“The dog should have its own room too!” Lyubov Uspenskaya. Lyubov Uspenskaya: To the Queen of Chanson What is included in the price

The queen of Russian chanson, Lyubov Uspenskaya, has finally moved into her own country house. The 4-story mansion is located in one of the most elite areas of the Moscow region, not far from Novorizhskoye Highway. I would like to note that in addition to luxurious apartments, the star also acquired famous neighbors who also live in the area.

About your palace with a total area of ​​about a thousand square meters the singer says with pride. In such a spacious house, Lyubov Uspenskaya admits, there is enough space for all her many relatives and friends. Daughter Tatyana also moved closer to her mother’s wing and now helps her with household chores.

The house is so large and spacious that there is enough space for everyone. My acquaintances, friends and family can find a corner for themselves in it and be sure that there they will be able to take care of themselves and their business without being distracted by anything,” the singer shared her joy with Heat.ru. - My daughter, for example, constantly plays the piano. Imagine, I wake up to the sounds of classical music.

One of the attractions of the new mansion is the room of the artist’s beloved pet, a dog named Frankie, who even has his own bathroom, where his name is laid out in rhinestones and mosaics. In addition, the house has a large swimming pool and a luxurious fireplace. Lyubov Uspenskaya watches her figure, and in order not to waste time traveling to sports complexes, she decided to equip her own yoga room.

Construction works ended in May 2013, but, according to Lyubov Zalmanovna, a lot of effort remains to be spent on arranging the royal home. The designers specially developed the concept of the house based on the wishes and ideas of the artist. “Modern chic,” is how the singer describes the style of her mansion.

The house has a lot of beautiful furniture, curtains up to 8 meters high, and lacquered stairs. All this is accompanied by amazingly beautiful lighting. However, my pride is the large Turkish bath. And in the bedroom there are white leather floors,” the queen of chanson tells Heat.ru.

Lyubov Uspenskaya admits that she has long dreamed of living in nature, gardening and growing lilacs, currants and strawberries. But before the star I had to be content with only an apartment in the center of Moscow, where the air was smoky with car exhaust fumes. But now the diva feels truly happy woman and says that from the first days of her life she had to settle in the village.

However, not everything went so perfectly for the artist - she also had to face problems. Unscrupulous builders tried to deceive the star every now and then, who, according to the singer, tried to extract more money from her.

Lyubov Uspenskaya plans to celebrate the New Year 2014 surrounded by her family exactly there - outside the city in her own house, where for the first time in her life she will be able to put blue spruce and decorate it yourself.

Several years ago, Lyubov Uspenskaya became the owner of a plot in one of the prestigious places in the Moscow region in New Riga. Uspenskaya hoped that she would build a house and live happily ever after in it, but all the hopes of the popular performer were shattered.


The development company turned out to be dishonest. So, specialists made the wiring from low-power cable. As a result, traffic jams were constantly being knocked out. In addition, the builders did not install drainage, which in the spring could simply be demolished and lead to flooding of Uspenskaya’s home. In addition, the floor in one of the artist’s rooms began to swell.

Problems were also found at the pool, which was not properly strengthened. It would not have been able to withstand six tons of water and fail. Moreover, this could happen with the hostess herself. As a result, having learned about the problems, Uspenskaya began calling construction crews to help her eliminate the defects.

But Lyubov had no luck with specialists either, about which the artist did not remain silent:

“Mostly I only came across scammers! For example, they lay a tile, but it immediately falls off”

Uspenskaya admitted that she believed all the invited builders who promised to help with the repairs. "I kept hoping that next time I would be lucky with the workers. Moreover, every time they said: “We are the best builders, we will do everything to the highest standard!” And then it turned out that this was not so,” Uspenskaya was quoted as saying by Sobesednik.

Lyubov concluded that one should not rush when choosing a construction company. "What I noticed: when it comes to money, professionals ask for much less than amateurs. There are still problems in my house, but, thank God, they are no longer significant. I plan to eliminate all the shortcomings in the coming months,” said the artist.

