Problems of development of a child's creative personality. The problem of forming a creative personality

Parents of a creative child sometimes have a difficult time, because their child needs special conditions for his development. In addition, gifted children have unique characteristics that need to be constantly, and more importantly, properly developed. In this article we will talk in detail about the methods development creative personality , we’ll tell you how to identify in your child qualities of a creative personality so that he can fully realize his inherent abilities and talents.

A huge number of different works have already been written, dedicated to creativity And manifestation of creative personality. In each of them, scientists present their conclusions regarding how creativity and originality are expressed by humans.

In this article we will provide characteristics of a creative personality, which was once developed by a professor at the University of Chicago, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. He devoted his entire life to psychology, and ultimately published the work “Ten Paradoxical Traits of Creative People,” which clearly characterize peculiarities creative personality. These include:

  1. Creative people have very great intellectual strength and energy, but they are weak in body, since they usually do not develop physically.
  2. Creative people are very smart, but also naive. They tend to trust everything they hear, since the search for a rational grain in some point of view is boring and uninteresting for them.
  3. A person endowed with creative abilities is to some extent lazy if he is not inspired by something. He will prefer rest to work until he is inspired by a new project or idea. But as soon as the muse visits him, he will work like a selfless man.

  1. Creative people love to fantasize, but at the same time they remain realistic in life.
  2. In society, creative people are always active, friendly, smiling and cheerful, but in a quiet home environment they become withdrawn, enslaved and silent.
  3. At their core, creative individuals are humble people who never expect praise from anyone. However, they will never allow anyone to lower their self-esteem.
  4. Creative men are often very sentimental, but women, on the contrary, are brutal and courageous.
  5. Creative people are rebels. They will not hold back their emotions if something goes beyond their understanding of the norms of life. But at the same time, they do not like to change anything, because they adhere to conservative views.

  1. Any creative person- passionate. He lights up when he realizes his idea, but at the same time he can reason sensibly and objectively evaluate his work.
  2. Creative people are always happy because their lifestyle always brings them a lot of pleasure. However, at the same time, they are open to negativity, but it does not darken their lives, because creative individuals know how to find positive aspects for themselves in it.

All of the above features are more typical for adults. In a child creative potential It shows up a little differently:

  • he cannot sit in one place for more than one second, because he is always drawn to adventure, he wants to explore the unknown, open doors to rooms where entry is prohibited;
  • he rarely shows obedience, since he has a personal point of view on everything, which he is ready to defend even at an early age;
  • a creative child does not go to school with particular zeal, because the usual lessons are uninteresting and boring for him, because concentrating on something is a whole problem for a child’s creative personality;

  • the baby is endowed with special energy - he cannot calm down during the day, he wants to jump, run, he cannot sleep when all family members have already gone to bed;
  • the child is very sensitive - he may cry if some plot from a fairy tale or other book moves him, the same will happen while watching a film or cartoon;
  • a creative child will prefer playing in the house or any other indoor space to outdoor activities, as he shows interest in the surrounding world, animals and plants;
  • creative children do not like to be controlled by their parents, because they always want to be independent in everything.

Formation of a creative personality

Development of personal creative potential child is a labor-intensive process. It must be treated with special responsibility. In any case, you need to clearly understand what can affect development of the child’s creative personality.

Scientists believe that the main factors that can affect a baby’s potential include:

  • fantasy
  • freedom of movement and imagination
  • no restrictions
  • kid's talents

The task of parents is to create such conditions for the development of a creative personality, so that all these factors are present in the child’s life. However, first you need to figure out exactly what creative abilities are inherent in your child. Take a closer look at it in the first years of life. You will immediately notice what your baby likes to do most. Based on what you see, you can educate a creative personality Right:

  • the child should communicate as much as possible with his peers, telling them where he has been, listening and analyzing what they tell him;
  • to educate creative personality of a preschooler, you should read to him as much as possible so that he is imbued with the plot of a fairy tale or any other literary work, shared with you his emotions and experiences;
  • For development of the student’s creative personality, it is necessary to create such conditions in the house so that the child himself shows an interest in reading;

Creative people always stand out from the crowd, so they often face many problems. As a rule, these problems do not affect a person’s psycho-emotional state, but in some cases they can lead him into depression or the so-called “creative crisis.” What kind of problems could these be:

  1. Misunderstanding creative personality from society, in which a person constantly has to be. This is especially true for musicians, actors, artists who see the world in my own way. The fact is that the goal of a creative person is create, constantly develop, explore the unknown. Sometimes they're just strangers material goods, they look strange, which causes a storm in other people.

