Cognition. Summary of organized educational activities on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Rowan Twig” Didactic exercise “What does a rowan tree give?”

Lesson summary on fine arts:

"Drawing a rowan branch from life"

Lesson type: drawing from life.

Goals and objectives:

    Educational: teach to convey the structure, shape, color of nature; mastering painting techniques (stroke).

Educational: develop visual skills, cognitive needs; practice solving riddles; improve the skills of consistent work.

    Educational: to cultivate artistic taste, emotional responsiveness, a sense of admiration for the beauty of nature, love and respect for it.

Art materials: watercolor paints, brushes, paper, a simple pencil, a bouquet of rowan in a vase, a rowan branch with fruits attached to a board on a white sheet of paper, illustrations, children's drawings, step-by-step drawing of a rowan branch, crossword puzzle, multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan.

    Organizational moment (1 min.)

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson (5 min.)

    Conversation on the topic of the lesson (10 min.)

    Physical education minute (1 min.)

    Working on the assignment (15 min.)

    Lesson summary (3 min.)

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment (checking absentees, readiness for the lesson)

Hello guys, sit down, I see that you are all ready for the lesson, well done. And to find out the topic of today's lesson, you need to solve a crossword puzzle (crossword puzzle on the board).

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

I will ask riddles and write the answers in the empty cells of the crossword puzzle. The word that will be highlighted in red will be the topic of our lesson.

Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? Right. Autumn. So there will be riddles on an autumn theme. So, let's start, be careful!


    Antoshka stands on one leg.

    Same with a fist, a red barrel,

Touch it smoothly, bite it - sweet.

    What kind of ceiling is this? Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high.

Sometimes it is grey, sometimes whitish, sometimes slightly bluish.

And sometimes so beautiful, lace and blue, blue.

    Gold coins fall from a branch.

    Leaves fall in a gentle breeze,

When do birds fly away?

    A painted yoke hung over the river.

Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. The topic of our lesson is ROWAN. Today we will draw a rowan branch with fruits from life. But first, I’ll tell you a little about this amazingly beautiful Russian tree. Sit properly and listen.

III. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

For more than two months, rowan flowers have been fragrant throughout Russia. When it blooms, white caps of inflorescences cover the tops of the trees. Lacey foliage and white flowers draw attention to this tree. The bright nights in summer were popularly called “rowanberry nights, fragrant nights.” Then, instead of white flowers, berries appear, as they ripen they turn red and become this red. Bright, juicy. They taste sourish-bitter. They are used to make jam, syrup, and make kvass, since rowan fruits are very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins.

Each season gives us its own unique beauty: spring - the first delicate flowers, summer - lush greenery and bright hot sun, and autumn - fruits.

Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Leaves, yellowed, fly in the wind.

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys,

The brushes are bright red withering rowan trees.

Take a look at the rowan branch, all the berries are collected in a bunch, it seems that each one contains a ray of sunshine. Rowan is a symbol of Russian beauty. It delights the human eye with the flaming red color of its fruits.

Place a rowan branch on the table in a glass,

And in the darkness the trembling light will not stop

Flows from its fruits, flickers alarmingly...

Rowan is a Russian beauty. Poets sing about her, songs are written about her.

Artists love to paint rowan because it is especially beautiful in the fall. Now take a closer look at the rowan branch (shown on the board).


How are the berries arranged? (collected into a brush, bunch)

What shape is the berry? (round, apple-shaped beads; girls in villages used to string rowan berries on a thread and wear them as decoration)

What color are the berries? (bright red, purple)

Pay attention to the rowan leaves, how are they arranged? (on one cutting there are several leaves, like an acacia)

What shape are the leaves? (oblong, oval)

Why are they called lace? (because the edges of the leaves have teeth, they are carved)

What color are the leaves? (yellow)

Look at the picture. A white spot is visible on each berry. This is reflected light. When you draw the berries, leave a white spot on each one to show the reflected light. Look, on one side the paint is lighter, and on the other it is darker, this is a shadow on the berry, it also needs to be conveyed in the drawing.

