Spells for a strong family and love in the home. Conspiracy for peace in the family in the picture

Spells for peace and tranquility in the family.

Home and family are hope and support for each of us. But there are times when this support collapses, and hope gives way to despair. And when all the “traditional” ways to return your beloved man or girl do not lead to the desired result, love magic comes into force. Thanks to her, you can improve relationships with loved ones and return peace and well-being under the roof of your home.

Love spells can restore harmony and mutual understanding to the family.

To restore peace in the family.

To restore peace in the family, a woman must speak of water, give it to her husband to drink and wash herself:

“Good morning, water Ulyana, earth Tatyana. Give me, God's servant so-and-so, water from family troubles. The water is clean, life is sweet. God's servant (husband's name) to be with me, God's servant (wife's name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

To smooth out a quarrel.

If an ordinary marital quarrel has occurred, after which painful pride does not allow both to reconcile for too long, then one of the older family members should help. Read a short spell for food or drink and treat those who have quarreled. These are the words:

Just as Eve walked for Adam, so you, servant of God (wife’s name), walk for God’s servant (husband’s name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and know no peace without each other. Where the servant of God (name of the wife), there goes the servant of God (name of the husband). Amen.

A conspiracy to bring peace to the house.

Buy three candles in the church, put two on the Savior, and bring one to your home. After returning from church, do not wash, do not eat, do not drink. At 12 o'clock at night, light a candle and place it in the middle of the table. There is a loaf of bread on the table. Read the curse 40 times, eat a piece of this bread, drink it with raw water, and cover the bread with a new towel and leave it like that until the morning. Feed your family at breakfast with this bread. You can't tell your family about this. Not a crumb of this bread is thrown away to the cattle, crumbs are not thrown to the birds, they are protected from neighbors (if on a shared property), and this bread is also not given out on loan.

How does this candle melt?
how this candle melts,
so in my life all evil disappears
and adds peace to the family.
And how we eat this bread, chew it,

Blessed is the candle from the temple,
bless with bread from God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Conspiracy for love in the family.

Slander about fish and feed husband and wife.

Where did you hear the voice of a sturgeon? The fish does not speak, does not bite, does not scream, does not eat. Saint Peter answers: The fish does not scream, the fish, Paul, is silent. So in the family of the slave (name) they would not shout in anger, but would love and make peace for every year and for every hour, and for half an hour, and for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen.

With frequent quarrels and scandals.

This ritual is used in the most difficult cases: when quarrels and scandals, discord and mutual hostility have become so frequent and familiar in your home that they can well be called a way of life. The same ritual also removes the family curse, which may well turn out to be the root cause of discord.

Buy 12 candles and wait for a clear evening. The time of year and the phase of the moon do not matter. The only thing that is important: the sky should not be overcast, and the stars should shine in the sky. Light all the candles immediately after midnight, placing them around the house, and read the following spell (it is better if the eldest in the family reads it):

Get away, devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners.

You, devil, have no part, no participation, no place and no peace.

Here is the cross of the Lord, the Mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Ugasil, Egudiel, Barahail.

The heavenly powers rejoice, here are the holy Cherubim and Seraphim, St. Michael is now throughout the entire universe, along with them the regiments are held by St. Peter, holding a club, here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here for you, devil, there is no honor, part and participation, there is no place and peace.

Do not, devil, harm this place, this house and man, the cattle and all the servants of God. Run from here to utter hell, there is shelter for you, there you will find yourself.

My word is as strong as a stone. Amen.


Love will be reborn in the family,
the spouses will live in perfect harmony
and children will stand up for each other.
saves the family from the evil eye of all envious people, from the machinations of rivals, lies, insults, and beatings.

The holy martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv patronize the good relationships between husband and wife, between all relatives.


4 icons: “Holy Trinity”, Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan, Guardian Angel, Saints Gury, Samon and Aviv.
4 candles in candlesticks
black prayer cloth
crystal vase with water
a loaf of bread
bread knife
white linen tablecloth


On a table covered with a tablecloth we place the icons with a cross, in front of each icon there is a candle.
We place all the ritual items in the center.
But the floor is covered with a prayer cloth.
We light candles and make 4 bows with the sign of the cross to all cardinal directions
read the prayer book of the ritual


1. Prayer request:

God help me!
Lord Almighty, come to my aid, help me quench quarrels and scandals, give peace to the family and Your blessing.
Mother Lady Most Holy Theotokos, come to my aid, help me to quench quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.
Michael Archangel, come to my aid, help me quell quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.
Saints Gury, Samon and Aviv, come to my aid, help me quench quarrels and scandals, give peace to my family, love and understanding.

2. The Lord's Prayer "Our Father" - read 4 times

3. Prayer to the Holy Spirit - 4 times

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth,
Who is everywhere and fulfills everything,
Treasure of good things and life to the Giver,come and dwell in us,and cleanse us from all filth,and save, O Lord, our souls.

