Delicious sandwiches with red caviar for the holiday table - simple recipes. Sandwiches with red caviar and cheese

Red caviar may be considered a delicacy, but sandwiches with caviar have long become a classic. Think for yourself what appetizer can decorate a holiday table better than this dish? Moreover, preparing such a snack is not at all difficult, and if you show a little imagination, you will also get a very beautifully designed composition.


Classic sandwich with red caviar


Loaf (any bread will do) -1 pc.
Caviar – 200g.
Butter – 100g
Greens – optional, a few sprigs of dill or parsley for decoration.


To be honest, I can’t even call it a recipe and I can hardly believe that there are people in the world who are not able to spread butter and caviar on bread on their own, but since I decided to write about sandwiches with caviar, I can’t do without the classics.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices; if you cut it thicker, the bread will interrupt the taste of caviar and you will have to add much more of it. If you cut it into very thin slices, it will be difficult to spread butter, and eating such sandwiches is not convenient, they will fall apart in your hands.

2. Spread butter on each slice, it’s a matter of taste, butter adds tenderness and goes well with the salty taste of caviar.

3. Place caviar on our blanks. Again, it all comes down to budget and personal preferences; I personally like sandwiches with a thin layer of caviar, but my daughter, on the contrary, is ready to eat it with spoons. Although some friends pay special attention to the thickness of the layer, in their opinion, if the owner “threw a couple of eggs” - this is a sign of stinginess. In this case, you can prepare tartlets; they are much smaller in size and with the same consumption of caviar, we will visually get a much larger snack.


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Cream cheese (or sour cream) – 100 gr.
Red caviar -200 gr.
Greens (dill, parsley) – to taste, for decoration.
These sandwiches perfectly combine the flavors of fresh cucumbers, soft cream cheese and salted caviar. They are perfect for decorating a holiday table, because... their taste is different from the classic recipe.


1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Spread cream cheese on each slice, or spread sour cream in a thin layer.

3. Cut fresh cucumbers into approximately 5mm slices.

4. Place the cucumbers on top of the melted cheese.

5. Add caviar in the same quantity as in the classic recipe.

6. Finally, decorate with fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with red caviar and egg


Loaf (bread to taste) – 1 pc.
Butter – 100g.
Chicken egg (quail eggs) – 3 pcs.
Red caviar – 150g.
Dill, parsley – if you want to decorate sandwiches, greens won’t hurt.


The recipe is very simple, but there are different versions. Many of my friends believe that mayonnaise goes better with eggs than butter. By replacing just one ingredient, you get a completely different taste, not bad at all, but I prefer the classic. In any case, this snack is very high in calories, you should not abuse it.
1. Cut the loaf into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. We cut the slices in half, this makes it much more convenient to eat. If you put two slices of egg with caviar on one piece of bread, then “golden hands” will definitely be found and our treat will end up on the floor or on festive pants.

3. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Cleaning. Remove the yolk.

4. If desired, mix the yolk with butter until smooth. In my opinion, the most delicious sandwiches are made when the mixture of butter and yolk also contains finely chopped dill.

5. Spread butter (or our yellow mixture) on each slice. (Lovers of richer snacks can spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the bread).
6. Cut the egg white into 0.5-1.5 cm rings, you should get “caviar cups”. Place them on top of the bread.

7. We fill our preparations with caviar; if everything is done carefully, then in the center of the eggs you will get piles of caviar. Of course, it is important that the caviar is not very liquid, otherwise it needs to be dried on gauze for 40-50 minutes.

8. All that remains is to decorate our dish. Add greens - dill and parsley.

If you want to make eggs stuffed with caviar, the recipe is here...

Sandwiches with red caviar and cream


Loaf - 1 pc.

Cream (whipped) - 6 tbsp. l.
Butter - 60g.
Red caviar - 100g.
Dill - 2-3 sprigs.


These little delicacies are perfect for special occasions, banquets and, of course, will be very useful on the festive table in the New Year. After all, beautiful sandwiches with red caviar canapes are the most popular appetizer at any buffet table. The only negative is that they are difficult to take without getting dirty, because... The sides are greased with butter, so they should be served on skewers, or offer your guests forks.

1. Cut the bread into 1.5-2 cm slices.

2. Using a mold (glass, mug, knife), cut out any shape from the bread crumb. It will be great if you have different molds (star, heart, etc.)

