How to play the Russian lottery. Russian Lotto: a chance to get rich or a regular money scam? How to check a ticket purchased at Pyaterochka

The 1223rd draw of the “Russian Lotto” has been held and the results of its drawing are already known.

The television broadcast of the 1223rd draw of the Russian Lotto will take place on March 18 on NTV at 14:00 local time. But you don’t have to wait for the television broadcast to air, since a video of the drawing appears online on Sunday morning.

As the Stoloto company announced earlier, the 1223rd circulation of the Russian Lotto will be in cash. In the 1223rd draw of the Russian Lotto, 100 prizes of 1 million rubles are awarded. Moreover, in the final round, in which prizes of one million rubles will be awarded, if the winning players have more remaining prizes, then their total cost will be divided equally between the winners of this round.

The jackpot of the 1223rd draw of the Russian Lotto amounted to 175 million rubles. And since no one managed to win it, he switches to next edition"Russian Lotto".

“Russian Lotto” from Stoloto: Draw table for draw 1223 - undrawn numbers from March 18

The drawing in the 1223rd draw of the “Russian Lotto” went on until there were 4 barrels left in the bag... And if the ticket does not contain any of these numbers, then it is a winning one.

You can check the Russian Lotto tickets for the 1223rd draw by watching the broadcast of the drawing on our website. You can also check your ticket by circulation table, which contains all the drawn numbers and prizes that can be received if you win.

Closer to Sunday evening, it will be possible to check your ticket using its number on the Stoloto website. To do this, you must enter the ticket number in a special field, having first selected the circulation number. And after a few seconds information will appear that winning ticket or not, and also what kind of winnings you can get if the ticket turns out to be lucky.

Table of Russian Lotto draw 1223 from 03/18/2018

Undropped kegs: 07 / 37 / 67 / 85 .

If the ticket does not contain the numbers of the barrels that did not fall out, then the ticket is guaranteed to win in one of the rounds!!!

1 64, 31, 66, 69, 16, 45, 11, 21 8 1 000 000
2 01, 51, 15, 58, 08, 54, 27, 90, 04, 55, 06, 13, 80, 48, 82, 60, 89, 20, 03, 23, 09, 44, 49, 70, 40, 14, 68, 18, 43, 47, 26, 73 3 1 000 000
3 50, 33, 84, 53, 39, 24, 65, 38, 83, 28, 36, 52, 72, 56, 12, 34, 81, 59, 02, 77 1 1 000 000
4 87, 88 1 1 000 000
5 71 2 1 000 000
6 86 4 1 000 000
7 29 10 1 000 000
8 57 11 1 000 000
9 30 19 1 000 000
10 10 29 1 000 000
11 22 56 214 285
12 25 67 501
13 62 148 200
14 75 406 184
15 46 521 171
16 35 943 159
17 74 1911 149
18 63 2835 139
19 76 4873 133
20 78 7084 126
21 19 11 143 120
22 41 17 972 115
23 32 28 400 110
24 42 39 280 107
25 05 68 864 105
26 61 108 352 103
27 79 148 368 101
28 17 223 199 100

Video of Russian Lotto 1223 from March 18, 2018

Russian Lotto 1223 circulation. Missed lottery numbers

Missing numbers: 07, 37, 67, 85

If none of these numbers are on your ticket, then your ticket is a winner!

Winnings are paid from 03/18/2018 to 09/28/201
Results of the Russian Lotto draw 1223: check the ticket by ticket number

Many people purchase Russian Lotto tickets in the hope of winning money or large gifts. The Gosloto lottery starts on Sunday morning, so not everyone has the opportunity to live use TV to monitor its progress. If a person did not have time to watch the recording of the program, there is an option to check the winnings through special services.

How to check a Russian Lotto ticket by ticket number

There are several options for how to check Russian Lotto by ticket number. The fastest way to do this is through the Internet. For verification, there are special services that allow you to obtain information with one click. You need to go to the official website or special service(Stoloto, Lotomarket), enter the lottery numbers into the specified window and get information. Thanks to the expanded functionality, it is also possible to view archived results to compile your own statistical information, or see a recording of a program on the NTV channel.

