Sati Casanova: “I’m not very interested in what’s fashionable in the celebrity crowd.” What advice would you give to single girls who are looking for their soul mate?

6 months ago

Singer Sati Casanova @satikazanova told BeautyHack about how yoga influenced her life, creativity, everyday habits and attitude towards beauty, and also showed what is always in her cosmetic bag.

- First of all, I would like to ask you about your love for yoga: where did it all begin and how did you come to it?

They say that it is not a person who finds yoga, but yoga that finds him, calls him and embraces him forever. There is an opinion that if you came to yoga, it was not by chance - it happened like that in a past life.

Yoga teaches us balance. Physical exercise and meditation are necessary for the body, spirit and mind to act together. If a person only trains the body in the gym or practices only meditation, a certain imbalance arises.

- Do you remember your first lesson?

Yes, it was Ashtanga yoga. I especially remember the smell of incense and mantra. I thought: “What an interesting and mysterious world.” This world was close to me, it captivated me. At first I didn’t really like it: I can’t say that from the first lesson any awareness came, on the contrary - the exercises caused discomfort, caused physical pain and inconvenience. But I returned to classes again and again, because at the end there was savasana, and we chanted mantras.

I tried all types of yoga and six years ago I met my spiritual master and was initiated into a very powerful yoga technique called atma kriya yoga.

But I’m not against group classes if you have a good trainer who will take into account individual physical characteristics: problems with the spine, scoliosis. But it is also important to take care of yourself - even in the best fitness club, the trainer may not take into account your individual characteristics, which will be harmful to your health.

- How does yoga help you cope with life's difficulties?

First of all, yoga teaches us acceptance. The same thing that any Holy Scripture teaches us: that everything happens according to the will of God, and we must come to terms with this, although it is not easy.

She also teaches trust - everything that happens in your life happens for a reason.

By practicing yoga, you understand that material wealth has nothing to do with happiness and harmony. And that your only task is to simply be happy. And also to love and be loved.

- How has yoga influenced your creativity?

At the end of December I released the album Sati Ethnica, which is inspired by practices. But yoga began to influence me and my creativity a long time ago. Leaving the Factory group became for me turning point- I realized that my creativity does not satisfy me, does not make me truly happy.

Then there were different periods, I even wanted to sing only mantras and completely abandon the direction of pop music. But I was able to find a compromise and come to an agreement with myself, mainly thanks to my spiritual mentor, who told me: “It doesn’t matter what you sing. It's how you do it that matters. People feel the message that comes from your heart."

But yoga affects not only creativity and life, but also everyday habits: every morning I begin with meditation. Even if I have a very busy day and have no time for anything, I devote 5 minutes to myself and meditate. I also make sure to do gymnastics - it helps tone my muscles and wake up faster.

- What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Most often I eat porridge, which I cook in a slow cooker on a gentle setting. I cook them from green buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth.

- Was it difficult for you to become a vegetarian? What meaning do you put into this?

My body and psyche, most importantly, adapted to this very quickly. But in the first years there was still a feeling that I was somehow infringing myself. The only thing I was missing was seafood. I went to Bali, looked at the lobsters and crabs and remembered what they had delicate taste. But gradually the longing for certain foods went away, and now I will not eat food of animal origin for any reason.

I have developed a well-balanced diet and am constantly learning how to turn food into healing. ancient system Ayurveda.

- How do you feel about those who decide to give up meat simply because it is fashionable?

I believe that you should give up meat in any case, at least under the influence of fashion. This can be compared to a relationship: you are with a person either out of love or out of convenience. Vegetarianism by choice is also good, a bonus for your health. We just don't know how harmful animal products really are. And if they knew, they would have abandoned them long ago.

- How do you feel about diets? Have you ever had to seriously restrict your diet?

I don’t accept strict diets in any way now. I once dabbled in this, but now I know what it entails.

But I practice fasting days, I call them “days of fasting”. I fill them with spiritual meaning - then it’s easier to limit yourself in food, and your mood becomes better. In a word, the body is cleansed - it periodically needs such “unloading”.

- But surely there is something you can’t deny yourself?

Of course, I'm a living person! Sometimes I give in to temptations. For example, I drink coffee almost every day, although it is not healthy (only if it increases blood pressure in microscopic doses!). I make it with oat or coconut milk.

I also love chocolate. There is little useful in it, but sometimes you want it that way!

But I don’t abuse it: these products “acidify” the body very much, which provokes the aging process. In order not to get sick and not feel a loss of strength, you need, on the contrary, to eat “alkalizing” foods - fruits and vegetables.

- Do you often cook yourself or do you prefer to go to restaurants? What is your favorite restaurant in Moscow?

When I have time, I like to cook myself: I know what products to combine, what spices to season the dish with so that it turns out tasty and healthy.

I only go to restaurants when I don’t have time to cook something at home or I want to spice up the evening. My favorite restaurant is Moscow-Delhi. It serves dishes of Nepalese and North Indian cuisine, but they are adapted for Russian stomachs: the food is practically not spicy and is prepared from very quality products. Their slogan - “we don’t just feed with food, we feed with love” - is very evident in the dishes.

My husband and I’s taste preferences almost completely coincide, with the exception of small nuances: he doesn’t like cardamom seeds put in porridge, but I simply adore them!

Most often we eat legumes, grains and vegetables. From these products you can prepare many useful and delicious dishes. But most of all he loves dal, a traditional Indian lentil soup.

- As children, all girls dream of an ideal prince. Did your dreams coincide with reality? Or do you think that there is no need to look for the ideal in everyone?

I am against drawing any images in my head. I won’t lie, I also had different dreams and ideals. But my husband and my family turned out to be completely different than I imagined. I believe that it is important to surrender to the will of God and ask him for what he considers necessary to give you, and not for what you want yourself.

- There is an opinion that marriage changes people - do you agree with it?? How has your worldview changed since you got married? Are you and your husband similar, or are you opposites that complement each other?

It is too early to talk about global changes. But my feelings in life have definitely changed, I have gained confidence and inner core. Now I constantly feel that I have protection - my shoulders are covered and there is a rear behind me. This feeling is priceless.

My husband and I are similar in the main things: the way we see our life and the whole world around us, we have the same goals. But we are completely different in small things: he is more punctual and responsible, pragmatic in a European way. As a creative woman, I am often absent-minded and sometimes careless about numbers and finances. But thanks to these little things, we complement each other perfectly and learn something new.

- During your marriage, did you manage to derive your personal formula for ideal relationships and the main rules of family life?

The most important thing in a relationship is to be attentive to give your partner enough attention and care, without losing your personal boundaries.

