How old is Olga Ushakova, TV presenter? Olga Ushakova - biography, information, personal life

Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter who has long had a staff of her loyal and devoted fans. From the comments on various forums it is clear that there are people who watch programs with her participation only for the sake of the presenter. My brilliant career On Channel One, the girl built it on her own, coming to television as an ordinary trainee in 2004. Like many public people, she attracts Special attention ordinary people to your person. Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, personal life who is very interested in an impressive part of her regular viewing audience, tries not to disclose information about her beloved man. But this only increases the public’s interest in the personal life of the screen star.

An example to follow

Looking at television presenters, many get the feeling that their freedom, sociability, ease of communication and perfect command of speech are exclusively innate abilities. But few people think that some screen stars had to develop all these qualities through hard work over many years. The beautiful Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter who belongs to this category of people well-known in the media space.

She acquired many of the qualities that now make the girl a unique screen star thanks to her difficult childhood. Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter (whose age, height, weight interests all her fans), is without a doubt an example to follow. Today, the 35-year-old woman has almost ideal parameters: her height is 172 cm, and her body looks slim and toned. But few people think that the presenter’s attractive appearance and excellent figure were also not a gift from above. In order to maintain ideal shape after two births, Olga has to make a lot of effort.

Family and childhood of the future screen star

This homeland beautiful girl is Crimea. Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter whose date of birth is of interest to many viewers of her broadcasts (since everyone is concerned about the same question: how old is this woman really? beautiful woman), - born 04/07/1981. The girl's father was a military man, and quite strict rules reigned at home.

In addition to Olga, two more children were growing up in the family: a younger brother and an older sister, who was mainly involved in Olya’s upbringing. Ushakova recalls that when the children in their family were 8-9 years old, they were already completely independent: they did their homework themselves, cooked their own food and cleaned the apartment. Such qualities acquired from childhood as perseverance, discipline and responsibility were very useful to Olga in her later life.

How did the first communication skills develop?

Since the father of the future TV presenter was a military man, their family moved quite often from place to place. It so happened that Olga did not stay in one school for more than six months. In order to join in new team, establish contact with peers and teachers, Olya had to be interesting, sociable and sociable. Largely thanks to such a childhood with constant moving, Olga Ushakova (TV presenter, whose photo is in our article) developed a talent for finding an approach to completely different people and the ability to find relationships with them. mutual language.

Education received and experience gained as a business woman

IN school age Ushakova loved to read and had a good memory. The girl got straight A's and graduated from school at the age of 16 with a gold medal. Then she entered Kharkov University. After graduation, together with her beloved young man, Olga began to actively engage in business. Living in Ukraine, future star Russian screen was engaged in the promotion of famous foreign brands. Being quite a young girl, at the age of 23 she already headed one of the branches of a large trading company.

Fatal move to Moscow

Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose biography changed dramatically after moving to Russia, dreamed of being an announcer or TV presenter since childhood. But life circumstances developed in such a way that for a long time the woman had to give up her dreams. Everything changed dramatically after she moved to Moscow.

In one interview, the TV presenter said that the move was due to the fact that her beloved man needed to be in the Russian capital, and she followed him. After the move, Olga doubted what she really wanted to do. Today she recalls that, seeing her swept away state, her beloved asked what she dreamed of becoming as a child, and Ushakova remembered that she always wanted to become a TV star.

Coming to television

Initially, this idea seemed crazy, since Olya did not have a specialized education as an announcer or TV presenter. In 2004, auditions were held at Ostankino, and Olga Ushakova (TV presenter, who is loved by almost all viewers of Channel One today) decided to go to them at her own peril and risk. Unexpectedly, it turned out that the girl is very photogenic, the camera loves her, and she looks simply great in the frame.

But at the same time, her lack of experience in the media sphere, as well as her obvious one, could not allow her to instantly become the host of top programs. But at the same time, Channel One did not want to lose such an interesting type, and Olga was offered a position as an intern.

Hard work on yourself and well-deserved career growth

For almost a year, Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose husband supported her in all her endeavors and aspirations, studied the secrets of television behind the scenes. She took rhetoric classes and studied speaking techniques, tried to get rid of her accent and learned to write news articles and prepare them for broadcasts.