3. Spread butter on each resulting slice. Apply on the sides and top.

4. Then you need to dip the oiled edges into finely chopped dill, so that our blanks are covered with greens along the entire diameter.

5. Coat the top of the sandwiches with red caviar with whipped cream, about half a tablespoon per slice.

6. On one side of a piece of bread we make a pattern of cream (salted butter), it is better to do this with a pastry syringe.

7. Place caviar on the other half.

Before serving the appetizer, I recommend sticking a skewer into each piece, decorated with an olive or half a lemon wedge.

Sandwich with red caviar calorie content

I really want to start with the good. Red caviar is a truly wonderful product. It contains more easily digestible protein, mountains of vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and amino acids than anywhere else. In itself, it is a very healthy and tasty component. But there is always a “BUT”.

2. Calorie content of caviar is normal. Caviar is very well absorbed by our body. But if we consider it fully, then a sandwich with red caviar is not the healthiest product. Oil consists of almost nothing but fats. Bread is fast carbohydrates. It’s clearly not worth eating such food at night. If you listen to nutritionists, then the ideal ratio of BJU (proteins\fats\carbohydrates) is 16%\17%\67%, BJU of sandwiches with red caviar is 23%\35%\45%. This is not far from ideal, but the calorie content of the dish is crazy, approximately 345 Kcal per 100 g of product. For overweight people, it is advisable to eat caviar in its pure form and in small quantities.

(I can’t help but add my “I”; a normal Russian man, on the advice of nutritionists, will probably die in a week on 2200 kcal per day. It may be subjective, but this is my opinion and my site :))

3. Salt. Yes, we are used to adding it to food and without it food seems tasteless to us. And I love salty foods. But this is a minus, whatever one may say. Salt retains water in our body, in addition it accumulates in the joints. I don’t think this is an argument for giving up seafood, but it is a fact.

4. Allergies. Everything here is banal. Caviar, fish and almost every “sea protein” contains parvalbumin. This is an absolutely safe protein that forms the muscle structure of living (and it is the protein that makes them so) marine organisms. Meanwhile, scientists have recorded increased levels of parvalbumin in salmon (red fish). Which means that if you are allergic to fish, it will be allergic to any fish, but to red fish it will manifest itself much faster and brighter, because... Logically, the higher the concentration of the allergen, the brighter the symptoms. Again, I don’t want to slip into paranoia, but I don’t advise pregnant and lactating women to eat caviar, because... this can cause a hypertrophied reaction in the child's body.

I started out good, but in the end I even got scared when I re-read what I wrote, even though I eat caviar quite often :) .

Beautiful sandwiches with red caviar, decoration

Of course, caviar is a very tasty and healthy product, but probably the most important thing is the rarity of this delicacy. And if you are able to treat your guests to such delicacies, your efforts should be appreciated. Even a piece of bread can be turned into something unique, the main thing is to know how to serve it. I won’t hide that some of the photos are not mine, many were taken by my good friend Roma, using his professional camera, for which I thank him very much. (but my recipes were photographed with my ancient phone, why should he burn in hell :))

The expression “Eat caviar with spoons” is not a mockery at all, but a way of serving this delicacy. There is a Russian and European way of serving caviar. In Russian tradition, it is customary to serve caviar in glass, porcelain or metal deep dishes. Caviar was eaten using small silver or gilded spoons. For especially special occasions, special vases made of ice were frozen and caviar was served in them, decorating it with thin slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley. Traditionally, it is believed that caviar should be washed down with chilled vodka.

The European way of serving caviar is somewhat different from ours. Caviar is served in special caviar bowls, often made from mother-of-pearl shells, and eaten with mother-of-pearl spoons, as it is believed that metal spoils the taste of caviar. Caviar bowls are placed on a special vase - a podicornica - into which crushed ice is poured. In Europe and America, caviar is served with dry champagne - the right approach, since it is the salty taste that truly reveals the taste of sparkling wine.

