Special exercises to develop the eye. Exercises for developing the eye - SkillsUp - a convenient catalog of lessons on design, computer graphics, Photoshop lessons, Photoshop lessons

Most emergency situations, and even road accidents themselves, occur because the person driving did not see a dangerous object in time. Basically, such inattention is associated with insufficient good eyesight or by eye, memory or attention.

Training your eyesight

It has long been proven that if a person often has to concentrate on nearby objects, then vision loses its sharpness. To avoid this, you need constant training of the eye muscles. This contributes very well to:

1. transferring attention from nearby objects to distant ones;

2. moving the gaze from top to bottom and to the sides;

3. figurative drawing on any flat surface of various objects;

4. visualization of bright objects or darkness. For people suffering from glaucoma, this exercise should be replaced by visualizing objects of various sizes.

Training concentration

To train concentration, there are several exercises of varying complexity. The difficulty depends on your preparation. It is advisable to start with the easiest thing and gradually complicate the task.

1. You need to sit in front of the mirror, keep your back straight and breathe evenly. Mentally draw a dot on your forehead and concentrate your attention on it. You need to look exactly at this point and not blink. The facial muscles should be as relaxed as possible. When you feel the urge to blink, you need to take a break and look away. The task is to maintain attention on a mentally imagined point for as long as possible.

A particularly absent-minded alternative to this task could be this: hold a stick in your palm in a vertical position and concentrate your attention on its top.

2. It is necessary to move on to this option only after the first exercise has been mastered. When you look at one point for a long time (in our case, this is a mental point on the forehead), the image begins to lose clarity. At this moment you need to close your eyes and imagine various options situations on the road and your actions. The task is to draw your every movement. This simple exercise further develops skills from simple to complex.

Training memory and observation

There are also a number of exercises to train these necessary driving skills:

1. Within 1 minute. it is necessary to study in detail the pre-selected object. Then, closing your eyes, you need to imagine all its details. It is important to pay attention to different sides of this object. For example, shape and color, applicability and usefulness, and so on.

2. It is necessary to study several subjects at the same time. In this case, you need to highlight them various signs. Note their differences and similarities. After s eyes closed try to imagine these objects, as well as reproduce the features that characterize them.

3. Visualize different traffic situations, for example, driving at an uncontrolled intersection, making a U-turn, etc. For each situation you present, you need to remember the rule that governs this situation.

4. Verbally describe the face of a person you know.

5. Having cast a fleeting glance at several objects assembled in one place, it is necessary to reproduce the complete picture seen from memory. Special attention pay attention to details: location relative to each other, features of shape, color, etc.

6. It is necessary to carefully examine the object thrown into the air, and then reproduce it in memory.

7. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the interior of the room, then, from memory, reconstruct in detail the picture of what you saw.

Training your eye

Without the ability to objectively assess the distance to an object, especially if this object is moving, it is impossible to talk about safe driving. There are also a number of exercises to train your eye:

1. Walking down the street and meeting pedestrians coming towards you, you need to imagine where you will cross. Based on the results, make adjustments when performing the exercise further. Perform the same tasks in relation to cars moving towards you.

2. While walking down the street, mentally estimate how many seconds it will take you to reach a stationary object, for example, a building or a tree. Do the same exercise while driving in a car in relation to the car in front. If there are inaccuracies in the estimates, make adjustments to achieve a better result in the future.

3. Walking down the street and seeing a pedestrian approaching from the side, guess your meeting point. If there is an error, make a correction.

4. Without looking at the speedometer, try to guess the speed of your car. Be sure to compare the results of your assumptions with actual data.

Eye measurement is the ability to determine the size, distance of one object or line in relation to others, without using third-party objects such as a ruler or anything else. Eye gauge - from here it’s not difficult to guess what we will measure with our eyes.

How to develop an eye? There are many techniques and ways, today I will give a few of them. The first thing you need to know is your height, the length and width of your finger, your step distance, with the help of which you will then determine some of the sizes you need.

Really, developing your eye is one of the steps in your drawing practice which is simply necessary. Since in the future you will draw more complex drawings, such as , and so on. There, without a good eye, we can say that there’s nowhere...

So don’t consider the practice of developing your eye to be unnecessary for yourself, don’t be lazy, and I assure you, it will be very useful to you.

Exercise 1: How to develop your eye using lines

First we will draw the lines, . So, everything seems to be clear here, we take paper, draw segments and fill our hands until we get it as in the picture. Although, I forgot something... First you need to mark the starting and ending points of these lines, this important point, this way you will give a signal to your head that you need to draw a line along this path.