Stages of work:

Guys, let's determine the sequence of work when drawing from life (showing the stages of drawing a rowan branch one by one).

At the first stage, we make a sketch with a simple pencil, place the leaf horizontally, draw a branch in the middle of the leaf, jagged oblong leaves extend from the cutting to the right and left, then draw the stalk with a bunch of berries, under the weight of which it bent. The size of the berries should not be too small. At the second stage, we apply color with strokes on one and the other side of the berry, leaving a white spot (the teacher demonstrates the drawing technique). At the third stage, we draw the teeth and veins on the leaves, put black dots on the berries and apply darker paint to one side of the berries. Do you understand the stages and technique of drawing? Then let's take a short break and rest a little.

IV. Physical education minute

V.Work on the task (independent work of students)

Now guys, sit down correctly and start drawing. Do not disturb the drawing sequence and pay attention to nature, since your branch should be similar to the one hanging on the board. Good luck to you! (individual work of the teacher with students)

VI. Lesson Summary

(works are posted on the board)

Guys, do you think you completed the task? Are your drawings similar to nature? (children's answers) I think you did it well, well done! They wonderfully conveyed the color and shape of the rowan branches, like real artists. Your berries in the pictures reflect the sun, they are bright, juicy, and the leaves are really lacy, so everyone gets an “excellent” rating.

Admire your works, and I will end the lesson with a poem by V. Stepanov

"Farewell to Rowan"

Quietly the rowan leaves rustle,

The rowan tree is sad with me.

Scarlet brushes, like a flame of fire,

They won't warm me anymore in the cold,

I will no longer be a warm spring

Sing songs under the thick mountain ash.

The time has come for friends to part ways,

We just don’t need to be sad.

The first lesson will begin at school,

The rowan tree will send you an autumn leaf

Our lesson is over, thank you all for your attention!

Nasibullina Raisa Minnakhmetovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 "Firefly"
Locality: Vyatskie Polyany, Kirov region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: GCD summary for drawing "Rowan Twig"
Publication date: 15.02.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing, non-traditional technique for secondary children

preschool age

"Rowan Twig"

Teacher Nasibullina

Raisa Minakhmetovna

continue to introduce children to the diversity of the plant world, use non-traditional drawing techniques (cotton swabs), the poking method.
: To consolidate and clarify children’s understanding of rowan, develop curiosity, love of nature, the ability to see the beauty of the bush, understand the patterns that occur with it relative to the seasons. Formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, properties and relationships. Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of creativity. Development of sound and intonation culture of speech. Perception of music during the implementation of independent creative activity of children. Gaining experience in children's motor activities. Strengthen children's ability to work with paints using cotton swabs. Develop fine motor skills. To cultivate neatness, the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation, imagination.