However, let's get back to our sandwiches. Sandwiches with caviar are prepared not just quickly, but very quickly. All you have to do is cut the white bread, spread it with butter and add the caviar. But no, almost everything can fit into the concept of a sandwich - from the classic “bread-butter-caviar” to the most incredible designs. Replace a piece of white bread with crispy toast or a salty cracker, and your caviar sandwiches will sparkle with new flavors. Traditional butter can be whipped with a mixer and combined with finely chopped herbs or curry powder. You can skip the butter altogether and use heavy cream or sour cream instead, just don’t forget to add a little salt. Soft curd cheese perfectly replaces butter in sandwiches with caviar, adding new flavor notes.

You can skip bread altogether and use cucumbers, half boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, thin pancakes or lightly salted salmon or trout as a base for sandwiches. If you want to serve caviar in tartlets, you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen baking tiny baskets - you can now buy special caviar tartlets in stores.

Sandwiches with caviar are usually decorated with thin slices of lemon, olive slices, parsley or dill leaves. “Lace” made from fresh cucumbers is also great in both taste and appearance.

Sandwiches with red caviar and tuna. Grind a can of canned tuna with heavy cream and spread on toast or salted round or square crackers. Place a teaspoon of red caviar on top.

Sandwiches with red and black caviar “Yin and Yang”. Mix soft curd cheese and butter in equal quantities, add herbs or curry powder chopped in a blender and grease round crackers. Lay out red and black caviar, forming something like a Chinese symbol.

Sandwiches with red caviar and salmon. Cut white bread into triangles and dry in the oven or toaster. Brush the toast with butter mixed with very finely chopped herbs, place red caviar in one layer. Cut lightly salted salmon or trout into thin strips using a sharp knife and place on top of the caviar, forming a wave or folding it into a rosette. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

160 g red caviar,
150 g butter,
1-2 onions,
300 g salted salmon fillet,
2 fresh cucumbers,
200 g low-fat cottage cheese,
50 ml sour cream,
2 tbsp. spicy horseradish
loaf of white bread,
greens, ground red pepper, lemon.

Cut the crusts off the bread and cut into slices 5-7 mm thick. Chop the greens. Sour cream mix with horseradish, cottage cheese and ground red pepper to taste. Grease half of the bread slices on top and sides with butter, the other half with the curd and sour cream mixture. Sprinkle the slices with chopped herbs. Place red caviar and decorate: sandwiches with butter - thin slices of lemon and herbs, sandwiches with curd and sour cream spread - thin slices of cucumber and transparent half rings of onion.

Using a thin, sharp knife, cut the lightly salted salmon fillet as thinly as possible. Brush the slices with soft cream cheese and roll into rolls. If the rolls are wide, cut them in half or into thirds. Place them vertically on a flat dish and place a teaspoon of caviar on top. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

Cut fresh cucumbers into thick slices and scoop out some of the pulp with a teaspoon. Mix thick sour cream with chopped herbs and add salt. Fill cucumbers with sour cream and place red caviar on top. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Sandwiches with caviar on onions. To make these sandwiches you will need sweet white or red onion. Cut the onion into 4 parts and disassemble into “boats”. Place a little salted sour cream or thick cream into the recesses of the “boats”, and red or black caviar on top of it. Serve garnished with greens.

Cut the boiled eggs in half lengthwise. Grind the yolks with softened butter and finely chopped herbs. Place a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into the egg halves and place the caviar on top of it. Garnish with thin slices of fresh cucumber.

Sandwiches with caviar on potato pancakes. Grate the raw potatoes on a fine grater, drain the excess liquid, add salt and pepper, beat in one egg and knead the dough. If it turns out a little liquid, add a little flour. Bake small round pancakes and cool them. Place a spoonful of salted sour cream on each pancake and caviar on top. Sandwiches can be made closed: spread one pancake with red or black caviar over the entire surface and cover the other pancake. Decorate with greens.

Beat raw eggs with cream, salt and pepper and fry thin omelettes. Cool, spread with soft cream cheese and roll into rolls. Cut each roll crosswise into rolls 2-2.5 cm thick, place vertically on a flat dish and place caviar on top.

If you want to surprise your guests, prepare:

250 g butter,
½ cup cold water,
½ tsp. citric acid,
1 egg,
a pinch of salt,
butter with herbs or soft cream cheese,

Greens for decoration.

