Was there an execution of the Romanov royal family? The last royal family

On the night of July 16-17, 1918 in the city of Yekaterinburg, in the basement of the house of mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev, Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their children - Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, heir Tsarevich Alexei, as well as -medic Evgeny Botkin, valet Alexey Trupp, room girl Anna Demidova and cook Ivan Kharitonov.

The last Russian Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov (Nicholas II) ascended the throne in 1894 after the death of his father, Emperor Alexander III, and ruled until 1917, when the situation in the country became more complicated. On March 12 (February 27, old style), 1917, an armed uprising began in Petrograd, and on March 15 (March 2, old style), 1917, at the insistence of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, Nicholas II signed an abdication of the throne for himself and his son Alexei in favor of the younger brother Mikhail Alexandrovich.

After his abdication, from March to August 1917, Nicholas and his family were under arrest in the Alexander Palace of Tsarskoe Selo. A special commission of the Provisional Government studied materials for the possible trial of Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna on charges of treason. Having not found evidence and documents that clearly convicted them of this, the Provisional Government was inclined to deport them abroad (to Great Britain).

Execution royal family: reconstruction of eventsOn the night of July 16-17, 1918, Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family were shot in Yekaterinburg. RIA Novosti brings to your attention a reconstruction of the tragic events that took place 95 years ago in the basement of the Ipatiev House.

In August 1917, the arrested were transported to Tobolsk. The main idea of ​​the Bolshevik leadership was open court over the former emperor. In April 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transfer the Romanovs to Moscow. For the trial former king Vladimir Lenin spoke out, it was supposed to make Leon Trotsky the main accuser of Nicholas II. However, information appeared about the existence of “White Guard conspiracies” to kidnap the Tsar, the concentration of “conspiratorial officers” in Tyumen and Tobolsk for this purpose, and on April 6, 1918, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transfer the royal family to the Urals. The royal family was transported to Yekaterinburg and placed in the Ipatiev house.

The uprising of the White Czechs and the offensive of the White Guard troops on Yekaterinburg accelerated the decision to shoot the former tsar.

The commandant of the Special Purpose House, Yakov Yurovsky, was entrusted with organizing the execution of all members of the royal family, Doctor Botkin and the servants who were in the house.

© Photo: Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg

The execution scene is known from investigative reports, from the words of participants and eyewitnesses, and from the stories of the direct perpetrators. Yurovsky spoke about the execution of the royal family in three documents: “Note” (1920); “Memoirs” (1922) and “Speech at a meeting of old Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg” (1934). All the details of this atrocity, conveyed by the main participant at different times and under completely different circumstances, agree on how the royal family and its servants were shot.

Based on documentary sources, it is possible to establish the time when the murder of Nicholas II, members of his family and their servants began. The car that delivered the last order to exterminate the family arrived at half past two on the night of July 16-17, 1918. After which the commandant ordered physician Botkin to wake up the royal family. It took the family about 40 minutes to get ready, then she and the servants were transferred to the semi-basement of this house, with a window overlooking Voznesensky Lane. Nicholas II carried Tsarevich Alexei in his arms because he could not walk due to illness. At Alexandra Fedorovna’s request, two chairs were brought into the room. She sat on one, and Tsarevich Alexei sat on the other. The rest were located along the wall. Yurovsky led the firing squad into the room and read the verdict.

This is how Yurovsky himself describes the execution scene: “I invited everyone to stand up. Everyone stood up, occupying the entire wall and one of the side walls. The room was very small. Nikolai stood with his back to me. I announced that the Executive Committee of the Councils of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies Ural decided to shoot them. Nikolai turned and asked. I repeated the order and commanded: “I shot first and killed Nikolai on the spot. The shooting lasted a very long time and, despite my hopes that the wooden wall would not ricochet, the bullets bounced off it. For a long time I was unable to stop this shooting, which had become careless, but when I finally managed to stop it, I saw that many were still alive, for example, Doctor Botkin was lying with his elbow on him. right hand, as if in a resting pose, finished off him with a revolver shot. Alexey, Tatyana, Anastasia and Olga were also alive. Demidova was also alive. Comrade Ermakov wanted to finish the matter with a bayonet. But, however, this did not work. The reason became clear later (the daughters were wearing diamond armor like bras). I was forced to shoot each one in turn."

After death was confirmed, all the corpses began to be transferred to the truck. At the beginning of the fourth hour, at dawn, the corpses of the dead were taken out of Ipatiev’s house.

The remains of Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna, Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia Romanov, as well as people from their entourage, shot in the House of Special Purpose (Ipatiev House), were discovered in July 1991 near Yekaterinburg.

On July 17, 1998, the burial of the remains of members of the royal family took place in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of St. Petersburg.

In October 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided to rehabilitate Russian Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office also decided to rehabilitate members of the imperial family - the Grand Dukes and Princes of the Blood, executed by the Bolsheviks after the revolution. Servants and associates of the royal family who were executed by the Bolsheviks or subjected to repression were rehabilitated.

In January 2009, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation stopped investigating the case into the circumstances of the death and burial of the last Russian emperor, members of his family and people from his entourage, shot in Yekaterinburg on July 17, 1918, "due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for bringing criminal charges responsibility and death of those who committed premeditated murder"(subparagraph 3 and 4 of part 1 of article 24 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR).

The tragic history of the royal family: from execution to reposeIn 1918, on the night of July 17 in Yekaterinburg, in the basement of the house of mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev, Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, and their children - Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and heir Tsarevich Alexei were shot.

On January 15, 2009, the investigator issued a resolution to terminate the criminal case, but on August 26, 2010, the judge of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow decided, in accordance with Article 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, to recognize this decision as unfounded and ordered the violations to be eliminated. On November 25, 2010, the investigation decision to terminate this case was canceled by the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee.

On January 14, 2011, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that the resolution was brought in accordance with the court decision and the criminal case regarding the death of representatives of the Russian Imperial House and people from their entourage in 1918-1919 was discontinued. The identification of the remains of members of the family of the former Russian Emperor Nicholas II (Romanov) and persons from his retinue has been confirmed.

On October 27, 2011, a resolution was issued to terminate the investigation into the case of the execution of the royal family. The 800-page resolution outlines the main conclusions of the investigation and indicates the authenticity of the discovered remains of the royal family.

However, the question of authentication still remains open. Russian Orthodox Church in order to recognize the found remains as the relics of royal martyrs, the Russian imperial house on this issue supports the position of the Russian Orthodox Church. The director of the chancellery of the Russian Imperial House emphasized that genetic testing is not enough.

The Church canonized Nicholas II and his family and on July 17 celebrates the day of remembrance of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

What you read below may shock some. Some are categorically rejected, because it does not fit into the usual stereotypes of the Soviet past and the incomprehensible present. However, the arguments presented here have the right to your understanding, because, when combined together, they, like fragments of a mosaic painstakingly painted over by someone, gradually reveal other faces of the history that seems to be known to us.

These images help to understand the scale of deception and “blasphemy on the royal bones”, which were repeatedly tried by well-known people in the Russian Federation, who, by a strange coincidence, went to another world of a dream they had previously realized: Yeltsin, Nemtsov, Sobchak, Ryabov... Perhaps this is a direct hint that recognizing certain remains as “royal”, to put it mildly, is a delusion, if not a crime? Judge for yourself.

In Nizhny Novgorod, in the Avtozavodsky district, next to the temple in Gnilitsy, an elder was buried Grigory Dolbunov. His entire family - children, grandchildren, daughters-in-law and distant relatives - are subjected to strange persecution by the regional church authorities. What's the matter? The situation becomes more understandable if the version of the salvation of the royal family is considered as real.

Older car manufacturers, from the parish of Grigory Dolbunov’s son – Fr. Nicholas - they remember an unusual parishioner who introduced himself to them with a smile "King of Love". So, it’s no secret to anyone that this was a previously saved Nicholas II, who died in the arms of an elder Grigory Dolbunov, who personally buried him at the old Red Etna automobile plant cemetery on December 26, 1958, under the name Wanderer NICHOLAS.

Witnesses of this are the living Archimandrite Illarion (Tsarev) and Archpriest Valery Protorov, son of Fr. Gregory - priest Nikolai Dolbunov. But the owner of “People's Radio” Nikolai Vasilyevich Maslov published an article about the salvation of the royal family, being aware that his uncle, Archimandrite John Maslov, was one of the confessors of the royal family in the USSR.