: examining rowan, illustrations depicting rowan at different times of the year, reading riddles and poems about rowan.
oilcloth on the table, album sheets (with a painted sprig of rowan without berries), cotton swabs, red paint, cups of water, wet wipes for hands, 2 boxes in one with autumn leaves from different trees, in the other rowan beads strung on a fishing line, a twig with bunches of rowan, fishing line and rowan berries. Teacher Children I have a surprise for you. Look what box I brought. And what lies in it? - Yes, these are leaves. We learned a poem about the wind and leaves. -We'll tell it. They sit on the carpet with the teacher. Yes! The wind was flying through the forest The wind was counting the leaves Here is oak, Here is maple, here is carved rowan
Here's a golden one from a birch tree. Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree The wind threw it onto the path. Guys, we looked at leaves from different trees, and I want to introduce you today to an amazing and extraordinarily beautiful tree. Guess what kind of tree this is. Riddle about the mountain ash: In the spring it turned green, in the summer it was tanned, in the fall it put on a red necklace. Rowan. What is this red necklace? What kind of berries does rowan have? Rowan berries. Round, red You and I learned a poem about rowan. Now we will tell it: I see a slender rowan tree in the yard, an Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn. There are many red berries, ripe and beautiful, hanging in clusters, their outfit is beautiful. Collect a string of berries - for the soul, Beads made from rowan are very good! And in winter, rowan trees glow with fire, are red like rubies, and shine on the branches. I have one more surprise for you (takes out another box). Look what's here? Yes, guys, these are rowan beads. Look how beautiful they are. Do you want to make the same? Rowan beads Yes Please come to the table where the fishing line and rowan berries are in a box. Approaches the guys and helps as needed. They sit down at their desk. Children do the work independently. Did our beads turn out beautiful? Yes. In addition to the fact that rowan is a very beautiful tree, the berries and leaves of rowan are very useful, they have healing properties, contain vitamins, and kill germs. Healing tea is brewed from the branches. Jam is made from berries,
compotes. What time of year is coming soon? In winter, it is difficult for birds to get food. And the birds enjoy eating rowan berries. What kind of birds come to eat rowan berries? That's right, bullfinches, tits, waxwings and other wintering birds flock to the feast (showing pictures). If the berries fall to the ground, they will be immediately picked up by foxes, hares, roe deer, wild boars. We'll take a little rest. (children go out onto the carpet to do physical education) Winter. Tits, bullfinches. Autumn has come to visit us (walking in place) The rain and the wind have come (rotating with hands) The wind is blowing, blowing, Tearing leaves from the branches (claps overhead) The leaves are surrounded by the wind (twirling around themselves) And they fall under our feet, Well, and we’ll go for a walk and collect all the leaves (bends forward) And now I propose to draw berries on the rowan branches. Please take all the album leaves on which a rowan branch has already been drawn; your task is to draw the berries. Look how to do this, take a cotton swab, wet it, pick up red paint and apply it to the sheet. This method of drawing is called: “Poke method”. Look how beautiful it turned out for us. What great fellows we are, we drew rowan berries and made rowan beads. Did you guys like it? What did you like best? When implementing independent creative activities, children draw to music. (“Autumn” by P.I. Tchaikovsky) Yes! Children's answer.


Summary of organizational and educational activities using TRIZ for drawing in the senior group (integrated view)

Topic: “Rowan sprig”

Materials: yellow, red, orange gouache, brush No. 3, brush stand, A-4 sheets, jar of water, pencil, herbarium (dried rowan leaves), napkin.

  1. Fix the structure of the rowan tree, its appearance, and characteristic features.
  2. Teach children to convey the characteristic features of a rowan branch: the structure of the branches, leaves, their color, shades.
  3. Teach children to think through the placement of the drawing on the sheet and draw a sketch of a rowan branch with a simple pencil using thin lines.
  4. To develop aesthetic perception, continue to train children in finger drawing (pointillism), and introduce them to the drawing technique of imprinting.
  5. to cultivate accuracy when drawing with gouache, the ability to evaluate one’s own work and the work of peers, as well as the desire to draw in non-traditional techniques.

Methods and techniques:

Literary word, slide show, examination, conversation, question and answer, explanation, help, analysis of work, praise.

Progress of organizational and educational activities:

We won't tear them down

Birds love to peck them.

– The fruits ripen in September.

Today we will draw a rowan branch.

Let's remember again and say what berries look like? Leaves?

Pay attention to the structure of rowan branches, how are the leaves arranged? What about berries? (bunches

What color are the berries? What about the leaves?

You and I will draw a rowan branch in an unusual way. First, we will draw the twig and berries with a simple pencil, without pressing too hard (we make a sketch), and the leaves using prints (apply paint to a dried rowan leaf and apply it to paper).

Now let's start drawing berries: dip the tip of the index finger in red gouache, and then touch the paper with this finger, you get beautiful rowan berries.

Game “Whose leaf?” Children are divided into 2 teams. The first team is given rowan leaves, the second team is given birch leaves. Pictures of trees are placed in different parts of the group. Music plays, children move around the group, the music ends, children make a circle (each near “their” tree).

Well done, your rowan branches turned out very beautiful! A real “autumn opening day”! Which of the works did you like the most? Do you want Seryozha? How about you Katya?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Integrated lesson experimenting with materials and substances with young children. Drawing in an unconventional way (cotton swabs) - the “poke” method.

