SVH project scheme signal passage. The construction of the north-eastern expressway is planned to be completed ahead of schedule

On October 2, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the construction progress of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road. This section is planned to be completed in 2018.

Traffic-light-free highway

The route of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road, which will be built in 2018, will run from the existing section of the expressway at the intersection with the Entuziastov Highway, then from the northern side of the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway to the exit to the ring road.

In this section, the highway will be traffic-light-free with three lanes in each direction thanks to five overpasses.

The new section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road will in the future make it possible to redistribute traffic flows and reduce the load on outbound highways - Ryazansky Prospekt, Entuziastov Highway and Shchelkovskoe Highway, as well as on the eastern sectors of the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring. In addition, the new highway will significantly improve the transport situation in the southeastern and eastern parts of the city, and will also simplify entry into Moscow for residents of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky and Nekrasovka districts and residents of Lyubertsy near Moscow.

In the future, a new section of the highway will provide an entrance to Moscow for a backup of the Moscow-Kazan federal highway.

Pedestrian accessibility

A new underground passage will be built near the Vykhino metro station. It will be located under the North-East Expressway and will allow access to the subway from the Veshnyakov side. In addition to local residents, it will be used by those who come to the Vykhino station by ground transport.

In addition, during the construction of the chord, two more existing underground passages will be reconstructed - in the area of ​​the Plyushchevo and Veshnyaki railway platforms.


To ensure that local residents are not disturbed by the sound of cars, a three-meter noise barrier will be installed along the route. Of course, cars will be heard, but no louder than those driving along the streets of the area.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

Noise barriers will protect the Kuskovsky Forest Park from the chord.

Even when designing the section, the chords increased the distance from the highway to the boundaries of the forest park. This should protect the natural-historical site from the possible influence of construction. It is also planned to limit the speed of traffic on this section.

In addition, it is planned to plant more than 200 mature trees, 1,800 shrubs, 134 thousand square meters of lawns and 500 square meters of flower beds near the highway.

From East to North in half an hour

The entire North-Eastern Expressway will be about 35 km long. It will run from the new M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass, an interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect the major highways of the city: MKAD, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye Highways.

Thus, the North-Eastern Expressway will provide a diagonal connection between the north, east and south-east of the capital, reducing the traffic load on the center, the Third Transport Ring, the Moscow Ring Road and outbound highways by about a quarter. In fact, the chord will become a backup for the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring (TTK).

It is planned to open traffic on two sections of the North-East Expressway by early autumn. Over the next month, the initial section from the Businovskaya interchange to the Dmitrovskoye Shosse will be completed, and by the beginning of autumn it is planned to launch traffic along the final section of the route - from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road.

Read about the stage of readiness of sections of the North-Eastern Expressway and when they are expected to open in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

From Businovskaya interchange to Dmitrovskoe highway

Now the road between Dmitrovskoe Highway, Festivalnaya Street and Businovskaya Interchange is almost ready, builders are finishing the construction of a two-hundred-meter section in the area of ​​the Khovrinskaya pumping station.

“The Khovrinskaya pumping station, which supplied more than three and a half thousand consumers, fell into the construction zone. We built a new station, but we were able to disconnect all systems from the previous one only on May 15 of this year, and we quickly began to build a two-hundred-meter section. We expect that we will finish in September. We will strive to open traffic for City Day,” First Deputy Head of the Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov told the Moscow 24 portal.

What is ready on the section from Dmitrovskoye Highway to Festivalnaya Street?

More than 11 kilometers of four-lane main road, seven overpasses, two of which are one and a half kilometers long, and ramps ranging from 300 to 500 meters in length were built on the site. A new overpass across the Oktyabrskaya Railway and a bridge over the Likhoborka River were built.

“At the same time, the construction of the overpass across the railway proceeded without stopping the movement of trains,” noted the first deputy head of the Department of Construction.

We also took care of protection from highway noise. “We have replaced six thousand window blocks, and we will also build about two kilometers of noise barriers,” Aksenov promised. According to him, trees will be planted along the road.

In October, a reversal overpass will be built on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, connecting the North-East Expressway with the North-West. “The overpass on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street is the first part of the connection of the two expressways. It makes it possible to turn around on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street and enter the North-Eastern Expressway without entering Dmitrovskoe Highway,” Aksenov noted.