Add citric acid, a pinch of salt to cold boiled water and mix. Beat in the egg. Chop 150 g of butter with a knife, constantly sprinkling with flour until you get a homogeneous mass. Add water and egg, stir and knead the dough, gradually adding flour. The dough should be elastic. Roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Soften the remaining butter slightly, sprinkle with flour and form a rectangle out of it. Place the butter in the refrigerator. Now roll out the dough, put butter in the center and fold the dough into an envelope. Roll out the dough again in one direction, fold it and put it in the refrigerator. After 20-30 minutes, roll out the dough again (and strictly in one direction!), fold it and put it in the refrigerator. Repeat the rolling, folding and cooling operation three more times. Ready-made puff pastry roll Place into a layer 3-5 mm thick and cut into circles with a glass. In half of the circles, cut round holes in the center - you should get rings. To do this, you can use a cut-off disposable syringe - cut a hole and squeeze it out with a piston. Place the dough circles on a greased baking sheet, brush with egg and place the rings on top. Also brush them with egg, being careful not to get it on the edges of the vol-au-vents. Place in a hot oven and bake until golden brown. Fill the cooled vol-au-vents with butter or soft curd cheese and place the caviar. Decorate with greens.

Sandwiches with caviar on chips. Beat the softened butter until white and stir in the chopped parsley or dill and, using a cornet, squeeze small roses onto large shaped chips. Place half a teaspoon of caviar - red or black - on both sides of the butter rose. Garnish with a parsley leaf and serve immediately. This treat cannot be stored for a long time, as the chips will get soggy.

Take special tartlets for caviar (they are much smaller than usual). Place a little whipped butter or soft cream cheese on the bottom of the tartlets, top with a teaspoon of caviar and garnish with a thin slice of lemon or cucumber.

In addition to delicious red or black caviar, our stores sell many types of caviar, which are not inferior in taste and benefits to their expensive counterparts. Try making sandwiches with pollock caviar, for example.

Sandwiches with pollock caviar


160 g pollock caviar (you can use smoked one),
8 boiled eggs,
100 g butter,

Cut the loaf into slices and dry in the oven over low heat. Cut the eggs into slices 5 mm thick, remove the yolks and rub them with butter. Brush the surface of the loaf slices with the butter mixture, place the egg white circles and place 1 tsp in the center. caviar.

Sandwiches with pollock caviar and lemon. Brush thin slices of white bread with butter. Apply a thin layer of pollock caviar to half of each slice, and place a thin slice of lemon on the other half. Garnish with a parsley leaf.

Striped sandwiches. Several types of pollock caviar are sold in stores; they differ in taste and color. Take two jars of caviar (white and pink). Beat with butter separately. Using a cornet, plant small roses on square dried toast, placing them diagonally. Garnish with herbs and thin olive rings.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

1. Salmon tartare with caviar
2. Appetizer with red caviar and cream cheese
3. Tartlets with red caviar
4. Potato pancakes with yogurt and red caviar
5. Appetizer of quail eggs and red caviar
6. Sandwiches with red caviar and lemon
7. Sandwiches with red caviar and shrimp
8. Sandwiches with red caviar and cottage cheese

1. Salmon tartare with caviar

Rye crackers - 10 pcs.
Salmon fillet - 300 g
Cucumbers - 1 pc.
Red caviar - 50 g
Red onion - 1 pc.
Zest of one lemon
Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
Creamy horseradish - 2 tsp.
Sugar and salt - to taste
Ground white pepper - to taste
Greens - to taste


In a separate container, mix salt, sugar, chopped herbs and grated lemon zest. Sprinkle the mixture onto the salmon fillets, wrap in film and refrigerate for 2 hours. Cut the finished salmon into small cubes.

Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds, and cut the rest into cubes. Peel the red onion and chop finely. Finely chop the thin feathers of green onions.

Mix creamy horseradish with sunflower oil, red caviar, onion and cucumber. Finally add the salmon cubes and season with white pepper. Place the finished mixture on crackers and garnish with red caviar.

2. Appetizer with red caviar and cream cheese

Cream cheese - 300 g
Salmon fillet - 350 g
Red caviar - 70 g
Strawberry or olive jam - 100 g
Parsley - for decoration
Biscofrisa cookies - 300 g


Spread a thin layer of jam on each piece of Biscofrisa biscuit.

Place cream cheese on top of the jam.

Thinly slice the salmon fillet and place the cheese on top.

