Eminem's personal life. The real reason you've never heard of Eminem's other two daughters

Marshal Bruce Mathers III, better known as Eminem, is an American rapper, producer, and actor. Widely known Eminem brought his album Slim Shady LP(1999), awarded with the " Grammy"as the best rap album. Also Eminem known as the founder and owner of the record label Shady Records and rap group producer D-12.

Rolling Stone magazine ranked Eminem number 82 on its 100 list. greatest musicians, and Vibe magazine named him the best rapper of all time. He has 11 Grammys, and his total record sales amounted to more than 85 million, which exceeds album sales The group Beatles.

Eminem born October 12, 1972 in St. Joseph, Missouri. His parents, Deborah Nelson Marshall-Briggs And Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr., divorced shortly after the birth of their son. Single mother Deborah It was not easy with a small boy, and they constantly moved from place to place in search of work. Before settling in Warren, a suburb of Detroit, they lived in Savannah, Missouri, and Kansas City.

Hip-hop originated in the late seventies in the working class environment of New York, from where it spread throughout America, and later throughout the world. Hip-hop is youth subculture, which includes characteristic rap music, breakdancing, and graffiti.

As a teenager Eminem heard the band's album Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill, after which he literally fell ill with hip-hop. He came up with his first stage name M&M(his initials) and joined an amateur group Bassmint Productions, with which he released his first EP, entitled Steppin' Onto The Scene. At the same time, he regularly participated in freestyle battles, where he won the respect of the local public.

Despite all this, things were not going well for him at school. He studied in the ninth grade twice, and at the age of 17 he dropped out of school altogether.

Debut album released in 1996 Eminem Infinte, released on a small independent label, it went almost unnoticed, but the young rapper continued working and soon released Slim Shady EP. This disc went to the famous rap producer Doctor D.R.E who suggested Eminem release it on your label Aftermath Records.

The Slim Shady EP album went triple platinum, and Eminem's name became famous all over the world.

Second album Marshall Mathers LP came out in 2000. There was a lot of personal content in it – it was no coincidence that the rapper named the album by his real name. The songs were especially popular The Real Slim Shady And Stan, recorded with the singer Dido. Third album The Eminem Show sold more than 20 million copies.

In October 2002, an autobiographical film was released on cinema screens. "Eight Mile", Where Eminem plays a beggar rapper nicknamed Rabbit. Starred in this film with Eminem Kim Basinger And Brittany Murphy, and also a famous Detroit freestyler Proof, band member D-12, who played the role of rapper Lil"Tic, Rabbit's opponent in the freestyle battle. The film grossed nearly $250 million worldwide.

The song from this film, Lose Yourself, brought Eminem an Oscar and many other awards, including the MTV Movie Awards.

Besides solo career Eminem produces a rap group D-12, releases albums on his own label Shady Records. Next album Encore, was released only in November 2004 and did not bring the rapper a single award. After this, rumors began to appear that Eminem had left music. But in February 2009 the track was released Crack a Bottle, released in conjunction with 50 Cent And Dr. D.R.E. And soon it comes out new album Relapse, which became the best-selling rap album of 2009. Single released in spring 2010 Not Afraid, and a new Eminem album should be released this summer Recovery.

Eminem (b. 1972) is an American rapper and actor, composer and music producer, the King of Hip-Hop. Engaged in solo career, and is also a member of the group “D 12” and the hip-hop duo “Bad Meets Evil”. He is one of the world's best-selling artists. Many magazines included him in the list of the greatest musicians of all time. More than 100 million of his albums have been sold worldwide.


Eminem was born on October 17, 1972 in the province of Missouri, the small town of St. Joseph. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. He was in the family only child.

His father, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr., born in 1947, was a creative artist and a member of a local band in Kansas City. Deborah Nelson, Eminem’s mother, who was born in 1955, also worked there as a singer. The parents met in 1970, Deborah was only 15 years old, and almost immediately after meeting they got married. Two and a half years later, a boy was born into the family, the birth was very difficult, lasted 73 hours, and Deborah almost died during it. They decided to give their son exactly the same name as his father.

