How to choose your clothing style according to your zodiac sign. Fashion horoscope: Style and clothing of the Zodiac signs

They usually take care of their appearance and often visit hairdressers, beauty salons, and massage parlors. They have an inherent desire to push back inevitable old age as far as possible and to look younger, so they often resort to special cosmetic procedures and even plastic surgery. They can wear youth clothes until they are of advanced age. As a rule, Cancers look sleek and well-groomed, but the older they get, the less importance they attach to the impression they make.

Cancer's preferences in clothes and shoes

Cancers like to dress nicely. Women of this sign love to emphasize their natural femininity and romantic nature with the help of appropriate clothing, and this style suits their slightly mysterious appearance very much. They follow fashion, but still won’t wear something they don’t feel comfortable in. In general, they feel much better in a dressing gown and slippers than in an evening dress and dress shoes.

Of course, to go out they will put on appropriate clothes and shoes, but even in this case they will try to satisfy their need for convenience and comfort to the maximum. Representatives of the Cancer sign are impressed by a loose cut, and among fabrics they will prefer something that is pleasant to the touch - velvet, high-quality wool, natural silk and fur. As a rule, you can find a lot of knitted items in every Cancer's wardrobe. It has been noted that representatives of this zodiac sign often have a weakness for folklore elements in clothing - both their own national and those of others, these are all kinds of ornaments, embroidery, lacing and other similar attributes. This passion is also reflected in shoes - for example, in the wardrobe of a Cancer woman you can often find moccasins or Cossack boots.

Cancer's favorite colors

Cancers, as a rule, do not like bright colors in clothes, preferring pastel colors, among which “lunar” shades often predominate - white, silver, light blue, light green. They are also partial to sea green. At the same time, the horoscope suggests that people of this sign would do well to use the same, but more saturated colors in their wardrobe, for example, emerald or bright blue - such clothes will make them stronger, more active, and give them vital energy.

Cancer accessories and jewelry

Cancer Makeup

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not ignore cosmetics and very boldly use the contents of their cosmetic bags. As a rule, they focus on the eyes, generously using eye shadow, mascara and even false eyelashes. Cancer women tend to buy expensive cosmetics. The least likely items from this arsenal they use are foundation, powder and blush, since their thin skin is highly sensitive, and all these camouflage products are harmful to it. On the other hand, a Cancer woman’s face really looks better if it looks as natural as possible. The naturalness of the makeup is complemented by the use of pastel-colored lipstick. If this lady uses bright lipstick, then its shade will also be as close as possible to the natural color, for example, cherry, berry, coral.

Cancer Hairstyle

The influence of the planet Cancer - the Moon, can make Cancer's hair thick and strong, or, conversely, sparse and thin. As in clothes, the Cancer woman strives to emphasize the femininity of her appearance with her hair; her styling is usually not too intricate. At the same time, she loves to decorate her head with ribbons, cords and other decorative elements, and often braids her hair. Cancers cannot be called big fans of often dyeing their hair, and almost never when they do not dye it in bright contrasting colors.

Manicure Cancer

For the most part, Cancer women prefer nails that are not too long and cover them with varnish that does not attract attention, including colorless ones. Their manicure is never pretentious, much less vulgar.

The “Ascendant” in astrologer terminology is a constellation that rose on the horizon exactly at the moment of our birth. And if today you rarely meet a person who does not know his “main” zodiac sign - the one determined by the calendar date of birth, many have no idea what the other, “ascending” one influences. It is believed that the ascendant largely determines how our “I” looks from the outside: our behavior, individual communication style, appearance and how we demonstrate it to people around us - we choose clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. Experienced astrologers believe that those of us who build their image by sensitively and skillfully combining the features inherent in both their main and ascending zodiac signs look most attractive and advantageous.

To calculate your ascendant, you need to know the exact time and place of your birth. Then you can find the corresponding table on the Internet, and best of all, ask one of your friends who is seriously interested in astrology to make the necessary calculations. And finally, we invite you to evaluate your style, taking into account professional tips from ELLE's permanent horoscope author Bernard Fitzwalter.

