Zoroastrian astrology. The most ancient Zoroastrian system will help you discover all the secrets of your destiny

Zoroastrianism, which greatly influenced Christianity and Islam, is one of the world's most ancient religions. His mythology formed the basis for the creation various horoscopes, among which the most famous is Zoroastrian horoscope, which has a cyclicity of 32 years, each of which is protected by a certain totem: a bird or an animal.

A special specificity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that the totem has enormous power over the person it dominates, and the task of the individual is to adapt as much as possible to the character of his heavenly patron. Also, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes an external resemblance between a person and a symbolic animal, which is considered a good sign of the favors of fate and good luck in later life.

These questions are answered by the most ancient of known to mankind horoscopes - Avestan, Zoroastrian horoscope. It is based on the 32-year cycle of Saturn, the planet that in astrology symbolizes the inner core. That is why this particular horoscope reflects the inner essence of a person, the very core of his personality.

Thirty-two totems of the Zoroastrian calendar correspond to thirty-two personality types, the Zoroastrian priests believed. But, since each of us has both light and dark side, since any quality can be turned both for good and for evil, each patron totem is opposed by an antitotem: the focus of negativity characteristic of a given type of personality. Read, analyze yourself, develop the “totemic” sides of your character and get rid of manifestations of the antitotem.

IMPORTANT:The Zoroastrian (Avestan) year begins on March 21, at the minute of the first sunrise in the sign of Aries. That is, those born from January 1 to March 20 are protected by the totems of the previous year.

The main thing is to remember! Fight your antitotem!

Characteristics: http://www.oracle-today.ru/horoscope/avest/

  1. Golden-horned Deer (since March 22, 1938, 1970, 2002): pride, strength, determination. Antitotem - Warty Toad.

  2. Mountain Ram (from March 22, 1939, 1971, 2003): collectivism, duty, traditions. Antitotem - Sheep.

  3. Mongoose (since March 22, 1940, 1972, 2004): agility, creative activity, flexibility of thinking. Antitotem - Cobra.

  4. Wolf (since March 22, 1941, 1973, 2005): independence of character, courage, responsibility, endurance. Antitotem - Werewolf.

  5. Stork (since March 22, 1942, 1974, 2006): peace, fatalism, conservatism. Antitotem - Toad.

  6. Spider (since March 22, 1943, 1975, 2007): fight against evil spirits, well-being at home, healing. Antitotem - Fly.

  7. Snake or Snake (from March 22, 1944, 1976, 2008): karma, reincarnation, intuition, mysticism. Antitotem - Viper.

  8. Beaver (since March 22, 1945, 1977, 2009): natural harmony, beauty, love. Antitotem - Otter or Nutria.

  9. Turtle (since March 22, 1946, 1978, 2010): wisdom, consistency, caution, secrecy. Antitotem - Seagull.

  10. Soroka (from March 22, 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011): connection with higher world, secrecy. Antitotem - Mole.

  11. Belka (since March 22, 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012): thought, knowledge of the family tree, a lively mind and a sense of duty. Antitotem - Marten or Rat? [like Swan].

  12. Raven (since March 22, 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013): seriousness, severity, isolation, purification from filth. Antitotem - Solitaire.

  13. Rooster (since March 22, 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014): victory over demons, triumph of justice, reformism. Antitotem - Kite.

  14. Bull or Tour (since March 22, 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015): symbol of peace, prosperity, self-sacrifice, selflessness. Antitotem - Wasp or Elk.

  15. Badger (from March 22, 1920, 1952, 1984): storage of wealth, traditions, memories, strengthening of the material world. Antitotem - Cat Bayun.

  16. Camel (from March 22, 1921, 1953, 1985): skepticism, humor, perseverance, independence. Antitotem - Black Karakurt.

  17. Hedgehog (from March 22, 1922, 1954, 1986): grace, novelty, freedom. Antitotem - Monkey or Shrew.

  18. Lan (from March 22, 1923, 1955, 1987): harmony, beauty, righteousness. Antitotem - Chimera.

  19. Elephant (since March 22, 1924, 1956, 1988): stability, solidity, firmness. Antitotem - Mouse.

  20. Horse or Horse (since March 22, 1925, 1957, 1989): justice, hard work, striving forward, broad-minded. Antitotem - Jackal.

  21. Cheetah (from March 22, 1926, 1958, 1990): right-wing struggle, belligerence, fearlessness. Antitotem - Leopard or Swamp Cat.

  22. Peacock (from March 22, 1927, 1959, 1991): overcoming illusions, games, disguises. Antitotem - Jerboa.

  23. Swan (since March 22, 1928, 1960, 1992): purification of faith, spirituality, hope. Antitotem - Rat? [like Squirrel] or Duck.

  24. Lynx or Nightingale (since March 22, 1929, 1961, 1993): enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun. Antitotem - Tick.

  25. Donkey (since March 22, 1930, 1962, 1994): abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance. Antitotem - Rabbit.

The mythology of the Zoroastrians influenced astrology and formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, including the Zoroastrian proper, associated with the thirty-two-year cycle. Since each year is assigned a patron - an animal or a bird - this horoscope is also called a totemic horoscope.

The peculiarity of the Zoroastrian horoscope is that it gives the totem almost unlimited power over a person; the determining factor for success is that a person should try to be like his totem, and not try to change it weak sides or adjust behavior.

In addition, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes some external similarity between a person and his totem, which is also a favorable factor for future fate.

Every year gives birth to people, both good and bad; in the Zoroastrian horoscope we see, respectively, a totem that imparts positive qualities, and an anti-totem that imparts negative qualities. Of course, traits of a totem and an antitotem can appear in one person; It is also possible to give birth to a personality with a neutral character.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the most ancient in the world. The beginning of the year is associated with the spring equinox, which should be remembered by people born in January, February and March when determining their sign.

