– How long did the filming day last for the actors of the series “East-West”? Evgenia Loza: “I never had a goal to get married Evgenia Loza is a caravan of stories.

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

The actress brings her boyfriends to tears

It's like she stepped off the page classic novels, many call her “the girl from the past.” Becoming, grace, fragility - all this is inherent in the 27-year-old actress Evgenia LOZE. She films a lot, but she has enough time for both relaxation and her loved one. The REN channel begins showing the series “Vendetta in Russian,” where Evgenia played the desperate journalist Elena.

- In many paintings you show off in wedding dress. Have you really never thought about marriage in your life?

Apparently, my time had not come, and there was no person for me to decide: “This is him!” There were men with whom I fell deeply in love, but even then I did not see them next to me forever and the fathers of my children. Now I have a young man. He is a businessman. Everything is serious with us, but I’m not in a hurry to get married.

- From time to time information appears that you meet with one actor, then with another. Admit it, have you ever had an affair with your partner?

Never! It's taboo for me. I don’t want to offend the actors, but I can’t perceive them as men. Meryl Streep once said: “An actress is more than a woman, an actor is less than a man.” I completely agree with this!

- What then is your love story with the Bulgarian artist Niki Iliev? Or was there nothing either?

Nicky is a handsome, wonderful boy! I would be only glad if we had an affair. But he has a favorite - a Bulgarian athlete Ivet Lalova. And, unfortunately, I don’t speak Bulgarian, and he doesn’t speak Russian. How would we communicate?

- So, all your men are not actors, but entrepreneurs?

Yes, they are very wealthy men. If a guy earns less than me, it's uncomfortable. And first of all to him.

- Probably, gifts from rich fans are not transferred to you?

I received different presents. A friend gave me a plane ride with an instructor for my birthday a few years ago. When I was filming “Vendetta...”, where my heroine controls an aircraft, those skills came in very handy. They gave a star in the sky and armfuls of flowers. Once I received a car as a gift - a luxurious Lexus convertible.

Mom scolded

- Is the age difference between a man and a woman important?

It's better when they are the same age. True, I had a man who turned out to be 15 years older. An adult, an accomplished person, a personality from whom I could learn something.

- Who initiated the breakup more often?

It happens, and a man - I have a difficult profession, they could not stand it. I often cried because of gentlemen. Yes, and they are because of me too. They made desperate attempts to bring me back.

- Singer and composer Yuri Loza, who is your relationship?

We are just namesakes. This question is often asked by traffic cops when they stop you and see your passport. I’ll say more: I’ve never even met Yuri Loza!

- How do you spend your free time?

I love to travel. Recently I went with my beloved to Croatia, on a cruise along the Mediterranean Sea: Sicily, Malta, Mallorca... On New Year We are going with him to a ski resort in Italy or Austria.

- How do you feel about shopping? They say it is an excellent treatment for stress.

I'm not a fan, but if I like something, I'll definitely buy it, regardless of the price. My latest purchase is incredibly beautiful boots from Galliano from ostrich skin. Yes, they are extremely expensive, but I think that I work hard and can afford it - I deserve it. Mom, of course, scolded me for this purchase, but admitted that she also really liked them.


* Evgeniya LOZA born in 1984 in the city of Antratsit, Lugansk region.

* Studied at the Moscow Art Theater School.

* She starred in the films and TV series “9 Months”, “Club”, “Bet”, “Two Colors of Passion”, “Trace of the Salamander”, “Sakura Jam”, “Garages”, “Fate’s Mysterious Tomorrow”.

Having played main role in the mystical horror “The Queen of Spades. Black Rite ", the fragile and graceful actress proved that the image strong woman she can handle it too. In an interview, Evgenia Loza explained why she does not get married and for whom she cooks delicious dishes.

Mom I'm only at the movies

– Evgenia, what difficulties did you encounter while working on the role?

– Fortunately, I didn’t have to transform into the Queen of Spades. My heroine is a mother who is ready to do anything to save and protect her child. The role is dramatic, but not negative. After reading the script, I was surprised that I was offered the role of the mother of a 13-year-old girl. But, apparently, the time has come to change roles ( smiling).

– Did you have special makeup for this age role?