- Tell us about your relationship with your mother: is she a friend, mentor or role model?

Now my mother has become my friend, but a few years ago I could not say this. Yes, she was my mother, my beloved mother, but there was no such trust and unity of souls between us as there is now. Perhaps marriage changed this situation.

- Do you love to travel? What is your favorite place on the planet, where you want to return again and again? Do you prefer the role of a tourist or do you try to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the country, feeling like a local resident?

I love to travel and always want to return to India and Bali: these places attract and attract me with irresistible force again and again.

Now I want to go to the southern part of India, which is adjacent to the border with Pakistan; there are a lot of energetically strong pilgrimage places there.

When I travel, I really like to communicate with local residents: I’m interested in delving into the culture of the place where I am.

- You travel a lot - what helps you take care of your skin during long flights?

On an airplane, my skin gets very dry, and I don’t have enough time to visit a cosmetologist regularly. Japanese masks Quality First The Best, Moist, Queens Premium come to the rescue - they very well moisturize, nourish and restore the skin after flights. They contain up to 63 natural ingredients and extracts and no chemicals! I also use natural oils without fragrances, which I apply liberally to the skin of my face and body.

- Share your hair care secret - how do you save it after constant styling?

The main beauty secret - proper nutrition. If you do not include enough fat in your diet, your skin, hair and nails will look bad, and no creams or treatments will help. Fats in the diet are easy. For example, I eat a lot of avocados, coconut oil and ghee butter.

- How often do you do makeup? What is always in your makeup bag?

I feel very comfortable without makeup, but sometimes it is simply necessary, like some kind of armor or shield. Makeup is my armor in which I go to the battlefield.

And in my cosmetic bag there is always a nourishing cream for hands, nails and cuticles, lip balm, moisturizing facial spray and perfume - the absolute minimum that I need in any situation.

- Has your passion for yoga helped you somehow reconsider your attitude towards beauty?

Yes, and now I'm more eager to see inner beauty a person, which is not always visible behind the outer shell. As well as vice versa: beautiful people are not always beautiful in thought and heart.

- What advice can you give to girls who have not found inner harmony, are unhappy with their appearance or are unsure of themselves?

Do your best to love and accept yourself. Then those very important and beloved people will come to you, and life will become very happy. It's simple, and each of us deserves it.

Interview: Anastasia Speranskaya Text: Daria Sizova Photo: Evgeniy Sorbo Styling and makeup by Sati Casanova: Wax Detox Bar Sati Casanova's outfit: Galina Podzolko We thank the restaurant Laduree for assistance in organizing and conducting filming

“Today, unfortunately, not my whole family gathered at our table. Sister Sveta now lives in America and is about to give birth to her second child. The first one - my beloved nephew David - is already a little over a year old. We communicate on Skype, I sing songs to him, and he listens attentively. I love it!

Mom and Dad have four of us, and all are girls. Sveta is a year and a half younger than me, Maryana is seven years younger, and Madina is 11 years younger. Maryana lives in Moscow and graduates from the production department of the Gnessin School. She was my administrator for a while, but we didn't get along. Moreover, my dad warned me: “Don’t work with your sisters, you’ll ruin your relationship!” - but I didn’t listen. Maryana has a very powerful character, and I’m not a gift either. In general, we decided that it would be better to separate. Now we communicate well, but, alas, we don’t see each other often - we’re very busy. My sister works as an art director in a restaurant. Madina lives in Italy, studies at a design school modeling business. She a real beauty, draws beautifully, and her sense of style is extraordinary. My sister plans to become a clothing designer, but for now she decided to be in the shoes of a model herself. And I think that's right. In a word, the fact that I behaved like a real tyrant with my sisters in childhood did not affect our current relationship in any way. We are good friends with them.

- Behaved like a tyrant?! How did you tyrannize them?

They had a blast with me, needless to say. But in my defense, I can say that the time was very difficult then. When I was 12 years old, we moved from the village to Nalchik; the family was in a desperate financial situation. It was hard for the whole country back then. They survived naturally. Mom and Dad traded at the market from morning to evening to feed us, and I, a 12-year-old girl, was responsible for the entire household. I have my first hobbies, my first thoughts about boys, I want to dress up, go out, and be liked. But we have to wash, clean, cook, weed, dig, raise sisters. I have always been very clean, I wanted the house to be in perfect order, and my sisters to wear clean dresses. And so in the morning I will wash everything, clean up, girls in beautiful clothes I dress them up, and then, so that they don’t get dirty themselves and make a mess in my house, I put them in chairs and forbid them to get up. They will put their hands on their knees and do not dare to move. Perfect cleanliness, perfectly clean children... sitting and sad. Mom returns from work, the girls run to her: “Don’t leave us with Sati anymore, we don’t want to sit, we want to go for a walk, to play.” Mom lamented: “Don’t terrorize the children!” But I was adamant: there must be order in everything! Then I asked them many times for forgiveness for my ruined childhood. Thank God, now no one remembers the insults; we remember this time with a good laugh.

Since childhood I had difficult character. Mom said that not a day went by without me breaking some kind of doll in an attempt to figure out how it worked and where to say “Mom.” And one day, while visiting relatives, my parents completely lost me. We searched the whole house, an hour later we noticed that the owner’s huge Caucasian Shepherd dog was sitting and sadly looking at his booth. Someone thought to look inside. It turned out that I kicked the dog out, climbed into his place and fell asleep peacefully.

- You were a brave girl! Are you still able to manage your household as deftly as possible?

I recently received musician guests in my Moscow apartment, and laid a very modest, in my opinion, table - tea, simple snacks. And one of the guests admired: “Wow, what a housewife you are!” I say: “Do you think I did something extraordinary?” And he said sadly: “You see, I’ve just been living with a ballerina for two years now...” I sympathized with him, of course. I’m not bragging in any way, I’m just stating: I can do a lot around the house. And not only what city residents understand by this word. I know how to milk a cow, dig potatoes, work with a rake and shovel. When I was little, we lived in a village, and we had a huge farm, a garden - one and a half hectares, apple and pear trees, which gave a bountiful harvest. My father has a unique ability: no matter what plant he touches, everything blooms and bears fruit. It happened that there would be a hailstorm at our neighbors' place, the whole garden would be destroyed - everything was intact with us. I don't know how he manages to do it. As soon as dad touches the tree, it comes to life. “Come on,” we suggest, “let’s cut down the tree, it’s already dying.” And dad will do a little magic, and it will live again. Once a state farm agronomist came to us and was amazed. Never, he says, have he seen 57 fruits collected from one tomato bush. But nevertheless, when did it start in our republic? market economy and dad decided to make money from what he could: he rented land, planted cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes - he was out of luck. His business partners, as they say now, abandoned him, the business failed, and we had to sell everything in the village and move to Nalchik.