1st year of the cycle (1906, 1938, 1970).

The totem of the year is a deer with golden antlers, a symbol of ascension, pride, grace, and higher power.

2nd year of the cycle (1907, 1939, 1971).

Totem - mountain ram, mouflon, symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity with inner peace, uniting people (in a herd, in a team).

3rd year of the cycle (1908, 1940, 1972).

The totem is a mongoose, a symbol of dexterity, surprise, and the fight against all kinds of evil spirits.

4th year of the cycle (1909, 1941, 1973).

Totem - wolf, symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance.

5th year of the cycle (1910, 1942, 1974).

The totem is a stork, a symbol of peace, the conquest of space, adherence to the established order, asceticism, and willingness to help.

6th year of the cycle (1911, 1943, 1975).

Totem is a cross spider (the one that weaves a web and catches flies), a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the home.

7th year of the cycle (1912, 1944, 1976).

Totem is a snake (the only snake in this calendar), a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic rewards, the flow that carries people, hidden currents.

8th year of the cycle (1913, 1945, 1977).

The totem is a beaver, a symbol of natural harmony, beauty and love, the inviolability of laws.

9th year of the cycle (1914, 1946, 1978).

The totem is a turtle, a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling situations, caution.

10th year of the cycle (1915, 1947, 1979).

The totem is a magpie, a symbol of connection with the higher world, as well as prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, and spreading the word.

11th year of the cycle (1916, 1948, 1980).

Totem is a squirrel, a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree, testing beliefs, identifying truth, searching for faith.

12th year of the cycle (1917, 1949, 1981).

Totem is a raven, a mediator between heaven and earth, a symbol of seriousness, severity, isolation, loneliness, cleansing from filth, inflexibility.

13th year of the cycle (1918, 1950, 1982).

Totem is a rooster, a fighter with the forces of darkness, a symbol of victory over demons, the manifestation of hidden evil spirits, the exposure of evil, the triumph of justice.

14th year of the cycle (1919, 1951, 1983).

Totem - tour, bull, symbol of peace, prosperity, big hidden power, duty, dedication, self-sacrifice, but also vulnerability.

15th year of the cycle (1920, 1952, 1984).

Totem is a badger, a symbol of storing wealth, traditions, memories, frugality, gradualism, strengthening the material world.

16th year of the cycle (1921, 1953, 1985).

The totem is a camel, a symbol of skepticism, asceticism, humor and ridicule, perseverance.

17th year of the cycle (1922, 1954, 1986).

Totem is a hedgehog, a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, revolution.

18th year of the cycle (1923, 1955, 1987).

Totem is a doe, a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness.

19th year of the cycle (1924, 1956, 1988).

The totem is an elephant, a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, thoroughness, and balance.

20th year of the cycle (1925, 1957, 1989).

Totem is a horse, a symbol of justice, contract, hard work, striving forward, leadership.

21st year of the cycle (1926, 1958, 1990).

The totem is a cheetah, a symbol of the fight for a just cause, belligerence, unpredictability, and fearlessness.

22nd year of the cycle (1927, 1959, 1991).

The totem is a peacock, a symbol of overcoming illusions, learning the true essence of things, but also games and disguises.

23rd year of the cycle (1928, 1960, 1992).

The totem is a swan, a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope.

24th year of the cycle (1929, 1961, 1993).

The totem is a lynx, a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise.

25th year of the cycle (1930, 1962, 1994).

Totem - donkey, symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, search for the true path.

26th year of the cycle (1931, 1963, 1995).

Totem - polar bear, a totem of the Aryan peoples, a symbol of the Aryan mission, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow build-up and fast, sharp actions.

27th year of the cycle (1932, 1964, 1996).

Totem - eagle, symbol of royalty, power, statehood.

28th year of the cycle (1933, 1965, 1997).

The totem is a fox, a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance.

29th year of the cycle (1934, 1966, 1998).

The totem is a dolphin, a symbol of knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance.

30th year of the cycle (1935, 1967, 1999).

Totem - boar, boar, symbol of victory, achievement of power, intense struggle, awakening enormous forces, activity.

31st year of the cycle (1936, 1968, 2000).

Totem - an owl or an owl, a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the fight against the forces of darkness. People of this year are characterized by courage, devotion, a tendency to revolution, attachment to home, determination, alternating periods of inactivity and great activity, excitement, orientation to the past, brightness. The features of the antitotem are collapse, lack of composure, cowardice. The year is associated with turning points, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, breakthroughs into the unknown, in the worst case - with the outbreak of wars, with the active destruction of people, with the abandonment of the past.

And let us note once again that the character traits of the totem and antitotem do not appear in all people born in given year, but only for those marked by light or dark forces, respectively. The same can be said about similarity appearance person into the image of a totem or antitotem. Here a lot depends on the choice of the person himself. In the same way, the manifestation of the event characteristics of the year depends on the choice of society and its rulers. Each year favors endeavors associated with its characteristics and discourages opposing aspirations or lays down a program to punish people who make wrong choices.

All horoscopes are based on a person’s correspondence with something: planets, constellations, plants, living beings, and so on. The Zoroastrian (aka Persian) horoscope sees a guardian animal as a symbol of each year, which guides a person through life, endowing him with positive and negative properties.

What is the Zoroastrian horoscope?

There are many horoscopes in the world that predict a person’s fate and name his main features depending on his date of birth (year or month). The first system, which became the ancestor of subsequent trends in astrology, was the Zoroastrian horoscope, which belonged to the Persians (Aryans). Zoroastrianism – ancient religion prophecies that originated in Persia. Its founder was the prophet Asho Zarathushtra. The horoscope he invented is based on the correspondence to each year of the 32-year cycle (the daily cycle of Saturn) of the totem animal.