From the Entuziastov highway to the interchange with the Moscow Ring Road "Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy"

In September, it is planned to open traffic on another section of the North-Eastern Expressway: from Entuziastov Highway to the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy interchange on the Moscow Ring Road. Here the stumbling block was the old traction substation of the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway. According to Pyotr Aksenov, the capital’s government has agreed with the Moscow Railway on the demolition of the substation and the construction of a new one.

“We turned off the traction substation and switched it to a new one, after which we began to complete the road. Full traffic from the Entuziastov highway to the interchange with the MKAD “Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy” will open in early autumn,” he promised.

From Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoe highway

By the end of the year, the capital’s authorities plan to open traffic from Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoye highway. Overpasses of the main passage and side passages were built here. And also a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoye Highway, which is going to open in the coming months. According to Pyotr Aksenov, the construction of roads more than eight kilometers long with the relocation of utilities is in full swing.

“On the section of the first section, traffic is planned to be opened within the next month. The main work of the first stage of construction has been completed. It includes the laying of about 5.5 kilometers of roads, including the construction of three overpasses about 3.4 kilometers long,” said a government official.

He also noted that thanks to the commissioning of a new section, traffic flows between Shchelkovskoye and Otkrytoye highways will be redistributed. This will reduce the traffic load on Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, Stromynka, Krasnobogatyrskaya streets and Rusakovskaya embankment. In addition, transport accessibility of the Golyanovo and Metrogorodok districts will increase.

From Dmitrovskoe highway to Yaroslavskoe highway

Next year, construction of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Dmitrovskoye to Yaroslavskoye Highway may begin.

“The planning project has passed public hearings, has finally received approval from the Moscow government, design is now underway. The site is very complex, there is a cluster of large industrial enterprises and a huge number of utility networks. We are doing everything possible so that construction begins next year,” said the first deputy head Depstroya.

He emphasized that the design of the site and the liberation of the territory will be carried out at the expense of budget money. “We are already starting to work: demolishing garages and interacting with industrial enterprises that fall into the construction zone,” Aksenov noted.

At the same time, there is a proposal from investors to build a road from Dmitrovskoye to Yaroslavskoye highway on a concession basis, but a final decision on this issue has not yet been made, he explained.

From Otkrytoye to Yaroslavskoe highway

The only section of the North-Eastern Expressway on which no work is currently underway is from Otkrytoye to Yaroslavskoye Highway.

“The problem is that, presumably, the road should pass through the Losiny Ostrov national park, while there is no final decision on the routing of the section. The Moskomarkhitektura is working on the study, when the department completes the work, then we will start talking about the construction of the section,” summed up Pyotr Aksenov .

The authorities decided to inflict another scar on the body of Moscow - to build the North-Eastern Expressway. For now, only the layout plan for the future route is ready, let’s see how the next billions of rubles will be spent.

01. General view of the site:

02. Regarding the entire area:

03. Well, now in more detail, prepare your imagination, let’s go from Yaroslavka, because for some reason the route through the national park (!!!) was not included in the project:

04. Past the Botanical Garden:

05. Vladykino:

06. Separation (or vice versa, convergence - depending on how you look at it) temporary storage and storage storage:

07. Sections of several places:

08. TPU in the direction of travel:

09. Features:

Surprisingly, not even a single under/overground passage sounds somehow implausible.

10. And now the socio-economic justification. Although where this means socially is not clear, I see only economic calculations, no social effect, no transport effect in the future:

11. Although I’m lying, there are transport calculations, it has already been calculated where traffic jams will be in the future:

What can I say... for some reason I wanted to drink out of grief. But if in the case of the North-Western Expressway, which ran along ordinary streets, and from which they decided to make a semblance of a highway, despite the inhabitants, where I still wanted to send everyone responsible to North Korea, then just have a drink. Unlike the SZH, this chord mostly runs along and along the industrial zone:

Apparently because of this, there will be no off-street crossings, and public transport on the expressway is also not provided.

BUT in fact, this road distributes all traffic from the M11, only if the M11 is a toll road, this one will be free, that is, it will actively stimulate car use, and will also distribute a huge flow of cars throughout the city, for example, if previously a resident of Khimki or another Moscow region Tver, if we would have gone to the city by train or public transport, now we will go by car. Also, monstrous interchanges clearly will not beautify the city and will not relieve congestion on the outlying streets. Although, there is a tiny chance that after the introduction of this chord, it will finally be possible to close the north-eastern section of the Third Ring, turning it into a normal street.

In any case, instead of investing money in socially useful projects (and at least for connecting road networks between districts), this money will be spent on roads and traffic jams. But the Gray Cardinal is happy - the builders will be able to use the budget for another couple of years.