– Emphasized all my emerging wrinkles ( smiling). I have played young mothers in films more than once, but this was my first time becoming a mother of a teenager. With Alina (actress Alina Babak. - Ed.) we easily found mutual language.

– Have you thought about your own children yet?

– For me, a child is the fruit of love. Since I haven’t met my man yet, I don’t want children yet. And my parents never really insisted. Mom always said: “Zhenya, don’t rush to get married, grow up, then your choice will be conscious.” The process took a little longer ( laughs), but I'm not ready to get married yet. I had the experience of a civil marriage, which taught me a lot.

– Some women like to be independent, others, on the contrary, want to hide behind a strong male back. Which is closer to you?

“I’m used to coping with difficulties on my own and I’m not looking for a man to shift my problems onto him. I have been providing for myself and my family for a long time, solving all pressing issues. I want to see a man next to me who will support me in everything.

– What should a young man do to attract your attention?

- There are no recipes here. I either like a person or I don’t. You can even like someone who doesn't deserve it.

– So it’s impossible to win your favor with flowers and gifts?

- Of course not. I only believe in love.

Chubby cheeks are gone forever

– How do you feel about mysticism?

– I do not rule out the presence of something otherworldly in our world. But I try not to dwell on it.

– Have any mystical things happened to you?

– There is an episode in the film when the victim comes to Queen of Spades and cuts off a lock of her hair. And on the set, during makeup, the girl stylist suddenly says: “Where is your bangs?” I look in the mirror and see that on one side I actually don't have a strand of hair! Of course, I immediately thought of the Queen of Spades.

And recently I have become afraid of spiders. One day I’m lying in a hotel room, trying to fall asleep. The room is illuminated only by the TV screen. I open my eyes and see a huge shadow of a spider heading straight towards me! I jumped up screaming, turned on the light, and it turned out that there were big, fat spiders hanging in all the corners!

– Weren’t you scared to look in the mirror? After all, the Queen of Spades may appear there.

– A couple of times during filming this thought came up. I generally try not to look into broken old mirrors. They say it's unfortunate.

– What if a black cat crosses the road? Will you choose a different path?

- No, but I’ll hold on to the button! ( Laughs.) Apparently, this is already a reflex from distant childhood.

– Do you remember yourself at thirteen years old?

- Certainly. I was quite a difficult teenager. I didn't like my appearance. I was very thin and looked funny compared to my busty Ukrainian classmates. But now, when I look at my childhood photographs, I think: what a beauty I am!

– You grew up in Ukraine, and the local cuisine is distinguished by high-calorie and rich dishes. But this did not affect your figure in any way...

– You can’t argue with nature! I have a very good metabolism. Sometimes you should get better, but you can’t. True, since I moved to Moscow, my diet has changed a lot. I don’t eat fatty, spicy, fried foods; I even cook Ukrainian borscht without frying or lard. I rarely eat meat, and only stewed meat. On set, I save myself with a diet menu, fruits and freshly squeezed juices. During this period I usually lose a lot of weight.

Once I had a very difficult shoot, a lot stressful situations. This affected my psyche: I became too lazy to eat. From food I chose things that did not need to be chewed. When I stepped on the scale, I almost fainted: I weighed 43 kilograms! Gradually I managed to regain my original weight. True, I have lost some of my charms irrevocably. I mean cheeks ( laughs). Despite my thinness, I have always had chubby cheeks.

New project - new shoes

– Evgeniya, it’s hard to imagine you with a vacuum cleaner or a rag in your hands. What are you like in everyday life?

“I used to hate cleaning and almost didn’t cook—the housekeeper did that.” And now I even like to run the house myself. Even though I live alone, I like to cook some gourmet dish. And recently I was renovating my apartment, came up with the design myself, and went shopping.

– Do you easily part with money?

– If I like something and have the opportunity to buy it, I won’t think twice about it. This is inconvenient, because sometimes some thing is urgently needed, and it is in the parent’s apartment. My mother scolds me for spending too much money on clothes. I have a tradition: after the first shooting day in a new project I buy myself beautiful shoes or sneakers. Bags and shoes are the most expensive things in my wardrobe. I have it so big that I have to store things in two apartments ( smiling).

