Strange customs of the world. The most unusual traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world

There are 250 countries in the world, only 197 of which are officially recognized. Each country has its own laws and traditions, and some of them, when read, cause sincere surprise and misunderstanding among residents of other countries. But don’t laugh - these customs are real and very important for the residents of these countries. Let us introduce you to the most unusual customs of the countries of the world.


  • In Japan, holding hands with a person of the opposite sex is considered indecent.
  • If you are going to give someone a gift, then you should show modesty when presenting it by saying something like: “Sorry about such a small thing” or “You may not like the gift.”
  • It is not customary for the Japanese to celebrate New Year, as we understand it. Instead of a holiday, they go to bed, and in the morning they all go together to watch the dawn - to celebrate the New Year.
  • For the Japanese, steamed rice with natto - soybeans - is considered a favorite breakfast.

  • In Japan, they try to avoid the word “no”; instead, it is customary to give vague and non-binding consent, or to politely avoid the topic.
  • In the country rising sun It is customary to give an even number of flowers: residents believe that each flower should have its own pair, otherwise it will get lonely. An odd number of flowers is brought to the cemetery.


  • It’s hard to believe, but in the 21st century, caste divisions remain in India - social groups, on which marriage, type of activity, living conditions and other important factors depend.
  • The plot of Indian films always includes love relationship, but in life not everything is so colorful. Depending on caste, religious beliefs and even astrological predictions, the girl’s parents, and not herself, choose the future husband for their daughter.

  • In India, after the death of a person, instead of burying him, it is customary to cremate him; cremation takes place along rivers, and the ashes of the deceased are scattered along the sacred river - the Ganges.
  • In the Indian state of Karnataka, a tradition that gives goosebumps has been going on for more than 500 years. It is customary to throw babies from the roof of the temple onto a stretched piece of cloth held by men. It is believed that this ritual brings health and strength to children.
  • The ritual of self-immolation is widespread among Indian widowed women. Within four months after the death of her husband, the widow puts on her best clothes and jewelry, lets down her hair, goes to a river or other body of water and performs this ritual there. For Hindus, this is considered a feat, although such rituals are officially prohibited in the country.


  • Norwegians don’t like to load their brains with unnecessary questions, they especially don’t like to think about who to address as “you” and to whom as “you”. Because of this, Norwegians love to poke, even if it's a stranger.
  • In this Scandinavian country, people are not used to giving up their seats to the elderly, because in this way you can offend a person, once again emphasizing your physical superiority.

  • Norwegians are very straightforward and never hide what they think about other people. Yes, they will offend someone, but better man know the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
  • In Norway, on Christmas Day, it is customary for boys to tell fortunes together with girls.
  • Following traditions, every man must make his own knife and sheath. Everything you may need for this can be easily purchased in the most ordinary stores.

  • The financial topic in conversations is closed for Norwegians and can greatly offend the interlocutor. But in terms of other topics, even the most intimate ones, they are like an open book, the main thing is not to touch upon income.
  • Norwegians love to hug and shake hands and do it quite often. But kissing is considered unhygienic, so it is not accepted in this country when greeting.


  • If in our country the 13th of the month is considered to bring misfortune only on Fridays, then in Spain Tuesday the 13th is considered a day when you need to beware of everything. It is not recommended to get married, get a haircut, or even leave the house on such a day.
  • In Spain, the production of Caganers, figurines of people who relieve themselves “in a big way,” is widespread. And this is not done for the sake of humor; the Spaniards sincerely believe that such figures can bring good luck.

Kaganer "Master Yoda"
  • If you touch a Spaniard's earlobe, he will consider it an insult.
  • Spaniards have double surnames. When girls get married, they will not take their husband's surname, but will leave their own, double one. And a child born in this marriage will also have a double surname. The first part of the surname is the first surname of the child's father, and the second part is the first surname of his mother.

  • In this country, birthdays are celebrated twice: the first time is the official date of birth when the child was born, and the second is the name day. And often name days are more colorful and are considered more important, because on this day the Spaniards acquire names in honor of saints.


  • In Egypt, marriages between first cousins ​​are allowed.
  • Egypt is a religious country, and this greatly influenced the social foundations of the Egyptians. Local residents do not wear revealing clothes, women do not have the right to be alone with men, and the behavior of tourists from European countries considered too loose here.

  • If a boy is born in the family, then for a week of the baby’s life they perform the ritual of circumcision, as well as shaving the child.
  • Girls are married at an early age - 12-14 years old, and parents choose a partner for their child. It happens that long before the birth of the children themselves, families enter into an agreement according to which they will become related in the future.

  • Egyptians treat compliments with great caution and distrust, as they are afraid of the evil eye or damage.
  • You should not show the sole of your shoes to another person. This is a sign of bad manners and bad manners.


