Dima Bilan: biography, personal life, wife, children, photo. Latest information

Dima Bilan is one of the brightest pop performers Russian stage. Some people openly envy him and are ready to remove him from the star Olympus at any cost, while others adore him without exaggeration. Stars like him are always in the public eye, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a lot of gossip and speculation around. The information that the singer is seriously ill haunts Dima’s fans, and they want to know if everything is fine with their pet’s health. What happened to your favorite singer in reality, and what is the latest news about Dima Bilan in 2017, we invite you to find out.


A favorite of millions of fans not only in, but also outside of it, Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in small village Moscow. WITH early childhood little boy Vita (that’s what his mom and dad called him) liked the name Dima. He was able to realize his dream only in 2008. It was then that he changed his real name to a stage name.

The Belans moved to Naberezhnye Chelny when the future artist was one year old. After just five years, they lived in the Russian town of Maisky, Kabardino-Balkaria. Talent began to manifest itself early, even when he participated in music competitions. When the smart and talented boy was a fifth-grader, he also wanted to become a student at the local music school in order to learn how to play the accordion virtuoso. One of outstanding performances was on International festival"Chunga-Changa." As the artist now recalls, then he received his diploma from the hands of the legendary Joseph Kobzon himself.

In 2000, the future star became a happy student at the Gnessin School. Three years later, he successfully graduated and was already holding the long-awaited diploma in his hands. Later, the graduate decided to continue his studies and entered GITIS. So Dima became a student at the acting department.

Creative life

The year 2000 was special for the artist, since it was then that his first video clip was broadcast on MTV Russia. It was a work for the song “Autumn”. Beautiful video filmed on the picturesque shore of the Gulf of Finland.

While still a young student, Dima was lucky enough to meet his future producer, the talented Yuri Aizenshpis. He immediately recognized real talent in the boy and therefore began working with him without hesitation. Bilan’s debut took place on “New Wave” in 2002. Then he performed with the song “Boom” and was named fourth among the best. After the competition itself, filming of a video clip for the same song began. Afterwards, the clips “I night hooligan", "I was wrong, I got it" and others later became favorites for millions of fans.

It’s interesting that one of the best video clips, “I Love You So Much,” stars Igor Krutoy’s daughter Vika. Another interesting point, which fans immediately noticed - his imitation of his stage colleague Danko. This was precisely during the collaboration with Aizenshpis.

The young man’s first album is called “I am a night hooligan.” The year of release was 2003. A year later there was a re-release, which included four new songs. Another year later, the artist pleased his fans with the release of his new brainchild - the album “On the Shore of the Sky”.

In the same year, which can be called truly successful for the singer, the single “ New Year from a new line." It only had three tracks.

After the death of the first producer, the star of the Russian pop scene was nominated for the popular World Music Awards as the best Russian artist. After Dima Bilan was left without a producer, he often received interesting offers to sign a contract.

In 2006, the artist could be left without his creative pseudonym for the reason that the head of the company, Aizenshpis’s wife, demanded that he change his pseudonym. This conflict, thanks in part to the efforts of the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya, was successfully resolved two years later. Thus, the name of the singer Dima Bilan became his official pseudonym.

Millions of people fell in love with the star’s work of different ages. We can say that Dima really basked in the glory. It is noteworthy that a year later it was he who was named “Singer of the Year”.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the participation of the public’s favorite at Eurovision. First attempt to participate in this song competition he made it back in 2005, but then, according to the final results of the audience voting, he lost to one of popular singers Russian stage. The singer did not stop there and just one year later he won the vote. Among thirty-seven countries, the representative of Russia was named second with the song “Never Let You Go”.

In 2008, the purposeful singer again became a Eurovision participant. With a very strong composition “Believe” the artist was named the winner of the song competition. It is important to note that he is the only representative of his country who managed to receive the palm at Eurovision.

Secrets of personal life

This part of the life of popular people is always of interest to fans. Sometimes fans manage to find out the truth, and sometimes they only guess how their favorite lives. In the latter case, it often happens that a lot of speculation and false information arises.

They also talked a lot about Dima’s romance with the Russian model Lena Kuletskaya. They promised to get married for a couple of years, but the wedding never took place.

And one day the young people even announced that their union existed only for PR. Although, after a while, the artist still said that he and his ex-lover disseminated such information because of the intrusiveness of the paparazzi, which did not allow him to live a normal life.

Later, Dima was often seen with the famous model Yulianna Krylova. This girl starred in his “Safety” video. Moreover, she participated in quite explicit scenes. Previously, Lena Kuletskaya starred in similar fragments. This also gave reason to think about a possible personal connection between young people. Although, according to Dima himself, he and Julianna are only friends. By the way, it will also be interesting to know about the connection

Today’s article will tell our readers about the life of a popular Russian performer. Dima Bilan and his work are interesting to many listeners of different ages. We will describe a success story - how a simple boy managed to conquer Russian show business.

