Malakhov Andrey: biography and family. Biography of Natalya Shkuleva - the wife of Andrei Malakhov and a successful woman

Andrey Malakhov is a charming showman who devoted 25 years of his life (1992 – 2017) to working on Channel One. Was the leader of the projects " Good morning", "Malakhov + Malakhov", "Let them talk" (formerly: " Big Wash", "Five Evenings"), "Lie Detector", hosted the Golden Gramophone, Eurovision, and Minutes of Fame ceremonies. In August 2017, Malakhov announced that he was leaving Channel One for Rossiya-1, where he was offered the position of host of the Live Broadcast talk show.

In addition to his activities on TV, Malakhov is the editor-in-chief of the StarHit publication and teaches journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Childhood and education

Andrei Malakhov was born on January 11, 1972 in the northern town of Apatity, where his father Nikolai Dmitrievich Malakhov, a geophysicist, was assigned. Mom, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malakhova, dedicated her life to raising children in kindergarten, for which she was awarded a medal. “She turned the most ordinary day into theatrical performance“, the pupils of kindergarten No. 46 recalled.

Andrey became a “late” child - his mother was 30 years old at the time of birth. He inherited his appearance from his father, as well as his stateliness and impulsiveness. Using his example, Nikolai, who always politely bowed to women, brought up politeness and delicacy in his son. But Malakhov’s inexhaustible internal energy clearly comes from his mother. According to Malakhov, as a child he was a cross between a botanist and a slob. He studied at school No. 6 in the same class with Zhenya Rudin (future DJ Groove).

Andrei’s first teacher, Lyudmila Ivanova, recalled that from childhood he was a surprisingly resourceful and intelligent child. So, one day, instead of the traditional story “How I spent my summer,” Andrei went to the blackboard and in a thin voice sang the song “Summer, ah, summer!” Alla Pugacheva, the idol of little Malakhov.

Andrey Malakhov in Apatity. Interview

The boy was a social activist - he led a detachment of October soldiers, then a pioneer unit. In parallel with school, Andrei Malakhov learned to play the violin at Children's Music School No. 1.

“I immediately realized that I would not be Oistrakh, so I served my duty carelessly. At the music school parent meetings Children's demonstrations were constantly taking place. They always put me first in them, so that later, in the middle, I wouldn’t ruin the impression with my play. And then they started putting me on as a presenter of concerts, just so that I wouldn’t pick up an instrument. Even on the posters they wrote my name in large letters - Andrei Malakhov is conducting the concert. I was happy".

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Andrei Malakhov entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and graduated from there in 1995 with honors. In 1998, he entered the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Getting to know Russian television It started with disappointment. A woman came to their faculty looking for capable trainees. There were a lot of people willing, but they didn’t want to take Malakhov. When it became known that the work consisted of working at night to translate CNN news, there were much fewer people willing. Andrei was not afraid of difficulties, he agreed, but he still remembers those nights with a shudder. He sat until the morning with a dictionary, and then processed the news. The efforts were crowned with success - the editors-in-chief liked Malakhov’s work.

Already in his second year at the journalism department, Malakhov prepared stories for the program “Sunday with Sergei Alekseev” for Ostankino, and also wrote and voiced texts for the “Weather on the Planet” column.

While studying, Andrei interned at the University of Michigan: students were provided with housing and sent to the States for a year with a monthly allowance of $200. But on summer holidays they didn’t provide housing, and we had to pay for the hostel. Having learned about Malakhov’s deplorable financial situation, the dean of the journalism department allowed him to live in his cottage, instructing the student to feed the cat and water the flowers, while he and his family went to Miami for the summer. At the same time, Andrei worked in a hotel, where he received $5 an hour.

During an internship in Michigan, Malakhov was hired by the Paramount Pictures branch in Detroit. The fee allowed him to rent a house and earn good money. He returned to his homeland with an impressive amount of experience behind him and excellent knowledge of English.

“When I was at school, my parents, who received 120 rubles, paid 3 rubles a month so that I could go to an English tutor twice a week. The money seemed just crazy to me, but now I understand that it has become best investment in their lives, paying off millions of times over.”

After studying and working in the USA, Andrey completed an internship at the Moscow News newspaper, and was the author and host of the Style program on Maximum radio.