Gradually, the hope that someday she would be allowed on air began to leave Olga. And just at that moment a vacancy became available for a leading news program. Olga was offered this position, and she successfully held this position for 9 years.

In 2014, when no one doubted the professionalism of this woman, she became the host of the program “ Good morning", which brought her recognition and love from viewers throughout Russia.

The secret of personal life

Olga really doesn’t like to talk about topics that concern the father of her children. In all her interviews, she emphasizes that she does not consider it necessary to make her personal life public. Periodically in printed publications and on various information resources Completely different information appears regarding the status of the relationship between Olga and the father of her children.

According to one of them, Ushakova and her husband are in a civil marriage. Others write that Olga and her husband divorced, but simply maintain good and warm relations.

Olga very carefully and tactfully avoids the topic of marriage and divorce, saying only that she and the father of her children have one common goal - to give them the best, make them happy and educate them worthy people. By the way, this mysterious couple has two children - two girls of the same age: Ksenia and Daria. For some unknown reason, despite the fact that the girls still have one father, they are registered at different surnames. But Olga also does not expand on this mystery, just as she does not agree to name their father. Ushakova only says that this is very right person, who is much older than her and to whom she is very indebted, first of all, for moral support. The screen star also notes that this man always mentored her spiritually, encouraged her to spiritual self-development and self-improvement. It is simply impossible to find any negative statement from Olga that would concern the father of her children, since she always speaks about him only in the best way.

The secret of a good mood and excellent appearance

Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose age haunts the majority of Channel One TV viewers, often becomes the subject of controversy and discussion on Internet forums, as she looks truly amazing. The TV presenter herself, apparently wanting to sometimes be a flirt, says that her make-up artists provide her with such a fresh and cheerful look in the morning. Of course, no one diminishes their merits, but Olga herself should be given her due. On this moment She turned 35 years old, but those who see her for the first time on television will never give her more than 25.

Olga endured two pregnancies, and, as she herself admits, after the second birth it was quite difficult for her to get back into shape. Ushakova said that after the birth of her second daughter, for the first time she began to like herself again only a year later. At first it was difficult to cope alone with two little girls, and there was a catastrophic lack of time for oneself. But when Olya got used to the role of a mother, she took care of herself. Of course they were physical exercise, massage and cosmetic procedures. The main incentive that forced the TV presenter to achieve ideal forms was, of course, her daughters, for whom she wants to be an example in everything.

Olga also tries to ensure that there is always only healthy food in her kitchen, and, as far as possible, Ushakova tries to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

And, of course, her favorite work and the love of regular viewers is the catalyst that makes Olya remain cheerful and positive under any circumstances.

“When my daughter turned one year old, our cheerful baby stopped talking, although before that I had already experienced the joy of cherished word“Mom,” Olga recalls. “It took another four years before my daughter spoke again.”

I gave birth to Dasha at 24 years old. Just three months after her birth, she became pregnant with Ksyusha. Two children in a row were not planned, but this is the most fluke that could happen to me. I am grateful to God that this happened, because after my eldest daughter developed neurological problems, I probably would not have decided to give birth to a second child for a long time and would never have known what a blessing it is to be the mother of two girls the same age.

I planned to return to work in six months (Olga anchored the news on Channel One from 2005 to 2014. - Antennas note), but during her second pregnancy severe toxicosis began, I realized: it was pointless to go out now. I made an agreement with the management and went from the first maternity leave to the second. While I was sitting at home, I realized with my friend the idea of ​​​​creating charitable foundation for children with “unpopular” neurological diagnoses. I was worried that such kids were not given due attention. It’s one thing when people collect money for a child’s operation and then see how he got up and walked, and it’s completely different to ask for help for those in need of long-term rehabilitation; their successes are often invisible to outsiders. I plunged into the problem headlong, studied diseases, modern methods treatments, medical centers. Later it turned out that my child also has problems...