The grave of Nicholas II at the Red Etna cemetery

In the same grave, before her husband, the empress, who died on April 20, 1948, was reburied on the territory of the Starobelsky Trinity Monastery in the Lugansk region Alexandra Fedorovna, the remains of which, during Stalin’s lifetime, in 1950, were transported to Nizhny Novgorod and are buried in Red Etna Cemetery. And already in 1958, Tsar Nicholas II was buried in this grave with his wife.

The King and Queen, as you know, have not yet been glorified among the Saints, since to do this would require church canons, has the exclusive right Local Council, but under no circumstances Bishop's, because the Russian Emperor is the custodian of the dogmas of Orthodoxy throughout the world. But the Council of Bishops is only an exponent of the will Cainite sect at the top of the Moscow Patriarchate, which illegally seized control of the Russian Orthodox Church on June 6, 1990, which is trying with all its might to “legitimize” not only the royal remains, but also to recognize, thereby, the fact of abdication by Nicholas II, which did not happen ( Cainites- servants of the Jewish authorities in Russia and later in the USSR).

T.N. “manifesto of renunciation”, typed by Jews - an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command Nikolai Ivanovich Basili and Quartermaster General of the Supreme Command Headquarters Alexander Sergeevich Lukomsky. This fake was signed by a Jewish baron Fredericks.

And it was the Cainites of the Holy Synod who misled the whole world, who on March 6, 1917 passed off this fake as a “real renunciation”, notifying the whole world by telegrams, and thereby starting a civil war and destruction Russian Empire.

It cannot be recognized as legal, etc. “glorification of the royal family” in 1981 by the bishops’ council abroad ROCOR. They did not have the right to do this and were not authorized by the Local Council. And the beginning of this “alleged glorification” was laid by the Archbishop of Washington Nikon, which during the Great Patriotic War fought on the side of the Third Reich in the troops of the SS Ober-Gruppenführer Vladimir Kirillovich, being the main military priest, archimandrite for all those who fought against the Soviet Army.

On July 17, 1969, in Brussels, this same Archimandrite Nikon (Rklitsky-Korsakevich) held an “absentia funeral service” for the royal family, in order to subsequently give “the road to the throne” in Russia to his “chief” - SS Obergruppenführer Vladimir Kirillovich, whose daughter Maria Vladimirovna has been promoted “in the form of a queen” to the Russian throne for the last 26 years by the Cainite impostors leading our country and the Moscow Patriarchate.

This is not surprising, since the ROCOR itself was created impostorly, without the required blessing of the Patriarch of the ROC Tikhon. Its head was Anthony (pseudonym Khrapovitsky), with real name Bloom, and it was this same Blum who came up with the false dogma about the “king-redeemer”, which was “drilled” into the heads of believers in the 1990s! Therefore, the so-called The “glorification of the royal family” on July 17, 1981 by the bishops of the ROCOR was carried out illegally, on the basis of that very “absentia funeral service”.

(The reader, among other things, needs to know that in ancient Rus'(Slavic-Aryan Empire) never any there was no religion. After nuclear war and the second planetary catastrophe, when the infrastructure of civilization was destroyed, the surviving earthlings went wild. And in order to help them survive, the URs introduced the so-called. Vedic worldview- a set of everyday rules, the implementation of which made it possible at least not to fall in evolutionary development. Many temples were built in Rus', but these were public buildings - schools, libraries, “houses of culture”, etc. The employees of these temples were knowledgeable people - sorcerers and witches. In the last couple of centuries, bandits from the religious mafia began to seize and appropriate these temples and use them to zombify the population. – Red.)

Archbishop Feofan Poltavsky(Bystrov), the confessor of the royal family, officially opposed the false dogma of the “tsar-redeemer” when he lived in Bulgaria and when he moved to France, where he met with Sovereign Nicholas II, who traveled there on affairs of national importance, organized at the request of and support from Stalin.

In the 2nd Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR there was a department that monitored the Tsar’s family on the territory of the USSR.

The people were not told the essence of the events of the State Emergency Committee, and they still do not know what exactly Cainites(servants of the Jewish authorities in Russia and later in the USSR) carried out a coup on August 19, 1991 according to the scenario of March 2, 1917, and removed its legitimate President M.S. from governing the country. Gorbachev, who has the right to make claims in the name of the House of Romanov. But more on that later…

After August 21, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR created commissions that worked across all ministries of the USSR with the goal of “the civilized collapse of the country.” A similar commission was created for the KGB of the USSR, in which Deputy worked Supreme Council USSR Alexander Alexandrovich Sokolov, who gave a press conference on the topic of saving the royal family. After which the department in the 2nd Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR for supervision of the royal family was hastily disbanded, and the archives of this department were classified and sent to the Urals, along with the archives of the Politburo and the CPSU Central Committee.

Here is a list of investigators in the “Royal Family” case who proved that the royal family survived:

Dmitry Apollonovich Malinovsky;

Alexey Pavlovich Nametkin;

Ivan Aleksandrovich Sergeev;

Alexander Fedorovich Kirsta;

Mikhail Konstantinovich Diterichs;

Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov.

Prime Minister V. Pepelyaev;

Professor of Tomsk University E.V. Dil;

former French teacher for the children of Tsar P.P. Gilliard;

London Times correspondent R. Wilton;

Lieutenant Count B. Kapnist...

Brother of Emperor Nicholas II the Great Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich died on April 3, 1949 in Vyritsa, near St. Petersburg, and was buried on the territory of the Kazan Church.

The eldest daughter of Nicholas II is great Princess Olga- buried on January 19, 1976 in Vyritsa, near St. Petersburg, under the name of Natalia Mikhailovna Evstigneeva. Until her last days, she did not lose contact with the confessor of the royal family since 1912. Alexey (Kibardin).

The king's second daughter is great Princess Tatiana- buried on September 21, 1992 in the village of Solenoye, Mostovsky district, Krasnodar region. In 1970, her brother, the Prime Minister of the USSR, Alexey Nikolaevich Romanov ( Kosygin).

The third daughter is great Princess Maria- died of illness and was buried on May 27, 1954 in the village of Arefino, Vachsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region under the name of Maria Petrovna.

The fourth royal daughter is great Princess Anastasia- buried on June 27, 1980 at the Panfilovo station, Novoanninsky district, Volgograd region, under the name of Alexandra Nikolaevna Tugareva-Peregudova. Her daughter, Julia, was fed in Samara by none other than Metropolitan John of Ladoga (Snychev) himself, and together with Archimandrite John (Maslov) Tsarevich Alexei.

And the heir to the throne - Tsarevich Alexei(Alexey Kosygin) - died on December 18, 1980 in Moscow, and, as Prime Minister of the USSR, was buried in the Kremlin wall. By tradition in the USSR - as a member of the Politburo.

During his lifetime, personally protected from a young age by Stalin, the Tsarevich and Prime Minister of the USSR, who, in fact, headed the economy of the former Russian Empire - Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin (Romanov) - visited a nun in the Venev Tula Monastery Anna, who gave him news from his sisters.

Moscow elder, hieroschemamonk Aristoklis, who took monastic vows at St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos, and was in seclusion there, often repeated: “The House of the Romanovs - great secret, great mystery!

The famous elder Seraphim (Tyapochkin), Archbishop Konstantin of Brest and Kobrin, Metropolitan Proclus of Ulyanovsk, Archpriest of Pechora Vasily (Shvets) - also told everyone that the king's family was all alive and lived on the territory of the USSR.

The living archimandrite of the Kazan key hermitage in Mordovia, Illarion, can tell a lot, in the world Tsarev Ivan Dmitrievich, who worked for many years next to the prince - was Kosygin’s financial assistant!

When asked by Tsar Paul I what would happen to Russia in the 20th century, Prophet Abel answered:

“Nicholas II is a holy Tsar, he will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove-like purity. He will replace the Royal crown with a crown of thorns; he will be betrayed by his people, as the son of God once was. There will be a great world war. Treason will grow and multiply. On the eve of victory, the Tsar's throne will collapse. Blood and tears will water the damp earth. A man with an ax will take power, and the Egyptian execution will truly begin.

And then the Jew will scourge the Russian land like a scorpion, plunder its shrines, close the churches of God, and execute the best people Russians... Two wars, one worse than the other. The new Batu in the West will raise his hand. The people are between fire and flame... God hesitates with help, but it is said that he will give it soon, erect the Horn of Russian salvation. And the Great Prince will rise in exile from your family, standing for the sons of his people. This will be the Chosen One of God, and on his head is a blessing... His name is destined three times over in Russian History. The two namesakes were already on the Throne, but not the Royal Throne. He will sit on Tsarskoe as the third...