Television career. Let them talk

After graduating from university, Andrei Malakhov became a text editor for Teleutr (later Good Morning) on ​​Ostankino. In 1996, when all the leading programs went on vacation, the management replaced Malakhov. For the next 5 years, every Friday Malakhov greeted Russians getting ready for work from television screens.

Andrey Malakhov at the beginning of his career. First steps on TV

In 2001, ORT first broadcast the talk show “Big Wash”, later renamed “Five Evenings”, then “Let Them Talk”. The success of the project, which took American shows with Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Springer as a model, was phenomenal. Every evening for an hour Andrei Malakhov discussed topical issues with the guests of the studio: divorce and infidelity, family problems, prostitution and drug addiction. Both ordinary people and celebrities were targeted.

Soon Malakhov began to be called the face of Channel One. His “pro-American” style of conducting - intrigue, heating up the audience - maintained constant tension and, as a result, the interest of the audience. Malakhov and his program were loved and criticized, called both “a knife that reveals the ulcers of society,” and “chernukha propaganda” and “a free circus of freaks.”

Let them talk. The most bright moments 2016

Andrei Malakhov was the host of “Let Them Talk” for 16 years. During this time, hundreds of ordinary and famous Russians visited his studio. The audience sympathized with the beaten wife of Marat Basharov, watched Nikolai Baskov donate DNA, how children and parents who had not seen each other for decades were reunited, followed the development of the story of the raped Diana Shurygina, listened to the dramatic love story of Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov, and resolved the issue of adequacy of the relationship between Alexey Panin and his daughter...

In 2006, for about a month, Andrei was co-host of Gennady Malakhov in a program about folk medicine"Malakhov + Malakhov." However, the “junior” Malakhov could not fit the new show into his busy schedule and was forced to refuse. First, Elena Proklova came to his place, then Gennady Malakhov began to host the show under the new name “Malakhov +” alone.

In 2008, Malakhov, together with Masha Rasputina, participated in the second season of the show “Two Stars,” in which popular people perform hits of past years in duets. “I Raise My Glass” by Philip Kirkorov, performed by them, was received with a bang by the audience.

Masha Rasputina and Andrei Malakhov - I raise my glass...

By the way, it was very important for Malakhov to sing with Rasputina - he felt embarrassed for the incident when he did not warn the singer that not only she, but also her ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov. Then the indignant Masha arranged terrible scandal and for some time he and Andrey did not communicate. The duet in the show “Two Stars” was supposed to mark the final reconciliation. But from the first days of filming, Rasputina behaved rudely to Andrei, and once beat him because he was half an hour late for filming.

In 2009, Malakhov, together with model Natalia Vodianova, hosted the semi-final of Eurovision, which was held in Moscow at that time, and then the opening ceremony of the final together with Alsou.

The show “Lie Detector” was aired for a short time, but viewers remembered it precisely because of Malakhov’s charisma - who, if not he, with many years of training in “Let Them Talk,” could ask the participants of the show undergoing a polygraph test such uncomfortable questions that brought out all the ins and outs .

"Lie Detector" with Malakhov. Issue with Anastasia Nasinovskaya

Since 2012, viewers regularly saw Malakhov on Saturdays as part of his author’s program “Tonight with Andrei Malakhov.” The talk show format awaited them again, but this time the guests of the studio were exclusively representatives of show business and cinema.

Family tragedy

In 2006, Andrei Malakhov suffered three losses at once. First, his father Nikolai Dmitrievich passed away: he died after a stroke without ever waking up from a coma. Then his grandparents passed away. Before this, Andrei, the presenter’s cousin, died in a car accident, and his aunt was seriously injured.

Andrei’s mother, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, took the death of her loved ones seriously. She started having health problems. At first she received treatment in her hometown, then came to visit her son. During the visit, a 68-year-old woman was attacked.

On the night from Friday to Saturday, she was returning from a night service in church (the leader’s mother is a believer, observes all fasts and regularly goes to church), when she was attacked by hooligans. Lyudmila was hit on the head with something heavy and she lost consciousness. Despite the fact that this happened a stone's throw from the police station, the attackers were not caught. Andrei himself was in France at that moment, but upon hearing about the tragedy, he immediately flew home.

Despite her advanced age, Andrei Malakhov’s mother does not want to move in with her son. She loves Apatity, where everyone knows and loves her as an excellent teacher.