The singer gained greatest fame after winning the international song competition in 2008. This can really be called a breakthrough point in a musical career - before that, performers from Russian Federation did not win such honorary titles. In order not to mark time, let’s begin to consider the biography and other aspects of Dima’s life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

Before the story life path of this or that star, many fans will be interested in knowing some data about their appearance. Of course, sometimes it’s enough to look at photos on the Internet, but the most sophisticated fans want to know what the singer’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Dima Bilan, music lovers may ask. We asked - we answer. The performer's approximate height is 181 centimeters, and his weight is just over 73 kilograms. Relatively recently, the news read something like this: “Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, reasons.” A little later, the singer himself said that this was due to a stomach disease, which was overcome thanks to treatment.

Last December, Dima Bilan celebrated his 36th birthday. There is no particular point in comparing photos in his youth and now - he is still young. The only thing that can be studied is how Dima Bilan’s style changed in different periods life.

Biography of Dima Bilan

The biography of Dima Bilan begins in 1981, in a small town in Karachay-Cherkessia. It is noteworthy that at birth, the future singer received the name Victor Belan. Father Nikolai worked as an engineer, and mother Nina worked in social spheres.

Dima's first musical inclinations began to appear at an early age. Already, being in the fifth grade, he began studying at a music school. He successfully completes it, learning to play the accordion. Of course, various competitions where you can show your talent do not bypass Dima. In 1999, he goes to Moscow, where he participates in a children's festival. The certificate of honor was presented to the future singer by Joseph Kobzon himself, which was a serious achievement for the young talent.

After receiving secondary education, Dima continues his studies at the State Music College. Everything went well, and after receiving his diploma, he also studied acting at GITIS.

Real music career begins after Bilan meets Yuri Aizenshpis. At that time, he was quite a popular producer. By the way, it was after his recommendation that the singer took the pseudonym by which he is still known. Collaboration with a music manager brought fourth place in the New Wave competition. 2003 was marked by the release of the singer’s debut album, which was called “I am a Night Hooligan.” After some time, the compositions gained some popularity in the Russian Federation. Of course, with the advent of new works, interest in Dima is only fueled.

The next album, released in 2004, was warmly received by critics and the public, and radio stations began to broadcast them on their airwaves. The autumn of 2005 was marked by tragedy - Yuri died. Dima began to receive a large number of invitations from other producers. It is noteworthy that until 2008, the conflict with Aizenshpis’ company over the brand continued. But everything was resolved peacefully, and the singer changed his name in his passport - since then, Dima Bilan is no longer a creative pseudonym.

The next manager was Yana Rudkovskaya. This tandem also brought positive results - two Golden Gramophone awards in 2006. Musical compositions gained more and more popularity, and clips appeared on TV channels.

Surprisingly, every new song- a new hit. Separately, it is worth noting “Dreamers” - this single was loved by the majority of Russians. year 2009 - new album. This is now an English-language work recorded in Miami. A large number of awards only cemented the success.

Several times in a row, Dima Bilan tried to get into Eurovision. In 2006, he received second place, and two years later he won the victory. This was an event for the entire Russian show business - no other performer had achieved such success. In addition to the presented song Believe, the audience saw an unforgettable ice performance.

Since 2012, the singer has taken on the role of jury in the popular TV show “The Voice”. This is enough successful project on Russian territory. In 2016, the performer performed at “New Wave” - the musical number turned out to be one of the best.

In the same year, Victoria Daineko and our hero voiced the main characters in the film “Trolls”. The premiere of the work attracted a large number of spectators and admirers. It is noteworthy that Dima Bilan has proven himself well in cinema.

In 2017, various rumors began to appear, allegedly Dima Bilan had cancer or even died. The fans were made nervous by photographs where the changed figure was clearly visible. A little later, the singer himself spoke about health problems.

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

We dare to repeat that in 2017, the singer made his fans worry. It all got to the point where the headlines of the publications said the following: “Latest news 2017. Dima Bilan has cancer.” He is dying? – questions rained down from fans. The yellow publications even started talking about death, saying that we would no longer see our beloved singer. As soon as it appeared official information, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It is known that doctors found several hernias in Dima’s spine, which pinched the nerves and caused discomfort. It all came down to the fact that the performer could not do basic things. Fortunately, thanks to medicine and a long course of treatment, the disease was overcome and Dima Bilan returned to duty. After his illness, by the way, he changed his image - a shaved head and formal clothes. The media assessed this as a challenge to those who spread the rumor about fatal disease and irreparable loss.