We do this exercise until you are satisfied with the result. This is not a difficult task, don’t be greedy with paper, take old and unnecessary ones if you hate using good ones. Draw as much as you see fit, and when you reach the lines you're happy with, you can move on to the next exercise.

Exercise 2: Divide the lines into even parts

And here we will cut our lines into even pieces. First into two parts, then into four and so on, I think, based on the drawing, you will understand everything yourself. And when you succeed, you can complicate your task and divide our lines oddly: by three, five, seven, etc.

Exercise 3: Divide the lines into even, odd parts

This is much more difficult, since it is easier to divide a line into two parts than into three.

When you divide the lines into three parts, you can first mark the center of the line, and then make marks on the left and right, but so that you get three even parts and so on. To divide into 5 parts, you can first divide by 4. Try, try, and you will definitely succeed!

The question “with which hemisphere do you draw?” Only at first glance it sounds strange. The fact is that relatively recently there appeared special term"right hemisphere drawing" The technique, which has won recognition, allows you to reveal creative potential every person, inherent in him by nature. Behind a short time even those who held a brush in their hands only in childhood discover the artist in themselves, begin not just to make timid sketches, but to draw real pictures, work in gouache and oil. And all this is the right hemisphere.

History - let's turn to Leonardo da Vinci

Many of the great people of art, in particular, artists, as well as scientists, were able to realize their talent precisely thanks to the right hemisphere. One of the most striking examples is Leonardo da Vinci, who stepped far ahead compared to his contemporaries.

In the mid-20th century, the hemispheric drawing technique received scientific confirmation thanks to the observations, experiments and conclusions of biologist and psychiatrist Roger Walcott Sperry. For your big research work in the field of the brain, he was awarded the highest award - Nobel Prize in 1981.

Sperry's discovery allowed scientists to successfully study inner world person, gave answers to many questions. He proved that the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is strikingly different from each other. The left hemisphere (linear) is responsible for logical thinking and speech. Thanks to him, a person is aware of information that is transmitted to him orally or in writing. The right hemisphere is creative activity and intuition. It is no coincidence that this is precisely the way of thinking demonstrated by young children who are not yet able to build logical connections.

As a child learns to speak and read, and then goes to school, where he is required to absorb a huge amount of information, his left hemisphere develops. But over time, it also drives him into the framework of logical stereotypes. If we talk about art, the most common patterns are: “to learn something in this area, you need to have an innate talent”, “since I haven’t learned to draw since childhood, now it’s too late”, “before I couldn’t do anything special, If I now pick up a brush, the teachers will be disappointed.”

What does the new technique provide?

Meanwhile, practice proves that if you awaken the potential of the right hemisphere, anyone can draw beautiful paintings. There are many benefits to studying under the guidance of experienced mentors. As a result of right-brain drawing lessons for beginners:

  • The activity of the right hemisphere of the brain is activated. During the training, the subconscious awakens, and with it creative thinking, intuition and feelings.
  • It's like you're going back to your childhood. Stereotypes recede, you no longer feel fear of failure, and you no longer limit yourself to boundaries. If you want to create, you can do it! Right-brain drawing for beginners awakens faith in one’s own strength.
  • Thanks to creative part your brain gets a boost in development - you feel more confident in other areas of life. Stop being afraid complex tasks, find non-standard methods their decisions. In many cases, after training, children begin to study better, and their interest in certain subjects awakens.
  • Right-hemisphere drawing courses allow you to relax and get positive emotions. It is no coincidence that drawing is said to be an “anti-stress activity.”

The training gives amazing results. Moreover, there are no age restrictions. Both children and adults can come to classes. The only wish: the child must be able to concentrate. And this, as a rule, is achieved by the age of seven. Right-hemisphere drawing for adults is even less difficult.

The technique, tested in Europe and America, was improved in Russia. Nowadays, right hemisphere drawing lessons use gouache and oil paints. This allows you to see the result from the very beginning and realize your sense of color. Feelings and emotions, for which the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible, manifest themselves fully.

First, training participants, under the guidance of a teacher, paint several small works with gouache. This gives you confidence in your strength, allows you to remove psychological barriers, and drawing begins to be perceived as a fascinating activity.

Next time I have to draw a picture in 3 hours oil paints. It's already independent work, when the student himself chooses a subject, mixes paints, and applies them to the canvas. At the same time, he applies previously acquired knowledge.

You don’t need to bring anything with you, the cost of all consumables is included in the total price of the course, and the teacher selects in advance the optimal paints, brushes, and canvases for classes.