- How did you, being such a busy child, also manage to study music?

I need to thank dad. He came up with a crazy idea, as it seemed to those around him and, first of all, to my mother - to take me to study music. I always wanted to sing. IN early childhood As soon as she started talking, she grabbed a spoon or a fork from the table, took it like a microphone, and started singing. Dad decided to give me a chance. The whole family was against it: “What kind of profession is a singer?” And he said: “Suddenly this is precisely her calling. Let him sing!”

- Did you often sing with your family as a child? Are there traditions of table singing in Kabarda?

You see, Kabardians are not Georgians. Georgians are more southern people, more liberated - in food, in showing emotions, in songs. They have 150 types of satsivi, and songs at the table, and dashing dances. Kabardians are much more ascetic. Our cuisine is pasta (a dish made from millet with flour, reminiscent of thick porridge, similar to hominy) and dried meat. And the dancing is more restrained. And we don’t sing songs at the table. Even my dad, who in his youth was a professional singer and toured with the vocal and instrumental dance ensemble “Ashamaz” in Russia and Europe, did not sing with us - this was considered a manifestation of incontinence and excessive emotionality. I also heard few songs on TV: in the village we had only one television channel, and it showed intermittently. But the national music was absorbed, as they say, with mother’s milk and, even if heard somewhere bit by bit, still remained in the soul.

I think that in a person at the genetic level there lives not only a love for native songs, but also respect for national traditions. Do you notice this?

Yes, I noticed it several times. For example, respect for elders is genetically embedded in me. In a subway car, as soon as I see an older man, I immediately jump up. My people have many traditions regarding the rules of communication between elders and younger ones, and relationships in the family. These rules have been verified for centuries. Our ancestors had clearly regulated everything: on which hand should the mother walk or sit from the father, and on which hand should the children. At large family celebrations, the eldest sat in the center of the table and always opposite the door to see who was entering. In our family it was customary: when grandfather was having a meal, neither dad nor mother could sit next to him - this was disrespect. According to tradition, the oldest and most respected ate first. And only when grandfather got up from the table did the parents start eating. We, the children, were always served separately. I sat down at the same table with my dad when I was 17 years old. Of course, many customs have died out. Previously, for example, there was a reinforced concrete rule: if a rider sees a woman coming towards him, he must dismount and greet her, and if a lady is walking alone, without a man, he must see her off, following her at a respectful distance. Even if he is in a hurry and needs to go in a different direction altogether.

It is customary for us to obey our elders. In his youth, my dad really enjoyed performing and touring. But when he got married, his grandfather said: “You are now a family man, be so kind as to do something more serious, it’s not right for a grown man to jump around the stage and sing songs.” And dad obeyed, got behind the wheel of a KamAZ and became a truck driver. I was luckier - I eventually realized my dream. Already at the age of 12, one might say, my professional path artist-singers. At the age of 15 I entered the College of Culture and Arts, and at the age of 16 I became a laureate of the “Nalchik Dawns” competition. And at the same time, I actively took part in group concerts and filming of the local TV channel of the republic. There were even video clips that now seem so touching and funny to me!

And one day, when I was 17 years old, my father’s cousin persuaded him to let me sing in the restaurant of the hotel that she managed. Mom was indignant, but father said: “Why not?” My aunt took responsibility for my safety, looked after me, and the financial situation in the family still left much to be desired. But dad was still very worried about me.

As long as I live, I will thank my father for his wisdom. All our relatives refused to understand him, especially when I left for Moscow. “Where did you let the child go?!” How will she survive there?!” To which dad said: “If you have a head on your shoulders, it won’t be lost in the tundra. And if you don’t have a head, even if you lock everything up, stupidity will always find a loophole.” I have a very wise dad!

There is an opinion that it is difficult for daughters of good and good fathers to find a husband. When communicating with young people, such girls unwittingly measure them by the standard that their father set.

Yes, my requests are simply high, and they have a place to come from. When all your life you see next to you such nobility, such generosity of soul and actions as your dad, and for you this is the norm, then it’s difficult to get used to the fact that not all men live and act like that. Maybe, from my mother’s point of view, my father is a spender, but for me, my father is always a holiday. When he goes to visit, he brings bags of gifts with him. If someone comes to us, no one lets him go without gifts. And I'm sure that's how it should be. I was lucky to have the right direction in life. But, of course, finding a person who would match these qualities, and also for love to arise between us, is not easy. So far this hasn't happened. Now I am 30 years old, and according to our Caucasian standards, I have long been spinster. But I must say that, having chosen a profession for myself, I have already destroyed our usual framework, so for me 30 years is quite a tender age and it is too early to think about a family. And not before that. I undertake very large-scale projects, which ensures a boring existence for myself for several decades to come. Both in creativity and in business, everything is just beginning for me. I also want to act in films and am considering several interesting offers. But even with all the incredible workload, I believe that you can work, be useful to society and at the same time be happy in your family.

- What are your large-scale projects?

My life is going on in a difficult but incredible way. interesting period. I am gradually leaving under the wing of Igor Matvienko’s production center and starting completely independent life. My favorite creation at the moment is the festival of ethnic cultures “EthnoStyle”. I deliberately decided to make the name of the festival bilingual, because first of all I want to interest young people. Ours is now all advanced, “pro-Western”. And personally, I am very sad that the word “ethnic” and in general everything connected with folk culture, ceases to be interesting. “What kind of boredom?! Some kind of balalaika accordion!” - teenagers say about folk music. I try to keep my nose to the wind, keep track of what is fashionable, what is, so to speak, in trend. And I understand that reading ethnic culture - ancient songs and dances - in a modern way is quite possible and young people will definitely be interested in this. If, for example, he comes Cossack choir and sing “Oh, frost, frost” in the genre of R’n’B or hip-hop - it will hook you. And it will allow us to preserve traditions that are increasingly lost with each new generation. If several decades ago, probably every resident of the North Caucasus was familiar with national songs and dances, now, alas, not. I really want to help improve this situation!

At first I thought of holding my festival only in the region where I was born - in the Caucasus. But when I started sending out the first invitations, I saw that both Kalmykia and Krasnodar region, and Stavropol. We decided to expand. And expand the geography and genres - that is, we will not only sing and dance. We will have painting, photography, video, clothing design, decorative and applied arts - everything where national motifs can be read. We are organizing a fair so that people can sell what they have made with their own hands - jewelry, dishes, belts, daggers. People have golden hands, and not everyone has yet switched to computer design, they can do something themselves.