  1. A creative person is often lonely because he is so comfortable. He is in his own world, in which he feels good, being alone with himself. Psychologists say that in silence creative abilities of the individual They open up better, it’s easier for a person to realize himself.
  2. A creative personality strives for self-development sometimes against all odds. Therefore often family life at creative people is not going well. But this can be avoided if the person is still in early years instill family values and the understanding that there is nothing and no one more valuable than loved ones and loved ones in the world.

There is a statement that creative people are born, not made. However, we live in the 21st century, and it makes no sense to believe this prejudice. Every parent can develop any skill in their child if they pay due attention to it. As modern medical practice shows, even children born with physiological abnormalities and other deviations can become successful and wealthy people.

Nothing is impossible! Just don’t try to realize your own dream in your child’s life, because he probably has his own. Better help him on the way to achieving his goal, and he will be happy!

Video: “How to develop a child’s creative abilities?”

Consultation for parents: “How to raise a creative person?”

Vanyeva Anna Yuryevna, teacher-psychologist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 35, Kovrov city.
Description: I bring to your attention a consultation for parents. It describes the components of creative potential, the main mistakes that parents make when trying to develop their child’s creative abilities, and also provides recommendations for the development of a creative personality. This material will be useful primarily for parents, as well as for educational psychologists educational institutions. The goal of the work is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

Probably, any parent would like to raise their child to be a creative person. What is creativity? Creation- a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material or spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity is the uniqueness of its result. A person can be called creative if he has a well-developed imagination and fantasy, he is capable of invention, finding non-standard solutions in various situations.
Imagination- this is the highest mental function, inherent only to humans, which allows you to create new images by processing previous experience. It can be recreative - when the image of an object is created according to its description, and creative - when completely new images are born.
Creativity- this is the ability to be creative, the readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Creative potential is inherent in the child from birth and develops as he grows up. A child’s natural talent manifests itself quite early, but the extent to which his creative potential will develop largely depends on the family. A family can develop or destroy a child’s creative abilities. Therefore, the formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of education.
Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of at what age children’s creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists call different periods from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from a very early age.
Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. And parents, encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in different kinds activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for the future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children. It is more independent and not yet suppressed by stereotypes. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on the extent to which these opportunities were used.

Creative activity is very interesting for a preschooler because it satisfies his desire to act and be productive, as well as the need to reflect the impressions he receives from the life around him, to express his attitude to what he sees and experiences. The kid is happy that he can create an image with his own hands.
Experts identify three groups of funds aesthetic education: art, the surrounding reality (including nature) and artistic and creative activities. All these areas are interconnected, and thanks to this, the child actively participates in the creative experience of people. Only an adult can effectively manage children’s artistic activities and the development of their abilities. At the same time, the mental processes themselves develop in artistic and creative activity, raising it to a new level. Ideas about objects and phenomena are formed on the basis of perception. Therefore, the most important condition for the development of a child’s creativity is the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, tactile), the formation of a diverse sensory experience.
The characteristics of a child’s perception are determined not only by the state of the sense organs, but also by the sensory experience that he acquired in early childhood. Indeed, practice and research show that the earlier you begin to develop the baby’s sensations and perceptions, the more varied and complete his sensory experience will be by the time he begins to draw and sculpt. To develop figurative ideas and imaginative thinking great importance have such types of creative activities as visual and constructive. It is obvious that, on the one hand, for the successful implementation of visual activities it is necessary to develop imaginative ideas and thinking, on the other - visual activity plays a huge role in the formation of this kind of ideas and thinking. Imagination is closely related to imaginative thinking; both of these processes are based on aesthetic perception peace. Without them, artistic and creative activity is impossible. Any type of creativity is based on good level development of perception, ideas, imaginative thinking, imagination. Consequently, the formation of these processes will serve the development of creative abilities. Of course, the game artistic activity represent the greatest opportunities for this.

Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. The components of creative potential are:
1. Rapidity- ability to express maximum amount ideas.
2. Flexibility- ability to express a wide variety of ideas.
3. Originality- the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers and decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).
4. Completeness- the ability to improve your “product” or give it a finished look.

How to develop in a child creativity? First, let's look at the most common mistakes that parents make when trying to develop their child's creative abilities.
1. The first and most common mistake is an attempt to act according to a pattern. Stores sell a huge number of so-called “creativity kits”, where the child is asked to create a craft using a ready-made stencil. Parents willingly buy these sets, without thinking that they are aimed at developing diligence, perseverance and accuracy, and not at all at developing creative potential. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from production is the uniqueness of its result. Therefore, stencils have nothing to do with children's creativity.
In this regard, you should avoid games and toys that do not leave the child any room for imagination - for example, mosaics and construction sets, where you need to put together figures and patterns according to a pattern, or coloring books that already contain colored pictures for example.
2. Second mistake - Parents’ prohibitions on the child’s attempts to create. We are afraid of dirty clothes, dirty floors, walls, unnecessary washing and cleaning. Most easy way Avoid unnecessary hassle - make the bathroom your workshop. Because space restrictions will prevent the child from getting real pleasure from drawing, modeling, etc.
3. Third mistake - You cannot do something for a child if he can do it himself. You can’t think for him when he can figure it out himself. Unfortunately, hinting is a common way for parents to “help” their children, but it only hurts the matter.
4. Fourth mistake - parents are in no hurry to get involved creative process children. But for children, it is parents who are role models! Don't be afraid to try.