The use of multimedia presentation made it possible to present new material brightly, imaginatively, in a form accessible to preschoolers, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Rowan branch.” Objectives: Educational: · Learn to draw a rowan branch using the “fingergraphy” technique using the method of dipping and drawing.

The lesson “Rowan Branch” was developed taking into account the age characteristics of children of primary preschool age. During the lesson, children get acquainted with an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs. U.

notes on visual arts using non-traditional drawing techniques.

ECD construct for acquaintance with nature “A flock of bullfinches on rowan branches” for children of the middle group (4-5 years old).

Leonila Shidlovskaya
Summary of the drawing lesson “Rowan Twig” in the senior group


« Rowan sprig» (senior group) .

1. Learn to draw a branch on a piece of paper mountain ash using different techniques drawing: dabbing, poking, painting with a brush tip, finger painting. 2. Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or on a palette.

3. To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in drawings, to instill love and care for it.

Preliminary work: toning a sheet of paper; conversations about wood - rowan.

Riddles about rowan:

Lots of berries - lights

It will be on it in the fall.

And he will give it to Marina

Red beads. (Rowan)

I'm looking out my window

I see one tree.

Red grapes hang

The birds want to eat them.


Let's look at the branch with the children mountain ash: structure, shades of color, shape of leaves and fruits.

Offer to put a drawing of a branch on paper mountain ash (brown paint). Draw the base of the leaf green color.

To draw rowan berries, we will use technology « finger painting» . Dip the pad of one finger into red gouache (like putting paint on your finger). We make a fingerprint in the place where we marked draw berries.

Thus, we form brushes mountain ash.

Begin draw leaves.

We will have leaves paint "dipping", i.e. apply a brush with paint to the place where you marked draw leaves. We need to draw children's attention to the complex shape of the leaf. The small parts of the leaf, which we paint with a brush, are located opposite each other. To mix paints, you can first put yellow paint on the brush, then add green paint to the tip. The leaves will be multi-colored, real autumn.

Finishing the berries:

To make the berries look exactly like real ones, use the tip of a small brush to paint one black dot on each berry.

Place the drawings on the board and offer to listen to folk signs associated with rowan:

Late Bloomer rowan - for a long autumn.

If born rowan - rye will be good.

There are many in the forest mountain ash- autumn will be rainy, if there is little rain, it will be dry. After looking at the drawings and evaluating the children’s work, you can add:

“We have gathered a lot mountain ash, which means our birds are not afraid of winter!”

Summary of the finger painting lesson “Rowan Branch” PURPOSE: To introduce children to the technique of finger painting and develop initiative. Objectives: Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors. Enrich vocabulary.

Photo report on a plasticineography lesson in the senior group “Rowan Twig” Good day, dear colleagues. Today I will tell you how my senior children and I decorated plastic lids for decoration.

Photo report on a drawing lesson in the junior group “Rowan Branch” Objectives: 1. To introduce the rowan tree and its berries, with its benefits for birds; 2. Form and develop ideas about the color red.

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Rowan Branch” Notes on drawing in the senior group “Rowan Branch” Objectives: continue to introduce children to unconventional drawing and image techniques.

Abstract of an art lesson with children of the middle group “Subject drawing from life “Rowan Branch” Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region State Budgetary Educational Institution of Educational Institution “Revda Pedagogical College” Abstract.

Summary of a lesson on drawing with cotton swabs “A sprig of mimosa for mom” in the second early group; synopsis of a lesson on visual arts using an unconventional method of drawing “A sprig of mimosa for mom” in the second early group. Kornilov.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the junior group “Rowan Berries” Educator. Guys, spring has already arrived, but there is still snow all around on the street: both on the ground and on the trees. It's hard for the birds now. On the street.

Lesson summary in the middle group “Rowan Twig” Integrated Direct educational activity in the middle group on the topic: “Rowan Twig” Purpose: To give an idea of ​​nature.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing “Rowan Branches” Purpose: Learn to draw a rowan branch with bunches of berries. Strengthen the ability to beautifully place a branch on a sheet of paper. Use for drawing.