- Apparently, you don’t know how to save...

– If fees decrease, requests will also decrease. There were times when I had to sit without work for six months. That's when you start counting every penny. But as soon as the money appears, you quickly forget about the difficulties.

– At social events, is it important for you to stand out or is it enough to look elegant?

– I used to choose extravagant outfits: purple leggings, green dresses. Now I prefer laconic femininity. But, to be honest, I’m not a fan of parties, so I rarely go to them.

– Do you use the services of stylists?

- No. I choose the outfit myself, do my makeup and hair. I feel sorry for wasting time going to beauty salons.

– What projects will viewers see with your participation?

– I hope that the premiere of the series will take place soon. Guardian of the Law" A week ago, filming of the film “ Forever" And at the beginning of the year I starred in the series “ Witch" In short, it turned out to be a mystical year ( laughs).

– Probably, you didn’t really get a chance to rest?

– A year ago I managed to get to Cannes for three days. In general, I haven’t had a full vacation for two or three years. Either there is no suitable company, or there is time.

– I’m sure that many men would dream of spending a vacation with you!

– I don’t even doubt it! ( Laughs.) But I wouldn’t go on a trip with everyone. I’m not even ready to spend a vacation with all my friends: some of them will give me a headache within a couple of days. I would gladly go somewhere in Europe alone, walk around - you can go there from morning to night, and I wouldn’t be bored. And my dream is to be at sea with snow-white sand and palm trees.

Interviewed by Margarita Gorlina

Actress Evgenia Loza believes that one cannot refuse the gifts of fate. Therefore, when she was offered a role in the Russian-Turkish series “East - West,” which airs on the Domashny channel, Zhenya agreed without hesitation. OK! talked to the actress about how she had to learn Turkish and why she never starts office romances

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev

ANDYenya, with her Turkish partner film set movie "East - West" did you speak English?

Certainly. Both he and I improved our English during this time. But mostly we communicated in a mixture of English, Russian and Turkish. In the video, Adnan speaks Turkish, and I speak Russian. This is very difficult.

So you had to learn Turkish?

It couldn't have happened without this. ( Laughs.) I had to learn some phrases. At first, when we were filming in Russia and I had to speak Turkish, it was real hard labor for me: just typing letters, I didn’t understand anything at all. When the stage of filming in Turkey began, I already knew many of the words, and it was easier for me.

How long did filming last in Turkey?

A few days in Istanbul and a month in Bodrum. But the main block was filmed in Kyiv.

Were you able to combine work and leisure in Turkey?

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to rest. But I can say that it was a pleasure to work in such landscapes. Although there were also difficulties. We arrived in Turkey at the height of summer, in the very heat. It’s one thing to relax in such weather, and another to work. It was not always possible to eat, sleep, or relax in places where there were air conditioners. It was terribly hot all the time. Even our equipment broke down, and some members film crew they even lost consciousness.

How did you cope with such heat?

Fortunately, it didn’t come to the point of fainting, because I had my own trailer with air conditioning and everyone came to me to cool off. ( Smiles.)

But after such filming, you probably no longer thought about going on vacation to the sea?

Honestly, no. I wanted to go somewhere into the forest, in autumn weather...

Zhenya, what is it like to play love with a partner who does not speak Russian?

In principle, love is not words or actions, it is the desire to touch. This is what is transmitted through the eyes... And in acting Our knowledge of the material we were working with helped us. Words were unnecessary... ( Laughs.) But of course, it was difficult. First of all, also because I needed to not only learn my text, but also know my partner’s text. I had to clarify the words after which it was necessary to express certain emotions, because when Adnan spoke, I no longer heard anything, I had only one thought in my head - not to lose the thread and to enter and react correctly...

It’s interesting, but isn’t it difficult to play when your partner on the court is so good-looking?

On the contrary, I love beautiful people and I get real aesthetic pleasure from communicating with them. ( Smiles.) I admit, I can’t fall in love on the set. I clearly differentiate between characters and real people.

That is for you office romances impossible in principle?