And when the baby was only six months old, the father left them and his mother, went to California and never met his family again. Deborah's relatives helped raise the baby, and as a result, the boy became very attached to Ronnie, his mother's brother. Deborah herself constantly burned with the dream of improving her financial situation and life. small child, in search good place work and residence moved a lot from one settlement to another. So little Marshall is already in early childhood traveled with his mother.

When the boy was 12 years old, he and his mother finally settled in Detroit, Michigan. They settled in a suburban area (the eastern part of Detroit), the population there was mainly African-American. Here the boy went to school, but often played truant, and his relationships with dark-skinned peers did not work out. Marshall spent his free time from school at home, watching movies and reading comics.

In the fourth grade, a black high school student began to constantly terrorize him, and others also bullied him; no one wanted to be friends with a white-skinned boy. Due to difficult relationships, I had to change schools several times, but this did not save me from an almost tragic incident. In 1983, Marshall was severely beaten by his peers in the school toilet, his ears even began to bleed, after which the child could not be brought out of a coma for about 10 days. Such suffering, humiliation and a difficult childhood left their mark on Eminem’s future work.

A year after this incident, Marshall and his mother moved to Kansas City. The boy was incredibly happy about this, because he again met his uncle Ronnie, whom he loved very much. Eminem considers him his best friend through life. My uncle was always into rap and taught it to his little nephew. When Marshall was still 4 years old, he was already performing rap own composition. And on this visit, Ronnie recorded several of his tapes with rap music for his nephew and also gave Ice-T’s “Reckless” tape, which prompted the young boy to finally take the path of a rapper.

The beginning of a creative journey

When the boy was 13 years old, he was already inventing and recording his own rap. This music fascinated him more and more every day. He performed rap freestyles in the school cafeteria, and over time gained a reputation as a very capable rapper.

Already at the age of 14, he began performing in local clubs, competing there with other aspiring rappers and came up with the stage name “M&M” (the first letters of his first and last name), later this pseudonym was transformed into “Eminem”.

Rap captivated the young man so much that he could not live even a day without this music. At the age of 17, Marshall made the final decision to leave school and devote his life to creativity. Every night he performed on local radio in live.

Since 1992, Eminem began performing at the most famous rap club in Detroit. Once a week he took part in rap competitions, which over time he began to win constantly. This could not go unnoticed, and he was invited to perform at the best radio station in Detroit.

In late 1993, Deborah's mother told her son that Ronnie, his uncle and friend, had died. He committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. Eminem went to deep depression, locked himself in the room, and, without leaving, listened to the records that Ronnie had once given him. The singer quit rapping and stopped writing songs.

He was brought back to creativity by the message that his beloved woman Kim was pregnant and they would soon have a daughter. Inspired by this news, Eminem returned to rap, updated his repertoire and soon began working with small company sound recordings.

The first one was released in 1996 solo album Marshall's "Infinite", he didn't make a lot of money from it. But the respect of the public and several positive reviews about his album in very influential magazines added optimism to the singer.

Nevertheless, her daughter was growing up, and Marshall could barely earn money for diapers for her. He had to change low-paying jobs one after another. When he released his second album, the Slim Shady EP, he was determined that if it didn't bring him material resources for existence, he will quit rapping.

Within 10 months, Marshall performed in hip-hop clubs, the singer was noticed and received an invitation to take part in the annual Rap Olympics competition, where he came second.

The pinnacle of glory

The producer, black rapper Dre, heard the tracks from the album “Slim Shady EP” and called Eminem. They met and their fruitful collaboration began. In 1999, the re-released “Slim Shady EP” was released and became an instant hit. The video for the song “My Name Is” turned out to be especially successful; it was played constantly on MTV. This album subsequently went multi-platinum and won two Grammy Awards.

At the end of spring 2000, Eminem's second studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP, was released. Here his talent was revealed from different sides, there are songs funny and sad, self-critical and incredibly cruel. The album sold 19 million copies, won a Grammy, and is currently one of the best rap albums of all time.

In 2001, Eminem became a member of the group "D 12", where he sang with his friends from Detroit. Wherein solo career he did not give up and already in 2002 he released a new, again mega-popular album, “The Eminem Show”.

Since then, each of his studio albums has been a worldwide success:

  • "Shady XV";
  • "Recovery";
  • Encore;
  • "Relapse".