You can check your ticket on the official lottery website in the “Checking tickets” section

How to find out the results of the draw Russian lotto without Internet

People without the Internet have another option from Russian Lotto: check their ticket through mail or newspapers. In post offices there are circulation tables, which can be seen in the information corner. If they are not visible, it is worth asking employees where the lottery results are. They look like tabular data with dropped numbers. The data is completely similar to that offered on the Internet, it is simply printed for convenience. The results of the game are published in newspapers - “Sportloto”, “Work in Moscow”, “Trud”, “Moskovskaya Pravda”, “Sudarushka”, “Evening Moscow”, and regional publications. You can also view the results of the drawing at kiosks that sell tickets. In addition to viewing the drawn numbers in the draw table, you can also receive money there if a person has won them, or spend money on new tickets for a future drawing.

There is a famous joke that will help answer the question of how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

A man came to church to ask God for help. He begged to send him a big one cash winnings in the lottery or good and expensive prizes. God heard his call and was silent for a long time. After which he could not stand it and told him: “Friend, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket first?!”

So, to play lotto, you must first purchase a ticket. It's very easy to do. You can buy a ticket at a special kiosk or at a post office.

So, there is a ticket. What about Russian Lotto? Everyone has their own methods for winning, let’s look at the most common ones.

Several methods of obtaining big money when playing the lottery:

1. An American, Doug Myrock, lives in the states, who played the lottery for 17 years and entered the same combination, eventually winning 31.4 million dollars. Not ready to wait that long? Then it’s worth studying the theory of probability and optimizing the way to quickly win. If you are unable to do such calculations, a computer will come to the rescue. Using special programs, you can create a combination of lucky numbers.

2. Numerological method. How to win the Russian Lotto lottery using your date of birth or name? There is a special science - numerology, which determines favorable days for each person based on his personal data. To get your first lucky number, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. The second number is obtained by adding the letters in your name, namely “a-1”, “b-2”, etc. Third lucky number is found by summing the first two. Now you have three that must be present in lottery ticket.

3. Karmic-cognitive method. Some lottery fans believe that in order to hit the jackpot, magic is not needed. But often the thoughts that arise in the subconscious help you win. Some psychologists advise: in order to win, you need to believe in it all the time. To achieve the result, you need to take a piece of paper with a pen and depict yourself on it with a large bag of money. When you look at your creativity, truly believe that you will win.

4. Fatal method. Some are sure that only chance decides the outcome of a win. Some, for example, believe that a lucky combination is the number of a car that was mined the day before at some point globe. A huge number of bets are placed on the 9th and 11th, after the famous disaster of September 11th. And the strangest thing is that these tickets won! Many people look for clues in the day of the week or the numbers of the month. Often they help them. It’s worth looking around you and finding out where your lucky number is hiding, which will allow you to understand how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

5. Superstitious method. Purchasing a lottery ticket is a ritual that needs to be carried out especially. Firstly, you need to pay attention to appearance. Do not wear things that contain yellow and red colors. It is better to choose an outfit in dark colors. Striped or checkered clothes will also scare away good luck. And the most important rule is that you should not wear gold and silver jewelry!

It turns out that the probability of winning in any lottery, be it “Sports”, “Super” or another, depends on the goal set and the chosen method.

Russian Lotto is an exciting board game that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

It helps you relax after a hard day at work, relax and spend time with loved ones.

This is gambling entertainment if money is at stake. During Soviet Union Each person had a box of barrels in their house.

Note! Scientists consider it useful because such entertainment develops the mind, improves memory and concentration.

Today it has not lost its popularity. The game is played at home, and small sums of money are at stake.

The prize makes the entertainment exciting and interesting. The birthplace of lotto is the Italian town of Genoa. Locals We immediately fell in love with this kind of entertainment.

Below are the required paraphernalia for playing the game at home:

Attributes Purpose and features
Barrels They are made of wood, but stores have sets with plastic barrels. There is a number on each side
Cards Each set contains from 10 to 40 cards. They are made from cardboard. They are medium in size and rectangular in shape.

The field is divided by lines with numbers and empty cells

Chips They can be plastic or cardboard. Chips are used for cards so as not to get confused and cover the numbers
Bag One of the main attributes of Russian lotto is a bag. It should be made of thick fabric. The kegs are mixed in the bag and taken out during the game

You can play Russian lotto according to several schemes. Each person will be able to choose the most best option for a pleasant pastime.

Rules of the game according to a simple scheme:

  1. Every The participant must choose a card for himself and place it near him. According to the rules, it is unacceptable to take multiple tickets.
  2. Players by voting they must choose a leader who must pull the barrels out of the bag.
  3. All kegs(90 pieces) are put into a bag. The presenter must mix them thoroughly.
  4. After This requires announcing the start of the game. Next, the presenter pulls out one barrel at a time and announces the number.
  5. Participants You need to cover the numbers on your cards, which were announced by the presenter, with chips.
  6. If One column on the card is closed, you must say the code word “apartment”.