IN this moment Negotiations are still underway with officials, with the office of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus, with the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, with the Russian Ministry of Culture... My dream is to bring the event to the federal level, and subsequently to the world! I believe in this opportunity, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken it. We plan to hold the festival in the fall in the capital of our native Kabardino-Balkaria, in the city of Nalchik. I really hope that we will do everything in time and all the stars will align as they should! And the main thing is that the festival will take place so successful that it will become an annual event. Exchange cultural values we will strengthen relations between the peoples of Russia. These are my grandiose plans.

Having lived for so many years in Moscow, in this cosmopolitan city, do you feel that you are gradually moving away from your homeland, your culture?

Nothing like that, quite the opposite. But it took me a long time to grow to understand how important a person’s roots are for a person. To begin with, I went through the usual nihilism for every teenager and the denial of obvious things. Having moved to Moscow at the age of 18, I was in awe when I heard my native speech, but I never wanted to admit it to myself, convincing myself that it was not cool.

I love Moscow very much, I am grateful to it for everything that it has given me and is giving. Of course, in this city I miss the mountains and my native air. When I’m tired and sad, I remember my native village, mentally go out into our huge garden and inhale the fabulous delicious smells. And when I completely lose my strength, I board a plane and fly home. But there, after five days of rest, I begin to worry, worry, get bored, even my muscles are twisting with the desire to move somewhere further, to run, to do something. My goals are huge, they seem to me to some extent unattainable, but it’s more interesting to live this way. When you really enjoy what you do, you will find strength. And if you see your goal, your dream ahead, it prevents you from getting lost or losing hope.

Family: father - Setgaliy Talstanovich, private entrepreneur; mother - Fatima Ismailovna, doctor; sisters - Svetlana, lawyer, Maryana, art director, producer, Madina, designer, model

Education: graduated from the Kabardino-Balkarian College of Culture and Arts with a degree in academic singing, studied at Russian Academy music named after Gnessins with a degree in pop-jazz singing, this year he will graduate from the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts

Career: in 2002 she took part in the project “Star Factory-1”, from December 2002 to May 2010 she was the soloist of the group “Factory”. Hosted the program “The Phantom of the Opera” (Channel One). She took part in the television projects “Ice and Fire” and “One to One” (all on Channel One). Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Sati Casanova was at the pinnacle of success, next to her was a man who adored her, but, despite the external attributes of prosperity, she felt unhappy and lonely. The singer openly spoke about what she had to go through in an interview.

I read in one of your interviews that there were two serious novels in your life. Can you tell us about them?

Each of them lasted three years - it was the longest relationship I have ever experienced. The scenarios are approximately the same: the first year - euphoria, passion; the second is a period of reflection on the topic “are we suitable for each other?” the third year is spent on breaking this connection relatively painlessly.

It turns out that love lasts three years?

If the relationship lasted only three years, it means there was not love, but only passion. In my case, these were generally illusions. Only a few can truly love each other throughout their lives. Such partners must constantly develop spiritually, work on themselves and their relationships, look in one direction, and serve the same goal. Such an example of a marriage union was Nicholas and Helena Roerich. I really hope I can create a relationship like this someday.

Do you believe in karma?

I am sure that my relationships with men were also karmic. That’s why it’s so important for me to end the novel painlessly: if during a breakup someone suffers and experiences severe pain, it means that karma has not been worked through and it will haunt you - you will find yourself in the same situation in this or the next life.

All the seeds we sow will grow sooner or later. If we sow goodness, love, attention, understanding, then this is exactly what we will receive. If I encounter some kind of pain, injustice and deception towards myself, then I think: why do I need this? Where did I go wrong? Who did I offend?

But besides karma, there is also life scenario, which was instilled in us as children - men like our fathers?

I definitely have such a scenario. I always choose the same type of man, and he is very similar to my father - dominant. Over time, after taking various courses and seminars on personal growth, I realized that the problem was primarily in me, in the fact that I did not respect and love myself. This is the problem of many children who were not loved in childhood.

I am the eldest child in the family; I was only one and a half years old when my sister was born. She had health problems - and all the attention and love was given to her, and I faded into the background. And, as often happens in such a situation, I did not receive my portion of love. And my father was generally something unattainable for me. He worked as a truck driver and was rarely at home. Each of his appearances was a special event for me; I was very shy in front of him, I did not even dare to speak. I understand that I transferred this model of behavior to relationships with men, even with my producer Igor Matvienko. For a long time I could not communicate with him on an equal footing, and as soon as he came to the hall where we were singing, I lost all self-confidence.

The same situation happened with the man I was dating: when he was not around, I was a completely self-confident girl, but as soon as he appeared nearby, I began to stammer and watch everything I said and did. It was as if I was submitting myself to his judgment and waiting to see what grade he would give me. I was afraid of not liking him or not pleasing him. Over time, I realized that I myself was to blame for this: if you give a man the right to judge you, he will do it mercilessly.

How do you feel about your partner?

Always the same story. Already at the very beginning of a relationship, I overdo it with emotions. I don’t wait for a man to earn my favor, but I’m in a hurry to give him so much happiness and love that, roughly speaking, he is stunned. There is nothing wrong in this, because even in all the scriptures it is said that a woman should serve a man. But not in the sense of dissolving in him, but becoming his support and support, giving him energy. You need to give a man the opportunity to feel like a conqueror, so that he ultimately realizes that your love and care are worth a lot, and does not take them for granted.

How is your relationship with your father now?

Amazing. We are close friends, we have complete mutual understanding. I share everything that happens in my life with him, and he is my main adviser.

Do you clearly imagine the image of the man you want to see next to you? Have you realized what you expect from a relationship?

In this matter I rely on fate. I am sure that every person is destined to meet his soulmate - perhaps after going through trials, through unsuccessful relationships... Now I am in an unusual relationship with a man: it’s as if we are grinding against each other, smoothing out rough edges and becoming better.

Do you also consider marriage to be destiny?


Why are you still not married?

I can say that I was in a long-term relationship twice and... And every time I felt that it was not for me, and I am very glad that. It was definitely not mine, and I would not have been able to create a full-fledged family with those beloved ones. All the same, sooner or later we would have parted, but it would have been much more painful.

I believe that any relationship is sent to us for a certain experience, for a lesson, and I was happy in them and do not regret anything. In general, it seems to me that everything is predetermined in life, we are given only a small right to choose, which cannot seriously change anything.

Are you worried about not being married?