Bright, energetic, athletic - these are typical Aries. They open the list of zodiac signs, strive to be the first to try everything new and are often the first to reach the finish line. Elegant, active, sexy - according to your horoscope, this style suits you perfectly and makes you feel confident. Nothing pleases an Aries more than novelty. However, with all your love for her, you are not always ready to finish what you start. When improving your own image, try to show more attention and patience.

“Earthly,” reliable, caring - this is how their close friends would describe Taurus. Taurus is not eager to go anywhere and happily plucks grass in the pasture, but as soon as a stranger wanders there without an invitation, he will immediately understand his mistake. Taurus are keenly aware of the boundaries of personal space and will defend their territory. In love you are tender, but great owners. The same applies to things: you hold on to what you like even when it's time to move on. According to your horoscope, your style is sensuality, calm, simplicity and harmony. Classic lines, time-tested brands, and delicate fabrics will suit you. And of course, excellent quality is important to you.

These are virtuosos of communication, lovers of talking, reading, and exchanging ideas. The Internet and mobile communications seemed to be specially invented for you. You are smart and inquisitive, communication is necessary for you like air. Your style, a little eclectic, but expressive and full of optimism, allows you to feel “at your best” in a variety of companies, and bright accessories and an invariable touch of fantasy add shine to the image. In love, Geminis are masters of seduction with words. Oh, if only you knew what constancy is...

“Sensitive”, “shy” - these are the epithets most often awarded to Cancers. Yes, of all the zodiac signs, you are the most emotional, but at the same time, your heart cannot be broken, and your love can overcome any obstacles. Like true Cancers, you are capable of standing up for yourself and protecting those you care about. Although you are often reserved in public and prefer to keep a low profile, friends and family are well aware that behind this mask lies a much softer nature. So you attach similar meanings to the choice of your clothes: “safety” and “success”. You can't stand trash, elegance suits you, and classics complement your image rather than obscure it. What is missing? Perhaps a little more persistence and pressure.

This is the sign of true leaders! Every Leo is the star of his own show, the center of everyone's attention, a born “number one”. And it is important for him that everyone else is convinced of this. If you fail to get a leading role, you will simply refuse to go on stage. You like clothes for special occasions, famous brands that clearly show how successful you are. However, anyone who says you are arrogant does not know you at all. In fact, someone born under the sign of Leo is like the Sun, full of warmth and light; By illuminating and warming everything around, you are ready to give a piece of your talent and time to everyone.

Virgos are cautious, smart, and incredibly disciplined, which is why they have an undeserved reputation as picky critics. In fact, you only strive to analyze and understand the world around you in order to then improve it. You do not look for easy ways and always strive for the best. When it comes to appearance, you can be very hard on yourself. You are most comfortable in an organized and orderly environment, in which you strive to neatly take your place - without unnecessary frills and showing off. Comfort is also an important factor for you; you are attracted to fashion brands, but with one condition: things should not only be beautiful, but also functional.

Happy, carefree, charmingly indecisive when it comes to something important - this is a typical portrait of Libra. Your ability to evaluate the arguments of both sides in a dispute has earned you everyone's love. But, if you look at it, this means that it is difficult for you to decide on your own values. Perhaps this is why you move through life easily and naturally: without getting too carried away by anyone or anything, deftly avoiding obstacles that others stumble over. Your need for beauty and harmony is deep, and you need external order to feel comfortable. Whether you're wearing jeans and a T-shirt or an evening dress, you're dressing for yourself, but you're also concerned about how others see you. You also adapt fashion “to suit you”, trying to express your mood and personality traits.

Scorpios are characterized by concentration, secrecy, power, sexuality, and the desire to control the course of life, directing events in the right direction. People often cannot imagine how much effort and dedication it costs you! Scorpio is considered to be the sexiest of the zodiac signs; The reason for this is the same thirst for power, mystery, passion of nature, which seeks a way out in feelings. All these features are present in your clothes: your choice is subtle (you know: sometimes “less is more”), inspires respect; it has charm, contrasts and a touch of drama - but the result is truly impressive!

The most open and optimistic among the zodiac signs, Sagittarians are also the real darlings of luck. Also, you are brutally honest; It simply doesn’t occur to you to say anything other than the truth. As a result, some may consider you tactless and for the same reason never share secrets with you. In fact, you are wonderful friends, always ready to support, cheer and encourage. In love, you are enthusiastic, playful and extremely passionate. Sagittarius is a fire sign and it is difficult for you to go unnoticed. The spirit of coquetry and pleasure in life - all this is expressed by your clothes; you love color and make a strong impression.

