Dasha Pynzar: biography, photo, Instagram, facts about personal life. Instagram Daria Pynzar Pynzar instagram official page entrance

Daria Pynzar is considered one of the brightest and most memorable residents of the reality show Dom-2. This seductive blonde's Instagram is full of candid photos and illustrates in detail her personal life with her beloved husband and young son. And now they have been supplemented by photographs of pregnant Dasha basking in sun rays warm sunshine at a resort in Koh Samui. Do you want to see it all with your own eyes? Join the army of one and a half million subscribers darya_pinzar86 and you will learn all the news first hand.

(scroll through the photos, there are a lot of them)

Sultry blondes with a luxurious figure and striking appearance never go unnoticed. Men carry them in their arms, and young enthusiastic girls dream of imitating them in everything. One such object of universal admiration and adoration is Daria Pynzar, a participant in the reality show Dom-2. This attractive and charismatic girl’s Instagram is visited by more than 1.5 million social media users. Yes, this is not surprising, because the beauty, sparing no effort and time, publishes there every day many spectacular and piquant photographs, telling in detail and vividly about her eventful personal life.

The modest childhood of the future TV personality

Dasha Pynzar (nee Chernykh) was born on January 6, 1986 in one of the provincial Ukrainian towns. A few years later, the family moved to Russia and settled in locality Balakovo, located in the Samara region.

Little Dasha did not know her father, and her mother was closely involved in her upbringing. When she tragically died, her older sister Natalia took upon herself all the care of the minor girl. She also provided her relative with great support in the future and helped her get back on her feet.

After graduating from high school, Daria entered the Institute of Economics and Culture and received a diploma in interior and equipment designer. IN student years Daria clearly showed a talent for painting and began to devote quite a lot of time to drawing.

Enchanting coming to Dom-2

The young seductress appeared on the scandalous project just a few days before the onset of 2008. In the very first hours of her presence inside the perimeter, the blond charmer notified all the residents of the famous television set that, despite her flashy appearance and relaxed behavior, she was still innocent and passionately wanted to meet the man of her dreams, to whom she would present her virginity as a gift. However, the participants, who had already seen a lot of shocking beauties in their lifetime, treated the words of the “new girl” with a great deal of irony and did not take them on faith.

Very little time passed and Daria proved to everyone that they were right to doubt her naivety and innocence. Both her style of behavior and more than revealing outfits clearly hinted at a certain experience in communicating with the opposite sex, and the sarcastic Ksyusha Sobchak publicly stated that the blonde beauty looked much more like a stripper than an angel with wings.

Sympathies to Pynzar on the project

Having become a full member of House-2, Dasha openly showed attention to Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov). The ten-year age difference did not bother the girl at all, but rather spurred her on and forced her to act more decisively. However, this experience was unsuccessful. The young man, at first blinded by the beauty of the young seductress, very quickly came out of his state of euphoria and began to complain about the mismanagement and inattention of his girlfriend. His patience was overflowing when Dasha, in her passionate desire to show concern, washed his jeans in the machine along with his mobile phone. Stormy scandal and mutual insults put an end to this relationship and the couple fled forever.

The next object of affection for the sultry blonde was the famous womanizer of House-2 Andrei Cherkasov. For some time the guys dated and called themselves a couple, but they did not have long-term communication.

Left alone, Dasha did not grieve for a long time, especially since the project’s newcomer, the merry fellow and the soul of the company, Sergei Pynzar, had already come into her sight. Love relationship spun almost at lightning speed and, although gossips, envious people and gossips said that all this was again temporary, the young people managed to stay together for more than two years. The culmination of this relationship was the wedding, which happy couple played on a large scale in early May 2010. Journalists covering the ceremony and subsequent festivities immediately dubbed the celebration one of the most memorable events that had ever happened on the project. Latest photos the newlyweds made the rounds of all newspapers, appeared on the pages of glossy magazines and literally blew up social networks.

The vicissitudes of married life

Despite all the doubts and conversations, Sergei and Dasha still live in perfect harmony. This is confirmed by new photos that the girl uploads almost every day to her Instagram darya_pinzar86.

A year after the wedding, the couple had a son, whom they named Artem. To spend more time with your child and breathe fresh air, the guys rented a cozy house in the near Moscow region, but the country pastoral idyll did not last long. The organizers of the Dom-2 project, wanting to increase the show’s ratings, convinced the couple to return to the perimeter and even allocated separate room. Dasha and Sergey appeared again on the television set and the audience saw with their own eyes how warm and trusting relationship bound the hearts of these young people. And the whole country heard with what passion the husband was persuading his beloved soul mate to give him a daughter. Daria flirted and replied that it was happy event will definitely happen, but a little later.