  • The Chinese value money very much, both during life and after death. Therefore, the residents of this country even built a special bank that issues money from beyond the grave. It is believed that with such money one can even bribe the lord of hell.

  • One Chinese province, Girin, girls are not allowed to wear bras to the exam. This is because students often hide cheat sheets in their bras.
  • Chinese police have gotten used to using geese instead of dogs, and they are doing it more and more often. Geese, in their opinion, seem more aggressive.

  • In China they really don't like tanning and white skin is valued. That's why girls use sunscreen all year round, and sometimes they even wear masks over the entire face in order to protect it from exposure to sunlight.

How are all the countries of the world different from each other? Of course geographical location And national composition. But there is something more. Today we will talk about the most interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world.


A Turkish man cannot get a second wife until he gives the first one gold jewelry worth at least ten thousand dollars. It is generally accepted that this is how a man can confirm his financial solvency and prove his ability to support several wives.

It is not very civilized to talk at the table without asking permission from the owner of the house, and you should not choose pieces of food from the common dish too carefully. And if you decide to use a toothpick, then you should do it with your hand over your mouth, as if you were playing a harmonica.


Among the interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, the rituals of India occupy a special place. It's worth starting with a greeting. Of course, you can just shake hands when you meet. But there are some subtleties here. For example, shaking hands with a person you have not previously met is bad manners. Women should not shake hands either - this is considered an insult in India. How to greet your interlocutor without offending him? Bring your hands together at chest level.

Without a doubt, many people know about the cult of the animal that exists in Wonderland, as India is also called. The main animal here is the cow. They are the ones who calmly walk the streets settlements. Cows die naturally, usually from old age, because eating their meat is prohibited in India.

But not only artiodactyls have the status of sacred animals. Monkey temples are being built in this country. The most famous is the Palace of the Winds, which, by the way, tourists are not recommended to enter. Why? Yes, because there are a huge number of monkeys that live there and can be aggressive. Another animal revered in India is the peacock. They literally live happily here - they sing their songs everywhere: in churches, in the courtyards of houses and just on the streets.

If you decide to visit a temple in India, be sure to take off your shoes when entering. And in general, for the duration of your trip, exclude genuine leather shoes from your wardrobe.


If we talk about funny and funny customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, you should pay attention to this African country. Here the young spouse is obliged to wear women's clothes for a whole month after the wedding and perform all women's duties.


Once upon a time in China, such a method of revenge was practiced as revenge through suicide: offended person came to the house (or yard) of his offender and killed himself. In this case, the Chinese said, the soul of the suicide does not ascend to heaven, but remains in the house of the offender and brings various misfortunes to him and his family.

Once upon a time in China there was a widespread tradition of foot binding. It appeared in the 10th century. Six-year-old girls had their feet tightly tied with bandages. This was done in order to prevent the leg from growing. The fact is that in China, small feet are the standard of beauty; girls with miniature feet are easier to marry off. Due to the fact that girls experienced terrible pain and had difficulty moving, foot binding was officially banned in 1912. But in some regions of the country this is still practiced.

Today in the Celestial Empire there are also interesting traditions. For example, when going on a visit, you should not take flowers with you. The owners of the house take this as a hint that the house is so uncomfortable and unattractive that the guest decided to decorate it himself.

Many customs and traditions of the peoples of the world are associated with food intake. China is no exception. Here, for example, slurping is not a sign of uncivil behavior, but quite the opposite. If you don't slurp at the table, it can offend both the owners of the house where you are invited for lunch or dinner, and the cook in the restaurant. Residents of the Middle Kingdom consider quiet eating to be eating without pleasure. There is no need to worry about stains accidentally placed on the tablecloth. You should even deliberately stain it, thereby making it clear that the food brought you incredible pleasure.


Speaking about the most unusual customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the so-called monkey banquet, which is usually held in the province of Thailand called Lopburi. This happens as follows: literally thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits are brought to the local temple and about two thousand monkeys are invited. These animals are loved here because once an entire army of monkeys helped God Rama defeat his enemies.

There are other traditions. For example, it is not recommended to point at something (let alone someone) with your foot. The lower part of the body is considered despicable in this country. By the way, it is for this reason that you should not sit with one leg crossed over the other and pointing your feet towards the Buddha statue. When traveling to Thailand, it is important to know that the Thais revere absolutely every image of a deity, and therefore you should not lean on, step on or climb on statues to make unusual photo. Another local tradition is to be sure to take off your shoes before entering someone's house or temple.