Capricorns are serious and successful; Working tirelessly, they always achieve a well-deserved reward. Luck plays almost no role for you; you prefer to think through everything in advance and take into account all the possibilities. Because of this, you often like a conservative style in clothing; You willingly adhere to the dress code of your profession, but you are endowed with a special talent for selecting, mixing and matching different elements and details. You demand quality, although you are willing to haggle over the price. Capricorns have endurance and always finish what they start, no matter how long it takes. But, despite the external severity, there are also soft traits in your nature; you are not deprived of a - albeit restrained - sense of humor. As a friend you are prudent and reliable; in love, you are in no hurry to express your feelings, but are incredibly loyal.

Aquarians are not like everyone else. Once you see where the crowd is moving, you will definitely head in the other direction. You like to be part of society, but at the same time stand out with your independence and uniqueness. Even if you wear a uniform, you can find a way to add personality and chic to your look. You tend to think about the reasons for your actions and act according to your own principles, and not out of blind submission to fashion. Of course, it would never occur to you to follow the general trend or obey accepted norms. You have your own style, you are your own guide and model. Sometimes you seem distant - but this is not the case at all: you are passionate about life, you just don’t show it.

With a rich imagination and developed intuition, but at the same time fickle and far from reality, Pisces, the most fluid of all signs, strives to slip out of your hands... Like a chameleon, you try on other people’s qualities and properties; it allows you to be exactly what other people want you to be, but it hides your true essence, known to very few. Pisces can wear almost anything - and feel comfortable. What really attracts you? Mysticism, the magic of creativity - and a lot of glamor! In love, you give yourself completely to your feelings, live in the current moment. What is this - courage or recklessness? Perhaps both.

Find out your Clothing Style according to your Zodiac sign! Virgos are elegance itself, and Leos do not miss the opportunity to look sexy even at work. Astrologers believe that our zodiac sign affects not only our character, but also our clothing style. How much money we spend on our own clothes and shoes is determined at our birth. So it turns out that the stars are to blame for everything!

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries are real avant-garde artists and fashion leaders. Their motto is best reflected in the words of Coco Chanel: “Fashion is something that never goes out of style.” As a rule, Aries are fans of shopping, which gives them great pleasure. They choose exclusive and easily combined items. Aries women love shapes that emphasize their figure: tight-fitting knitwear, leggings, belts. Men love simple, high-quality and relevant things.

Taurus (04/21-05/20)

Taurus are endowed with the talent of attracting attention with their outfits. They know their figure well and know how to hide flaws. Choosing comfort and luxury, they are able to dress very boldly, attracting the gaze of others. Sometimes they blindly follow fashion trends, but at the same time they know how to stop in time. Their life credo: harmonious beauty without ostentation.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

Geminis always look young and fresh, preferring a youthful style, which is usually always admired by everyone. They easily follow fashion and do not get lost in new trends. Representatives of this sign have the largest wardrobe, because the ability to constantly change outfits is important to them. Women of this sign give their preference to modern dresses, and men manage to dress both fashionably and practically.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

Cancers are often afraid to look frivolous. Their motto is: elegance and convenience. They like different styles: from sportswear - jeans + sneakers (but nice sneakers and trendy jeans), to chic clothes made of cashmere and silk. Cancer women have a weakness for flowing dresses made of chiffon or muslin and jewelry made of platinum, silver and gold. Men of this sign love formal suits and, even wearing jeans, skillfully combine them with a jacket or shirt.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

Leo loves luxurious clothes, furs and leather: he always wants the best! Aristocratism is in their blood! Leos often cannot stop buying new things and never spare money on quality. Classic is the best direction for Leo. Lionesses are often fans of high fashion, impeccable shapes and women's suits, but they also do not say “no” to airy dresses. Leo men often prefer a business style.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

Virgo prefers to combine beauty and functionality. Virgos are never keen on flaunting labels or boasting about the prestige of a brand. When choosing quality items, they prefer simple but perfectly thought-out forms, paying special attention to detail. Representatives of the fairer sex try to look feminine and avoid complex combinations. Well, Virgo men prefer the classics.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