Other activities and achievements

In 2002, the film “8 Mile” was released, where Eminem played the main role. The film is almost autobiographical, as it tells the story of a young white rapper living in an African-American neighborhood in Detroit.

Jimmy "Rabbit" Smith Jr., played by Eminem, works in a factory and writes rap, trying to start and build a career in such difficult conditions. He has to go through many difficulties: brutal beating, loss of a beloved girl. But he still won the final rap battle. He won and left, realizing that this life was not for him.

The film turned out to be quite successful both in terms of box office receipts and in terms of how audiences received it. With a budget of $41 million, the film grossed $242 million worldwide. Eminem wrote a song for the film and won an Academy Award for it in 2003.

In addition to this picture, Eminem starred in the following films:

  • "Washing";
  • "Beauties";
  • "Pranksters";
  • "Interview".

The singer is the founder of his own charitable foundation, he helps Michigan children born into disadvantaged families.

He has his own radio station and record label. He has received a Grammy Award 15 times. Wesley Gibson based his appearance on Eminem for his main character in the Wanted comics.

Eminem got into the Guinness Book of Records because he reached 6.5 words per second in one of his songs. In 6 minutes and 4 seconds he performed 1560 words - this, of course, is a record.

Personal life

In the history of music, there is no more famous white rapper than Eminem. But he became famous not only for his albums, but also for his scandals and love affairs. He married the same woman twice, and also had affairs with the most popular modern singers.

When Marshall was 15 years old, he met the most great love of his life - Kimberly Ann Scott. They were both still in school at that time. When Kim had family problems, she and her sister lived at Marshall's house for some time. They dated for 10 years and got married only in 1999, at which time their daughter Haley Jade Scott was already 4 years old, the girl was born in 1995. At that moment, Eminem was just ascending to the pinnacle of fame, and their marriage could not withstand such a test. In 2001, the couple separated.

After 5 years, Kim and Marshall reconciled, got married again and even got married again. This time the marital relationship lasted several months. The couple filed for divorce again, amicably agreeing to share custody of their daughter. This time, the cause of the discord was drugs, alcohol and infidelity, and all this on both sides.

The yellow press attributes Eminem with romances with such pop divas as Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Tara Reid and Beyoncé. The singer has a special passion for representatives of the porn industry, whom he periodically films in videos. For about six months he had a relationship with the flamboyant Brittany Andrews, then an affair with another porn star, Gina Lynn.

In 2002, Eminem had a relationship with the actress who starred with him in the film 8 Mile, Brittany Murphy. They lived together for some time, but nothing serious came of it.

Despite such a stormy personal life, Eminem is now alone. He still considers Kim Scott a part of his life. Sometimes there are rumors that the couple is about to get back together, but this has not happened yet.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III is better known to the general public as the American rapper, producer and composer Eminem

Date of Birth: October 17, 1972
Place of Birth: Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA
Zodiac sign: Scales

He was called "Mr. Contradiction", a heartthrob, Slim Shady, a renegade. Speaking of his ability to rhyme lyrics and fast work mind, critics exclaimed with admiration: “He’s a genius!”, “He personifies all of America!” Eminem became the first white rapper to surpass blacks in their musical style.

“They told me: “You’re white, you don’t belong in rap, you can’t achieve anything because you’re the wrong color.” And I wanted to prove to people that I could do it, that I would do it.”

Eminem biography

When he was born near Kansas City, rap as such did not even exist. Less than a year later, the father of the future artist left the family. Marshall grew up without a father and didn't even know what it was like to grow up in full family. He quietly envied those children who had both parents.
In 1980, 8-year-old Marshall and his mother Debi Mathers moved to the “Motor City” of Detroit.

His childhood could not be called stable: his mother and her son constantly moved from place to place, from trailer to trailer. And his surroundings also could not be called prosperous: he lived in a world of racial hostility and according to the laws of street gangs.

He could not live with his mother, because she could not even feed herself, let alone the child, so for some time Marshall lived with his grandmother. At school he was constantly beaten. One day he was beaten so badly that he almost died and even fell into a coma. The guy recovered, but feeling even more isolated, he plunged into the world of comics and TV shows.

The boy remained in this world until his uncle Ronnie Polkinghorne came to his aid. Maybe thanks to him, Marshall became interested in rap.