What influence do animal totems have?

According to the ideas of Zarathushtra and his followers, every person from birth has his own guardian in the form of an animal (bird). While the personality is developing, the spirit is invisibly present next to him, endowing him with animal qualities. A person must embody certain traits in himself in order to achieve success and move through life with confidence. Along with totem animals, there are anti-totemic animals that bring devilish temptations.

If you indulge your vices, negative qualities will manifest themselves, which will be the beginning of personality degradation.

But even for people endowed with antitotem traits, they have the opportunity to overcome them bad influence and gain positive qualities. By approaching the ideal - the image of his totem - a person gets a chance to find the protection of higher powers. The Persians believed that it was impossible to escape fate, and in all people, in one way or another, positive or negative traits patron animals.

Sign by date of birth

The calendar year begins when the Sun enters Aries - March 21st. Those born before March 20 inclusive, on the border of two months (February and March), fall under the influence of two totem animals at once. In total, the calendar circle includes 32 signs, the difference between the representatives of each is exactly 32 years. By checking the data, you can find your totem animal.


(1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034...) A sign of higher power, justice, will and desire for victory. Persons are easy-going, impetuous, and endowed with strong intuition. They know how to understand people and easily find new friends, but they do not make everyone close. They love to expose other people's vices, but rarely admit their own. The antitotem of the Deer is the Toad, blinded by the thirst for power, greedy, despising others.


(1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035) Firm and noble people who are characterized by a reverent attitude towards family. In it they occupy a special position and are ready to do anything for the sake of their loved ones, putting them above all else. Rams succumb to the influence of others and love to be led. As a rule, they live their lives in one place. A counterweight positive qualities antitotem animal – Goat – does not honor family customs, defiles his family, lives without firm principles.


(1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036) A small but dexterous animal symbolizes constancy and fidelity. He is always honest, open, expects the same from others, so he easily falls for deception. It is ideal if a person born under the sign of the mongoose is similar in appearance - has thin, mobile limbs, a jumping gait. Then the totem will help him fulfill his destiny, and all his actions will be aimed at fighting evil. The opposite of the mongoose is the deceitful and base Ferret, weaving empty intrigues and unable to think about the future.


(1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037) The totem animal, an agile predator, is constantly on the move, its life is a struggle, just like that of a person born in the year of the Wolf. His best qualities are shown in battle, but he does not know how to work in a team. Wolves are loners. They are indifferent to the warmth of the hearth. They are little concerned about the interests of others, they are not used to caring for the weak, but sometimes Wolves are characterized by noble impulses. The beast is opposed by the cowardly Jackal, who annoys those around him, is embittered and uses his power to harm.


(1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038) Stork people are strongly attached to home and family; at heart they are lonely wanderers who strive to return to their native nest. They are distinguished by a deep understanding of the world and life, are ready to expand their knowledge, constantly contemplate, but are laconic. If the Stork fell in love - this is forever, he also remembers his disappointment for a long time. The antitotem of the sign is the talkative Woodpecker, who neglects the interests of others and does not show strong feelings.


(1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039) Attentive, judicious, a wise man born under the sign of Spider. His home symbolizes the universe itself. He knows how to captivate people and manipulate, although he rarely becomes a leader. Spiders set global goals for themselves, strive to understand the world, while avoiding conflicts. As a rule, they are happy in personal life, as they skillfully combine emotions and reason. The antitotem of the wise spider is the provocateur Tarantula, directing all his forces to create discord and quarrels. These outrageous personalities love to provoke the public.


(1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040) Representatives of this sign have a flexible mind, do not strive for external brilliance, try to learn secrets, get into someone else's soul (and they succeed) and adapt to the surrounding realities. Snakes tend to look back: to realize the mistakes of the past, to listen to the knowledge of their ancestors. Nothing in their life passes without a trace; they experience harmony through the knowledge of justice. The Viper, the antitotem of the sign, forces a person to act frivolously, succumb to provocations, and commit dangerous acts.


(1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041) Demanding of themselves, tireless and hardworking individuals, Beavers do not catch stars from the sky, but they know how to take care of the future, and not only their own. Active life position makes them optimistic - they know that there is a lot of work ahead of them, for which they will be rewarded. The Beaver House is open to everyone. He understands people and strives to create comfort. The opposite of them are Nutria, who do not value family, do not value it, refuse children, and despise family ties.


(1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042) In life, people of this sign move slowly, but purposefully, without deviating from the chosen path. It is important for them to feel safe; they do not like to take risks. Turtles are reserved, but are still constantly surrounded by people, since they attract them in a sedate way. People of this sign have a good memory - both bad and good, they remember good deeds. The anti-totem animal, the Slug, deprives the Turtle of a reliable shell. Under the influence, she is restless, always dodges, behaves hypocritically, and is unable to take care of herself.


(1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043) The lively, restless Magpie imparts activity to her charges. They are always in the thick of things, trying to influence them. People of this sign are talkative, but active. They try to keep their promises, although sometimes they weave intrigues and take credit for the merits of others. At the same time, they do not take defeats seriously, immediately starting a new task. When Magpies say unnecessary things, spilling other people's secrets, and simply talk nonsense, their antitotem appears - the Black Rook.


(1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044) Representatives of this Zoroastrian sign are smart, active, who, however, are sometimes characterized by empty vanity. Squirrels pay a lot of attention to their family, setting up their home, but this does not bring them joy. Having wasted energy, they can become depressed. They are constant in their choice of friends and partner, they are reluctant to let something new into their lives, and they need stability to be happy. The opposite of Squirrels are petty, slow Rats, who tend to doubt everything, even their own abilities.