Personal life of Andrei Malakhov

First true love Andreya Malakhov became Opera singer from Sweden named Lisa, 14 years older than him. They met at a time when the future presenter was a student at Moscow State University. They lived together in Moscow for 7 years, but the girl was very homesick and wanted to return to Stockholm, but Andrei did not want to hear about moving. On this basis they broke up, Lisa returned to Sweden. A few months later, Malakhov learned that she had jumped out of the window.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Malakhov remained a bachelor until the age of 38. He had many women: businesswoman Maria Kuzmina, actress Elena Korikova, millionaire Margarita Buryak, singer Anna Sedokova... But he didn’t want to start a family with any of them. The yellow press began to speculate: was Malakhov gay?

In 2009, Malakhov surprised guests at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya, appearing arm in arm with Natalya Shkuleva, daughter of the owner of the Hearst Shkulev Media holding, Viktor Shkulev.

The wedding took place in June 2011 - a month earlier than planned. They say that the dates were changed after there was a buzz in the media about the upcoming celebration, so the lovers got married in the strictest secrecy and did not invite celebrity guests. The wedding took place in family circle, in the Palace of Versailles, where renting one hall costs at least 150 thousand euros. And the newlywed night of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Paris Le Meurice - one of the most expensive hotels peace.

In 2017, Malakhov’s fans learned that his wife became pregnant. The presenter said that he intended to help her with raising the child and, in connection with this, wanted to take “maternity leave.”

On November 17, Malakhov became a father for the first time. The boy, born in an elite clinic in Lapino, was born quite large: 54 centimeters and 4 kilograms. Parents began to rush to choose a name: Malakhov urged the audience to “ Live broadcast» vote for the name of his firstborn. Two names emerged as leaders: Nikolai (in honor of his grandfather) and Alexander (as Alexander Nevsky). The second option won.

Andrey Malakhov supports hometown and comes to Apatity at least twice a year. He donated a lot of money for the construction of the Church of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, which was consecrated in December 2008.

Personal life of TV presenter Andrey Malakhov today - be the first to know

Find out everything about Andrey Malakhov now: Name: Andrey Malakhov Date of birth: January 11, 1972 Zodiac sign: Capricorn Place of birth: Apatity, Murmansk region. Profession: Teacher of journalism courses at the Russian State University for the Humanities , editor-in-chief of the magazine, TV presenter and showman, presenter of programs at the special projects studio of Channel One OJSC, journalist, showman, actor, writer, radio presenter.Andrey Malakhov on Twitter:

What is the height and weight of Andrei Malakhov?

Weight: 79 kg Height: 183 cm

Z screen stars: Russian TV presenter Andrey Malakhov view photo

Presenter Andrei Malakhov practically never leaves the screen, presenting his projects to viewers. In addition, he has to host numerous parties and ceremonies, where he is invited by politicians and show business representatives. So active professional activity leads to the fact that Andrei Malakhov’s personal life is very difficult. He loves to travel, he has enough money for it, but absolutely not enough time. For the same reason, he rarely sees each other even with friends. However, Andrey always finds time to visit gym, because it allows him to be in shape and cope with the incredible stress that his career brings to him.

Did you know thatFull name: Malakhov Andrey Nikolaevich.
He entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and graduated with honors in 1995.
Graduated from school with a silver medal.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov and Elena Korikova

From my personal life Andrei Malakhov tries to exclude social gatherings, which he does not like at all. As for women, according to numerous observations, the presenter likes blondes. For two whole years he was engaged to Margarita Buryak. Andrey developed an excellent relationship with her children, but everyday life in this case played a destructive role, and they separated. Great place In his personal life, Andrei Malakhov was interested in his relationship with actress Elena Korikova, he was even going to propose to her, for which he purchased a ring, but the capricious beauty did not want to formalize their relationship.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov with Marina Kuzmina

For several years, the presenter lived in a civil marriage with Marina Kuzmina, a successful businesswoman. The relationship was excellent, despite the age difference - Marina was eight years older than Andrei. Malakhov spared nothing for his beloved woman - neither expensive collectibles nor other luxurious gifts. Despite the passion and strong feelings, they quarreled very often and, in the end, broke up completely. Andrei Malakhov generally believes that Kuzmina simply used him for her own promotion, because after her relationship with him, her name began to appear often in the press, she began to be recognized. Another woman who entered the personal life of Andrei Malakhov was flight attendant Alla Ruga, whom he met on board the plane. But this relationship did not last long due to the constant absence of Alla, who could not pay enough attention to Andrey. In addition, Malakhov was credited with an affair with Anna Sedokova. Helped Andrei Malakhov end his status as a confirmed bachelor marriage to Natalya Shkuleva, daughter of the director of the publishing house Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev / InterMediaGroup.