The question of a second child in the Pynzar family arose again in January 2015, and in December Daria’s noticeably rounded forms became visible even to the naked eye. Yes, the beauty did not hide her position by filling Daria Pynzar’s Instagram page with 86 candid photos.

Account: darya_pinzar86

Occupation: participant in the television project “House 2”

Daria Pynzar Instagram is very diverse, stylish and bright. It’s not for nothing that her first profession is a designer. The girl's life is very eventful, but in last years leans toward family happiness and comfort. Although during the project Dasha could not be torn away from nightclubs and various parties. On this basis, there were many conflicts with my husband, which the couple successfully outgrew after the formalization of the relationship. Sergei and Daria rarely give rise to scandals and gossip, which is why many consider them an exemplary couple.

Instagram photos of Daria Pynzar appear quite often, several frames a day. And although she is taciturn with her subscribers, the colorful shots speak for themselves. Most often, Dasha prefers to brag natural landscapes or family life with her husband Sergei.

She pays a lot of attention to her eldest son, Artem. In addition, Daria Pynzar uses Instagram to demonstrate her image and ideas. She has a lot of them, the former participant of “House 2” decided to try herself in design and comes up with new images, ideas for which she gets from the Internet.

Dasha Pynzar uploads Instagram photos to one and a half million subscribers and collects more than 20 thousand likes for each one. Comments on the microblog are open, radiating positive emotions and wishes to the author of the posts.

Interesting moments from a girl's life

  • One of the few participants in “House 2” who admitted the use plastic surgery(breast augmentation surgery).
  • She decided to get married to her husband Sergei on the project in 2013.
  • Dasha's maiden name is Chernykh.
  • Due to a long absence from social networks, fans decided that Daria hanged herself on a TV show.
  • Now she is working on her own clothing line, although many are unhappy with Dasha’s style.
  • In 2015, the girl decided to have a second pregnancy, and there are rumors that the couple will receive a gift after the birth of a child on the project.

Daria Pynzar, whose Instagram is replete with bright photos from the seashore, is one of the most successful participants in the “old” lineups of the Dom-2 talk show. What is the girl famous for and how to find her page on social network?

You can see Dasha Pynzar on Instagram active life married couple– the girl fully justified the motto of the television project “Build Your Love” and found her happiness at the TV construction site.

Daria was born in a small Ukrainian town near Donetsk, raised by her older sister - her parents died early. After graduating from school, the matured girl went to Moscow, where she entered the design department, but in 2007 (in her third year) she left the university for the sake of casting for a popular project.

What is special about the Instagram of the real diva of the show “Dom-2”

On Daria Pynzar’s Instagram you can see the chronology of her life and biography in show business. When the girl came on the show, she announced her desire to build real serious relationship- but the first two chosen ones did not live up to her hopes. Only when the athlete Sergei appeared at the construction site did all Daria’s dreams come true - already in 2010 the couple registered their union. On the project she was friends with Zhenya, but then the girls had a fight, see Feofilaktova’s new photos on Instagram ex-girlfriend link.

Photos on Daria Pynzar’s Instagram illustrate the development of the relationship - less than a year later, a small participant appeared on the site, the couple’s son, who was named Artem.

After some time, the network was stirred up by comments about the fact that Daria had gained weight - the couple were expecting a second addition to the family. In 2016, a second son was born, who was named David. Soon after this, the family left the television project and went into real life.

The question of where spouses live is on the minds of many users. However, there is no secret - the girl herself often notes geolocation on her blog and talks about the life of a Russian family in Turkey, demonstrates new photos and Stories that can be viewed for free on Instagram. However, the family regularly visits Moscow.

Instagram Pinzar Daria – darya pinzar86, this is the girl’s full name and year of birth. To find a page on a social network through a quick search, enter the short address @darya pinzar86.

See Ksenia Borodina’s blog on Instagram at the link, this is new girlfriend Dashi.

Instagram account “Daria and Sergei Pynzar” - the latest news from the life of the family, a chronicle of everyday events. On the page you can see trips and travel, family shopping and restaurant trips. The girl actively advertises products and talks about her own business - an online clothing store.

In this Instagram account you will not find deep thoughts or long posts based on photographs - this is a page ordinary person who has become popular and wants to share news with the audience.

Daria Pinzar on the official Instagram website – https://www.instagram.com/darya_pinzar86/. If you follow the link, you can watch the latest publications, photos and stories, videos and live broadcasts of the TV star for free.

Today we want to introduce an interesting person who is actively involved in her page on social media. Instagram networks. We will look at Instagram Pynzar Daria and determine what interesting materials this girl shares with her subscribers.

