Scientific electronic library. Lesson “All professions are important”

Proverbs and sayings about work - the crown folk art. They capture reflections on the meaning of work in human life, dictated by the mind, experience and observations of several generations. Since every day involves work, their relevance will never fade. Now, on the eve of the big holiday - Labor Day, let's remember where a person begins, and the role that work plays in his life.

Proverbs and sayings about work and hard work

A lot has been said about work and hard work. This is not surprising: man has risen above living nature precisely thanks to work.

Throughout its existence human civilization it was and remains the engine of progress, an impetus for the development of intelligence, a source of comfort, satiety, well-being and a global factor in the self-preservation of humans as a biological species.

Proverbs about work begin to sound back in early childhood when a person is just discovering the world. Outside the family, the love of work continues to be cultivated in kindergartens, schools, higher education educational institutions, so that young people do not forget about the global mission - to work for the benefit of their people and inspire everyone they meet along the way to fruitful work.

What interesting things have people said about work and hard work? So:

Labor is the enemy of hunger

Many proverbs about work focus on the fact that you cannot feed yourself without work. They appeared back when people lived by gathering, fishing, and later by farming.

Now their meaning is interpreted somewhat differently: if you don’t work, you won’t receive a salary, and with it, the opportunity to buy food. Here are some of these proverbs:

  • You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
  • They don’t eat honey without difficulty.
  • There, no bread will be born, where no one works in the field.
  • What he worked for, he ate.
  • Where there are labor successes, there are mountains of grain.
  • If you don't crack a nut, you don't even eat the kernel.
  • Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise fungus.
  • The sweat on your back means the bread on the table.

Work is the road to happiness

People believed that a person who did not know the beauty of physical labor would never become happy. People who deliberately hid from work were shunned and despised. That's why they said:

  • For whom work is joy, for that life is happiness.
  • Our happiness lies in common work.
  • Love and work give happiness.
  • Where there is work, there is happiness.
  • Our happiest person is a hardworking person.

Labor is the key to fearlessness, pride, honesty

The moral character of a person is born in work. This is proven by some proverbs and sayings:

  • Heroes are born in work.
  • They don’t beat you for your work, but give them rewards.
  • He who works honestly is not afraid of anything.
  • He who works well has something to boast about.
  • Where there is work, there is truth.
  • Honor cannot be found without difficulty.
  • Live by your wits, and grow your honor through hard work.

Labor is a symbol of prosperity and unlimited possibilities

Proverbs about work, in which it is compared with wealth, are especially relevant today. If everyone understands that for the sake of a successful future they need to work hard, envy and anger will disappear in the world, the number of robberies and thefts will decrease, and most importantly, poverty will be overcome. That's why there are such proverbs:

  • What is the labor score, such is the honor.
  • Fight for a penny from work, be afraid of a penny unearned.
  • Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge.
  • The labor penny is great.
  • Labor money lives forever.
  • Whatever you take on with diligence, everything will shine.

Labor is knowledge and the way to apply it

Many proverbs talk about knowledge and science, the power of which is manifested through work. They are a reminder for schoolchildren and students who do not like to study:

  • Without learning, without work, life is worthless.
  • Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.
  • Knowledge and work give a new way of life.
  • Without study and work, food will not come to the table.
  • The work of learning is boring, but the fruit of learning is delicious.

Labor is the antagonism of laziness, idleness and carelessness

Work always comes with responsibility. This cannot be understood by those who are used to doing everything half-heartedly:

  • He who is not afraid of work shuns laziness.
  • He who loves to work cannot sit idle.
  • Without hassle and labor, it is not corn that grows, but quinoa.
  • Without getting your hands wet, you can't wash.
  • Those who like to chill should remain in the tail.

Proverbs and sayings about work and hard work are a valuable gift from the past. Everyone should remember them and pass them on to their children.

Proverbs and sayings about professions

The world of professions is rich and unique. In it, everyone can find an activity that will become for him not just a way to earn money, but a calling. That is why folk wisdom paid attention to specialties, considering them the embodiment of labor, knowledge and the best personal qualities of a person.

All proverbs and sayings about professions can be divided into several groups:

Proverbs about people working on the land

The earth is the people's nurse, the mother of fertility and harvest. People have made the most interesting statements about agronomists, machine operators, and gardeners:

Don't wait for rain and thunder, but wait for the agronomist.

Those who are friends with agricultural technology do not worry about the harvest.

A good tractor driver is an artist.

There were times when people loved an accordion player, but now the time has come - they love a tractor driver.

A good gardener is a large gooseberry.

A good gardener has a good garden.