Then Russia will be great, throwing off the Jewish yoke,” “Russian hopes will be fulfilled: the Orthodox cross will shine on Sophia in Constantinople.

A Great Destiny is destined for Russia; that is why she will suffer in order to purify herself and kindle the light for the revelation of tongues. Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will prosper like a heavenly crane! The time will come when people will bless this King, and his Heir will rule according to him!..”

“You say that the Jewish yoke will hang over Russia in a hundred years. Record everything that you have said, put it all in writing. I will put my seal on your prediction, and until my great-great-grandson, your writing will be inviolably kept in my Gatchina palace.”

Icons given by Abel to Emperor Paul I and Empress Catherine II

1901, on the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Emperor Paul I, Nicholas II, accompanied by members of his retinue, arrived at the Gatchina Palace to fulfill the will of his great-great-grandfather. The emperor opened the casket, took out his icon of Nicholas from there and several times read the letter-prediction of the monk Abel about the fate of himself and Russia.

And here is what was written down by the elder Nikolai Valaamsky 7 days before Japan declared war on Russia in 1904, and from his notebook rewritten by Hieromonk Joel on January 30, 1917:

“The time of torment has passed, but a martyr can exist without blood. There was a decree from God that if the king had been darkened in faith, then the entire royal house would have been destroyed. Therefore, the path that Emperor Nicholas II took, although difficult, is right, and for this his life will be intact, although many enemies will rise up against him. And according to Him, His Heir will reign. And the time will come when people will bless this King!

Coming to his spiritual father, John of Kronstadt, and asking questions, Emperor Nicholas II received the answer: there are such ways for Him: to go abroad or become a wanderer like Alexander I (Semyon, son of Paul I from Countess Sofia Semyonovna Chertoryzhskaya, née Ushakova, who remarried Count P.K. Razumovsky. Having hidden the birth of a child from Paul I, he was given the name Semyon, and when he grew up, he was sent to India as a military representative of the Russian Empire. He returned to St. Petersburg on the day of his father’s murder. brother, the Masons forced him to play the role of Alexander I, who was killed with his father).

On the eve of the arrest of Nicholas II, he was given a box found in January 1917, during the repair of a fireplace, in the room of the Taganrog house where Alexander 1 was located with the inscription: “Transfer to the Reigning Emperor 100 years after my death.” The text was written by the hand of Emperor Alexander I (Semyon Afanasyevich the Great). Since 1801, Semyon, after the murder of Paul I’s paternal brother Alexander, played the role of Emperor Alexander I and the husband of Princess Louise of Baden, who converted to Orthodoxy with the name of Elizaveta Alekseevna, the widow of Alexander’s brother.

On September 1, 1825, Semyon, having ordered a memorial service for his brother Alexander I at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, arrived in Taganrog, where, on the advice of the Orthodox elders Vassian of Kyiv, Nicholas of Valaam, Abel of Suzdal, Theodosius of Jerusalem, Lazar of Pskov and Seraphim of Sarov, he arranged his own false funeral on November 19, 1825, leaving the throne to his stronger brother - Nicholas I.

To do this, in 1823, after a conversation with Seraphim of Sarov, Alexander I (Semyon) instructed Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) to draw up a Manifesto on the appointment of Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich as heir to the throne, and sealed it in an envelope on which he made a handwritten inscription. From Taganrog, Emperor Alexander I (Semyon), left for the Sarov Forest, where he was a cell attendant with Seraphim of Sarov, after whose death, on January 2, 1833, he moved to Tomsk, where he became a wanderer Fedor Kuzmich.

In April 1826, Elizaveta Alekseevna left Taganrog and went to St. Petersburg, passing through Kaluga. In the city of Belyov she stayed in the house of the merchant Dorofeev. That same night, May 4, 1826, at the age of 48, she dies. This is the official version of the death of the august wife of Emperor Alexander I (Semyon), Elizaveta Alekseevna.

But, in fact, the empress did not die in Belev, but accepted the feat of silence in the Holy Cross Belevsky convent and died on May 6, 1861, in the Syrkov monastery of the Novgorod province, at the age of 72 years under the name Silent faiths.

The eldest son of Emperor Alexander II, Nikolai Alexandrovich, engaged to the Danish Princess Dagmara(who later became Maria Feodorovna, mother of Nicholas II) repeatedly visited the elder Fedor Kuzmich(Alexander I Semyon the Great) near the village of Korobeynikovo.

Another interesting fact is that Nicholas I suddenly died in the Russian city of Nice on April 27, 1865. After his funeral, Dagmara was forced to urgently marry his brother, Grand Duke Alexander III, since she was pregnant by Nicholas, and her born son, who was raised separately, was given count's title and last name Krymov. This is the essence of why the head of the emperor appears in Lenin’s office. It's actually the head General Krymov, who simply looked like his maternal brother, and planned with Kornilov to remove Kerensky, but ended his life in the Winter Palace...

On the icon of St. Nicholas, painted by the President Russian Academy Sciences - Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov, and presented to Hieromonk Grigory Rasputin, the latter, on the reverse side of this icon, mounted the Cross of St. George and inside - two intersecting Monograms of Emperors Nicholas II and Alexander I, thereby emphasizing the similarity of their destinies - wandering!

At the beginning of December 1916, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna visited the 104-year-old elder of the Tithe Monastery, Maria Mikhailovna, and she predicted to the empress that her daughters would have children.

In 1929, while in Serbia, the poet S.S. Bekhteev made a public statement that Tsar Nicholas II and his family were alive, and that he personally communicated with the secretary of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, Johnson.

Archbishop Feofan Poltavsky(Bystrov), the confessor of the royal family, who lived in Bulgarian Sofia after the 1917 coup, never served a memorial service for the august family, and constantly repeated to his cell attendant that the royal family was alive. In April 1931, he went to Paris to meet with Emperor Nicholas II and the people who freed the royal family from captivity. Bishop Theophan predicted that over time the Romanov Family would be restored, but through the female line.

“I will glorify the king who glorifies me,” the prophecy began with these words Seraphim of Sarov in a letter addressed to Nicholas II and given to him by Abbess Maria Ushakova. The letter was read personally by the Tsar on August 2, 1903, in the cell of Pasha of Sarov. In the letter, Seraphim of Sarov stated:

“The Lord will preserve the Sovereign and the entire Royal Family and will give complete victory to those who took up arms for Him, for the Orthodox Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian land, but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side for the Sovereign receives victory and catches all the traitors and delivers them into the hands of Justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last cleansing, for after that the Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt the Horn of His Anointed David, a man after the heart of the most pious Sovereign.”

Until 1927, the royal family met on the stones of St. Seraphim of Sarov, next to the Tsar’s dacha, on the territory of the Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery. In 20-30 years. Nicholas II stayed in Diveevo at the address: st. Arzamasskaya 16, in the house of Alexandra Ivanovna Grashkina- Schema nun Dominica.

Stalin built himself a dacha in Sukhumi - next to the dacha of the royal family - and came there to meet with the emperor and his cousin, Nicholas II. In the uniform of an officer, Nicholas II visited Stalin in the Kremlin, which was confirmed by the general of the 9th Directorate of the FSO Vatov.

Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, under the name Ksenia from 1927 until her death in 1948 she lived in the city of Starobelsk, Lugansk region, and took monastic vows with the name of Alexandra, in the Starobelsky Holy Trinity Monastery. The Empress met with Stalin, who told Her the following: “Live peacefully in the city of Starobelsk, but there is no need to interfere in politics”.

Regular requests were received from France and Japan addressed to the queen. Money transfers. The Empress received them and transferred them to the benefit four children kindergartens This was confirmed by the former manager of the Starobelsky branch of the State Bank, Ruf Leontyevich Shpilev and chief accountant Klokolov.

In 1931, the Tsarina appeared at the Starobelsky okrot department of the GPU and stated that she had 185,000 marks in her account in the Berlin Reichsbank, and, in addition, 300,000 dollars in the Chicago Bank; She supposedly wants to transfer all these funds to the disposal of the Soviet government, provided that it provides for her old age. The Empress’s statement was forwarded to the GPU of the Ukrainian SSR, which instructed the so-called “Credit Bureau” to negotiate with foreign countries about receiving these deposits.

When the Germans occupied Starobelsk in 1942, the Empress was invited to breakfast with the general on the same day Kleist, who invited her to move to Berlin, to which the Tsarina replied with dignity: “I am Russian, and I want to die in my homeland”.