Many people prefer to enroll in training at a right-hemisphere drawing school with friends or family members. This ensures that classes take place in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You can ask questions, look at the work of other students, and take short breaks. And the result of the training is the first work that you can be proud of.

Upon completion of classes, you can attend master classes in right-hemisphere drawing to acquire new skills and knowledge in this area.

Before answering this question, let's figure out what it is eye gauge and why, in fact, should an artist develop it. If we turn to the origins of this term, it will become clear that the oculometer is, first of all, a medical concept that is closely related to human physiology, namely the anatomy of the eye. It means the ability to determine distances without any special mechanical or electronic devices.

From point of view visual arts The concept of "eye gauge" can be used both in a broad and in a narrow concept. In the first case, it is meant that the image in the artist’s painting directly depends on how he sees the world with my own eyes.

For example, a person with healthy vision and no ophthalmological diseases sees isolated trees from a distance of 2000 meters, and the closer the object, the more clearly its details can be seen. And with a disease such as myopia, even close objects appear blurry. This will undoubtedly affect how the artist depicts the tree. History knows vivid examples myopic artists: many critics are of the opinion that the famous French painter Henri Matisse suffered from myopia, however, the disease did not prevent his creations from becoming crowns of art.

But most often the eye is not considered as general concept, namely as a term denoting the ability to correctly determine distances.

An artist who cannot get the proportions right is not an artist at all.

The fact is that depicting the world on paper is extremely difficult (without experience), which is why the ability to paint is considered a talent. Surely, everyone has encountered a situation when, during art lessons at school, one of the children drew disproportionate drawings: for example, a person could turn out to be larger than a house, or a cat taller than a tree. At the same time, logically the child understands that real life everything is the opposite, but it cannot be depicted on paper.

The eye for an artist is akin to the ear for a musician or the voice for a singer. It seems that everyone has these qualities in a global sense: we make sounds, hear them, distinguish distant objects from nearby ones, but not everyone can sing beautifully, compose compositions and paint pictures. Therefore, developing your eye is very important if you decide to seriously engage in painting.

Ways to develop the eye

First of all, it is necessary to understand that eye is a skill and it can and should be developed. Many novice artists can perfectly depict an object separately, but if you ask them to draw two objects together, difficulties immediately arise. If there are any, you should not give up on drawing; on the contrary, you should practice hard. There are certain methods for developing the eye.

If you study the program any art school, then there you can find special complexes of simple and, in some ways, even primitive exercises that allow you to develop a sense of proportion. All of them are intended for beginners and have a practical orientation - they are performed on paper.

The second method is special techniques that do not require the use of visual arts. Basically, these are exercises aimed directly at the eyes and thinking. They help improve existing skills to correctly determine the location and proportions of objects.

The third method is more suitable experienced artists are complex techniques whose goal is to create an identical image of real groups of objects on paper. Now let's look at these methods in more detail.

Simple exercises for beginning artists

1. Drawing parallel lines without a ruler on a regular sheet (not checkered). It seems that it is easy, but in reality it turns out that the opposite is true. You should start with very short lines, then you can gradually lengthen them. The first parallels will be curved, wavy or with a clear slope. To make your task easier, mark the end and beginning of the segment with dots, and then try to connect them with a pencil without lifting it from the sheet of paper. Over time, you can learn to draw lines very quickly and clearly. To test yourself, you can apply a ruler to the resulting segments.

2. Dividing segments into parts. Learned to do straight lines? Now try dividing them into equal parts. Be sure to start with an even number of pieces. To begin, divide the segment in half. And then each formed part into two more segments and so on. Did you find it difficult? Try dividing the segment into three parts. Also divide the line into two parts, and then separate two pieces from the halves at such a distance that you get three equal parts. Guided by the same principle, divide the segment into five parts: measure six pieces and arrange five identical ones from them, and then seven.

3. Geometric shapes and ornaments. It turns out that schoolchildren and students, drawing geometric patterns in the margins of their notebooks, are not “doing nonsense,” but developing their eye. Any ornament is based on the alternation of a certain set geometric shapes. It’s better to try with the simplest ones: it could be a snake made of squares or bricks. Also try to divide different figures into equal parts, like segments. This practice allows you to significantly improve your eye and improve your hand.

Eye exercises

Try to figure it out in your head how many steps you have to go to the desired object: for example, to the nearest tree. The closer your answer is to reality, the better the eye works.

Also try to determine in non-standard situations: say, in public transport or at high floor building, which objects are higher and which are lower, and respectively closer and further. What happens if you mentally put a tree on a house? Will it be higher than the neighboring new building? It would seem that these exercises are far from drawing, but in fact, their regular implementation improves visual perception and memory.