In the photo Andrey Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva

The wedding took place in June 2011 - a month earlier than planned. They say that the dates were changed after there was hype in the media about the upcoming celebration. Therefore, they signed in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy and the lovers did not invite celebrity guests to the wedding. Andrei Malakhov and his wife celebrated their wedding in a family circle at the Palace of Versailles, where renting one of the halls costs at least 150 thousand euros.And the newlywed night of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Paris Le Meurice - one of the most expensive hotels in the world.By the way, the couple met at work.They first appeared together at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya.

Andrey Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva - photo

It includes StarHit magazine, led by editor-in-chief Andrei Malakhov. However, according to latest information, Andrey in Lately they see him alone very often, and rumors have appeared in the press about his divorce from his wife, who, as they say, has already found a replacement for him - the publisher of Yachts magazine Sergei Rybakov.

Personal life of TV presenter Andrey Malahov(Andrey Malakhov) today - be the first to know


Family of Andrei Malakhov
Father Nikolai Dmitrievich Malakhov (1947 - March 22, 2006) was a geophysicist, he was sent to Apatity to study the fossils of the Kola Peninsula.
Mother Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malakhova was a kindergarten teacher, then the head.
Since June 2011, he has been married to Natalya Shkuleva (born May 31, 1980), publisher of the ELLE magazine group, with whom he celebrated his wedding at the Palace of Versailles in Paris.
Godfather of Alla-Victoria (from April 8, 2011) and Martin (from June 9, 2012) - the children of Philip Kirkorov.

Hobbies of Andrey Malakhov (Interesting facts)
Malakhov collects stamps. And not all of them, but only New Year’s themed ones. This passion came in the fourth grade. Now the TV presenter’s collection includes about 300 stamps. Among them are all Soviet and American ones from 1972. However, Andrey does not go to special clubs or run around looking for the items he likes. From time to time he just goes to a philatelic store. At home, Andrei Malakhov grows flowers. This passion came while studying at the University of Michigan.
Andrey collects audio recordings of singer Nina Simone and loves going to the gym.

Films with Andrei Malakhov - Wikipedia

Filmography - movie roles
2007 - Zero Kilometer
2007 - Indigo
2007 - Happy together
2009 — father's daughters
2010 - One for all
2011 - Exchange wedding
In 2008, he starred in Anna Sedokova’s “I’m Getting Used” video on YouTube.
Starred in Natasha Koroleva's video "Lilac Paradise"

Awards and prizes
Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 27, 2006) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful activity

Andrey Malakhov on TV (Television)
Since 1992, he has made stories for the program “Sunday with Sergei Alekseev” (Ostankino Channel One), voiced and written original texts for the column “Weather on the Planet.”

Since 1995 - international information editor of the Morning program, author and presenter of the Style column.

From 1996 to 2001 - special correspondent and host of the Good Morning (ORT) program.

From July 23, 2001 to July 2, 2004 - host of the “Big Wash” program (ORT / Channel One).

From February 2004 to June 2007 - host of the music hit parade “Golden Gramophone” (ORT / Channel One) (later this program received another name “Major League” and lasted until 2007).

From September 13, 2004 to July 29, 2005 - presenter talk show First channel "Five Evenings".

From April 10 to May 19, 2006 - co-host of the TV show about traditional medicine “Malakhov + Malakhov”.

In September 2007 he was the host of the second competition day festival "Five Stars" together with singer and TV presenter Anna Sedokova.

In 2008 invited to the jury Major League KVN.

From 2005 to 2007 he was the host of the “Golden Gramophone” program on Russian Radio.

In 2008, together with Anna Sedokova, he hosted a show on Ukrainian television “Telestar-Superstar” (TV channel “Ukraine”).

In 2008, he participated in the second season of the Channel One television project “Two Stars” together with singer Masha Rasputina.

At the end of 2008 he withdrew New Year's program with not appearing on screens for a long time People's Artist USSR Lyudmila Zykina - “Lyudmila Zykina: drinking songs from the main one” as part of the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

In 2009, he was a co-host of the Eurovision semi-final in Moscow, paired with fashion model Natalia Vodianova, and also a co-host at the Eurovision opening ceremony, paired with singer Alsou.