Carier start

The guy started participating in rap battles. He had a girlfriend, Kim, and success in local clubs, but there was poverty at home. To help his mother pay the bills, Marshall got a job as a cook in one of the local restaurants. And it was no longer he who depended on his mother, but she on him.

In 1986, Debi Mathers gave birth to another son, Nathan, who also had to be nursed by Marshall.

To fully devote himself to what he loves, Marshall even dropped out of school in 1989 and performed on stage in clubs with his band Bassmint Productions.
In the late 1980s, he was accepted into the Detroit hip-hop community. At this time, he came up with his pseudonym - Eminem.

Life gradually got better. He met a team of producers - brothers Jeff and Mark Bass, who provided the musician with a studio so that he could work and bring his talent to perfection. Then Marshall came up with the rapper, his alter ego Slim Shady.

In 1995, Eminem/Slim Shady joined a community called Dirty Dozen (D12). The group consisted of six guys (five black and one white), but each had their own alter ego: 12 in total. And already in 1996 the musician’s first album, Infinite, was released.

In 1999, the voice of a white rapper was heard on every radio. It must be said that before Eminem there was not a single white rapper who managed to become popular and earn the respect of critics. It was something like the discovery of America or the end of the world.

In 2000, Eminem's second studio album was released under called The Marshall Mathers LP, in which the rapper sang on his own behalf.

At the beginning of 2001, the rapper received three Grammys, but was still not satisfied.

That same year, Eminem accepted an offer to star in 8 Mile, a partially autobiographical film about a white rapper from Detroit trying to make it. And the rapper wanted to do it for real good film. In addition, in 2001, together with his fellow musicians (Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, rappers Xzibit and Ice Cube), he went on tour.

In parallel with touring and filming “8 Mile,” Eminem was preparing for the release of his third album The Eminem Show. This album was a success with both the public and critics, and became his best work.

In 2004, Eminem released two albums as a member of the Dirty Dozen group - D12 World and Encore.

Then there was a long break of five years, and the rapper released his next solo collection of songs only in 2009 (Relapse). In 2018, Eminem's tenth solo album Kamikaze was released. Moreover, the rapper himself carefully hid the fact of the album’s release.

And the song Killshot, posted on September 14, 2018 on Eminem’s Youtube channel, received 38 million views in the first 24 hours.

Personal life

Kim Scott and Marshall Mathers met at school when they were 15 years old. They lived together for many years, but their family could not be called indicative, because Kim and Marshall constantly quarreled. In 1995, their daughter Hayley Jade was born. By the way, his daughter was the main motivating factor for him in working on several albums.

The couple divorced in 2001, but reunited again in 2006 for the sake of their daughter. And that same year, Kim and Marshall divorced again. In 2010, there were rumors that they decided to get back together, but Eminem categorically denied these rumors.

The film “8 Mile” was recognized by the Academy and nominated for an Oscar in the nomination for “Best Song” (Lose Yourself). But Eminem, following his image, missed the ceremony - he slept at home. He doesn't care about being appreciated in Hollywood.


1996 – Infinite
1999 – The Slim Shady LP
2000 – The Marshall Mathers LP
2002 – The Eminem Show
2004 – Encore
2009 – Relapse
2010 – Recovery
2013 – The Marshall Mathers LP 2
2017 – Revival
2018 – Kamikaze

Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on October 17, 1972. He went from an unknown rapper from the crime-ridden streets of Detroit, Michigan, to the best-selling artist in the United States in the 2000s. Eminem's success cannot be underestimated. He has sold over 172 million albums worldwide, making him one of the elite artists who have done it. Eminem is a dynamic rapper and more good author songs.

Eminem's career took off after the release of his debut album, Infinite, in 1996. Then came The Slim Shady LP in 1999 to great acclaim by fans, and the rest is history. Now Eminem gives concerts in stadiums around the world, which sell out in seconds. He has also collaborated with many other artists including Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Kid Rock, Drake and other popular and talented rappers and singers. In addition to his talent as a rapper/songwriter, Eminem also produces music. A talented performer opened record company Shady Records with his manager Paul Rosenberg.

