What operations did Olga Ushakova perform? TV presenter Olga Ushakova: “I am like a flower: I come to life in the spring! “Coconut oil is a must have for me!”

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Biography, life story of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova – Russian TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Olya was born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Her father was a military man. Because of the work of the head of the family, the Ushakovs constantly moved from place to place - they lived either in Russia or in Ukraine. They stayed in one city for a maximum of six months. For any other child, such frequent changes would be stressful, but for the strong and active Olya, this was not the case at all. On the contrary, Olya grew up as a very sociable girl; she managed to make friends everywhere. At the same time, she also managed to study well. It is worth noting that Olya went to school at the age of six. And she graduated, by the way, with a gold medal.

It cannot be said that Ushakova’s childhood was cloudless. When she migrated from Ukraine to Russia and back, some of her peers often teased her - either as a katsapka or as a khokhlushka. Olya could only stand up for herself with the help of physical strength. The girl's parents were called to school more than once for fighting. But for Olya herself this was a plus - careless classmates, those who called her names, began to be afraid of her, and in a teenage environment this is different from respect.

After school, Olga Ushakova entered the V.N. Kharkov National University. Karazin and successfully graduated from it.


After receiving a diploma higher education Olga Ushakova went into private business with her then boyfriend. Already at the age of 23, Ushakova took the post of head of the Ukrainian branch of a trading company, whose activities consisted of promoting European brands.

Very soon Olga moved to Moscow. In the capital of Russia, Ushakova seriously thought about what she should do next. The girl suddenly remembered her childhood hobby. A long time ago, while still a little girl, Olya loved to pretend to be a television announcer, using any available objects as a microphone. Ushakova’s lover advised her to take a risk and make her childhood dream come true. And Olya made up her mind.


In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to Russian television, Channel One, as a trainee. Without a specialized education, Olga began to pave her way to fame with her inherent tenacity and perseverance. As a result of long and difficult studies, she managed to get rid of the Ukrainian accent and learn to speak clearly and coherently, as required by the norms Russian television. In combat (in the sense of working tasks) she learned to write news stories.

For nine years, Olga hosted the “News” program, then she began appearing in the “Good Day” program, and in 2014, already an experienced professional, Ushakova took the place of a TV presenter in the show “ Good morning" A year later, Olga received the well-deserved TEFI award.

Personal life

Olga never mentioned the name of her first husband (according to some sources, this marriage was not registered). The only thing she always told the public was that her first husband was a wonderful man, a real support that any woman dreams of. It is known that the chosen one was somewhat older than Lena.

From her first husband, Ushakova gave birth to two daughters of the same age. Daria was born first, Ksenia was born later. Dasha is a girl with special needs. It so happened that Ushakova’s daughters were born in the same year (Olya found out that Ksyusha would be born when Dasha was only three months old), so the sisters went to school together in the same class.

Daria and Ksenia are active and versatile girls. Since childhood, they became interested in music, choreography, ballet, horse riding, and chess. When asked what they would like to become when they grow up, Dasha answered that she would be a translator, and Ksyusha – a designer or singer.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakova married restaurateur Adam. A beautiful wedding ceremony took place in Cyprus. And in January 2018, the lovers delighted the public by announcing that they would have a baby at the end of April. In this regard, Ushakova said, she is temporarily leaving work and going on well-deserved maternity leave.

Olga Ushakova and Timur Solovyov in the Good Morning program

Olga Ushakova has been appearing on the Good Morning program on Channel One for more than three years. Millions of Russians are accustomed to greeting a new day with this program. The 35-year-old TV presenter spoke about the upcoming replenishment on her blog:

Olga accompanied the news with a funny photo of her family. The eldest daughter shows one finger (number one), the youngest daughter shows two, the TV presenter herself raised three fingers up, and her husband Adam points to his wife’s stomach. Despite the fact that Olga’s pregnancy is already 6 months old, she did not reveal the gender of the unborn baby.