The television project “Dom-2” brought fame to many young people, one of them was Daria Pynzar. The girl behaved modestly and reservedly, but the show is not complete without scandals, which this person has also been involved in. During the project, Dasha tried to build relationships with various colorful men, among them was Rustam Solntsev. The gentleman was 10 years older than his partner in the project, which caused criticism from viewers and other participants.

The final choice for Daria was Sergei. In 2010, the relationship of these young people was registered. After some time, Daria and Sergei became happy parents, their first child, Artem, was born.

Dasha Pynzar Instagram new photos

The girl has accounts on other social networks, but she devotes her time to Instagram Special attention, as can be seen from regular publications. Statistics show that her profile is one of the most popular among active and former members reality show "Dom-2". Dasha is followed by 2.7 million people; the businesswoman herself chose to follow only 540 profiles.

There are numbers on your page mobile phones for cooperation. Daria is involved in events and various filming.

Also in the description there is a link to other social networks that the young mother uses. After studying Daria Pynzar Instagram official website, you will become familiar with interesting moments from the life of a public person. Former member TV project regularly posts pictures with a handsome young man and a charming baby.

Dasha also devotes time to business. My adult life she started by enrolling in the design department, she is interested in the world modern fashion and has exquisite taste, as can be seen from the photographs. Daria made an important decision - to open a store. Customers will find the latest new items in the boutique fashionable clothes. The businesswoman notifies her subscribers about new arrivals in the store. In this way she unobtrusively advertises her boutique. Almost all famous entrepreneurs use this technique.

Often, posts with family appear in the feed. For example, a video from a walk where young parents are having a great time with their child. Unfortunately, cozy home photos in Lately has become smaller, it is clear that the girl is busy with work.

During her vacations and travels, Dasha regularly shares her impressions with subscribers through vivid photographs and short videos.

You will be able to watch all the updates of the young mother and businesswoman for free, since her account has an open status. Contact information is also open. If you have business proposals, then it is worth notifying them.

A pleasant surprise for fans of the reality show “Dom-2” will be photographs in which other participants in the project are present. This suggests that the girl maintains contact with them and shows interest in current events on the project.

It’s worth subscribing to Pynzar Instagram if you prefer to view pictures taken by a young mother and at the same time successful woman. Fans of fashionable clothes will also find a lot of interesting publications; Daria shares design solutions and tips. As for the materials published on the page on the social network, they are all made on high level. It is clear that the girl is passionate about photography and knows how to choose the right moment. Here you will find other participants of “Dom-2”; some photos will be unexpected for fans of this person. You can find a girl using the nickname Daria 86 or use direct link In this article.

Daria Pynzar is known to many TV viewers as one of the most bright participants reality show "House 2". While in the perimeter of the project, she got married and gave birth to two children.

Daria was born near Donetsk, in the small town of Yenakievo. Pretty soon she and her family moved to Saratov region. The girl spent her childhood and adolescence in a settlement called Balakovo. IN at a young age the girl experienced a terrible tragedy: Dasha was left without parents very early. Her older sister Natalya, who replaced her mother, was involved in her upbringing.

After graduation high school Daria Pynzar, at that time still Chernykh ( maiden name Dasha), entered the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture, where she chose the Faculty of Design. Studying was easy for the girl, but when she was in her third year, the idea came to her to take part in the country’s highest-rated television show. She went through a series of castings, after which she ended up on the set of “House 2”, which managed to change her whole later life. It is with scandalous project and Dasha’s biography in show business began.

Personal life at “House 2”

On film set“House 2” Daria Chernykh found herself almost at the very end of 2007, on the eve New Year's holidays, and immediately attracted the attention of participants and spectators frank confession about innocence. She made such a statement in order to emphasize that she intends to build a relationship only with a serious man. Quite quickly Dasha found mutual language s, who was more than 10 years older than her. But due to minor domestic quarrels, the couple fled.

Later, the young girl built a relationship with the main womanizer of the project, but she also soon broke up with him. Only when an athlete appeared on the project and began to look after the beauty, one of the strongest couples was formed in “House 2”. True, their mutual understanding did not always remain at its best: sometimes there were troubles and even scandals. But when Sergei proposed marriage to his beloved, their union grew even stronger.

Daria Chernykh married Sergei Pynzar in 2010 and took his last name. During the wedding, an unusual and romantic incident occurred. Even before the wedding, Sergei promised his bride that he would carry her to the doors of the registry office in his arms, but when future husband Daria had already approached the doors; it turned out that the main entrance of the Wedding Palace was closed. The athlete did not lose his head and, without letting go of the bride, walked around the building. So the groom not only fulfilled his promise to bring Daria to this important building, but also symbolically walked around the registry office with her.