Despite his talents, Eminem has recently attracted quite a bit of controversy. He even caught the attention of the US government in 2008 with his song "We As Americans." Words: “To hell with money! I don't rap for dead presidents, I'd rather see the president dead. This has never been said, but I am setting precedents,” made the security service worry. Inexplicably. Whether you love him or hate him, Eminem is very talented and interesting person and a powerful force in the entertainment industry. Below we will tell you about some little known facts about him.

10. Discovery - Evan "Kidd" Bogart

Many people know that Dr. Dre discovered Eminem and helped launch his career. Even though this is true and Dre did wonders for Eminem by taking young rapper under his wing, he was actually discovered by a little-known white rapper. Evan "Kidd" Bogart, who was interning at Interscope at the time, was the first to discover Eminem. Bogart (son of legendary music producer Neil Bogart) was at a rap competition where Eminem was performing. He went back to Interscope and brought with him an Eminem record that eventually ended up in the hands of Dr. Dre. As soon as Dre heard the tape, he asked to find Eminem immediately, and the rest is history.

9. Childhood - Coma

Eminem grew up in a very disadvantaged area. He was a “kid from the streets” who lived in a predominantly black neighborhood. He was constantly beaten up for being one of the few lonely white kids who lived there. When he was 9 years old, one of the bullies was so hard on Eminem at school that he ended up in a coma for a week. The stay in the hospital turned out to be a very frightening experience for the poor white child and was not the last, as he constantly found adventures for himself.

8. Childhood idols – Comics

When Eminem was a child, his attention was not occupied by music and rap. As a child, he had completely different hobbies. He cherished the dream of drawing comics. Due to the fact that he was constantly surrounded by problems and troubles, Eminem dreamed of life in other worlds. His passion for comic books helped him develop his alter ego, Slim Shady, as well as the characters Eminem portrayed comically in music videos.

7. Opposite sex – marital problems

Eminem is not the only person in a world that had marriage problems. Most of them were well covered in the lyrics of his songs. Eminem constantly raps about the hardships of his life and his two marriages to the same woman, Kimberly Anne Scott. He mentions Kim in his songs along with his daughter, Hailie. However, his grandmother Betty, who walked down the aisle 5 times, was married the most times. Eminem, who has only been married twice, must marry more than once to keep up with his grandmother.

6. Oscar Winner - 8 Mile

Few people expected Eminem to star in feature film. More less people They thought he would be good at it. The film "8 Mile" is based on Eminem's childhood. The film turned out to be resounding success because of great game wonderful actors, including Eminem himself. Eminem was amazingly good in the film, which earned him a lot of positive reviews. In addition, the film turned out to be very successful financially. In addition, his hit "Lose Myself" was used in the film and nominated for an Oscar. Even though Eminem didn't attend the ceremony (not his style), the world was shocked and delighted when he was awarded the Oscar. He got it after starring in just one film, to the envy of Leonardo DiCaprio, Glenn Close and Robert Downey Jr.

5. What are Daddy Warbucks?

Many people have heard about Eminem's difficult and troubled childhood. But did you know that Eminem's mother, Debbie Nelson, and father, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr., were in a band together called Daddy Warbucks? The music-loving family almost fell apart when father Bruce left for California, leaving Eminem and Debbie behind. Debbie was an ardent music fan and took Eminem to concerts with bands such as Talking Heads and Stevie Nicks. However, it was Eminem's uncle, named Ronnie, who instilled future star love for hip-hop. Ronnie played Ice T's "Reckless" to a then 12-year-old Eminem in 1984, which is where it all started, and the rest is history.

4. Shady Records – Want to record here? Fight the owner

Eminem launched his record label, Shady Records, in 1999 with his manager Paul Rosenberg. The company has signed 10 artists and currently has five bands working there. Eminem began his career on the streets of Detroit, fighting in "Rap Battles" with other rappers. In order for you to have a chance to sign a contract with Shady Records, you will have to fight the master himself. For beginners musical world having to participate in rap battles against Eminem during the contract signing process. I wish I could listen to such battles!

3. Charity work - Generous Eminem

Many people who see and hear Eminem for the first time immediately think that he is evil and self-centered. However, despite the fact that Eminem is constantly busy resolving personal problems, he has found time to establish funds and support several charities. Eight Mile Boulevard Association, Marshall Mathers Foundation, ninemillion.org and Small Steps Project are just a few of the long list of charities that Eminem helps. The Marshall Mathers Foundation is especially dear to his heart as it focuses on working with teenagers from dysfunctional families Michigan.