A post shared by Olga Ushakova 📺(@ushakovao) on Jan 25, 2018 at 7:02am PST

Olga Ushakova with her husband Adam and daughters Daria and Ksenia

Fans of the TV presenter enthusiastically greeted good news: “Well done! You are working hard on the demographic crisis!”, “I will congratulate you in April, but for now I am happy for you and wish you good health”, “Health and happiness, and let your eyes sparkle like now”, “Great happiness and it is in children and strong family. All beautiful! Very!",

Some subscribers noted with pleasure that they had already guessed that Olga was pregnant:

“Every morning this week, while watching “Good Morning,” I thought about this and was not mistaken!”, “In a white jacket, I noticed your rounded tummy, although you hid it very much, and in the studio with wide sweaters,” “And yet I have an eye -diamond”, “You have changed! Visible on the screen! It's like there's a mystery in the eyes. Well done! Congratulations."

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Olga Ushakova is raising two daughters of the same age: 11-year-old Dasha and 10-year-old Ksenia. The eldest of the girls was diagnosed with neurological disorders reminiscent of high-functioning autism. Olga admitted: “Raising special children in our country is like surviving on a desert island.” The TV presenter almost didn’t talk about the girls’ father and didn’t mention his name, but said that her daughters bear his last name.

It is known that she lived in a civil marriage for several years with a much older man, having met him in Ukraine. After her lover moved to Moscow, Olga followed him.

In one of the interviews, the presenter explained the reason for her secrecy: “When in a couple one person is public and the other is not, there are always problems with this. One thing I can say is that from my long-term relationship I took away the most important thing: two beautiful children and tremendous experience. And these same children got the most best father in the world that one could wish for.”

Olga Ushakova is a Russian TV presenter, known for her work on Channel One news and on the Good Morning program. Finalist of the prestigious television award “TEFI-2017”.

Childhood and youth

Olga Ushakova was born in Crimea on April 7, 1981 in a large family. Since Olga’s father was a military man, the family had to change cities in Russia and Ukraine every six months, or even less. Naturally, at school Olga had problems in relationships with new classmates, and the future TV presenter had to defend her honor even with her fists; conflicts often resulted national character. However, with other classmates Olga quickly found mutual language, and in high school she easily achieved authority.

Establishing communications with different people turned out to be a very useful skill for a career in television, which Olga had dreamed of since childhood. As a little girl, she picked up a newspaper and imitated the style of television announcers, and for the sake of an impromptu interview, Olga picked up a comb (as a “microphone”) and pestered her acquaintances, bombarding them with questions.

Already at the age of 16, Olga graduated from school with a gold medal, moved to Kharkov and entered the university. In fact, she started independent life, and she had to earn extra money, and over time, together with her boyfriend (whose name Olga never named), she began to do business. By the age of 23, she became the head of the Ukrainian branch of an international company that promoted large brands.

TV presenter career

Olga did not stay as the head of the branch for long, as she moved to Moscow with her young man. It was then that she remembered her childhood dream and decided to try her hand at television, especially since the capital opened up enormous opportunities. At the auditions at the Ostankino television center, they paid attention to the photogenic Olga, but they pointed out her southern accent.

The girl was nevertheless hired as an intern, where she trained speech techniques, searched for informational reasons for news stories, and wrote them.

In 2005, Olga became the presenter of morning news on Channel One, broadcasting to the eastern regions of Russia (alternating with Andrei Ukharev for a week).

In 2009, Olga Ushakova appeared on the screen again, but as a presenter of the nightly news of Channel One, broadcast on Central Russia. A year later, the “Other News” program was added to Olga’s responsibilities, the main focus of which was apolitical stories.

From 2013 to 2017 Ushakova was one of the co-hosts of the annual “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”.

In 2014, Ushakova began working as the host of the Good Morning program. At that time, the program underwent significant changes: the composition of the presenters became “younger,” and the headings and topics for the stories were also updated. Such innovations benefited the program, and in 2015 the Good Morning program received the TEFI award. After 2 years, the program was again encouraged by this prestigious award, and Olga Ushakova herself (together with Sergei Babaev) was among the finalists in the “Morning Program Host” nomination (the award was received by Yulia Vysotskaya with the “Eating at Home” program).

