When is Elena Ishcheeva's birthday? Biography

Russian TV presenter, journalist, executive director news agency Banki.ru.

Elena Ishcheeva born on November 24, 1973 in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow. There were never any humanists in her family - both grandfathers were colonels in the Air Force. One of them, Nikolai Goryainov, received the title of Hero Soviet Union. Famous TV presenter Elena Ishcheeva recalls in one of his interviews:

My mother’s father was an honored test pilot who flew strategic bombers into the sky. He was such a gifted pilot that during the war he was not allowed to go to the front and was left to teach. Once, when I was working on the radio, I received a letter from a listener, on the envelope of which was a portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Goryainov, my grandfather. I was shocked by this coincidence: the woman did not know that I was his granddaughter, and I did not even think that such envelopes existed.

Career of Elena Ischeeva / Elena Ischeeva

At six years old Elena Ishcheeva got carried away rhythmic gymnastics, and every day I regularly went to train on the other side of the city. So, in 1988 she received the title of Master of Sports of the USSR. The TV presenter herself admits that it was gymnastics that strengthened her character.

I used to reproach my mother: “Mom, you deprived me of my childhood! I have nothing to remember!” But now I understand: if my childhood had been easy, I would not be sitting in front of you now, but would be trading somewhere in the clothing market of my native Zhukovsky, and this would be the limit of my dreams.

After graduating from school, Elena Ishcheeva submitted documents to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow state university. She entered the evening department, and immediately got a job as a courier in the editorial office of the literary and dramatic broadcasting of the USSR State Television and Radio. In two years Elena Ishcheeva became a correspondent for the Smena radio station, presenter of live broadcasts and original programs.

In 1996 Elena Ishcheeva received a honors diploma from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She came to the central television channel Public Russian Television (ORT) as a correspondent for the Teleutro program.

Despite her endless business trips around the world, the TV presenter Elena Ishcheeva managed to find time to fall in love and marry a television journalist and PR specialist Philippa Ilyina-Adaeva.

We both studied at the Faculty of Journalism: he studied in the daytime, and I studied in the evening. We didn’t communicate, and when we saw each other, I seemed too businesslike and even aggressive to Philip. And he liked quiet, homely girls. I didn’t have much interest in him either. Then we flew to Sochi for a symposium of young journalists. We started talking on the plane. I immediately realized that in front of me was an honest and decent person, we look at life the same way. That evening we had our first date, and a year and a half later we got married.

The couple have been together for ten years and have a son. Danila, which, according to Elena Ishcheeva , is more inclined to dance and ballet than to journalism.

He likes movement and music. There is plasticity, a tendency to stretch. But then dad said a categorical “no.” He believes that dancing seriously is not a man’s activity. In general, I partly agree with him.

In 2008 Elena Ishcheeva daughter was born Agatha.

In 2001, a new daily talk show was launched on the NTV channel "The Domino Principle". Co-host Elena Ishcheeva became Elena Hanga, and the program caused an unprecedented stir. Over three television seasons of broadcasting, more than 700 programs were aired. According to the TV presenter, they should have been given an Oscar for hosting a program that was more like a play. Alas, the friendship between the two wayward colleagues did not develop, and the program gradually disappeared from the air.

I adopted the Western coordinate system for myself: you come to Ostankino not to make friends and drink tea, but to earn your salary. At first I was sad because I am a fairly sociable and open person, but then I realized: I had to humble myself and remain a professional on camera. Believe me, the talk show “Domino Principle” could have been eternal if the perfect tandem had formed. Did not work out. It didn't work out. By various reasons. And personally, I don’t feel guilty about this.

At the same time, a well-known company Garnier invited Elena Ishcheeva become the face of the brand in Russia. Soon a commercial with her participation was released, which was filmed in Prague.

After the end of the show "Domino Principle", Elena Ishcheeva was invited to the TV channel " Home". The format on NTV required tougher questions, more cynical answers, and the presenter seemed strict and tough. In morning live broadcasts on Domashny Elena Ishcheeva opened up to the viewer from the other side.