Sayings about doctors

Doctor is the oldest of professions. She combines nobility, humanism, compassion and the perception of other people's pain as her own. People said this about doctors:

  • Where there are many doctors, there are many sick people.
  • A doctor helps a sick person, and a kalach helps a hungry person.
  • Get treatment from a doctor, and learn from a smart person.
  • A healthy person does not need a doctor.

Proverbs about teachers and scientists

Science is a sanctuary from which teachers and educators bring fire to the masses. Their mission is invaluable, since all other specialties take their origins from it:

  • Honor your teacher as a parent.
  • Teach others and you will learn yourself.
  • The student and the teacher are judged.
  • A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.
  • Teaching a scientist only spoils him.
  • The scientist is respectable everywhere.

Sayings about working people

It is difficult to imagine life without blacksmiths, carpenters, dressmakers, builders, as well as foremen and foremen who manage the work process. They are the cogs that hold factories, factories, locomotive depots, repair shops and other industrial facilities:

  • The brigade is famous for its foreman.
  • Know the work and the worker.
  • When you come to the workshop, work better than anyone else.
  • Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor.
  • A Swedish man knows a Swedish man by his thimble.
  • A carpenter without an ax is like a hut without a corner.
  • Whoever builds is responsible.
  • The blacksmith's hand is light: if only his neck was strong.
  • Food is known by taste, and skill by art.
  • Every work of the master is praised.

Proverbs about professions in the livestock industry

Livestock farming as a branch of agriculture became isolated in ancient times. Today, farmers, milkmaids, and shepherds are less prestigious professions than before. But their importance is still great:

  • A good shepherd does not care about himself, but about his cattle.
  • As is the shepherd, so is the flock.
  • He is not a master who does not know his farm.
  • It's a bad owner who doesn't look ahead.
  • He milks a lot, but the milk is thin.
  • If you don't give a cow a drink, you won't need milk.

Folk wisdom about the military, sailors and border guards

People in military professions have always evoked admiration and respect. Legends were made about them, epics, songs and stories were written. Proverbs also contain a lot of love for them:

  • The river is no barrier for an experienced warrior.
  • I joined the army and found my own family.
  • An officer in valor is an example.
  • Officers in difficulties are ahead, and when on vacation they are behind.
  • The sea wolf knows a lot about everything.
  • Know how to be a sailor in order to be an admiral.
  • To be afraid of enemies is not to be a border guard.
  • Behind the border guard is like behind a stone wall.

Proverbs about people of creative professions - singers, dancers and writers

Many warm words have been said about professions that are built on inspiration and talent. They are the voice of the people, the embodiment of their hopes and dreams:

  • The musician is already dying, but his fingers are still playing.
  • The blacksmith has golden hands, and the singer has words.
  • Singers and dancers are the first people in the world.
  • I started singing the song - finish it, at least crack it.
  • Learn to dance when you are young, you won’t learn to dance when you are old.
  • True writers are the conscience of humanity.
  • Choose a writer the same way you choose a friend.

Proverbs about managers and secretaries

The manager is the key person of any company. He directs the team, inspires them to perform great deeds, sums up the work done, creates an atmosphere among subordinates and resolves labor disputes. The manager begins not only with a separate office and a solid chair, but also with an executive assistant - secretary:

  • A leader without people is like a flower without the sun.
  • On big place to sit - you need to have intelligence.
  • If the secretary doesn't whistle, the other boss doesn't understand anything.
  • Soul with body- like a secretary with business.

Proverbs and sayings about hard work and professions are pearls of oral folk art. Each of them is a thin thread that connects us with our ancestors and teaches us how to live, what to believe in and what to strive for.

Remember the global role of work not only on the eve of professional holidays or Labor Day. Remember every day: work and labor will take away all adversity.

1. A person only achieves something where he himself believes in his own strength.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach (1804-1872) German philosopher-materialist

2. It is not the profession that chooses the person, but the person who chooses the profession.

Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC) ancient Greek philosopher

3. There are no professions with a great future, but there are professionals with a great future.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov Soviet writers-co-authors Yechiel-Leib Arievich Fainzilberg (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrovich
Kataev (1902-1942)

4. Without work there cannot be a pure and joyful life.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian writer

5. You need to love what you do, and then work - even the roughest - rises to creativity.

Maksim Gorky - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov (1868-1936) Russian writer

6. Work relieves us from three great evil: boredom, vice and need.

Voltaire (1694-1778) François-Marie Arouet, French philosopher and educator of the 18th century

7. Labor is a healing balm, it is a source of virtue.

Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) German cultural historian

8. Everyone worthy of being called a person must have the desire and ability to work.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) Scottish writer

9. We must... instill in them (youth) a desire for hard work and so that they fear idleness as the source of all evil and delusion.