Complex exercises

Take multiple objects different shapes and sizes (e.g. fruits, bottles, vegetables), arrange them in one line and try to draw. As soon as it works, change the lines of their position.

Try to depict specific objects so that their perspective was identical to reality. For example: a pet on the window. Consider not only that the window is larger than the animal, but how much larger, in what proportion, how many times. Then try to depict the view so that the animal is larger than the window. Let the cat now sit on the table, and the window acts as the background.

It is very effective to regularly cut out symmetrical shapes from clean slate paper. Try cutting out a woman's silhouette without drawing it first: you'll be surprised how far it is from what you can draw with a pencil.

And finally

Find out more interesting and useful information You can read about the eye meter from the literature. For example, from books "Practical perspective" by M. N. Makarova, “Drawing lessons from life” by G. Vinogradova, “Basics of drawing” by A. F. Shembel, as well as various teaching aids and anthologies.

An experienced special forces soldier who has gone through war knows well the value of moments. Moreover, their shares. There are situations when even a second is a lot. Modern combat requires an increase in the speed of decision-making to open fire and instant preparation for its conduct. An interesting result, born from the experience of armed conflicts in the CIS: it showed that the chances of survival in battle among athletes game types and martial arts are significantly above the average level. The bottom line is that it is gaming and combat sports that significantly improve reaction and coordination of movements. In combat, this is one of the main factors of survival - and, accordingly, completing the task. A trained soldier has a better chance of winning moments to accept the only the right decision and opening fire.

It is quite possible to noticeably improve the reaction of subordinates, teach them to instantly raise their weapons and take aim in 2-3 months of systematic training. I will only note that this technique is easily accessible, practically does not require financing - the costs are minimal. What is important is that it has been really tested by many years of experience in training special forces.

How to expand your range of perception

It is necessary to expand the range of perception - sensory acuity. As you know, a person has 5 main sense organs - perception channels (KB): vision, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensitivity (pain, temperature, muscle-articular, vibration, pressure, sensitivity of internal organs). First, there is sequential and then simultaneous training of each KB: this necessary condition effective and adequate response in non-standard situations.

Usually they start with training the visual channel. Defocusing the gaze and training peripheral (side) vision allows you to notice the slightest movements outside the field of view. Then - improving hearing, touch, etc. Ultimately, the result becomes a formula fixed at the level of automatism: “I see everything, hear everything, feel everything.” At the same time, consciousness remains free to assess changes in the environment.

remember, that human body has enormous potential. For example, in a trained person, the accuracy of head positioning is about 1° sideways and 1.5-2° forward and backward - at the level of an average gyroscopic sensor. The speed of transmission of the excitation pulse from the central nervous system to the muscles - about 120 m/s. That is, theoretically, the time interval from the moment the decision is made to the shot should be 0.008 s, if we take the distance from the brain to index finger~1 m, but in life it turns out to be two (!) orders of magnitude larger.

There is some work to be done. The length of the article does not allow us to go into detail on all training methods and exercises. I will list some of the simplest and most effective of them.

Improved reaction and coordination of movements

For the exercise you need a small ball, but a bag filled with sawdust or sand will also work. On command, the fighters practice alternately dodging the ball or hitting it while standing in a doorway or a makeshift 1.5x2 m goal. The task changes every 30 seconds. I must say that it will be most difficult for larger fighters; it is more difficult for them to maneuver in a narrow doorway. Good skills appear after doing this simple exercise, like catching a ball bouncing off a wall or floor. It should be taken into account that the balls should be thrown from behind the back of the student, standing facing the wall, and at a high pace. This exercise also develops lateral vision.

Throwing several pebbles (coins) at the same time and catching them with the throwing hand. Starting position: standing, coins lie in a row on back side palms. Throw no higher than your height, but catch each one in turn with an overhand grip only. The record I know is 5 coins!

A load in the form of a piece of plasticine or a sleeve is attached to the end of a flexible, elastic rod L~1 m. They begin to rotate and pump it with a large amplitude. The student’s task is to intercept the load by throwing his hand. In the future, conditions need to be complicated. The student is blindfolded, and a bell (or a sleeve with a ball) is attached to a twig. The goal is to train the hearing aid. The highest form of training is hand-to-hand combat while blindfolded.

Playing at the table in pairs. Any small object is placed in the middle (for example, a 12.7×108, 7.62×54 sleeve or a coin on an edge - for masters). At the command of the leader, the trainees try to grab it according to the principle of who is faster. Periodically it is necessary to give the command to change hands. You can arrange a division championship according to the Olympic system for the title of “fastest fighter.” Don't forget to reward the winner.