Garnish the appetizer with red caviar and parsley.

3. Tartlets with red caviar

Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
Cream cheese - 100 g
Hard cheese - 70 g
Olives - 1 jar
Yeast puff pastry - 0.5 kg
Flour - 10 g
Red caviar - 100 g


Thaw the puff pastry, sprinkle with a little flour and roll out. Using a special cutter, cut out pieces of dough. Form into tartlets.

Whisk the egg yolks and brush the baking sheet with them. Place the tartlets on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Cool the finished tartlets. While the baskets are cooling, you can prepare the filling. Grate the hard cheese on a fine grater and cut the olives into slices. In a deep bowl, combine cream cheese, grated cheese and olives.

Fill each tartlet with the prepared mixture and decorate with red caviar. This appetizer is perfect for both a party and a holiday table.

4. Potato pancakes with yogurt and red caviar

Potatoes - 1 kg
Onions - 3 pcs.
Wheat flour - ½ tbsp.
Baking powder for dough - 2 tsp.
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Red caviar - 150 g
Natural yogurt - 1 tbsp.
Vegetable oil - 200 ml
Salt, sugar and pepper - to taste


Peel the onion and chop it finely. Beat the eggs, add onion, flour, baking powder, pepper, salt and sugar. Mix the mass well.

Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Place the grated potatoes in a colander and squeeze thoroughly. Place the grated potatoes into the bowl with the dough.

Pour some oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Using a spoon, spoon the potato batter into the pan. Fry the pancakes over medium heat until browned.

Place the finished pancakes on a paper towel and wait for the excess fat to drain off. Then brush each one with yogurt and garnish with red caviar.

5. Appetizer of quail eggs and red caviar

Quail eggs - 20 pcs.
Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
Salmon fillet - 250 g
Cream cheese - 200 g
Red caviar - 100 g
Hard cheese - 200 g
Greens - to taste


Boil quail eggs until tender and peel them. Cut hard cheese and cucumbers into thin slices. Place cheese and cucumbers on a dish, spread with cream cheese, and place red caviar around.

Cut the salmon into long and thin slices. Wrap each egg with salmon and place in the center of a canapé with cream cheese. Garnish the appetizer with caviar and herbs.

6. Sandwiches with red caviar and lemon

Wheat bread
Red caviar - 2 jars
Butter - 50 g
Lemon - 1 pc.
Parsley and dill - to taste


Cut the bread into thin slices or shaped pieces: diamonds, stars, hearts, circles, triangles, etc.

Grease each piece of bread with butter, not forgetting the sides. Finely chop the greens and dip the sides of the sandwiches into it.

Place caviar on top of the oil in one layer. Cut the lemon into small pieces and place on sandwiches. Garnish the sandwiches with parsley sprigs.

7. Sandwiches with red caviar and shrimp

Wheat bread
Curd cheese - 200 g
Red caviar - 2 jars
Shrimp - 300 g
Vegetable oil
Lemon - 1 pc.
Dill - for decoration


Cut the bread into medium-thick pieces. Fry each piece in vegetable oil. Cool. Boil the shrimp and peel them from the shell. Cut the lemon into half rings.

Spread each piece of bread with curd cheese and add red caviar. Place shrimp on top of the caviar. Decorate the sandwiches with dill and lemon.

8. Sandwiches with red caviar and cottage cheese

White bread
Red caviar - 2 jars
Onions - 1 pc.
Salmon fillet - 300 g
Butter - 150 g
Cucumber - 2 pcs.
Low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g
Sour cream - 50 g
Spicy horseradish - 2 tbsp.
Lemon - 1 pc.
Ground red pepper and salt - to taste


Cut the bread into thin slices. Cut off the crusts from each slice. Finely chop the greens. Mix cottage cheese, horseradish and sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Grease half of all slices of bread with butter, not forgetting the sides. Spread the other half of the bread with the curd mixture.

Sprinkle the sandwiches with chopped herbs and add caviar. Garnish with lemon half rings, cucumber slices, salmon and onions.

Sandwiches with caviar can serve as an ideal snack for a holiday table, an official reception or a quiet family dinner. Such products can be beautifully decorated and then presented to guests as an original dish. It should be noted that sandwiches with caviar are especially popular among those who cannot resist a glass of strong alcoholic drink at the festive table.