Then she was offered to choose any house in the city - whatever she wanted. But she refused that too. The only thing the queen agreed to was to use the services of German doctors. True, the city commandant still ordered a sign to be installed near the empress’s home with the inscription in Russian and German: "Do not disturb Her Majesty" , which she was very happy about, because in her dugout behind the screen there were... wounded Soviet tankers. The German medicine was very useful. The tankers managed to get out, and they safely crossed the front line. Taking advantage of the location of the occupation authorities, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna saved many prisoners of war and local residents who were threatened with reprisals.

Son of the youngest daughter of Nicholas II - Anastasia– Mikhail Vasilievich Peregudov, was discharged due to injury, and after returning from the front of the Second World War, he worked as an architect, and it was according to his design that the railway station in Stalingrad - Volgograd was built.

Brother of Tsar Nicholas II, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, escaped from Perm right under the nose of the Cheka. At first he lived in Belogorye, and then moved to Vyritsa, where he died on April 3, 1949.

The conclusions of the Government Commission of the Russian Federation on the family of Emperor Nicholas II have been repeatedly criticized in the public press. Here are the stupidest facts in these conclusions:

1. In the burial of the “remains” in Ganina Yama, skeletons were found only three daughters king From 1991 to 1995, commission experts repeatedly changed their opinion, believing that either Anastasia or Maria were missing... Ultimately, skeleton No. 6 was recognized as Anastasia. But his height is 171 cm, while Anastasia’s height is 158: a difference of 13 cm.

2. Three of the world's largest anthropologists - William Maples (USA), Peter Gill (England), Zvyagin (Russia) - believe that among the remains discovered in Ganina Yama there are no skeletons of Grand Duchess Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei. And here is a DNA examination of the descendants of the family carried out in Germany Filatovs matched 100% with the DNA of the remains found near Yekaterinburg. This suggests that the Filatov family was shot in Yekaterinburg - doubles of the royal family.

3. On December 7, 2004, in the building of the Moscow Patriarchate, Bishop Alexander of Dmitrov met with Tatsuo Nagai, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Department of Forensic and Scientific Medicine at Kitazato University. This internationally recognized expert - and, most importantly, a member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London - carried out an examination of the blood of Nicholas II, who, while still his crown prince, was hit twice on the head with a saber on May 12, 1891 in the city of Otsu, in Kyoto, by a Japanese policeman Wa- Tsu. But the blow only slipped, causing a harmless injury, because Prince George of Greece hit the criminal with a bamboo cane, and the Korean, driving the rickshaw, rushed with all his might from the scene of the attack, thereby saving the life of the heir to the Russian Empire.

The samurai sword of the policeman Wa-Tsu, with which he wounded Tsarevich Nicholas II

The research team led by Dr. Nagai took a sample of dried sweat from the clothes of Nicholas II, stored in the Catherine Palace of Tsarskoe Selo, and performed mitochondrial analysis on it. In addition, mitochondrial DNA analysis was performed on hair, lower jaw bone and nails. thumb buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich, the younger brother of Nicholas II. Next, the commission compared DNA from bone cuts buried in 1998 in the Peter and Paul Fortress with blood samples from his own nephew Emperor Nicholas II– Tikhon Nikolaevich Kulikovsky, as well as with samples of the sweat and blood of Tsar Nicholas II himself, left on a handkerchief in Japan.

Conclusions of Dr. Tatsuo Nagai: “We have obtained results excellent from the results obtained by doctors Peter Gill and Pavel Ivanov on five points" (!)

4. The foreign expert commission to investigate the fate of the royal family, created in 1989 under the chairmanship of Pyotr Nikolaevich Koltypin-Vallovsky, ordered a study by scientists from Stanford University and received data on inconsistency DNA from the “Ekaterinburg remains”. The commission provided a fragment of V.K.’s finger for DNA analysis. St. Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, whose relics are kept in the Jerusalem Church of Mary Magdalene. “Sisters and their daughters should have identical mitochondrial DNA, but the results of the analysis of the remains of Elizaveta Fedorovna do not correspond previously published DNA of the alleged remains of Alexandra Fedorovna and her daughters,” is the conclusion of scientists.

The experiment was carried out by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Alec Knight, a molecular taxonomist from Stanford University, with the participation of geneticists from Eastern Michigan University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and with the participation of Doctor of Sciences Lev Zhivotovsky, an employee of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Lev Zhivotovsky emphasized: “the old DNA samples were in fact (contaminated) by fresh DNA, which distorted the analysis. After the death of an organism, the DNA begins to quickly decompose (cut) into pieces, and the more time passes, the more these parts are shortened. After 80 years, without creating special conditions, DNA segments longer than 200-300 nucleotides are not preserved.

I wonder how it was that in 1994, during the “analysis”, a segment of as many as 1223 nucleotides was isolated?

Thus, as Pyotr Koltypin-Vallovskoy emphasized, “geneticists are again refuted the results of the examination, conducted in 1994 in the British laboratory, on the basis of which it was concluded that the “Ekaterinburg remains” belonged to Tsar Nicholas II and his family.

5. Conclusions of the Head of the Department of Biology of the Ural Medical Academy Oleg Makeev: “Genetic examination after 90 years is not only complicated, due to the changes that have occurred in the bone tissue, but also cannot give an absolute result even if it is carried out carefully. The methodology used in the studies already conducted is still not recognized as evidence by any court in the world.”

6. Members of the State Commission at the final meeting on January 30, 1998 did not vote (by name and in general) for decisions made, did not put their signatures under them. All of them are signed only by the chairman of the commission - B. Nemtsova. Of the 18 commission members, 5 expressed their dissenting opinion, which did not coincide with the opinion of the commission. But all this was ignored, and Chubais, as head of the Presidential Administration, began the procedure for burying the “unknown bones” to give legal origin to the Hohenzollerns!

7. A criminal case initiated under Art. 102 (premeditated murder in connection with the discovery of remains), was closed and not brought to trial. Therefore, according to Civil Code, St. Petersburg registry office had no right issue death certificates, which can only be done in court.

Despite this, in 1996, Anatoly Sobchak fled to Madrid with certificates “of the death of members of the Royal Family”, handed them over to the Hohenzollerns and became their personal lawyer! At the same time Sobchak, Chubais And Nemtsov entered into an agreement with Maria Hohenzollern - if she “became queen” and financial assets were registered in her name, part of the interest was to be registered in the name of this “trinity”.

Moreover, Sobchak managed to get the go-ahead for his daughter’s engagement Ksenia with the son of Maria Hohenzollern - Georgiy, after which he already felt like “the king’s father-in-law.”

At the same time, the “unification” took place Moscow Patriarchate(MP) with the foreign Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR), which demanded that the MP put in order the “canonicity” in its ranks, this meant that the MP must as quickly as possible "glorify" the royal family– just after Sobchak’s arrival in the Russian Federation from Madrid.

The leadership of the MP complied with the requests of the ROCOR, convened a Council of Bishops and created new “passion-bearers” from the tsar’s family, and, simply put, threw a “bone” to the common people so that they would completely shut up and calm down in relation to the emperor.

In the MP in 1994, a situation arose in which the Tsar, as a locally revered saint, was glorified by the Archbishop of Ekterinburg Melchizedek, and this action was supported by the brethren Valaam Monastery. However, the “helmers” in the MP, apparently, were afraid that such a “march of democracy” through the dioceses would “backfire” on them, and they immediately removed Melchizedek from their see, sending him to the “dead” Bryansk, and the brethren of the Valaam monastery headed by O. Gerontius - dispersed. However, a “wave of veneration” for the Tsar has already spread across the expanses of the Russian Orthodox Church and church leaders made a “Solomon’s decision”: to partially glorify the Tsar in the MP (!)

On December 1, 2005, to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, on behalf of “Princess” Maria Vladimirovna, her new secretary G.Yu. Lukyanov, who replaced Anatoly Sobchak in this post, submitted statement about the “rehabilitation of Emperor Nicholas II and members of his family.” It said, in particular:

The “protection of the rights and legitimate interests” of the Imperial House in Russia began in 1995 by the late “Princess” Leonida Georgievna, who, on behalf of her daughter Maria Vladimirovna Hohenzollern - supposedly the “head of the Russian Imperial House” - applied for state registration of the death of members of the Imperial House killed in 1918-1919, and issuing death certificates."