Personal life of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova does not often give interviews, and in general she tries not to advertise her personal life. With the young man about whom it was written above, famous TV presenter in her youth she was in a civil marriage. In union with him, two girls appeared with a year difference - Daria (2005) and Ksenia (2006).

Dasha developed neurological problems: the child started talking ahead of schedule, but within a year he became silent, and this continued until he was five years old. Doctors diagnosed her with Kanner syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. Dasha had to go through a method of raising children with special needs, but this did not stop the girl from living a full life. She went to school on time and subsequently showed interest in foreign languages, which came to her with ease. Ksenia really likes to sing, she studied vocals.

In the summer of 2017, Olga Ushakova got married in Cyprus. Her chosen one was restaurateur Adam Karim. The couple met in London in 2013. Olga stood in line at the restaurant's cloakroom; Adam and a friend approached from the other side; they did not notice the girl and got ahead of her in line. Olga was indignant, but when she heard Adam’s heated apologies, she realized that they weren’t doing it on purpose. The man watched Ushakova all evening, and when she got ready to leave, he realized that he couldn’t let her go just like that.

In April 2018, their common daughter was born. During pregnancy, Olga still hosted the Good Morning program and also made stories about physical exercise during childbirth.

To keep yourself in good shape and in the right mood for morning broadcast Olga occasionally practices yoga and gymnastics, and in her free time from work she loves to read and travel with her whole family. In addition, the famous TV presenter basically does not eat meat and occasionally practices a raw food diet.


In October 2018, football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova, the man was admitted to intensive care with a head injury. The TV presenter sued the athletes, saying that she “only suffered financially.” “There is blood both outside and inside. There is also a strong dent on the side. Apparently, the driver was hit against the body of the car,” Olga said, without commenting on the condition of the victim. However, the presenter later wrote on Instagram that she had assembled a team of lawyers who would defend the rights of the victim in court.

Kokorin and Mamaev beat the driver of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova now

Despite the work schedule of the leading morning program, in which you need to wake up at 3 a.m. and literally have breakfast on the go, Olga Ushakova likes own work. She is still filled with that sunny optimism that she is ready to share with the whole country.

The morning is good if it begins with good thoughts and the charming Olga Ushakova. This charming TV presenter of the Good Morning program on Channel One has been charging TV viewers with positivity for several years now. Looking at Olga, it’s hard to believe that this young woman has two daughters of the same age – Dasha and Ksyusha, who have already entered third grade. The TV presenter told us about her methods of raising her daughters and how to become a happy mother.

– Olga, you manage to successfully combine family and career, and at the same time you look so gorgeous that you serve as an excellent example for many mothers. How do you do this?

– My priority has always been and is children. I was in no hurry to return from maternity leave, although I understood that on television “a holy place is never empty” and in a couple of years you could lose your position. Of course, I love my job and value it, but I know that you can change your job, you can even start from scratch, you can try yourself in new areas, but you can’t turn grown-up children into babies and you can’t get back all the lost precious moments, and raise there will be no chance again. Therefore, if I have to choose, I have no doubts.

Fortunately, life doesn’t often present me with such a choice, so I manage to combine everything successfully. I come home after work in the morning, that is, I already pick up the children from school myself. Due to the flexible schedule, it is possible to plan a weekend for children's holidays and go somewhere with them. We often go to different events together. There is also enough personal time now, the daughters are growing up, they spend half the day at school, they have more and more interests of their own, sometimes friends come over to play for the whole day, and then the mother can go to the gym or hairdresser with a clear conscience.

– Most mothers do not immediately decide to have a second baby, remembering the difficulties that arise in the first months and years. Were you planning on having your second child so soon?