General information about fish appetizer

Sandwiches with red or black caviar can decorate any holiday table. Moreover, the presence of this snack at a celebration very often indicates the status of the hosts and their excellent taste.

It should be noted that not everyone can afford such a product. But on a holiday, some housewives still purchase this delicacy. After all, it doesn’t take very much to create delicious and beautiful sandwiches.

Before presenting recipes for sandwiches with red (or black) caviar, it should be said that the taste of such a product is noticeably improved by butter. That is why cooking fat is present in almost all snacks where this ingredient is directly involved.

Classic sandwiches with butter and caviar: recipe

If you decide to set a chic holiday table, then you cannot do without this appetizer. After all, it is precisely these sandwiches (with red or black caviar) that can give a celebration a special status.

When choosing this product, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. A company producing caviar must be located in coastal cities. If the manufacturer’s address points to a locality where there are no large lakes, seas, or oceans nearby, then most likely the caviar is imported or artificial.

So, to make sandwiches with caviar yourself, you should prepare:

  • red caviar - approximately 140 g;
  • thin sandwich loaf or French crispy baguette - 1 pc.

It should be noted that the specified amount of food should be enough for about 15 sandwiches. By the way, they will turn out much tastier and more aromatic if you use the freshest possible flour product to prepare them.

Step-by-step cooking method

You should start making sandwiches with caviar by cutting the loaf. If you do not want it to crumble, then it is recommended to purchase “yesterday’s” product. But, as mentioned above, the tastiest snack is made from fresh bread.

It is recommended to cut the loaf for sandwiches with a large and sharp knife. Moreover, during this procedure you should not put pressure on the kitchen appliance. Otherwise, you will simply crumple the flour product. Cut the bread into pieces 1 centimeter thick using sharp, light and fast movements.

Before making caviar sandwiches, be sure to remove the butter from the freezer or refrigerator in advance. After all, for a beautiful application to the loaf, it should be soft, but not completely melted. Thus, each slice of bread needs to be evenly coated with a thin layer of butter (about 2 millimeters), using a special knife with a rounded end.

Finally, place red or black caviar on top of the spread loaf using a dessert spoon. By the way, you should not adhere to the following rule: “The more, the better.” There should be enough caviar on a piece of flour product, but not too much. Otherwise, the entire taste of this product will simply be lost.

Appetizer with parsley and lemon

Sandwiches with caviar, the recipes for which we are considering, can include completely different ingredients. So, a snack using lemon and fresh herbs turns out to be very tasty. To prepare it yourself we will need:

  • unsalted butter - about 80 g;
  • red or black caviar - approximately 140 g;
  • yesterday's wheat bread - 2/3 of a standard brick;
  • lemon is a small fruit;
  • fresh dill and parsley - a bunch each.

Cooking process

To make beautiful sandwiches with caviar, you should take wheat bread and cut it into thin shaped slices (hearts, stars, diamonds, etc.), using special culinary knives. Next, you need to spread soft butter on each piece of flour product. Moreover, this should be done not only from above, but also from the sides.

After all the preparations have been made, you need to finely chop the fresh herbs. Next, you need to dip the edges of future sandwiches into it. As for the top of the bread, caviar should be placed on it in one layer.

To decorate such a snack, you need to cut the lemon into small pieces and then place it on top of the red or black delicacy. By the way, you can add a few petals of fresh parsley to the sour fruit. If desired, using a culinary syringe along the edge of the finished sandwich, you can make a pattern in the form of a wave of soft butter.

Making sandwiches with shrimp and caviar

How to make beautiful sandwiches with caviar? The design of such a dish can include completely different ingredients. We decided to use soft curd cheese, red caviar and shrimp.

So, to create the presented snack we will need:

  • white wheat bread - 1 standard brick;
  • soft curd cheese - about 150 g;
  • red caviar - 160 g;
  • pre-boiled shrimp - according to the number of sandwiches;
  • vegetable oil - several large spoons (use at discretion);
  • fresh dill - a small bunch;
  • lemon is a small fruit.

Process of creation

How to make these sandwiches with caviar? Recipes for these snacks usually do not require pre-frying the bread. But in order to get an original dish, we decided to deviate from this rule.