The lifestyle of the Norwegians occupies a special place among the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world. For example, in this country it is not customary to give up seats in public transport aged people. The fact is that here it is perceived as a demonstration of physical advantage. What else should you not do in Norway? Ask about how you are feeling. It's considered too personal.

It is not customary in Norway to hug when meeting. Usually people just shake hands or barely touch their fingertips. When parting, you can pat each other on the back. Another interesting tradition concerns visiting people: you should not go to someone without warning. In addition, you must provide the exact time of departure. It will not be possible to leave later than this time - the owners will show you the door at the appointed hour without a twinge of conscience.


If you are interested in unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, we recommend paying attention to Denmark. A flag hung in the window means that there is someone in this house who is celebrating a birthday.

A very interesting tradition applies to young men and girls whose age has reached 25 years. They are usually sprinkled with cinnamon. This is done so that the pleasant smell helps representatives of the opposite sex understand that this person lonely and would like to meet someone.


Discussing interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot help but say about Japanese rituals. It is not customary here to leave work until the manager leaves. It is also not customary to greet each other with a handshake; usually they just make a polite bow.

They say local traditions and about the number of flowers that can be given. Unlike Russia, where they give only odd numbers of flowers, in Japan they give only even numbers. The Japanese say: a flower without a mate feels lonely and quickly fades. An odd number of flowers is suitable for mourning ceremonies.

Andaman Islands

Getting to know unusual customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot ignore the Andaman Islands. When meeting, one native sits on the lap of another native, puts his arm around his neck and begins to cry. No, no, he does not complain about his sad life and is not going to tell tragic episodes from his biography. This is how he simply expresses his joy at meeting a fellow tribesman.


Among the most strange customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world - the Tibetan ritual of showing each other the tongue when meeting. This custom appeared in the 9th century. Then Tibet was ruled by King Landarm, who was particularly cruel. The main sign of the king was his black tongue. The Tibetans were afraid that the king (or his soul) might inhabit someone after death, and therefore, for safety reasons, they began to stick out their tongues at each other.

If you also decide to join this tradition, make sure that you have not eaten anything before that could turn your tongue a dark color.


In Vietnam, it is not customary to look your interlocutor in the eyes. There are two reasons for this: the first is the inherent shyness of the Vietnamese, the second is that the interlocutor may be a more respected person and may have a higher rank. Talking about relating to children interesting traditions and customs of the peoples of the world, it is worth noting the Vietnamese ban on praising a newborn child. In this country it is believed that evil spirit, who is nearby, may hear about the value of the baby and steal it.

It is not customary in this country to argue loudly. The Vietnamese are distinguished by self-discipline and good upbringing, and therefore heated discussions among guests from Europe provoke local residents disapproval. If we talk about rather mysterious national customs and the traditions of the peoples of the world, one cannot help but say about the Vietnamese tradition of hanging on entrance doors(from the outside) mirrors. For what? It's very simple - a dragon who wants to get into a house will see its reflection and think that a dragon already lives in this house.


In Tanzania, as well as in other regions of Africa, it is customary to consider the left hand to be dirty and the right hand to be clean. That is why it is not customary here to eat or give gifts with the left hand. The method of receiving gifts is also interesting: first you need right hand touch the gift, and then you need to hold the giver by his right hand.


In the United States of America, it is customary to celebrate almost any event. This list includes birthdays, weddings, the birth of children or pregnancy, and much more. For the hero of the occasion, for example, guests usually arrange a procedure called showering.

What gifts are they showering? It all depends on the occasion. These can be items useful in the household (towels, pancake pans or vases), but you can also receive very frivolous gifts.

Wedding customs

Well, and as a bonus - wedding traditions and customs of different peoples of the world. For example, every even slightly self-respecting resident of Andalusia is simply obliged to jump from a cliff headfirst before their wedding. It’s just that ancient traditions say: only a man with a strong skull can marry. But the most interesting thing is different: the height of the cliff depends on the number of relatives of the future wife - the more there are, the higher the height you will have to jump from.

A wedding tradition that is observed in some parts of India may seem funny. Some states prohibit third marriages. It is possible to lead a woman to the altar twice, four times too, but three times is strictly prohibited. Moreover, only marriage with a living person is prohibited. Therefore, men who decide not to stop at two marriages are forced to marry a tree for the third time. The wedding ceremony is usually not so magnificent, but there are guests and gifts. After the wedding celebrations are over, the invitees help the newly made spouse become a widower - all together they cut down the bride. Problem solved, you can get married again.

When talking about wedding traditions and rituals of the peoples of the world, one cannot lose sight of the Greek traditions. Here, during the entire wedding celebration, the young wife strives to step on her husband’s foot. The best way to do this is through dance. Such a maneuver, according to local beliefs, suggests that a woman has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

In the Nicobar Islands, located in the Bay of Bengal, a man who expressed a desire to marry a girl had to become her slave for some time (usually from six months to a year). During this time, the girl had to think about everything and give an answer. If she agrees to marry, the village council declares the couple man and wife. If he refused, the man was forced to return home.