Columnist of the “Infomania” program on “STS”.

From July 24, 2010 to March 19, 2011, he was the host of the TV show “Lie Detector.”

Andrey Malakhov is the most popular TV presenter today. His departure from Channel One caused a lot of noise among fans and attracted attention to his person. People are trying to figure out the reasons, and one of the versions is the birth of a child. But no one knows for sure whether this is so, since the journalist carefully hides his personal life. We decided to tell you whether Andrei Malakhov has children at all, whether he is married and how he lives off the air.

Biography: origin and education

The famous Russian showman was born in the Murmansk region on January 11, 1972. His father, a geophysicist by profession, was sent there for research work, where I met a local resident - the future mother of our hero, then she worked in a kindergarten. Soon they got married and had a boy.

Andrei studied well and received a medal upon graduation. Besides this he had ear for music, thanks to which he mastered additional musical education.

Malakhov received his main profession already in Moscow at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, and during his studies he worked at Radio Maximum.

But the young journalist did not stop there; after Moscow State University, he entered the Faculty of Law at the Russian State University for the Humanities, where he now teaches.

Fame came to Malakhov after he got a job at Channel One. Here, with his participation, many beloved programs were published.

Career: television and film

Andrei began working on television in 1992, at first he wrote texts for programs that were shown on ORT. Then his career began to develop rapidly, and all new projects appeared with his participation.

The most memorable of them were:

  • "Telemorning";
  • "Good morning";
  • "Big Wash";
  • And after that and until 2017 - “Let them talk.”

In addition, Malakhov was a member of the jury of various music and entertainment competitions:

  • "Two stars";
  • "Golden Gramophone Award".

He also starred in TV series, where he usually played himself:

  • Indigo;
  • Kitchen;
  • Father's daughters.

Recently information appeared that the showman was leaving Channel One due to internal conflict, and a little later they began to say that he was going on maternity leave and would take care of the child, whose appearance was expected in the near future. In what real reason, no one knows yet, we can only guess.

Andrei Malakhov's wife

The birth of the baby was reported to the media journalist's wife - Natalya Shkuleva , she is known in certain circles as a business lady of the Russian publishing industry.

Natalya is now 37 years old; she was born in 1980 into a family of people who devoted themselves social activities. Father is the director Komsomolskaya Pravda“My mother works there.

The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents; after graduating from school, she easily entered MGIMO, and after that she continued her education in London. Now Shkuleva is engaged in the publishing business with her parents, among her projects:

  1. Departures Magazine;
  2. Women's magazines Marie Claire and ELLE.

And others. Natasha met her future husband at work when he began collaborating with one of the magazines that he had been running for a long time working together with the Shkulev family. A romance began between the young people, they lived together for a year, then legalized their relationship.

But, despite the family, everyone continues to devote themselves to work, understanding the frequent separations and busyness of their partner. Friends and acquaintances say that this is a wonderful union, based on respect and friendship, which can be envied.

Does Malakhov have children?

The solemn wedding ceremony of the young people was carefully hidden; it is only known that it took place in Versailles. The couple generally tries to keep their distance from the press.

The media is constantly discussing star family childlessness. Information about your wife’s pregnancy often pops up on the Internet. famous showman. Recently, Andrei allegedly left a comment on one of the pages under a photo of his wife in a wide, loose dress that they were expecting a baby. But later Natasha denied this information, explaining to fans that this page is nothing more than a fake. The publisher immediately explained that now they are each busy with their own careers and she does not yet want to devote herself only to her family, but she will definitely fulfill her destiny later, when the time comes.

Probably, rumors and gossip are an integral part of everyone’s life. famous people, that’s why they have to hide from journalists, literally go underground.

Did Andrei Malakhov have a child?

Recently, news about the life of the spouses has appeared less and less, the couple practically stopped appearing at events and began to hide even more carefully from their colleagues. Users social networks noticed the changes that had taken place and drew their own conclusions, attributing the long-awaited pregnancy to Natasha.

And they weren't wrong, recently Russian media reported joyful event. After 6 years life together star family expecting first child.

The journalist has already officially confirmed the information on various websites. But he is extremely surprised by the public interest in this event and his maternity leave.

The young mother refuses to comment on this topic and continues to lead a normal life, trying to attend social events and be just as active in her work.