Of course, no one is immune from this. I don’t claim that I have a cold mind and I forbade myself from falling in love at work. It just hasn't happened yet. I still need a man of a more earthly profession. If I chose creative path then my man must stand firmly on his feet and hold me like balloon by the thread. Two people floating in the clouds is too much. ( Laughs.)

Zhenya, I know that you play a mother in this film. For you it is already becoming good tradition. Do you remember how many on-screen children you have given birth to?

We have to count! ( Laughs.) I, of course, doubt that this mother I played will be similar to me as a mother in life. This is an invented image depending on the circumstances. Playing a mother in a movie is not difficult, but it is very scary - after all, they are other people's children. I almost had a real nervous breakdown when I had to pick up a ten-day-old baby and even bathe him. I sincerely don’t understand parents who send their child to filming, because actors can accidentally harm this fragile creature. This is perhaps the only difficulty in filming with babies.

What if the children are older?

Then the main thing is to set the child up for work. There are children who are capricious and hooligans, but I still manage to find common ground with them.

Zhenya, don’t your parents ask when you will give them a grandson?

Well, with mom and dad, this issue has long been closed. In general, everyone understands the peculiarities of my character and profession, so now they are calm about it.

What are these character traits?

I am very willful and self-sufficient. If a girl does not get married before the age of twenty-five, then her claims against her future chosen one increase. But so far, apparently, I have not met the very man I need. All my relatives and friends know that I had no goal of quickly getting married and having a child. If this hasn’t happened yet, it means I haven’t found my person yet. Everyone understands this and doesn’t bother me.

To meit seems that if you decide to do something, then nothing will stop you. Or I'm wrong?

I am a person who easily follows the road prepared for him by fate. Everything has been going very smoothly for me so far. It's the same in the profession. From childhood I knew what I would do. For me it was natural, without any special effort. There are stories when girls from the provinces come to Moscow, in the first year they do not go to college - they go to work, a year later they enter and as a result become actresses. I moved to Moscow with my parents from the Lugansk region, graduated from school here, and immediately entered Theatre Institute, started to work. Everything happened by itself.

Nevertheless, getting into the Moscow Art Theater School is not so easy.

The fact that I was accepted is simple great luck. I can’t say that I, for example, was well prepared. When I entered college, I had no idea what theater was. Before this there was some kind of amateur activity group. They took me to the Moscow Art Theater School on the condition that I would get rid of dialect within six months. The head of the course, Konstantin Arkadyevich Raikin, said that everything is fine, but if the dialect remains, then we will have to say goodbye. I studied with the best teachers in Moscow, and in the evening I came home, where everyone spoke Surzhik. I begged my parents: “Let me study with you?” I brought them books, showed them how and what to do, but, naturally, everything was useless. It took me another two whole years for my speech to become clear.

Zhenya, are you the first actress in the family?

Discoverer. ( Smiles.) Although, after I had decided on a profession, one day, while looking through photographs of my late grandmother, my father’s mother, I accidentally discovered among them photographs in which she was depicted in costumes on stage. No one told me about this, but, as it turned out, my grandmother performed on the stage of a local theater. And for as long as I can remember, I constantly organized concerts with my grandmother in the village, wrote scripts, staged mini-plays... From the age of ten I already worked in the local theater, we staged performances, held Christmas trees and performed at all city holidays. My parents, engineers, hoped that closer to the eleventh grade I would burn out and choose a “more worthy profession.”

Did they treat it as a hobby?

They tried to dissuade me. They didn't consider acting a serious occupation. But everything happened the way I wanted.

I looked at your filmography: you started acting in films in your first years at the institute. Did the teachers take it well?

Of course, we were not allowed to film. The very first filming took place during the period summer holidays. I agreed because I was told that they would end by the beginning school year. But filming is filming, everything was delayed, I had to explain to Konstantin Arkadyevich. He was very unhappy. But then you had to choose - work or study. As a result, I had to drop out of college. I believe that the basic basics were learned in the first or second years.

Now don’t you think that you should finish your studies?

Honestly, no. In the first years, I felt a lack of theory and practice, I understood that I was an unfinished product. But throughout all these years, I left the filming with some baggage, I had the opportunity to work with such actors, directors and artists that the missing experience was replenished every time. So I think no, I don’t want to study.