1. One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is creating conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Parents need to make the process of life and activity of children creative, put children in situations of cognitive, artistic and moral creativity. It is necessary to organize an interesting and meaningful life for the child, enriching him vivid impressions, providing emotional and intellectual experience that will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the work of the imagination.
2. Success in raising a creative personality depends on the atmosphere that reigns in your home, on the relationship that has developed between parents and child. It has long been known that for creativity a comfortable psychological environment is required , so maintain an atmosphere of warmth, trust and creativity at home. Be careful about the process and result of children's activities. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, encourage his successes and show compassion for failures, and be patient with even the strangest ideas. It is necessary to exclude remarks and condemnation from everyday life. A child deprived of a positive outlet for creative energy may resort to aggressive behavior.
3. When encouraging a child’s creativity, you need to remember that he sees many things in his own way, perceives the world differently than we do. Therefore, when teaching a child, Avoid stereotypes. Based on your child’s inclinations. After all, the main thing is not the cultivation of talent or genius, but how diverse his inner world will be, whether his creative abilities will be realized.
4. Give your child freedom to choose activities , in the ways and methods of action, do not interfere with his free expression. Watch your child. What does he like to do most? Sing? Dance? Paint? Sculpt? Copy someone else's facial expressions or behavior? Let your house always have plasticine, paints, old magazines, colored paper, jars and boxes. Then the child’s desire, his interest in creativity and emotional upsurge will serve as a guarantee that this matter will benefit him.
5. Support your child's creative initiative through the respectful attitude of all family members to his drawings, crafts, and first attempts to compose something. IN preschool age Most children are not shy about dancing, singing, and showing their drawings to others. The child’s personality is not yet complex; he feels enough strength and desire to try everything, to participate in different types creative activity.
6. Nurturing children's creative abilities will be effective only if it represents goal-oriented process. There is a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt. If you select the appropriate teaching methods, then children, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of more high level than their untrained peers. Enroll your child in children's club or studio, music school and art school so that he can develop and improve his creative abilities.
7. Be actively involved in the process and create together with your child. Let the baby burst with ideas; your task is not to interfere, but to help him. Children, unlike adults, have a fresh perspective on things. They can turn any, even the most inconspicuous detail into magical character. Let your child teach you how to create, and then he will carry his creativity and lack of stereotypes throughout his life. And in the future you will be proud of your talented child.
It is very useful to make toys together with your child; often a doll sewn together with your child will be much more interesting to him than the most beautiful store-bought one. You can also carry out cooperative games, where parents and children will come up with a plot and characters together, and then portray them. Any Homework can be a great help for the game, and any object can turn into a fairy-tale hero.
8. The design of the apartment and its interior also influence the child’s creative abilities. It’s good if there are paintings, decorations, and decorative things hanging on the walls that you can touch with your hands. Decorate your apartment with your baby's drawings , but do not forget to change them from time to time so that the child has a desire to draw more and more, so that he sees that you appreciate his efforts.
9. Read fairy tales to your child. The role of fairy tales for the development of a child’s imagination is invaluable. It is a fairy tale that will teach him to find a way out of a hopeless situation, to invent something new, because in a fairy tale everything is possible. From reading a fairy tale, there is only one step to a new hobby - writing your own fairy tales and stories. It will open the path to creativity for your child.
10. Provide your child with a room or a separate corner for games and toys. Games in childhood occupy most of children's time. A game for a child, not a waste of time, but a source of income new information. This is how children learn about the world around them. Games train and develop everyone cognitive processes, children's talent develops.
Many parents note that children often use not specially purchased toys for games, but substitute items - various caps and sticks, rags and bottles, leaves and boxes. A child can use any object within reach for his games, and strange as it may sound, The fewer toys he has, the more his imagination develops.
11. Don't be afraid to get dirty or dirty something in the house (cover the white sofa, move the vases higher). About what creative development there may be a speech if the baby is constantly in the restricted area: “Don’t touch! Do not run! Do not take!". Do not forbid your child to create and do not punish him for creative experiments! Set certain boundaries for his creativity. For example, you can’t draw on walls, but you can on whatman paper attached to the wall.
12.Never force your opinion on your child! You can suggest, give an idea, but do not insist on it, this can reduce the child’s initiative.
The main thing in the process of raising a creative personality is to give the child the opportunity to realize his ability to be creative!

creative creativity imagination child

The development (upbringing) of a child’s creative personality is a process, an organized interaction between an authoritative person (educator, parents, teachers, and adults in general who come into fairly long-term contact with the child) and the child. The ultimate goal of this process is the formation of a creative personality.

From the characteristics of a creative personality follow the ways of forming a creative personality. The main way is to include the child in a variety of creative activities.

In creativity, a creative person always faces the problem of choosing from several possibilities. The most important condition choice, and therefore a condition for the development of a child’s creative potential, is personal freedom. Having the freedom to choose goals, means and methods of activity, a person gets the opportunity to interact with objects in a variety of ways outside world, which entails the creation of many images and their combinations. The child should be given the opportunity to choose, taught to make a conscious choice, help, but not impose, teach him, listening, to go from himself. And very important here is the imagination of the child, who needs a free outlet.

Imagination is a mental process expressed in the construction of an image of the means and the final result of the subject’s objective activity, in the creation of images that correspond to the description of the object. The most important task of the imagination is to imagine the result of work before it begins, thereby orienting a person in the process of activity. For cultivating the imagination, artistic, scientific and inventive, technical creativity play an important role, as well as sports, which develops the imagination in the process of presenting the result of martial arts, self-education and socially useful work are also important. All types of creativity are realized in the process of activity.

Also very important for the education of a creative personality is the education of thinking. Thinking is a process cognitive activity an individual, characterized by a generalized and mediated reflection of reality.

Achieving a goal involves anticipating it, and finding a way to achieve a goal involves the ability to think. Therefore, for the mechanism of shifting the motive to the goal to operate, you need to imagine the goal, comprehend the ways to achieve it, have a certain emotional stress. That is, to cultivate the motives of creativity, it is necessary to use teaching tools aimed at cultivating imagination, thinking, and emotions.