Libras are very harmonious in their clothes. They always skillfully find a balance between shapes and colors. Libras, both women and men, love to dress up, but at the same time, they do not become slaves to fashion and prefer to create their own trends. In their style, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Libras like clothes that follow the curves of their body. They have a unique flair for choosing colors, styles and cuts that ultimately suit them perfectly.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

Scorpios never look vulgar or tacky, despite the fact that they are the most avid fashionistas and provocateurs. Courage is their main trump card, and, of course, a natural flair for fashion trends. Scorpio women will not wait until a dress from a fashion magazine appears in a store - by raising a dozen seamstresses, they will achieve their goal and be the first to demonstrate the new items of the season.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

Sagittarius, your middle name is Glamor! Sagittarians subconsciously create their image in such a way that they inevitably attract the attention of others. They love to combine incongruous things: silk with velor, gold brocade with silver. Perhaps someone else would look ridiculous having resorted to such an experiment, but not Sagittarius. Ethnic motifs, African or Indian outfits, as well as unusual jewelry that carries a spiritual meaning and emphasizes individuality are suitable for them.

Capricorn (12/22-01/20)

Capricorn loves luxurious clothes, he has an innate sense of harmony and the ability to emphasize his advantages. Most Capricorns can be considered fans of a classic and, at the same time, sexy style. The basis of their wardrobe is always fashionable classics, and for the rest they rely on intuition. When choosing jewelry, Capricorns are guided not so much by the price as by the originality of a particular item.

Aquarius (01/21-02/19)

Aquarius is a sophisticated, artistic person who has a natural flair for fashion. Aquarians create their own directions, thanks to good taste and instinct. They adore everything that is not trivial and can endlessly wander through stores in search of a piece that complements their image. Basically, Aquarius prefers the Casual style. But rest assured, you will notice an Aquarius lady right away at a party! A flowing dress, dull but expressive makeup, not a woman - a dream!

Pisces (20.02-20.03)

Pisces are dreamy and bright. Pisces women are nimble and flexible, so they prefer clothes that follow the contours of their body. Incredible fashionistas, they love everyone's admiration. This feature is also characteristic of men of this sign - they attract the gaze of others without making any effort.

Pisces are so natural that they are never vulgar. They love trusted brands and quality materials, believing that the thing they will wear should, first of all, be worthy of them.

People say: “There is no comrade according to taste.” But you can bet: look for like-minded people... according to your zodiac sign. The fact is that stars and planets influence not only a person’s character, habits and talents, but also such a narrow area as the choice of fashion style. One is destined from birth to be a follower of the classics, the second will choose a sports direction, the third will prefer boho or military. It’s as if an inner voice guides our choice - whether this or that clothing suits us according to our zodiac sign or not. Listen to this assistant carefully, he will not give bad advice!


Aries people don’t have time to spend a lot of time on clothes, so they prefer wrinkle-resistant fabrics

Did someone say something about a sweater? Let's get him here! Aries love things that do not hinder their movements. The sports style of the representatives of this sign is the most favorite. Pants and jackets with stripes, sneakers, sneakers, jeans - this is what Aries wear with or without reason, and sometimes completely inappropriately, which is why they are often reproached for lack of taste.

Another important point: Aries does not care how they look in the eyes of others, so sometimes people born in March-April buy good things on sale (representatives of the sign are stingy when purchasing from new collections), which add unusual colors to the image.

Aries suits the fiery color of the patron planet Mars and the energetic orange shade that is close to it. Astrologers consider the combination of red and black to be the most successful combination in clothing. Delicate pastel colors are contraindicated for representatives of this sign.

To change the style from sporty to something else without making too sudden movements, Aries can switch to military with details in the form of numerous buttons, tassels, ribbons and pockets, or casual with an emphasis on convenience and practicality.


You won’t find super-fashionable things in Taurus’s wardrobe, but you can’t call it old-fashioned either.

Taurus dress according to the principle “your shirt is closer to your body.” In their case, this means that for representatives of the sign, tactile sensations are a priority and clothes are chosen from fabrics that are pleasant to the touch and caress the body: silk, chiffon, cashmere, flannel, velvet. You can’t make a tracksuit from these fabrics, and accordingly, the style preferred by Taurus is classic, emphasizing their majesty.

