Dmitrievskaya parent's Saturday. Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday: history of establishment, traditions, prayers

What is Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday?

Parents' Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead. There are several such days a year, they are established by the Orthodox Church. Some of them have fixed dates, and some are counted in connection with moving Orthodox holidays. In order not to get confused about the dates on next year and don’t miss parental Saturdays, follow all the posts and important Christian dates according to the Orthodox calendar for 2017. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is special in that it is actually the last day of remembrance of the dead of the year. As always, in 2016 it will be on November 5th. Moreover, the name and date themselves were not chosen by chance.

Why is parent's Saturday called Dmitrievskaya?

It would be more correct to call it Dmitrovskaya, and it is connected with the events of the distant 14th century. These were the times of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy and the Battle of Kulikovo. Returning after the battle and victory, the prince visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where a funeral service was held for the fallen soldiers and their memory was honored with a public meal. It was these events that became the beginning of the commemoration of the dead on November 8 or the Saturday closest to that day. However, this day is named Demetrius Saturday in honor of the memory of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, and not in honor of the great Russian prince.

Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica

On November 5, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Solon, who, like many other saints, accepted death for the faith of Christ. He was the son of a rich and noble man who secretly professed Christianity and baptized his son. Having accepted a significant post in the state after the death of his father, he began to openly preach Christianity and converted many townspeople to the faith. On this day it is very important to pray for the salvation of your soul. For example, the prayer “I Believe,” which can be read along with others, will have a strong effect.

The Emperor was informed about this and he took Dmitry of Thessalonica into custody. Christians were also arrested and forced to fight in the arena with the emperor's favorite gladiator. Saint Dmitry strengthened the spirit of one of the Christians and he was able to defeat a strong fighter, which greatly angered the emperor. He executed the Christian on the same day, and the next day he sent his soldiers to prison to Saint Demetrius. They found him in prayer and immediately pierced him with spears.

Traditions of Dmitrov Parents' Saturday

On this day, believers visit cemeteries and order prayer services for deceased relatives. On this day the Church honors soldiers who died in the war for the Fatherland. But we can and should commemorate all our deceased loved ones on this day. After all, Dmitrov Saturday is the last memorial day of the year, in contrast to spring parental Saturdays.

They pray to Dmitry of Thessalonica for help with many ailments and diseases. This saint is believed to restore sight. It adds courage and patience, which are simply necessary for many things in life. Warriors also turned to Dmitry Thessalonica before the battle, asking for victory.

Among the people, the autumn marriage season was ending and people began to prepare for the Nativity Fast. The tradition of commemorating the dead at the beginning of November is characteristic not only Eastern Slavs, but also to many other peoples. IN catholic church A few days before this, parents' Saturday also takes place. During this period, the Macedonians and Serbs left bread and water for the dead, and the Croats celebrated the “Day of Souls” in early November.

In addition to praying and going to church, there are always many other very important things to do. You will always learn how to distribute them correctly and attract good luck in. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.11.2016 02:13

Parents' Saturdays are widely known among the people. These days it is customary to go to cemeteries and remember...

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In Orthodoxy there are specially designated days for visiting cemeteries and commemorating the dead. There are only a few of them, so you need to keep a close eye on them and not miss them.

Several parental Saturdays fall during Lent. Demetrius Saturday is dedicated to the memory of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and the feast of the Kazan Mother of God. It often happens that parental Saturdays coincide with their corresponding holidays, so the memorial Saturday may be postponed.

Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday in 2017

In 2017, Dmitrievskaya Saturday falls on November 4, but due to the fact that the day of the Kazan Mother of God is celebrated on this date, Saturday will be moved to 28 of October. This year the rules will not change - churches throughout Russia will commemorate those who died for their country. This is a day of remembrance of deceased heroes and warriors. This parental Saturday is inseparably connected with Dmitry Donskoy and the Battle of Kulikovo.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday requires love for one's neighbor. This is the day when people who have left us are remembered only with love. Some people mistakenly believe that parents' Saturdays are dedicated only to remembering relatives, but this is not so. On October 28, all those who suddenly passed away will be remembered.