In the activity of both thinking and imagination, the emotional sphere of the psyche plays a huge role. Emotions play an important role in motivating creative activity. They represent a mechanism for converting external stimuli into motives that direct cognition into the transformation of surrounding reality. It follows from this that in order to educate a personality capable of creating not only the external, but also one’s own inner world, it is necessary to purposefully educate the ability to feel, experience, manage emotions and direct them to benefit oneself and others.

The main factor in nurturing a creative personality is cultivating motivation. It is better to do what you want to do, what is interesting to do. It is necessary to highlight the motive, i.e., for the sake of which the activity is performed. A teacher who cannot penetrate into the motives of a child’s activity works essentially blindly. Motive is the basis of formation necessary qualities personality.

One of the main motivating tools is play. The motives of the game reveal the human need to transform the world. The game develops imagination and thinking, since the participant is in imaginary situations before choosing options for action, and is forced to calculate his own and others’ moves. The experiences that accompany the processes of thinking and imagination in game situations are also significant, i.e. feelings. Therefore, play is an indispensable means of cultivating thinking, imagination, and feelings.

It has been proven that collective creative activity has a significant impact on the development of a child’s creative abilities, strengthening the motive of activity and disciplining.

The main factor in education is example and environment. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the child’s environment, the role of significant others. This is, first of all, a teacher (educator in kindergarten, classroom teacher at school), as an organizer and leader pedagogical process. There is no doubt that the teacher’s creative potential and the conditions for organizing his work play a huge role in nurturing a child’s creative personality. Raising a creative personality also presupposes the presence pedagogical creativity. A creative personality can only be raised by a creative teacher. That is, it is necessary to create special conditions, which would contribute full development creative personality of the child. To do this, it is necessary to use methods and techniques in teaching practice that motivate students to be creative and develop their thinking, imagination, and emotions.

The family, as well as the environment in which the family itself is located, plays a special role in the formation of a child’s creative personality. Children and parents are in constant search, the modern family has enormous intellectual potential, and the teacher’s task is to attract and skillfully use it when organizing children’s free time, filling their leisure time with activities that are useful for both health and mind. Whatever aspect of a child’s development we take, the family always plays a decisive role. The family is responsible for the physical and emotional development of the child, plays a leading role in the child’s mental development, influences the children’s attitude towards school and largely determines its success. The educational level of the family and the interests of its members affect the intellectual development of a person and what layers of culture he assimilates. Family is of great importance in mastering a person social norms, fundamental value orientations a person, determining his life style, spheres and level of aspirations, life aspirations, plans and methods of achieving them. Family playing big role in human development due to the fact that her approval, support, indifference or condemnation affect a person’s social aspirations, help him or hinder him from looking for solutions to difficult life situations, adapt to the changing circumstances of his life, resist the changing social conditions. Essential Therefore, the emotional situation in the family, the level of its cohesion and the quality of intrafamily ties play a role. Important place Favorable conditions for self-development play a role in nurturing a child’s creative personality.

Thus, it is obvious that the main conditions for educating a creative personality are:

· orientation educational process to educate a creative personality;

· early identification of creative abilities and their orientation;

· formation of motivation for creative activity;

· moral and creative purposefulness educational process;

· the presence of democratic relationships between teacher and child;

· accounting of individual psychological characteristics;

· orientation of the educational process towards students’ self-education (self-knowledge, self-organization, self-realization);

· creating a favorable creative microclimate in the family and school;

· organizing various forms of stimulating the creative activity of students (conducting competitions, organizing research), etc.

It is also obvious that effective formation a creative personality is impossible without:

· involving the child in a variety of creative activities and “living” them, which is achieved by specially selected types of creative work. This is explained by the fact that a creative personality manifests itself, first of all, in activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values;

· work on improving skills that allow students to quickly learn and master new types of activities that differ personal value;

· organizations creative associations, allowing to educate the necessary personal qualities, contribute to the formation moral values, teach communication and cooperation.