Her autobiographical book was published in 2007. "Life on the Edge of TV", wherein Elena shared her experience in journalism and thoughts about a happy family life.

In 2008 Elena Ishcheeva radically changed her activities, completely devoting herself to family business: she started working for information portal spouse Banki.ru. The journalist successfully runs a column "Stars in a Jar" and releases in TV broadcast original programs "First Persons", “Private Opinion”, “Job Hunt”. Working next to her husband is much easier and calmer for her. In 2011, she received the position of executive director of the Banki.ru information agency.

Elena Ishcheeva says about himself:

Appearances are deceptive. You know, when I got a job as a television correspondent, one of the high television bosses told me: “Girl, your appearance is from the nineteenth century, but your grip is from the twenty-first.” So, today is my time.

Elena Ishcheeva is a Russian journalist, TV presenter, and head of the Internet project about financial life Finparty.

TV presenter Elena Ishcheeva was born on November 24, 1973. The TV personality’s hometown is Zhukovsky near Moscow. From a young age, the girl strived to be independent, so she began to earn extra money early, combining this with sports. Elena held rhythmic gymnastics in high esteem.

Ishcheeva regularly attended training sessions, participated in competitions high level. And then the moment came when the desire to quit the sport consumed the girl, but her perseverance turned out to be stronger. The result of this perseverance was the title of Master of Sports of the USSR in rhythmic gymnastics, which Elena received in 1988.

Future star journalism said that when the schoolgirl turned 14 years old, her parents decided to move to the capital, Moscow. This was due to the imminent graduation from school and entry into higher education. educational institution. Ishcheeva lived up to her parents’ hopes.

In 1990, the girl transformed from a schoolgirl into a student at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. . Elena planned to study this area not only in theory, but also in practice. The girl graduated from university in 1996 with honors.

Television and journalism

Also in student years In Ishcheeva’s biography, her first job appeared - as a courier in the editorial office of the literary and dramatic broadcasting of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. But the girl did not stay here long. Two years later, Elena set off to conquer the Smena radio station as a correspondent.

Later, the talented journalist was promoted to special correspondent, after which she was transferred to the position of live broadcast presenter. The management of the radio station “Radio-1” entrusted the girl with the creation of the program “Sports Show” by Elena Ishcheeva.” By profession, the young woman was a television journalist, so soon after graduating from university she went to work on TV.

Elena’s first official work on television was Teleutro, which in those years was broadcast on Public Russian Television (ORT). The girl traveled around the world, filming stories for programs. Thanks to this, Ishcheeva visited Switzerland, Japan and even the North Pole.

The management of the TV channel noted the talented TV presenter and invited Elena to the program “Good Day”, which was broadcast daily on live. It was then that the whole country recognized Ishcheeva. Overnight, the girl turned into a screen star. Later, Elena appeared before the audience of the NTV channel. The journalist became a co-host in “The Domino Principle.”

The young woman spent three years working on this talk show, but later was forced to leave her favorite program due to disagreements in the team. Success overtook Ishcheeva in the form of advertising campaigns, in which Elena was regularly invited to participate. Most a shining example is a contract with the international brand of care products Garnier. In 2005, Ishcheeva accepted an invitation to move to the Domashny TV channel. Management invited the TV presenter to launch her own program “Second Wind.”

Not every presenter can boast of the success that Elena has achieved in 10 years. Ishcheeva published a biography book entitled “Life on the Edge of TV.” In addition to interesting notes about family and career, the publication featured personal photographs of the journalist.

Elena left the entertainment sphere of life behind in 2008. Then the woman begins to develop her business and becomes the creator of the “Stars in the Bank” section on the Banki.ru portal. In addition, Ishcheeva is the author of the “First Persons” and “Private Opinion” programs.

For the last couple of years, Elena has owned shares in the Banki.ru company, acts as the executive director of an information agency, and also creates a website about the life of bankers called Finparty. Rodion Gaidar provides assistance in organizing meetings with famous financiers.