Traditions of Dmitrievskaya Saturday

Go to the temple to pray. Be sure to visit the church to confess and light a candle for the repose loved one. If you have the opportunity, visit a cemetery to clean up the gravesites of your deceased relatives.

Read prayers for the dead at home if you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple. Here is one of best prayers:“Our Father, accept God’s servant (name) into your kingdom, forgive sins and all the evil committed during life, because everything is Your holy will. Open the gates of Your Kingdom for all who are worthy of Your forgiveness. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Also on Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday, October 28, you can read the prayer “I Believe” if you feel that you need to repent of your sins. It would be even better to simply visit the temple of God to take communion and confess. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2017 01:40

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The Nativity Fast is a time of spiritual growth and cleansing from sins. Prayers for the beginning of Lent will help...

Saturday before the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessaloniki (October 26, Art.), when the remembrance of the dead is performed, despite the fact that in the liturgical charter this day is not marked as a funeral day. Happy Birthday. With. connected by certain folk traditions, probably rooted in pre-Christ. past.

Autumn commemoration of the dead among non-Slavic peoples

Among the ancient Celts, one of the main holidays of the year was Samhain - the celebration of the end of the warm season. On this day, according to the beliefs of the Celts, the usual barriers between the mortal world and the other world disappeared, so that people could visit the afterlife, and spirits - to come to earth and even interfere in the affairs of mortals. Some people associated with this day important events in Celtic mythology and history. The idea of ​​special closeness to the inhabitants of the other world became the basis for combining Samhain with the commemoration of the dead (see, for example: Shirokova, 2004). Such customs are also known among other peoples of Eurasia. Thus, among the Chuvash, October (yupa) is considered the month of special commemoration of deceased ancestors, the time of holding “yupa irterni,” i.e., wakes (see: Magnitsky, 1881; Denisov, 1959).

In the 8th century in Rome, and from the 9th century. everywhere in the West 1 Nov. began to be celebrated as All Saints' Day. In 994-1048 Abbot of the Cluny Monastery of St. Odilo pinned for 2 Nov. commemoration of all the departed faithful; This tradition became widespread in Lat. Churches. Mn. researchers see in the establishment of these memories an attempt to churchize the pagan traditions of Europe. peoples

D. r. With. in Slavic countries

In Russian manuscripts of D. r. With. rarely mentioned, not noted in translated liturgical books (Typikon, Menaia) and only occasionally indicated in the original Russian. monuments - cathedral Officials and monastic Obikhodniki, reflecting the features of the real liturgical practice of ancient Russia not described in the Typikon. cathedral churches and mon-ray (see: Golubinsky. 1909. Part 1. Note 64).

One of the first mentions of D. r. With. as the day of remembrance of all the dead is contained in a collection of Novgorod origins of the 15th century. (see: Meletius, archim. Historical description stauropegial Solovetsky Monastery. M., 1881. P. 7. No. 10), but the tradition of commemoration on this day is probably much older.

In the monastic Obikhodniki D. r. With. is the day of remembrance of the deceased brethren. So, the dining room of the Trinity Lavra, 1st floor. XVI century orders to offer “monastic food to all the brethren in this monastery of the deceased, and they feed on Saturday on Dmitrovskaya” (Leonid (Kavelin). 1890. Ch. 5), the Charter of the Volokolamsk Monastery of the same time says that “on Saturday on Dmitrovskaya Reverend our father, the ruler of this holy monastery, Abbot Joseph and all the brethren" (RGB. Vol. No. 681. L. 16 vol.). D. r. With. also mentioned in the decree on the meal of the Tikhvin Monastery, written in 1590 (DAI. T. 1. P. 222. No. 135), in the Obikhodnik of the Holy Trinity Lavra of 1645 (RGB. Trinity. No. 249) and in the consolidated Charter of the Holy Trinity and Kirill Belozersky monasteries, beginning. XVII century (GIM. Sin. No. 534; see: Gorsky, Nevostruev. Description. Dept. 3. Part 1. P. 380).