What is the ability to be creative - a personality trait that we are born with, or a skill that can be developed? Geneticists who study this issue say we are all born with creativity - the ability to solve problems by combining complex and sometimes unrelated ideas. You probably know people who come up with crazy ideas and seem crazy to everyone. In terms of creativity, these people have only a slight advantage. But that's all. An advantage can also become a disadvantage if they fail to adapt their extravagance to the professional environment or the world at large. Research conducted by the Center for the Study of Creativity and the Foundation creative education in Buffalo, New York, showed that most people can learn to develop their skills and creativity. To do this, you need to find out what makes a person creative, and then develop these skills.

Character Traits of a Creative Personality

Each of us is gifted with the ability to solve problems, but people who use creativity to solve problems have certain personality traits. Firstly, they absorb the experiences of others like a sponge. They have an enormous personal store of things they have read, seen or heard, places they have visited or worked, and people they know. The study found that creative people strive for independence, self-sufficiency, self-discipline, perseverance, self-affirmation, and are highly tolerant of uncertainty. They take risks and have powerful egos. In other words, they are guided by internal impulse. They don't care about standards and opinions, and they have little interest in interpersonal relationships. Creative people usually have an innate skepticism and a very sharp mind. They are active, observant and executive, drawing conclusions using intuition rather than logic. They have an ease that allows them to find new associations. They draw inspiration from daily dreams and fantasies and have a good sense of humor. In general, creative people do complex tasks as if there is nothing difficult about them, and they are unhappy and depressed when they fail to create. Possessing many positive features character, they, however, are not without shortcomings: they are difficult to deal with, they are harsh and withdrawn. What character traits are not inherent? creative people? They are not dogmatic (although they can be stubborn) and lose patience when dealing with people of an authoritative nature. These people do not follow the crowd; they like to be alone. They are not shy, and they do not care what others think about them.

Development and formation of a creative personality

Creativity is an activity that leads to the creation of new, unique material and spiritual values. The uniqueness of creative activity lies in the fact that a person reflects his personality in it. For this reason, people capable of creative activity are called creative individuals. Psychologists have always been interested in human thinking in the state of creating original products. Let's consider the sequence of thinking of a creative person at the moment of creating original images, developed by the English psychologist Graham Wallace. He considered the first stage of creative thinking to be preparation for activity, which consists of setting a goal and modeling a method for achieving it. So, an artist, standing in front of an easel with paints in his hands, represents the general features of his future painting and makes preparations for her image. The second stage is incubation. It is characterized by a flight of thought, a detachment from the goal of creative activity. Thus, as Wallace argued, the author is attuned to creative work. The third stage is insight. It happens inside - unexpectedly, as if some impulse comes to a person, and he understands what the result of his work should look like and how to achieve it. Insight is a complex mental process, characteristic not only of creative individuals. Every person in his life has experienced insight when he suddenly found a way to solve a certain problem. Creative insight is the emergence of an original thought, which becomes the basis for further work. Verification is the last, fourth stage of creative thinking, identified by Graham Wallace. During testing, a person tests his creation for suitability and quality. This could be his assessment, a look from a new angle, or a completely practical use of a creative product. These stages were illuminated in the works of other psychologists, which confirmed the model of creative thinking proposed by Wallace. It is worth adding that in 1908, another psychologist, Henri Poincaré, described in more detail the thinking process of a creative person. He insisted that during the incubation period a person is distracted from the object of creativity only consciously, but his subconscious continues to work and look for options for implementing the planned project, which is why insight comes so unexpectedly. It seems to a person that a brilliant creative thought suddenly visited him, and this signal was not generated by himself, but, in fact, this is really the idea of ​​the author himself, it simply arose from the subconscious and appeared for the judgment of the conscious sphere of the individual. How does the subconscious produce creative thoughts? Poincaré believed that it selects a valuable idea from several that are constructed by combining. He described this phenomenon using the example of solving mathematical problems, which became his own discoveries. At a congress in France, Poincaré told his colleagues about how he independently engaged in creativity in mathematics. Indeed, at first the psychologist set himself the task of identifying the new and unusual from the proposed digital combinations. Then he imagined how many manipulations he needed to carry out and stepped away from the task for a while. During the period when he was not consciously studying mathematics, a thought suddenly appeared in his thoughts. interesting option. A psychologist tested him, and it turned out that the open method of solving problems was effective. Having carried out this act of creativity, Poincaré came to the conclusion that his subconscious had thrown out the most harmonious and original version of all analyzed, which indicates the presence of a creative moment in solving the problem. Thus, we can say that a creative person is a person whose unconscious sphere of the Self is capable of analyzing material and selecting original, unique and universal information, which is then processed and verified by consciousness. Psychologists argue that there is a certain filter at work here that distinguishes suitable options from unpromising ones, combines versions and offers the conscious sphere of the individual one specific option. In some cases, the creative process occurs without the participation of the subconscious. In this case, the desired option for implementation is quickly found by consciousness itself. But for both types of creative thinking there is common feature: This thinking is always original. Another person, given the same task under identical conditions, cannot repeat exactly the same version of execution.