When Dasha turned one year old, our smart, cheerful baby stopped talking, that is, not a sound at all, although before that I had already experienced the joy of the cherished “mom”. There were other words that were age appropriate. They waited another year for speech to return and everything to be okay. But nothing has changed. We underwent a thorough examination, and she was given a differential diagnosis, suggesting a range of diseases from not the most pleasant, but not scary, to really serious and dangerous.

Of course, I managed to read a lot of information on the Internet, and the terrible forecasts could not leave my head. For several weeks I could not look at Dasha without tears and anxiety. It was the most terrible period in my life. The daughter underwent a second examination abroad, the doctors reassured her, but the answer to the question “what’s wrong?” not allowed. They said: “Wait, everything will work out.” Thus, we have practically missed the most important period in life up to the age of three, when competent activities could greatly help. I intuitively felt that nothing would get better on its own, I had to act, run somewhere. Unfortunately, in our country, early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in children is at an extremely low level. How many families are wasting precious time! We were reassured for a long time that Dasha was simply delayed speech development, recommended classes with a speech therapist and standard set any chemistry.

The youngest, Ksyusha, fulfilled all the standards by the age of one year - she walked and began to speak, and Dasha achieved everything that was given to other children by nature through hard work. After speech disappeared, almost four years passed before I heard the word “mother” from her again. Even the first pronounced sound “a” was the result of long work with speech therapists. Now at nine years old this is quite independent girl with character, plans for life, interests and hobbies. In addition to love and other warm feelings, she also evokes great respect in me. Despite all the difficulties, Dasha dances, sings, and plays the piano. Thanks to my efforts, like all children, I went to school on time!

Yes, I also considered correctional classes, but psychologists unanimously said: “She’s in perfect order intellectually, try regular school" Indeed, at two years old, my daughter already knew the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and absorbed information like a sponge. So we prepared for first grade. Here Ksyusha also stated that she also wants to study, she will not sit at home alone. In the end I chose a small one for them private school near the house.

At first I wasn’t sure that Ksyusha would be taken, because she was only six years and a month old at the time, but they tested my daughter and said: “No problem, we’ll take it!” So Sherochka and Masherochka went to first grade together. Both quickly adapted and did not perceive studying as torture. This year I had to change school: there was only primary classes. Transferred the girls to another educational institution, where we were also well received.

Problems, of course, happen. Not every teacher is ready to study methods of working with special children in order to help just one child in the class. I don’t require teachers to jump around Dasha with a tambourine; on the contrary, I prefer that she be on an equal footing with everyone else. But it’s still much more difficult for her than for others. I admit, sometimes I think that it would be better to move to a place where children with special needs successfully graduate not only from schools, but also from universities, and then find work. You always want to give your child the best, but in our case the best is very far away. You need to turn your whole life upside down.

My daughters simply adore each other, I can’t separate them, even to leave with the eldest for a few days for some kind of examination. Both girls are friendly and non-conflicting. But if at home someone begins to sternly reprimand Ksyusha, who has misbehaved, Dasha immediately intervenes: “Don’t talk to my sister like that.” Protects her. And he always cries for company.

My daughters have different hobbies. Dasha has a photographic memory, she always walks around with dictionaries under her arm. When I forget something English word or I just don’t know him because I haven’t met him before, I ask, and she immediately answers, like an online translator. Assembles the most complex construction sets without instructions. Ksyusha has excellent taste from an early age. I just learned to sit and started putting on my jewelry. Helps mom get ready, spins around and comments: “You can add these shoes and a ring here.” If Dasha dreams of becoming a translator, and also a dog handler and paratrooper, then Ksyusha has clearly decided at the moment - she wants to be a designer.

The girls’ father, of course, participates in their upbringing, helps with everything, and spends a lot of time with them. I am not a careerist, but a more family-oriented person. If life presents me with a choice, I will sacrifice my career without a second thought. This doesn’t mean that I don’t value my work, I adore it, I worked for a long time to achieve what I have, and I don’t plan to stop there. I would like my example to help children understand how important it is to have something they love. Being a public person, I hope that I will be heard and can at least slightly influence the attitude in our country towards special children and adults. Now Dasha has parents, she is in comfortable conditions, and what will happen next is difficult to predict. We live in a rather closed society: school, our favorite cafe, where everyone knows our daughter, the store next door, where Dasha has been going every week for many years. It's scary to think what will happen when she plunges into Big world. Will a seller or a passerby want to listen to her, will an employer appreciate the mental abilities of a girl who cannot establish emotional contact, will there be friends who will not be embarrassed by her... Everyone has heard the story about younger sister Natasha Vodianova to Oksana - this is the big world into which the child looked out, and his head was hit, and he, like a turtle, hid back. After several such unsuccessful attempts the person will simply decide that it is easier and safer to keep a low profile, and will withdraw completely.