Outside Mont Rey D. r. With. was perceived as a day of funeral prayer for all the faithful departed. Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ordered in D. r. With. “to sing dirges and serve mass in all churches and give general alms and provide food” (Corinthian, 1901, p. 450). In the Official of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral on October 23. contains the following entry 2nd floor. XVII century: “Before the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, on Friday evening there is a pannikhida for all Orthodox Christians” (DRV. T. 10. P. 68). In the Old Believer manuscripts there is a compilation of the Daily Rules and Charters dedicated to D. r. With. with the title: “It is appropriate to know about the Sabbath before the feast of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki” (see: BAN. Druzhin. No. 457, 50-70s of the 18th century; Works of Old Believers writers of the 1st half of the 18th century. St. Petersburg ., 2001. P. 286).

In the 17th century D. r. s., in all likelihood, has not yet been associated with the commemoration of the soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo. So, in the Synodic of the RSL. Trinity No. 818, XVII century, on l. 196-197 the names of the monks of the Trinity Monastery who died in the Battle of Kulikovo are written down, but this commemoration is not linked to D. r. With. The legends about the Battle of Kulikovo also do not contain instructions about the establishment of D. r. With. blgv. book Dimitry Donskoy. Only in the Cyprian edition of “The Tale of Mamaev's massacre", created in mid. XVI century and which has come down to us as part of the Nikon Chronicle, it is narrated that Blgv. The prince turned to St. Sergius with the words: “And so that you may sing in praise and serve mass for all those who were beaten. And so it happened, and you gave alms, and fed the venerable abbot Sergius, and all his brethren” (Tales and stories about the Battle of Kulikovo. L., 1982. P. 71), but even in these words D. r. With. is not associated with the Battle of Kulikovo. It can be assumed that the association of D. r. With. with the commemoration of those who fell on the Kulikovo field appeared only in the 18th or even 19th centuries. There is a known spiritual verse of late origin, published by several collectors of spiritual verses of the 19th century. (see: Bessonov P. A. Kaliki passers-by. M., 1861. Issue 1. No. 156), entitled “Poem about Dimitrov’s parental Saturday, or the Vision of Dimitri Donskoy” (beg.: “On the eve of Dimitrov’s Saturday...” ). The verse describes the vision of the blessed. book Demetrius Donskoy during the Divine Liturgy: the prince sees the Russians fallen on the battlefield. and Tatars. warriors, hears predictions about his death and about the tonsure of the princess as a monk. The verse ends with the words: “And in memory of the wondrous vision, he set Dmitrov Saturday.” Thus, even this verse, which is considered an argument in favor of establishing D. r. With. as the day of remembrance of the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field, interprets D. r. With. otherwise.

St. Filaret of Moscow wrote in a letter to A.N. Muravyov dated November 26. 1845: “I don’t know the decree about Demetrius’ Saturday, except our Russian tradition. Perhaps St. Sergius’s commemoration of those fallen in the Battle of Mamaeva was the beginning of a general commemoration? Memorial Day, perhaps, was determined by the first convenience upon returning from the campaign. Or, perhaps, after the death of Dmitry Donskoy, on the next Saturday near his angel (the usual day of remembrance of the dead in the week, because on this day our Lord abided in the departed) they decided to remember him and his companions, and, like everyone else, it was opportune remember their relatives, then the commemoration became universal” (Letters of Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow, to A. N. Muravyov (1832-1867). K., 1869. S. 167-169). In the 19th century opinion about the connection between D. r. With. with the Battle of Kulikovo it gradually spread and became dominant. Aug 22 1903 was published by imp. decree (TsVed. 1904. No. 6), which prescribes in military units to carry out in D. r. With. memorial services for the deceased soldiers, “for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, who laid down their lives on the battlefield” (Bulgakov. Handbook. 1993. [Part 1]. P. 428). According to the statements of some contemporaries, even before the publication of this decree, “the Russian army honored the memory of all those who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo” in D. r. With. (see: Galkin. 1909). On the establishment of blgv. book Dimitri D. b. With. is said in a number of teaching aids XIX-XX centuries in liturgics. Nevertheless, already at the beginning. XX century E. E. Golubinsky based on evidence from the Middle Ages. rus. monuments pointed to a different origin of D. r. With. in the works of “St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Trinity Lavra created by him" and "History of the Russian Church".