(1917, 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045) From childhood, the character of people of this sign shows a desire to express their own opinion and independence. Proud birds impart personality traits such as uncompromisingness (they do not admit their own or others’ mistakes), determination, and strength. Ravens are not burdened by loneliness, they are not indifferent to others, but even in the family they keep to themselves. Deprives the totem inner strength Hoopoe. He seeks help from others and places the solution to his problems on someone else.


(1918, 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046) The vigilant and warlike Rooster cannot boast of constancy, rarely finishes what he starts, and achieves success. He is brave, knows how to prove himself in battle and cares about the welfare of his loved ones. Roosters are direct and open people, sociable, so they have many acquaintances. They play to the crowd, but are not vain. Under the influence of the antitotem - Quail - these people become slaves of circumstances, helpless and cowardly. People frankly feel sorry for them.


(1919, 1951, 1983, 2015, 2047) Hardworking, gentle people are born under the sign of Tour (Bull). They need a mentor; without help they are passive. Turs are resistant to any adversity, are not vindictive, know how to enjoy little things, and do not require approval for their actions (thus realizing that they are right). Family for people of this sign is above all. The antitotem is the Elk, which manifests itself in Tur’s character through aggression and nervousness. They lack patience and lash out at others over small things.


(1920, 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048) The mysterious and secretive Badger does not completely open up to anyone, even to his family. He pays a lot of attention to the past, delves into memories, and learns life lessons from mistakes. He understands people well and gives good advice. There is never a dull moment with him, he is tireless, generous, and knows what he wants. But under the influence of the antitotem, the greedy and careless Mole, Badger throws words to the wind, becoming insidious and frivolous; acts illogically.

Camel Hedgehog

(1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050) A cocky, rebellious character is inherent in the hedgehog. He trusts loved ones and friends, is faithful to them, but may have ill-wishers because of his language. People of this sign are cheerful and restless. They are attentive to small details, they have an excellent memory. Hedgehogs can be overly active, but in relationships they are patient and attentive. The antipode - Shrew - brings lies, betrayal and hypocrisy into the lives of Hedgehogs, forces them to do nasty things under the guise of external harmlessness.


(1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051) People of this sign are artistic and sophisticated dreamers who know how to feel and experience subtly. They are defenseless against evil, touchy, need protection and very careful handling, although they do not tolerate guardianship, since they are too independent and freedom-loving. Gullible Fallow deer do not recognize the bad intentions of others, therefore they cannot protect themselves and their loved ones. Such people always act with the best intentions. The opposite of Lani is the lazy Cow, rude, not recognizing style. She always makes fun of those who come to her aid.


(1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052) In the Zoroastrian horoscope, the sign of the Elephant belongs to serious and thoughtful people. At first glance, they seem to be slow simpletons, but in fact they do not trust anyone and carefully weigh their every decision. Elephants are endowed with great patience, which is not unlimited: such people are terrible when angry. They are reliable family men and are the support of their family. The anti-totemic animal - the Anteater - endows a person with fussiness, talkativeness, and recklessness. He can cheat, betray, and is not capable of serious actions.


(1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053) In the year of the Horse, athletic, hardy people are born. They are deeply decent, serious, love neatness and are ready to work tirelessly to ensure their comfort. Sometimes the Horses pay too much attention to the established order. Such people are monogamous, but do not know how to remain alone for a long time. Horse shows the opposite negative traits in people of the sign. The antitotem is manifested by slowness, bordering on laziness, cowardice, and optionality. Such a person does not keep his word.


(1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054) Fierce and fast predators patronize people who are smart, active, and show cunning from an early age. Emotionality, prudence and strength are surprisingly combined in the character of these people. Cheetahs are independent and do not require support. Wide circle interests makes possible their variability. At any moment they can change their point of view or direction of activity. The Swamp Cat is the antitotem of the Cheetah. It deprives a person of courage, inner strength, makes him promiscuous in relationships, and therefore often deceived.


(1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055) Talented individuals are born under the sign of this beautiful bird. Peacocks know how to charm, but they work for the public, they need spectators. These people love experiments, take on several things at the same time and achieve what they want. It’s hard for them to admit that they haven’t succeeded in something. In addition, Peacocks do not tolerate it when someone surpasses them; they always try to outgrow their authority. The antitotem of this sign is the nondescript Drozd, angry, secretive, worried about his unpopularity and inadequacy.


(1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056) People of the Swan sign live a rich spiritual life. They are not interested in wealth, fame, power. He needs the support of his loved ones; they treat them with reverence and great tenderness. Love comes first for Swan. Like proud birds, they choose a mate for life and remain faithful to it. In everything, these people follow ideals, but have difficulty understanding the qualities of character that are not characteristic of them. Having fallen under the influence of the antitotem - Ducks - Swan, he becomes petty, fixates on money, cares about his own benefit and lies recklessly.

Lynx and Nightingale

(1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057) The main totem of the year is the strong and emotional Lynx, sometimes sharp and furious. She does not tolerate conventions and rules, chooses outcasts as friends, loves to fool around and have fun, and is a gambler. No matter how soft the Lynx may seem, it is always ready to repel an attack. The second totem of the year is the Nightingale, which appears much less frequently. He is devoid of frivolity, peace-loving, all his actions (without exception) are worthy of respect. Antitotem - Mouse - is helpful, lacks its own opinion and is afraid to violate accepted norms.


(1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058) Behind the peaceful calm of the Donkey lies an iron will. He has a strong character, endurance, and determination; values ​​stability and fears risk. An unstable start unsettles him. A donkey is a hard worker who must work tirelessly and constantly; without work he languishes. People of this sign are opposed by the Mule - passive, fearful, lazy. He is driven by lust, and often the antitotem pushes a person to cheat and betray loved ones.