PS On Thursday, August 20, hearings on this project will be held in Ostankino, Rostokino and 3 other districts, I suggest residents take care of this now.

You can view the presentations

Currently, work on the construction of three new highways is in full swing in the capital: the North-Western and North-Eastern Expressways, as well as the South Road.

North-East Expressway

Length North-East Expressway will be about 29 kilometers. It must, bypassing the center of the capital, urban areas in the north and southeast of Moscow, which are considered the most densely populated.

The highway will pass through the largest highways in the northeast of the capital - Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Otkrytoye, and Izmailovskoye highways, allowing them to significantly relieve congestion. The chord is being laid from the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road on the western side of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, along the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway to a new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway.

There will be a railway overpass on the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse. It is necessary to accommodate branch No. 2 of the Moscow railway junction, which connects the Khovrino and Likhobory stations.

On this site it is also planned to build 4 road overpasses, two overpasses over the railway tracks and additional ramps to them. This will allow residents of nearby areas to significantly save time on travel to Dmitrovskoye Highway. Currently, in order to get onto the highway, you have to make a detour. The opening of this section will allow access to the highway directly in the area of ​​the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station.

The North-Eastern Expressway is divided into sections:

  • From Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya street (put into operation in 2014);

  • From Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway (under construction);

  • From Dmitrovskoe highway to Yaroslavskoe highway (projected);

  • From Yaroslavskoye to Otkrytoye Shosse (route not determined);

  • From Otkrytoye to Shchelkovskoe highway (projected);

  • From Shchelkovskoe highway to Izmailovskoe highway (everything was built except the tunnel over Shchelkovskoe highway);

  • From Izmailovskoye Highway to Entuziastov Highway (under construction);

  • From the Entuziastov highway to the interchange at the 8th kilometer of the MKAD Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy (projected).

The Moscow government arbitrarily demolished the “unauthorized” buildings.

In order to achieve this demolition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 222 urgently made changes:

1. An unauthorized construction is a building, structure or other structure erected, created on a land plot that was not provided in the prescribed manner, or on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this object on it, or erected, created without receiving the necessary funds for this permits or in violation of town planning and building codes and regulations.

2. The unauthorized building is subject to demolition...

At the same time, Art. 222 in paragraph 4 especially noted that an unauthorized building is subject to demolition if the building occupied by it "... the land plot is located in a zone with special conditions for the use of territories... or in the right of way of utility networks of federal, regional or local significance."

Contents of the new edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shows that unauthorized construction in Moscow, which violates the Law, is carried out not only by businessmen, but also by the Moscow Government, which, in order to eliminate unauthorized construction, initiated changes to Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These changes will also affect new construction projects that will be carried out after the introduction of changes to Article 222. In order to ensure that after completion of construction new buildings cannot be recognized as unauthorized and subject to demolition, the requirements of Art. 222 must also be implemented in the designs of these new buildings. To achieve this, projects must not be unauthorized, must comply with legal requirements and must be tested for compliance with Art. before implementation. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Such an unauthorized project is the project for a section of the North-Eastern Expressway in the Moscow district of Veshnyaki (VAO). According to the project, the route of this section of the highway is laid through the forest park of the Kuskovo estate, a cultural heritage site of regional significance. It is laid in the area specified in clause 1 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as « not provided in accordance with the established procedure, or on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this facility on it.”

Passage of the North-East Expressway

“Provided in accordance with the established procedure” is the site determined by the General Plan of the City of Moscow until 2025, at the address: 1st Veshnyakovsky Proezd, Ryazansky District of the South-Eastern Administrative District. The Kuskovo estate is located in another, Eastern Administrative District, and the one who approved the General Plan prohibits laying a route here Law of Moscow No. 17 of 05/05/2010.

Construction of a chord in the Kuskovo estate prohibits Federal Law No. 73 of June 25, 2002“On objects of cultural heritage...” art. 3_1, art. 5_1, since this is construction “on a land plot, the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this facility on it.” Federal Law No. 73 of 2002 prohibits such capital construction on the territory of a cultural heritage site. As a result, 20 hectares of forest will be cut down, with dozens of ancient oak trees growing in it.

Estate "Kuskovo"

Thus, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the construction of a highway highway in Kuskovo is an unauthorized construction and after this section is built, the highway should be demolished as an unauthorized construction.

The highway is being laid in Veshnyaki along the protective zone of the federal cultural heritage site of the 370-year-old Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The highway at this point covers a plot of land that “located in a zone with special conditions for the use of territories” (clause 4 of Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, this section of the highway also falls under the new wording of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The section of the chord in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 222 is an unauthorized construction, and after construction is completed the highway in this place should also be demolished as an unauthorized construction.