New projects of the TV presenter

The other day it became known that the TV presenter will still continue his career, but on a different channel. Now his place of work will be “Russia-1”, here he will host the “Live Broadcast” show instead of Korchevnikov, and will also become a producer of new projects.

Talk about maternity leave the journalist calls rumors, he claims that he is going to continue working, but left previous place service for completely different reasons, which he prefers to remain silent about. That is why today all websites and channels are discussing what happened.

But now fans can rest assured, the presenter will continue to delight them with new projects and is not going to disappear from the silver screen even after the birth of the baby, and on which channel we will see him is not so important.

So, now it becomes clear where you can see the presenter beloved by many, and we also tried to lift the curtain on his personal life by telling whether Andrei Malakhov has children, a little about his parents and family, and plans for the near future.

Video: how did Andrei Malakhov explain his departure?

In this video, journalist Roman Lopatin will tell you why the presenter left Channel One and what the reasons were for this:

Andrei Nikolaevich Malakhov is a rather versatile person, since he has not only established himself as an experienced and brilliant showman, but also in a different capacity. For example, the man showed himself as a journalist and even a teacher.

By the way, the outrageous showman teaches acting at courses at the country's famous state humanitarian university. He also appears in commercials, films and heads StarHit magazine.

At the same time, there have been rumors for a long time that the man has gay, but Malakhov only smiled, claiming that the people were not ready to adequately treat well-groomed men. He is married and happily married, has a son and is not against becoming a father to his daughter.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Malakhov

Many fans and especially female fans claim that they would give a lot to find out his physical parameters, including height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Malakhov? - is also a question that is often asked in Internet search engines, however, it is possible to answer it yourself by specifying his date of birth.

The showman was born in 1972, so he is already forty-six full years, although Andrei Malakhov: the photo in his youth and now does not confirm this. According to the zodiac circle, the man received the sign of the persistent, stable, self-confident, ambitious, creative and enterprising Capricorn.

The Eastern horoscope endowed Malakhov with such Rat character traits as curiosity, intelligence, resourcefulness, hard work, and intelligence.

Andrei Malakhov's height is no more than one meter and eighty-three centimeters, and his weight does not exceed seventy-nine kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Malakhov

The biography and personal life of Andrei Malakhov is interesting and vibrant, and it is also filled with unexpected coincidences and interesting meetings.

Father - Nikolai Malakhov - worked as a geophysicist, he spent his whole life studying minerals in Kola Peninsula, died in 2006 from the consequences of a stroke and a prolonged coma.

Mother - Lyudmila Malakhova - worked in one of the kindergartens in Apatity as a teacher and head, while the woman developed a unique method of working with preschoolers and often became the heroine of articles and television.

Little Malakhov loved to study, but was sometimes lazy, so school years It was a lot of fun. Andryusha studied English with a tutor. Visited music school. Where he studied violin, but played so poorly that they began to make him the host of concerts, so as not to spoil the impression of the concert program.

At the same time, playfulness did not prevent Andrei from becoming the commander of the October detachment and the pioneer unit. After graduating from school with a silver medal, the young man easily entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. And after that he received a second education at the Russian State University for the Humanities, becoming a lawyer.

By the way, no one wanted to take Malakhov on television, but his fellow students quickly cooled down to labor process, they barely found out that the job is to translate news from in English into Russian. Andrey for a long time translated news feeds with a dictionary at night and broadcast them by morning, proud of the fact that he became a chief editor.

The talented and persistent boy was noticed, and already in his second year of study at Moscow State University, the boy in glasses was busily scurrying around Ostankino, preparing stories for the “Sunday” and “Weather on the Planet” programs. In the student’s life, there was an internship in Michigan, which lasted exactly a year.

Malakhov interned at the Moscow News newspaper, and was also the creator and presenter of the Style program on Maximum radio.
Since 1996, by pure chance, Andrei was asked to replace TV presenters who went on vacation, so he began hosting the TV program “Good Morning”. Ten years later, the man became a permanent co-host in the medical program “Malakhov + Malakhov,” but left it due to an overly busy schedule.

Soon the TV presenter participated in the “Two Stars” programs, hosted the final of “Eurovision 2009”, “Lie Detector”, “Tonight”, “Hello, Andrey!”.