Uspenskaya had fun with a black man in her husband's bed

Singer Lyuba Uspenskaya does not like to talk about herself. As it is written in her biography: dad was in prison, and mom died during childbirth. The girl was raised by her grandmother. The singer does not talk about her three previous husbands; she insists that her fourth husband, Alexander Plaksin, is the love of her life. The media decided to shed light on the past of the queen of chanson.

The secret of the birth of Lyuba Uspenskaya would have remained unsolved if she had not decided to fire all employees, including housekeepers. The scandal broke out because of press secretary Alina Makova, who dared to tell the singer that her second album was written as if she had a hangover. After this, Uspenskaya fired Alina, and at the same time the rest of the staff, so that there would be no leakage of information.

Lyuba lies a lot,” said the singer’s friend Clara. - He says that dad, Zalman Sitsker, was in prison, where he became seriously ill. The nurse who treated my dad fell in love with him and became pregnant. This is how Lyuba was born. But, as Lyuba’s nephew, Rolan Melandovich, told me, in fact, Uspenskaya was born in Kyiv by the gypsy Elena Chaika, who was imprisoned for theft. Lyuba was born in prison, and the gypsy actually died during childbirth. Nobody knows where her grave is. Three years later, Zalman took the girl and brought her to his mother. It is clear that Lyuba does not want the gypsy truth to come out.

This story was hidden from Lyuba herself for a long time. She called her grandmother mom and could not understand why her father also called her mom.

The complex of mother’s absence has always lived with me,” said Uspenskaya. - I felt deprived, inferior. Dad somehow understood my desire to sing, and all the other relatives said: “It’s better for him to learn to play the button accordion!” Just the thought of dragging 15 kilos to a music school discouraged any desire.

When the girl was five years old, Sitsker married a second time. From that time on, Lyuba was raised by her stepmother Sarah.

At the age of 16, I began performing on the stage of the Kyiv restaurant “Jockey,” recalls Uspenskaya. - We came there for my grandmother’s birthday, and my dad asked me to sing. Everyone liked it. The leader of the gypsy orchestra invited me to work with them. I hid from my dad for three months that I was singing in a restaurant. But he soon found out that I was skipping classes at the Kiev Music School, lying to the teachers that I had broken my arm. Dad hit me so hard that my throat started bleeding. The parent kept saying, “Apologize!” And I’m like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya: they beat me, but I grow stronger: “I won’t!”

Lyuba USPENSKAYA left Russia with her husband Yuri (left)

And he snapped: “I thought you would be a real musician, but you went to a tavern! I don’t care what you do next!” This is how mine began independent life. We reconciled after some time, when I began to help the family with money.

Uspenskaya matured early: money and success on stage went to her head.

Lyuba fell in love with some guy and had an abortion at the age of 16, which she was afraid to admit to her future husband, musician and arranger Viktor Shumilovich, says friend Klara. - She only told her cousin Nina that she got knocked up. Instead of resting after the abortion, Lyuba went to sing in a restaurant the next day. A strong inflammatory process began.

The doctor warned the girl that she might not have children. Lyuba never confessed to her husband, but when she felt the symptoms of pregnancy and the diagnosis was confirmed, she was all glowing with happiness. Alas, Lyuba suffered from the flu, and, probably because of this, the twins were stillborn. Because of this tragedy, she divorced Viktor Shumilovich.

Getting married for the first time - to Viktor SHUMILOVICH,
Lyuba wore a white wedding dress

The musician was beating

Lyuba met Yuri Uspensky when he was married to another woman. They worked for some time in the same Kiev restaurant. Uspensky at that moment was the administrator of the orchestra. He promised to marry, but was in no hurry to get a divorce and at the same time arranged scenes of jealousy for the singer with assault.

I had not yet separated from my first husband when this relationship began,” Uspenskaya recalls. - Soon I went to work in Yerevan, and we found ourselves far from each other. But I thought about Yura every minute.
Uspensky was in no hurry to get a divorce; at the same time, he was jealous; every now and then, having learned about Lyuba’s suitors, he flew to Yerevan.

Having decided to leave in the early 70s to join my father who lived in Canada, I was faced with denunciations,” Uspenskaya says indignantly. - I was included in the ranks of the unreliable, and I was left without work. There was no money, but I understood: something had to be done. I started singing at weddings. For two and a half years I was not given permission to leave. Because of the protests in which she participated, she went to prison. I understood that if I didn’t leave, they would destroy me. I hung around the OVIR, where I met dissidents who were dangerous to the authorities. What happened: the KGB was chasing me, and they made a hooligan out of me...