When one of the participants closes all the cells with numbers on the card, the game ends. You can also play a quick game with your friends.

To do this, each participant is given cards and a leader is chosen. He begins to pull out the barrels one by one and read out the numbers on them.

When one of the participants covers all the numbers in one row, the game ends.

The scheme called “Three by Three” was my favorite. More opportunities open up for participants. Small amounts are bet.

The winner receives the entire prize or separate part. The size of the prize depends on the line that will be closed.

Note! Cards are not issued for free, but are purchased for money.

The money is placed in the middle of the gaming table. Each participant buys the required number of cards that will be active.

The rules are simple:

  1. The gathered people choose a person who will pull out the barrels and say the number.
  2. The winner will be the person who covers the bottom row with chips.
  3. If a participant closes the top row, others add money to the game bank.
  4. If the middle row is closed, the winner is given a third of the money collected. Then the bank is replenished and the game continues.

Important! According to the rules, the presenter has the right to buy cards and participate in the drawing for the main prize.

The only restriction is that no one, including the presenter, can look into the bag. Before each drawing of the keg, they must be thoroughly mixed.

It is important to adhere general rules which must be observed by all Russian lotto participants:

  1. You can't look into the bag.
  2. During the game it is forbidden to swear or attempt to cheat.
  3. If one participant closes the top line, the rest need to report money.
  4. If one of the rows was closed by two participants at the same time, then the winnings are divided into equal parts.

Game secrets

This is popular folk game, which is in demand among young people and the elderly. But there are common secrets that help you win and take the prize.

Even today, many people spend their evenings in the company of loved ones. Thanks to a certain strategy, you can choose the right winning ticket.

If they are not distributed by the presenter, you need to take a closer look at him.

The barrels are pulled out in a chaotic order, so the mathematical law of distribution of random numbers can apply here.

The likelihood that the presenter will draw the numbers in sequential order is minimal. It is better to choose tickets that do not have a sequence of numbers.

Another secret to winning the Russian lotto is choosing several tickets at once. You need to look for cards with different numbers that do not intersect.

If one ticket loses in the game, the rest may turn out to be successful. Multiple cards increase your chances of winning.

Russian Lotto is a popular game that people like of different ages. Parents often get together with their children and have a fun time.

You can invite friends for tea, collect a cash prize and draw it.

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Not so long ago, when TV sets were not in every home, and people had not even heard of the Internet, every family had a bag of chips and cards with numbers written on them. Every family member, right down to small child, knew the rules of the lotto game. Thanks to this fun, the whole family gathered at a common table, communicating while playing. Maybe that's why family ties were much stronger in those days?

Game history

The lotto game came to us from Italy, where it appeared back in the 16th century. Translated, lotto means "lottery". This game quickly became popular, but was soon banned in its homeland. But she continued her march all over the world, where she gained considerable popularity and variations.

In our country, lotto took root in the 18th century, but in those days this game enjoyed special respect only among aristocrats. At any time of the year in the salons one could find a company joyfully shouting out the numbers of the kegs and congratulating the winners.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the rules of playing lotto were well known to all segments of the population, and probably every family had a linen bag with kegs and cardboard cards. Such a set was an honor, standing on the same level as checkers, chess and dominoes. This game was one of the popular souvenirs.

The essence of the game

First you need to find out what the lotto set consists of. Everything is simple here - it includes 90 barrels with numbers from 1 to 90, cards, of which there are usually 24 pieces, a linen bag, which is necessarily opaque (so that the presenter cannot see the number of the barrel and “cheat”). In addition, the set includes a storage box and the rules for playing lotto. There may also be special “closers” that are used to cover identical numbers. Older sets did not contain such counters, and similar numbers were covered with buttons.

In order to win the lotto, you must be the first of all players to close a line or card with barrels with the corresponding numbers. At the same time, the rules of playing lotto at home could be slightly different from the generally accepted ones. After all, each family could have its own traditions or preferences, which added variety to this fun. The main thing is that the essence is not lost - the winner is the one who was lucky. This was, and still is, main interest games.

Varieties of lotto

The rules of playing Russian lotto imply several varieties of this fun.