4. Prayer “Mercy Door” - 4 times
Open the doors of mercy to us, Blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish,but may we be delivered from troubles by You, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.
Rejoice, One Most Pure Mother of the One Creator, Lord, God and Savior of ours, Jesus Christ!
Be my Intercessor on the day of the terrible trial, when I appear before the Throne of the Unfeigned Judge,for through Thy prayers I will be delivered from the fiery punishment of torment,
One Blessed Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

5. Prayer to the martyrs and confessors Guria, Samon and Aviv - 4 times

Oh, glory to the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva!
To you, as quick helpers and warm prayer books, we, weak and unworthy, resort, fervently pleading:
do not despise us, who have fallen into much iniquity and are sinning all the days and hours;
guide the lost on the right path, heal the suffering and mourning;
keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as in ancient times, so now remain the patrons of marriages,
in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and calamity.
Protect, O mighty confessors, all Orthodox Christians from misfortunes, evil people and the machinations of demons;
Protect me from unexpected death, begging the All-Good Lord, that He may add great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant.
We are not worthy to call on the magnificent name of our Creator with unclean lips, unless you, holy martyrs, intercede for us;
For this reason we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord.
Thus, please deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, deadly plagues and every soul-destroying situation.
To her, passion-bearers of Christ, through your prayers arrange for us all that is good and useful, so that having passed a pious life for a time and having achieved a shameless death, we will be worthy of your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just God of the Judge, and may unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever.

6. A conspiracy for peace in the family.

God help me!
I will get up, pray, I, the servant of God (name), will go, crossing myself, and reach the Holy City of Jerusalem. In that city lives the holy family, the Mother of God, Esif the betrothed, the Holy Youth Jesus Christ, all the saints and kings, prophets and princes, kings and monks.
I will ask the Mother of God, Esif and the Child Jesus. You lived on a sinful land, you walked on the holy land of Jerusalem, there was peace and harmony in your family, there was peace and humility in your family, there was understanding and attention in your family.
Mother of God, cover my family with your unwearable Protection. Esif, give my family protection and peace, put out quarrels, return peace to the family.
The Youth Jesus was in the temple, The Youth Jesus knew the word of God, and he revered that word. Youth Jesus, enter into the soul and body of my children, the youths of God (names).
I call all the saints for help, princes and kings, prophets, and boyars, and kings. Come to help my family, give them peace and quiet, protection and love.
Michael the Archangel cuts down quarrels and rubbish with a fiery sword, cuts down envy and the evil eye. In my family there is peace and love, attention and understanding.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

7. Take the knife in your hands with the tip up and read the Knife Spell.

Like a knife is sharp, but sometimes dull,so the word did not reach the heart sharply.
It didn’t hurt my heart, it didn’t burn my eyes.
A word of quarrel, a word of envy,the word of hatred, the word of litter and all kinds of garbageI cut with a sharp knife, I won’t let you cross the threshold, I will return peace to the house.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

8. Spell for salt and bread.

Put the knife on the table, pick up the bread and salt and read the plot:
I’m standing on the threshold, I’ll close my door.
I'll lock the door with seven keys,
I will lock the door with seven locks.
I will close the souls of God's servants (names)
from litter and quarrels, from burning tears,
from caustic words, from a sharp tongue,
from the business of the sorcerer.
Salt fell on the soul with love,
I salt the bread and I will return peace.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

9. Chalk plot.

Place bread and salt on the table. Take a piece of chalk and cup your palms, holding the chalk inside. Read the plot.
Gury, Aviv and Samon are coming,
my happiness is with me,
I read a prayer
I glorify all the saints.
Chalk the envious person in the eye,
Chalk the words of the envious person,
chalk to the envious person in the counter.
I lead with chalk three times, I will remove the quarrel.
I close the doors to the house with the Holy Cross,
I send quarrels to my accomplice.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

10. Water spell.

Place the chalk on the table. Read the spell for water.
Just as people cannot live without water, either in the heat or in the cold,
Likewise, my family cannot live without peace and harmony.
Without each other, without love and luck, without family happiness.
Erdan water protects my house,
the land of Jerusalem is in defense of my house,
There is a thunder arrow in defense of my house.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

11. Look As the candles burn out, think about new relationships in your family. When the candles burn out, read the Thanksgiving Prayer.

Holy Originless and Life-Giving Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit! I thank You, Holy Trinity, for hearing my prayer and always coming to my aid.
Mother Intercessor Most Holy Theotokos, I thank You for Your help to me, the servant of God (name).
Michael Archangel, Guardian Angel, Saint (name), thank you for hearing my prayer and always coming to my aid.
Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God! Glory to You, God!
Amen. Amen. Amen.


Salt the bread with seasoned salt and give it to all family members. You must use all the said bread and all the said salt within 3 days.

The spoken knife should be in your use at all times. Just never leave a knife on the table idle, especially with the blade facing up. Remember that this can lead to major scandals and quarrels.

Use chalk to place crosses on the lintels (the top rail above the door) of all the doors in your home.

With spoken water you can:

wash your face
drink on an empty stomach, add to tea, coffee, food with the words: “Lord, have mercy!”
use when washing, adding a little to the main water
Sprinkle the infused water on the beds of all family members. See how soundly and peacefully you will sleep!