On the beach Lyubov showed off her luxurious curves

Yuri Uspensky, realizing that Lyuba was emigrating, nevertheless took her to the registry office. As the husband of a dissident, he was removed from the leadership of the Ukrainian Radio and Television Orchestra. He was not even accepted into the rank and file of musicians, but was only accepted into the funeral orchestra at the cemetery.

Having left the USSR in 1978, the Uspenskys stopped for some time in Italy. Lyuba went to work as an assistant to a traveling salesman who sold ceramic products. Soon she was offered to sing in a restaurant, and then she fulfilled her old dream - she moved to the USA.

Lyuba sang at the Sadko restaurant on Brighton Beach, says Clara. - Yuri was sitting on her neck because he didn’t have a job. At the same time, in fits of jealousy, he sometimes beat her. Lyuba had to ask the owner of the restaurant to hire her husband as a manager.

She broke up with Uspensky because of an affair with a young boy named Vladimir. Yuri soon married, became the father of two children and continues to work in a restaurant.

Uspensky wanted to forbid her to bear his last name, says Clara. - He said that she disgraced him with her behavior. The emigrants told how Lyuba behaved in the first years. If there was no audience in the hall, she could go on stage and, spreading her legs, show that she was without underwear: Sharon Stone’s fame haunted her. She had to leave the Sadko restaurant because of Mikhail Shufutinsky, who survived her from there. Lyuba was offended by him for a long time.

Lost my diamond ring

Uspenskaya met her third husband in a Kiev restaurant. Married Vladimir Franz suggested that young Lyuba take it off his finger wedding ring, saying that in this case she will definitely marry him. Then Lyuba failed to do this: her legal wife returned and took her husband to the other end of the restaurant, out of harm’s way.

Lyuba said that she met that same Franz eight years later in New York, recalls Clara. - According to Lyuba, Franz was engaged in gold and oil mining in Africa. He spoiled her. Once he gave me a diamond ring, and she lost it in the sand on the beach. Bad sign...

Soon Uspenskaya was offered to work at the Arbat restaurant in Los Angeles, and she readily agreed. There she met Alexander Plaksin. Meeting him changed her life. Lyuba once again fell in love and divorced Franz.

Lyuba said that on the second day of their date he gave her that same convertible, and on the third he said that he wanted a child from her, Clara said. - Lyuba was afraid that because of their age they might have a Down. But everything worked out: Tanya was born healthy. Although Lyuba insists that Plaksin is her destiny, he gets on her nerves. Lyuba gave her husband a million dollars for business in America. He organized a car wash "CarWash", the business did not take off, and now Lyuba is saving him. My husband, you know, is such a “sofa-lover.” Even when she bought a house in the Moscow region, he withdrew. An impractical and grumpy person. When he drinks, he starts yelling obscenities at her.

Plaksin had a hard time with Lyuba. Accustomed to the status of a star, she demanded increased attention.

Once they were lying on a beach in the USA. Lyuba, seeing that her husband was looking at the sunbathing girl, took off her bra, and all the men began to stare at her magnificent breasts. Plaksin slapped her in the face and there was a scandal.

The fourth husband Alexander Plaksin conquered Uspenskaya
a convertible and the desire to have children with her

The dog avenged his owner

Star Russian stage Lyubov Uspenskaya lives in luxurious country house with 16 living rooms and 8 bathrooms. It even has its own beauty salon.

An atmosphere of comfort reigns in the Uspenskaya country residence. White walls and light furniture in the living room create a feeling of lightness, and spotlights fill the room with light. At the opposite end of the living room there is a snow-white piano.

Eight-meter ceilings make the room spacious and airy, and observation windows serve as a source of natural light. Using a miniature remote control, you can open and close the multi-layered tulle on the windows, adjusting the brightness of daylight.

A wide staircase leads to the ground floor, to the recreation area. For now, the only decoration of this room are the original wall frescoes.