A certain conservatism of the image benefits from the fact that they prefer to buy things of very high quality and, in order not to waste money, they try to achieve perfect compatibility, successfully combining jackets and trousers, blouses and cardigans from different collections with each other. In terms of styles, representatives of the sign are also committed to the classics - no “bats” or tight-fitting leggings, nothing from the grunge and trash style.

Taurus's preference is noble, slightly muted shades. The most comfortable for representatives of the sign are:

  • sand;
  • light pink;
  • different versions of green;
  • turquoise.

Taurus people really suit a deep neckline. We must take advantage of this, since not every zodiac sign manages to wear “bold” things without slipping into vulgarity. And in general, Taurus should more actively emphasize the beauty of their shapes - the classic mortise sleeve, for example, is recommended to be replaced with raglan.


Geminis follow fashion, but when choosing clothes they rely more on personal preferences, based on considerations of convenience and practicality

Representatives of this sign love variety, so they never settle on one fashionable style. In their wardrobe, formally cut jackets and frivolous blouses with ruffles coexist. Geminis are partial to small details, astrologers explain this by the fact that the sign is patronized by the smallest planet in the solar system - Mercury.

In the wardrobe of such people of different ages there are always things of a youth trend: wide shirts in the grunge style, down jackets in which it is difficult to guess their gender. The secret of Gemini is that they do not age for a long time, so the youthful style of clothing is ideal for them, although for others it becomes unacceptable over the years.

Astrologers consider yellow, light brown and dark green colors to be classic colors for this sign. However, this does not mean at all that Geminis refuse bright red, blue, and orange tones. For many representatives of the sign, it is important that these shades are also present in clothes, but do not dominate - for example, in the form of contrasting trim on a gray or beige suit.

If Gemini is not ready to wear clothes in exclusively soft tones, it is worth taking a closer look at the ombre effect that is popular today. And from fabrics it is better to choose those that, even with a variety of shades, will retain “airiness” - thin knitwear, cotton.


Cancers are passionate about several things and are ready to wear them to pieces

Representatives of this sign are especially committed to retro style in clothing. Evil tongues say: the reason is the greed of Cancers; they love to buy good things in order to wear them for many years. For representatives of the sign, by the way, this is a completely suitable option - jackets and skirts do not “burn” on them, and perfect care in wearing ensures the clothes have a long life. Are Cancers really not tired of such monotony? Of course, yes, but they solve the problem in a rather original way - under an expensive cashmere jumper there can be a top with a funny bright print.

Tactile sensations are just as important for Cancers as they are for Taurus, so their choice is natural silk, chiffon, muslin, knitwear, linen, and lace. In addition, representatives of the sign adore fur, and it suits them very well.

Unable to overcome a certain extravagance within themselves, Cancers sometimes buy pink and blue clothes. And in vain - they won’t wear it for a long time. Cancers will be much more comfortable in things of a white, gray, or silver shade. When it comes to dark colors, khaki, bottle green, purple and black suit them.

Cancer women rarely realize that the empire style suits them - things in which the beauty of the breasts is emphasized, and the flowing skirt “hints” at the grace of the figure.

a lion

Leos wait for the time when fashion has settled a little, and then they use the most advantageous models for themselves.

Leos' desire to be the center of attention is reflected in their choice of clothing. Without adhering to any particular style, they purchase super-fashionable, richly decorated items. Leo's clothing style can be called creativity - they are attracted to designer elements, bright accessories, and exclusive fabrics. Unfortunately, their appearance often suffers from the fact that there is too much in it; these people risk crossing the line beyond which fashion turns into bad taste.

Astrologers are convinced that the classic style of clothing suits Leos. It has the nobility they need, as well as the ability to look very expensive and majestic.

If you make a choice between “range or burgundy,” as in the film “The Hussar Ballad,” then Leos will undoubtedly choose the second option - they are more suited not to flashy, but to noble colors, for example, crimson-brown. For representatives of the sign, white, black and gold will also be ideal.

Leos need to experiment more boldly, although they often choose spectacular, but still traditional products. Representatives of the sign will suit deep necklines, cutouts on the back, extra-length trousers, and non-standard trim, for example, in the form of fringe.