It is appropriate to recall that Leonida Georgievna was the wife SS Obergruppenführer Vladimir Kirillovich, who sat on Hitler’s headquarters and, in the event of the victory of the Third Reich, his candidacy was planned in the form of a “puppet king” in the USSR. Vladimir Kirillovich was helped in this by none other than himself L. Beria, since his wife, Nina Teymurazovna Gegechkori, was sister Leonids. In particular, P. Quaroni, who was the Italian consul in Tiflis in 1926, was aware of this.

Some time ago (and experts knew about this before) it became known about the existence 10 volumes from the old KGB archives, which contain information that burials in the Koptyakov area were organized by the Cheka in 1919 and the NKVD in 1946, with far-reaching goals. What are these goals?

In the early 1950s, Beria was preparing to dismember the USSR and create a Confederation out of it, exactly for his brother-in-law Vladimir Kirillovich. Why did Beria in 1948 “bury” “unknown bones” by the NKVD forces in the area of ​​Ganina Yama, which he later wanted to pass off as “royal”! Beria was able to complete this scam Geliy Ryabov– journalist and screenwriter of feature films. It was this “special operation” that served as the foundation for the promotion of the Hohenzollerns in the Russian Federation! But in order to give them a legally “path to the throne,” it was necessary to “finish off” the royal family, i.e. It’s stupid to “bury” them. And so that as a result, only the only contenders for the Tsar’s assets remain - Maria and George of Hohenzollern.

That's how it started global scam with “royal bones”, which today has no end!

On October 1, 2008, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation committed a second crime Vyacheslav Lebedev, which assembled the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and, despite the resistance of the Basmanny Court of Moscow, replaced it in “ royal affairs» criminal formulation into a political one, which allowed the Hohenzollerns to lay claim to all the royal material assets. Then and Prosecutor General's Office, on January 13, 2011, also changed the wording in this case, and already on January 15, the Investigative Committee became an independent structure, not subordinate to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

We should not forget about the following:

1. Research remains within the framework of a criminal case were carried out as preliminary, and do not constitute forensic examinations (examinations ordered by the court).

2. Prosecutor General's Office conducted the case as part of a criminal investigation, which made it closed to the public. The materials were published only in 1998, which simply presented the public around the world with a fait accompli.

The Prosecutor General's Office did not listen to the opinions of other parties, which is its fundamental difference from the court, which is obliged in an open trial to listen to the opinion of any party interested in this case.

The replacement of the court by the Prosecutor General's Office could have only one goal: to resolve the issue within the framework of only one “selected” version, appointed initially.

3. Expert work The government commission took place during non-working hours and without budget funding, which could not ensure required quality work done, as well as personal responsibility for the results obtained. And for the money of the oligarchs, they “produced on the mountain” the results necessary for those who “paid for the girl.”

What other way than God’s punishment can explain the unexpected death of the failed “royal father-in-law” Sobchak, who returned to the Russian Federation in 2000? When his motorcade passed along Svetlogorsk Karl Marx Street, from the balcony of house No. 5, the granddaughter of Tsar Nicholas II literally said the following: “May you die, you bastard!” Instant death overtook the slanderer in the bathhouse of the Svetlogorsk Rus Hotel, in the company of two ladies of, to put it mildly, deviant behavior, one of whom was “Miss Kaliningrad.”

What other than a mystical sign of retribution from Above is marked strange story with another “engine” of deliberate false burial Helium Ryabov?! However, first things first. When the KGB was headed by Yu.V. Andropov (Fleckenstein), an enthusiastic grave digger gained great influence under him Yulian Semyonov, who “dug up” the remains of Leonid Andreev, Chaliapin, dug the ground in search of the Amber Room, without ceasing, apparently, to think about what else he could dig. Finally, I remembered the story of my father, a security officer close to Dzerzhinsky, about burials in the Koptyakov area. However, since digging such For some reason, he felt uncomfortable with the remains under his own name; it was Semyonov who gave this amazing idea to his detective colleague and friend Gelia Ryabov.

This latter has restored several artistic paintings, shortsightedly thrown into a landfill by uneducated owners and presented as a “gift” to a lover of various antiques to the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. After which Geliy Ryabov was appointed advisor Shchelokova By cultural values. This allowed him to get into the archives of the MGB, which were then stored in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he became acquainted with the materials of Beria, who made bookmarks and burials in the Koptyakov area. From 1976 to 1979 A group of “enthusiasts” led by him carried out work to search for the remains of the family of Emperor Nicholas II. The search was conducted in a secret manner; the official “foundation” was declared to be “rare books about the execution of the Royal Family” allegedly found by Ryabov and Avdonin.

Ahead, behind the procedure of the ceremonial burial of the “entire royal family,” a solid jackpot loomed for the authors and enthusiasts, paid exclusively by the Rothschilds interested in the mega-project (it was they who “pushed” Maria Vladimirovna’s son, Georgy Hohenzollern, into the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel in December 2008 - for its promotion in Russia). But, as you know, in 1997 they “didn’t work out” - the Russian Orthodox Church did not dare to openly admit what was refuted by the above-mentioned respected international experts.

Although, in fairness, it should be admitted that the church leaders tried as best they could: June 22, 1997 in person Alexy II(Ridiger) blessed George Hohenzollern to take the oath of allegiance to Russia in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. But local patriots simply did not allow them inside the monastery, disrupting the event. Then Ridiger sent George along with his “mother and grandmother” to Jerusalem, where on April 9, 1998 the young man took the oath of “Allegiance to Russia” to the Patriarch of Jerusalem Diodorus. As you can see, a lot was seized from the Rothschilds, a lot was paid for. That is, if these Anglo-barons agreed to retreat, it was only for a while.

In 2015, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Medvedev again stirred up the “royal topic” and urgently proposed to finally establish the “authenticity” of the royal remains and bury them and the whole topic completely and irrevocably. Rothschilds and their invested billions, as they say, were “tore up with their hooves.”

The official date for the “ceremonial burial” of the missing royal bones was also set - October 18, 2015. On October 16-17, heads of monarchies from different countries of the world and other honored guests were supposed to fly to St. Petersburg and stay at the Leningrad Hotel. BUT... On October 16, unexpectedly for everyone, it caught fire! They called 35 fire brigades, blocked the entire Pirogovskaya embankment, and evicted everyone who already lived there. And they urgently refused everyone who had a reservation.

This funeral had to be cancelled. However, on this day another funeral took place, ominous, in in a certain sense: died unexpectedly four days before the stated date Geliy Ryabov! So, instead of “reburying the royal children Alexei and Maria,” they buried one of the main swindlers.

These days pass Bishops' Council, the organizers of which somehow casually mentioned the issue of “royal remains”. Patriarch Kirill is clearly fidgeting and frantically looking for a “positive” way out for the customers. He went so far as to say that science cannot put a “final point” on this issue (?!) But bishops’ councils can do this.

That is, the experts’ conclusions are meaningless nonsense (you have to somehow “knock them out of the game”, but how else?). Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) knows very well that bishops’ councils do not have the right to resolve this issue, for, according to Orthodox church dogmas, the tsar is the exponent of the Spirit of the entire people, but not the priesthood, and represents the interests of the entire people only Local Council. And the Council of Bishops represents only the priesthood!

The Head of Population of the Russian Orthodox Church understands this, but has he decided on yet another scam? What's the matter?

About a month ago I was given “news” from one of the control departments of the Presidential Administration that the project of Masha and Gosha Hohenzollern was practically disrupted, but Rothschilds This doesn't suit me. So they are pushing Patriarch Kirill, no longer with a carrot, but with a stick. That is, he is not his own master. And the Jewish moneylenders themselves are completely confused about what they confused others about, and they don’t see a way out of the situation.

But in such a nervous situation, Kirill now apparently needs only one thing: to relinquish responsibility for this latest church-political tent. Hence the idea about the Council of Bishops - like, it was he who made the decision, and Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill (Gundyaev) personally had nothing to do with it! Again, if anything Bishop's- Not Local, you can think about the legality if it comes from the other side...

And to tell the truth, then, in my opinion, the main legal and moral basis for the Orthodox residents of Russia is the decision of the Vladivostok Zemsky Council of July 3, 1922, which determined that applicants for Russian throne are the heirs of the House of Romanov, but only those who were not deprived of their heritage.

And, therefore, the task of the descendants of Nicholas II is the Convocation of the Zemstvo-Local Council.

And if such a council takes place, and it puts the State structure in order, then the Council can choose candidates from various Russian families, including the Bolkhov princes, who originate from the eldest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - Mikhail Alekseevich.