In Rus', among the people, D. r. With. (other name - Grandfather's Saturday) was considered one of the main memorial days, which is probably associated with paganism, when mid-autumn, like spring, was one of the most important moments annual cycle. Both spring and autumn had great importance for the cult of ancestors, reflected in folk traditions and rituals on D. R. With. V.I. Chicherov clarifies that D. r. With. was also associated with “feeding” mother earth (Chicherov, 1957). In Rus', traditionally in D. r. With. A rich meal was prepared for the funeral; in some places, during the meal, spoons were placed on the table for the dead. In terms of significance, this commemoration is usually placed somewhat lower than the memorial days of springtime (ecumenical funeral Saturdays, etc.).

Happy Birthday. With. Some Russians are connected. proverbs: “The dead in Rus' celebrate Dmitri’s Day - they watch over the living”, “Parents will rest during Grandfather’s Week” (“Grandfather’s Week” is the traditional name of the week before Dmitry’s Day; the proverb refers to the belief that the souls of the departed will receive a rest if there is a thaw in the week before the D. r.), “Popov’s work”, “It is not always Dmitri’s Saturday for the priest’s guys” (these proverbs contain irony about the numerous ordered funeral services and the abundance of offerings to the church in D. r. . With.). During the period between the holiday of the Kazan Icon Mother of God and Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr. Dimitri or D. r. With. We didn’t play weddings to avoid an unfavorable outcome. In the Russian North in D. r. With. They remember suicides and other “uncleanly dead” (drowned people, hanged people - Drannikova, 2002), although Trinity Saturday is called such a special day.

In Belarus, the autumn commemoration of the dead was called “Vosenskiya Dzyady” (autumn grandfathers) or “Dzmitrovka”. On this day, a wake was held; there were traditions of “inviting” the deceased to the table, putting cutlery for them or setting aside some of the food for the dead. During the meal, relatives talked about ancestors, from the ancient to the recently deceased. Funeral meal in D. R. With. was called “dinner for parents” in contrast to the meal on Radonitsa (“dinner for parents”) and on Trinity Saturday (“afternoon tea for parents”). In ancient times in Belarus, the Vosensky dziads were determined not from the memory of the martyrs. Demetrius, and on the Feast of the Intercession - the 3rd Saturday after the Intercession. In 1992, an official was adopted. Day of Remembrance of the Dead - November 2, obviously under the influence of Catholics. traditions. Currently Vosenskaya Dzyady is primarily a day that people spend with their families; visiting the graves of their ancestors is rarely celebrated on this day (Kruk. 2003).

In Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which switched to a new style, the autumn commemoration of the dead began to take place before the day of remembrance of the arch. Michael (in the old days, the Day of Remembrance of the Dead was celebrated before the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius). Such a day may be called “Archangel’s Assassination” (November 8 coincides with the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius according to the Old Art.). In the Serbian Orthodox Church D. r. With. takes place before the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr. Demetrius and is called “Saturday before Mitrovdan” or “Mitrovsk zadushnitsa”.