The main principle of Virgo regarding clothing is nothing bright or extraordinary.

Representatives of the sign are always aware of fashion trends, but Virgo’s choice is classics, modest grace, and the absence of even a hint of vulgarity. People born in August-September love pantsuits and wear them with elegance. Virgo’s ultimate dream is to purchase the perfect item, in which all the details will be made with high quality, including decorative stitching and internal seams.

When it comes to colors, representatives of the sign are more likely to abandon monotony, but will choose fabric with a discreet small pattern - checkered, narrow striped, polka dots. In style, preference will be given not to curvy shapes, but to a perfectly emphasized silhouette.

Since Virgos are quite conservative, black and white in clothing often determines their choice of both casual and dressy clothing. In addition, sand, brown, gray and sea green shades suit them.

Such feminine touches as frills, tucks, lace, and pleated ideally help to revive the image of a Virgo.


Libras are famous for their sense of style.

When it comes to clothes, Libras prefer classic and office styles, although they dream of greater variety - once in a fashion store, they are ready to try on everything, but their courage may be limited to an exclusive scarf, which will extremely upset the sellers. They were sure that the buyer would buy half the store.

Many people wonder why Libra women, who have the slenderest figures of all the zodiac signs, hide them under strict, straight-cut clothes, denying themselves tight-fitting dresses. However, people born in September-October were made like this by the element of Air. Restriction in movement due to tight skirts and trousers can ruin Libra’s mood and well-being.

Representatives of the sign like muted, gentle tones:

  • peach;
  • mint;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • coffee with milk.

Black color is not very suitable for Libra, but how chic the representatives of the sign look in light suits!

To show off their slimness to advantage, they should wear clothes made of flowing fabrics - this does not restrict movement, but also does not hide their existing advantages. For cold weather, it is advisable for representatives of the sign to purchase a redingote coat. They will look amazingly stylish in it.


Scorpios tend to search for their own individual style

Sometimes the Scorpio style of clothing is called “disobedience to the fashion standard.” Representatives of the sign like to shock others either with the sexuality of their image or with its mystical content. This means that traditional clothing for others is not suitable for Scorpio: people born in October-November are attracted to leather jackets and trousers, hand-knitted items, and shoes with high heels and boots with a very elongated top. As for decorations, there is always an abundance of them, and the most unexpected ones. It doesn’t matter that many of these things are not very comfortable to wear - Scorpios will never doubt the slogan “beauty requires sacrifice.”

Like Aries, representatives of this sign are ideally suited to the combination of red and black. Scorpios, as a rule, refuse pastel colors, but they are unusually suited:

  • burgundy;
  • cherry;
  • deep blue;
  • violet.

Scorpios do not always lack elegance in their appearance. To fill this gap, experts advise purchasing clothes with gold or silver embroidery, lace, and more actively using the translucent effect.


Sagittarius prefer to build a style in accordance with the status and tastes of the social group to which they belong

The carelessness of the image is a feature of this sign. It is no coincidence that things in a casual style look very creative on Sagittarius. Their favorite clothes are sweaters and jeans, in which they are ready to go “both to the feast and to the world.” Men of this sign do not like shirts with tight collars and ties, and ladies do not like overly tight dresses and skirts, due to which the feeling of comfort is lost.

Sagittarius has two problems with clothing. Firstly, thanks to the stars, such people remain young at heart for a long time and forget to change their style to a more respectable one over the years. Secondly, after 2-3 hours things don’t look particularly neat, so representatives of this sign are advised to buy clothes made from wrinkle-resistant fabrics: wool with lavsan, velor, viscose.

It doesn't hurt for Sagittarius to add some romance to their style. For women, fluffy skirts and voluminous capes will help with this, and for men, large scarves and jumpers with an oriental flavor.


Capricorns prefer uniforms, which emphasize their belonging to a certain type of activity and which indicate the level they have reached

Capricorns are quite conservative in terms of fashion, so their favorite styles are business and retro. Representatives of the sign have no desire to show off themselves, so their clothes are simple in cut, and scarves and gloves are mandatory attributes. If your gaze nevertheless “catches” Capricorn, you will find that, despite the laconicism of the image, it is “packed” expensively - people born in December-January prefer high-quality products from famous brands.