From the letter:

“If this is possible, then help with at least some advice, at least a kind word. My husband and I have been married for eight years, he’s a good, kind person, but terribly lazy. He doesn’t want to study (secondary education at the age of thirty) in order to find a well-paid job in the future job. My salary is twice as much as his, but he doesn’t want to look for additional work, despite the fact that he has such an opportunity (he works all day and stays at home for three years. Three years ago we bought an apartment with a mortgage without interior decoration, he promised to do it himself). repairs. He does everything well, no matter what he undertakes, but the trouble is that he quickly burns out, and I have to finish everything, and he “doesn’t want to” I’m very tired of doing everything myself.”

You should resort to the help of this old conspiracy:

Lord's torment, bless the hands of God's servant (name)
For every prayer, for meekness and patience,
For any craft, for household work:
For plowing in the field, mowing, threshing,
Carry it up the mountain, take it down the mountain,
Build, dig, knit sheaves, remove dirt,
Wash clothes, pick mushrooms, berries,
Ferment, salt, dye, whiten,
Stab, chop, saw, chisel,
Maintain the posts and bring the spoils to the house.
And you, laziness of God’s servant (name),
Go to the old stump
You will live there forever,
You will always be there
Live and live,
To forever lag behind the servant of God (name).

If your husband spends more time with friends than with you

From the letter:

“My common-law husband stays with friends all the time, he says that he has nothing to do at home. I’ve been living with him like this for four years now: no wedding, no children... And where there are friends, there’s drinking. The guy is young, I love him and feel sorry for him, I understand that if I leave, he will disappear. Is there a conspiracy so that he doesn’t run away from home, but rather starts starting a family?”

Take a handful of black poppy, read a special spell over it and throw it outside your doorstep. The plot is as follows:

If you are not invited, do not enter.
The morning dawn commands,
The dawn of the day orders,
The evening dawn is driving,
The night dawn buries from friends. Amen.

So that the husband does not live in his sister's mind

From the letter:

“Please tell me a conspiracy that could help in my case. The fact is that my husband lives at the behest of his sister. So again he was going to visit her, and after such visits of his, scandals happen every time!”

Go to the temple. When you hear the bell, cross yourself and say to yourself:

How do you, bell, strike, strike,
So you, servant of God (name), do not mock
Above me, God's soul,
And over my body with your dirty work.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you had a fight on Forgiveness Sunday

From the letter:

“There was a misunderstanding: my husband and I had a fight on Forgiveness Sunday. We insulted each other, said bad words. What should we do now?”

On Forgiveness Sunday, you should never quarrel with anyone. If this happens, then in order to avoid trouble, first read the prayer, and then a special conspiracy.


Hope to all the ends of the earth, Most Pure Virgin, Lady Theotokos, Our consolation! Do not disdain us sinners, for we trust in Your mercy: extinguish the sinful flame burning in us and water our parched hearts with repentance, cleanse our minds from sinful thoughts, accept prayers from the soul and heart with sighs offered to You. Be an intercessor for us to Your Son and God, and turn away His anger with Your Mother’s prayers. Heal mental and physical ulcers, O Lord Lady, quench the illnesses of the soul and body, comfort the storm of evil attacks of the enemy, take away the burden of our sins, and do not leave us to perish until the end, and comfort our broken hearts. May we glorify Thee until our last breath.


God created the sky, God created the earth,
He created everything that is.
The devil created evil and revenge.
Lord, forgive, Lord, save,
Lord, have mercy and protect.
I cross myself, I apologize, I repent.
Father, may the cup of evil pass from me,
May the soul not suffer for an unjust cause.
Do not punish, Lord, my mortal body.
Lord, forgive, Lord, protect
From a terrible and vain death,
From a gun, a sword and a knife, from a dungeon, water and fire.
Lord, save, preserve and have mercy on me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Family conspiracy

From the letter:

“Help me save my family. My mother-in-law and her daughter are turning my husband against me. He works week after week and spends every free week with his mother in the village. I don’t mind him going there, but not to the detriment of his own family! My daughter and I We don’t go there, we stay in Kyiv. We hardly see him, and things are heading towards divorce. Please tell me what can be done to make my feelings matter to my husband and so that he finally forgets about the old house?

So that your husband loves you selflessly and never wants to leave you, read the following plot over his shoes:

Oh, you two are a couple,
Will you go with the owner?
One next to the other
Accompany my dear.
Stumble your feet over your feet,
Don't know other lovers
You walk, you walk around,
But come back to your home,
To me, to his married wife,
God's servant (name).
Let him grieve for me,
I didn’t know peace in my heart,
I would be bored and sad,
Kept in my thoughts and memory,
He gave in in everything and took it to his soul,
I counted minutes and seconds,
In a dream he called my name.
How the swans walk nearby,
They don’t part until death itself,
They love each other, they feel sorry for each other,
They don’t dare offend each other,
This is how my husband would honor me
In all earthly matters he gave in.
And who will interfere with us,
My conspiracy will get him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against family scandals

From the letter:

“I have a lot of your books, and your recommendations have often helped me in life. But now I am forced to turn to you for help, because I simply don’t know what to do. My daughter lived with a young man for about nine years and last summer she left marry him. They live in a separate apartment. Almost before the wedding, they began to quarrel. And when they arrived from their honeymoon, he asked her to go to her parents, that is, to us. And then they made up less than. They got together and broke up three times already. Now the daughter is living with us again. Her husband has become very rude, unbearable, terribly jealous, no matter how hard the daughter tries to improve her relationship with him, I really hope that everything ends in screaming. you can tell me how to help her."

