Alexandra Gozias - biography, information, personal life. Official Instagram page of Sasha Gozias: latest photos and videos Who is Gozias from House 2 according to the horoscope

Alexandra Gozias I immediately got to the new site “Doma-2”, which opened in 2014 in the Seychelles. The girl first appeared on air on April 12, 2015. On Love Island, Sasha voiced that she likes Evgeniy Kuzin.

Before joining the project, Alexandra had been divorced for 1.5 years and had a child. She liked her cousin for his lightness of character and sense of humor. Only there was no reciprocal sympathy, but Gozias became the shadow of rating participant Nastya Lisova. Sasha went to Russia, to the main film set of the project.

During the casting, which took place in Kaliningrad, 24-year-old Alexandra said that she had recently completed her apprenticeship as a hairdresser and had not yet decided on her life plans.

Alexandra is sure that she managed to do it all the time until the show is on, "get to the bottom of it" main secret long-lived project: “I will build love; and in order to stay on the project, I will weave intrigues - I can do that. I like to make noise and weave intrigues.”

In May 2015 in " House 2"has arrived Ilya, ex-husband Alexandra Gozias.

Alexandra Gozias after the show Dom-2

In 2017, Gozias married her “colleague” in “House 2” - Konstantin Ivanov. They traveled to the Seychelles together, where they underwent a kind of “strength test”, and in April they left the project. Sasha opened her own online clothing store.

At the end of September, Ivanov and Gozias broke up. Fans learned about this from the stars’ social media accounts. Instagram networks. The initiator of the separation was Alexandra, who decided that Ivanov had cheated on her.

Alexandra Gozias. Born on June 2, 1990 in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Participant in the show “Dom-2”.

Alexandra Gozias's height: 165 centimeters.

Alexandra Gozias by zodiac sign: Twins.

After high school graduated from hairdressing courses.

She was married to Ilya Krotkov. At first the couple lived in a civil marriage, but after the birth of their daughter they officially got married. However, the marriage did not last long - about a year. As the girl explained, her husband tried to establish tyranny in the family, so she decided to break up with him.

Moreover, she allegedly had such plans even during her pregnancy, i.e. before the wedding. But for a long time she forgave domestic violence (including because of the child) - until she finally decided to break up. By the way, fans of the reality show often raised the question of what exactly Sasha Gozias saw in her ex-husband? According to viewers of the TV show, his appearance and character as a man do not reveal any beauty or charm in him.

At the beginning of 2015, Gozias went to Kaliningrad for the casting of the project “Dom-2”. During the interview, the girl said that she was looking for her other half, but at the same time she was ready for any shocking reaction from the public - which, as you know, is important for this scandalous show.

The organizers of the project liked her so much that they bypassed Polyana and sent her to Love Island. It turned out that she got into the program on the route “Baltiysk - Seychelles”.

I came to Evgeny Kuzin. However, despite all the girl’s efforts, there was no reciprocal sympathy. Cousin refused to build a relationship with the girl and declared himself a couple with another Alexandra, Artemova.

After staying in the Seychelles for a month, Gozias returned to Polyana alone.

At Polyana I tried to build a relationship with Ilya Yabbarov. At one time it seemed that they would succeed. Yabbarov had just parted with his ex-girlfriend. Once Alexandra was caught with Yabbarov hugging in bed (the photo was leaked to the Internet by Andrey Cherkasov).

At the moment when the girl was trying to start a relationship with Yabbarov, her ex-husband, Ilya Korotkov, came to the project. According to the latter, he wanted to return ex-wife back in order to restore the family and raise their common daughter together.

At the same time, he and Ilya Krotkov constantly argued on the project, telling each other all the ins and outs. He claimed that she cheated on him in marriage, she, on the contrary, claimed that he cheated. For some time after he came to the project, Alexandra moved into separate apartments with him and lived as with her husband. But then she left him again.

According to Sasha, she refused to step on this rake a second time. However, things didn’t work out with Yabbarov either.

But her relationship began with Sergei Khudyakov, who at that time was new to the project. True, this fleeting relationship did not bring her any loving consolation.

On February 5, 2016, Konstantin Ivanov came to the Dom-2 show. In the past, he was officially married (the name of his ex-wife is Christina). Has a son, Prokop. According to Ivanov, the divorce happened due to the difficult character of his wife. Although, according to Christina, the man turned out to be unfaithful in the marriage and allowed himself to raise his hand against her several times.

At first, Konstantin tried to build a relationship with the scandalous participant Olga Rapunzel. It turned out that they already knew each other and had been communicating for six months. At that time, Olga was in a relationship with Dmitry Dmitrenko, Konstantin tried to fight her off, but was unsuccessful.