Not anymore. There were periods when I was attacked by panic and a nagging fear of loneliness. I was afraid that I would be left alone without a husband and without a family. But thank God, it passed, I’m no longer torn about it. This doesn't mean I don't want to get married. Nothing can replace a strong man’s shoulder and the hugs of a child, I understand that. I just changed my attitude towards this situation. I know for sure that what is mine will not leave me anywhere, I believe that there is a person destined for me by fate, he may appear tomorrow, or maybe in five years. The main thing is not to cling to relationships that have no future out of fear of loneliness. While the place next to you is occupied, the person who is destined for you will not enter your life.

At the same time, I realized that marriage is not the main objective in life, there are things that are no less important to me: these are my spiritual practices and my creativity. In general, for now I’m developing, doing the work I love, enjoying life and just waiting for my fate.

Are you ready to make sacrifices for a man?

It seems to me no, and it is not necessary. Many people ask if I’m ready to give up my career for the sake of my family... From a career - yes, but from self-realization - no. There have been men in my life who were disrespectful of what I did and did not understand the importance of creativity to me. They didn't stay nearby for long.

Could you forgive cheating?

Yes, I forgave and perhaps I can continue to do so. It is important for me to understand why the man did this. Perhaps he, having not received something from me, began to look for it on the side. And perhaps I don’t respect myself enough, since he allowed himself to do this.

Reminds me of the story of domestic violence: women blame themselves for the fact that a man raises his hand against them. So you take the blame for male betrayal?

This is different, I'm talking about awareness. If you receive such fruits, it means that you once sowed such a seed. The universe is just returning the debt. You can break up with this man or have a fight and then make peace, but internally you must work through this situation and understand how you could attract these circumstances into your life.

You talk a lot about consciousness, about spirituality, about closeness to God, you sing mantras. Tell me, how did you come to this?

It’s not like it happened unexpectedly, I always thought about the meaning of life, was in some kind of spiritual search, felt an emptiness that needed to be filled. And the moment just came when these questions began to bother me especially acutely. Oddly enough, it was at this time that my career was at its peak, but I felt unhappy. And during this period I began to get involved in esoteric literature. The first books that shocked me were “The Rose of the World” by Daniil Andreev and “Two Lives” by Concordia Antarova. Then I started reading avidly books about yoga, about spiritual people, about where we come from and what our purpose is.

Did these books really help you get back on your feet?

No, these books were the first step towards recovery, so to speak. After all, the main thing in life is intentions and the first step. And then the Universe moves forward.

I started going to yoga, communicating with different spiritual people, and I was lucky enough to meet a true yoga master. He initiated me into Atma Kriya Yoga, which translates as “purification of the soul.” At one of the first seminars, he said: “I don’t welcome people who lie on the couch all day and suffer because they are so spiritually developed, but no one understands them. Spirituality and activity go hand in hand. Go and every move you make , dedicate every deed and every thought to God. If you want to serve God, serve people.

Then I realized that active work, career, public life do not interfere spiritual development. I found meaning, and then I found the strength to start life anew and become happy again.

What about creativity? Didn't you find peace in him?

Oddly enough, no. Although at that time our group was at the peak of popularity. Everything was going well in my career, but I felt terrible devastation. I saw no meaning or purpose in life. I started to get annoyed with what I was doing. Filming and concerts seemed meaningless, and the songs were empty. I sat in my apartment on the 35th floor, drank tea and endlessly listened to mantras. I asked God to either take me away or show me what I was living for. I couldn't find people who understood me. I started to get really depressed - and the books I talked about opened some kind of door to my soul.

I left the group and set myself the task of filling my songs with something different, more deep meaning. But I didn’t find him, and there was a period when not a single producer understood me. Now I realize that it was not what I sang, but how. Edith Piaf said: even a telephone directory can be sung so that people will cry.

I know people who preached this way of life. They are a little “out of this world”... Aren’t you afraid of this prospect?

When a person is immersed in spiritual practices, he sometimes becomes detached from reality, and it becomes difficult for him to communicate with society. Therefore, you need to ground yourself in time. I had a period when I needed to find a balance between the material world and the spiritual, and I found it. It is this ideal combination that symbolizes the cross in Christianity: the vertical is the upward movement towards God, and the horizontal is worldly life.

They say you already give concerts where you sing mantras?

My concerts include not only mantras, but also ethnic music, ancient chants, texts from ancient Sanskrit scriptures. Now it seems to me that everything is mine old life was just preparation for doing exactly that - chanting mantras. They are like a prayer to me, from which I get great pleasure. I hope the listeners do too.

Now I intend to form my own group and create an album in which ethnic music will be combined with popular music. I'm already working on several albums, I hope you can hear them soon. I believe that when a person does what makes his soul dance, success will inevitably await him.

A real beauty. With a ringing and such a playful surname. However, you should not think that the life of Sati Casanova is one thousand and one nights. Before becoming the all-Russian Scheherazade, the girl from Nalchik had to go through thorns. And having made her way to the stars, she decided... to start all over again.

Interviewed by Dmitry Tulchinsky

It is now that Sati’s fate hangs in the balance. To be or not to be, hit or miss? Having announced her departure from the Factory group and the start of a solo career, she put everything on one card.

“If it doesn’t work out, I’ll sell everything and go to Bali”

In general, I was incredibly tired, I hadn’t slept for two days, the first thing she complained about was as soon as we “landed” at a table in one of the Moscow cafes.

- Well, excuse me, Sati, I’ll torment you a little. So your crazy life began?
- I’ve been like this for the last six months, ever since I decided to leave “Factory” and start a solo career. All this is connected with very strong tension: physical, moral...

- Maybe you already regret what you did?
- No, you just need to get used to reality, learn to rest, relax. Don't take everything so personally. I think in about a year everything will settle down, and I will feel like a fish in water. But for now, to be honest, I’m a little worried.

- Thoughts about solo career how long ago have they appeared?
- About five years ago. In general, I have always dreamed about this. Even when I got into the group, thoughts sometimes arose: this is not mine, I should sing alone. But I soon realized that I was an “ungrateful sheep” and had no right to even think about it. Because, honestly, few people are as lucky as I am.

Ambition, then, is to blame for everything. Well, and age, perhaps - you probably didn’t want to jump until you were 30 as a “factory girl”?
- Of course, you are absolutely right. I set a deadline for myself, after which it’s called either or. Either there or nowhere. Besides, I’m a terrible maximalist, I try not to waste time on handouts from fate, I don’t agree to everything that’s ready. I don’t blame people who say: “if you drive more quietly, you’ll keep going,” “risk is for fools.” But I myself believe that risk is a noble cause, going with the flow is not for me. And now I'm swimming against the tide.