One of the most interesting wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world can be safely called the rituals of Central Nigeria. Here, girls of marriageable age are locked in separate huts and fattened. Only the mothers of these girls are allowed into these huts. For several months (or even years), mothers bring their daughters large amounts of starchy food to make them gain weight. The fact is that in these places curvaceous women are highly valued, which means that it is easier for fat women to get married successfully.

It is customary for Vietnamese newlyweds to give two gifts. Here it is believed that one gift symbolizes an imminent divorce. Therefore, it is better to give two inexpensive gifts rather than one expensive one.

The spirit of a people can be recognized by studying its traditions and rituals. Passed on from ancestors to descendants, they are a connecting bridge between the past and the future. Customs do not arise just like that, but contain a sacred meaning. Many of them today are almost erased from human memory, but are preserved with trepidation by serious art historians.

Expeditions of enthusiasts traveling to remote corners seek to resurrect the half-forgotten memories of the elders. But there are rituals that are so entrenched in people’s memory that they have become an integral part of the life of modern Russians. To this day, they never cease to bring fun into life, amusing not only the old people, but also the younger generation.

Rituals associated with religious holidays

Russia is the land of a vibrant and original culture, intertwined with connecting threads with Orthodoxy, which came from Byzantium about a thousand years ago. But the shadow pagan beliefs, the worship of Slavic deities from the moment of the baptism of Rus' has been preserved in the traditions of the people for centuries. Even in the religious rituals of Christianity, pagan features are visible.


This is the most important church holiday, symbolizing rebirth from death to life, designed to bring light to the souls of believers rejoicing in the resurrection of Christ. The eve of the celebration is accompanied by an all-night vigil in churches and a religious procession around the church.

Easter is the day when Lent ends, so festive table bursting with abundance of deliciousness. The first place is occupied by treats wearing ritual character. For this day, it is customary to paint eggs scarlet and other shades. The general background is often complemented by symbolic designs and ornaments. Easter cannot do without Easter cakes, which represent the body of Christ and are decorated with the image of a cross.

On a holiday, from the very morning it is customary to go to neighbors and acquaintances with congratulations and treats. People greet those they meet with the words: “Christ is risen!” And in response they expect to hear: “In truth he is risen!” On this day in the old days, gifts were given to the poor, the poor, orphans, the sick, and prisoners. Exact date The holiday is calculated every year in a new way according to the lunisolar calendar, falling on one of the Sundays in April or May.

In the pre-Christian era, Easter cakes and eggs were customary Slavic peoples worship the god of fertility. The first of the delicious symbols, covered with glaze and sprinkled with grain, represented the abundance of the harvest. Even before the appearance of Christ, the egg was considered the prototype of the Universe. It symbolized the awakening of nature after a long, harsh winter.


The Orthodox holiday in honor of the birth of the baby Jesus is celebrated on December 25th. Julian calendar. Christians believe that Almighty God became a man on this day to save the world and people from their sins. According to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the celebrations falls on January 7th. On the eve of Christmas Eve until the first star, customs require strict fasting. As a sign that the Virgin Mary gave the world a Divine Son on the night before the festival, it is customary to place lighted candles on the windowsill.

According to legend, Jesus was born not in a palace, but in a cave where there was a cattle stall. The baby was swaddled and placed in a manger on hard straw, but the Divine radiance illuminated the future Savior. At that moment, a bright star lit up over Bethlehem, the city where he was born. Seeing her, the wise men from the East hastened from distant lands to bring their gifts to the great baby.

This beautiful legend formed the basis of songs called carols, which people sang loudly on the streets of villages and cities that night. There were no simple texts famous authors, but the songs seemed sincere, and with them the spirit of joy filled the Christmas night.

In the pre-Christian era, December 25 was also a sacred day and was considered a holiday in various pagan cults. This date winter solstice In ancient times, many peoples associated it with the birth of the Sun God. From this astronomical moment until the spring solstice, it was customary for the Slavs to honor the patron of the winter sun - the deity Khorsa, in whose praise the ancients also sang songs.

Wedding traditions of the Russian people

The marriage ceremony of young people was built from a number of serious, cheerful, and sometimes a little sad events, the order of which finally took shape in Rus' in the 14th century, born from Slavic customs. In the 17th century, traditions in the spirit of Orthodoxy were added to the ancient actions.

The marriage of the young began to be supported by parental blessings and weddings. In different lands, regions and regions of boundless Rus', colorful events associated with marriage differed in their own characteristics, but some common features can be noticed.