In the near future, the owner of the house plans to place a modern karaoke bar here for herself and her guests.

The kitchen in Uspenskaya's house is equipped with last word technology. The housewife's special pride is the hob, two ovens and a steamer. Lyubov bought all the kitchen equipment in Germany, and the refrigerator in the USA.

Uspenskaya loves to cook something. If not Solo career, Lyubov could very well become a high-class chef. Apparently, this is why the beauty of the kitchen interior is harmoniously combined with advanced technologies.

The dining room is decorated in a bright, sensual style. The walls are the color of toasted coffee beans contrast with bright red curtains and stunning light furniture. The legs of the chairs and table are inlaid with colored crystal. Even the frame around the TV is designed to match the interior.

From the dining room you can access a small bar with a wine cellar. Here the floor is covered with parquet hand painted. The cellar creates the ideal temperature for long-term storage of wine.

In Lyuba's bedroom there was room for a bed with a massive combined headboard. The floor is covered with laminate covered with natural bleached leather. From the bedroom there is access to the star’s personal wardrobe and a bathroom with luxurious golden mosaics on the wall.

Next to the singer’s bedroom is the room of her pet, the Yorkshire terrier Frankie. The dog has a large bed and a wardrobe for storing designer clothes. From Frankie's room you can access the dog's personal restroom with a bathtub, dressing table and sofa.

A marble spiral staircase leads to the fourth floor of the residence. Here is the room of Tatyana, the daughter of Lyubov Uspenskaya. The room is decorated in a minimalist style. There is little furniture here, but a lot of books.

In Uspenskaya's house there is a Turkish hammam, decorated with dark brown tiles with mother-of-pearl splashes, where you can warm up and relax after a hard day.

An excellent addition to the hammam is a spacious swimming pool designed for 6 tons of water. The gradual descent and pleasant water temperature make your stay in the pool as comfortable as possible.

Traveling around the world, Lyubov carefully selected finishing materials for her home, ordered furniture, appliances and necessary decorative elements. As a result, she created an interior filled with warmth and light - a real cozy nest for a quiet country life.

Lyubov Uspenskaya was born on February 24, 1954 in Kyiv. Mother, Elena Chaika, died during childbirth. Until she was five years old, she was raised by her grandmother, and then by her father, the director of the Kyiv factory. household appliances, remarried, and they began to live with their stepmother. The family saw their girl as a teacher music school or choir director. That's probably why in early childhood The father began teaching his daughter to play the piano on his own. Lyubov graduated from music school and Kiev School of Music named after Gliere. She worked in Kyiv, where she recorded with Grigory Balber, the author of the song and album “Podol.” “When I came to enroll in a music school, the teachers listened to me play the piano and unanimously exclaimed: “Well, he plays normally. All that remains is to teach her notes!" But could I limit myself to studying notes? After music school - Kiev Music College, and then work," recalls Lyubov Uspenskaya.

At the age of seventeen, friends invited me to work in the “golden place” - Yerevan.

In 1978, together with her second husband Yuri Uspensky, she emigrated from the USSR and lived in Italy for about a year. Before leaving, friends persuaded Lyuba to emigrate to the USA, convincing her that only there she could realize herself as a singer. Having received permission to enter, Lyuba went to the United States, but her relatives went to live in Canada, where they still live. When Lyubov Uspenskaya first flew into New York airport, she was ready for any job, but it turned out that many of those who heard her perform in Armenia and the North Caucasus remember her. In the very first days, the singer began to receive offers to perform in Russian restaurants. The owner of the Sadko restaurant turned out to be the most efficient. While his competitors greeted the singer, he put the “Armenian star” in a car and took her to a Brooklyn hotel. The very next day she performed in a packed hall of the Sadko restaurant in New York. After working in a restaurant for some time, Lyuba was able to record an album with her own money, which was almost impossible to do in the Soviet Union. Also, Willy Tokarev wrote several songs especially for Lyuba’s album, which became popular and are still in her repertoire. At the same time, Lyuba met Mikhail Shufutinsky, and they created their first album, which became number one album immediately after its release. It was they who glorified Uspenskaya. And all because, as it seems to the singer, she sang the way she wanted - in her own way, without anyone’s dictation. Of course, it was hard at first in a foreign country. Especially the first five years. After all, there is a completely different language, a different mentality among people. Lyuba left completely ignorant of English, US customs and laws. But thanks to her stubborn character, Lyuba managed to learn to live and create in a foreign country. After several years of living in New York, Ouspenskaya moved to Los Angeles.

