to be fought for. And this has to be done: some newspapers attribute all kinds of novels to me and spread some rumors. In order to preserve what I have, I am ready, without hesitation, to gnaw at anyone’s throat!

- Do you really manage without quarrels?

We quarrel when it begins to seem to me that everything should go my way, everyone should live the way I want. I’m always on edge, I’m always running, and because of this I start making ridiculous claims to my husband. However, Philip is not going to give in to me. I respect him for this.

-Are you a touchy person?

No. I can forgive absolutely everything except meanness and gossip.

"Everyone dreams of becoming a housewife"

- Housewife and careerist - two types modern woman. Who you are?

In principle, every woman dreams in her heart of becoming a prosperous housewife. It’s just that many of us skillfully hide it. I can only become a housewife when I get tired of television. And even then, I can lock myself at home and deal exclusively with household chores for no more than two weeks until interesting idea, which is worth implementing. And if we talk about career women, then yes, undoubtedly, there are families where the wife earns money, and the husband - how indoor plant. But this is definitely not about Philip and me. We walk together, complementing each other. But in any case, both extremes - housewife, careerist - do not suit me. I combine everything within myself. When I live at full strength, I manage to do everything; as soon as I sit down at home and the system crashes, I don’t have time to do anything, not even take my child to kindergarten. I need life at an accelerated pace.

- Do you have enough time to raise your son Danila?

Of course, time is short. It’s very bad that TV presenters sometimes lose their nerve: you control yourself on camera, don’t give free rein to your emotions and sometimes splash out all the negativity with your family. I used to often lose my temper with Danka, but now I’m learning to talk to him like an adult. I want my Danila to be a man. My favorite phrase addressed to him: “Men don’t cry.” Even when he is hurt and offended, I say: “Danya, gather your will into a fist.” I'm raising him like a little knight. I'm a tough mom. He knows that you can’t throw tantrums with me, you can’t get any concessions. I explain everything to him like an adult. Danya already understands: in this life you need to achieve everything yourself.

- The current generation has its own heroes: the guys from the “Brigade”, Danila Bagrov... And who is the heroine?

For me, the heroine of her era was Princess Diana. When she died, I cried. She had a very difficult life: a lot of hidden personal problems, everyone tried to put her in her place. But with what dignity this woman wore her beautiful head! Yes, she was not a saint, but Diana was loved for who she was. This woman fought for her right to live the way she wants. Diana left - and today, it seems to me, her place is not taken by anyone.

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