2. Courts - Your mother

Eminem often uses aggressive and offensive words in the lyrics of his songs. Some people like it, while others can't stand it. Some of his lyrics go too far and can be vulgar and offensive. Eminem's unapologetic style has offended some people close to him, including his mother. A woman who spent 70 hours giving birth to Eminem and nearly died is suing her son over lyrics she said portrayed her in a negative light. In 2001, she received compensation in the amount of $1,600 during litigation. Debbie Nelson wrote the biography due to the somewhat negative public perception of her. In her biography, she tried to describe her side and role in Eminem’s childhood. Eminem recently apologized to his mother through music, so apparently they decided to bury the hatchet.

1.Drugs - The Dark Side

Eminem is a fantastic performer who travels and works tirelessly. Because of this, he is subjected to very great mental and emotional stress, which can devastate a person. He suffered from prescription drug addiction

In 2014, New Zealand's ruling party released a campaign video. It featured a slightly modified melody from “Lose Yourself.” According to representatives, they bought the instrumental on the website - it was signed as “in the style of Eminem.” The rapper's side filed a lawsuit. The judge ruled in favor of the rapper and ordered the party to pay $400 thousand.

- White

Eminem is the most famous rapper in the world. However, he is white.

On the track “White America,” Marshall discusses how being white has influenced his career. “When I was underground, no one gave a fuck I was white,” he raps. The idea is that his skin color helped his career a lot. “No one would listen to me if I were black” is one of the main ideas of the song. As a result, a white guy in a black genre became the best-selling rapper in the world.

- Vicodin and Valium

Two painkillers from big list Eminem's pill experience. He said that he started using in small doses, but gradually increased the pace. The result was an overdose in 2007.

“The first time I tried Vicodin I was like, wow.” I not only felt pleasant, I stopped feeling pain. I don't remember when this became a problem. I felt better and better on the pills. People tried to explain to me that I was sick. Fuck them. It’s not heroin or coke,” Eminem said in the film “How To Make Money Selling Drugs.”

- “Eight Mile”

Cult movie about battle rap with Eminem in leading role. The action takes place in Detroit. Marshall plays an aspiring rapper named B-Rabbit and his goal is to win a battle tournament reminiscent of the arcade mode of Mortal Kombat, and at the end face the local Shao Kahn. The soundtrack to the film was the track “Lose Yourself” - a song that, perhaps, was not more important in the artist’s career. It also brought Marshall an Academy Award. The rapper missed the award ceremony because he did not believe in his own success.

- Gays

The rapper more than once offended the LGBT community in his lines, and they wrote complaints about discrimination. Marshall's performance on the same stage with Sir Elton John in 2001 did not help relieve the tension. Famous singer, by the way, greatly helped the rapper overcome his addiction, and Eminem even gave him two diamond penis rings for his wedding.

The “reckoning” came in 2009 at the MTV ceremony. Actor Sacha Baron Cohen, in the image of his movie gay alter ego Bruno, descended on a rope in a Cupid costume onto Eminem sitting in the audience. It's better to see once. Later, however, it became known that the trick was rigged. Eminem said that when he returned to the hotel, he laughed at this joke for several hours.

Later, in an interview with the NY Times, the rapper explained that he does not have any hostility towards gays and even supports same-sex marriage. “If two people love each other, then why not? I believe everyone should have an equal chance of being unhappy.” - said the artist.

- The Dirty Dozen

She is also the group D12 (dirty dozen). The group consisted of Eminem and five of his school friends. The team was a trash tent from the world of rap and rapped mainly about drugs, dirty sex and reprisals against haters. Following the death of member Proof in 2006, the group's activity declined.

“Purple Pills” is one of the most famous songs team. It contained so many references to drugs and sex that it was broadcast on radio in a censored version. So she changed the name to “Purple Hills”. A particularly nasty verse from Bizzare even had to be cut completely.

In 2015, D12 (already in the trio format Swift, Bizarre and Kuniwa) came to the Cubana festival. There, Bizarre was shot during a bar fight.

- Detroit

Eminem's hometown. From Marshall's stories, this is such a huge factory for the production of hopelessness. The city, which was the capital of the American auto industry, experienced an economic crisis and population outflow in the 2000s, and went bankrupt in 2013.