Website for kindergarten teachers

Publication of materials

GCD artistic creativity “Rowan Branch” senior group.

Program content: To cultivate creative imagination, interest in drawing, accuracy in working with watercolors, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, logical thinking, attention, coherent speech, learn to answer questions with complete answers, develop the ability to plan the location of an object on a sheet of paper, convey characteristic features in a drawing features of mountain ash, strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly, apply watercolor using the dipping method, poking, activate the vocabulary.

Preliminary work: Paintings depicting various trees, a floor model of a rowan tree, rowan fruits, reading poems about autumn, trees, solving riddles, memorizing poems, conversations, observing natural phenomena.

Vocabulary work: guessing riddles, talking, listening to poetry, asking questions.

Demo material: Paintings depicting various trees, a floor model of a rowan tree, rowan fruits, music.

Handout: Watercolor, sheets of paper, brushes, sippy cup, brush stands, napkins.

Educator: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello to them.
Children: Hello.
Children Guys, look outside the window, what time of year is it now?
Children: Autumn.
Educator: Why did you decide that it was autumn and not another time of year?
Children: Because the trees have yellow, red, green leaves.
Educator: Okay, but leaves are only on trees
Children: There are also a lot of leaves on the ground.
Educator: What happened to the trees?
Children: The leaves turned yellow and fell off.
Educator: What trees do you know?
Children: Birch, maple, oak, linden.
Educator: Guess the riddles:
Sticky buds
Green leaves.
With white bark
It's under the mountain.
Children: (Birch) Guess the picture from the fig.

And you don’t even have to guess -
Right here, let’s call it right away,
If only someone could tell me
That there are acorns on it!

Children: (Oak) Guess the picture from the fig.

It turned green in the spring,
Sunbathed in the summer
I put it on in the fall
Red corals.
What kind of tree?
Children: (Children's answers). That's right, it's a rowan. Guess picture from fig.
Educator: (verse)
“Rowanushka is a beauty,
Standing in a dense forest,
Beautiful and slim!
Dressed in gold.
Rowanushka is a beauty,
You are very good
Autumn season decorated the rowan
Educator (Brings in a fake rowan tree)
Educator: A mountain ash came to visit us. Let's take a closer look at what the tree has?
Children: Trunk, branches, leaves, berries.

Educator: What color is the trunk? What color and shape are the leaves of our rowan tree? Also, what is clearly visible?
Individual answers from children. The trunk is brown, the leaves are elongated oval, the berries are very clearly visible
Educator: What color?
Children: Red.
Educator: What shape? How are they located?
Children: Round, hanging.
Educator: Correctly, the round berries are held on a tassel branch. Invite the children to place their hand down with their fingers and see how the fingers are attached to the palm. Compare with rowan brush
Educator: Guys, what benefits do you think rowan berries bring?
Children: Birds feed on fruits in winter for beauty and also on fruits.
Educator: That's right, rowan is a very beautiful and useful tree. Birds (namely titmice, starlings and even crows) feed on rowan berries. Bears and moose also love berries. Rowan berries are also useful for people, rowan berries and leaves have healing properties, contain vitamins, kill germs, are dried, made into jam, added to tea, compote.
Physical education lesson “Rowanka”
There is a mountain ash tree on the hill, (Stretching - hands up).
Keeps your back straight and level.
It’s not easy for her to live in the world - (Rotate her body left and right).
The wind is twisting, the wind is twisting.
But the mountain ash only bends (tilts to the sides).
He is not sad - he laughs.
The free wind blows menacingly (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind).