Indeed, on the other hand, where to go? They know the group, everything is already set up, the tour schedule is planned for years in advance. And then there’s solo sailing, and no one knows what will come of it. Were there many doubts about this?
- I'll tell you my thoughts. I am so confident that I took the right step. That it should be this way and not otherwise. I am so convinced that sitting quietly and waiting for the weather by the sea is not my thing. Well, I don’t have the right to do this in relation to myself and to Heaven, no matter how pathetic it sounds. And I didn’t think about any strategic things and consequences at all... Although Igor Matvienko still tells me: “Well, do you understand the degree of risk?”

- Is there no way back? He didn’t say: try it, it doesn’t work, will you go back?
- I don’t even allow such thoughts. Life, of course, makes its own adjustments... But, you know, one day, due to my impulsiveness, I even rashly snapped at one of my friends: if what I had in mind doesn’t work out, if I understand that it’s either not necessary, or I can’t make it happen, but with a clear conscience I’ll leave altogether...

- Where?
- Yes, to nowhere! She said: “I’ll sell all my property here and go to Bali.” I only vacationed there once and fell in love with these places, I just dream about them...

- Well, in any case, you won’t be left unscathed: if everything turns out great, no, heavenly life awaits you in Bali.
- Yes. That is, I don’t think like this: oh, if it doesn’t happen, then everything is lost, it’s a disaster, I’ll die... In any case, I won’t kill myself.

“It’s unpleasant to remember your former self”

- When you arrived in Moscow, how old were you?
- 17.

- Did your parents let you go with a light heart?
- How can you let a 17-year-old child go to Moscow with a light heart? Moreover, we had only one acquaintance here who promised to help, and, by the way, kept his promise, for which he thanks a lot. That is, I was practically going nowhere, into the unknown. She was a confident girl, but she was very afraid. And she cried and despaired. I remember the feeling of insane loneliness I experienced for the first time. I'll tell you how it happened. I’ve only been in Moscow for two months, I’ll turn 18 in October. I’ve already made some acquaintances through my studies, but I haven’t made close friends with anyone yet. I come to the institute. On the one hand, joyful, but on the other, so sad: it’s my birthday, but no one knows. I meet the guys: “Hello.” And to everyone: “And today is my birthday!” - “Oh, congratulations!” - "Thank you!"...

- How did you celebrate?
- After studying, I bought myself a bottle of champagne and a small cake. I came home sad, sad. She sat down on the sofa. Tiny apartment, I'm alone. And I felt so lonely! That's when I first understood what loneliness was. I'm sitting, drinking this champagne. And I cry. Suddenly mom calls. “Ma-ma-ah!..” - I couldn’t even restrain myself - I so wanted someone to take pity on me. She heard that I was roaring, and she also began to cry: “What is this Moscow to you? I beg you, come back, don’t torture yourself and us...” And then dad picked up the phone: “Come on, stop the hysteria. Decision is made? Are you on the path? Forward!" And for these words I am very grateful to my father.

- And there were thoughts: that’s it, am I packing my things and leaving tomorrow?
- There were all sorts of things. I thought, I cried. And when you cry a lot, you become so weak. But the worst thing is when you wake up at dawn, at five or six in the morning. No sleep in either eye. And - fear. It shackles the heart, freezes all the insides. And so on for a week, two, three. Can you imagine how exhausting it is?

- Fear for what?
- Because of all these worries: it will work out - it won’t work out, leaving - staying... Or here’s a banal example. A week before paying for the apartment - no money. And you wake up in the middle of the night, lie there, and because of the lump in your throat you can’t even really breathe, you just die: scary, creepy. And then you walk around broken all day.

- I know you went through a sea of ​​auditions and auditions. Where could you end up if things went well?
“I almost became a member of the group.” Love stories“- I already had a contract in hand, I rehearsed with the girls for a month. Then I went to the casting for the musical “Chicago”. But they told me: you look very young, it doesn’t suit us.

- Did Philip Bedrosovich personally look at it?
- No, I think Philip selected from those who had already been selected... I hung around everywhere, went everywhere, tried to get a job somewhere. Once I even got the number of the late Yuri Aizenshpis, called him, and said: “Hello, I’m talented, young, beautiful. You must listen to me." And, you know, he invited me. After listening, he really said: “Well, if you have money, come in.”

In general, that time was difficult in some ways, but romantic and free in others - how do you remember it now? Was it great, was it terrible?
- No, it wasn't great. I made a lot of mistakes. It is precisely from this fear and despair. She allowed herself such actions, such thoughts! This is very personal, I wouldn’t like to go into details. But speaking generally, my character back then was simply the worst. I developed such an attitude towards life, like: “he who stood up first gets the slippers”, “to live with wolves - howl like a wolf.” And even in the “Factory” group for the first few years I was like that, I thought that you had to be impudent, arrogant, and put yourself out there. Now I remember my former self - it becomes unpleasant.

- What actions of that time are you ashamed of now?
- Oh, there was a case, about four years ago, when in Domodedovo the head of the customs service, a wonderful, intelligent young man, shouted very rudely. We were flying with a friend from Germany, I was sleep deprived. Besides, I was in a hurry to go to the concert; I had to go there straight from the plane. They asked us: “What are you bringing?” - “Yes, we had shopping!” - I answer with ambition. “How much?” - “Three thousand euros.” - “Do you know that if it’s more than one and a half, you need to fill out a declaration?” And such hysteria began! She simply covered the poor young man up and down, even allowing herself to use obscene language. How can you not be ashamed of this?

- What was it, star fever?
- No - just nerves, psychosis. Disruption. Didn't get enough sleep, bad mood...

“I don’t want to be a femme fatale anymore”

- Now you are also sleep deprived...
- Now I would sit down and cry. Yes, I’m completely different now. Maybe because I became a vegetarian - a lot has changed in my character because of this.

- What about Kabardian lamb kebab?
- Well, dad scolds me a little for this, he says: you’ve become too thin, you don’t have a face, you’re exhausted. And I’ve been really exhausted physically and mentally for the last six months, I don’t think meat will help me.

- Your last name comes from the word “cazan”, as I understand it. Do you know how to cook?
- Actually, my last name does not come from the word “cazan”. I'm not the most masterful cook, perhaps, but some simple dishes I can cook. Of course, I can’t handle Satsivi, but frying chicken in sour cream sauce is no problem.

What about the more familiar one - “Casanova”, with the emphasis on the penultimate syllable? It seems to me that this is closer to you.
- Good or bad, but yes. I won’t lie to myself or you, it’s in my character. I used to be terribly proud - oh, I’m such a coquette, such a coquette, a femme fatale. Now I understand that these are not qualities that need to be emphasized. Yes, I played around and played. And I played enough. I don't want to be a femme fatale who breaks hearts anymore.