The singer notes that after such trials, he began to take care of his own health. In addition, it supports healthy eating and continues to delight fans with new musical works.

Personal life of Dima Bilan

Of course, personal life Dima Bilan cannot be ignored, especially for the female part of his fans. For a long time, the singer had an affair with Elena Kuletskaya, to whom he promised to propose if he won international competition. However, there was no wedding, and the young people, after a short time, separated.

Now it is impossible to say for sure whether Dima Bilan is in any romantic relationship. He often appears in front of cameras with various representatives of show business, and fans are already rushing to “create” a romance. The most famous rumors are about Julia Lima, who performed songs with Dima for some time. The performer himself does not comment on his personal life.

As is already becoming clear, the press could not leave it like that, and published several publications about the “unconventionality” of the singer. Again, he simply ignores such statements. Fans are waiting for Dima to choose the lady of his heart and get married.

Dima Bilan's family

As for famous relatives, the singer had no creative roots. Therefore, Dima Bilan's family had almost no connection with art. Of course, family trips to the movies or listening to music cannot be ruled out. But already in school years, he became seriously interested in this type of creativity and began to develop in this direction. As we can judge now, the singer made the right choice.

The father of the future performer was a mechanic, and by education he was a design engineer. Mom was engaged in greenhouse farming, and later went to social sphere. Also, Dima Bilan has two sisters. Elder Elena fashion designer by training. After the wedding, I decided to keep a double surname. The younger sister, born in 1994, was named Anna.

Children of Dima Bilan

As you already understand, it is pointless to talk about this topic - at this moment, the singer was not even married. This situation haunts most fans, and from various angles. Some create unjustified rumors, others doubt Dima Bilan's orientation.

He himself does not comment on his personal life, but from his words one can understand that the singer strives to develop and try himself in various creative manifestations. Therefore, fans are looking forward to Dima Bilan’s children being born. We recommend following official news and not believing various rumors that have no basis.

Dima Bilan's wife

When it comes to talking about who future wife Dima Bilan - various disputes arise here. Some time ago, all the newspapers were talking about the upcoming wedding of the singer and model Elena Kuletskaya. However, the young people never legalized their relationship. Many even began to doubt whether there was an affair at all. Fans suspected that all this was to attract attention to their own personalities and PR.

After breaking up with Elena, fans attributed a huge number of affairs to the singer - as soon as new photographs appeared on the Internet. Some even claim that Dima has returned to ex-lover. It is not possible to say this for sure - the Eurovision winner avoids questions about his public life in every possible way.

Photo of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery

It is unlikely to find a famous person who openly admits to using the services plastic surgeon. The first reason to think about whether today's hero had Plastic surgery– comparison of youth photographs. Fans immediately noticed the “surgical” marks. In particular, many note the changed shape of the nose, which has only improved.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the singer used the services of surgeons and changed his appearance. Therefore, comparing photos of Dima Bilan “before and after plastic surgery” is a favorite pastime of a certain circle of fans who follow the life of the star in every possible way.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Dima Bilan’s Instagram and Wikipedia are extremely popular. In the first case, more than two million people subscribed to the singer’s page. The free encyclopedia contains a huge amount of information about life and his work. In particular, you can study the extensive list of awards that Dim Bilan received for his musical talents.

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in a working-class family. The artist's real name is Victor Belan. The boy was born in Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later his family moved to Kabardino-Balkaria.

Finished music school by learning to play the accordion masterfully. The boy quite often participated in various music competitions, taking prizes.

In 2000-2003, Vitya studied vocals at Gnesinka. In 2003, he changed his name to that of his beloved grandfather Dmitry.

Later, Dmitry Bilan's songs appear quite often on music channels and fashion radio stations, consistently becoming hits. The singer participates in the New Wave and Eurovision music competitions, where he takes first place the second time.

Currently, the guy acts as an experienced mentor for the adult and children's music show “The Voice”. Also, Dmitry Bilan tries himself as an actor.

If almost every fan knows about the singer’s creative life, then Dmitry Bilan’s personal life remains a secret behind seven seals. This handsome and undoubtedly talented guy does not like to talk about her. Because of this kind of mystery, very contradictory rumors and speculations are circulating throughout Russia regarding the singer’s amorous affairs.

One of these gossips is Dima Bilan’s affair with Yana Rudkovskaya, who after Aizenshpis’s death became the guy’s producer. However, neither the singer nor his charming producer deny the fact of a love relationship. Moreover, Yana has been happily married to figure skater Evgeni Plushenko for many years now. She claims that she views Dima exclusively as a world-famous brand that brings in good profits.

The yellow press quite often attributes the singer to relationships with various girls. After he began to deny a love relationship with them, Dmitry was suspected of unconventional sexual orientation. Even his “fiancé”, a certain Rovens Pritula, was found, but the rumors remained rumors.