For a young mountain ash.
In summer it is bitter, and in frost it is sweet.
What kind of berry is this? (Rowan)
Educator: Guys, the rowan tree asks us to draw a lot of berries, so that the birds and animals and people will have enough of its fruits for the whole winter. Consider the branch that we will draw today
Explanation and demonstration of the order of drawing on a pedagogical sketch.
Stage 1. Draw the main branch diagonally along the sheet with a pencil. The branch will hold leaves and a bunch of rowan berries.
Stage 2. At an angle from the branch in one direction from above and below, we draw lines on which there will be leaves. We don't draw leaves.
Stage 3. From the branch vertically downwards we draw a line - a branch with berries. The berries are held on a branch-tassel.
Draw a rowan brush. We don't draw berries.
Stage 4. Color the drawing. We draw the branch, then the leaves using the technique of dabbing with the entire bristle of the brush; we draw the berries using the poking method.
Independent work of children. Helping children with difficulties. Posture correction.
Bottom line
Educator: Guys, what tree did we meet?
Children: With rowan.
Educator: What benefits do you think it brings?
Children: food for birds, animals, useful for humans.
Educator: The drawings turned out colorful and bright. We will definitely organize an exhibition. (Rowan thanked the children for their good drawings, now its fruits will be enough for everyone throughout the winter, and promised to return next year and again delight with its beauty).

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  • For you, teachers! (15)
  • Methodical piggy bank (25)
  • Parents for you! (24)

Summary of GCD for drawing “Rowan”

GCD summary for drawing a rowan branch using an unconventional technique.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, social and communicative development.

Target: develop children's visual skills using non-traditional drawing techniques - printing techniques.


Expand and clarify children's knowledge of mountain ash;

Learn to recognize rowan by appearance;

Learn to depict rowan leaves and berries in an unconventional way, using different drawing techniques: draw leaves using the “dipping” method and stamps, berries - with cotton swabs and stamps;

– develop curiosity and interest in nature;

Develop the ability to notice the beauty of nature;

Develop coherent speech and fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: looking at rowan trees while walking; examination of illustrations on the topic “Trees and Fruits”; coloring of ready-made contour images “Branches of different trees”.

Demo material: natural rowan branch with berries, pictures of rowan branches, sample drawings, gouache paints in brown, green, yellow, red, orange, brushes, stamps, cotton swabs, water in cups.

  1. Organizing time. Riddle about rowan.

What kind of tree is this

Decorates the forest in winter?

Red clusters on the branches -

Well, guess kids:

Not alder and not aspen,

And the beauty (rowan).

We won't tear them down

Birds love to peck them.

Guys, what is this poem about?

0And, do you want me to tell you about the mountain ash?

Did you know that rowan is a tree up to 10 meters tall?

Rowan fruits are spherical, berry-shaped, red, sour, bitter.

– Rowan blooms in May and early June.

– The fruits ripen in September.

– after frost, the fruits become sweet and tasty, remaining on the tree until deep winter.

– The fruits contain a lot of vitamins; rowan is used in medicine, as well as in the food and confectionery industries.

– Would you like to try rowan berries?

Message on the topic “Rowan”.

Rowan is one of the most beloved and revered trees in Russia. Rowan is considered a symbol of Russian beauty. Rowan becomes especially elegant in the fall thanks to its bright red fruits. People say that rowan is considered an adornment of our nature. The autumn folk holiday “Rowanberry”, which is celebrated on September 23, is dedicated to the mountain ash. Rowan is a tall tree from 4 to 10 meters. Rowan lives for a long time - from 100 to 200 years. Rowan fruits contain many vitamins. Jam, syrup are made from the berries, and the juice is squeezed out; Rowan fruits are used to make medicines and vitamin supplements. Furniture and musical wind instruments are made from rowan wood. In winter, rowan berries can feed hungry birds: tits, blackbirds, bullfinches. In the forest, not only birds eat fruits, but also animals: squirrels, wild boars, martens. There are many songs about rowan. People have loved rowan for a long time. Rowan was considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so people always tried to plant a rowan tree near the house.

Didactic exercise “Say kindly about rowan”:

rowan, rowan, rowan.

Didactic exercise “What happens in mountain ash” (-th, -th, -s):

decoration, necklace, ring, dress, berry, foliage, leaf, bracelet, outfit, wreath, beads, earrings.

Didactic exercise “What does rowan give?”:

vitamins, jam, jam, jelly, juice, honey.

Folk signs associated with rowan:

Late flowering of rowan - for a long autumn.

There are a lot of rowan berries in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if there are few - it will be dry.