Let your daughter go into the forest, find a dry tree there, tie her belt on its branch and say:

How this branch dries, dries,
So may my husband, servant of God (name),
For me it dries up, it suffers,
Doesn't know a single moment of peace
He misses me and is eager to come to me,
Doesn't swear or fight with me.
My words are fast, strong, indestructible,
We cannot be dissuaded by any prayer.
Who will pour all the water into the ocean-sea,
Who can sort through the sea sand one grain at a time?
Who puts the dew in his belt,
Only that strong conspiracy of mine will interrupt.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy from fierce enmity

From the letter:

“My maternal grandmother was cursed by her parents when she got married. I repeat her fate in many ways. For example, my grandmother knew how to heal people (I learned about this from my mother), and I have a certain kind of ability. But the worst thing is that my mother also cursed me when I got married, and continues to curse me to this day. Only now it’s not just me, but also my son. I started using your spells, but out of my stupidity I told my mother about it. – words cannot describe it.

In general, I would like to tell you a little about my mother. She is unbaptized and gets angry when I buy candles or go to church.

She married my father out of spite to her married gentleman, who could not get a divorce due to the fact that in those days divorce put an end to a career. (And he was in high rank.) Her marriage, naturally, broke up. For her, I have always been the cause of all troubles and remain so to this day. I put up a talisman against witchcraft for blood relatives, and chastised myself against curses - I did everything as you taught. But I’m tired of this war, and I feel sorry for my son. I live far from my mother, in another country, but my son is nearby, and he constantly has to communicate with her. How can I put an end to this horror once and for all?"

Morning and evening, read a special spell over twelve candles. The plot goes like this:

God bless.
From the Throne to the Temple,
An Angel walked all the way to the Royal Doors.
The Mother of God stands at the gate
And Michael the Archangel.
The Mother of God holds a sword and saber:
Kills evil with a sword,
He cuts off a quarrel with a saber.
Lord, put the world in its place
In the hearts of God's servants (names).
Strengthen peace, tranquility,
Close the gates tighter
And the key, Lord, throw it into the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Command, command the world to live and be in peace.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracies for family conflicts

From constant quarrels in the family

From quarrels and insults

From enmity between relatives

For mother-in-law's love

Forever and ever. Amen.

Read three times at dawn:

Make peace with your loved one

So that the husband does not let go of his hands

Whisper on the threshold of the house:

neither front nor back.

Take your husband away from your mistress

Return of the husband to the family

Seven-shot Mother of God, comforter, pacifier. Pacify the servant of God (husband’s name), and, Lord, give me patience and my soul, salvation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From constant quarrels in the family

Take a mature carrot and plant it with the root facing up. Pre-cut the carrot tops. When landing, whisper a conspiracy:

When the carrots change places, only then will my family quarrel.

Do it three times on Women’s Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) with any break.

From quarrels and insults

Read this prayer-conspiracy every time something goes wrong in the house:

Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Ever-Virgin Mary, our mother and intercessor! You live in heaven, you watch over us, help us in our hardships. You have made us husband and wife, uniting us as a crown, loving people, and commanding us to live with each other in sorrow and in joy, just as Your heavenly angels live in heaven, they glorify You, but they do not quarrel with each other and do not use abusive words.

We are comforted by Your grace, we delight in the intercession of the ever-Virgin Mary, we are touched by the singing of Your angels! Give us peace and tranquility forever and ever, give us a long life and dove-like loyalty, so that there will be love between us and no resentment and cold, and no discord and filth.

Have mercy on our children, and give them peace and tranquility forever and ever and extend their years to deep old age and do not punish them for their folly. Calm their hearts and guide them along the true path, not false, for the Lord is our souls. And give our home peace and tranquility forever and ever. And protect us from the thieves of the night, day, morning and evening, and from the evil of man, and from the evil eye, and from heavy thoughts.

Do not, Lord, bring the lightning of heaven or the fire of earth into our house. Save and preserve, protect from sorrows and misfortunes.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Holy God, have mercy on us and do not let us perish in accursed poverty, but lead us to the light with Your ineffable light. You will be with us forever and ever. Amen.

It will be even better if you write it down by hand and put it in a secret place where you keep holy water and church candles.

From enmity between relatives

This conspiracy will help you find peace both in your parents’ home and in the place where you build your happiness with your loved one. In both cases, family quarrels are a terrible thing. There can be many reasons: maybe someone was jealous and jinxed the world in your family; or maybe you're just all too tired of each other. Whatever the reason, the conspiracy will help.