Catherine II (Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst) (1729-1796) Russian empress

10. Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work. Saadi Abu Muhammad Muslih ad-Din ibn Abd Allah Saadi Shirazi (1181-1291) Persian poet

11. In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

12. The work we do willingly heals pain.

Shakespeare William (1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright

13. Work dulls grief.

14. Work must be consistent with a person’s strengths. He is bad, that is, unpleasant when he exceeds them.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) Russian utopian philosopher, democratic revolutionary, scientist, literary critic, publicist and writer

15. Having overcome any kind of work, a person feels pleasure.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800) Russian commander, one of the founders of Russian military art.

16. Work as long as your strength and years allow.

Publius Ovid Naso (43 BC - 17 or 18 AD) - ancient Roman poet

17. The bodies of young men are tempered by labor.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC) ancient Roman politician and philosopher, brilliant orator

18. Glory is in the hands of labor.

Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian artist, scientist, inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance

19. To live means to work. Labor is human life.

Voltaire (1694-1778) birth name François-Marie Arouet, one of the largest French enlightenment philosophers of the 18th century: poet, prose writer, satirist, historian, publicist, human rights activist

20. If a person with early years He has acquired the habit of work; work is pleasant to him. If he doesn’t have this habit, then laziness does the work.

Claude Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771) French writer and materialist philosopher

21. Activity is the only path to knowledge.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British writer, novelist, playwright, Nobel Prize winner in literature

22. The purpose of man is in intelligent activity.

Aristotle (384 BC 1950-322 BC) ancient Greek philosopher

23. Anyone who wants to eat a nut must break the shell.

Plautus Titus Maccius (254 BC - 184 BC) outstanding Roman comedian

24. The most outstanding talents are ruined by idleness.

Michel de Montaigne(1533-1592) French writer and Renaissance philosopher

25. Everyone should be great in his work.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales (1601-1658) Spanish novelist, philosopher and literary theorist

26. A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian writer, generally recognized classic of world literature

27. Whether the task is big or small, it must be done.

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Aesop (620-560 BC) ancient Greek fabulist who lived
in the 6th century BC

28. The best cure for idleness is constant and honest work.

Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) Spanish writer

29. Labor process, if he is free, ends in creativity.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954) Russian Soviet writer

30. A master is a person who enjoys doing what others cannot do.

Dictionary of paradoxical definitions.

31. The road to happiness lies through work. Other paths do not lead to happiness.

Abu Shukur Balkhi Persian-Tajik poet of the 10th century

32. Friends, take care of the minute and hour

Any school day!

Let each of you become a professor

In the profession you need.

Mikhail Evseevich Raskatov (1924) poet, member of the Moscow Writers' Union

33. How good it is when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not out of necessity, but in accordance with his spiritual inclinations.

Ali Absheroni (1962) theologian, public figure

34. As for the future, I repeat one thing: whatever you undertake, the main thing is to be dedicated to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some kind of stellar success, but being honest with yourself in your chosen profession is a must.

Robert De Niro (1943) American actor, director and producer

35. Professions seem to us the most sublime if they have taken deep roots in our hearts, if we are ready to sacrifice our lives and all our aspirations to the ideas that dominate them. They can make happy the one who has a calling to them, but they doom to death the one who took them hastily, thoughtlessly, succumbing to the moment.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) German philosopher, economist, public figure

36. A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience.

Haruki Murakami (1949) Japanese writer, translator

37. Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupidity - if you isolate yourself in your specialty, and unfoundedness - if you leave it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman

38. A calling is a current, which is useful to create an obstacle at its source in order to see whether it is a river or just a trickle.

Adrien Decourcel (1821-1892) French playwright

39. Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British writer, novelist, playwright

José Julian Martí y Pérez (1853-1895) Cuban poet, writer, publicist

41. Here best advice, which can be given to young people: Find something you enjoy doing, and then find someone who will pay you for it.

Catherine Whitehorn (1926) English journalist

42. A specialist is someone who knows a lot about very little.

Nicholas Murray Butler (1862-1947) - American theorist and practitioner of pedagogy, politician, publicist, professor, president of Columbia University, laureate Nobel Prize peace

44. A person should go about his business as if he had nowhere to look for help.

George Savile Halifax (1633-1695) English statesman, politician

45. The closest to the natural state of all those activities that can ensure the existence of a person is the labor of his hands. Of all social provisions The most independent position from fate and from people is the position of a craftsman.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) French writer and thinker.