Usually creativity is associated with artists, writers, and actors. However, in order to increase the productivity and profitability of a business, its owner simply must be a creative person. First of all, you must realize that you are going to bring creativity to your business. However, as you develop, you may find yourself running out of ideas.

There are 46 simple ways, :

  1. Calculate your bills without the help of a calculator.
  2. Achieve equal control in both hands. Force yourself to take written notes, dial a phone number, cut meat with your non-dominant hand.
  3. Read the first ten pages of a pulp novel. Complete this story yourself.
  4. When laying out napkins on the dining table, fold them into fancy shapes.
  5. While sitting in transport, notice the license plates of neighboring cars, sum up the numbers without a piece of paper, square the result, and then divide by seven.
  6. Watch TV with the sound off and try to understand what is happening on the screen. Write your own story.
  7. When you go shopping, don't make a list of what you need.
  8. The next time you sit down to play bridge or poker, keep track of the cards you've dealt and don't rearrange yours by suit.
  9. Cut out several photographs from magazines: pictures separately, captions for them separately. Mix everything up and distribute the cartoon captions at random. Did anything interesting happen? Doesn't it make you think about a new signature or a new caricature?
  10. Make lists of sub-problems into which complex problems can be divided.
  11. Every day, open a dictionary at random and read the entire page, with examples.
  12. The next time you find yourself in an unfamiliar city, don't take a map with you. Read road signs and pointers. Try to determine which local resident you can ask for directions.
  13. Create a new dish from the leftovers you can collect in the refrigerator and the supplies stuck in the nooks and crannies of your kitchen cabinets.
  14. Read something you have memorized, but from the end.
  15. Carry a pencil (or pen) and paper with you everywhere. While sitting on the subway, in your doctor's waiting room, etc., sketch everything you see. It is not necessary to work for a personal exhibition in the Hermitage. Sketch, for example, a coffee pot placed on the counterfoil of a deposit check. Draw a chair in the margin of the magazine. Try to depict all four of its legs in spatial perspective.
  16. The next time a piece of kitchen or gardening equipment breaks, don't rush to buy a new one. Fix it or improvise some kind of replacement.
  17. Satisfy your curiosity. If you are interested in something, look in reference books, call someone, ask.
  18. Think of at least ten ways to use cracked cups.
  19. Start learning a foreign language.
  20. Be brave in whatever you do. Add pasta to canned beans, for example.
  21. On every fourth trip to the grocery store, put in your cart only those products that you have not purchased before.
  22. Make anagrams from words you see on road signs.
  23. Remember and list in writing all the items of clothing that hang in your bedroom closet.
  24. Consider an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper. Think about what you could improve in its graphic design? Come up with a new advertising slogan for this product. Suggest the best commercial name.
  25. At least once a day, increase blood flow to the brain by standing on your hands, hanging your head over the edge of the bed, or tying your shoelaces for a long time while bending over without bending your knees.
  26. Practice measuring volume and weight by eye when preparing food.
  27. If your pet's simple name is Tuzik, Murka or Zhuchka, try to come up with a new name that is more suitable for its character. Try experimenting with adjectives or verbs. If you dare, rename your children too.
  28. List as many words as possible that end with the letters "tion".
  29. Do short summary a story from some literary and artistic magazine.
  30. Get into the habit of reviewing the table of contents and indexes for each nonfiction, nonfiction, or educational book. Please also note the author's name.
  31. Set goals and make an action plan for the next five years for something big: a career, raising a child, growing a garden, or sorting through the junk in the basement.