The singer and performer of Russian chanson lived in America for 20 years, but currently lives in Russia. Uspenskaya settled in Moscow. However, she acquired her own housing here only in 2003. She chose a 160-meter apartment in an elite new building on Volokolamsk Highway, not far from the school at the American Embassy, ​​where Uspenskaya’s daughter, Tanya Plaksina, studied. Lyuba ordered the bar counter and all the plumbing fixtures from a fashionable design studio in Los Angeles - where she still has an apartment. And the very first “acquisition” for Moscow housing was the Yorkshire terrier Frankie. My daughter was educated at an American college, where it is almost impossible for Russians to enter. Great people studied there: Barbara Wolters, Yoko Ono, George Lucas. Lyubov Uspenskaya's husband has his own automobile business in America - a whole factory, they wash cars, repair them, and sell gasoline.

In 2011, the queen of Russian chanson bought a house in Moscow and celebrated a housewarming in 2013. The 4-story mansion, with an area of ​​about 1 thousand square meters, is located in one of the most elite areas of the Moscow region, not far from Novorizhskoye Highway. In such a spacious house, Lyubov Uspenskaya admits, there is enough space for all her many relatives and friends. Daughter Tatyana also moved closer to her mother’s wing and now helps her with household chores. One of the attractions of the new mansion is the room of the artist’s beloved pet, a dog named Frankie, who not only has his own room, but even a personal bathtub, where his name is inscribed in rhinestones and mosaics. “The house has a lot of beautiful furniture, curtains up to 8 meters high, lacquered stairs. All this is accompanied by amazingly beautiful lighting. However, my pride is the large Turkish bath. And in the bedroom there are white leather floors,” says the queen of chanson. In addition, the house has a large swimming pool and a luxurious fireplace. Lyubov Uspenskaya watches her figure, and in order not to waste time traveling to sports complexes, she decided to equip her own yoga room. The interesting thing is that there is even a special room in the house, with a piano, on which Lyubov’s daughter, Tanya, plays; the queen of chanson is very pleased to wake up to the sounds of the classics. Construction work was completed in May 2013, but, according to Lyubov Zalmanovna, a lot of effort remains to be spent on arranging the royal home. The designers specially developed the concept of the house based on the wishes and ideas of the artist. “Modern chic,” is how the singer describes the style of her mansion. In addition to luxurious apartments, the star acquired famous neighbors who also live in the area, for example Valery Meladze and Dana Borisova. However, not everything went so perfectly for the artist - she also had to face problems. Unscrupulous builders tried to deceive the star every now and then, who, according to the singer, tried to extract more money from her. Lyubov Uspenskaya dreamed of her own castle for a long time, and finally all her wishes came true.

The singer performs in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. Takes part in radio and television programs. Every year he performs at the Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin. Currently she collaborates with poetess Regina Lisits and composer Igor Azarov. Her repertoire is very diverse - the singer performs both old, well-known hits, and many new ones modern songs. Lyuba is really lucky both in personal and in creative life. She collaborated with many composers, poets and musicians, including Igor Azarov, Regina Lisits, Mikhail Tanich, Sergey Korzhukov, Ilya Reznik, Willy Tokarev, Arkady Ukupnik, and many others. She sang in a duet with Mikhail Shufutinsky ("Lyuba-Lubonka", "Old Park"), Slava Medyanik ("I will miss you very much", "I'm on my own, you're on your own", etc.), Alexander Rosenbaum ( "Marusya", "White Clouds"), the group "Shtar" ("Guitar", "Boat", "Another Minute", etc.), Igor Sarukhanov ("Bitter Chocolate", "Invented Love"), as well as with many other performers.


  • The first time she married Viktor Shumilovich in 1972, she had two twin sons in 1973, but they died after birth
  • second husband Yuri Uspensky
  • third husband Vladimir Franz
  • fourth husband Alexander Plaksin
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