He starred in music videos and films, usually as himself. His filmography was constantly replenished with such works as “Captain’s Children”, “One for All”, “Daddy’s Daughters”, “The Best Day”, “Voronins”. The man is a member of the jury of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful in the Major League.

The personal life of Andrei Malakhov was full of secrets and interesting speculation, since the TV presenter did not want to advertise the names of his girls, he was simply considered a person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Andrei often said that he had a huge number of women, but he considers his girl Lisa to be his first and brightest love. She lived in picturesque Switzerland and sang beautifully, while the beauty was fourteen years older than the young presenter.

The young people met when the guy was studying at Moscow state university. They lived in the capital for about seven years in the same apartment, but at the same time Lisa greatly missed Switzerland. She called her loved one, but Andrei did not want to go to a country where everything would have to start from scratch.

The guys quarreled and broke up, Lisa went to Sweden and soon committed suicide by jumping out of a window.
After this, Andrei lived in a state of depression for a long time; he did not want to date women for a long time or fall in love at all.

However, journalists never tire of attributing to him whirlwind romances with Maria Kuzmina, Elena Korikova, Margarita Buryak and Anna Sedokova, with whom a family was not created, despite the expectations of the public.

The family and children of Andrei Malakhov are what a man loves more than anything in the world. Because his family was small, but quite friendly.

His parents had nothing to do with the world of cinema or television. At the same time, they supported their long-awaited and late son in everything. The fact is that Andrei was born when his mother had already celebrated her thirtieth birthday.

By the way, in 2006, mother Lyudmila came to visit her son and was attacked by unknown assailants when the woman was returning from church at night.

Despite everything, Malakhova refuses to move to Moscow to be with her son, preferring to live in quiet Apatity, where everyone knows and loves her.

It is worth clarifying that that year, in general, brought many absurd tragedies, since after the death of my grandmother, father and grandfather, my aunt and cousin Andrei were involved in an accident, the latter died on the spot.

However, the TV presenter has a huge number of relatives who live in Sudan, Dagestan, the States, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Yemen, Mexico.

The children of Andrei Malakhov are angels whom the scandalous presenter simply adores. The fact is that long before Malakhov’s long-awaited and beloved baby was born in November 2017, he became a dad.

Andrei had godchildren, namely Alla-Victoria and Martin - the children of the king of pop music Philip Kirkorov. Malakhov pampers the kids, constantly purchasing toy cars and expensive dolls.

It was very funny to see the photo in which Malakhov was holding a blond baby in his arms, signing the photo “My family.”
The fact is that Andrei is a devout person, so he is the godfather of at least four children.

He once got into a scandal in 2001 when he spoke about the birth illegitimate son from Veliky Ustyug, and then admitted that it was done only for PR.

Son of Andrei Malakhov - Alexander Malakhov

The son of Andrei Malakhov, Alexander Malakhov, was born large in 2017 in an elite clinic near Moscow, since he weighed four kilograms. His mother was the wife of TV presenter Natasha Shkuleva, although the press often called the news of her pregnancy simple PR.

At the same time, they couldn’t name the baby right away, so they chose his name in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program.

The first place came out to the option - Alexander, in honor of Nevsky, but the silver was taken by the name Nikolai, in honor of his grandfather.

It’s too early to say anything about Sasha because of his tender age. While the baby pleases his parents with his first successes, becoming more and more nimble and inquisitive.

Andrei Malakhov's wife - Natalya Shkuleva

Andrei Malakhov’s wife, Natalya Shkuleva, is a sealed secret; many do not understand where the wife of the famous showman came from.

The girl is the daughter of a famous journalist and owner of several publishing houses, Viktor Shkulev, who continues to be called the young man’s patron.

In 2009, young people first appeared together at the wedding of Plushenko and Rudkovskaya, and immediately attracted the persistent attention of all fans. Who considered this event an ordinary PR stunt. The girl, despite her youth, already owns the Russian version of the world's popular Elle magazine. And also, it takes far last place in the world of journalism.

However, two years later Malakhov and Shkuleva got married, but this event happened a month earlier and in the strictest secrecy. They did not invite any guests, including celebrities, they simply rented a hall in the Palace of Versailles for their closest people.

By the way, the newlyweds’ first wedding night also took place in a luxurious place. Namely, in Le Meurice - the most expensive and beautiful hotel in France and the whole world. Just one night there costs a pretty penny. But Andrei claims that he adores his Natasha and is ready to give her all the best.