Does Dmitry Bilan have a wife? Young woman?

For quite a long period of time, it was believed that Dmitry Bilan’s wife could well become famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship continued for quite some time for a long time, and the fact that the ring was presented at Eurovision indicated fast wedding. However, the miracle never happened. A little later, the couple announced that they had never had a close relationship, and they called everything that was happening a game for the public for the sake of PR.

After breaking up with Dima Kuletskaya, Bilan began to be suspected of having an affair with another beautiful fashion model Yulianna Krylova. The girl even starred in several of the singer’s videos, which are striking in their frankness. However, Dmitry Bilan himself claims that there is only strong friendship between them.

He said the same thing about possible love relationships with Natalya Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich and even Mel Gibson's ex-wife Oksana Grigorieva. Even the infamous “tattoo” girl Yulia Volkova played the role of Dmitry Bilan’s lover.

Despite the abundance of women around him, Dima quite often calls a certain Lyalya the love of his life. But she also doesn’t have a ring on her finger, like the other contenders for the singer’s heart.

Recently, his latest hobby has been called the singer Pelageya, who is Dmitry’s colleague in music show“Voice” on Channel One. However, the stars only quietly chuckle at these suspicions, without refuting or confirming this fact.

Whether there is a common-law wife Dmitry Bilan’s is not known for certain, but his sister hints that his brother has a cute girlfriend. There is also information that this girl is very far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

Son of Dmitry Bilan photo

Oddly enough, Dima Bilan’s son still exists. Which is true, not at all by blood and born from one of his many women. This blond boy is the godson of the famous singer Sashenka. He is the son of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

Dmitry Bilan adores his godson and quite often posts photos and videos of him on social networks.

The singer talks about his own children given time doesn’t think yet, preferring to play with dogs in the company of children.

Dima Bilan's family: who, where and when

You can talk a lot about Dmitry’s girls and make various assumptions about his personal life, but the closest people to him will always be his family members.

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two sisters. The guy simply idolizes his mother and father and tries to spend time with them as often as possible. There is love, understanding and support in the family.

Dmitry's older sister Elena is pretty long time works as a fashion designer and is happily married. The youngest Anya lives in the States and plans to become an opera singer.

By the way, the paparazzi quite often attributed to Anna the role of either the daughter or the young wife of Dmitry Bilan. This is partly true, since the older brother had to raise the little fidget.

The girl occasionally appears in her brother’s video clips, sings a duet with him and even recorded a song. However, brother and sister do not see each other very often. This is due to Dmitry’s busy touring schedule and the fact that his sister lives abroad.

People like that don't get hired as astronauts! Yes, he didn’t really want to: he always dreamed of singing and Dima Bilan is a star on the stage. Moreover, already at the age of 25 he had everything: numerous awards, top positions in the charts, millions of fans and an enviable line in Forbes. Eurovision remained subjugated only to him - the only musician in the vastness of our vast country.

Dima Bilan is in demand and today he has not only the role of a singer, but also an actor, mentor, participant television projects and one of the most mysterious figures in show business. His heart is free, he is young, talented, rich, sexy and sincere. It is admitted that there is no time for a serious relationship. A workaholic, he does not refuse new projects, and each time they become more significant and interesting.

It feels like he is everywhere: in addition to the dense concert activities, does not miss seasons of the television project “The Voice” on Channel One, the New Year’s anthem of Coca-Cola is now performed by him, and charity performances in support of sick children have not been held for a long time without his participation. And yes, the Olympic flame in Rio passed through his hands: Dima Bilan does not miss the opportunity to ignite the hearts of Russian athletes, among whom he has friends.

His health condition had recently raised concerns among his fans, but the singer assured that he was feeling well after his trip to Iceland. He radically changed his image - shaved his head, lost weight, matured, and all this for a small role in the TV series “Midshipmen-4”.

People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria

In 2006 he became an Honored Artist, and two years later a People's Artist. This is how his homeland, Kabardino-Balkaria, appreciated his merits. Dima Bilan was then 25 years old and was at the peak of his popularity.

He was born in the small town of Ust-Dzheguta, but a year later the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, where the head of the family, Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, was invited to work at the plant. Nina Mikhailovna raised two similar children: daughter Elena and son Victor. He celebrated his first birthday in 1982 in new apartment in Tatarstan.

The story of how Victor Belan changed his first and last name is well known to his fans. He said in an interview that he always dreamed of becoming an artist, he sang since childhood, and when he entered the big stage took his grandfather’s name and restored historical justice. A family legend says that the passport officer made a mistake in the last name, because the ancestors were Bilans.