46. ​​Every person, in my opinion, is a debtor to his profession.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English philosopher, historian, politician

47. High professionalism - turned into a profession

Ginzburg Lidiya Yakovlevna (1902-1990) Russian literary critic, writer, memoirist

48. No highly paid professions with a great future, but there are professionals with a great future.

An engineer is a person; able to take a theory and put wheels on it. Levinson Lev Efimovich (1956) - Russian director, playwright

49. Knowledge of the other side of a profession or vocation is the price we pay for mastering a professional
new skills.

John Baldwin (1973) American figure skater, two-time US champion

50. We don't learn to be artists, painters or writers - we learn to be.

James Paul McCartney (1942) - British musician, singer, composer, founding member The group Beatles

51. If a profession becomes a way of life, then a craft turns into an art.

Shevelev Ilya Nikolaevich, professor, laureate of the Averbakh Prize of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, author of the book “Aphorisms, thoughts, emotions”

52. There are no uninteresting specialties. There are only passive people who are unable to get carried away by what is in front of them.

Alban Berg (1885-1935) Austrian composer

Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor.

The bracker remains out of work.

There are no trifles in big things.

In fire, even iron is fusible.

On Monday Savka is a miller, and on Tuesday Savka is a saddler.

I spit it this way and that, but it was defective.

Every master takes on training, but not every master completes the training.

Every person is recognized for his work.

Every master's work is beautiful.

A craft suits every young man.

Where it is sewn with live thread, expect holes.

Go for a walk and don’t forget about things.

To conduct business is not to weave bast shoes.

The case is not a mosquito: you can’t brush it aside.

The work of a master is magnified.

The matter is really red.

Business does not tolerate cold.

He doesn't like jokes.

For skilled hands - work everywhere!

A good deed praises itself.

A good tailor sews with plenty.

A carpenter with an ax is thinking.

If you don't know how to dance, don't say that your heels are crooked.

He takes on everything, but not everything succeeds.

Taking on all the things means doing nothing.

Handle every task skillfully.

No matter how you cover it with varnish, a marriage will remain a marriage.

As is the spinner, so is the shirt she wears.

Wedge fellow carpenter.

When you manage to get down to business, the snow will catch fire, but if you fail, the oil will not catch fire.

Know how to make rough things smooth, and bitter things sweet.

A beautiful word is silver, and a good deed is gold.

A crooked wheel cannot be corrected with a brand.

Cutting is not sewing: you can’t tear it apart afterwards.

He who undertakes everything succeeds in nothing.

Those who do not know how to draw must grind paints.

He who knows how to sew with gold will not go to hit with a hammer.

Curl your curls, but don’t forget about the matter.

Love your work and you will become a master.

You cannot be born a master; you have to learn mastery.

You don’t carry mastery behind your back, but goodness comes with it.

Craftsmanship is held in high esteem everywhere.

Don't go out on the water without oars.

Trust by eye, but check with a plumb line.

There is a worm at one end and a fool at the other.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

It’s not that she’s good because she has black eyebrows, but that she does her job well.

Don't tell me what you studied, but show what you learned.

Not a pot pleaser, but a cook.

Do not marvel at the man, but at his deeds.

It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

It is not the hammer that forges iron, but the blacksmith.

Don’t ask the blacksmith for coals (either he doesn’t have it, or you need it yourself).

The craft does not ask for bread - it feeds itself.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.

Don't teach by idleness, teach by handicraft.

You can't be a jack of all trades.

Gain intelligence from a scientist, and skill from a master.

Put off idleness, but don’t put off business.

You can't cut bread with your finger.

The first pancake is always lumpy.

We wrote, we didn’t walk.

The carpenter thinks with an axe.

Tailor it according to plan, sew it to taste.

A tailor without a caftan, a shoemaker without boots, and a carpenter without doors.

They won't say anything bad about our yarn.

Only Tonya feeds the fisherman.

Shoemaker without shoes.

A holy place is never empty.

Today he sews boots, tomorrow he bakes pies.

Ingenuity will help in any matter.

Patience gives skill.

The ax puts on, the ax puts on shoes.

Every business has its limits.

Those who have a lot of things ahead do not look back.

At the blacksmith's - what he knocks, he gets a hryvnia.

The blacksmith's hand is light: if only his neck was strong.

The blacksmith's hands are black, but the bread is white.

A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

A good sawyer has a sharp saw.

Coal is like gold: it shines and is valuable.

A jack of all trades, he knows no pains at all.

Know how to do things, know how to have fun.

Know how to work, know how to select assistants.

The skill will find application everywhere.

You can see a good grip master.