  1. Examining a rowan branch: structure, shades of color, shape of leaves and fruits.
  2. Showing drawing methods.

First drawing method(leaves – by “dipping”, berries – by “poking” with cotton swabs).

– draw a rowan branch with small twigs with brown paint.

We depict the leaves with a thick brush using the “dipping” method using shades of yellow, green, and orange.

We draw rowan berries using the poking method with cotton swabs.

The second way to draw. Image of a rowan branch using an unconventional technique using stamps. After the leaves and berries are dry, draw veins on the leaves with a felt-tip pen, and black dots on the berries.

  1. Finger gymnastics “Autumn Leaves”

One two three four five,

We will collect leaves.

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

(bend your fingers, starting with the thumb)

  1. Artistic and creative activities of children.

What a wonderful picture?

This is a sprig of rowan!

Now that everything is ready, let your drawings dry and we'll play with you!

Game “Whose leaf?” Children are divided into 2 teams. The first team is given rowan leaves, the second team is given birch leaves. Pictures of trees are placed in different parts of the group. Music plays, children move around the group, the music ends, children make a circle (each near “their” tree).

Summary of direct educational activities in the educational field “Artistic creativity” (drawing) in the 2nd junior group “Rowan Branch”

Target: Introduce children to an unconventional method of drawing - “poking”. Form a holistic picture of the world.
Exercise children in drawing rowan berries with cotton swabs and pokes, using gouache;
Improve the ability to form relative adjectives: rowan juice - rowan... Develop visual and auditory attention
To instill in children a caring attitude towards wintering birds living in the city.
To form ideas about the benefits of rowan for human health.
Material: bunch of rowan; red gouache; cotton buds; wet wipes for each child; prepared in advance, sheets of paper with drawn rowan branches (without berries); silhouettes of bullfinches; toy bird, audio recording of “birds chirping”.
Integration of areas: “Reading fiction”; "Physical Culture"; "Music"; "Cognition"; "Communication"; "Socialization".
Preliminary work: conversations “What is made from rowan?”, “Birds in winter”; bird watching on a walk; a targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten “Getting to know the trees”; seasonal observation of mountain ash; examination of the illustrations “Bullfinches on Rowan Branches”; reading poems and riddles about rowan.
Progress of the lesson
Children sit opposite the teacher.
Educator:(includes audio recording of “birds chirping”) Guys, who is singing this?
Children: Birds.
When I went to work today, a small bird was sitting on the ground. She didn't have the strength to fly. She was hungry. I brought her to kindergarten and fed her. Here she is. Let's say hello to her!
Children: Hello, bird!
Educator: Do you know what birds eat in winter? (Bread, grains...)
What else can we feed the birds? (Children's answers)
There is also a special tree whose berries hang until late winter and the birds peck at them. We saw him on a walk. Listen to a poem about this tree.
I see a slender rowan tree in the yard,
Emerald on the branches in the morning at dawn.
Lots of red berries
Ripe and beautiful.
What is the poem about? (Shows a bunch of rowan berries)
Children: About rowan.
Educator: That's right, look at how beautiful the berries are hanging on the branch, one next to the other, there are a lot of berries, they are collected in a brush or bunch.
Birds feed on them in winter.
Educator: What color are rowan berries?
Children: Red.
Educator: What shape are they?
Children: Round
Educator: What size are they?
Children: Small ones.
Educator: That's right, guys. On a rowan branch there are many, many small round red berries, one next to the other. How do the birds peck them? Let's turn into birds.
One, two, three turn around
Quickly turn into birds.
Game "Birds"
Birds flew across the sky
(Children wave their hands and run in a circle)
And sat down on a branch
(Stop and squat down)
A handful of berries were pecked
(Hands show how birds peck)
Then they flew into the sky
(Waving their hands and running to the tables)
And we sat down at the tables.
Educator: In winter, birds have a hard time finding food. Let us draw rowan branches for bullfinches. (On the tables there is red gouache, cotton swabs, wet napkins for each child, sheets prepared in advance with painted rowan branches (without berries))
I won’t eat rowan
I'd better get paint
I’ll draw berries - moist and bright.
The teacher introduces an unconventional method of drawing with “pokes”
Educator: Look and tell me what is on your table.
Children: Paper, paints, sticks.
(Shows sheets of paper with painted rowan branches). Look, there is not a single berry on the branch. What will the birds eat? Let's give it to the birds and draw some berries. But today we will paint, not with a brush, but with cotton swabs. This method is called “poke” drawing.
Watch carefully how we will draw rowan berries. I take a stick and dip it in paint, not the whole stick, but the tip and apply it to the branch.
Now, you, take the wand in your hand. Show me your wand. Well done, you got it right!
Dip the stick in paint and apply it to the branch. Let's try it again, dip it in paint and apply it next to it. After all, there is not just one berry on a branch, there are many of them, they all hang close to each other, they are all very friendly.
Draw carefully, put paint on the stick well so that the berries are juicy. What color is our paint (red). Well done!
(I help during the work process.)
What wonderful rowan branches we have drawn! (Consideration of finished works.) Look, the bullfinches saw them and flew to our group. They love to eat berries! (I give each child silhouettes of bullfinches).
Physical education lesson “Our fingers”
Painted, painted,
Our fingers are tired.