...The most secret facility on the territory Russian Federation– you will be surprised! - is Tsar's dacha, located in the Pervomaisky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region! All the dachas of the Tsars were declassified long ago, it remains big question: Why hasn’t this one been declassified yet?

On its territory, the houses in which the tsars lived, the houses of Emperor Alexander I and Emperor Nicholas II remained intact, although the Kremlin itself with the Vvedensky Church was destroyed by Trotsky in 1927. What is this: an unfinished past that has no use, or a historical hint: to finally put values ​​and top priorities in Russia, as it should be, from head to foot?..

Sergey Zhilenkov

Sensational interview with the former head of the State Archive of the Russian Federation Sergei Mironenko

More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

The text of the resolution of the Presidium of the Ural Regional Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies, published a week after the execution, said: “In view of the fact that Czechoslovak gangs threaten the capital of the Red Urals, Yekaterinburg; in view of the fact that the crowned executioner can avoid the trial of the people (a White Guard conspiracy aimed at kidnapping the entire Romanov family has just been discovered), the Presidium of the regional committee, in fulfillment of the will of the people, decided: to shoot former Tsar Nicholas Romanov, guilty before the people of countless bloody crimes.”

The civil war gained momentum, and Yekaterinburg soon truly came under the control of the whites. The resolution did not report the execution of the entire family, but the members of the Urals Council were guided by the formula “You cannot leave them the banner.” According to the revolutionaries, any of the Romanovs freed by the Whites could subsequently be used for the project of restoring the monarchy in Russia.

If we look at the question more broadly, then Nikolai and Alexandra Romanov were considered by the masses as the main culprits of the troubles that occurred in the country at the beginning of the 20th century - the lost Russian-Japanese War, “Bloody Resurrection” and the subsequent first Russian revolution, “Rasputinism”, the First World War, low living standards, etc.

Contemporaries testify that among the workers of Yekaterinburg there were demands for reprisals against the Tsar, caused by rumors about attempts to escape by the Romanov family.

The execution of all the Romanovs, including children, is perceived as a terrible crime from a peacetime point of view. But in conditions Civil War both sides fought with increasing brutality, in which not only ideological opponents, but also members of their families were increasingly killed.

As for the execution of the entourage who accompanied the royal family, members of the Urals Council subsequently explained their actions as follows: they decided to share the fate of the Romanovs, so let them share it to the end.

Who made the decision to execute Nikolai Romanov and his family members?

The official decision to execute Nicholas II and his relatives was made on July 16, 1918 by the Presidium of the Ural Regional Council of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies.

This council was not exclusively Bolshevik and also consisted of anarchists and left Socialist Revolutionaries, who were even more radically disposed towards the family of the last emperor.

It is known that the top leadership of the Bolsheviks in Moscow was considering the issue of holding the trial of Nikolai Romanov in Moscow. However, the situation in the country sharply complicated, the Civil War began and the issue was postponed. The question of what to do with the rest of the family was not even discussed.

In the spring of 1918, rumors about the death of the Romanovs arose several times, but the Bolshevik government denied them. Lenin's directive, sent to Yekaterinburg, demanded the prevention of “any violence” against the royal family.

The highest Soviet leadership represented by Vladimir Lenin And Yakova Sverdlova The Ural comrades were confronted with a fact - the Romanovs were executed. During the Civil War, central control over the regions was often formal.

To date, there is no real evidence to suggest that the government of the RSFSR in Moscow gave the order for the execution of Nikolai Romanov and members of his family.

Why were the children of the last emperor executed?

In acute conditions political crisis During the Civil War, the four daughters and son of Nicholas Romanov were seen not as ordinary children, but as figures with the help of which the monarchy could be revived.

Based known facts, we can say that such a view was not close to the Bolshevik government in Moscow, but the revolutionaries on the ground thought exactly this way. Therefore, the Romanov children shared the fate of their parents.

However, it cannot be said that the execution of the royal children is a cruelty that has no analogues in history.

After his election to the Russian throne founder of the Romanov dynasty Mikhail Fedorovich, in Moscow, a 3-year-old was hanged at the Serpukhov Gate Ivashka Vorenok, aka Tsarevich Ivan Dmitrievich, son of Marina Mnishek and False Dmitry II. The whole fault of the unfortunate child was that the opponents of Mikhail Romanov considered Ivan Dmitrievich as a contender for the throne. Supporters of the new dynasty solved the problem radically by strangling the baby.

At the end of 1741, as a result of a coup, she ascended the Russian throne. Elizaveta Petrovna, daughter Peter the Great. At the same time, she overthrew John VI, the infant emperor, who was not even one and a half years old at the time of the overthrow. The child was subjected to strict isolation, his images and even the public speaking of his name were prohibited. After spending his childhood in exile in Kholmogory, at the age of 16 he was imprisoned in solitary confinement in the Shlisselburg fortress. After spending his entire life in captivity, the former emperor was stabbed to death by guards at the age of 23. unsuccessful attempt his release.

Is it true that the murder of Nikolai Romanov’s family was ritual in nature?

All investigative teams that have ever worked on the case of the execution of the Romanov family came to the conclusion that it was not of a ritual nature. Information about certain signs and inscriptions at the execution site, bearing symbolic meaning, is a product of myth-making. This version became most widespread thanks to a book by a Nazi Helmut Schramm"Ritual murder among the Jews." Schramm himself included it in the book at the suggestion of Russian emigrants Mikhail Skaryatin And Grigory Schwartz-Bostunich. The latter not only collaborated with the Nazis, but made a brilliant career in the Third Reich, rising to the rank of SS Standartenführer.

Is it true that some members of Nicholas II's family escaped execution?

Today we can confidently say that both Nikolai and Alexandra and all their five children died in Yekaterinburg. In general, the overwhelming majority of members of the Romanov clan either died during the revolution and the Civil War or left the country. The rarest exception can be considered the great-great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Nicholas I, Natalya Androsova, who in the USSR became a circus performer and a master of sports in motorcycle racing.

To a certain extent, the members of the Urals Council achieved the goal they were striving for - the basis for the revival of the institution of monarchy in the country was completely and irrevocably destroyed.

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After the execution on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the bodies of members of the royal family and their associates (11 people in total) were loaded into a car and sent towards Verkh-Isetsk to the abandoned mines of Ganina Yama. At first they unsuccessfully tried to burn the victims, and then they threw them into a mine shaft and covered them with branches.

Discovery of remains

However, the next day almost the entire Verkh-Isetsk knew about what had happened. Moreover, according to a member of Medvedev’s firing squad, “the icy water of the mine not only completely washed away the blood, but also froze the bodies so much that they looked as if they were alive.” The conspiracy clearly failed.

It was decided to promptly rebury the remains. The area was cordoned off, but the truck, having driven only a few kilometers, got stuck in the swampy area of ​​Porosenkova Log. Without inventing anything, they buried one part of the bodies directly under the road, and the other a little to the side, after first filling them with sulfuric acid. Sleepers were placed on top for safety.

It is interesting that the forensic investigator N. Sokolov, sent by Kolchak in 1919 to search for the burial place, found this place, but never thought of lifting the sleepers. In the area of ​​​​Ganina Yama, he managed to find only a severed female finger. Nevertheless, the investigator’s conclusion was unequivocal: “This is all that remains of the August Family. The Bolsheviks destroyed everything else with fire and sulfuric acid.”

Nine years later, perhaps, it was Vladimir Mayakovsky who visited Porosenkov Log, as can be judged by his poem “The Emperor”: “Here a cedar has been touched with an ax, there are notches under the root of the bark, at the root there is a road under the cedar, and in it the emperor is buried.”

It is known that the poet, shortly before his trip to Sverdlovsk, met in Warsaw with one of the organizers of the execution of the royal family, Pyotr Voikov, who could show him the exact place.

Ural historians found the remains in Porosenkovo ​​Log in 1978, but permission for excavations was received only in 1991. There were 9 bodies in the burial. During the investigation, some of the remains were recognized as “royal”: according to experts, only Alexei and Maria were missing. However, many experts were confused by the results of the examination, and therefore no one was in a hurry to agree with the conclusions. The House of Romanovs and the Russian Orthodox Church refused to recognize the remains as authentic.

Alexei and Maria were discovered only in 2007, guided by a document drawn up from the words of the commandant of the “House of Special Purpose” Yakov Yurovsky. “Yurovsky’s note” initially did not inspire much confidence, however, the location of the second burial was indicated correctly.