- Did you break a lot?
- Not to say that a lot. It’s just that I had, as they say, rarely, but aptly, every time everything was serious. But the feeling of guilt still gnaws... How can I tell you so as not to offend anyone?.. So I learned, bit through, ate - then I was not interested. I already felt the weakness of this man. And the strength of another. And when such a moment comes, I can no longer be held back... No, it wasn’t trophies, like the men’s, you know: the first night happened - and “dosvidos”. Every time I believed that it was last time. But when the passion ended, the veil fell, and eyes were opened to many things. I understood that this man was not strong enough for me, he was not what I imagined for myself. And then I will either be unhappy myself or destroy him. You see, if a woman does not admire and worship a man, then sooner or later she will destroy him.

- Have you ever had an unhappy love? So that it’s not you who leaves the man, but he who leaves you?
- Maybe at school... A boy came to us. So beautiful and unusual. The girls gasped. But they all sighed to themselves, and I said: girls, he’s mine. I wrote him a note: “I love you, just don’t tell anyone.” And he, the bastard, immediately, at the next break, began pointing his finger at me: they say, this one. Oh, I think you are so-and-so! But for three years I suffered, seeing him first with one, then with the other...

- Sati, you are 27 years old. Probably all the girlfriends in Nalchik have been married for a long time, have given birth to children...
- Oh, am I an old maid?

- Not that... But the relatives are not indignant?
- Last summer I came home for my younger sister’s wedding...

- It’s impossible! According to Muslim customs, the eldest sister must marry first.
- No, if the parents and the older sister herself don’t mind, then it’s possible. And my relatives don’t bother me too much, understanding, so to speak, the non-standard nature of the situation. “Well, of course, you have work...” the aunties say, as if apologizing for my imperfect marriage. And although mom and dad are worried, they encourage you: it’s okay, at 30 and at 35 they start families and give birth, the main thing is that you are happy.

- How many times have you been offered marriage?
- Not so often, in fact... You know, my first serious love happened at the age of 15. The purest and most romantic - with walks under the moon and everything that is described in romance novels. He then went into the army, against this background we broke up, but that’s not the point. One day I dreamed that I was marrying him. I woke up sobbing, in a cold sweat. This thought horrified me so much. So I don’t suffer from not being married... There are, of course, difficult periods. I remember one of these, when I wanted love so painfully, I was looking for it so much that I even peered into the audience from the stage: “Well, maybe you? No, not you...” This is funny, of course.
But a woman is always looking for love... By the way, we recently discussed this topic with Ksyusha Sobchak. I said that a woman’s happiness lies in being a wife and mother. Ksyusha answers: well, what should I do if I don’t have the same criteria for happiness. “What’s better,” she asks, “to be a well-groomed, sleek, tanned, fit old lady who has achieved everything, or a plump granny mowing the lawn while her grandchildren laugh? I haven't decided yet..."

- What is closer to you?
- This is exactly the question, you can turn on your imagination. A well-groomed, polished rich old woman inside can be withered by loneliness and anger. A plump granny can mow the lawn to the laughter of her grandchildren, and at the same time think: oh, my life has passed, I haven’t done anything. So I don’t want either one, I’m generally against extremes. If I am lucky enough to meet a man with whom I will be absolutely free, with whom I will have the opportunity to develop. I’ll write this word in huge letters: DEVELOPMENT...

- But where are these found?
- To tell the truth, I hope that I have already met you. But not another word...

After dramatic changes in her life, Sati Casanova told OK! about creativity, her own choices and who inspires her.

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov Sati Casanova

Sati made an appointment with us at a vegetarian cafe, because she has been a yoga adept for seven years and healthy eating. The artist paused a little and, sitting down at the table, said with a sigh: “My coach just tortured me today!”

I thought there was only yoga in your life.

(Laughs.) Recently, I consciously took up strength training, which I had ignored for many years. I myself always believed that there would be only yoga in my life. However, strength training, in addition to body relief, helps develop certain character qualities.

Which for example?

Discipline and endurance at a minimum. Let's see how long I last, I started with this coach many years ago, but gave up, and now I decided to return. Probably, this is no longer just my passion, but a calm, deep love. When I study at home, my husband, passing by, can tap me on the shoulder: “What a Strong woman, I believe in you". It's about his participation in strength training. (Laughs.) But I think that he will come to this.

In general, it is very important when two people inspire each other. Every example is contagious - both bad and good. And my responsibility is to only serve good example. (Smiling.)

What example does Stefano set for you?

He teaches me punctuality and organization. Stefano is a northern Italian, if he said that he would come at five, he will be at five minutes.

You and your husband often visit a spiritual master in Germany, you are both vegetarians and practice yoga. How did you choose this path?

Actually this is known fact that the more common hobbies a couple has, the stronger it is. So we have a huge number of them, we also love and follow the teachings of our Master - Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda. He talks about love, patience and unity, his main message: Just love (“Just love” or “Just love”). I am usually cautious when touching on the topic of religion, but the topic of faith in God really interests me. After all, religion is a certain system, and faith is a state, a certain spiritual achievement. When I met my Teacher seven years ago, I was already ready to meet a spiritual mentor. It’s good that now this is not something wild, you can increasingly hear “my mentor”, “my coach”, recently Sadguru came to Moscow, and more than seven thousand people gathered to listen to what the Indian sage was saying. Now special time. People are more open to self-discovery, which is great. My husband, for example, unexpectedly came to vegetarianism.

The fact is that he is a photographer, videographer and traveler, and when he ended up in Namibia, he filmed nature and animals every day. He admired zebras and flamingos, and when in the evening at a restaurant a dish of steak from the same zebra was placed in front of him, he realized that he could not eat it... It is noteworthy that the husband now looks and feels healthier than before becoming a vegetarian.

Sati, at what point in your life did you feel the need for a spiritual mentor?

The fact is that since childhood I have felt some kind of special craving for the spiritual. I remember when I was a child, my grandmothers often took me to Religious holidays, where dhikrs (Islamic chants) were performed. I always liked to listen to stories about saints and prophets, and I happily absorbed all the prayers and songs that I heard.

But then we moved from the village to the city, and when I moved from Nalchik to Moscow, all this was forgotten - life was spinning. And only when, at twenty-seven years old, I practically became disillusioned with outside world, I began to look for new meaning in life and a source of strength.

What exactly were you disappointed in? Are you unhappy with your life?