It is done on the new moon. First you need to fast for a week. You can eat bread, boiled vegetables and porridge without milk and butter, drink only water. How this week goes, at night pierce the ring finger on your left hand, and then leave three drops of blood from it under the threshold of your house from the outside and whisper the spell:

There is an earthen mansion in the earth-valley: without windows or ceilings, without any doors, full of bones and all sorts of relics. She is guarded by a blueberry, not a woman or a widow. She weaves and knits. Whoever curses my family will punish himself. Just as a stone does not give birth to an egg, a cat does not give birth to a mare, or a mare does not give birth to a pig, so the cursed jade will not touch me or my family. I speak with seven locks, I close with seven keys. The key is in the fish's mouth. Whoever promises me a coffin will take it for himself. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then close the door, turn the key in the door lock seven times and burn it over a church candle, reading “Our Father” over it nine times.

After this, peace and grace will reign in the house.

For mother-in-law's love

The spell is made during the waxing moon on sweets that the mother-in-law loves: gingerbread, candies, cookies:

Just as your son, servant of God (name), is dear and loved, so I will be dear to you, servant of God (name), both in my heart and in my blood, with a mother’s love, from this day on and forever and ever, do not be offended by me, and do not be offended by me. offend me, forgive me, pity me, honor me, give me, teach, not lecturing, praise, not scold. As I said, so it will be! Key. Mouth. Lock.

Forever and ever. Amen.

After reading this plot, cross the treat for your mother-in-law and leave it on the kitchen table so that she can find everything in the morning. Go to bed yourself and read the “Our Father” nine times before going to bed.

If your scandalous and jealous mother-in-law does not live with you, there is another trick on how to maintain peace with her. Before her arrival, you need to wash the floors, but not with plain water, but with special water. You need to add three pinches of salt and ash from a burnt aspen log to it so that they attract anger towards themselves.

The mother-in-law will walk across the clean floor and want to make a row, but nothing will come of it. After she leaves, be sure to wash the floor with plain water to wash away all the anger that has settled on the floor.

For reconciliation between husband and wife

Read three times at dawn:

I will stand without praying, I will go without being blessed, not by doors, not by gates, but by a smoky window, and by a basement log, I will put my hat under my heel, under my heel, not on the damp ground, but in a black boot; and in that chobot I will run into the dark forest, to a large lake; in that lake there is a boat floating, in that boat there is a devil and devils sitting; I’ll throw my hat at the heels at the devils.

Why are you, devil, sitting in a shuttle with your devil? You sit, devil, facing away from your devil; Come, you devil, to the people in the ashes, settle, devil, your devil in that hut, not like you, the devil with his devil, people live peacefully lovingly, they love each other, they hate strangers.

You, devil, told her, devil, to let her hair down; Just as she lived with you in a chalet, so (the young man’s name) would not have lived with his wife in a hut. So that the servant of God (name) does not hate the servant of God (name). Without walking, without approaching, his hatred would disappear from his entire heart, and from his wife’s body, so that she would please him in everything and would not disgust him with her beauty, would not disgust him with her whole body.

How hard it will be to retreat from you, how easy it will be for you, the devil, to get a hat from the lake, to keep the hat in the lake, from the fish, from the fisherman, from the evil sorcerer, so that neither the fish can eat it, nor the fisherman can get it, nor the evil sorcerer can cast a spell on the world and okay.

Make peace with your loved one

If you constantly, without any reason, quarrel with your significant other, do not find mutual understanding, this ritual is for you. Whisper the spell three, five, seven or nine times, with a lit blue wax candle, when preparing lunch, dinner or brewing a cup of morning coffee (tea):

If I, the servant of God (name), do something wrong, forgive me. If you, servant of God (man's name), do something wrong, I forgive you. Let tenderness and love settle in our home, and quarrels and heart problems disappear forever! In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, it will be so from now on and forever. Amen.

Every time after reading the plot, let the candle burn out completely, and when it goes out, this moment cannot be missed under any circumstances, whisper quietly during the last smoke:

Quarrels, scandals, black bastards are gone, God knows where they went. Amen.

So that the husband does not let go of his hands

This spell is done on door hinges. Throughout the apartment, hinges need to be lubricated with oil or grease so that the doors open silently. To each loop you need to attach a small piece of a charmed red thread. And the thread begins to speak with these words:

I will turn to the east, I will bow to Jesus Christ, I will throw myself at the feet of the ever-virgin Mary: “Jesus Christ and the ever-virgin Mary, cool my cold and sadness, teach my dear one to live in peace with me, to honor and pamper me, to love and have mercy, so that I do not know grief and sadness.” My word is strong. Mouth - Castle. Forever and ever. Amen.

Having spoken the strings and tied them to the door hinges, cross each hinge and read the “Our Father” nine times.

There is another way to get your husband to stop giving up. You need to take the rope with which the hands of the deceased were tied, dip it in water, let it soak for three days and three nights, then take out the rope and throw it away, and give some of that water to your husband to drink. Just first cross that water and read the “Our Father” nine times over it.