Polar bear

(1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059) People with an open heart, good-natured, very generous and attentive (especially to children) fall under the influence of the mighty beast. They are not aggressive, but sometimes their games become dangerous. It is pleasant to do business with the Polar Bear; he knows how to recognize profitable contracts and at the same time is not ready to break the law. People of this sign are contrasted with the Brown Bear, behind whose outward peacefulness lies a bore and a sadist. Such a person always tries to do people a disservice - to get involved in things unnecessarily and ruin everything.


(1932, 1964, 1996, 2028, 2060) Eagles steadily strive for their ideals and goals. They do not tolerate any manifestation of anarchy, they call on those around them to order and unanimity, while they themselves remain alone. Eagles have a hard time falling in love, but family means a lot to them, especially children and parents. People of the sign are not afraid of enemies, with light soul enter into battle, sometimes have the gift of providence. Antitotem - symbolizing vanity and envy - Fly. Insatiable and greedy, such people prefer to act in a group rather than on their own.


(1933, 1965, 1997, 2029, 2061) A sharp mind and incredible instinct distinguish people of this sign. Cunning, meticulousness and developed intelligence help Lisa expose deceivers, which she does with pleasure. Sometimes these people behave too cautiously and try to expose not themselves, but others, to harm. However, this does not mean that Foxes are selfish; they tend to help people. The anti-totemic animal is the greedy and opportunistic Weasel. If she is confident in her impunity, then she behaves impudently without hindrance, but as soon as she feels resistance, she cowardly capitulates.


(1934, 1966, 1998, 2030, 2062) A water sign symbolizing travel and knowledge of secrets. Throughout their lives, people born in this year work for the good of society. They are fierce fighters for truth, selfless, outcasts. They never ask for anything in return. Dolphins have a somewhat idealistic outlook on life. It is difficult to understand them, even those close to them are not always able to do so. This sea dweller is contrasted with the crucian carp, an evil, vengeful creature who seeks to sow discord and chaos around himself. The quarrels of others seem to make them happy.


(1935, 1967, 1999, 2031, 2063) Brave and courageous are the people who were born under the auspices of the Boar (Boar). They are tireless explorers, travelers, conquerors. Open to everyone, such people cannot tolerate hidden anger and try to resolve conflicts, since fighting does not bring them pleasure. The boar always knows what he wants from life. His feelings are heated to the limit if he trusts someone, but limitlessly. The Boar has an antitotem, the insidious and resourceful Pig, which deprives a person of nobility and faith.


(1936, 1968, 2000, 2032, 2064) A mysterious fate usually awaits people born under the sign of the Owl. They are prone to mysticism, prefer the spiritual to material things, lead a closed lifestyle, and like to stay awake at night. Owls do not listen to others, they go their own way and establish their own order of things. The totemic essence is especially manifested in women. Meanness and cowardice, the ability to commit base acts are characterized by the antitotem - Owl. He always listens to those who are stronger, betraying his ideals.


(1937, 1969, 2001, 2033, 2065) People under the sign of the Falcon are independent and proud. They do not like to be tightly controlled, but without a wise mentor they quickly abandon their work. They are prone to exaggeration, sometimes they stage demonstrations in public, and they are proud of both victories and defeats. Representatives of the feathered totem - bright personalities, alternating periods of activity and rest. They love and value family. Signs of the Sparrow opposite the Falcon appear when a person ceases to value the past and present, becomes grumpy and cowardly.

The good and evil incarnations of each sign of the Zoroastrian horoscope must live in harmony. It’s good when representatives of a sign externally resemble a totem animal, but this is not necessary. When a person supports his positive side, performs the actions expected of him, develops certain character traits, he approaches the ideal. His life will pass in harmony with himself.

All our marriages, for the most part, are based on love. Well, or at least sympathy. However, some time passes, and feelings usually lose their severity and cease to prevail in the relationship between spouses. Often this is fraught with the emergence of mutual irritability and enduring scandals over every unimportant little thing. At the same time, there are families in which dulling of feelings is by no means a reason for frequent discord. Why is that? Why do equal situations have different consequences, and some marriages remain reliable and quite happy, while others end in divorce? Let's try to find the answer to this question by turning to the Zoroastrian calendar for help.
Age difference between spouses according to the Zoroastrian calendar

From the point of view of Zoroastrian astrology, big role Age differences play a role in the relationship between spouses. The Zoroastrian year begins from the moment the Sun appears in the zodiac Aries. This usually happens on the twenty-first or twenty-second of March. In accordance with this number, compatibility is determined by the age difference between spouses. This difference is calculated differently than according to the regular calendar. For example, if the husband was born on February 20, 1971, and the wife was born on May 20, 1974, then according to the usual calendar their age difference is three years and three months. According to Zoroastrianism, February 20, 1971 is still considered February 20, 1970, and, according to it, the age difference between the spouses will already be four years and three months. This number is rounded to four years, if it is a little less than three months, and up to five years, if a little more. That is, a difference of a year and four months is considered as two years, a difference of three years and two months is considered as three years, and so on.

Zooastrian Calendar Forecast Defining the Basics happy marriage, applies to all people except those born between the sixteenth and twentieth of March in any year. So let's get started...
The influence of age difference on family relationships

The Zoroastrian calendar states the following. A marriage of the same age (age difference from several days to three months) is, in general, not an easy marriage, because both husband and wife have the same age-related problems. And the tasks that they have to solve if both spouses strive to develop both their inner world and their social status, become twice as difficult. At the same time, such a marriage has advantages: it promotes self-knowledge and determines the priority life goals of the people who entered into a union.