  32. Even if you don't like it at first, force yourself to solve crosswords, anagrams and other puzzles in a newspaper. Check your answers, they are published in the same or the next issue of the newspaper.
  33. Break down some daily routine (such as getting dressed or going to work) into its component elements.
  34. Learn to play games that require strategy, such as bridge, chess, and poker for money.
  35. Sing along to the car radio on. Try to sing in unison. If you don't know what that is, consider taking a music literacy class.
  36. When you and your friends go to a bar for a drink, try playing last names between toasts. For example: “If Ella Fitzgerald marries Philip Kirkorov, then her last name will be...” (and those who do not know how to play this game will, of course, be jealous.)
  37. Return home from work today along a new route. Time it. Compare with the time spent on the old path.
  38. Every other night, go to bed with your feet facing the head of the bed.
  39. How many in various ways Uses you will find for a toothbrush? (For example, fishing socks out of the sink, tickling friends, brushing the cat. And two toothbrushes can be used as chopsticks.) Stay without sweets at night if you can only say: “To brush your teeth.”
  40. If you can stand it, master a video game.
  41. If you can’t listen to radio plays on the radio, then set the brightness of your TV screen to minimum and try to understand what’s happening just by the sound.
  42. Try to write a text in which each new word begins with the next letter of the alphabet (for example: “There are all kinds of watermelons ...”).
  43. Open the dictionary and choose a word at random. Try to make a pun with it. Or an anagram. Or key phrase(zest) for a humorous story.
  44. Make it a rule to walk between cabinets for ten minutes once a week. reference books in a bookstore or library. Look at these books.
  45. Draw a plan of your house. Eyeball the size of all the nooks and crannies.
  46. If you can find any old textbook Latin language, skip the grammar material on verb conjugation, etc. and memorize the vocabulary for the lessons - your Russian will also improve significantly. People tend to judge you by the way you speak. If they think that you are smart, then they will answer you like you are smart. And you will inevitably try to catch up.

Bonus read five easy ways to boost your creativity if you're an entrepreneur:

1. Develop a list of your actions

Sit somewhere quiet and record and evaluate your business transactions. There is no need to focus on those points that are not working. Without much thought, write down what you would like to do in your business. For example, this could be a telephone meeting, teleconference, or online seminar. Will your potential clients benefit from this? Will your income increase? If you can answer “yes” to these questions, then you should pursue as many similar business transactions as possible and constantly look for creative ways to increase business productivity.

2. Try something unexpected.

If you communicate with your clients exclusively through mail, you can make some changes to this. Just pick up the phone, say, “Hello!” and chat with some of the clients. Such communication can generate new mutually beneficial ideas.

3. Learn and improve yourself

Train yourself every day, for at least 15 minutes, to read something that can help you in your life. entrepreneurial activity. Try to learn something new and then apply that information to grow your business.

4. Say no to criticism

Surely, it often happens that before you write down new idea, you first evaluate it and discard it. Don't be led by self-criticism! Write down all your creative fantasies and ideas, and then think about taking the actions necessary to implement them. Once you decide what you need to do, you should decide how to put it into practice.

5. Control your mind, spirit and body

Make it a rule to eat only healthy foods, sleep at night, do morning exercises and meditate. Of course, these are the basics, but many businessmen tend to ignore this aspect. This leads to them becoming frustrated and losing motivation to start their own business.

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