Charter of worship

V written monuments is extremely rare, usually only the funeral service the day before is mentioned. In Obikhodnik of the 17th century. (RGB. Und. F. 310. No. 149. L. 76) it is prescribed: “And say troparia at the hours and at matins to the saint,” which indicates a service with “God is the Lord.” Thus, according to this Obikhodnik, the commemoration of the dead was limited to a memorial service. In the “Divine Service Instructions” published by the Moscow Patriarchate in the 50s. XX century, on D. r. With. it was determined to perform such a service as on Meat Saturday, which elevated the status of commemoration to ecumenical Saturdays; the same practice is recorded in certain manuals on liturgical regulations. In modern traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church in D. r. With. the funeral service is performed in accordance with Chapter 13. Typicon (about the service with “Alleluia” on Saturday). This charter can formally be applied in many ways. Saturdays of the year, but in practice D. r. With. remained the only day of the year when worship is performed according to this chapter; 2 ecumenical Saturdays and 3 funeral Lenten Saturdays have their own charter, described in Chapter 49. Typikon, and on other Saturdays the service with “Alleluia” is practically not sung anywhere. In case of coincidence D. r. With. with a holiday (for example, October 22, the day of remembrance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God), the commemoration of the dead is transferred to the previous Saturday. In 1895, 1900 and 1906, when D. was born. With. coincided with October 21 - the day of the accession to the throne of the Emperor. Nicholas II, the Holy Synod moved the commemoration to Friday, October 20 - the day of the death of the emperor. Alexandra III.

In the liturgical practice of the Old Believers-bespopovtsy on D. r. With. a service is performed according to the charter of the universal parental Saturday, the observance of the Menaion is canceled, the hymns of the Octoechos and the temple are sung (see, for example: Calendar of the Ancient Orthodox Pomeranian Church for 2006 [M., 2005]. P. 183). If it coincides with the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the funeral service is postponed if the festive service of the Mother of God is performed (see: Calendar of the Ancient Orthodox Pomeranian Church for 2000 [M., 1999]. P. 124). Particular importance is attached to the entire week before the New Year. p., which is called “(Dimitrievskaya) parental week”, no weddings are celebrated on these days (except for D. r.s. such parental weeks are celebrated only before 2 ecumenical Saturdays).

In the liturgical practice of other Old Believer agreements (accepting the priesthood) on D. r. With. a funeral service may be performed according to the chapter of the charter on “Alleluia” on Saturday (see, for example: Ancient Orthodox calendar. Novozybkov, 1995. P. 49).

Lit.: Zabylin M. Russian people: Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry. M., 1880, 1992r; Magnitsky V. TO . Materials for the explanation of the old Chuvash faith. Kaz., 1881; Leonid (Kavelin), archimandrite. Applications // Gorsky A. V., prot. Historical description of the Holy Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. M., 189010; Korinfsky A. A . People's Rus'. M., 1901; Galkin M. Dmitrov Saturday in the Russian army // Aleksandrovets: Zhur. 1909. No. 5(13); Golubinsky E. E. Venerable Sergius of Radonezh and the Trinity Lavra he created. M., 19092; Bulgakov S. V., priest. Handbook for priests and church ministers. Kh., 19133. M., 1993. 2 hours; Chicherov V. AND . Winter period pys. agricultural calendar of the 16th-19th centuries. M., 1957; Vetelev A., prot. Commemoration of the Dead: On the Day of Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday // ZhMP. 1959. No. 12. P. 44-48; Denisov P. IN . Religious beliefs of the Chuvash. Cheboksary, 1959; Rybakov B. A . Paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1981; Afanasy (Sakharov), priest, bishop. On the commemoration of the dead according to the Orthodox Charter. Churches. St. Petersburg, 1995; Nefedov G., prot. Sacraments and rituals Orthodox. Churches. M., 1999; Pankeev I. A . Customs and traditions of Russian. people. M., 1999; Tereshchenko A. IN . Life Russian people. M., 1999. Part 2-3; Levkievskaya E. IN . Myths Russian. people. M., 2000; Drannikova N. IN . Results of the Pinega folklore expedition Oct. 25 - Nov. 2. 2000 // Ecology of culture: Inf. Bulletin Arkhangelsk, 2002. No. 3(28). pp. 106-117; Kruk Ya. Symbols of Belarusian folk culture. Minsk, 2003; Shirokova N. WITH . Myths of the Celtic peoples. M., 2004.