Do you listen to the opinions of the colleagues you work with?

It seems to me that an artist who stops listening is either a tired artist or someone who has finished developing. Just as adult artists can learn from me, I learn from them. And I hope that I will not stop doing this under any circumstances.

When we talked last time, you admitted that you dreamed of buying an apartment in Moscow. Did you manage to make your dream come true?

Unfortunately, earnings Russian artists does not allow you to buy an apartment in Moscow. For now I live in a rented apartment and save up. ( Smiles.)

But if you live with your parents, you won’t be able to save up faster?

And who, at thirty-two, wants to live with their parents? For all my openness, I am an introvert and love to relax in my own company. At such moments I reboot. My parents live across the street, and when I’m sick, I always come to them. It is important for me to be taken care of. Mom will bring breakfast, medicine... But in general, I feel more comfortable living alone.

How convenient! You can go to your mother's for dinner.

Yes! My favorite cutlets and borscht are never left in my parents' refrigerator.

On the set of the second season of the series “East-West,” which starts on the Domashny channel in May Photo: courtesy of the press service of the Domashny TV channel

It’s both scary and inconvenient to break traditions! Finally the owner appeared - we were given a tour of the rich halls, decorated with stucco and gilding, seated at the table, and fed. And I’m still worried: how will I get to the mountains?

The whole group is on edge: they decided that I had been kidnapped. And then a whole caravan of cars pulls up - that’s how I made a spectacular appearance! And the escorts take out boxes of fruit, caviar, wine, vodka and cognac from the trunks. The last one was a box with local money - for small expenses. All this was taken to my room, and I was “on the receiving end”: there are no shops in the mountains and this one a kind person made sure that the actors did not go hungry and worked in high spirits.

I still don’t understand who this generous philanthropist is and how did he know that I was coming to filming? They left me his phone number with the words: “If you need anything, call me.” I didn’t think I’d have to use it, but we had a problem... When local authorities learned that the plot of the series had a drug theme, residents were prohibited from renting houses to the group for work. The process has stopped. They asked me: “Zhen, maybe you can dial it?” I called and explained the situation. They immediately found several houses, and on weekends they also took the whole group out to relax. Such misterious story about Uzbek hospitality.

Everything was going well with work, but with personal life... I recover from breakups for a long time - several years. After that crush in my first year, I closed myself off and didn’t let anyone near me. I immersed myself in the cinema and slowly turned into a kind of blue stocking. One day, while filming in Kyiv, friends began to say: “Today you should meet someone!” We were sitting in a restaurant, and I jokingly chose the cutest man in the room. He noticed my gaze and came over. It turned out that he was also from Moscow, and came to Kyiv on business. I didn’t immediately tell you that I was an actress. I noticed many times that after this my interlocutors began to be interested only in my work. That’s why I introduced myself as a seamstress-machine operator!

True, I was soon discovered: either his friends found out, or he himself remembered the video of the group “Zveri”, where he was filmed. But I wasn't upset about it. After the first date, I didn't really like him at all. However, the girlfriends continued to insist: “Go to the second course, why sit there?!” So three times they practically kicked him out to meet him. And during this time we got to know each other better - I took a good look at him, realized that in front of me was a smart and very interesting person. I was twenty-five, he was ten years older. At first I also checked: I probably thought that all the actresses were stupid. I started talking about some geometric theorem, but then it turned out that I understood what I was talking about. Passed the exam. And she didn’t even notice how she lost her head.

Upon returning to Moscow, we began an affair, and a year later I moved in with him. He had such charisma that at first sight he conquered all women - my aunts and mother were instantly charmed and had nothing against our union. We settled in his house. Before that, I didn’t live with anyone, I didn’t even know how to cook, but I learned everything.

At first he was very flattered that he was dating an actress. But when he saw that I often appear in love scenes in TV series, he became incredibly jealous. He insisted: “Play only where there is no romantic line.” The directors only saw me in such scenes. And so that he would not suffer, I refused projects for almost a year. At first, I even enjoyed the fact that I stopped carrying everything on myself and relied on a man. I became a distinguished hostess: she invented some dishes, threw dinners when his friends came to visit us. And then I noticed that he had nothing to talk to me about.

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