Personal life

Stormy romances and high-profile breakups are not to be found in Elena Ishcheeva’s personal life. In 1996, the TV presenter married Philip Olegovich Ilyin-Adaev. The husband of a famous journalist has own company. But some people find Elena’s life boring, so unknown people published photos of a naked girl on the Internet. Experts later confirmed that it was a fake.

3 years after the official marriage, the first-born appeared in the family - a son, who was named Danila. The young man is learning the basics of computer science and is interested in playing games on the Internet. In 2004, information appeared in the media that Ishcheeva, driving a personal car, hit a man and then fled the scene of the accident.

Afterwards, Elena admitted that she was scared and did not know what to do in such a situation. The TV presenter was deprived of her driver's license, and the car was confiscated until the end of the trial. Later the case was settled, and after some time Ishcheeva’s license was returned.

Four years after this incident, a new addition occurred in the family of the businessman and journalist. Some sources say that Elena adopted the girl, but others claim that the woman gave birth to her daughter Agatha herself. For a long time Ishcheeva did not show her children; she occasionally published photos of her son. When the girl grew up, the TV presenter decided to introduce the little lady to the public.

Elena's family has many hobbies. The journalist travels around the world with her family. Moreover, they explore new countries and cities exclusively by car. In winter, they prefer to relax at ski resorts, plowing the slopes on skis.

Ishcheeva considers Prague to be her favorite European city. According to the TV presenter, here you can relax your soul and body. Prefers to travel around Moscow on expensive cars and in luxurious jewelry. In 2015, Elena acted as the face of the EPL Diamond jewelry brand.

Elena Ishcheeva now

Now Elena Ishcheeva continues to be active social life, including on the Internet.

The young woman posts photos with her family, as well as from various events in "Instagram". In 2017, the journalist continues to grow in her profession and develop her family business.


  • "Sports show by Elena Ishcheeva"
  • "Telemorning"
  • "Good afternoon"
  • "The Domino Principle"
  • "Second wind"
  • "Stars in a Jar"
  • "First Persons"
  • "Private opinion"

Elena Vyacheslavovna Ishcheeva (November 24, 1973, Zhukovsky, Moscow region) - journalist, TV presenter, businesswoman.

Life and career

Both grandfathers of the future TV presenter served as colonels in the Air Force. One even served as a test pilot. At the age of 6, Elena began doing rhythmic gymnastics. And in 1988 she already held the title of Master of Sports of the USSR. The TV presenter admits that it was gymnastics that helped her strengthen her character as a child. According to her, this sport develops strength, will and patience. She once even said that her childhood was spent under the motto “This is how the steel was tempered.” When Elena turned 14, the family moved to the capital of Russia. Even then she began to earn her money by dancing in rock ballet.

After school, Elena Ishcheeva decided to enroll in the evening department of journalism at Moscow State University. At the same time, she worked as a courier in the editorial office of the literary and dramatic broadcasting of the State Television and Radio Fund. Soon Ishcheeva became a correspondent for radio “Smena”, and then the host of “Elena Ishcheeva’s Sports Show” (“Radio-1”). How did her career develop further?

1996 – graduated from Moscow State University with honors. After which she began working at the Public Russian Television. At first she was a correspondent for Teleutro. Elena reported, went on various business trips to Switzerland, Japan, the North Pole and even to the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

How did Ishcheeva get on television? The journalist admitted that it all started with the right phone number, which was given by an acquaintance. Elena called the management and they gave her a chance. Why? She said what most employers want to hear: “I have good experience work. I worked on the radio as a presenter and special correspondent for 6 years.”

2001 – together with E. Hanga, he hosts the talk show “The Domino Principle.” More than 700 episodes of this program were aired. The broadcast caused an unprecedented stir. According to Ishcheeva, she and Hanga should have been given an Oscar for hosting this program. But the friendship between the two co-hosts did not work out, and soon the program disappeared from the air. Having gained popularity, Ishcheeva became the face of Garnier.