And then he turned his attention to Alexandra Gozias. Konstantin and Alexandra began to communicate more closely together once they were in the Seychelles. Ivanov was attracted a strong character girls, the man began to court Alexandra and after a few days they declared themselves a couple.

On initial stage their relationship was plagued by problems. They quarreled and then made up.

And on August 2, 2016, the couple stunned the public with the announcement of their marriage. This was the most original wedding of the project. Gozias and Ivanov cemented their relationship in the detention center (on August 1, Alexandra was locked up for foul language). The marriage was registered by the head of the punishment cell, Ilya Yabbarov.

But whether the real wedding will take place is an open question.

Alexandra Gozias - Troll of the Year 2016.

In 2016 on popular show“Dom-2” hosts two competitions at once: the annual competition “Person of the Year 2016” and “Troll of the Year 2016”.

According to the terms of the second competition, the winner is the one who best gets hold of his colleagues. The winner is determined by the audience. And in their opinion, Alexandra Gozias became the troll of 2016. She was ahead of Semyon Frolov by 12%, so the prize of 200 thousand rubles goes to her. Gozias said that she uses the money she won to spend her parents and their daughter on vacation at a mountain resort.

Over the 12 years of the existence of the Dom-2 project, the rules of the game changed many times, they left and returned former members, new ones were created film sets, including the appearance of a sister show, “Love Island.” The only thing that remained unchanged was the criterion for evaluating the main characters of the project - a “bright” participant. Twenty-six-year-old Alexandra Gozias is a clear candidate for the palm in this nomination. Let's try to figure out why.

Biography pages

It is known that the girl was born on 06/02/1990 in the Kaliningrad region (the city of Baltiysk). Her parents separated when she was 10 years old, but the girl was not left without a male upbringing. Mom remarried, which turned out to be more successful. Alexandra has a younger brother. After graduating from school, Alexandra Gozias, whose photo is presented in the article, received the profession of a hairdresser. At 19, she began dating a local guy, Ilya Krotkov. After the birth of their daughter in June 2013, named Sofia, the couple got married. At first the girl said that the experience family relations was five years old, the family broke up due to her husband’s infidelity and the beatings that she had to endure from him. Later she admitted that they lived together for only a year and a half and broke up long before the project.

A video of the wedding posted on the Internet shows that the marriage took place when Sofia was more than a year- the girl stands confidently on her feet. This means that in April 2015, Alexandra appeared on the TV set practically from under the aisle, singing a song to her husband about how he is the best of men. It is no coincidence that on May 30, Ilya Krotkov arrived at the project, declaring his desire to save his family. The audience even thought: it smells like an agreement, because after some time the couple reunited again.

Background: the arrival of Alexandra Gozias on a television project

On April 12, 2015, the girl appeared in the Seychelles, having passed a casting in Kaliningrad. Together with their competitor Darina Elzarova, they came to conquer the long-lived project whose personal life(unsuccessful marriage, divorce, building a relationship with his son) took place before the eyes of the whole country. And if Darina turned out to be a lively girl, devoid of any complexes, then Alexandra was remembered only for the fact that she stood up for the rating participant Anastasia Lisova, whom Nikita Kuznetsov “re-educated” in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators. Transformation of a modest girl with open face happened in a clearing, where the participant returned a month later.

Lisova turned from a friend into an enemy, and with the arrival of her ex-husband Ilya Krotkov, who was portrayed by her ex-wife as a despot and a malicious alimony defaulter, everyone saw a completely different Gozias: rude, sharp-tongued and flirting left and right. Scandals constantly arose between the former spouses, and Ilya looked little like a despot. But Alexandra Gozias often broke into abuse and humiliated her man, provoking him to assault. In July, a terrible fight took place. Krotkov injured his ex-wife's nose, which led to the end of the relationship.

Once upon a time, people were punished for this and expelled from the show. IN Last year the organizers changed their minds, taking into account that the video of the fights at Dom-2 was breaking all records for views, and introduced courts, by decision of which those who had committed a crime were simply sent to an isolation ward.

From relationship to relationship

For a year and a half, there is not a participant with whom Alexandra would not have a clash. Then she rushes at Diana Chipizubova because of her husband, who, in fact, is absolutely not interesting to her. Then she fights with Alexandra Kharitonova, an equally strong and rated participant. Then he teams up with her in the war against the new Nastya Ivankova. Not to mention the fact that in relationships with men, she, a short and thin girl, is often dragged by her hair, thrown into the pool and shaken by her breasts. Moreover, she often rushes into these fights with the gusto of an obsessed person, allowing herself to insult, grab personal belongings and kick men.