At this moment he was again called a gigolo who leads luxurious life for the money of his influential father-in-law, but Malakhov does not confirm these facts.

Why did Andrei Malakhov leave Channel One?

Why Andrei Malakhov left Channel One is the number one question in the Russian press. Because since 2017, the man simply quietly left Channel One.

He wasn’t fired from Channel One at all, he was just talented person I could no longer develop and grow creatively. It was said that when his wife’s pregnancy was confirmed in 2016, Malakhov said that he was ready to go on maternity leave instead of his wife. That's why I left this television channel exactly on maternity leave.

By the way, the guy didn’t go anywhere and didn’t sink into oblivion, but simply switched to “Russia” and became the host of the no less popular program “Live Broadcast”, which was similar in format.

In addition, the enterprising guy managed to create own company“TV Hit”, designed to produce television projects.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrey Malakhov

Andrei Malakhov's Instagram and Wikipedia have long existed for the TV presenter and showman, since he is followed by a whole army of fans.

From the official article on Wikipedia it is possible to clarify facts from childhood and youth, learn more about education, family, personal life, spouse, child and creative activity Malakhova. At the same time, his career on television is most vividly and clearly described, since it became an important milestone in his life.

Currently, no less than 1,900,000 people have subscribed to the showman’s Instagram profile. Another 343 people are awaiting confirmation of their subscription. Here you can find a huge number of high-quality photographs and videos that relate to his creative and television life. However, it is almost impossible to find materials about the life of his family.

You cannot see photographs of your wife and son on Instagram, since Malakhov carefully hides them from the paparazzi so as not to cause harm. At the same time, you can learn about personal and family life, as well as creative plans for the future on the official website of Andrey Malakhov. Article found on

Andrei Malakhov, who was born on January 11, 1972, spent his childhood in the Murmansk region, in the city of Apatity. As a teenager, Andrei studied at a regular secondary school, among his classmates was Evgeniy Rudin, who is currently known as DJ Groove. With such a friend school life Andrei was interesting and not boring, but he also devoted enough time to the educational component - in his senior year he received a silver medal for successful studies. He managed to combine his lessons with studying at a music school, where he graduated in violin. As a 16-year-old boy, Andrei came to conquer Moscow, and through his efforts he managed to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Star Trek TV presenter

In 1995, Andrei Malakhov graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. During his studies, he interned in the USA, at the University of Michigan, where he mastered English perfectly. He also completed an internship in the culture department of the Moscow News newspaper, was the author and presenter of the Style program on Maximum radio, and also did stories for the program Sunday with Sergei Alekseev (Channel One) and other projects.

Malakhov has a second higher education— The TV presenter graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU).

In 1996, Malakhov became the host of the Good Morning program on ORT, and in 2001, the talk show Big Wash. Scandalous details of the lives of celebrities and ordinary people. In 2004, the talk show changed its name to “Five Evenings.” The broadcast format also changed a little, now more serious problems- social and political, including.

A year later, “Five Evenings” receives a new name - “Let them talk” and changes its format again. Now the talk show is getting darker and even more scandalous. The program discusses sexual topics, domestic violence, rape, and even murder. Often the heroes of the show are not only ordinary people, but also stars who reveal shocking details about their lives.

Andrey is also the editor-in-chief of Starhit magazine. In 2012, Malakhov became the host of the Saturday Night talk show.

In 2017, rumors appeared that Andrei was going to leave Channel One. According to one version, Malakhov decided to quit due to disagreements with the producer, but it turned out that the reason was different: the TV presenter was leaving his place of work because his wife Natalya Shkuleva was pregnant.

Andrey had no intention of leaving the “Let Them Talk” program forever. The TV presenter wanted to go on maternity leave to spend more time with his wife, but the channel’s management was not happy with this. Malakhov was given an ultimatum: either he continues to broadcast, or he leaves to babysit the child. Andrey chose family.

Personal life of Andrey Malahov

For a long time, Andrei was exclusively occupied with his career, but in July 2011, the empty niche of Andrei’s personal life was filled - he married Natalya Shkuleva, the daughter of a famous publisher. They celebrated their marriage on a grand scale - at the Palace of Versailles in France.

In August 2017, it became known that Natalya was expecting her first child. Due to his wife’s pregnancy, Malakhov decided to take a break from his career, but the management of Channel One forced the TV presenter to resign.

Photo by Andrey Malahov:

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