The celebration continued on the set of “House-2”, where the young family listened to many warm congratulations, and then Daria and Sergei released white doves, a symbol of love and peace. After the wedding, the newlyweds went to Honeymoon to Cuba. The trip became a wedding gift from Daria's sister.

Already in the fall of the same year, the public learned that there would be another child in “House 2”. Soon, despite the fact that Dasha was pregnant and the pregnancy was quite noticeable, Daria Pynzar became the winner of the “Lady Grace” competition as part of the project.

Pynzar Jr., whom it was decided to name Artem, was born on July 23, 2011. His father was present at his birth.

After the wedding and the birth of the child, Pynzari actually stopped participating in the project in the classical sense of the word. They moved from the site to a city apartment, and began appearing in “House-2” several times a week, playing the role of co-hosts rather than participants. The fact that the family hardly appears in front of cameras, but lives in living space paid for by the TV channel and receives a salary, outraged many fans.

Two years after the birth of their first child, the couple underwent a wedding ceremony, now in church confirming their decision to live their whole lives together.

In 2015, the management of “House 2” decided to close the city apartments, but the Pynzaris did not return to their housing on the site, which, moreover, was already occupied by new participants. Now the family lives in a three-room apartment. Daria is studying family business and takes part in various shows.

In May 2016, Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second baby, whom she named David. As with her first pregnancy, Dasha remained active - traveling, playing sports, taking care of herself.

That same year, when David grew up a little and Daria weaned him, Pynzar, her husband and eldest son, took a vacation to the UAE. Little David stayed at home. Daria explained this by saying that it is not advisable for children under one year to be exposed to sudden climate changes. A wave of criticism immediately hit Daria. Daria responded to her ill-wishers, saying that happy children grow up only with happy parents, which means that family members sometimes need to rest and devote time to each other and to themselves, and not just to the small child.

The couple have their own business - an online clothing store, for which the owners themselves advertise. In 2012, the couple opened their own boutique, and in honor of this, Pynzari organized a real celebration. The presentation of the new boutique was prepared and conducted by Daria herself.

Conflict with the Gusevs

In 2013, fans were upset by a rumor that Daria had fallen out with her best friend. Daria's faithful friend on the perimeter of the reality show "House 2" for a long time there was another famous TV personality - . After each got married, the girls continued to be friends with their families. Daria became the godmother of Evgenia's son Daniel.

The relationship between the girls began to deteriorate after Zhenya left the reality show. The discord between the girls began under New Year. Dasha and Zhenya wanted to celebrate the holiday together - two families - in the Gusevs' rented house on Rublyovka. The management of the TV channel intervened in the plans of the girlfriends, and Pynzari were forced to remain on the perimeter. Evgenia did not support her friend and went with her husband to celebrate the New Year with wealthy friends.

Evgenia shared her opinion about what was happening with the press. According to her, Daria herself stopped maintaining a relationship with her friend who left the project and paying attention to her godson. In 2015, the conflict reached its peak. Anton Gusev asked subscribers how to change a child’s godmother. At this point, the resonance around the situation subsided, but warm relations between the families never resumed.

Daria Pynzar - godmother son of the Gusevs

Fans of the project believe that real reason disagreements between friends - business. Both the Gusevs and the Pynzaris were engaged in the clothing trade and were competitors.

A television

Being in position for the second time, Dasha Pynzar, together with the daughter of a famous fashion designer, as well as with the director, appeared in another television project- the second season of the show “Pregnant”, which airs on the Domashny channel.

In November 2016, Pynzari became guests of the show “Wedding Size,” hosted by. Compared to the usual participants in the program, the people from “House 2” looked slim, but the spouses expressed a strong desire to lose weight. In the end, they passed the diet test together and with honor.

Plastic surgery

Note that Dasha Pynzar openly discussed the issue of breast surgery with her friends on the Dom-2 set, and later spoke about it in several interviews. The girl is not ashamed of the fact of plastic surgery, saying that she always wants to be beautiful for her husband, and breastfeeding has changed her ideal shape.

Daria Pynzar now

Now Daria is already making plans for her third child. In an interview, Pynzari admitted to the press that they now want a girl, the couple are determined and are planning the birth of a child, most likely, in 2018. The TV personality always wanted sons and was very happy about both her first-born and her second child, but now she dreams that a girl will finally be born.

To make her dream of a daughter come true, Daria contacted the perinatal center in advance, where, after a genetic study, she would be prescribed special nutrition or medications.

Pynzar loves shopping and traveling to exotic warm countries. Recently, Dasha has visited Thailand, the Maldives, Cuba and other tropical resorts.

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