The highway is being laid at a distance from the Temple building that is four times less than the permissible and safe distance. The physical condition of the ancient Temple, built in 1644, was not examined in accordance with the requirements of MDS 11-17 of 2004 - “Rules for the inspection of buildings ... for liturgical ... purposes,” which should have been done before the start of the project in order to find out whether the Temple building would withstand vibration loads from the traffic flow of the motorway, and is it even possible to build a chord in this place for this reason.

Such loads inevitably cause subsidence of foundations near buildings. For the ancient Temple, the value of these permissible drawdowns is set to no more than 5 mm (SP 22.13330.2011, Appendix L). The project calculates these drawdowns for the Temple fence and outbuildings on its territory. But for the Temple building itself there is no calculation in the project. The calculation was either not made or not published because it showed a greater drawdown than 5 mm. That is, the fact that the Temple will be destroyed is hidden in the project. As a result, the Temple will be destroyed by vibrations from the flow of cars at 10,000 per hour. The lives of praying parishioners are at risk.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Veshnyaki

The chord highway is being laid in Veshnyaki for 3 kilometers over three tunnels of Moscow’s largest sewer collector, through which 3 million cubic meters of wastewater flows to the Lyubertsy aeration station every day - this is half of Moscow’s wastewater.

Thus, the motorway chord passes “in the right-of-way of utility networks” and, according to paragraph 4 of the new edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is an unauthorized construction, which, after completion of construction must also be demolished as an unauthorized construction.

The diameters of the collector tunnels are 3, 4 and 6 meters; they were built 50 years ago and, according to the workers involved in their repair, the walls of the tunnels are so rotten that they can be pierced right through with a crowbar. They are repaired (“sanitized”), but the strength of the walls cannot be restored. To restore strength, tunnels must be rebuilt and designed for new loads and new external operating conditions.

The right of way of utility networks (protection zone) of the sewer collector in the conditions of water-saturated soils of Veshnyakov, according to the “Regulations for the operation of the Moscow sewer network (DHKH and B 2006)”, is 50 meters on each side, into which the highway falls. The construction of the motorway on top of the collector and in its security zone is prohibited by the construction standards and urban planning standards (SP 34.13330.2012 clause 6.36; SP 42.13330.2011, P.p. 12.33; 12.34; STO 2.17.66-2012, clause 6.4. 2.; 6.4.7.; 6.4.8.).

If the highway is not demolished as an unauthorized construction, then during its operation the walls of the collector tunnels will not withstand new loads from the weight of the highway road surface, the weight and vibration of the traffic flow of 10,000 cars per hour and will constantly collapse along the entire length of the collector located under the highway. The road surface will collapse into these gaps. The highway and collector will not be able to be used. Half of Moscow residents will be left without water and sewerage. The residential areas adjacent to the highway, the Kuskovo forest park, the Temple, the railway, and the metro will be flooded with fecal waste.

The fact that the new version of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation requires that the highway be built after its construction in Veshnyaki was demolished says that it is impossible to build a chord in Veshnyaki.

New edition of Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation considers the following buildings to be unauthorized and subject to demolition:

« the permitted use of which does not allow the construction of this facility on it”;

which “located in an area with special conditions for the use of territories”;

which is located "in the right-of-way of utility networks."

Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation prohibits the construction of a highway on such land plots. It must be built in accordance with the General Plan in the Ryazan region of the South-Eastern Administrative District. There it will not be subject to demolition.

Until now, the highway construction project in Veshnyaki violated all existing federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow in this area, without exception, which we have repeatedly reported to the Moscow Government. Now the project has switched to violating new laws that came out after its completion.

As of February 14, 2016, 121,359 Russian citizens signed a petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation and the Mayor of Moscow, demanding to ban the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway on the lands of the forest park of the federal cultural heritage site of the Kuskovo estate. Including their family members, the number of protesters is several hundred thousand people. The Moscow government does not notice these protests.

Residents of the Veshnyaki district in accordance with Art. 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation requires the Moscow Government prevent unauthorized construction of a section of the highway in Veshnyaki, cancel the project and move the construction of the highway to its rightful place, established by the General Plan of Moscow - 1st Veshnyakovsky proezd, Ryazansky district of the South-Eastern Administrative District.

On behalf of the initiative group
"Save Veshnyaki" architect
I.N. Kuznetsova

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