DImitrievskaya parental Saturday was established after the battle on the Kulikovo field. Initially, commemoration was performed for all the soldiers who died in this battle. Gradually, Dimitrievskaya Saturday became a day of funeral commemoration of all deceased Orthodox Christians. It takes place on the coming Saturday before the day of remembrance of St. Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki (October 26 / November 8).

History of establishment

Dimitrievskaya Saturday was established by Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy. Having won the famous victory on the Kulikovo field over Mamai on September 8, 1380, Dimitri Ioannovich, upon returning from the battlefield, visited the Trinity-Sergius monastery. The Monk Sergius of Radonezh, abbot of the monastery, had previously blessed him for the battle with the infidels and gave him two monks from among his brethren - Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Oslyabya. Both monks fell in battle and were buried near the walls of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in the Old Simonov Monastery.

At the Trinity Monastery, the Orthodox soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo were commemorated with a funeral service and a common meal. Over time, a tradition developed to perform such a commemoration annually. More than 250 thousand soldiers who fought for the Fatherland did not return from the Kulikovo field. Along with the joy of victory, the bitterness of loss came to their families, and this private parent’s day became essentially a universal day of remembrance in Rus'.

Since then, on the Saturday before October 26 / November 8 - the day of remembrance of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki (the name day of Demetrius of Donskoy himself) - funeral services were performed everywhere in Rus'. Subsequently, on this day they began to commemorate not only the soldiers who laid down their lives on the battlefield for their faith and Fatherland, but also all deceased Orthodox Christians.


On Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday, they traditionally visit the graves of deceased relatives, requiem services and funeral litias are held in churches and cemeteries, and funeral meals are held.

On this day, like on others parenting days(on Meat and Trinity Saturdays, on Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Lent), Orthodox Christians pray for the repose of the souls of deceased Christians, mainly parents. But Dimitrievskaya Saturday also carries a special meaning: established after the Battle of Kulikovo, it reminds us of all those who died and suffered for the Orthodox faith.

Photo: Anatoly Goryainov Photo: Anatoly Goryainov
If it is not possible to visit a temple or cemetery these days, you can pray for the repose of the deceased in home prayer. In general, the Church commands us not only on special days of remembrance, but every day to pray for deceased parents, relatives, known people and benefactors. For this purpose, among the daily morning prayers The following short prayer is included:

Prayer for the departed

U rest, Lord, to the souls of your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is more convenient to read names from a commemoration book - a small book where the names of living and deceased relatives are written down. There is a pious custom of conducting family memorials, reading which both in home prayer and during church services, Orthodox people remember by name many generations of their deceased ancestors.

Church commemoration on Parents' Saturday

To remember your deceased relatives in church, you need to come to church for a service on Friday evening before parental Saturday. At this time, a great funeral service, or parastas, takes place. All troparia, stichera, chants and parastas readings are dedicated to prayer for the dead. On the morning of the memorial Saturday itself, a funeral service is performed Divine Liturgy, after which a general memorial service is served.

For church commemoration at parastas, separately for the liturgy, parishioners prepare notes commemorating the deceased. In the note, in large, legible handwriting, the names of those commemorated are written in the genitive case (to answer the question “who?”), and the clergy and monastics are mentioned first, indicating the rank and degree of monasticism (for example, Metropolitan John, Schema-Abbot Savva, Archpriest Alexander, nun Rachel, Andrey, Nina). All names must be given in church spelling (for example, Tatiana, Alexy) and in full (Mikhail, Lyubov, and not Misha, Lyuba).

In addition, it is customary to bring food to the temple as a donation. As a rule, bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables, etc. are placed on the canon. You can bring flour for prosphora, Cahors for the liturgy, candles and oil for lamps. You are not allowed to bring meat products or strong alcoholic drinks.