Development of the eye

Before the start of classes, the unit doctor must determine the dominant (directing) eye of the fighters. Working with one eye for a long time helps it become a guide. The presence of astigmatism should determine the choice of the type of sighting devices, so when selecting a sniper, be sure to use a table that allows you to detect astigmatism. Test the soldiers' ability to aim correctly - pass each one through the KYa-73 commander's box.

On pre-selected terrain with targets characteristic of your unit, organize a competition to determine the accuracy of determining ranges up to several of them. The winner is the one who does this as accurately as possible. Check the results with any rangefinder (optical DS-0.9 and DS-1, quantum DKRM or LPR). Get all personnel to memorize real ranges: in the future, your subordinates will associatively compare the sizes of training targets stored in memory with real ones.

Learning to instinctively raise a weapon

Use a laser target designator (LTC) (or a laser pointer, which is an order of magnitude cheaper) mounted on a weapon (Fig. 2). To use the pointer, assemble a power supply circuit as shown in Fig. 4. To close the circuit, use the microswitch on the front cover of the 9M111 “Fagot” or 9M113 “Konkurs” ATGM transport and launch container. The aiming point and the “bunny” must match. The stroke of the trigger to operate the microswitch should approximately correspond to its stroke required to release the trigger (Fig. 1). A training weapon must have a lot of loaded combat weapons, so attach a magazine with training cartridges and a belt. Use any room for training ( gym, classroom, dormitory). “Shooting” is carried out offhand at targets pre-marked with numbers at the command of the leader in any sequence: 6, 9, 1, 5... If the “bunny” of the laser center hits the target, it means its defeat. Gradually, as a stable skill emerges, the targets must be reduced and dispersed up to 360° horizontally and up to 45° vertically. You should also increase the pace of giving commands and complicate the training: practice using weapons with a folded butt, take various starting positions - lying on your back, sitting, on the move, with one “wounded” hand, etc. Highest form working off this exercise is the use external stimuli(flashing lights, strong noises) and “shooting” from unstable positions (use a trampoline or an armored mesh bed).

Protect the groove from laser radiation!

Test your acquired skills at the shooting range and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of your subordinates. By the way, SOBR soldiers, with whom training was conducted using some of the specified techniques, almost independently came to the conclusion about the effectiveness of conducting single fire at a high pace (40–70 rounds/min). True, this contradicts the SO-85 CS, which requires firing from automatic weapons in bursts.

In addition, use special targets (Fig. 3) for training with weapons with an installed laser pointer. When aiming, move the “even front sight” as quickly and smoothly as possible along the perimeter of the target inside the contour. You can organize competitions: who can make the “bunny” faster without going beyond the lines.

Development of night vision

As a rule, soldiers' lack of confidence in their actions at night is associated with a lack of basic training. Try to do more activities in the dark. To do this, you can use any opportunity: getting up in the dark, conducting shooting training in low light. In the end, even try peeling potatoes in a darkened room (don’t leave some without breakfast).

Acceleration of vision adaptation. It is known that the constriction of the pupil to a stable level lasts up to 5 s; for reverse dilation after the cessation of the light stimulus, it takes up to 3 minutes. Therefore, when leaving a bright room, shine a red light into your eyes. Observe the terrain when launching a flare with one eye, do the same when firing tracer ammunition (to fire from SVD and PKM, use 7BT1 and 7T2M cartridges with the start of tracing moved out), and watch the headlights of cars in the same way. Test and practice these techniques on the range.

Improved night vision. Use medications: a few days before the start of your unit’s combat use, start regularly taking medications like “Oligovit” and “Hexavit”. In your daily activities, consume more vitamins and microelements with plant foods.

Training in determining the speed of targets during their frontal and flank movement

The use of speedometers in police training is very effective. I recommend that you negotiate with the local traffic police department to send a specialist with the device. Measure the speed of any moving objects. After the fighters develop some skills, arrange a survey to determine the accuracy of their actions. Try to practice this exercise at dusk.

Development of balance

The following exercises help with this: standing for a long time on a wooden block, balancing on a board placed on a round support, walking on a rail. In the latter case, around the 10th kilometer, the most capable fighters will be able to walk in formation and run along the rail.

I recommend conducting shooting training in uniform complex classes. For example, when practicing the topic “Firing at emerging and moving targets,” you can cover almost all the exercises listed in this article. I assure you that the lesson will pass intense and interesting, your fighters will act with passion and even organize simple competitions during smoke breaks. Using the listed training techniques, do not overdo it, consult your unit doctor more often, and make him your ally.

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