And now everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet,
Hands patted.
(Perform appropriate movements)
Painted, painted,
Our fingers are tired.
Now, we'll take a rest.
(Rhythmically clench your fingers into fists)
But rowan berries are loved not only by birds, but also by people.
Guys, do you know what is made from rowan berries? (children's answers)
Rowan berries are used to make jam, delicious marshmallows and a filling for pies and sweets.
What is the name of the jam? (rowan)
They are dried and frozen, and compotes and vitamin tea are made from them. I squeeze juice from fresh rowan berries, which is very useful for colds. What is the name of the juice? (rowan)
In folk medicine, rowan is used to rinse the mouth when teeth and gums hurt. They make a syrup that contains a lot of vitamins that a person needs to improve vision and stomach function.
Guys, did you like our lesson? (Children's answers)
What did we do today? (Drew)
What berries did you draw? (Red, round)
What did you draw with? (With cotton swabs).
What is this method called? (“pokes”)
Look how happy bullfinches are for berries. Well done guys, they worked hard, saved bullfinches from a hungry winter, and drew a lot of juicy berries.

Purpose:gift, interior decoration.
performing a drawing using the following technique: finger painting.
1. Create a comfortable psychological climate.

2. Learn to paint rowan berries on a sheet of paper using watercolors, using the following technique:finger painting.

3.Develop the ability to mix paints on a sheet of paper or palette.

4. To develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

U mountain ash palms
Kissed by the rains.
Flame berry crumbs
On the branches and under your feet.

In the folk calendar there is a day, Peter-Paul Rowanberry, which falls at the end of September, the time of ripening of rowan fruits. On this day, rowan branches were tied into bunches and hung under the roofs of houses, barns, and various outbuildings. This custom is associated with the idea of ​​rowan as a tree that can protect from all sorts of troubles.

Rowan was considered a symbol of happiness and peace in the family, so people always tried toplant a rowan tree.

Lots of berries - lights
It will be on it in the fall.
And he will give it to Marina
Red beads... (Rowan)

Let's get to work. For the drawing we will need: a white thick sheet of paper (preferably watercolor); watercolor, two brushes: pony or squirrel No. 1 and No. 2; double sippy cup for water.

We will begin the work by tinting a sheet of paper. For this we will need watercolor paints, a foam swab, and water.

We soak it in tampon water and squeeze out the excess water.

We select the desired shade of watercolor and apply it in an even layer on a sheet of paper. You can tint a sheet with one color, or by mixing it gradually on a sheet of paper, smoothly moving from one color to another.

We put brown watercolor on the brush (No. 1) and apply a pattern of a rowan branch diagonally.

With the same paint and brush we draw small branches at the end for the first rowan brush and for the second.

To draw rowan berries, we will use the “finger painting” technique. Dip the pad of one finger into red gouache (as if we were putting paint on a finger).

We make a fingerprint in the place where we planned to draw the berries.

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