For some reason, our society considers such children abnormal and strange. And I have a wonderful daughter, cheerful, kind, she never lies. We don’t understand how such amazing children see and feel the world. We can only guess. Sometimes it seems that Dasha feels everything more strongly than most of us. We come, for example, to the sea, we come to the beach. The first thing we all do is look for sun loungers, lay down towels, and fuss around. And she will stand barefoot on the sand, close her eyes and smile, as if every ray, every breath of the breeze is absorbed by her skin. Dasha taught us to keep our word no matter what. It’s impossible to calmly look at the bewilderment in those blue eyes: “But you promised!” She doesn’t understand how you can say one thing and do another. It’s hard for her to perceive our world with double standards And hidden meanings, how can you say “let’s sit down on the path” and sit on the sofa?!

I don’t complain about fate, I think that my child is a blessing. Dasha made me better, wiser, more tolerant and stronger. Everyone who knows her says: “She is the sun.” Most parents of these children are positive people. And this despite all the difficulties they face. Almost everything has to be chewed out, demanded, achieved, or done yourself, without being able to hire specialists.

What do I recommend to other parents? Do not hide children, do not close houses, unite and together at various levels defend their rights. In all countries where comfortable living conditions have been created for people with autism, the parent lobby has played and continues to play a huge role. For the most part, problems in children arise not from the anger of people, but from a lack of information.

To be fair, it should be noted that attitudes are gradually changing. And at the state level, questions are being raised. But children cannot wait, they are growing, and they need help here and now. Fortunately, we can afford tutors, a speech therapist and a psychologist. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for it themselves. Well, while global processes are proceeding slowly and with difficulty, the principle of “help yourself” has not been canceled.

No one will understand a child better than his own mother. I know parents who mastered English language, so that some new techniques that have not yet reached Russia become available to them. In general, advice is probably not appropriate here (after all, parents who are faced with such a problem can already defend dissertations themselves, and besides, no two autistic people are alike, each needs individual approach), and wishes. I would like to wish strength and patience to all parents of special children, good good people on their way and health to the kids!

Olga Ushakova (on Instagram - @ushakovao) is a Russian TV presenter on Channel One. Born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for long, but she even liked it: she quickly learned to settle in an unfamiliar city and gain authority, even if it was necessary to defend her interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which she went into business with her boyfriend. But since childhood, she dreamed of getting on television and becoming a presenter.

In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to the audition and passed, but without a journalistic education she could not be immediately allowed on the air. At first, she interned in different departments, learned to write stories, practiced her diction, and after all this she began broadcasting news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she appeared on Channel One, in the Good Morning program, and a year after her arrival, the program received the TEFI Award for the first time.

Olga Ushakova got married for the first time at a young age, but some sources claim that it was a civil marriage. From her first husband she gave birth to two children: the eldest daughter Dasha and the youngest Ksenia. Eldest daughter suffers from autism, but Olga, as soon as she found out about it, began to do everything to prevent this disease from progressing. As a result, she now goes to a regular school and even more: she has discovered a photographic memory, she is interested in different topics, constantly reads books and encyclopedias about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what he is currently interested in), also learns languages ​​from dictionaries and dreams of becoming a translator.

Ushakova’s youngest daughter has discovered other talents in herself - she loves to draw and create images using clothes and accessories, so it is logical that her dream is to become a designer. The presenter herself got married again in July 2017. Olga Ushakova doesn’t like to talk about her second husband, so almost nothing is known about him. The TV presenter’s wedding itself was very romantic: Olga Ushakova’s Instagram has several photos from the bachelorette party and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds spent it on the seashore.