A good deed lives for two centuries.

Good iron does not rust.

What you don’t like in someone else, don’t do it yourself.

What you know, what you can do, you carry on your shoulders.

To learn to swim, you need to get into the water.

A mine is to a miner what the sky is to a bird.

If you don't sew, you won't become a tailor.

All proverbs and sayings:

As is the master, so is the work.

Out of boredom at all trades.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

The master's work is afraid.

It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

Everyone is a master in his own way.

Every work of the master is praised.

Every master takes on training, but not every master completes the training.

Business teaches business.

Without pincers, a blacksmith is like without hands.

Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor.

He takes on everything, but not everything succeeds.

Where there is will, there is ability.

The craft does not ask to drink or eat, but feeds itself.

It's not hard to do, but it's hard to come up with.

You can't go wrong with the craft.

If you didn’t know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer!

A good cook praises himself.

Who cares what, but the blacksmith cares about the anvil.

The master is stupid - the knife is dull.

Craft is the golden breadwinner.

The hammer does not forge iron, hunger forges the blacksmith.

The worker gets half a ruble, the foreman a ruble.

Don’t teach by idleness, but teach by handicraft!

Practice makes perfect.

Even a good eater will become a good eater without a spoon.

I am not trained, and you are not a cutter.

From the same flour, but not just from the hands.

And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.

By seed and fruit.

The craft does not hang over your shoulders (that is, it does not weigh you down).

The crane flies for a long time, but does not cause calluses.

You don't get promoted to cutters for cutting hair.

As is Ustinya, such is her botvinya.

Altyn for the worker, half a ruble for the contractor.

The sharper the ax, the quicker the matter.

The skill will find application everywhere.

Good work lives for two centuries.

Proverbs occupy important place in the culture of any people in the world. Having originated in ancient times, they always carried wisdom and centuries-old experience. These linguistic turns, rhythmic and laconic, filled deep meaning, accompany us throughout our lives. What do proverbs teach? Let's try to get to the bottom of the truth. Proverbs are a genre of folklore that reflects a spiritual state ordinary people from the people, carrying the knowledge they have accumulated. They are formatted in short sentences.

Proverbs have:

  • Rhythmic coloring.
  • Beautiful sound.
  • An apt expression of thought.
  • Teaching, guidance and humor.

The essence of proverbs is to convey the experience gained to future generations. Therefore, developing intellectually and spiritually, the people changed their sayings. Proverbs were improved, new words were added to them, carrying a completely different semantic load. Many of them are borrowed from works: Russian folk tales, Bibles, fables, ballads, tales and epics. Interestingly, the first proverbs appeared long before our era. They were common in Israel, Egypt, Greece and the Roman Empire. Ancient philosopher Aristotle became the first person who managed to classify and summarize them in one publication.

Proverbs teach us not to be lazy, but on the contrary, to try to achieve maximum results in our profession. Because only productive work is the key material well-being and prosperity. Proverbs about work convey to us centuries-old wisdom: any task, even menial work, must be respected. Regardless of what a person does, he deserves praise and recognition, unless, of course, this activity is immoral, does not harm society and does not have a criminal connotation. Other people's work should be appreciated. And when you take on work, don’t rush. Because only diligence, diligence and attention help to make something truly useful and beautiful, of high quality and durable.

Measure seven times and cut once.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

You will become lazy, you will drag your money around.

Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Sleeping long means living with debt.

Time for business is time for fun.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

Business teaches, and torments, and feeds.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Sweet food will not come lying down.

You never know what you can do till you try.

The first pancake is always lumpy.

If you are afraid, don’t do it; if you do, don’t be afraid.

It's never too late to learn.

Whoever gets up early, God bless him.

Who does not work shall not eat.

He who works well has something to boast about.

The work with half a shoulder is hard: if you substitute both, it will be easier to do.

On a strong branch - a sharp ax.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

A zealous horse does not live long.

There would be a hunt, but there is still a lot of work ahead.

What you store is what you chew.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove!

What's in the lazy man's yard is also on his table (nothing).

God sent work, but the devil took away the hunt.

Work on your teeth, but laziness on your tongue.

Work until you sweat, so eat when you want.

White hands love other people's works.

The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

Looking at someone else's work, you won't get enough.

Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.

To do it somehow, it won’t happen.

Patience and a little effort.

He doesn't like jokes. Don't joke with the matter!

Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until lunch!

You can't cut down a tree in one go.

The lazy spinner doesn’t even have a shirt.

Shoemaker without shoes!

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

Drones are good at trickery.

I saw and forgot, I heard and forgot, I did and remembered.