With an age difference of three to nine months, the relationship between the spouses promises to be stable and overly conservative. You shouldn’t expect any surprises, pleasant or not, from such a connection. Therefore, it is most suitable for calm people who are not prone to drastic changes.

The difference in age from nine months to a year and three months (according to the calendar it is considered as one year), contributes to the creation material well-being in family. A husband and wife with such a difference can create an excellent business relationship that will help them maintain a strong marriage for many years.

The age difference is 2 years (from 1 year three months to 2 three years old months) presupposes only a commonality of spiritual interests. Such a couple should under no circumstances try to cooperate in any business area - this is fraught with regular conflicts and loss of money.

With an age difference of 3 years, the family is doomed to constant psychological discomfort. Her relationships are based on eternal struggle, so this type of marriage is suitable for those who have a strong rebellious spirit. If one of the spouses is a peace-loving phlegmatic, it will not be easy for him, because the other half will periodically try to organize a big or small battle.

An age difference of 4 years is the dream of everyone who intends to get married. It assumes friendly and strong family, love and mutual understanding in which always exist. Of course, time can make adjustments here too, but they do not have too powerful a destructive potential.

The age difference is 5 years - for those who believe that marriages are made in heaven. In this case, this statement is absolutely true. According to Zoroastrians, the meeting of such a couple is never accidental. Fate itself brings them together and keeps them close to each other. However, this fact is not the key to a happy marriage, because fate can be different. And spouses with a difference of five years can achieve prosperity together, and together, not wanting to be careful and prudent, fall into the abyss. Moreover, their union, regardless of its quality, promises to be long.

An age difference of 6 years is generally undesirable. It creates a very negative type of psychological connection between spouses, which simply attracts a lot of troubles. Such a family will face intrigue and all sorts of intrigues from both friends and relatives. Therefore, such a union can only be favorable for those who cannot imagine their life without thrills and struggle.

An age difference of 7 years is favorable only if both spouses have high spirituality. Such a marriage is based on the aesthetic side of the relationship and may well be happy if it acquires some features of a secret love affair. This will allow spouses to realize their spiritual needs, all the while learning with interest the inner essence of each other.

An 8-year age difference promises a harmonious union in which the spouses are a good complement to each other. In such a marriage, deep affection usually arises, contributing to its stability and well-being.

An age difference of 9 years is not entirely favorable for a calm and serene marriage. In the future, such a family will face difficult trials due to the close attention of strangers to it. This attention is not accidental - psychologically this is a fairly strong tandem, and regular attacks on it are inevitable and natural. Therefore, starting a family with such an age difference the better who can resist negative influence at her from the side and repel even the most powerful attacks.

The age difference of 10 years contributes to the strength of the marriage, in which the spouses, in addition to feelings, are also connected by a joint business. Such a couple will always look and move in the same direction. Conflicts between them are a rare occurrence, even if one of the spouses takes the place of the leader, and the other, the follower.

The age difference of 11 years is a marriage that does not allow feelings to cool down and does not allow a single day to be boring. The relationship of the spouses in such a union is constantly changing, instantly turning from irreconcilable hostility to passionate love, and vice versa. Of course, such swings are not easy to withstand, and throws from cold to fire can ultimately lead to divorce. However, in this case it is not as destructive as in the others - the pugnacious couple will be very happy to start all over again.

The age difference of 12 years creates a dual alliance with an unfavorable prospect. Mutual understanding in this case is given to the spouses with great difficulty, which, of course, does not in any way contribute to the reliability of the marriage. Both husband and wife are stumbling blocks for each other, and, as a result, great contradictions arise between them, leading to bad consequences.

The age difference of 13 years is ambiguous - it’s not for nothing that the number thirteen is shrouded in a mystical aura. Such a marriage forms a clear relationship that transforms consciousness and allows the spouses to be spiritually reborn. But this rebirth can be both improvement and degradation of personality. Therefore, the prospects for such a union depend on the inner essence of each spouse. If at least one of them is deeply flawed, the other will die.

The age difference of 14 years is the key to a long-term romantic marriage. Both husband and wife here are more lovers than spouses. The main thing is that constant omissions do not lead to mutual misunderstanding. And then such a union will exist for a long time, contributing to the moral progress of both spouses.

The age difference of 15 years creates a strong marriage that is not afraid of any storms in life. But only when spouses help each other choose the right direction of development. If one of them begins to lead the other in this direction, the outcome of their relationship will be disastrous for both.

Couples with an age difference of 16 years create a magnificent, lasting union of two complementary personalities. The husband and wife in such a marriage seem to reflect each other, becoming more and more attached to their soul mate. This allows you to make a marriage stable, based, in addition to love, also on support and respect.

The age difference of 17 years promises well-being and prosperity for the family. It is desirable that the spouses in this case are connected not only by feelings, but also by a common cause. The younger of them should accept the fact that priority in decision-making is on the side of the elder. Otherwise there will be conflict situations, interfering with the development of both and undermining the foundations of marriage.

The age difference of 18 years suggests a misunderstanding of each other. Such marriages are unstable both because of the constant interference in the affairs of the family from outside, and because of the impossibility of psychological compatibility. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are quite rare and are based mainly on material factors.

This is how the Zoroastrian calendar positions the influence of age difference on the quality of a marriage. Of course, this interpretation is rather conditional - the ideal age difference cannot be determined precisely. However, the Zooastrian calendar gives general concepts about the pitfalls of this or that type of marriage. It is better to assume the presence of these stones in advance. After all, going on a long voyage without even knowing about them is too reckless and risky. Just look, you will run aground, or you will suffer a major wreck.

  1. The Deer with the Golden Antlers (1938, 1970, 2002)
    Deer is primarily a sign of charisma. This is the charisma of a loner blazing new trails. People born in this year are given the ability to recognize evil and see through people. The Deer totem suggests a desire for something more, pride, a desire to create new things and lead others.