Five years later, the family changed their place of residence again: to Kabardino-Balkaria. My grandmother lived there: the mother of the head of the family. Vitya went to school, and in the same class with his older sister. The guy was smart, diligent, and later, thanks to his talent, also the soul of the school. He performed at all holidays: singing for him was the meaning of life. A vocal teacher helped me decide on the choice of a future singer; she successfully entered the classroom to select gifted children to study at a music school. True, she had to persuade Vitya’s parents for a long time: the father did not agree to such an adventure, he saw in his son a technician like himself. Although exact sciences were not easy for Victor. Only by the fifth grade did the parents give up: the guy entered a music school in the accordion class, but soon he was transferred to vocals.

Trips to numerous competitions and festivals began, but they did not interfere with their studies: the talented student brought awards and glorified the town.

His first real costume for going on stage was made for him at the age of 17, before going to a competition in Moscow. The invitation to the Chunga-Changa festival became a test of strength for him. Because initially the contestant faced difficulties: money for the trip was collected through friends (as a result, the school director helped), but a relative did not meet him in the capital. Helped again good people who sheltered the guy for the night.

Luck was with him at the festival itself. He not only received a golden statuette and a certificate, but also met good people who played a fateful role in his life. The Prosin family will shelter him at the beginning of his new period of life - Moscow. The guy, inspired by the victory and ten days of busy life in the capital, promises himself to return and conquer the musical Olympus.

Moscow, there is so much in this sound...

At the age of 19, Victor arrived in the capital: the Prosins supported the young talent in every possible way, offering to stay with them for any time convenient for him. It was they who advised me to enter Gnesinka. He chose the academic vocal department and passed the competition right away, although there were up to 30 applicants for one place. They not only provided him with a corner, but also took part in his fate.

The head of the family tried himself in show business and offered Victor support. Although he was thinking about a completely different person, who seemed great and inaccessible: Yuri Aizenshpis. He was already 55 years old, and had vast experience in promoting Kino, Katya Lel, Linda, Vlad Stashevsky and many other famous names in the world of music.

They met by chance, in one of the casinos where Victor was brought by Konstantin Prosin, but then the legendary producer did not pay any attention to them. So the debut of the song “Autumn” went unnoticed. And the clip, although it got on MTV, did not make a difference.

Somewhere around this time, Victor took a pseudonym that would make him famous and would appear in his passport. The name change also led to other changes: independent life, auditioned for all the castings, and in his second year he moved into the dormitory. He later said that he never repented of this step, although life was not easy: he was torn between studying, working as a loader and nightclubs when he was invited to perform. Another year flew by in this frantic rhythm.

Only in his third year did he take his chance. At a party for a famous magazine, noticing Yuri Aizenshpis, he tried to attract attention. That was not easy. But from then on, they never parted: the tandem formed, despite the fact that the new guy was not the master’s only “project.” However, this was only to the benefit of the singer, performing on the same stage with the guys from the pop group Dynamite.

Almost a father

Under the patronage of Aizenshpis, a video was soon shot, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk. The song “Boom” was the only one in the singer’s repertoire for almost a year. With her, he went to Jurmala in the summer of 2002 to conquer the famous stage. The debutant of the popular competition for young performers was in for an explosion of emotions and fateful meetings. He, of course, was not among the top three winners, but “ New wave“The country was watching on TV and they started talking about the modestly dressed guy. He was happy from the fourth place, and from the enormous competitive experience he received, and from meeting celebrities.

Performances began: first at private parties and joint concerts. A year later he recorded solo album, named after main song- “Night hooligan.” By the way, this song began the long-term creative collaboration of Gosha Toidze, chosen from a dozen directors. The clip was shown on MTV, which added fame and fans to the artist included in the circulation. Bilan deftly grabbed the bird of happiness by the tail and held it tightly until 2005 - a turning point in his fate.

The frantic rhythm set by Aizenshpis brought Bilan to the top of the ratings. He recorded a couple of albums and several commercially successful videos, taking a number of music awards and the honorary title of “pop sex symbol.” In addition, during this turbulent period, he graduated from Gnesinka and immediately entered the second higher education - at GITIS - to become an actor.

He succeeded everywhere and everywhere: in the winter of 2004, he passed the test in “Fear Factor,” which was filmed in Argentina. A popular TV show added to his fame. Spectators watched him bravely ride on a tightrope at great heights and eat strawberries along with flies.

That year he released his second album, “On the Shore of the Sky,” in which he took part foreign composers who wrote hits for famous world stars. The video for the main song was filmed by an Italian team in Venice, and its partner was a model from Poland. Until now, this work is considered one of the most beautiful, and the song from the album of the same name is one of the most lyrical, it is not for nothing that the singer received the “Golden Gramophone” for it and was named Best Performer of the year according to MTV.