So that the husband is flexible and kind

Whisper on the threshold of the house:

Holy Father Mikola, do not go to (name)’s house today. Come tomorrow, your will will be done. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I have a seal of loyalty, no one can take this seal:

neither with hands, nor with spoken words;

neither a dissuasive spell, nor a three-tongued curse;

neither the gray-haired grandfather, nor the cunning knowledge;

neither a witch nor an evil sorceress;

neither by a shaman nor by cunning deception;

neither clear eyes, nor black curls;

neither a white breast, nor Adam's garden;

neither front nor back.

My seal cannot be broken, my slave (name) cannot be lured, he will not betray me forever and ever. He will always admire me like fire, he will be afraid of betrayal. Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother.

No one will come between us; only one thing can separate us: if one of us dies, he will take the seal with him.

Angels, archangels, take the seal and follow me.

Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

It is worth mentioning that this conspiracy only helps the wife or fiancee. The mistress of a married man who takes advantage of this conspiracy may pay severely.

Take your husband away from your mistress

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord bless, Christ!

I will get up, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field, I will look to the eastern side: from the eastern side the morning dawn is rising, a red sun is rolling out.

And may I, the servant of God (name), be more beautiful than the red sun, whiter than the bright moon, more beautiful than the morning dawn and the evening dawn, more beautiful than the whole white world, the whole Orthodox world.

Just as all Orthodox Christians look at the red sun, at the white light, so all the good fellows would look at me, the servant of God (name), and would honor me and exalt me ​​before their eyes; and my husband, God’s servant (name), could not live, be present, or play games without me.

Be, my words, strong and durable. Key, lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Return of the husband to the family

I will take the heart of God’s servant (name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state.

So that the servant of God (name) does not love the servant of God (name), he cools his heart, he does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove.

The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So the servant of God (name) would fight and pinch the servant of God (name), get angry and swear, he wouldn’t think twice, he wouldn’t give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 16 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy to get along in the family

Find 12 aspen logs. The length of these poles should be the same. Make a fire using these logs using a cross. When the fire flares up, you need to try to douse the fire in one fell swoop, saying to the water like this:

The fire lit the wood,

And my hands filled this fire.

How did this fire go out?

So that quarrels and disputes

The lights went out in my house.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From the book Practical Magic of the Modern Witch. Rituals, rituals, prophecies author Mironova Daria

A very strong spell for sale Place any key in boiling water and boil it while reading the following spell: “Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot live without (name of product). How can you people be without food and without

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong protective spell against all troubles. Three holy angels descended from heaven and met the Lord God. The Lord said: “Whoever does not eat blood on Wednesday and Friday, does not drink wine, prays with zeal, with a pure soul, and makes bows, will have mercy and forgiveness, from all

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy against polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) The following ancient conspiracy helps to cope with this illness: Just as Christ’s wound overgrown and left no trace, so you, disease, disappear without a trace from the servant of God (name). Go down to the dead cornfield, onto the gray moss, onto a dry stump. WITH

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 05 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell for eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from the Cross of Jesus, from the first fast and the last fast, from my word, from holy help. Snag, do you see? - Does not see! Stone, do you see? - Does not see! Swamp hummock, see? - Does not see! Then blindness

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 17 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Cancer spell (very strong) Cut off the head of the rooster in one motion. Drain the blood from the rooster's body into a vessel and at night take this blood to the cemetery, where you pour it out in front of the gate. After that, swinging it properly, throw the bundle with the ransom over the fence. Then kiss

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 09 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Love spell at dawn (very strong spell) Get up on Paraskeva Friday before others. Then, without washing your face, without combing your hair, without putting anything in your mouth, without talking to anyone, take off your shoes, kneel down and read a special spell three times in a row. After this, lie down again

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell against bedbugs. Catch a bedbug and burn it on the street, reading this

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 21 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong spell for eye disease In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Jesus Cross, from the first fast and the last fast, from my word from holy help. - Snag, do you see? - Does not see! - Stone, do you see? - Does not see! – A hummock, a swamp, do you see? - Does not see! –

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 34 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Another very strong spell for boils: Step my foot, step forward, wave, my hand, wave. Sweep away from my body everything that has become attached to it, it hurts. Everything that has begun to rot and has matured. Just as my ring finger has no name, so there is no place for the boil-virium on my body. Not

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A very strong conspiracy against cancer On Wednesday, go to the bathhouse and stick a new knife into the threshold from below. At the same time, say this: Damask knife, cut the cancer in my chest, so that not I, but it withers and dies. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. After this, wash yourself three times and speak for the last time

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! On October 25 I turned 57 years old. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

A very strong spell against bedbugs. They burn a bedbug on the street and say: One bedbug burned, the second bedbug ordered to eat the third, and the third the fourth, the fourth ate the fifth, and the fifth the sixth, the sixth ate the seventh, and the seventh the eighth. The eighth eats the ninth, the ninth eats the tenth. Tenth

From the author's book

From the hatred of her husband (a very strong conspiracy) From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna. It's so painful and hard for me! On October 25 I turned 57 years old. And my husband went on a spree with another woman who is 20 years younger than me. She is unmarried, but has a child from her first marriage. My husband is all this

From the author's book

An ancient and very powerful spell against damage. From the letter: “Natalya Ivanovna, I am addressing you as the most fair and powerful master. Your address and your book were given to me in Ukraine, where I came to the monastery. Before that, I was in many monasteries, in Moscow with psychics,