– The key point here is “remembering the difficulties,” but I didn’t even have time to get scared - I became pregnant with my second child when my first child was only 3 months old. I won’t say what we planned, but we assumed such a possibility, that is, we left this question, so to speak, to the will of fate. Fate turned out to be favorable to us, and we had another wonderful daughter. I call her “the most fluke" in my life.

– The first pregnancy flew by unnoticed, I worked until the seventh month, then went on vacation, and then immediately went on maternity leave. Toxicosis tormented me a little; it was quite unpleasant when the symptoms came on early in the morning, when you were broadcasting a newscast. I carried with me a lemon cut into slices. When everything has passed, all that remains is to enjoy your condition. I was active, didn’t gain much excess weight, and buttoned up my ethereal jackets almost until the holidays. But on recent months It wasn’t easy - I was in the hospital, then at home with IVs. But this didn’t bother me either; I had time to rest, prepare for the birth of a child, both morally and from a domestic point of view.

Shortly before the birth of my daughter, when the threat of premature birth was lifted, I rearranged the entire apartment, arranged the nursery, throwing everyone at home into shock, ran around the shops, walked up the stairs, in general, the “nesting syndrome” did not bypass me.

But the second pregnancy was more difficult. At first there was a very strong toxicosis, which I didn’t recognize right away, because I was busy with the baby, and I thought that I was just very exhausted, lost weight to the bones, and still managed to maintain breast-feeding, then somehow quickly I became quite overweight and clumsy, just when I had to jump with the eldest, walk by the arms, etc. But the second birth was very easy, and this compensated for all the difficulties of the previous nine months.

– What difficulties did you encounter after the birth of your daughters? After all, it’s very difficult to raise the weather...

– My mother helped me a lot. For the first six months she lived with us, and we “switched” children depending on the situation. But in general, my strategy initially was not to separate the children, but, on the contrary, to plan the day so that, if possible, we spend as much time together as possible. The youngest was born in mid-July, and she slept peacefully in a stroller outside for quite a long time. We used this time for the eldest to “go out”. Instead of a baby walker, she had a stroller with her little sister. The more we synchronized the girls' daily routine, the easier it became. Over time, difficulties with weather give way to advantages.

– Many women who have experienced the joy of motherhood say that having children has radically changed their lives. But not the regime and pace of life, which, of course, is already becoming different, but it has changed them as a person. Tell us, what feelings did you have after the birth of your first and second daughters?

– Of course, motherhood changes a woman. Everything that previously seemed important fades away against the background of responsibility for children and their future. It seems to me that with the birth of children I became more fulfilled, or more real. And this is even reflected in appearance. Looking at my old photos, I see some kind of rigidity in myself that I didn’t realize. And then a real one appeared in my life unconditional love. I began to take care not only of the children, but also of myself. After all, now I am a mother and must be responsible. Everything I do, I do with an eye on my daughters, I think about the example I set for them, I understand that their happiness to some extent depends on how I live my life. They taught me to love not only themselves, but the whole world at its most different manifestations.

– Modern mothers, especially with the advent of Instagram, constantly compare themselves with others and these comparisons, as a rule, are not in their favor. How to stop comparing yourself to someone more successful and forming an inferiority complex in yourself?

– I have never compared myself to anyone, and the feeling of envy is alien to me. I guess I was lucky with my character in this sense. I can be sincerely happy for someone, someone can motivate me. This is probably how you need to set yourself up when you look at someone else’s life through the prism social networks. At the same time, we must not forget that the life that is put on display rarely reflects reality. Few people are ready to talk about their failures publicly and put their shortcomings on public display. Therefore, all this gloss should not be perceived as true happiness.

Think about what is good in your life. If it is not a slim body immediately after giving birth, then perhaps the best and most caring father of your children. If your breakfasts aren't picture-perfect, then maybe you've been lying in bed with your kids all morning, fooling around or just cuddling in each other's arms. We don't have to be perfect; we have the right to be disheveled in the morning if the child has been playing around all night. We don't owe anything to anyone, especially not to the Internet community. Well, if you would like to get closer to some kind of Instagram ideal, then close the Internet, don’t waste precious time, and go for a run. Just 20 minutes of exercise a day instead of contemplating someone else’s life - and maybe in a month you will also have something to brag about.