Those who lie down a lot have pain in their sides.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Without labor there is no good.

Whatever we work for, we will eat.

It’s better to go quietly and forward than quickly and then back.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Lying on the floors, you won’t see a slice (or bread).

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Not all chefs have long knives.

Don't say "hop" until you've jumped over.

Don't say what you did, but say what you did.

Before you start, think, but when you start, do.

Don't ask the old, ask the experienced.

He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business.

Don’t shake the apple while it’s green: when it’s ripe, it will fall on its own.

It is not the bread that follows the belly, but the belly that follows the bread.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream.

You can't expect a good breed from a bad seed.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

While the iron is in use, rust will not take it.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired.

He who knows what gets his bread.

You can easily hammer a nail into a stone.

Seven things cannot be handled by one person.

Seven times measure cut once.

A hurried person does the same thing twice.

He did nothing, who did not start anything.

Idleness is the mother of vices.

A bad craftsman has a bad saw.

As is the builder, so is the monastery!

Skill and labor will grind everything down.

A zealous mouse will chew through the board.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Without good work there is no fruit.

Even a horse has no luck through force.

A horse with a hesitation and a man with a hesitation will not overstrain themselves.

I love Sivka for his custom: he grunts and is lucky.

They don’t carry mastery behind their shoulders.

Without messing things up, you won't be a master.

It's not a bad craft if you know how to make an oar.

The work in the hands of the worker is on fire.

Work for the hands, holiday for the soul.

Work more boldly, you will live more fun.

Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow.

Work harder and you will be remembered longer.

Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.

Being lazy and taking a walk does not bring any good.

He who is lazy is not valued.

Lazy people are too lazy to be lazy.

Lazy Fedorka always has excuses.

Whoever wants, can.

One bee does not produce much honey.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

A skilled craftswoman can spin even on a donkey's leg. (Arabic proverbs about work)
No matter how great the work, don’t give up: once you start doing it, you’ll do it. (Mongolian proverbs about work)
When a person is hardworking, then the earth is not lazy. (Chinese proverbs about work)
Whoever made the lock will make the key. (Ossetian proverbs about work)
Everything that you put effort into becomes easy. (Tajik proverbs about work)
It’s better to think for a day than to work in vain for a whole week. (Tajik proverbs about work)
Metal is on fire, man is learned through work. (Tajik proverbs about work)
Don't be afraid if people don't invite; be afraid if the skill is imperfect. (Chinese proverbs about work)
There is no work without rest; know how to do it - know how to have fun. (pers. proverbs about work)
Slow work indicates a skilled craftsman. (Chinese proverbs about work)
One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. (Tajik proverbs about work)
One man digs a well, a thousand people drink the water. (Chinese proverbs about work)

Your answer or comment:

Olga Prikhodina
Lesson “All professions are important”

All professions are important.

Purpose of the lesson: enrich children's knowledge about various professions; instill a love of work and the desire to grow useful to your state; develop horizons and thinking; cultivate interest in various professions and respect for working people.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher. Hello guys! Today our lesson is dedicated to a variety of professions.

What professions do you know? (children's answers).

What professions do your parents have?

Let's remember the parts of the economy and name the professions that are associated with them.

The teacher names the branch of the economy, and the children name the professions that are associated with it:

Industry. (steelmaker, metallurgist, weaver, blacksmith, roller).

Agriculture. (milkmaid, calf raiser, field farmer, agronomist, livestock specialist, combine operator, beekeeper).

Transport. (driver, chauffeur, cashier, controller).

Construction. (bricklayer, molarist, welder, excavator operator).

Trade. (salesperson, cashier).

You can play the game “Say the Word.” The teacher reads the beginning of the sentence, and the children must finish it: Drives the tractor (tractor driver,

Electric train-….(driver,

Painted the walls....(painter,

Planed the board...(carpenter,

The light was installed in the house .... (fitter,

Works in the mine....(miner,

In a hot forge... (blacksmith,

Who knows everything - WELL DONE!

The teacher shows pictures depicting professions.

Look at the illustrations. Write a story about “Who would you like to be?”

In your story, answer the question: “What do I know about this profession?”

Several stories from students are heard.

Can you name the most important profession? (no, because any profession is important).

All professions are needed, all professions are important!

Game "Finish the proverb."

Proverbs and sayings:









Guess what professions are being talked about in proverbs and sayings:

1. Strike while the iron is hot. (blacksmith).

2. To eat a fish, you need to get into the water. (fisherman).

3. It is not the needle that sews, but the hands. (tailor, seamstress).

4. Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut. (a carpenter).