Wedding efforts began with matchmaking, which was negotiations between the families of the bride and groom with the obligatory presence of godparents and close relatives. The ceremony was not complete without matchmakers, on whom the outcome of the event often depended. Compliance with certain signs was considered a strictly mandatory requirement in order to protect the future family from the machinations of evil spirits.

For example, people came to get married on any day of the week except Monday and Friday. Guests, entering the house, took off their hats as a sign of politeness and first of all crossed themselves to the icons. Only after this did negotiations begin, dissatisfaction or agreement about the marriage itself and other issues were expressed, and the size of the dowry was discussed.


The arrival of the girl’s family at the groom’s house was intended to get acquainted with the financial and property situation. During a return visit to the chosen one’s place of residence, the elegant bride was introduced to the groom’s family and boyfriend. The action was accompanied by singing, dancing, and jokes. If everything went smoothly, the newlyweds walked through the house arm in arm, kissed, and said vows.

The decision on the upcoming marriage was completed by a conspiracy, after which the couple was officially declared to be entering into marriage. Next, a carnival ceremony took place, where treats were generously distributed: fresh rosy pastries. The oven personified the mother's womb, the dough - the seed, the loaf - a prosperous healthy offspring.

Rituals preceding the wedding

The concepts: “bachelorette party” and “bachelor party” are very familiar to modern Russians, especially young people. For our ancestors, holding such events essentially had the same goal: saying goodbye to a free, single life before getting married. However, there were also a number of differences. The groom met with friends on the last day before the wedding or immediately before the wedding early in the morning at a youth party. At the same time, treats were distributed and farewell speeches, songs were sung.

But the bride cried and was sad about her passing girlhood for much longer, beginning to show sadness immediately after the agreement. There was no particular joy in the actions performed. In the villages, the girl was taken outside the outskirts, where she walked to the accompaniment of sad chants, and in her hands carried a Christmas tree decorated with ribbons, or a bouquet of paper flowers. The ceremony was accompanied by a bride price, during which the girl's hair was braided, tied with cords and ribbons. And after getting what they wanted, the hair began to flow.

Wedding ceremony

The departure of the newlyweds for the wedding was called the “wedding train”, which was usually sprinkled with grain. In winter they rode on decorated sleighs drawn by three horses with bells. At other times, chaises could serve as a means of transport. The procession was led by the groom (friend of the groom). On the way to the bride, the good fellow blocked the road in all sorts of cunning ways and the villagers plotted, demanding a ransom.

Most often, their efforts were rewarded with fragrant gingerbread cookies, sweet candies, delicious nuts and juicy fruits, sometimes my friend tried to buy him off with wine.

The girlfriends in the chosen one’s hut sang songs where they complained about the groom separating them from the girl. And at that time the friend was walking in front of the guy’s procession, waving a whip. In this way, it was believed that he drove away the evil spirits who wanted to harm the young. Often the hidden bride had to be found. Then the newlyweds hurried in different carts to the church, where the wedding ceremony took place. Then the whole procession, with joy and songs, solemnly set off for the wedding feast.

Yuletide fortune telling

At any time, people have sought to find out their fate and guess the events of the future. Therefore, Christmas fortune-telling, which has become one of the brightest Russian traditions, is extremely popular to this day. Mysterious rituals, each of which is carried out strictly at the prescribed time of day, began to be performed on January 6, continuing funny, exciting, slightly frightening actions until January 19 - Orthodox holiday Baptism.

Mostly girls who dreamed of grooms, upcoming marriage and future children asked unknown forces about their fate. Our contemporaries, bypassing ancient customs, they often rush to guess already from December 25th to Catholic Christmas. The rituals, according to the order, in some cases are performed in the evening, sometimes before bedtime or after midnight.

Fortune telling with a shoe

This ritual was intended to find out where the intended groom lived. For this purpose, the girls threw their shoes through the gate in order to find out the direction of the search. The toe of the shoe indicated it, since the future husband should have been looked for there.

Fortune telling with a ring

To perform the ritual at midnight, it was necessary to place a sheet of paper on a smooth horizontal surface, which was then sprinkled with ashes. Then a glass jar filled with clean well water was placed on the sheet. They threw a ring into the jar and looked inside. It was believed that in the water, if you look carefully, you can definitely see the image of the betrothed.

Folk magic

In Rus', every village necessarily had its own grandmother-healer, who after death passed on her healing gift to one of her loved ones. The healers treated mainly with spells. By reading ancient prayers, the text of which was passed down from ancestors to descendants, they saved people from illnesses, damage and other misfortunes. Magic rituals were also performed.