Must be remembered

Prayer for the departed is our main and invaluable help to those who have passed into another world. The deceased, by and large, does not need a coffin, a grave monument, much less a memorial table - all this is just a tribute to traditions, albeit very pious ones. But forever alive soul The deceased feels a great need for constant prayer, because she cannot do good deeds with which she would be able to appease the Lord.

The closest Saturday before the Day of Remembrance of Dmitry of Thessaloniki, which falls on November 8, is called by the Orthodox world as Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. For a long time the date existed, as established by Prince Dmitry Donskoy himself, as a day of remembrance for the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo. However, after some time, all deceased Christians began to be remembered on this Saturday.

Unchangeable attributes Dmitrievskaya Saturday are memorial services and funeral services, visiting the graves of relatives, especially parents, and funeral meals. Believers bring various treats to church for the poor, place candles not at the icons, but on a special table - the eve, at the Crucifixion, and ask in their prayers for blessed repose for their departed relatives.

On Parents' Saturday
Pray for the souls of those
Who left and will not return,
Whose century has already ended.

Celebrate the funeral service
Give honor to all your relatives,
Who's already flying above us?
A glorious unearthly spirit.

After all, they love us very much,
And the memorial is very much awaited.
Us from troubles and misfortunes
They are cherished from the other world.

On Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday,
I’ll go to the temple and light a candle there for the repose of your soul,
For the repose of the souls of dear ones who are no longer with us,
For those whom I cherish so carefully in my memory.

For those who were loved very important,
For those who very rarely visit my dreams,
I ask you, and you are almost more like a memory,
Your dear ancestors, a candle was lit for them.

Let Dmitrievsk Parents' Saturday be a bright day of warm memories and respect for departed loved ones. On this day, let everyone’s heart remember their loved ones, and let their soul pray for their repose.

If you have lost someone,
And they are already in heaven,
Then involuntarily on Dmitrevsk Saturday
Tears appear in the eyes.

Please pray for dear souls,
That have already left our world,
Everyone in the world really needs
Remember those he loved so much.

On this parent's Saturday
Time to remember departed loved ones.
Parents filled with light
Our lives... we remember them like this...

May their souls be at peace,
Let it be easy for them in heaven.
Well, may the Lord not judge us,
May everything be good around you.

Today is Saturday
But not at all the same as always.
I want to remind you today,
That she was named her parent forever.

Let's remember those loved ones
That they have already left this mortal world,
We will keep only bright memories
About those who were so dear and loved!

We remember all the departed
We, my friend, today again,
We remember them and know for sure:
Their love is with us forever.
We are special on Dmitriev's day
We will honor the memory of those with you,
Who loved life so much to the grave
Yes, I thanked fate
Those who believed, lived at risk,
Who lived a peaceful life...
There is such a connection with the forefathers
Everyone needs to keep it.

Remember all the departed today,
Those who left our world untimely,
All those who will not return to their huts again,
But their trace remains in our souls.

And give the poor money generously,
So that your family can sleep more peacefully,
Spare neither gold nor bread,
So that trust is kindled in their souls.

Parents have been looking from the sky for a long time,
Behind what is happening on earth.
But it seems that they are here, nearby,
As before, they follow you with their gaze.
But you just have to open your eyes -
A tear begs to be released.

On the day of Saturday Dmitrievskaya
Remember your loved ones
To shower flight
He only raised them to heights.

Pray quietly
Light all the candles,
Memory of the deceased
Keep it in your souls.

We are on Dmitrievskaya Saturday
We remember all the deceased,
We go to church, light candles
And we read prayers for the peace.
And the history of this date is not simple,
That's how deep it is.
The request was from Dimitri Donskoy
Don’t forget about the killed soldiers,
To all those who died in the Mamayev Massacre
He asked to serve a memorial service.

Congratulations: 30 in verse, 4 in prose.

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