Simple Lotto: The game is played on three cards, but the participant who is the first to cover all the numbers on one of them wins. When one of the players closes one line, he loudly announces it by saying the word "flat". Thus, he alerts the other players about the step towards achieving victory.

Lotto short: a shortened version of simple lotto. Players receive one playing card each, but to win they only need to close one line. This game can be called fast, and it is also designed for a large number of players (maximum 24).

Lotto "three on three"": considered the most gambling version of the lotto game. You can play in it both for material values ​​and for the most various items. So, closing the first, top line, the remaining players double the stake. Closing midline, the winner has the right to take a third of the horse for himself. The first person to close the bottom number line takes all the winnings. Con is determined by those things or money that were given for the redemption of the playing card.

A separate type of this game is children's lotto. Instead of numbers, it uses various thematic pictures - fruits and vegetables, clothes, furniture, transport or other, a wide variety of objects. The purpose of such a lotto is to develop a child’s attention, memory, intelligence, as well as to consolidate knowledge about the basic objects surrounding him.

Rules for playing Russian lotto

This game does not require any specific knowledge. And the rules are extremely simple and understandable to everyone. The presenter takes turns taking out barrels with numbers from the bag, calling them out loud. Whoever has this number on the card closes it. If the other player also has the same number, additional chips are used - “caps” (or buttons). The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the numbers in one line or on the entire card (depending on the rules).

At home in family circle, the rules of the table lotto game may be modified. For example, to win you need to close a card completely, instead of just one line, or all three playing cards completely. It doesn’t matter what the rules are in your family, the main thing is that this game brings fun, communication into the house and allows you to spend time together.

At the same time, each family comes up with its own, original names for the numbers. This gives the game variety, making it fun and interesting for all ages.

Symbols of some numbers

The incredible popularity of this hobby has given rise to various rules for playing lotto. Everyone undoubtedly has their own at home. symbols all or some of the numbers used in the game. Therefore, we present here only the most famous of them.

“all alone”, “count”, “lord”

"swan", "couple"

“let’s figure it out for three”

"chair", "on four sides"

"axe", "poker"



"Baker's dozen"

"swan in the lake"





"ladies legs"

The examples given in the table are the most popular names that are recorded in the official game. They are built on comparisons, on folk sayings, important dates. The rest are historically named this way, although, unfortunately, there are no sources why exactly these numbers are called this way.

Rules for playing children's lotto

Lotto for young children (mainly preschoolers) is not only their first board game, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them, consolidate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Bright pictures will certainly attract the attention of kids, showing their interest and curiosity. The rules of playing lotto for children are simple and similar to adults. The presenter takes out a card with an image and says what is drawn or written there. Children look for this item on their card. Thus, the process of memorizing and becoming familiar with various categories and objects occurs.

Thanks to children's lotto, you can learn the alphabet, the world of animals and nature, and even foreign language(for those who are older). This game develops well, enriches the child’s vocabulary and communication skills.


With development information technologies The lotto game is no longer as popular as it was 20-30 years ago. But this does not mean that it is forgotten. In many countries, lotto is still popular, taking you into a fascinating world of fun and excitement. The rules of playing home or Russian lotto are unchanged, simple and allow you to be carried away into the world of carefree childhood.

“Russian Lotto” is the permanent presenter Mikhail Borisov, the legendary “Stop, game!” and drawings every weekend since 1994. What other arguments are needed?

Where can I buy?

    Website website

    Select tickets on the lottery page and pay in any convenient way.

    Please note: tickets selected on the site are saved for you for 5 minutes. During this time, you must move them to the “Cart” or pay for the order.

    Mobile application "Stoloto"

    Install and buy tickets whenever it is convenient for you.

    Mobile version of the site

    Go to the page and select any tickets for the upcoming circulation.

    Via SMS

    Send a message with text RL to number 9999.

    If you want to take part in the lottery via SMS, follow.

    Retail outlets and networks

    You can buy tickets in, in branches, bookmaker's office "", lottery network" ", offices
    " " , supermarkets " " and stores " " .

    Lottery kiosks

    Chances are there are tickets available at a store near you.
    . Check with sellers for their availability.

    Lottery machines

    Use self-service machines. Payments accepted bank cards, banknotes and coins. Terminal addresses
    on this page .

    Lottery center"Stoloto"

    You can buy tickets, learn everything about lotteries and see with your own eyes the lottery machines used to draw six lotteries! Read more about live broadcasts on a special page.