Ritual to improve the health of a newborn

There was a belief that the baby would be healthy if it was passed through the mother's nightgown. Often, having wrapped a newborn in a shirt, they first covered him with dough, believing that it absorbs all sorrows and illnesses, then they placed the child in a warm oven - a symbolic womb. The ritual endowed the little man with powerful energy.

Planet Earth is inhabited by many various peoples and nations that differ from each other in traditions, religion, culture, language of communication, which cannot be said about rituals. They are the ones that are mostly repeated among many peoples, causing surprise in their complete or partial similarity. The rituals differ in their execution, but carry the same meaning.

What is the connection between the customs and religious characteristics of peoples?

There are many religions, but the main and more widespread are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. Thanks to faith, liberation wars, hostility and conflicts between different peoples were fought. It would seem that such beliefs have nothing in common. But in reality, everything is not so simple.

By placing boundaries between peoples based on their religious affiliation, humanity is moving away from higher intelligence. It is no coincidence that the rituals of one nation have many common features with the traditions of other peoples. In most cases, the customs of African tribes are similar to Eurasian ones. There is a lot in common in wedding or funeral rituals, as well as in conspiracies, prayers, and communication between relatives.

Why are the rituals of different nations repeated?

The answer to this question should be sought in the distant past. Before modern man News arrived that most of the peoples were previously classified as pagans. People believed in various gods, in extraterrestrial civilizations that patronized humanity in old times.

Higher powers gave the ancestors many covenants and a wealth of knowledge aimed at teaching them the right way of life. If such rules were violated, then the time came for retribution and punishment.

With the development of civilizations, the customs of the pagans gradually faded into the background, but this was not always the case. They were transformed in the culture of certain states, they were united with a new religion.

It is worth noting that Muslim celebrations can be a copy of Christian ones. For example, the rituals of the Tatar people, whose religion is Islam, largely overlap with the traditions of the Russian people. Customs are passed on from one generation to another, improved, modified, even supplemented, or some details are abolished. Taken together, the purpose of any ritual clearly reflects its importance and relevance today.

Many traditions and rituals continue to exist today in their original form.

Slavic rituals and holidays

The traditions and customs of the Slavs have passed through many centuries, undergone certain changes, but still survived, and today they continue to live and delight peoples. The most ancient rituals are related to paganism, which was considered necessary for humans. After all, according to this religion, the purpose of the individual on earth was explained.

One of the ancient and well-known rituals among various Slavic peoples is associated with the deity Makosh. The celebration was celebrated between October and November. Gatherings during this period were the starting point so that we could prepare for the winter season.

It was in the name of Mokosh that they organized folk festivals. Representatives of the Slavic peoples worshiped this deity, performed a ritual of sacrifice, and brought various gifts. People did everything so that Makosha would provide her assistance in obtaining the rich harvest needed next year.

For the most part, the rituals of the Slavs were related to agriculture, since people in those days tended to their lands and therefore the main thing for them was the harvest necessary for life.

Ancient rituals and church holidays

To this day, customs associated with visiting the graves of deceased relatives have been preserved. People go to the cemetery in church holidays, such as Trinity, Radunitsa, as well as Dmitrievskaya Saturday. This is where the tradition of remembering the dead came from, with candles lit and food and drinks left on their graves.

Among the ancient rituals are the Christmastide, which is still in effect today, in honor of which people at home commemorate their deceased relatives and friends. Holy Thursday is also relevant. In this case, a ritual associated with purity is performed. On this day, it is necessary to clean the entire house and wash all family members. The essence of the tradition is that this is how the souls of dead people are cleansed and warmed.

Today humanity also celebrates the ancient Slavic holiday, called Maslenitsa. This solemn event is located in close connection with remembrance, and therefore today, as in the old days, they continue to prepare pancakes, which are taken to the grave of deceased relatives, and perform a ritual of remembrance.

During the celebration of Maslenitsa, fist fights were held in the air, and other competitions were also held under open air. Among the ancient Christian rites, there was a commemoration of a deceased person. Customs such as Wedding and Baptism came to modern world from the distant past.

Popular holidays and traditions associated with religion

With the retreat of paganism, holidays and rituals began to appear, incorporating teachings from religion. Every religion has its own special traditions, which can be daily, weekly, or annual. There are episodic rituals that are performed only once in a lifetime. Usually, they are related to life processes such as the birth of a child, marriage, or the death of a person.

The main traditions in Christianity

Among the important and basic customs in the Christian world are considered to be birth, Baptism, marriage with the accompanying Wedding, death followed by the Funeral Service. The brightest holiday of Easter is considered the brightest and most important celebration in the Christian world. This tradition ends with Lent.

Another colorful holiday is the Nativity of Christ, which is preceded by the Advent Fast.