Bilan was in great demand: viewers could see him in Tele2 advertising, on the covers of glossy magazines, he became a welcome guest at prestigious parties, willingly sharing his creative projects with reporters broadcasting it not only on music channels, but also on the news. And he had something to say: his next album, “Time is the River,” was preparing for release (in 2006 he would receive the MUZ-TV award) and his debut at Eurovision.

Time stood still in September 2005 - Bilan was preparing for the MTV Awards ceremony when he learned of the death of his mentor Yuri Aizenshpis, “almost a father” - as he would later write in autobiographical book. He died at the age of 60 from a heart attack on the evening of September 20. And the next day, with incredible efforts and with the support of his friends, Dima went on stage to receive the award. He was accompanied by the producer's son Mikhail, and viewers saw a mourning bandage on the sleeve of the singer's suit.

They say that the evening concert dedicated to memory producer, became one of the best in the creative biography of Dima Bilan.

Golden Boy

The tragedy unsettled me, but life forced me to pass this test too. Yana Rudkovskaya, whom Aizenshpis introduced them to two years before her death, helped. She spoke about this in detail in an interview, and then in a book. Yes, she invited Dima Bilan to a private party and soon became imbued with his work. She offered to become the face of her clothing boutiques, which were then the only ones in Sochi. Thanks to her husband, Dima now has an apartment in Moscow, a car and stage costumes. Yana stated that famous producer introduced them not just like that, but with a view of the future. And this future suddenly became the present: she turned out to be the person who lent a helping hand in a difficult situation. But she was not able to immediately call herself Dima Bilan’s producer.

The story of how the heirs of the deceased producer and his new patron shared copyrights has made the rounds in all the newspapers. Dima Bilan was skeptical about the widow’s claims, believing that it, along with the contract, could not be inherited. But according to the law, she had the rights to the Dima Bilan project, proving that it was created by her late husband and the income from his professional activity. In the press, it was mainly Yana Rudkovskaya and the lawyers she hired who sorted out the relationship.

Dima Bilan fought on another front: in the qualifying round for Eurovision. True, Natalya Podolskaya took the victory from him, because the majority of Russian viewers preferred her song “No One Will Hurt Each Other,” and Dima Bilan came second. But she was underestimated in the world music arena: Podolskaya brought only 15th place from the prestigious competition. Performance at Eurovision 2006 was at stake. And Bilan didn’t just give up; by this time he was already super popular, filling stadiums. Channel One gave him a ticket to the competition based on the results audience choice. First place eluded him even then, although the result was more than impressive: he took second place with the song Never Let You Go.

As Yana Rudkovskaya says, this victory became their common one and she received the moral right to call herself a producer. But copyright was still in question.

Show business also followed developments. There were rumors that after success at Eurovision, the singer’s fee increased to $50 thousand, and in a year, according to Forbes, he earned more than $3 million. Bilan was called the “golden boy” and bets were made on who would get it profitable business. Moreover, a third contender soon appeared and a new scandalous story appeared: Yana Rudkovskaya began divorce proceedings. It ended in 2008, after a dirty information war, which least of all concerned Dima Bilan. By this time this name was already officially on his passport, putting an end to the project of the same name. And without a pseudonym, he was preparing to once again perform at Eurovision, went through all the stages and took first place. The whole country sang his Believe, and Bilan went down in its history as the only one who was able to take this previously impregnable Russian performers international musical Olympus.

His name was among the top three Russian pop celebrities, he was invited to the jury of various competitions and festivals. There was active touring and studio activity, numerous filming, records in the charts, sold out houses, and an army of fans. Soon the fourth album “Against the Rules” and the second without Aizenshpis was released. And again - an incredible success. By the way, Bilan still holds the record for the most MTV music awards.

A year later - another album, but in the English version - Believe, in the creation of which Timbaland and Jim Beanz took part. This work was also recognized with a number of awards and prizes.

However, he reached the world level not only as a musician. He began writing a column for readers of Billboard magazine, from which fans from different continents learned private details from his life, creative plans and opinions on events not only in the world of music.

The singer is also known as a philanthropist: he constantly participates in joint concerts and auctions for the treatment of children. In the book, he explained his impulse to help those in need by the fact that he did not have his own children, but even if he did, he would not stop providing help.


Acting education is required. His film debut came in arthouse cinema. The main role was offered by director Maxim Apryatin in 2010. Dima Bilan performed in two other roles: as a producer and as a co-author of the idea. The ten-minute film is based on the rock ballad “He Wanted.” Bilan sings and talks in philosophical topics by sharing congenial quotes famous people. After its release, Dima Bilan gained more intellectual fans.