Thus, you should cut wheat bread into triangular slices, and then lightly fry it on both sides in vegetable oil, using a regular frying pan. Next, all the browned pieces need to be cooled. After this, they need to be greased with soft curd cheese. Next, place a dessert spoon of red caviar on the dairy product and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the slice of bread. On the very top of the finished sandwich you need to place a small peeled shrimp, as well as a sprig of fresh dill and half a lemon.

Making a flavorful appetizer with black caviar

A sandwich with black caviar turns out especially beautiful if combined with lightly salted salmon. By the way, for originality, the dark delicacy can be laid out in the form of a cat's footprint. Believe me, all your guests will definitely appreciate such an original idea.

So, to make a sandwich with black caviar, you need to prepare:

  • fresh sandwich loaf - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - about 100 g;
  • black caviar - 160 g;
  • lightly salted salmon - approximately 200 g;
  • lemon - 1/3 fruit;
  • green lettuce leaves - use as desired.

Cooking process

Before you start creating a black caviar appetizer, you should salt the fatty salmon. If you don’t want to bother with fish, you can buy it in the store ready-made. By the way, for a richer taste, it is recommended to sprinkle this lightly salted product with fresh lemon juice in advance and keep it aside for an hour. At this time, you should start preparing the base. To do this, you need to take a loaf, cut it into pieces 1.2-1.6 centimeters thick. Next, it is recommended to lightly dry the baked goods in a toaster, microwave or oven. In this case, the slices should become crispy on top, but still remain soft inside.

After preparing the ingredients, you need to place a thin piece of lightly salted salmon on the dried bread, and drop thick sour cream or mayonnaise on top of the fish. Next, you need to place black caviar on the sandwich and make an arbitrary design out of it (for example, a cat's footprint). Finally, you need to take a flat dish, line its surface with green lettuce leaves, and then place the finished sandwiches on them. It is advisable to supplement the entire composition with small and thin slices of lemon.

Appetizer with capelin caviar

Sandwiches with capelin caviar are an economical option for a tasty and aromatic snack. The ingredients for this dish are inexpensive. At the same time, in terms of their taste, they are practically not inferior to those described above.

Thus, to prepare sandwiches we will need:

  • rye bread - 1 small brick;
  • fresh herbs - a small bunch;
  • capelin caviar - 160 g;
  • hard cheese, thinly sliced ​​- approximately 120 g;
  • Cherry tomatoes - use as desired.

Preparing a snack

Sandwiches with capelin caviar are prepared just as simply and quickly as the previous appetizer options. To do this, you need to thinly cut the rye bread into triangular slices, and then spread a small layer of fish product on them. Next, you should finely chop the fresh herbs and sprinkle all the caviar with it. After this, you need to place thin pieces of hard cheese on the sandwiches. Finally, you need to wash the cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and place the snack on top. If desired, the finished sandwiches can be additionally decorated with fresh herbs.

Delicious sandwiches with cream and capelin caviar

Just a few minutes of free time spent in the kitchen will give you a unique opportunity to make a simple but very tasty appetizer that will delight even the most picky guests. For this we need:

  • smoked capelin caviar - about 120 g;
  • fresh French baguette - 1 pc.;
  • cream 35% fat - approximately 100 ml;
  • unleavened butter - 20 g;
  • medium-sized salt - use to taste.

It should be noted that the listed ingredients are enough for us to prepare 4-6 servings of a tasty and aromatic snack.

Quick cooking method

Before making these sandwiches, you should remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly. Next, you need to mix it with smoked capelin caviar, and then taste it. If the product seems bland to you, then you can add a little salt to it.

After the main ingredient is ready, you need to cool the heavy cream and then beat it with a mixer. In this case, the dairy product should acquire a creamy consistency and also increase in volume by approximately 2 times. Next, the whipped cream should be mixed with capelin caviar so that you end up with a homogeneous mass. After tasting the product, you can salt it again (if necessary). After this, you need to cut a fresh French baguette into not very thick slices and generously apply the caviar paste on it. Finally, the finished sandwiches should be placed on a flat dish and, if desired, decorated with herbs.

Let's sum up our results

Now you know how you can quickly and easily prepare sandwiches using red and black caviar, as well as capelin caviar. By the way, if you want to make a delicious snack, but do not want to use regular wheat bread or a loaf, then we recommend using tartlets instead of these products. They can be purchased at the store, or you can bake them in the oven yourself.