In addition to fights, Alexandra Gozias, for whom “Dom-2” became home for a year and a half, is actively involved in building relationships with the opposite sex. Except ex-spouse, with whom the relationship again clearly did not work out, she met with the project’s chansonnier Ilya Yabbarov, whose rude attitude towards girls gained him a certain fame. Knowing that she was not serious, she trusted the young womanizer, shedding real tears. I tried to date a handsome guy, but he turned out to be a weak participant and did not stay on the project.

During her second stay in the Seychelles, Alexandra began an affair with Kostya Ivanov, who also had an unsuccessful marriage and a child behind him. It would seem that nothing should stop the couple from building harmonious relationships based on mutual sympathy. But His Majesty's rating intervened. And again, the audience watches how the guys step on the same rake: they grab each other’s phone, look for far-fetched reasons for scandals, and if there are none, they get drunk on grape juice or go to all troubles outside the perimeter.

Transformation into a princess

It would seem that Alexandra Gozias is such a hooligan. Ah, no. She dreams of becoming a real princess. In September I decided to have breast augmentation surgery. Rehabilitation took place in a clearing, and the whole country was worried: what poor girls have to endure for the sake of beauty. In October, lip plumping, which is fashionable today, appeared, in January - eyebrow tattooing and eyelash extensions. 626 thousand Instagram subscribers admire the beauty of a fragile girl from Baltiysk in elegant dresses couture, but for some reason she often sits on the forehead in the same jeans and a familiar vest.

And this is a big mystery for the audience: where is she real?

Troll of the Year

Every year the television project hosts competitions with the participation of audience voting"Person of the Year". It feels like new competition in 2016, “Troll of the Year” was invented specifically for this girl. It is unlikely that Alexandra Gozias, whose biography is known throughout the country, could win “Person of the Year,” but winning due to her sharp words and harsh humor addressed to other participants is hers. Of the six people who reached the finals (S. Frolov, R. Mishina, I. Tregubenko, K. Ivanov), the girl received the highest marks for creative works about competitors, ahead of the nearest rival by 12% of the votes. This made her the owner of a cash prize of 200 thousand rubles.

Apart from the child - for what?

One of the first participants in the television production became an ardent opponent of what was happening on the screen. Even he himself, who lived for show, is shocked by what is happening today. He is deeply convinced that ridiculous fees are not worth scandalous reputation purchased by participants. But apparently not everyone thinks the fees are ridiculous. And thanks to the huge army of subscribers in in social networks a new source of income has appeared - advertising. So, not only girls dreaming of fame and a rich groom, but also young mothers who want to provide a future for their child are rushing to work on construction sites. Alexandra Gozias is one of them.

The organizers of the show developed a formula for themselves that the participants of “House-2” should be people from the people, revealing to the audience different aspects of life ordinary people. I would like to believe that in life outside the perimeter they are completely different.

Alexandra's frequent trips home, photographs with her husband and daughter in which they make an impression happy people- this is the real reality. And everything else is from the evil one. Just a way to become famous and get a good start in life. Together with the girl, she opened a page on YouTube to publish videos from life in the perimeter that were not broadcast. The acting talent and the passion with which they quarrel in order to raise the ratings of the television series should not be lost.

Alexandra Gozias can rightfully be considered one of the most shocking participants in the popular television project “Dom-2”. On the one hand, her biography before joining the project was not distinguished by anything extraordinary: rather, it could not be considered the most successful. Born in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region, she completed hairdressing courses. Unlike other colleagues in the project, she had no history of her own business or career as a model. On the other hand, thanks to numerous noisy events with Sasha’s participation, she very quickly gained fame among fans and their endless attention. Today the girl runs Instagram, and everyone can look at her most latest photos graphies

What adds piquancy is the fact that before the Dom-2 project, Alexandra managed to be married. Family life did not work out, but there was a child left from the marriage - a girl. Instead of getting a job in one of the hairdressing salons in the city of Baltiysk, future star decided to try her luck on a television project - and she succeeded! By the way, her ex-husband and the girl’s father, Ilya Krotkov, also came to the project some time later.

Initially, she came to Evgeny Kuzin. As the participant herself explained, she liked him for his sparkling sense of humor. But, unfortunately, Kuzin did not reciprocate her feelings - although the whole country was watching the attempts to build relations. It is also noteworthy that Alexandra’s debut on the project took place not just anywhere, but right away in the Seychelles. These moments were captured on Alexandra Gozias’ Instagram: photos from tropical islands can be seen there in large numbers.

During her life on the islands, Sasha showed little of herself. But then, when I returned to Moscow to the clearing of the project, I turned around in all its breadth! Hardly any of the participants have brought as many emotions as Gozias brought to the project from the very day of its foundation. By the way, Sasha Gozias captured some moments from the life of the Dom-2 participants in photos from Instagram.