The main traditions in Islam

Every Muslim is required to read a prayer called Namaz. A person should pray 5 times every day, regardless of where he is. In the Muslim world, there are several main celebrations that have their own meaning. This is Kurban Bayram - the ritual of sacrifice, Uraza Bayram - the holiday of breaking the fast, including Miraj - the night on which the seer Muhammad is raised to heaven, Mawlid - the birth of the prophet.

Ceremonial events are held according to the Muslim calendar.

Main traditions of Buddhism

This religion places a special place on human death. An unusual burial ritual is performed, which includes several stages in its organization. Here it is necessary to read prayers, illuminate the burial places, and also perform a funeral service for the deceased person.

Vesak is an important holiday in Buddhism. It's bright solemn ceremony, held on the occasion of the birth, enlightenment, and departure of Gautama Buddha from the world of the living.

The New Year is significant in Buddhism. He is better known as Tsagan Sar. It is celebrated differently, depending on the school or direction. For Buddhists, such a celebration is associated with renewal, a new period in life. This festive event It is carried out quite brightly and beautifully.

The main traditions in Judaism

Considering important holidays and customs related to religion, it is worth noting the peculiarities of the traditions and ceremonial events of Jewish Jews. The most important and significant day in Judaism is the day of God - Saturday, that is, Shabbat. According to tradition, one commandment out of ten is fulfilled.

At this time, you cannot work on the seventh day of the week. Shabbat is a very important ritual that is considered a fundamental part of the Jewish life process. Such a significant day has its own greeting - Shabbat Shalom.

Chuppah - beautiful holiday in Judaism, relating to the moment of marriage. The name of the solemn event comes from the canopy of the same name, which serves to hold a wedding ceremony under it. At the same time, people sing songs, dance, and perform ancient rituals aimed at the protection and well-being of the newlyweds.

Passover is another important and interesting holiday, which in Russian means Easter.

Shavuot is a holiday event held to commemorate God's presentation of the Ten Commandments from the Bible to Moses.

The world of traditions, rituals, holidays, and religions of different peoples coexisting on one planet is diverse and amazing.

If today most marriages are for love, then in ancient states in leading role was the calculation and pursuit of financial or social goals.

Today we decided to remember and tell you about various wedding traditions in different countries peace.

Ancient Rome

Weddings in Ancient Rome were celebrated noisily and cheerfully.Girls were married off at the age of 14, but there were cases of earlier marriages at the age of 12-13. DIt was not easy for the ancient Romans to choose a wedding day, since many days were considered unfavorable. Weddings were usually celebrated in the middle or end of June, promising new family happy life.

Ancient Roman wedding ceremonies focused on great importance bride

After the engagement, the bride put the ring on the finger of her left hand. On the same day, a marriage contract was drawn up. After this, the celebration of the wedding itself began. On the night before the wedding, the bride brought all her children's toys to the home altar and said goodbye to them; this ritual symbolized her entry into adult married life. When the wedding day arrived, the bride dressed up in white and red clothes and waited for the groom to arrive.

Every American eats at least a piece of turkey on this day.

After the priest clarified whether the wedding day was successful, the marriage contract was signed and the newlyweds took each other’s hands to pray together to the gods. After the ceremony, guests and the newlyweds celebrated the wedding at the bride's house. And only then did the newly made husband and wife go to the house of the head of the family. The groom carried the bride over the threshold of his house in his arms. At this point the wedding celebration ended and family life began.

Ancient Rus'

After in Kievan Rus Christianity became the official religion, and the formation of a traditional wedding ceremony began.

Since it was not possible to completely eradicate paganism, a symbiosis of Christianity and pagan rituals resulted. After the 16th century, a clear ritual, wedding dresses, attributes and folklore developed, which have survived to this day. And the main innovation was the mandatory church coverage of marriage.

After the 16th century, clear wedding rituals developed in Rus'

The ceremony took place in the evening, for which they wore the most best dress and all the decorations that were available. In the front door they prepared a table at which they awaited the arrival of the groom. Then the mother-in-law combed her hair and braided two braids, which symbolized a woman in marriage. After the blessings, the newlyweds went to the wedding; according to the rules, the groom had to arrive first. Only after the wedding could the couple kiss. When leaving, the newlyweds were showered with hops and flax seeds, with wishes of happiness. Afterwards, everyone headed to the husband’s house, where the celebration itself took place.

The ceremony itself was divided into several stages: pre-wedding customs (dating, bridesmaid viewings, maiden fortune telling ); pre-wedding customs (matchmaking, bridesmaids, collusion, bachelorette party, groom's gatherings ), wedding ceremonies (bride price, wedding train, wedding, wedding feast ) and post-wedding rituals (second day, visits ).