– What is the most difficult thing for you in raising children?

– I understand what responsibility lies on the mother of girls for their further female happiness, because we are now laying down certain patterns that they will then reproduce in their own lives. own life. The price of your mistakes is the future of your children. But in life, not everything always goes smoothly. And for me this is the biggest difficulty - to explain adult problems to little girls without destroying their faith in love, to raise them as women who will not repeat my mistakes.

It is also quite difficult to balance between the desire to shelter them from all adversity and the desire to grow a strong independent personality. This is also hard work on yourself - to learn to let go of those for whom you are ready to give your life.

– Do your daughters get along well with each other or do they have any conflicts?

– There are conflicts, quarrels, and grievances - without this you can’t go anywhere. But I know for sure and I see how they love each other, feel responsible for their sister (our elder/younger roles are constantly changing), and stand up for each other. For a while they were one. In the last two years, I have observed how they are divided, becoming completely different, and different interests stand out from each other. But this doesn’t make sisterly love any less. And for me, as a mother, this is the greatest happiness - to watch how they move to the same bed in the morning and giggle about something of their own.

– Your girls have been going to school for several years now; probably, each of them already has favorite subjects and a predisposition to certain sciences? They are already thinking about the choice future profession. What do they dream of becoming?

– Professions change about once a month. But I see that, in general, a predisposition to certain professions has already emerged. For example, the eldest - Dasha - loves foreign languages, shows interest not only in what is taught at school (English and French), but sometimes takes an Italian, Spanish or German dictionary from the shelf, sits down, leafs through it silently, and then, as if casually, blurts out some phrase. At the same time, she reads a lot and has a good memory, so her literacy skills are native language also in perfect order.

But Ksyusha, although an excellent student and excels in absolutely all subjects, is clearly a creative person: she draws beautifully, models clothes, hairstyles, and can already apply makeup quite well, create a full-fledged image, thought out to the smallest details. Everything, of course, can still change, but certain inclinations in the girls are already visible.

– Do you think parents should influence their child’s choice regarding the choice of profession, school, friends?

– My task as a parent is to raise healthy children, physically and psychologically, to give them a comprehensive education, to show them the world and opportunities, and then they themselves will decide where to direct their feet. I will support them in any case. After all, I know from my own example how important it is to have a job you love, and not to suffer from 9 to 6 five days a week.

As for friends, I don’t promise. I have well-mannered, kind daughters and they now choose the same friends. But I myself was a teenager and I remember that when a period of rebellion comes, then good girls suddenly they can find a crazy girlfriend and go all out. Now I can only take preventive measures: do not “beat” children, do not put grades at the forefront, give them a sense of freedom and the right to choose, and also help strengthen my own inner core so that the child is a leader and not a follower. But there is also a set of qualities with which a child is born, and it is impossible to re-educate them. I already see the risks and keep my finger on the pulse. I will try not to miss the moment and, if necessary, then, yes, I will intervene. But again, in a cunning way, so that the child thinks that he himself decided this way. The task is not easy, but there is no choice.

– You have family traditions and rituals, for example, walking together on weekends, kissing before bed, regular hikes somewhere?

– Usefulness family traditions difficult to overestimate. Of course, we have them too. In the evenings we lie in bed and talk about how the day went, we try to always sit down at the table together, we go to our favorite cafe on Saturdays. We have a tradition called English Friday, when we speak only English all day. We like to cook together.

There are certain traditions for the holidays, most of all we love Easter, we bake Easter cakes together, paint eggs, in the morning I get up before everyone else and set the table, take out our Easter decorations, then hide a basket of chocolate eggs in the garden and after breakfast the girls start hunting. When someone is sad, we practice “magic hugs,” and, you know, I convinced the children so often that this was an excellent medicine that they really began to help.

– What do you like to do with your daughters together?