To ensure harmony and happiness reign in your family, make a bouquet of ancient magical herbs and plants. Take 7 bay leaves, 7 cloves of garlic, several branches of fresh clover and oak, ash leaves and rowan berries, you can also take rosemary and other herbs if desired. The main thing is to first find out the meaning of each of them. For a good and sweet life for the newlyweds, on the night before the wedding it is recommended that the mother of the bride put a rowan and bay leaf in the shoes of the newlyweds. You cannot pick rowan without doing anything, otherwise there will be misfortunes. You need to like the plucked branches. In the morning, remove the twigs and leaves left in your shoes and ask for their forgiveness. You should never lose your wedding ring, and you shouldn’t give it to anyone either. If you lose, you will get a divorce. And if someone tries it on, the husband will begin to cheat.

For well-being in the home

If not everything is going well in your house, for example, money has stopped flowing or some other troubles have overcome you, do this.
On the new moon, start the dough and knead the dough. Once the dough has risen, place it in the oven. Stand with your back to the stove wearing only a skirt on your naked body. Raise your hem above your knees and say: Just as you, the baker, raise the bread, so raise the goods in my house. Amen.
When the bread is ready, eat it yourself. You cannot give this bread to strangers!

For love in the family

Hex: Pavel asks Peter: “Where did you hear the voice of the sturgeon? The fish doesn’t speak, doesn’t bite, doesn’t scream, doesn’t eat itself.” Saint Peter answers: “The fish does not scream, the fish, Paul, is silent.” So in the family of the servant of God (name) they would not shout in anger, but would love and make peace for every year and for every hour, and for half an hour, and for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen.
Slander about fish and feed your husband or wife.

Conspiracy against enmity between relatives of spouses

Angel towards me, Lord on the way, Mother of God, bless all my words. Just as the Holy Family honors and protects each other, so let not a single relative of mine utter a bad word. Lord, as the Holy Family is revered in heaven, so may my in-laws, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brothers, sister love each other and me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Read on food and drink at the hour when you all gather at one table. There will be no more quarrels.

For harmony and peace in an unfriendly family

On the first day of the new moon, speak of honey water, and let all family members drink it. They say this: I condemn all blasphemy, all bad thoughts, courts, gossip, disputes and quarrels against the servant of God (name). I close them with seventy-seven locks, seventy-seven chains. Whoever is wiser than me, whoever decides to break my conspiracy, will not destroy it until he can drink all the water of the okiyan. The key to my words, the lock to my speeches. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From enmity between relatives

Curses are lifted in different ways. I give the spell “From revenge and from curse.”
There is an earthen mansion in the earth-valley: without windows or ceilings, without any doors, full of bones and all sorts of relics. She is guarded by a blueberry, not a woman or a widow. She weaves and knits. Whoever curses my family will punish himself. Just as a stone will not give birth to an egg, a cat will not give birth to a mare, and a mare will not give birth to a pig, so revenge and curse will not touch me or my family. I speak with seven locks, I close with seven keys. The key is in the fish's mouth. Whoever promises me a coffin will take it for himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If everyone in a family hates each other

Plant the carrots in the ground backwards and say:
When the carrots change places, only then will my family quarrel.

Conspiracy for reconciliation in case of fierce hostility

It is said three times and after each time it is spat over the left shoulder: Lord bless my words. Mother of the earth, water, the Sun and the Moon, all sorts of God's creatures, witnesses, holy companions, righteous men and warlocks, the Church of God, saints, baptists, archangels and angels, the army of all God's army. I pray and ask you, God’s army, there are no strong people against you - stronger, powerful - more powerful, but you will defeat the war (such and such). Pacify those who are at war, reconcile those who hate, bless the reign of peace. At the head are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with Them the Queen Mother of God, behind Them are the Holy Fathers and John the Baptist, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster. With Them is all the power of Heaven, invincible and indestructible. I pray to you, holy army, get rid of you, destroy the enmity, the war between (names). So that this century of enmity does not happen, does not arise and does not come. From now on and forever, forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Read for 12 candles in the morning and evening: Lord, bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the temple, right up to the royal gates. At the gate stand the Mother of God and Michael the Archangel. The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber. He kills anger with a sword, and cuts off a quarrel with a saber. Put, Lord, peace in its place in the hearts of God’s servants (names). Strengthen peace and tranquility, close the gates tighter, and throw the key, Lord, into the swamp. Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu Ali! Mother of God, bless. Lord Jesus Christ, command, command that the world should live and be in peace. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For peace between people of blood

They read the first star three times without stopping: I reprimand, I rebuke with my teeth, lips, tongue all evil, all evil: envy, resentment, evil thoughts from the blood of blood people, from a white brow, an angry heart, a penitent soul. With my strong words, with my molding deeds, I will remove any discord and all arrogance. I’ll take you out into an open field, into the open air, and leave it there, covering it with earth. Here for you, discord, to be, here for you, anger, to live, here for you to lie, not to torment the servants of God (names), not to lead them into sin. Bless, first star, for peace and goodness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to reconcile relatives