Capricorn ladies have a clearly visible passion for jewelry, and girls sometimes lose their sense of proportion. Another feature of the fair sex is the desire and ability to wear men's wardrobe items without losing their femininity.

Capricorns are often guided by the principle of “simple and tasteful,” choosing black and white combinations in clothing. In addition, representatives of the sign wear the following colors:

  • beige;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • grey.

Capricorns should not buy clothes made from flowing fabrics. It is better if it is sewn from fibers that are rigid in structure and retain their shape well. In this case, the sheath dress, jacket and pencil skirt beloved by Capricorns will look perfect.


Aquarians prefer to combine elegance and boldness in their clothes.

Aquarius has 2 styles of clothing - working and scientific. In the first case, preference is given to jeans, short jackets and jackets. The “scientific” style requires a trouser suit and a classic coat without any pretentiousness. Here we can see the impact on the sign of Saturn: any excess of details that requires the expenditure of fabric and various accessories, from the point of view of this planet, is unjustified.

Aquarians often prefer to wear not what is fashionable, but what they simply liked. This applies, for example, to avant-garde products in a futuristic style, which rarely suit representatives of other signs.

Ambiguity in the choice of clothing is also reflected in color priorities. Some Aquarians like blue and gray tones, others like orange, red, hot pink, and light green. Ombre is considered ideal for representatives of the sign.

Deep necklines suit Aquarius ladies, but clothes of this cut are not always comfortable or appropriate. A good option is to use transparent inserts that will highlight existing advantages, but in a delicate manner.


Pisces don't tend to express their sexuality through clothing.

When choosing your own wardrobe, Pisces are distinguished by a mixture of styles. Representatives of this sign are often guided by their mood: today they understand that they should look romantic and sublime, tomorrow they will want to emphasize their audacity. According to astrologers, Pisces make it clear to others who they feel at one time or another - leading or being followed, strong or defenseless.

Representatives of the sign are also impressed by clothes in which they can “hide.” This explains their penchant for layering, roomy coats and puffy sweaters.

For most Pisces, their favorite color is sea green. In addition, they are delighted with the different variations of pink, coral, purple, and emerald.

Business style is not very suitable for Pisces, but if life pushes you to take some decisive steps, it makes sense to temporarily put on a formal jacket and trousers (not your favorite jeans) and tighten your waist with a leather belt.

Does a person need “star” recommendations when replenishing his wardrobe? Astrologers are convinced: yes! Properly selected clothes will not lead to discord in the soul, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the formation of character integrity and will help a person to open up not only externally, but also internally. A practical point is also important: why buy things in a store that will hang in the closet uselessly, if thanks to the stars you know exactly what you can feel comfortable in?

Are you interested in astrology and follow the recommendations of weekly horoscopes? – Then it’s time to inspect your wardrobe and find out which clothes suit you according to your zodiac sign, and which things are better to refuse.
Astrologers insist on the inextricable connection between the zodiac constellations and fashion. Listen to the advice of the stars - and luck will certainly smile on you!
Aries: sport is our everything!
Representatives of this zodiac constellation gravitate toward a sporty style in their wardrobe. Aries motto: no constraint, maximum movement! Such people will always prefer things that are comfortable and do not restrict freedom of movement over overly strict, tight-fitting silhouettes. Sneakers are their constant favorite - they are ready to combine them not only with jeans and tracksuits, but also with dresses or formal trousers. And of all the colors of clothing according to their zodiac signs, Aries will prefer fiery red and other bold shades, abandoning delicate, pastel undertones. This is not surprising: the celestial patrons of this sign include militant aggressive Mars!

Taurus: viva tweed, silk and cashmere!
Good, high-quality fabrics are always a priority for Taurus. They love to choose things by touch. Although Taurus does not forget about their sense of style. In addition, this zodiac sign, like Aries, greatly values ​​convenience and comfort. Therefore, for every day, Taurus will choose soft, voluminous sweaters, comfortable tweed suits and loose knitted dresses. From the color palette, preference is given to gray, beige, pink and blue shades.