On his 30th anniversary, in 2011, his book is published and, as critics say, it grabs you from the first pages. It contains everything: from the first appearance on stage and about all the vicissitudes of show business. She wrote in a light style and is full of sincere moments. In general, the year was going very well: numerous interviews, concerts, and the main one was in Crocus City Hall, where family, friends, colleagues and fans gathered. The hall with six thousand seats was filled, the singer was complimented and given gifts.

The audience was also pleased with his participation in the special episode of the “Let Them Talk” program. The artist’s unique benefit performance pleased many. And the year ended with another record: Dima appeared at 16 New Year's shows on various TV channels. It was a success that he is unlikely to repeat.

But it was necessary to consolidate his position at the top of show business and Bilan went on a tour of Russian cities and everyone. In four months, he visited 45 cities, waking up every morning in a new place. He withstood the tough rhythm and loads. The bonus was not only the fees, but also the fan clubs that appeared across the country like mushrooms after the rain.

And in the spring he pleased his fans with the release of a new, sixth album. His “Dreamer” brought him the title of “Artist of the Year” and took top positions in various ratings.

And of course, again – Eurovision. The presentation of the song with former “tattoo” Yulia Volkova blew up the Internet. They sang “Bitch Love” and the audience gave them first place, but in terms of total points they only came in second. But he still took part in it along with the winners of five years.

And in the summer he gave a grand concert in the Tchaikovsky Hall. Moreover, he performed not only hits, but also complex opera roles. He surprised many then, and they gave him a standing ovation!

2012 was also significant because it revealed Bilan as a mentor in the show “The Voice,” which the artist has been hosting for more than one season. This is separate interesting page in his creative biography.

Two albums were released in 2012 and 2013, after which something happened musical pause, although Bilan continued to live a busy life. The Olympics, the show “Voice.Children”, recording new singles, but the most unexpected thing was an invitation to the main role in the film “Hero”. He turned out to be a brave lieutenant, convincing, noble and passionate. What is a film without love, separation, betrayal and despair? By the way, in an interview, Bilan said that the offer to act not in a cameo, but to take on a real dramatic role, alarmed him, but director Vasiliev dispelled his doubts. They talked for a long time and a lot until the actor had an understanding of the role. And then everything went like clockwork.

Filming took place in Vilnius and Paris, Bilan was completely immersed in the atmosphere of the early 19th century, enjoyed communicating with the artists, wore an overcoat, a sword belt, rode a horse and waved a saber. He was greatly encouraged by these shooting days, he was able to look at time from a different perspective. He said that the two minutes that were included in the film took several days to film. He understood how important details and nuances are, and he was able to savor the perfection that he achieved, shedding seven sweats. And he is glad that he abandoned his busy touring schedule in favor of the new himself.

The film was released in 2016 and was purchased by several countries. But the criticism was ambiguous, although there were no complaints about Dima Bilan’s work.

Rumor has it that he was offered a role in the next film “Gardearins-4”, but so far he has not given official confirmation of this fact. Although his fans claim that if for the role of Lieutenant Dolmatov he had to grow a thick beard, then for new role the artist shaved his head.


He built a house in the Moscow region, planted a tree on the lawn and is not against having offspring. His personal life, especially recently, is closed. On Instagram he talks about friends, creativity, and family. His younger sister Anna lives in America, he often visits her. They are 13 years apart and her older brother takes care of her in every possible way. Anya sang with him back in 2010, but then left for America, and it was a pleasant surprise for her brother to learn that she had taken up vocals seriously. She sent him a link to the track, as the singer talked about in an interview, but never asked him for any help. By the way, her personal life is getting better, Dima says that she is dating a great guy and in general she has many friends there. And his elder sister Elena has been married for a long time, she has a clothing boutique that she sells under her own brand. She has a close relationship with her younger brother, although whether she has children is unknown. Most likely not, because Dima Bilan would immediately invest his sister’s success on his Instagram. He loves to share his sisters' successes and warmly comments on photos of them together. But he shows responsibility and care for his youngest, who is like him like two peas in a pod. And if they ask about his personal life, he invariably answers that until he introduces Anya to people, he doesn’t even think about his own family.

He has a long-term relationship, five years, with only one girl – Elena Kuletskaya. They met at the airport in Paris, when 25-year-old Dima was flying to Moscow, and she was flying to Germany for filming. At that time, she was pursuing a career as a model, and after a few years, she achieved success. And then, by chance, Elena’s photo was among the contenders for the filming of Dima Bilan’s video, and without hesitation, he chose it. They dated for five years, but in between tours and castings. Dima even publicly said that if he wins the Eurovision contest, he will propose marriage to her. He, of course, won, but by this time he had changed his mind, either they were both constantly busy, or they found themselves different people. Elena got married three years ago, lives in France and is expecting a child from her beloved husband.