You see, I achieved what I wanted. But the stage, popularity, fans and even material income did not make me happy. I got up in the morning absolutely miserable, empty, with a yearning heart, and this emptiness could not be filled. In addition, there were several difficult events in my life: my departure from the Factory group, a difficult breakup with a man, plus then I lost my voice. It’s probably not for nothing that they say that a person needs to lose everything he has in order for him to finally turn to God. So I had the opportunity to know myself, to understand why I live. And I tried to find answers to my questions: I listened to lectures, read books. And suddenly I came across the phrase: “When the student is ready, the Teacher is ready for him.” I realized that I definitely needed a mentor. More than a year and a half passed and I met him. For the first few years I was very active in studying various spiritual and philosophical teachings. I began to practice a very powerful practice called atma kriya yoga. A few years later I began teaching this practice, and now I have more than seventy students.

Did the Sati Ethnica project appear during the period of your search?

Yes, at that time I listened a lot to mantras and ancient songs of the Adyghe and other peoples, chanted them for myself - they calmed and filled me. And I realized that I had come out of the gloomy state of “why live” and finally saw simple worldly beauty. Then I started singing for friends in small yoga clubs and suddenly thought: why not start performing this kind of music on stage.

Didn't it bother you that fans know you as a pop artist? Why might they not accept the new Sati?

One day I came to my Master for the opening of his spiritual center, where he asked me to sing with his Sufi friends, knowing that I was a Muslim. At first I was terribly worried, and when I went on stage, I admitted to the musicians that I didn’t know what to sing. They reassured me by saying that they would follow me. And then something magical began: for forty-five minutes we sang in one breath, I was in some kind of space flight. I only remember the flurry of applause after and the fact that Russian spectators came up to me and said what I should do new program. Perhaps this episode became a landmark for me: I began to develop the Sati Ethnica project. Just at the beginning of the year, the first album was released, in which I combined sacred mantras and ancient songs. The album can be downloaded from iTunes. Here is a unique symbiosis of ethno and electro sounds - the depth of antiquity in modern processing. For the most part, concerts with this program are held at festivals in Europe. Here in Russia, the cliche of the pop singer bothers me, you are right about that.

Of course, I understand that I will have to make some effort to change the opinion of a multimillion-dollar audience about myself. But this doesn’t scare me, it only inspires me. Nevertheless, I am still actively involved in popular music and just the other day I have a new single “Palms of Paris” coming out.

Did your family support you in this decision?

I am certainly supported in this direction by my spiritual Master and husband. My family is happy for me, but also worried, my parents ask: “Maybe you won’t change so radically? We don’t see you on TV.” ( Laughs.)

What do you answer them?

I say that I am not going to make any sudden movements, that everything will happen gradually. Although I admit that there were days when I wanted to quit pop music altogether. I remember I told my Teacher about this and he told me: “It’s not what you sing, but how you sing, the main thing is that your heart is filled with love.” And as Edith Piaf said, “even a telephone directory can be sung so that the audience will cry.” Frankly speaking, I am still discovering and learning about myself. My music and my audience are just coming into their own. I feel like everything is just beginning.

You have been doing yoga for so long. Are you enjoying life now?

Oh yeah! A couple of years ago, I was still in a reclusive mood, when I didn’t want to go to social events, despite the fact that I kept releasing songs, such as the hit “Until Dawn.” The main thing that I realized after all my pilgrimage trips and trips to yoga retreats: life is beautiful everywhere, and not just in certain places, where everyone walks around so enlightened. And the main place of power, main temple- it's my heart!

Tell me, do you and your husband continue to live in two countries?

Not really, all the time when Stefano is not traveling and I am not on tour, we spend in Moscow. Now, by the way, he is going to St. Petersburg for work, and in a few days we will end up in the Caucasus together, stay with my parents, then return to Moscow and fly to Bali. Stefano will be traveling all over Indonesia and I will be leading a yoga retreat with a group of girls. We travel a lot, but live mainly in Moscow, and this is thanks to the wisdom, flexibility of my husband and his understanding that my work is connected with Moscow and until this changes, I will not be able to leave Russia. But it’s easier for him: he can do photography or videography anywhere in the world. Of course, sometimes my husband feels lonely here, and I understand that he is, essentially, in a foreign country, in a foreign culture, and I cannot give him due attention. Recently I asked him: “Darling, are you bored?” And he replied: “Yes, I have no friends here, all my friends are in Italy, and you work a lot, and I don’t see you.” I felt sad... I understand that this is a sacrifice that he deliberately makes in order to be with me. And I am immensely grateful to him for this. I know that my time will come to sacrifice something.

You and Stefano made a promise to your parents to learn Italian and Russian. How are you doing?

I'm putting off this moment for now because I really don't have time, but I promised Stefano's mom that I would learn Italian, so I'll do it for his parents. My husband’s favorite joke: “As long as I’m your translator, there will be peace and love in our house, but when you learn Italian, I’ll wash my hands of it.” ( Laughs.) But this, of course, is all just humor, because Stefano’s mother kindest woman, she saw me at the wedding of my older brother Stefano and my friend and fell in love with me long before we started dating and got married. As for the Russian language, Stefano already speaks, reads and understands a lot well.

In addition to the differences in cultures, your religions are different: you are a Muslim, and your husband is a Catholic. Did this issue require a solution?

No one simply gave up their religion. Neither he nor I demanded this because we respect each other too much. In our family there is one religion - love. But in the cultures of Kabardians and Italians there are similar features, for example, nepotism and respect for elders. And I would definitely like to pass on to our future children a certain amount of restraint, which is inherent in the Circassian mentality, and at the same time instill in them the absolute cordiality and sincerity of the Italians. Of course, at first it was difficult for Stefano to understand what it means to control oneself and not show one’s feelings in public. ( Smiles.) At our Caucasian wedding, before leaving, I warned him: “Don’t you dare smile! Keep a serious, stern face. Like a horseman. Don’t look anyone in the eye or smile.” He asks: “Well, of course, this is a wedding?!” And I say: “It’s not accepted, what are you talking about! What do we have a happier event, the more serious the face!” Then, I see, he’s walking seriously, not looking at anyone, his chest in a wheel, just holding on to the handle of his dagger. ( Smiling.) And his brother, Christiano, asks: “What’s wrong with you, smile, it’s your wedding!” And since then we love to laugh that at our wedding everyone walked around exclusively with stern faces. But this is the North Caucasus... Military honor and severity remained in the blood of the Adyghe people. Then, already in Italy, when we celebrated our wedding again, everyone was smiling.

Sati, I know you had prejudices about marriage.

Yes, I was really afraid of it, I had nightmares, but now I have definitely become more relaxed and calm. I would say that I have become more patient, but this quality does not develop in one day. ( Smiling.) When you feel the influence of fate, it’s as if all the signs in the universe are telling you that this is your person.

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