Gemini: more fashionable and unusual!
What clothes according to the zodiac signs suit Gemini? – First of all, fashionable and original! In addition, representatives of this constellation will always appreciate unconventional, loose fit and interesting prints, giving preference to this season's trendy geometry and always up-to-date check. Among my favorite things are jackets and blazers. In terms of color, Gemini tends to lean towards a warm palette. Their favorite shades are sand, light brown and sunny yellow.

Cancer: elegant informal
Clothing style according to the zodiac signs is not an empty phrase for Cancers, who above all value simplicity, elegance and restraint of the classics and vintage style. They are a little old-fashioned, but skillfully turn this disadvantage into their “zest”. Cancers are not the type that headlong follows on the heels of capricious fashion. The clothes of representatives of this constellation can be in the wardrobe for years and still not fall out of favor. In terms of color, Cancers are true conservatives. Their favorite colors are basic black, white and grey. Although astrologers recommend not getting hung up on a monochrome palette and boldly diluting it with rich purple and emerald shades.

Leos: expensive and tasteful
Leos are the most picky sign of the zodiac when it comes to clothing. Their wardrobe must certainly consist of expensive, bright, shiny and shocking things. Leos love expensive natural furs, jewelry and clothes from leading fashion houses. Their favorite style is glamor. At the same time, the innate sense of taste does not allow Leos to cross the invisible line between bright images and kitsch. Favorite colors of clothing according to zodiac signs for Leo are burgundy, royal purple, indigo and warm yellow-orange.

Virgo: always on trend
Keeping up with fashion is the main principle of Virgos when choosing a wardrobe. They love everything trendy, but at the same time they do not like to spend too much on branded items. Mass market is their element. Of all the variety of prints, Virgos prefer small patterns - be it geometric patterns, polka dots or houndstooth. But this zodiac sign could do with some work on style: Virgos have too high demands on clothing, and have absolutely no desire to spend well on quality items.

Libra: sense of style - in everything
Libras can always be recognized by their impeccably stylish and trendy image. Astrologers believe that representatives of this star sign have an innate sense of style and impeccable taste. Libras prefer to combine the latest trends with comfort and freedom - you are unlikely to see them in tight or uncomfortable outfits. The color of clothing for the Libra zodiac sign is all bed shades.

Scorpios: shocking as a lifestyle
Vivid, memorable and sometimes shocking images are the favorite “trick” of Scorpios. They will not allow themselves to leave the house without dressing up “not like everyone else.” Fashionable examples for them are Anna Dello Russo and Lady Gaga. And among the brands they will most likely prefer Moschino. At the same time, even in the most bizarre outfit, representatives of this zodiac sign manage to comply with fashionable canons. Scorpios' favorite palette is bright colors and bold prints.

Sagittarius: fashionable excess
Sagittarians, like Scorpios, love to dress brightly and flashily. But, alas, they do not always manage to observe moderation in their images. What clothes according to the zodiac signs will Sagittarius surely like? – Unusual cut dresses and suits, extraordinary models that hardly anyone will dare to try on themselves, except for Sagittarius. Although, in the color scheme, astrologers suggest that they still give preference to calm colors - blue, burgundy... at worst, the canonical red. And the best way to maintain balance in the image is to choose one bright accent, shading it with the neutral color palette of the outfit.

Capricorns: stylish conservatism
“Like a London dandy is dressed...” - this is what one can say about Capricorns. They adore a strict, classic style. Restraint and aristocracy of images are the main difference between Capricorns and other zodiac signs. A mix of men's looks with feminine classic dresses - their wardrobe is full of surprises, but always stylish and impeccable. The ideal colors according to the zodiac sign for Capricorns are black, gray, green and brown.

Aquarius: Think outside the box
Originality and non-trivial stylish solutions in the image are sure signs that this is an Aquarius. Representatives of this zodiac constellation love fashionable experiments to the point of foul, but at the same time manage to remain examples of good taste. Astrologers recommend that Aquarians use things in all shades of blue and green, as well as powder pink, in their wardrobe.

Pisces: beyond fashionable stereotypes
The words “fashion” and “trend” are alien to Pisces. They value comfort in clothing much more. Their wardrobe is always full of cozy things like knitted cardigans and sweaters, comfortable jeans and regular shirts. Pisces love to choose clothes to suit their mood, regardless of whether they are in fashion today or not. In shades, this zodiac sign prefers calm, discreet colors.

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