    The true path of the Deer is to keep light and purity in your soul and always resist evil. How less people will doubt and look back, so much the better.

    The antitotem of the Deer is the cold desire to destroy everything and suppress others. Those who follow this path lose clarity of thought, become callous and eternally dissatisfied with everything around them.

  2. Mountain Ram (1939, 1971, 2003)
    Those born under the sign of the Ram are under the special control of their ancestors. The totem suggests that people are endowed with inner peace, the desire to be with everyone in some matter, and obedience. Despite their inner humility and peace, people of this totem are endowed with extraordinary activity. For them, the most important thing in life is family and family ties.

    The antitotem of the Ram is associated with alarmism, fear and break from tradition. The Ram is ruined by stubbornness instead of peacefulness and obsession with the thought of superiority.

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  3. Mongoose (1940, 1972, 2004)
    The Mongoose totem is a symbol of the creator and creator. People associated with this totem react quickly to changes, they are unpredictable and quite abrupt. Their frankness amazes everyone; they will not hide their thoughts and certainly will not gossip behind their back. The Mongoose's path is creativity.

    The antitotem of the Mongoose is stupidity, helplessness and lies. Those who follow this path will only generate darkness.

  4. White Wolf (1941, 1973, 2005)
    People born under this sign are very active. They love to take risks and are not afraid of any dangers. Wolves are travelers, they seek adventure and cannot stay in one place. The totem gives a person extraordinary fortitude and the ability to survive in extreme conditions. The path of the Wolf is the path of justice. He seeks out any injustice and punishes it.

    The antitotem of the Wolf is the need to break everything around and mock others. Laziness and cowardice are the greatest enemies of this totem.

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  5. Stork (1942, 1974, 2006)
    Storks are pilgrims who are very attached to their family, no matter how strange it may sound. They love to fly far, but they are drawn to their nest. Accustomed to always relying only on their own strengths, they are very persistent individuals. It is difficult for them to fit into society, their inner world much more interesting for them.

    The antitotem of the Stork is manifested in disdain for home and to your children.

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  6. Spider (1943, 1975, 2007)
    These are people who cannot live alone, they must have their own clan. The Spider totem suggests slowness and harmony, as well as sensitivity and enormous creative potential. They are modest and quiet, but they unite people around them.

    The Antitotem of the Spider manifests itself in excessive adventurism and standard thinking. And often due to a simple inability to take care of one’s health.

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  7. Already (1944, 1976, 2008)
    Snakes possess the great secrets of the harmony of the world, as well as the ability to cleanse karma. These people are often defenseless, especially in times of change. It is quite difficult for them to adapt to circumstances. They have a very flexible mind, a certain philosophical view for life, and they are also persistent and always achieve their goals.

    The antitotem of the Snake is lack of flexibility, laxity and immaturity.

  8. Beaver (1945, 1977, 2009)
    The beaver was a sacred animal among the Zoroastrians. Thousand human lives could not compensate for the killing of one beaver. The Beaver symbol is harmony, beauty and love. Such people will never be discouraged, they will change something, improve something, but just not whine. They have no equal in hard work, and also in accuracy, hospitality and firmness of conviction. These are practical and economic people.

    The Beaver's antitotem is sloppiness. This is a man who doesn't value family values and frivolously betrays principles.

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  9. Turtle (1946, 1978, 2010)
    These people are often secretive; they move through life slowly but surely. They have a life goal, which they follow without leaving the intended path. They have a good memory, which can cause them to be a little annoying, returning to the same thing over and over again. Their highest goal is knowledge of the world and harmony with nature.

    The antitotem is nervousness and hysteria. Such people are easily influenced by others.

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  10. Magpie (1947, 1979, 2011)
    Those born in the year of Magpie are the biggest tricksters. They can unravel any intrigues and intrigues instantly. And they have no equal in creating their own intrigues. Such people are multitasking and very dexterous. Their path is a game for justice.

    The antitotem of the Magpie is terrible talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

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  11. Squirrel (1948, 1980, 2012)
    For Squirrels, life has one more path in store. It could be a Squirrel running around the Tree of Life, or a squirrel in a wheel, which is completely dependent on circumstances. Often these people are very economical; they quickly cope with any tasks. These are the workaholics who cannot imagine life without work. They will work both at work and at home. A strong family is important to them.

    Squirrel's antitotem is pettiness, slowness and, of course, laziness.

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  12. Raven (1949, 1981, 2013)
    Unpredictable temperament and extraordinary fate - this is what can be said about the Ravens. They love to live solely for their own pleasure, without commanding others, but also without obeying anyone. Often such people can “crow”, then their words will come true exactly. For them, the most important thing is freedom and the opportunity to travel. If they start a family, it’s too late.

    The Raven antitotem makes a person weak, capable of fawning and living on other people's handouts.

  13. Rooster (1950, 1982, 2014)
    The Zoroastrian Rooster is a warrior. He needs to reform, change and lead something. Such people start revolutions. They tend to be knights: merciless, honest and decisive. They are always full of energy and plans. They need everything at once, they want to change the world, and also start a family.

    The antitotem of the Rooster is infantilism and sweetness. Such people are very lazy, cowardly and helpless. They even look like wet chicken.

  14. Tour (1951, 1983, 2015)
    Those born under this sign have the soul of a child; they always need care and guardianship. Tur is an idealist by nature, he is soft and pliable, vulnerable. But behind this vulnerability lies the strength and desire to protect your loved ones until last straw blood. These are very kind people.

    The antitotem of Tour is nervousness and anger.

  15. Badger (1952, 1984, 2016)
    The Badger's symbol is wealth. Badgers make very zealous and thrifty owners. They try for the good of home and family. They always have supplies, so they are not in danger of poverty. The Badgers always have their own system, which they carefully build. They do not like to share their secrets with people, even with those closest to them.