– Anything, as long as we’re together! Any Homework turns into a real party if the three of us take it on. We recently cleared leaves from the garden and raked everything into a huge pile, and then they jumped into it and threw leaves. In the end, almost everything had to be reassembled, but what fun we had. I love traveling with children, I want to instill in them my passion for discovery and new experiences. Unfortunately, the new generation scares me with its resistance to adventure; sometimes it seems that among the three of us, the child is me, and those two are my parents. But I manage to stir them up, then they also sincerely begin to enjoy what they might not have noticed.

– Olga, you often communicate with fans on social networks, willingly respond to comments on Instagram. Do you allow your daughters to use gadgets and the Internet?

– Yes, they have both phones and tablets. But, of course, they are not registered on social networks yet. Sometimes I show them my pages, ask permission if I want to post a photo with them, then read them comments if, for example, they wish them a happy birthday. They themselves can watch funny videos about kittens on YouTube or cartoon series, and prepare reports for school. I still keep one eye on it, because sometimes, unwittingly, the Internet can slip you some nasty stuff. As for the games, they can download them themselves, but I make sure that most of them are useful, e.g. logic games or mathematical applications, well, the rest is, so to speak, for the soul and fun.

– What do you think modern children lack? For example, many representatives of older generations are sure that children now live in abundance - information, opportunities, even some simple things, the same toys, and this has a bad effect on them...

– I partly agree with this. Our children don't have hunger in in a good way this word. What is easily obtained is of little value. I remember how we passed books from hand to hand, what I read still lives in my memory, I tried to remember every word, because I had to give the book away. I remember how happy I was even with new tights. Today's children have fewer reasons to be happy. It's not their fault that they were born in the era of consumerism. That's why I try my best to teach them to enjoy what money can't buy: a beautiful sunset, an unusual beetle in the forest. When there is a thunderstorm outside, we stick to the windows and look at how nature rages, as if it were the most grandiose theatrical performance in the world.

As we take off on the plane, I burst into a tirade about what a miracle it is that we humans have learned to fly, we look at the clouds, we enjoy the sensations. I must say that it can be difficult to motivate modern ten-year-olds, but I believe that teaching children to enjoy life, be surprised, and look for answers to questions is almost more important than teaching them good manners.

– Olga, tell us how, in your opinion, children should be raised so that they grow up to be worthy people and at the same time be happy?

- You have to be yourself worthy person– this is first of all. As for happiness, it is more difficult here - you cannot force someone to be happy. But you need to try to instill in the child the idea that happiness lives within himself, it should not depend on external circumstances, on the weather, on school friends. I say “try” because most likely a person comes to this understanding on his own, but at least you can sow a seed in a child’s head.

– Tell me, what is needed to be a happy mother?

– I always say that happiness is in harmony. Including maternal. For some, it’s coming home from work to their children and hugging them. For some, happiness is being at home all the time. It is important to hear yourself, understand what you really want and follow it. Without feelings of guilt and self-reproach. With the birth of children, a woman does not die, she should not dissolve in them, otherwise who will they follow as an example? From the ghost of your own mother? And the point here is not to run away from home and take care of yourself. Even when with children, a woman must ensure her own space, her own time, and respect for her needs from loved ones. Believe me, you will do this for their benefit too. After all, you are now the center of their Universe. This center should be strong and inspiring self-confidence. It’s trite but true: if a woman doesn’t love herself, then it’s difficult for others to love her.

A happy mother is easy happy woman, and only she knows what constitutes her personal happiness. Yes, at some moments we sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our loved ones, sometimes we need to completely devote ourselves to household chores, but in all this the main thing is not to lose yourself, not to shut up your inner voice. A family will only be happy when it takes into account the interests of everyone. It’s easy in words, but sometimes it’s harder in practice, but you have to strive for it. Awareness is already half the path to success.

“When my daughter turned one year old, our cheerful baby stopped talking, although before that I had already experienced the joy of cherished word“Mom,” Olga recalls. “It took another four years before my daughter spoke again.”