Ancient Greece

Wedding ceremonies Ancient Greece They differed from the ancient Roman ones primarily in that the word of the bride had practically no significance in the choice of the groom, who was chosen by the bride's father. A girl was married off at the age of 15 to a groom who was about 30 years old or a little older, since this was the age that men considered the best and most mature.

As in Ancient Rome, in Greece the bride said goodbye to her toys, after which she took a bath. On the wedding day, the bride was dressed in white robes. Then the bride waited for the groom, who was supposed to come for her in a chariot and take her to his home. The wedding procession accompanied the newlyweds all the way to the groom's house. The groom introduced the bride to his mother and carried the girl over the threshold, after which the newlyweds ate a specially prepared wedding dish.

According to the wedding rites of Ancient Greece, the newlyweds were showered with fruits

Wedding rituals of that time required that the newlyweds be showered with fruits for a well-fed and prosperous family life. The bride and groom went to the bedroom. The next morning, the bride's family came to the groom's house, and a family wedding celebration was organized, at which the newlyweds received gifts from relatives and friends.

Ancient China

In those days, a Chinese man could have as many women as he wanted and could afford. Situations where the young concubine was a teenager, while the husband was an ancient old man, were in the order of things.

In Ancient China, poor families often sold their young daughters to the rich

Poor families often sold their young daughters to rich families in order to get some money and also to get rid of the useless women in the family.

Marriages arranged by parents were also common. The young people got married because their parents decided so. Sometimes young people saw each other for the first time on own wedding. Arranged marriages were also common: the wedding was organized even before the birth of the children with the consent of the parents on both sides.

Modern China

Today, Chinese young people choose and marry those they love. However, in order to show your respect for the other party's parents, official permission from the parents for the wedding must be obtained in advance.

One of the wedding customs is preparing a dowry. The bride's family buys various things that will be useful to the new family.The wedding should be held on a day that symbolizes goodness and good energy.

— The groom arrives at the house of the bride’s parents and greets his future relatives. The couple then heads to the house of the groom's parents, where the newlyweds greet his parents together.

— At the banquet, the newlyweds must drink half a glass of wine from a glass tied with a ribbon. Then the newlyweds change hands and drink the other half of the wine.

According to modern Chinese traditions, young people choose each other for love

- In some provinces of China, fish is served at the banquet table, which should not be eaten entirely - this symbolizes a good beginning and end to marriage.

— After the banquet, the friends of the newlyweds continue the night with games and dancing.


In England, many rituals associated with entering the church have survived to this day. The bride and groom, for example, had to jump over a bench placed across the entrance to the church, which signified overcoming obstacles in family life.

In England, many wedding rituals have been preserved to this day.

There is a legend that in the mid-19th century, at one of the weddings in Leicestershire, the bride's brother, when returning home from church, threw a huge old shoe onto the road from the wedding carriage. Bridesmaids, in elegant dresses, rushed onto the dusty road and it was the one who first grabbed the shoe who soon got married.


Previously in Japanese family relationships love played the last role. Marriage, depending on the era and the head of the board, was a way to preserve social status and prolong the family line, and in the times of the samurai, a means for creating military and clan alliances.

The Japanese organize weddings in special centers where Buddhist, Shinto or Christian customs are combined. The wedding itself is an expensive pleasure. For example, a bride’s outfit is a real work of art, since gold and silver thread is used in sewing, and gold and silver powder is used when dyeing fabric.

In Japan, it is customary to have a wedding in the summer - this is ancient tradition

It is customary to have a wedding in the summer; this is an ancient tradition that has survived to this day. That's why all modern calendars are full of happy dates for marriage.

In the USA, a wedding is a business. Future newlyweds practically do not prepare for the wedding celebration on their own, and all pre-wedding matters are taken care of by employees of wedding agencies.

After a young man proposes to his girlfriend, an engagement ceremony is held, at which it is customary to give a diamond ring. Only after this the couple in love officially becomes the bride and groom. Between engagement and wedding usually takes from six months to 2 years. During this time, preparations for the wedding take place.

For American weddings typical celebration rehearsal

Six months before the wedding, the bride and groom begin sending out invitations to the celebration. Invitations in the USA are very different from Russian ones. Firstly, usually the young people themselves come up with their design - it’s not just a postcard indicating the date and place, but a whole package of messages. The time and place of the celebration, the possibility of renting a hotel, as well as a list of desired gifts are indicated here. In addition, an additional envelope and a card are included in the envelope, which must be returned before the specified time, indicating whether the invited guest will be at the wedding or not.

A month before the celebration, the bride and groom have a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, respectively. The bride's friends come to the bachelorette party with gifts. This is a long tradition, dating back to the first settlers.

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