    The Badger's antitotem is carelessness, cockiness and greed.

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  16. Camel (1953, 1985, 2017)
    Hardy and modest people. They know how to be content with little, they are characterized by asceticism. These people are extremely distrustful and always expect the worst. They have a strange trait: the more the Camel loves a person, the more he kicks him. Like this defense mechanism. These people are sharp and know their worth. Behind the pompousness and harshness lies a very reliable person who you can always rely on.

    The antitotem of the Camel suggests hypocrisy and lisp, as well as cruelty and deceit.

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  17. Hedgehog (1954, 1986, 2018)
    Hedgehogs are very unpredictable, they are fussy and possessive difficult character. They are meticulous and love to stick to details. But despite this, they are very constant and faithful. Hedgehogs are called upon to defeat the darkness by piercing it with their thorns.

    The antitotem of the hedgehog suggests cowardice, lies and the ability to do dirty tricks. It appears when a person becomes promiscuous in his relationships.

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  18. Doe (1955, 1987, 2019)
    Like the spirit animal, these people are graceful, graceful and aristocratic. Their manners and speech are fascinating. This romantic natures with an idealistic outlook on life. Lani is a creative person who loves art, dancing and ballet. In women, the influence of the totem is much stronger than in men.

    Lani's antitotem is rudeness, harshness and causticity.

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  19. Elephant (1956, 1988, 2020)
    These are people who cannot be pissed off. They are slow and take a very long time to decide on something, but once they have made a decision, they will not deviate from their goal. They are hard workers and will work as long as necessary, but will not tolerate anyone getting in their way. They are conservatives, traditions are important to them. Family and home are above all else for them.

    The antitotem of the Elephant is stunted, fussy, talkative and deceitful people. They are cowardly and do great harm on the sly.

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  20. Horse (1957, 1989, 2021)
    This is the architect of his own happiness: honest, brave and strong. These people are active, love sports and strive to achieve an athletic physique. They defend justice with all their might and are very romantic.

    The antitotem of the Horse is cowardice and neglect of responsibilities.

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  21. Cheetah (1958, 1990, 2022)
    These are real warriors. They are fascinated by battle, they strive to overcome dangers, and love to fight. They are characterized by aggression and harshness, as well as an unwillingness to retreat. They are always ready to protect family and friends, no matter what.

    The antitotem of the Cheetah is cowardice, meanness, deceit, greed and weakness.

  22. Peacock (1959, 1991, 2023)
    These are many-sided and funny people. They may be different in different circumstances. Peacocks are talented, and they try with all their might to show this talent. They never cease to surprise others and enjoy it.

    Peacock's antitotem is grayness.

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  23. Swan (1960, 1992, 2024)
    The swan is a symbol of hope. These are very bright people, they radiate kindness and tenderness. They are selfless, but proud. Not important to them material goods, they are waiting for a miracle. For these people, inner peace is important, much more important than anything else. These people are also very faithful; it is important for them to find their one and only love.

    The antitotem of the Swan is greed and concentration on material wealth.

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  24. Lynx (1961, 1993, 2025)
    These are strong but soft people. They are quite unpredictable: they can manifest themselves sharply and suddenly. They make good leaders, but often Lynxes find fault with others for no reason. These are kind people, just very demanding.

    The antitotem of the Lynx is hypocrisy and timidity.

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  25. Donkey (1962, 1994, 2026)
    Donkey is a symbol of reliability. These people are hardworking, resilient and patient. So peaceful and good people still need to search. They are modest and balanced. No impulsiveness, only informed decisions. However, when they find themselves in the middle of a conflict, they can become stubborn.

    The antitotem of the Donkey is importunity and pettiness.

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    The antitotem is arrogance and tediousness.

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  26. Eagle (1932, 1964, 1996)
    These people cannot imagine themselves outside the team. They are capable of sacrifice for the sake of a common cause. Eagles are protectors; there are no barriers or obstacles for them. They are quite ascetic.

    The antitotem of the Eagle is malevolence and fussiness.

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  27. Fox (1933, 1965, 1997)
    In the year of the Fox, people are born with very mysterious and strange destinies, often difficult. These are dexterous, smart and cunning people. They know how to sense intrigue, never get into trouble, are very careful and even cowardly. They cannot stand stupidity and arrogance.

    The antitotem of the Fox is greed and stupidity.

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  28. Dolphin (1934, 1966, 1998)
    The most beautiful of all totems. People under the auspices of the Dolphin are very wise. They are idealists and have the ability to inspire others. Dolphins are true to their ideas to the end. They are prone to philosophy and peacemaking. Their purpose is to help others. They are saviors, they are the ones who make us believe that all is not lost for humanity.

    The antitotem is malice and vindictiveness.

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  29. Boar (1935, 1967, 1999)
    These are fearless people. They are always ready to repel the enemy, strive to be leaders and lead others. Boars are very changeable: when they have a goal, they go towards it with all perseverance, but as soon as it is achieved, the Boar will fall into apathy.

    The antitotem is greed and deceit.

  30. Owl (1936, 1968, 2000)
    These people are very secretive and prone to mysticism. They live a very reclusive life, not allowing others near them. They have their own life schedule. The lives of these people may be connected with higher powers.

    Owl's antitotem is vindictiveness and arrogance.

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  31. Falcon (1937, 1969, 2001)
    Those born under the sign of the Falcon are high-flying people. They are the ones who can achieve great success. They are brave, courageous, but somewhat obsessed. They can often indulge their whims. They need a wise mentor, but they do not tolerate dictatorship over themselves.

    The antitotem is grumpiness and loudness.

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