Both in the program and on the official Instagram website, Olga Ushakova promotes positivity always and in everything. She often posts photos from work, and in them she looks perfect, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 am to arrive at the place by 5 am.

Also on Olga Ushakova’s Instagram, photos often appear in which she does yoga. This helps her keep in shape. In general, judging by her posts on Instagram, she plays sports at home. She devoted one post on Instagram to the fact that there is no need to make excuses for yourself if you can’t go to the gym: you just need to take a jump rope and go to work out.

Olga Ushakova is a Russian TV presenter, known for her work on Channel One news and on the Good Morning program. Finalist of the prestigious television award “TEFI-2017”.

Childhood and youth

Olga Ushakova was born in Crimea on April 7, 1981 in a large family. Since Olga’s father was a military man, the family had to change cities in Russia and Ukraine every six months, or even less. Naturally, at school Olga had problems in relationships with new classmates, and the future TV presenter had to defend her honor even with her fists; conflicts often resulted national character. However, Olga quickly found a common language with other classmates, and in high school she easily achieved authority.

Establishing communications with different people turned out to be a very useful skill for a career in television, which Olga had dreamed of since childhood. As a little girl, she picked up a newspaper and imitated the style of television announcers, and for the sake of an impromptu interview, Olga picked up a comb (as a “microphone”) and pestered her acquaintances, bombarding them with questions.

Already at the age of 16, Olga graduated from school with a gold medal, moved to Kharkov and entered the university. In fact, she started independent life, and she had to earn extra money, and over time, together with her boyfriend (whose name Olga never named), she began to do business. By the age of 23, she became the head of the Ukrainian branch of an international company that promoted large brands.

TV presenter career

Olga did not stay as the head of the branch for long, as she moved to Moscow with her young man. It was then that she remembered her childhood dream and decided to try her hand at television, especially since the capital opened up enormous opportunities. At the auditions at the Ostankino television center, they paid attention to the photogenic Olga, but they pointed out her southern accent.

The girl was nevertheless hired as an intern, where she trained speech techniques, searched for informational reasons for news stories, and wrote them.

In 2005, Olga became the presenter of morning news on Channel One, broadcasting to the eastern regions of Russia (alternating with Andrei Ukharev for a week).

In 2009, Olga Ushakova appeared on the screen again, but as a presenter of the nightly news of Channel One, broadcast on Central Russia. A year later, the “Other News” program was added to Olga’s responsibilities, the main focus of which was apolitical stories.

From 2013 to 2017 Ushakova was one of the co-hosts of the annual “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”.

In 2014, Ushakova began working as the host of the Good Morning program. At that time, the program underwent significant changes: the composition of the presenters became “younger,” and the headings and topics for the stories were also updated. Such innovations benefited the program, and in 2015 the Good Morning program received the TEFI award. After 2 years, the program was again encouraged by this prestigious award, and Olga Ushakova herself (together with Sergei Babaev) was among the finalists in the “Morning Program Host” nomination (the award was received by Yulia Vysotskaya with the “Eating at Home” program).

Personal life of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova rarely gives interviews, and in general she tries not to advertise her personal life. With the young man about whom it was written above, famous TV presenter in her youth she was in a civil marriage. In union with him, two girls appeared with a year difference - Daria (2005) and Ksenia (2006).

Dasha developed neurological problems: the child started talking ahead of schedule, but within a year he became silent, and this continued until he was five years old. Doctors diagnosed her with Kanner syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. Dasha had to go through a method of raising children with special needs, but this did not stop the girl from living a full life. She started school on time and subsequently showed interest in foreign languages which came to her with ease. Ksenia really likes to sing, she studied vocals.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakova got married in Cyprus. Her chosen one was restaurateur Adam Karim. The couple met in London in 2013. Olga stood in line at the restaurant's cloakroom; Adam and a friend approached from the other side; they did not notice the girl and got ahead of her in line. Olga was indignant, but when she heard Adam’s heated apologies, she realized that they weren’t doing it on purpose. The man watched Ushakova all evening, and when she got ready to leave, he realized that he couldn’t let her go just like that.