Take water from three wells. If you live in a city, you can go to the nearest village - there are probably wells there. After collecting water from three wells, drain it into one container, such as a bucket. After this, the water should be spoken to immediately. A person must be drunk with this water for thirteen days in a row. You can give water in the form of tea, coffee, compote, jelly, and so on, one mug every day.
A person who drinks this water will become much more flexible and good-natured.
They spell water like this:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I chant three waters, You, the mercy of God, come, go down to this well water: beat it in, stir it up, splash it on the servant of God (name), send mercy on his head, on his white body. God bless my business. And you, unclean spirits, scatter and run away. The Lord casts out the devil, blesses the servant of God (name) with a good heart. Mother well water, you are as pure as a tear. You walk deep underground, you see far away all around. Have you seen a sleepy kingdom, a dead state? In that kingdom the dead sleep, they don’t see with their eyes, they don’t speak with their lips, they don’t wave their hands, they don’t plow the land, they don’t give birth to children, they don’t cry, they don’t swear, they don’t lash out at anyone. So the servant of God (name) would not quarrel, would not get angry, would not rush at people in anger, would not wave his hands, would not threaten with his lips. He would not be dashing, but quiet, like the quiet of the dead, their great-grandfathers and fathers. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

With irreconcilable hostility

Read in a strong wind, holding in your hands the “Seven Arrow” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The first time, in God's hour. Fly, O wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. With your spirit, with your strength, extinguish the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and young. Mother “Seven Arrows”, shoot with your seven arrows all evil, all quarrels, put an end to furious disputes, apparitions, capes, collars, nets, keels, living graves, fakes, heart disease, headaches, liver colic. So that they don’t torment each other: with insomnia, sleeplessness, a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile the servants of God (names) from this day, from this hour, from your order. Cool them with holy Jordanian water. In the name of God Christ, come out, O offense, from the servants of God (names). Calm down, calm down, Mother “Seven Shots”. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

If a family eats each other

Drip a cross from a burning candle into the water. The candle must be purchased on Sunday, and the work will be done three days later. Brew tea from this water, first collecting the wax.
Read this water like this:
Just as the devil is afraid of the Face of God, just as he cannot rage in church, just as the Lord calmed the storm with a word, so my conspiracy is to drive away anger: from the servant of God (such and such), from the servants of God (such and such). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Archangel Michael, and with him Saint Gabriel. Stretch your bows, load your arrows. Where should your holy arrows fly, there they will take away the malice from God’s servants (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to establish peace in the family

Say for tea, for water and give it to your husband to drink: Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I don’t take water, but I return life. So that life would be as pure as water between the servant of God (husband’s name) and the servant of God (wife’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From quarrels with relatives

Oddly enough, the most protracted quarrels happen with relatives: this includes the division of inheritance and other everyday conflicts. People don’t communicate for several years and don’t even come to funerals. Perhaps each of the parties desires reconciliation in their hearts, but does not know how to achieve it. If this happened to you, then on the third day of Easter, read the following plot 12 times. And then the angels will turn the paths of the warring parties so that their meeting will be inevitable, and reconciliation will be inevitable. God help me. God bless. Happy Easter. Clean days. Joyful tears. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist, long-suffering John, headless John, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr, Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring ones) . Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage. With your holy army, invincible, indomitable power, lead them to agreement. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Fix unhappiness in the house

At home - trouble after trouble. Scandals between spouses.
In such cases, do this: let the one who turned to you for help bring you white poppy seeds (unripe) and plucked clover of four and five petals. Let him sit in front of you with open palms, like a platform on which you place poppy and clover in a cross, and read aloud: Clover, clover, you are plucked in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the purity of the Holy Virgin. May you serve to reconcile the servants of God (names of husband and wife). Just as the poppy lay next to the clover, so spouses can be together and lie next to each other. Amen.

They tie two branches of nearby growing bushes or trees and say:
Just as I tied you, so the servant of God (name of the husband) and the servant of God (name of the wife) are tied in front of the cross, anointed with oil. Just as the sun looks in water and a tree is reflected, so a husband and wife can’t stop looking at each other, they won’t get enough of each other from now on. Amen.

From scandals in the family

I am not walking on the Sun, I am not walking on the Moon, I am walking on the damp mother earth. Star and star do not scold, do not quarrel, Moon and Sun do not snarl. So in my family no one would scold or swear, or snap at a word. Be strong, my words, stronger than damask steel, tougher than steel. My work, come together, be blind to now, to eternity and to infinity. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspire enmity between people on an unmarked grave

Today I will teach you how you can create enmity between people on an unmarked grave. First, they find the desired grave and remove the debris from it. When the abandoned grave is put in order, a bundle with a wake is taken out from the bosom. The bundle should contain two eggs, two pancakes, two candies. The healer bows to the grave and says: I came to your abandoned grave, I cleaned it up, I brought you a memorial. Help me too, God’s servant (name). Bring together the servants of God (names) so that they do not argue, do not quarrel, and are not violent among themselves, but quiet, just as this place is quiet and peaceful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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