Marshall, despite everything, loves this place. “We will never turn our backs on you, because we are you. My home,” he writes in a letter to Detroit.

In 2015, the song “Detroit Vs. Everybody,” the city’s rap anthem. Not only Eminem, but also fellow countrymen Royce Da 5’9”, Danny Brown and Big Sean read on it. Later a remix was released with the rest of the Detroit gang.

- Dr. Dre

Doc and Marshall met by chance: in the garage of the director of Interscope Records, Doc found the “Slim Shady EP” and became interested in the young talent. By that time, Eminem had already released his debut album “Infinite,” which was a sales failure. Marshall is depressed and hasn't been rapping for six months. Dre finds the rapper, and so begins their long-term collaboration.

Thanks to Dre, the “Slim Shady EP” turns into the full-length album “Slim Shady LP”, which made Eminem a star. The success was cemented by the video for the song “My Name Is” - the artist’s first hit.

- “The Eminem Show”

Fourth studio album, 2002. This time is considered the peak of Marshall’s creative form, and “Eminem Show” itself is, if not his best album, then very close to it. Eminem talked about serious things: racism, politics and the impact of music on society. At the same time, he remained the same embittered psycho, juggling rhymes and verbal ulcers. You can read about the record in our material.

- Fat Eminem

This is Marshall in great shape now physical fitness, but in 2007 the rapper seriously gained weight due to his addiction to Vicodin and Valium. The drugs affected his stomach and he had to eat away the pain. By that time, the rapper weighed 104 kilograms.

Everything changed after the overdose. Marshall came out of rehab and decided to lose weight. He ran 27 kilometers a day and did the “Madness” program. .

- “Infinite”

Debut album 1996. The record was released with Detroit rap radio stations in mind, but no one there needed the release either. The few reviewers who heard the album accused Marshall of copying the style of Nas and AZ.

Thematically, “Infinite” was very different from the rapper’s subsequent albums. Marshall read about the desire to become rich, the difficulties of raising a young daughter and his love for his girlfriend Kim. On subsequent releases, the rapper will begin to behave shockingly, put down the stars and wish Kim death.

- Kim

They met in Marshall's mother's house - street children were constantly hanging around there. He was 15 at that time, she was 12. A few years later, the couple had a daughter, Hayley. Over the next few years, Marshall and Kim's relationship goes from bad to worse.

Eminem dedicated three songs to Kim: “Searching,” “97 Bonnie & Clyde,” and “Kim.” If the first one is a declaration of love, then the last two are a badiebag in the literal sense of the word. In the text of “97 Bonnie & Clyde,” Marshall and his daughter throw Kim’s dead body into the lake. To record his daughter’s voice, the rapper had to lie to his wife that he was just going out to eat with her.

Little known fact: Eminem actually has three daughters - Hailie, Alaina and Whitney. Haley is her own child, Alaina is adopted, but Whitney was born from Kim and her boyfriend Eric Khater, but Marshall later adopted her.

- Shady Records

Label founded by Eminem and his manager Paul Rosenberg in 1999. The first signatories are the group D12 and rapper Obie Trice. In 2002, aspiring rapper 50 Cent joined the label. You know what happened to him next. He left the label in 2014.

A series of cartoons was released to mark the label's 15th anniversary “ShadyXV Quinceañera”- brutal short films in the style of early Disney.

The current lineup of Shady Records besides Eminem: D12, Slaughterhouse, Skylar Gray, Yelawolf, Westside & Conway, Boogie.

- Eminem

A name that everyone knows. But not everyone knows where it came from and what it means. At the beginning of his career, the rapper called himself M&M after the first letters of his first and last name. He later changed his stage name to Eminem. There is also a version that the rapper did this because of possible problems with the M&Ms company. Another fan theory is that Eminem means “Every Mom Is Nice Except Mine.”

- Humor

Eminem is known for his funny videos: he either dresses up as a superhero with a huge fake ass, or sarcastically attacks several celebrities, or parodies Elvis or his own mother. This applies mainly to his character Slim Shady, since today's Eminem prefers to remain more serious in his songs.

To see Marshall's comedic talent, check out this compilation of his best moments from interviews and late-night shows.

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