To make an original appetizer from tartlets, you can put not only black or red caviar in them, but also, for example, red onions soaked in soy sauce, cranberries, pickled vegetables, lemon, cheese, herbs, olives or pitted olives, ketchup, spices and other ingredients that will give the dish a beautiful appearance and unsurpassed taste.

Today we will look at culinary recipes, beautifully decorated sandwiches with red caviar, which will serve as a wonderful snack and decoration for the holiday table. I advise you to add the page to your bookmarks so that you always have it at hand.

To prepare sandwiches, we will definitely need red caviar, bread (loaf, black bread) and definitely additional products for decoration, from which you can choose something specific to your taste - pomegranate seeds, lemon, butter, herbs (dill , parsley, green onions), lettuce, shrimp, soft curd cheese, red fish, crackers, olives. You can choose one of the additional products that you like best. But, in any case, all sandwiches with red caviar will look very beautiful on the festive table and will greatly delight your guests with their beauty and taste.

So, let's get down to step-by-step preparation. culinary recipes with photos, sandwiches with red caviar.

    Cut slices of a long round loaf, place one teaspoon of caviar on the loaf and decorate the sides with parsley leaves. Soften the butter at room temperature and squeeze a mound out of a pastry syringe or bag onto a sandwich, which we decorate with a pomegranate seed, as in the photo. Instead of a pastry bag, you can take a regular bag, make a small hole in it and squeeze the oil through it. Look how beautiful the sandwich with red caviar looks in the photo.

    In the second way of decorating a sandwich, we will use a classic loaf. Place a spoonful of red caviar on a slice of loaf, and use a pastry bag to form a butter leaf or any other shape on a slice of loaf, as in the photo.

    Spread butter on a slice of regular loaf, add a teaspoon or dessert spoon of caviar, place a slice of lemon on one edge, and on the other a piece of lettuce rolled into a tube, and finally insert a dill leaf into the caviar, as in the photo. Look what beautiful sandwiches we made!

    Culinary recipe for a sandwich () with soft curd cheese and red caviar
    This recipe for sandwiches for the holiday table is very tasty and beautiful. Let's make stacks of molds from white bread or a loaf of bread or cut rounds with a knife, fry on both sides, cool. Finely chop the dill. Apply a very thin layer of butter to the sides of the mold and sprinkle the sides with dill, as in the photo. Place a teaspoon of soft curd cheese on the molds, a teaspoon of red caviar on the cheese, and place one shrimp at the very top, as in the photo.

    Sandwich with red caviar and red fish for New Year's and Christmas.
    We cut white bread into slices from several pieces, cut out squares 4 by 4 cm or 5 by 5 cm. Spread the square with butter, and place the salmon fillet on it and cover with the second square of bread, spread it with butter on top, sprinkle with chopped parsley and put tea or a dessert spoon of red caviar, as in the photo. Look in the photo how beautiful our sandwich with red caviar turned out for the festive table.

    200 gr. red fish
    100 gr. red caviar
    White bread

    Here is a recipe for a very simple, but at the same time very beautiful presentation of red caviar sandwiches, not on pieces of bread, but on so-called tartlets. Which looks amazing and tastes great. Place a teaspoon of red caviar on the tartlet and garnish with a parsley leaf, as in the photo

    Place a dessert spoon of caviar and a slice of butter into the tartlet, garnish with a leaf of curly parsley or a leaf of dill, as in the photo

    Tartlets stuffed with cheese, red caviar and red fish
    This combination of products creates an excellent taste range that will bring a lot of pleasure and enjoyment.
    Sandwich ingredients:

    cottage cheese 40 gr.
    lightly salted red fish 60 gr.
    red caviar 30 gr.
    sour cream
    tartlets or


    For the filling of red caviar sandwiches, mix cottage cheese with sour cream and chopped dill. Place the filling in tartlets or vol-au-vent baskets, top with pieces of red fish and a few grains of red caviar.

    Sandwiches with red caviar, olives and lemon.
    Spread butter, a teaspoon of red caviar on molds of any shape (rectangular, round, triangular), put a lemon and olive on a skewer and insert into a sandwich, as in the photo. Look how beautiful our sandwiches with red caviar turned out for the festive table.

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