Falsifications and myths

Immediately after the execution, representatives of the new government tried to convince the West that members of the imperial family, or at least the children, were alive and in a safe place. People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs G.V. Chicherin in April 1922 at the Genoa Conference, when asked by one of the correspondents about the fate of the Grand Duchesses, vaguely answered: “The fate of the Tsar’s daughters is not known to me. I read in the newspapers that they are in America.”

However, P.L. Voikov informally stated more specifically: “the world will never know what we did to the royal family.” But later, after the materials of Sokolov’s investigation were published in the West, the Soviet authorities recognized the fact of the execution of the imperial family.

Falsifications and speculation around the execution of the Romanovs contributed to the spread of persistent myths, among which the myth of ritual murder and the severed head of Nicholas II, which was in the special storage facility of the NKVD, was popular. Later, stories about the “miraculous rescue” of the Tsar’s children, Alexei and Anastasia, were added to the myths. But all this remained myths.

Investigation and examinations

In 1993, the investigation into the discovery of the remains was entrusted to the investigator of the General Prosecutor's Office, Vladimir Solovyov. Given the importance of the case, in addition to traditional ballistic and macroscopic examinations, additional genetic studies were carried out jointly with English and American scientists.

For these purposes, blood was taken from some Romanov relatives living in England and Greece. The results showed that the probability of the remains belonging to members of the royal family was 98.5 percent.
The investigation considered this insufficient. Solovyov managed to obtain permission to exhume the remains sibling king - George. Scientists confirmed the “absolute positional similarity of mt-DNA” of both remains, which revealed a rare genetic mutation inherent in the Romanovs - heteroplasmy.

However, after the discovery of the supposed remains of Alexei and Maria in 2007, new research and examination were required. The scientists’ work was greatly facilitated by Alexy II, who, before burying the first group of royal remains in the tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, asked investigators to remove bone particles. “Science is developing, it is possible that they will be needed in the future,” these were the words of the Patriarch.

To remove the doubts of skeptics, the head of the laboratory of molecular genetics at the University of Massachusetts, Evgeniy Rogaev (whom representatives of the House of Romanov insisted on), the chief geneticist of the US Army, Michael Cobble (who returned the names of the victims of September 11), as well as an employee of the Institute of Forensic Medicine from Austria, Walter, were invited for new examinations. Parson.

Comparing the remains from the two burials, experts once again double-checked the previously obtained data and also conducted new research - the previous results were confirmed. Moreover, the “blood-spattered shirt” of Nicholas II (the Otsu incident), discovered in the Hermitage collections, fell into the hands of scientists. And again the answer is positive: the genotypes of the king “on blood” and “on bones” coincided.


The results of the investigation into the execution of the royal family refuted some previously existing assumptions. For example, according to experts, “under the conditions in which the destruction of corpses was carried out, it was impossible to completely destroy the remains using sulfuric acid and flammable materials.”

This fact excludes Ganina Yama as a final burial site.
True, historian Vadim Viner finds a serious gap in the conclusions of the investigation. He believes that some finds belonging to a later time were not taken into account, in particular coins from the 30s. But as the facts show, information about the burial place very quickly “leaked” to the masses, and therefore the burial ground could be repeatedly opened in search of possible valuables.

Another revelation is offered by the historian S.A. Belyaev, who believes that “they could have buried the family of an Ekaterinburg merchant with imperial honors,” although without providing convincing arguments.
However, the conclusions of the investigation, which was carried out with unprecedented scrupulousness using the latest methods, with the participation of independent experts, are unambiguous: all 11 remains clearly correlate with each of those shot in Ipatiev’s house. Common sense and logic dictates that it is impossible to duplicate such physical and genetic correspondences by chance.
In December 2010, the final conference dedicated to the latest results of the examinations was held in Yekaterinburg. The reports were made by 4 groups of geneticists working independently in different countries. Opponents of the official version could also present their views, but according to eyewitnesses, “after listening to the reports, they left the hall without saying a word.”
The Russian Orthodox Church still does not recognize the authenticity of the “Ekaterinburg remains,” but many representatives of the House of Romanov, judging by their statements in the press, accepted the final results of the investigation.

It would seem difficult to find new evidence of the terrible events that occurred on the night of July 16-17, 1918. Even people far from the ideas of monarchism remember that it became fatal for the Romanov family. That night, Nicholas II, who abdicated the throne, the former Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and their children - 14-year-old Alexei, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia - were killed. The fate of the sovereign was shared by the doctor E. S. Botkin, the maid A. Demidova, the cook Kharitonov and the footman. However, from time to time, witnesses are discovered who, after many years of silence, report new details of the execution of the royal family.

Many books have been written about the death of the Romanovs. There are still discussions about whether the murder of the Romanovs was a pre-planned operation and whether it was part of Lenin’s plans. There are still people who believe that at least the emperor’s children managed to escape from the basement of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. The accusation of murdering the emperor and his family was an excellent trump card against the Bolsheviks, giving grounds to accuse them of inhumanity. Is this why most of the documents and evidence telling about the last days of the Romanovs appeared and continue to appear in Western countries? But some researchers suggest that the crime for which Bolshevik Russia was accused was not committed at all...

From the very beginning, there were many mysteries in the investigation into the circumstances of the murder of the Romanovs. Two investigators were working on it relatively quickly. The first investigation began a week after the alleged execution. The investigator came to the conclusion that Nicholas was indeed executed on the night of July 16-17, but the lives of the former queen, her son and four daughters were spared.

At the beginning of 1919, a new investigation was carried out. It was headed by Nikolai Sokolov. Did he find indisputable evidence that the entire family of Nicholas 11 was killed in Yekaterinburg? It’s hard to say... While inspecting the mine where the bodies of the royal family were dumped, he discovered several things that for some reason did not catch the eye of his predecessor: a miniature pin that the prince used as a fish hook, gems, which were sewn into the belts of the Grand Duchesses, and the skeleton of a tiny dog, obviously the favorite of Princess Tatiana. If we remember the circumstances of the death of the Romanovs, it is difficult to imagine that the dog’s corpse was also transported from place to place, trying to hide... Sokolov did not find any human remains, except for several fragments of bones and the severed finger of a middle-aged woman, presumably the empress.

In 1919, Sokolov fled abroad to Europe. However, the results of his investigation were published only in 1924. Quite a long period of time, especially considering the huge number of emigrants who were interested in the Romanov family. According to Sokolov, all members of the royal family were killed on the fateful night. True, he was not the first to suggest that the empress and her children failed to escape. Back in 1921, this version was published by the Chairman of the Yekaterinburg Council Pavel Bykov. It would seem that one could forget about hopes that one of the Romanovs survived. However, both in Europe and in Russia, numerous impostors and pretenders constantly appeared, declaring themselves children of Nicholas. So, there were still doubts?

The first argument of supporters of revising the version of the death of the entire royal family was the announcement of the Bolsheviks about the execution of the former emperor, made on July 19. It said that only the tsar was executed, and Alexandra Feodorovna and her children were sent to a safe place. The second is that at that moment it was more profitable for the Bolsheviks to exchange Alexandra Fedorovna for political prisoners held captive in Germany. There were rumors about negotiations on this topic. Sir Charles Eliot, the British consul in Siberia, visited Yekaterinburg shortly after the death of the emperor. He met with the first investigator in the Romanov case, after which he informed his superiors that, in his opinion, the former Tsarina and her children left Yekaterinburg by train on July 17.

Almost at the same time, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse, Alexandra's brother, allegedly informed his second sister, the Marchioness of Milford Haven, that Alexandra was safe. Of course, he could simply console his sister, who could not help but hear rumors about the reprisal against royal family. If Alexandra and her children had really been exchanged for political prisoners (Germany would have willingly taken this step to save its princess), all the newspapers of both the Old and New Worlds would have trumpeted about it. This would mean that the dynasty, linked by blood ties to many of the oldest monarchies in Europe, was not interrupted. But no articles followed, so the version that Nikolai’s entire family was killed was recognized as official.

In the early 1970s, English journalists Anthony Summers and Tom Menschld familiarized themselves with the official documents of the Sokolov investigation. And they found many inaccuracies and shortcomings in them that cast doubt on this version. Firstly, an encrypted telegram about the murder of the entire Romanov family, sent to Moscow on July 17, appeared in the case only in January 1919, after the dismissal of the first investigator. Secondly, the bodies have still not been found. And judging the empress’s death based on a single fragment of her body—a severed finger—was not entirely correct.