2005 – works on the Domashny channel, where he hosts morning show.

2007 – publishes the autobiography book “Life on the Edge of TV.” Ishcheeva spoke about her experience as a journalist and about her personal life.

2008 – started working on the Internet information portal “Banki.ru”. Ishcheeva runs the “Stars in a Jar” column. Her programs such as “Private Opinion”, “First Persons” and “Job Hunt” were also released.

In 1996, Elena Ishcheeva got married. Her chosen one was journalist Philip Ilyin-Adaev. In 1999, the couple had a son, Daniil, and in 2008, a daughter, Agatha.

Ishcheeva calls herself an eccentric and explosive person. She loves leisure, especially motorcycle riding. Loves the Maldives and tiny taverns on the outskirts of Europe. IN ordinary life The TV presenter prefers a sporty style of clothing.

Elena Vyacheslavovna decided to leave television when she noticed that initiative people were no longer needed there. She notes that on modern TV there are more and more obedient people who do not have a clear opinion. Ishcheeva chose to work on the Internet because she loves freedom of action and creativity without any restrictions. In addition, she is attracted to communication with the Russian business elite. Especially with those who created something from scratch and are today part of Forbes lists. Ishcheeva admits that by meeting such people, she learns to be a good manager, leader and hones her business acumen.

Ishcheeva believes that clear discipline helps to achieve success. Successful man builds a life schedule so that everything can be done.

Ishcheeva about business: “If you understand something better than others, if you can create new idea, then don't be afraid to start a business. And most importantly, listen carefully to people, because they themselves will tell you where you can make money.”

Personal life Elena Ishcheeva: husband, children, photo

Elena Ishcheeva was never a born humanitarian; her grandfathers, who were Air Force colonels, made an invaluable contribution to her life and development as a person.
At the age of six, Elena began doing rhythmic gymnastics. Daily training on the other side of Moscow led her to the title of Master of Sports in the USSR (1988). Elena admits that it was gymnastics that strengthened her spirit and character. After school, Elena Ishcheeva enters evening studies at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. She managed to successfully combine her studies and work as a courier in the editorial office of the USSR State Broadcasting. Only two years later, Elena receives the position of correspondent for the Smena radio station. Professional biography of Ishcheeva.

After graduating from the university with honors in 1996, Elena was invited to the ORT channel as the host of the Teleutro program. From this moment it begins television career. But despite all the twists and turns of fate, permanent employment and business trips, Elena meets entrepreneur Philip Ilyin, who later becomes her husband. Elena Ishcheeva and her husband Philip Ilyin-Adaev have been happily married for many years. Elena Ishcheeva, daughter Agata and son Daniil created a strong support for Philip. A complete harmonious family is a role model for many couples in our country. In his autobiographical book, she tells how she managed to create such a cozy and warm family hearth.

Elena Ishcheeva and her children form a harmoniously developing trio. Elena assures that it is not she, but the children who teach her to look at the world with different eyes and perceive it in all its glory. Quote: “After I left the world of television, I managed to become a reliable partner and friend to my husband. We support each other in all issues and projects.”


Do you know that...

My mother’s father was an honored test pilot who flew strategic bombers into the sky. He was such a gifted pilot that during the war he was not allowed to go to the front and was left to teach. Once, when I was working on the radio, I received a letter from a listener, on the envelope of which was a portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Goryainov, my grandfather. I was shocked by this coincidence: the woman did not know that I was his granddaughter, and I did not even think that such envelopes existed.

I used to reproach my mother: “Mom, you deprived me of my childhood! I have nothing to remember!” But now I understand: if my childhood had been easy, I would not be sitting in front of you now, but would be trading somewhere in the clothing market of my native Zhukovsky, and this would be the limit of my dreams.

Appearances are deceptive. You know, when I got a job as a correspondent on television, one of the high television bosses told me: “Girl, your appearance is from the nineteenth century, and your grip is from the twenty-first.” So, today is my time.

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