I gave birth to Dasha at 24 years old. Just three months after her birth, she became pregnant with Ksyusha. Two children in a row were not planned, but this is the happiest accident that could happen to me. I am grateful to God that this happened, because after my eldest daughter developed neurological problems, I probably would not have decided to give birth to a second child for a long time and would never have known what a blessing it is to be the mother of two girls the same age.

I planned to return to work in six months (Olga anchored the news on Channel One from 2005 to 2014. - Antennas note), but during her second pregnancy severe toxicosis began, I realized: it was pointless to go out now. I made an agreement with the management and went from the first maternity leave to the second. While I was sitting at home, I realized with my friend the idea of ​​​​creating charitable foundation for children with “unpopular” neurological diagnoses. I was worried that such kids were not given due attention. It’s one thing when people collect money for a child’s operation and then see how he got up and walked, and it’s completely different to ask for help for those in need of long-term rehabilitation; their successes are often invisible to outsiders. I plunged into the problem headlong, studied diseases, modern methods treatments, medical centers. Later it turned out that my child also has problems...

When Dasha turned one year old, our smart, cheerful baby stopped talking, that is, not a sound at all, although before that I had already experienced the joy of the cherished “mom”. There were other words that were age appropriate. They waited another year for speech to return and everything to be okay. But nothing has changed. We underwent a thorough examination, and she was given a differential diagnosis, suggesting a range of diseases from not the most pleasant, but not scary, to really serious and dangerous.

Of course, I managed to read a lot of information on the Internet, and the terrible forecasts could not leave my head. For several weeks I could not look at Dasha without tears and anxiety. It was the most terrible period in my life. The daughter underwent a second examination abroad, the doctors reassured her, but the answer to the question “what’s wrong?” not allowed. They said: “Wait, everything will work out.” Thus, we have practically missed the most important period in life up to the age of three, when competent activities could greatly help. I intuitively felt that nothing would get better on its own, I had to act, run somewhere. Unfortunately, in our country, early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in children is at an extremely low level. How many families are wasting precious time! We were reassured for a long time that Dasha was simply delayed speech development, recommended classes with a speech therapist and standard set any chemistry.

The youngest, Ksyusha, fulfilled all the standards by the age of one year - she walked and began to speak, and Dasha achieved everything that was given to other children by nature through hard work. After speech disappeared, almost four years passed before I heard the word “mother” from her again. Even the first pronounced sound “a” was the result of long work with speech therapists. Now at nine years old this is quite independent girl with character, plans for life, interests and hobbies. In addition to love and other warm feelings, she also gives me great respect. Despite all the difficulties, Dasha dances, sings, and plays the piano. Thanks to my efforts, like all children, I went to school on time!

Yes, I also considered correctional classes, but psychologists unanimously said: “She’s in perfect order intellectually, try regular school" Indeed, at two years old, my daughter already knew the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and absorbed information like a sponge. So we prepared for first grade. Here Ksyusha also stated that she also wants to study, she will not sit at home alone. In the end I chose a small one for them private school near the house.

At first I wasn’t sure that they would take Ksyusha, because she was only six years and a month old at the time, but they tested my daughter and said: “No problem, we’ll take her!” So Sherochka and Masherochka went to first grade together. Both quickly adapted and did not perceive studying as torture. This year I had to change school: there was only primary classes. Transferred the girls to another educational institution, where we were also well received.

Problems, of course, happen. Not every teacher is ready to study methods of working with special children in order to help just one child in the class. I don’t require teachers to jump around Dasha with a tambourine; on the contrary, I prefer that she be on an equal footing with everyone else. But it’s still much more difficult for her than for others. I admit, sometimes I think that it would be better to move to a place where children with special needs successfully graduate not only from schools, but also from universities, and then find work. You always want to give your child the best, but in our case the best is very far away. You need to turn your whole life upside down.