You can find Sasha Gozias’s account with all the photographs, including those taken during her participation in the Dom2 project, by entering @gozias in the search bar. You can simply enter a search query like “Instagram Gozias Sasha”, or you can immediately type this name into the social network. To date total number Alexandra’s subscribers have exceeded seven hundred thousand and continue to grow. Of course, because updates happen there weekly – and sometimes even every day. Basically, the star publishes her own photographs, something from the life of the Dom-2 project, as well as simply beautiful views that she once liked. But the greatest intrigue for most viewers is her current relationship.

After all, after Sasha’s relationship with Evgeny Kuzin didn’t work out, she became close friends with another participant, Konstantin Ivanov. What a surprise it was for the colonels when they announced their wedding - and not just anywhere, but right within the walls of the isolation ward, where both were imprisoned for bad behavior. This is Alexandra Gozias: photos from Instagram once again emphasize her difficult character.

Sasha Gozias live on your Instagram

Sasha Gozias could not help but take advantage of such an opportunity as a live broadcast on Instagram, because it great way increase your popularity. Now fans and those simply interested can watch her and her lover, listen and even chat a little. True, too many comments accumulate over the entire broadcast and they quickly go to the top, so it is not a fact that your message will be read. However, if you are interested in learning something from the life of Gozias, go ahead and watch the live broadcast on Instagram. Especially for you, we have posted here several examples of such videos.

Visit our website and you can follow the development of the relationship between Gozias and Ivanov by watching videos on Instagram. We will tell you about latest news, we will share information about the number of subscribers per account, their growth rate, and show the most popular photos. Here you will find:

  • Only the latest news about the relationship between Sasha and Konstantin;
  • Intriguing details;
  • A sea of ​​excellent and interesting photos!

Member name:

Age (birthday): 2.06.1990

City: Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region; Moscow

Family: married to Konstantin Ivanov

Height and weight: 169 cm, 51 kg

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Alexandra Gozias was born on June 2, 1990 in the city of Baltiysk in the Kaliningrad region. There she graduated from school and hairdressing courses.

Alexandra Gozias has experience behind her family life and a little daughter.

After the divorce, the girl decided to try her luck on a television project. Having passed the casting in Kaliningrad, On April 12, 2015, she appeared immediately on the second site of House 2 - Seychelles.

The organizers noted Sasha’s lively disposition and desire to remain on the project by any means, because she stated that she would not only build love, but also weave intrigues in order to stay.

She planned to charm the famous womanizer Evgeniy Kuzin, but the guy did not succumb to Gozias’s charm, and a month later the girl moved to Polyana.

There she expressed sympathy for Ilya Yabbarov, they declared themselves a couple and moved into a separate room.

After some time, Alexandra’s ex-husband Ilya Korotkov came to the project.

Gozias rushed between two men and still could not choose who to give preference to, but still remained with her ex-husband.

Although the couple could not live peacefully under the gun of television cameras, constant quarrels led to the final break.

Ilya Korotkov even left the project, but when he returned, he did not resume relations with his ex-wife.

Alexandra tried her luck with newcomer Sergei Khudyakov, but to no avail. At the beginning of 2016, Konstantin Ivanov came to the project, he was also married before the project, but got divorced and has a son.

turned his attention to Gozias and they began to communicate. The guys went to the Seychelles together and there, a few days later, they declared themselves a couple.

During this period, Alexandra’s father died and she left for her native Bratsk to attend the funeral and be with her family.

After returning, Kostya and Sasha continued to build a relationship, although it was not easy, they fought and then made up again.

In August, Ilya made up his mind and proposed to Sasha, and she agreed. The wedding took place in the isolation ward, where at that time the bride was, convicted by the collective for foul language.

The guys are still together. Alexandra brought her little daughter and mother to the project. Konstantin was very worried about how the acquaintance with his future relatives would go.

Sasha’s mom couldn’t stay on the project for a long time, she did not accept the demands put forward by the organizers and refused to tell the details of their relationship with their daughter.

The mother also stated that the television set was not a place for a little girl and took her granddaughter outside the perimeter, which caused a wave of discussions.

The team already called Alexandra a “cuckoo,” and after this incident the participants condemned Sasha’s presence on the project, which brought her to tears.

After his mother-in-law left, Ivanov and Gozias had a big quarrel; during the quarrel, the young man even covered Sasha’s mouth with a dirty sock.

Sashi and Kostya participated in the “Wedding for a Million” competition, but did not win. In March 2017, the couple left the House 2 project.

In the summer of 2017, the guys got married.

Photo by Alexandra

One of the most scandalous ladies on the television project House 2.

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