In April 2018, their common daughter was born. During pregnancy, Olga still hosted the Good Morning program, and also made stories about physical exercises during childbirth.

To keep yourself in good shape and in the right mood for morning broadcast Olga occasionally practices yoga and gymnastics, and in her free time from work she loves to read and travel with her whole family. In addition, the famous TV presenter basically does not eat meat and occasionally practices a raw food diet.


In October 2018, football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova, the man was admitted to intensive care with a head injury. The TV presenter sued the athletes, saying that she “only suffered financially.” “There is blood both outside and inside. There is also a strong dent on the side. Apparently, the driver was hit against the body of the car,” Olga said, without commenting on the condition of the victim. However, the presenter later wrote on Instagram that she had assembled a team of lawyers who would defend the rights of the victim in court.

Kokorin and Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova now

Despite the work schedule of the leading morning program, in which you need to wake up at 3 a.m. and literally have breakfast on the go, Olga Ushakova likes own work. She is still filled with that sunny optimism that she is ready to share with the whole country.

Olga Ushakova is famous Russian TV presenter. She was born on April 7 (according to the horoscope Aries) 1982 in Crimea. Her height is 172 centimeters and her weight reaches 56 kilograms.

In addition to Olga, the family also raised two more children. Since Olga’s father was a military man, the whole family had to move frequently. Therefore, the little girl had to adapt to her new environment, find new friends, and get along with classmates and teachers. For the sociable Olya, this task was very easy, so she quickly made loyal friends and was an authority figure in her team.

True, sometimes she had to fight, since in Ukrainian cities she was sometimes not recognized and called names based on her nationality, and as soon as she and her family moved to Russian city She was given the nickname “Khokhlushka”. But this did not scare the brave girl Olga, she could stand up for herself, and therefore her parents were often called to school because of another fight. However, all these moves were able to fully prepare her for the career of a TV presenter, because she learned communication skills, perseverance and fearlessness.

Carier start

Everything she experienced helped her acquire important qualities for a TV presenter, a profession that she dreamed of from an early age. As Olga herself says, even in her distant childhood she could take any object that vaguely resembled a microphone and begin to continuously cover world news in front of her friends and family. Olya could talk on absolutely any topic, as she was very well-read and smart. At school I studied excellently, any grades below “5” were perceived as the end of the world and were immediately corrected.

True, after graduating from school, she decides to temporarily abandon her dreams of becoming a presenter and enters the Kharkov University at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship. Thus, she and her lover begin to run a business. After some time, she moves to Moscow, but suddenly realizes that she no longer wants to engage in entrepreneurship and remembers her dream profession, which she hid for a long time in the depths of her memory. So, she decides to start the path of a TV presenter.

Further successes

In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to federal channel Russia, passing tests and becoming an intern. At first glance, it may seem that it was easy for the girl to achieve success, as her career began to develop rapidly, but in fact this is not the case. Olga did not have the appropriate education, and therefore she had to work hard to change her speech and develop diction. She studied very long and hard so that in the future she would be allowed to host a news program, which she achieved after a certain period of time. She hosted the news program for nine years, but then switched to the “Good Day” program, where she was able to meet her childhood idols from the television world.

This was followed by the “Good Morning” program, which brought Olga a lot of experience and vivid impressions. Is it true, this work She was very responsible and difficult, but this did not frighten her at all. I always had to get up at three o'clock in the morning and cover the distance that separated the studio so that at five o'clock in the morning people could enjoy this program. The ratings increased noticeably, since Olga Ushakova could easily charge people with cheerfulness with her bright charm.


Much about Ushakova’s personal life remains unknown. She has two daughters - Daria and Ksenia. The girls are the same age and go to the same school together and study in the same class. By nature they are as active, talented and cheerful, they love to travel, just like their mother. Ushakova says little about the girls’ father; only one thing is clear: they maintain friendly relations. In my time this person became the one who pushed Olga towards her dream and became a reliable support for her.

In the summer of 2017, it became known that Olga and her new chosen one got married in Cyprus. Her husband was a man who works restaurant business and lives outside of Russia.

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