    How to choose?

    Any Russian Lotto ticket contains two playing fields, each containing 15 numbers in the range from 1 to 90.

    The combinations of numbers in the tickets have already been generated.

    Please note: in some cases you will be asked to provide a phone number when purchasing a ticket, in others you will not. What is the difference? Let's explain.

    Tickets for which you provide your mobile phone number

    Sample tickets:

    On the site you can choose a ticket with your favorite numbers or tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90

    At a retail outlet, select a coupon and give it to the seller. Then give your phone number and pay. When the ticket is registered, you will receive a notification from all over necessary information about the registered electronic lottery ticket. If you win, you will receive an SMS with a winning code.

    Important! You issue such tickets only for the next lottery draw.


    To receive your winnings, tell the seller the phone number to which the ticket was issued via SMS and (indicated on the notification).

    For sale:

    On the site, including;
    . in the application for iPhone and ;
    . ;
    . in communication shops;
    . in the networks "" and "";
    . offices "";
    . stores "";
    . branches;
    . others retail outlets sales

    Tickets for which you do not provide a mobile phone number when purchasing

    Sample ticket:


    When purchasing such tickets, you do not receive additional notifications (SMS, receipts) - the basis for paying out your winnings is the ticket itself.

    Important! You can buy tickets for different editions.

    For sale:

    . at Stoloto retail outlets.

    How to increase your chances?

    The rule is simple: the more tickets you purchase per circulation, the higher your chances will be.

    Stoloto Council. If you decide to buy multiple tickets for the same draw, if possible, avoid repeating numbers on the tickets you purchase. Diversity is among the main criteria for success.

    If you buy tickets online, you can select many tickets at once; tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90; tickets with your favorite numbers.

    . « 3 barrels left“- the phrase means that the game will be played one more move, that is, up to the 87th move inclusive. This increases the likelihood that the participant's ticket will match more numbers, and increases your chances of winning. In such draws there are always more winners than usual.

    . « 2 barrels left" - the phrase means; that the game will be played two more moves than usual, that is, up to and including the 88th move. This increases the likelihood that a participant's ticket will match more numbers and increases the chances of winning. There are even more winners in such draws than usual.

    . « Kubyshka" - the name of an additional draw when tickets are won in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field

    The pot with coins depicted on the ticket is the sign “Eggs”

    Additional drawing by ticket number - the winners are tickets whose last digits match (from left to right) with the winning combination formed from the last digits of the last barrel numbers drawn in the last three rounds.

    What is closing a sale?

    How are the draws done?


    Draws are held on weekends after the size of the prize fund has been calculated.


    The broadcast of the drawing begins on Sunday, at 8:20, in the program “They are winning!” on the NTV channel.

    You can find a video of each draw in “” on the website

    The start time of the broadcast in your region may differ from the specified one. Follow the TV program.


    The drawing takes place in a television studio, in the presence of spectators and a circulation commission. The circulation commission checks the availability of a complete set of barrels. After completing all rounds circulation commission confirms that the drawing was carried out according to all the rules and signs the protocol.


    Barrels numbered from 1 to 90 are loaded into the bag. The presenter takes out the barrels one at a time and calls out their numbers. You cross out these numbers on your tickets. Each draw is held in several rounds.

    In the 1st round, the winning tickets are those in which 5 numbers in any of the six horizontal lines matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.
    The phrase “before others” means that in this ticket winning combination formed earlier than in other tickets participating in the draw.

    In the 2nd round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in any of the fields matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others. If on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the kegs drawn from the bag, you have won the Jackpot.

    In the 3rd and subsequent rounds, the winners are the tickets in which all 30 numbers matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.

    Tickets that win in the 1st and 2nd rounds are eligible to participate in the subsequent drawing. Tickets that win in the 3rd round do not participate in the further drawing.

    Sometimes, after the main draw is completed, additional draw called "Kubishka". In this case, the winning tickets are those in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field.

    What can you win?

    The winnings of the first few rounds are the largest and can range from several tens and hundreds of thousands to several million rubles. In addition to cash prizes, the lottery often awards material prizes: cars, country houses, travel and much more

    You can choose in what form to receive such winnings - in kind or in cash.

    The prize fund is 50% of each ticket sold.

    Attention, Jackpot! It accumulates from circulation to circulation and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The winning tickets are those in which, on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag.

    Where can I find out the results?

    • The results of the draw are published on the websites and within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in

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