5. Don't put the collar on the tail, don't start things from the end. (groom).

6. The cow is black, but her milk is white. (milkmaid).

7. The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying. (lumberjack).

8. Chickens are counted in the fall. (bird bird).

9. Go hunting - feed the dogs. (hunter).

10. He who is not lazy to plow will produce bread. (plowman, grain grower).

Different professions.

Which ones can you name?

The train is driven (driver).

Plowing in the field (tractor driver).

The plane is flown by (the pilot).

Glues books (binder).

(The teacher) teaches us at school.

Builds buildings (builder).

The painter paints the walls for us.

The tables are made by a carpenter.

The (singer) sings songs to us.

Busy with trade (seller).

He weaves fabrics on a loom... (weaver).

A doctor cures diseases.

The medicine will be given to us by (the pharmacist).

The bread will be baked in the bakery (baker).

(the artist) will draw for us.

He will sew boots... (shoemaker).

He will put down our stove for the winter (the stove maker).

The conductor will serve us on the train.

Will put out the fire in an instant (firefighter).

He works in the Far North (polar explorer).

Will translate from another language (translator).

Fix the faucet (plumber).

The watchmaker is repairing the watch.

Loads with a crane….(crane operator).

(Fisherman) catches fish.

Serves at sea... (sailor).

The car carries cargo (the driver).

Bread is removed (combine operator).

The light was installed in the house (by a fitter).

A miner works in a mine.

In a hot forge (blacksmith).

Who knows everything - well done!

Teacher: “A game for attention.”

Funny company,

Double your attention!

Rhyme used to help,

And now she has become insidious.

Don't rush, my friend.

Don't get hooked!

All black, like a rook,

(chimney sweep) is climbing from our roof.

Rolls for us and rolls

The bakers bake every day.

Cooks porridge and broth

Kind, fat (cook).

Arius, opera composer

Called (composer).

Factories have three shifts

(Workers) are standing at the machines.

They talk about paired sounds

At school you and I (teachers).

I've planted it hundreds of times

In the city garden (gardener).

Trains a lion cub and dogs

Our brave, brave (tamer).

Who grazes the cows and sheep?

Well, of course (shepherd).

In the English class you can hear people speaking

A new topic is given to the children (teacher).

Enters the classroom for first-graders

Only the fearless (teacher).

Sweeps the yard clean

At six in the morning, of course (janitor).

A knight and a rook move across the squares -

The (chess player) is preparing his winning move.

Folds, pockets and smooth edging -

The dress was made beautifully by the tailor.

Under the circus big top on a dangerous flight

The brave and strong (gymnast) set off.

Plant new seedlings in the spruce forest

Set off again in the morning (forester).

Teacher. You know very well that every person on earth must work, since it is impossible to live without work. Labor has been and will be the basis of life on earth. To become good specialist, a person must know and be able to do a lot.

Today you are for school desk. Studying is also work and it’s not easy. Will pass school years. You will become an adult and you will be faced with a serious question: “Who should you be?” You are dreaming a lot now, and we adults must help you choose a profession for life and not make a mistake in your choice.

Each profession is good in its own way. Italian writer Giani Rodari claims that every profession even has a smell.

What does craft smell like?

Everyone has something to do

Special smell:

The bakery smells

Dough and baking.

Past the carpentry The medicine is pleasant.

Smells like shavings

And a fresh board.

Smells like a painter

Turpentine and paint,

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Smells like gasoline.

Worker's blouse -

Machine oil.

Smells like a pastry chef


Doctor in a robe-

Pleasant medicine.

loose earth,

Field and meadow

Smells like a peasant

Walking behind the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only a slacker

Doesn't smell like anything.

Riddles about professions.

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to be treated;

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (Doctor, doctor).

Love nature, respect the elderly. (Teacher).

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook).

We must fight fire with fire -

We are brave workers

We are partners with water,

Everyone really needs us,

So who are we? (Firemen).

Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he... (Artist).

Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron;

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted. (Painter).


1. In a snow-white cap,

Dirty in flour

Bakes buns

And he gives it to the kids.

Salesperson or pharmacist?

No, of course it's... (baker).

2. Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron.

He has a bucket in his hands,

He himself is colorfully painted (painter).

3. Who in days of illness

More useful than anyone else

And heals us

From all diseases? (doctor).

4. He will direct the glass eye,

Click once

And remembers you (photographer).

Love nature

Respect (respect) old people.

6. Last time I was a teacher,

The day after tomorrow - driver.

He must know a lot

Because he (an artist).

7. In the hot shop

In a blast furnace

He cooks steel

But this is not cabbage soup! (steelworker).