My daughters simply adore each other, I can’t separate them, even to leave with the eldest for a few days for some kind of examination. Both girls are friendly and non-conflicting. But if at home someone begins to sternly reprimand Ksyusha, who has misbehaved, Dasha immediately intervenes: “Don’t talk to my sister like that.” Protects her. And he always cries for company.

My daughters have different hobbies. Dasha has a photographic memory, she always walks around with dictionaries under her arm. When I forget something English word or I just don’t know him because I haven’t met him before, I ask, and she immediately answers, like an online translator. Assembles the most complex construction sets without instructions. Ksyusha has excellent taste from an early age. I just learned to sit and started putting on my jewelry. Helps mom get ready, spins around and comments: “You can add these shoes and a ring here.” If Dasha dreams of becoming a translator, and also a dog handler and parachutist, then Ksyusha is this moment I have clearly decided that I want to be a designer.

The girls’ father, of course, participates in their upbringing, helps with everything, and spends a lot of time with them. I am not a careerist, but a more family-oriented person. If life presents me with a choice, I will sacrifice my career without a second thought. This doesn’t mean that I don’t value my work, I adore it, I worked for a long time to achieve what I have, and I don’t plan to stop there. I would like my example to help children understand how important it is to have something they love. Being a public person, I hope that I will be heard and can at least slightly influence the attitude in our country towards special children and adults. Now Dasha has parents, she is in comfortable conditions, and what will happen next is difficult to predict. We live in a rather closed society: school, our favorite cafe, where everyone knows our daughter, the store next door, where Dasha has been going every week for many years. It's scary to think what will happen when she plunges into Big world. Will a seller or a passerby want to listen to her, will an employer appreciate the mental abilities of a girl who cannot establish emotional contact, will there be friends who will not be embarrassed by her... Everyone has heard the story about younger sister Natasha Vodianova to Oksana - this is the big world into which the child looked out, and his head was hit, and he, like a turtle, hid back. After several such unsuccessful attempts the person will simply decide that it is easier and safer to keep a low profile, and will withdraw completely.

For some reason, our society considers such children abnormal and strange. And I have a wonderful daughter, cheerful, kind, she never lies. We don’t understand how such amazing children see and feel the world. We can only guess. Sometimes it seems that Dasha feels everything more strongly than most of us. We come, for example, to the sea, we come to the beach. The first thing we all do is look for sun loungers, lay down towels, and fuss around. And she will stand barefoot on the sand, close her eyes and smile, as if every ray, every breath of the breeze is absorbed by her skin. Dasha taught us to keep our word no matter what. It’s impossible to calmly look at the bewilderment in those blue eyes: “But you promised!” She doesn’t understand how you can say one thing and do another. It’s hard for her to perceive our world with double standards And hidden meanings, how can you say “let’s sit down on the path” and sit on the sofa?!

I don’t complain about fate, I think that my child is a blessing. Dasha made me better, wiser, more tolerant and stronger. Everyone who knows her says: “She is the sun.” Most parents of these children are positive people. And this despite all the difficulties they face. Almost everything has to be chewed out, demanded, achieved, or done yourself, without being able to hire specialists.

What do I recommend to other parents? Do not hide children, do not close houses, unite and together at various levels defend their rights. In all countries where comfortable living conditions have been created for people with autism, the parent lobby has played and continues to play a huge role. For the most part, problems in children arise not from the anger of people, but from a lack of information.

To be fair, it should be noted that attitudes are gradually changing. And at the state level, questions are being raised. But children cannot wait, they are growing, and they need help here and now. Fortunately, we can afford tutors, a speech therapist and a psychologist. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for it themselves. Well, while global processes are proceeding slowly and with difficulty, the principle of “help yourself” has not been canceled.

No one will understand a child better than his own mother. I know parents who mastered English language, so that some new techniques that have not yet reached Russia become available to them. In general, advice is probably not appropriate here (after all, parents who are faced with such a problem can already defend their dissertations themselves, and besides, no two autistic people are alike, each needs individual approach), and wishes. I would like to wish strength and patience to all parents of special children, good good people on their way and health to the kids!

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