In 1988, seemingly irrefutable evidence appeared of the death of Nikolai, his wife and children. Former investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, screenwriter Geliy Ryabov, received a secret report from the son of Yakov Yurovsky (one of the main participants in the execution). It contained detailed information about where the remains of members of the imperial family were hidden. Ryabov began searching. He managed to find greenish-black bones with burn marks left by acid. In 1988, he published a report on his find.

In July 1991, Russian professional archaeologists arrived at the site where remains that supposedly belonged to the royal family were discovered. 9 skeletons were removed from the ground. Four of them belonged to Nicholas's servants and their family doctor. Another five - to the emperor, his wife and children. It was not easy to determine the identity of the remains. First, the skulls were compared with surviving photographs of members of the Romanov family. One of them was identified as the skull of Nicholas II. Later held comparative analysis DNA fingerprints. For this, the blood of a person who was related to the deceased was needed. The blood sample was provided by Britain's Prince Philip.

His maternal grandmother was the sister of the empress’s grandmother. The results of the analysis showed a complete DNA match between the four skeletons, which gave grounds to officially recognize them as the remains of Alexandra and her three daughters. The bodies of the Tsarevich and Anastasia were not found. Two hypotheses have been put forward about this: either two descendants of the Romanov family managed to survive, or their bodies were burned. It seems that Sokolov was right after all, and his report turned out to be not a provocation, but a real coverage of the facts... In 1998, the remains of the royal family were transported with honors to St. Petersburg and buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. True, there were immediately skeptics who were convinced that the cathedral contained the remains of completely different people.

In 2006, another DNA test was carried out. This time, samples of skeletons discovered in the Urals were compared with fragments of the relics of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. A series of studies was carried out by Doctor of Sciences, employee of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. Zhivotovsky. Colleagues from the USA helped him. The results of this analysis were a complete surprise: the DNA of Elizabeth and the would-be empress did not match. The first thought that came to the researchers’ minds was that the relics stored in the cathedral actually did not belong to Elizabeth, but to someone else. But this version had to be excluded: Elizabeth’s body was discovered in a mine near Alapaevsk in the fall of 1918, she was identified by people who were closely acquainted with her, including the confessor of the Grand Duchess, Father Seraphim.

This priest subsequently accompanied the coffin with the body of his spiritual daughter to Jerusalem and would not allow any substitution. This meant that at least one body did not belong to members of the royal family. Later, doubts arose about the identity of the remaining remains. On the skull, which had previously been identified as the skull of Nicholas II, there was no bone callus, which could not disappear even so many years after death. This mark appeared on the emperor's skull after an assassination attempt on him in Japan.

Yurovsky's protocol stated that the emperor was killed at point-blank range, and the executioner shot him in the head. Even taking into account the imperfection of the weapon, at least one bullet hole would certainly remain in the skull. But it lacks both inlet and outlet holes.

It is possible that the 1993 reports were fraudulent. Need to discover the remains of the royal family? Please, here they are. Conduct an examination to prove their authenticity? Here are the results of the examination! In the 90s of the last century there were all conditions for myth-making. It is not for nothing that the Russian Orthodox Church was so cautious, not wanting to recognize the found bones and count Nicholas and his family among the martyrs...
Conversations began again that the Romanovs were not killed, but hidden in order to be used in some kind of future political game. Could the emperor live in the USSR under a false name with his family?

On the one hand, this option cannot be excluded. The country is huge, there are many corners of it where no one would recognize Nicholas. The royal family They could also be placed in some kind of shelter, where they would be completely isolated from contact with the outside world, and therefore not dangerous. On the other hand, even if the remains found near Yekaterinburg are the result of falsification, this does not mean at all that the execution did not take place. They knew how to destroy the bodies of dead enemies and scatter their ashes back in ancient times. To burn a human body, 300-400 kilograms of wood are needed - in India, thousands of dead people are buried every day using the burning method. So is it really possible that the killers, who had an unlimited supply of firewood and a fair amount of acid, would not have been able to hide all traces?

More recently, in the fall of 2010, during work in the vicinity of the Old Koptyakovskaya road in Sverdlovsk region places where the killers hid jugs of acid were discovered. If there was no execution, where did they come from in the Ural wilderness?
Attempts to reconstruct the events preceding the execution were made repeatedly. As you know, after the abdication, the imperial family was settled in the Alexander Palace, in August they were transported to Tobolsk, and later to Yekaterinburg, to the notorious Ipatiev House.
Aviation engineer Pyotr Duz was sent to Sverdlovsk in the fall of 1941. One of his duties in the rear was the publication of textbooks and manuals to supply the country's military universities.

Getting acquainted with the property of the publishing house, Duz ended up in the Ipatiev House, in which at that time several nuns and two elderly women archivists lived. While inspecting the premises, Duz, accompanied by one of the women, went down to the basement and noticed strange grooves on the ceiling, which ended in deep recesses...

As part of his work, Peter often visited the Ipatiev House. Apparently, the elderly employees felt confidence in him, because one evening they showed him a small closet in which, right on the wall, hanging on rusty nails, was a white glove, a lady’s fan, a ring, and several buttons. different sizes... On the chair lay a small Bible in French and a couple of books in antique bindings. According to one of the women, all these things once belonged to members of the imperial family.

She also spoke about the last days of the Romanovs’ life, which, according to her, were unbearable. The security officers guarding the prisoners behaved incredibly rudely. All the windows in the house were boarded up. The security officers explained that these measures were taken for security purposes, but Duzya’s interlocutor was convinced that this was one of a thousand ways to humiliate the “former”. It must be said that the security officers had reasons for concern. According to the archivist’s recollections, the Ipatiev House was besieged every morning (!) by local residents and monks who tried to pass notes to the Tsar and his relatives and offered to help with household chores.

Of course, this cannot justify the behavior of the security officers, but any intelligence officer entrusted with the protection of an important person is simply obliged to limit his contacts with the outside world. But the behavior of the guards was not limited to just “not allowing sympathizers” to the members of the imperial family. Many of their antics were simply outrageous. They took particular pleasure in shocking Nikolai's daughters. They wrote obscene words on the fence and the toilet located in the yard, and tried to watch for girls in the dark corridors. No one has mentioned such details yet. Therefore, Duz listened carefully to the story of his interlocutor. ABOUT last minutes She also told a lot of new things about the life of the Romanovs.

The Romanovs were ordered to go down to the basement. Nikolai asked to bring a chair for his wife. Then one of the guards left the room, and Yurovsky took out a revolver and began to line everyone up in one line. Most versions say that the executioners fired in volleys. But the inhabitants of the Ipatiev house recalled that the shots were chaotic.

Nikolai was killed immediately. But his wife and the princesses were destined for a more difficult death. The fact is that diamonds were sewn into their corsets. In some places they were located in several layers. The bullets ricocheted off this layer and went into the ceiling. The execution dragged on. When the Grand Duchesses were already lying on the floor, they were considered dead. But when they began to lift one of them to load the body into the car, the princess groaned and moved. Therefore, the security officers finished off her and her sisters with bayonets.

After the execution, no one was allowed into the Ipatiev House for several days - apparently, attempts to destroy the bodies took a lot of time. A week later, the security officers allowed several nuns to enter the house - the premises needed to be restored to order. Among them was the interlocutor Duzya. According to him, she recalled with horror the picture that opened in the basement of the Ipatiev House. There were many bullet holes on the walls, and the floor and walls in the room where the execution took place were covered in blood.

Later, experts from the Main State Center for Forensic Medical and Criminalistic Expertise of the Russian Ministry of Defense reconstructed the picture of the execution to the minute and to the millimeter. Using a computer, relying on the testimony of Grigory Nikulin and Anatoly Yakimov, they established where and at what moment the executioners and their victims were. Computer reconstruction showed that the Empress and the Grand Duchesses tried to shield Nicholas from the bullets.

Ballistic examination established many details: what weapons were used to kill members of the royal family, and approximately how many shots were fired. The security officers needed to pull the trigger at least 30 times...
Every year the chances of discovering the real remains of the Romanov family (if we recognize the Yekaterinburg skeletons as fakes) are dwindling. This means that the hope of one day finding an exact answer to the questions is fading: who died in the basement of the Ipatiev House, whether any of the Romanovs managed to escape, and what was the further fate of the heirs to the Russian throne...

V. M. Sklyarenko, I. A. Rudycheva, V. V. Syadro. 50 famous mysteries of the history of the 20th century

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