He was credited with having affairs with his Gnesinka classmate Julia Lima, after he posted joint photo on Instagram where they are in America. But no continuations followed, and the story was forgotten. In general, they say that Dima knows how to be friends with girls, including famous and famous ones. And he is constantly surrounded by children: his charity events and the show “The Voice. Children" made him fully feel all the responsibility for little man, for which it seems the artist is not yet ready.

Although for the family of Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko he became a truly close friend, agreeing to become godfather their baby.

Rumors about him gay also came, but the singer ignored them. The only thing he has commented on lately is the rumors about his death. The media spread information that Bilan was ill, and after a while they announced a funeral. But the artist was not offended; on the contrary, he said that the omen was good and he would live until old age. But there are health problems. Bilan reported them to the media before leaving for Iceland for treatment. He complained of pain in his spine, doctors diagnosed hernias that prevented him from bending and holding anything in his hands. Perhaps his frantic workload, many years of lack of sleep, or the corset that he had to wear in the heat under a woolen overcoat on the set had an effect.

But he underwent a long course of treatment and assured that he felt great. And already in May of this year, he presented a video for the song “Labyrinths” at the request of Natalia Vodonaeva’s charitable foundation. The theme of children now occupies more and more space in his life.


Fans of Dima Bilan are constantly interested in his health. The singer is touched by the concern of devoted viewers. And he assures that he does not have any terrible illnesses, he is healthy and full of creative plans.

The biography of Dima Bilan is an interesting story about how an ordinary Kabardian boy from a small town achieved unprecedented heights V Russian show business. The main breakthrough in the performer’s career was the victory at Eurovision 2008, which no Russian performer had been able to achieve until that moment.

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of an engineer and a social worker. The future idol was born in the small town of Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Dima Bilan's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan. In addition to Victor, the Belan family had two daughters - Anna and Elena. Later family future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Maisky.

Dima had a passion for music since childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended music school, graduating educational institution accordion class. Even then, the talented guy participated in various competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to children's festival“Chunga-Changa”, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon himself.

The singer's career began with an acquaintance with producer Yuri Aizenshpis. It was this famous music manager who recommended the young man to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. In collaboration with Aizenshpis, Bilan tried his hand at the “New Wave”, where he took 4th place. In 2003, Bilan’s first album “I am a night hooligan” was released. Videos and songs from this disc soon became popular in Russia. Fans especially remember the song “Baby”. The artist's subsequent albums become equally interesting to the public.

The brightest moment and peak in the creative biography of Dima Bilan is the long-awaited victory at Eurovision 2008, which was so difficult for the artist. In tandem with the famous musician Edvin Marton and Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, Dima Bilan presented the whole world with an amazing performance on ice to the song Believe in the finals of the competition. Dima became the first Russian in history to win the competition.

After winning Eurovision, the ladies arranged for an eligible groom real hunt. But Dima promised reporters that he would marry his girlfriend. According to rumors, his chosen one, model Lena Kuletskaya, had been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time, and it was promised to her if she won the Eurovision Song Contest. But time passed, and no offer was received.

Their common path diverged into different paths; more and more often at social events, Lena was noticed in the company of other men. Soon Dima and Lena announced their breakup. And then it turned out that the romance was not real: the couple only portrayed the relationship and everything that happened was nothing more than a PR stunt. After this, Dima began to carefully hide his personal life. This did not stop journalists: they wrote with all their might about his wedding and even put up photographs of the couple in the attire of the bride and groom. It turned out that it was a duck again: in this form, pseudo-wife Yulia Sarkisova starred in Bilan’s video “The Hours.” In fact, she has a billionaire husband and children.

There are many beauties hanging around who work with him, star in his videos, and Dima is credited with having an affair with almost every one of them. And he even supposedly has a wife - Anna Moshkovich. But he shrugs it off and insists that his heart is free. He seems to enjoy the role of being the favorite of women.

Information quickly spreads online that singer Dima Bilan has died. Other sources report the imminent death of the performer, as he is near death, reports News in the World

As you know, Dima Bilan, who has lost weight, really lately worried his fans tired appearance. And a few months ago, on his Instagram, he published pictures in which he completely shaved his head. For months, the singer's fans could not find a place for themselves, wondering what happened. Various diseases appeared as options - from anorexia to cancer.

And then the other day, unexpected news about the singer’s death began to spread across the Internet. Moreover, in a pop-up Google ad you can see information that he died in a car accident.

The concern of fans only provoked the spread of information. Bilan himself does not comment on what is happening, but now he is alive and well, in any case, his posts on Instagram speak about this.

The performer's producer Yana Rudkovskaya previously explained that the artist shaved for a new project, and not due to illnesses.

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