8. We get up very early,

After all, our concern is

Take everyone

In the mornings to work (driver).

9. And Nata asked quietly:

“Is it bad to be...

Who sews the boys' pants?

Well, of course, not a pilot.” (dressmaker)

7. Steelmaker. 8. Driver. 9. Dressmaker.

Keyword: Professions.

Teacher. There are countless wonderful professions in the world,

Card index

proverbs, sayings, riddles

Topic “Professions”, “Tools”

Senior preschool age

Theme "Professions"

Riddles about the artist

Riddles about the teacher

Riddles about sailors

Riddles about the pilot

Riddles about the cook

Riddles about doctors

Proverbs and sayings about the profession

Where there are many doctors, there are many illnesses

A healthy person does not need a doctor

Every doctor uses a sleep poultice

The doctor heals his pocket

The cook is full of spirit

The cook lives better than the prince

Trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies

There's a worm at one end and a fool at the other

It's not the gods who burn the pots

If you don't know how to sew with gold, hit with a hammer

We wrote, we didn’t walk

The craft doesn’t hang behind you

One Tonya feeds the fisherman

Shoemaker without shoes

A holy place is never empty

Proverbs and sayings about work

Put potatoes in okroshka, and put love into action.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

The land is black, and White bread will give birth.

A hurried person does the same thing twice.

Without labor there is no fruit.

The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

More action - less words.

It's scary for the eyes, but your hands will do it.

You won't get bread by self-indulgence.

Not all chefs have long knives.

You can easily hammer a nail into a stone.

Whatever the soul lies to, the hands will put their hands to.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

Whoever gets up earlier will collect mushrooms,

And the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.

It's always a holiday for the lazy.

He who does not work is not mistaken.

Stock does not spoil a person.

Down and Out trouble started.

It’s not a wonder to start a thing; it’s a wonder to finish.

The bee is small, but it works.

If you cut down a tree, plant two.

Skill and labor will grind everything down.

White hands love other people's works.

Seven times measure cut once.

No matter how much you talk, you won’t get enough of the conversation.

As is the master, so is the work.

There is no warrior alone in the field.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Without action, strength weakens.

Life is given for good deeds.

The master's work is afraid.

One bee will not produce enough honey.

The bee is small, and it works.

Such are the works, such are the fruits.

It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to.

If you have patience, you will have skill.

Poems about professions

Who will I be

I want to become a doctor. Dental.

And smile at all the sick.

Don't move, my dear,

Here's your baby tooth!

And I want to be a salesman.

But behind the counter, don't be rude.

Come forward, grandma,

And this boy will wait.

I want to be a hairdresser;

I'll cut off the girls' braids

And I'll give them a haircut

Under a teddy bear!

I also want to become a dog,

To crawl under the bed,

And look for slippers in the dark,

And bring it to dad in his teeth!


Hello children!

Do you like sweets?

I bake cakes -

All kinds.

I'm very proud myself

That I can bake a cake.

He's bigger than a door

Believe me.

If you have enough strength,

Take the pitchforks and eat,

While it's fresh!


I sell books

Come on over, kids!

Who needs a primer,

Who needs a dictionary?

Songs, jokes, riddles,

Pens, pencils, notebooks,

Brushes, paints,

Fairy tales,

New pictures!..

Who wants to study

Let him knock on my door!


Pilot knows his stuff
An airplane is flying in the sky.
He flies over the earth boldly,
Taking a flight.


Give it to the cook products:
Poultry meat, dried fruits,
Rice, potatoes... And then
Delicious food awaits you


Here's what I thought:

It would be nice to become a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

The children are in pain - we will cry,

Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment,

Mom will call the doctor.

And to the stray cat

What if it’s suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He is a stray - he is no one's!


Dad sits down in front of the mirror:

I need to get my hair cut and shave!

The old master can do everything:

He's been cutting and shaving for forty years.

It's from a small closet

I quickly took out the scissors,

I wrapped my dad in a sheet,

He took the comb and stood behind the chair,

He clicked the scissors loudly,

Once another waved his comb,

From the back of the head to the temples

Cut off a lot of hairs

I combed the middle parting.

The soap hissed in the cup,

To make the razor shave cleaner,

The bottle snorted cheerfully

With the inscription "Cologne".

Let's be sailors

We guys love the sea.

Over the seas and over the waves

We go on combat patrol -

“Today here - and tomorrow there!”

Go on a hike, go on a hike!

The sea calls for the brave.

The sea calls for the brave -

We will go to serve in the navy!

Captain will strictly order -

Give the cars full speed!

Hello blue road!

Our ship is sailing.

Peak cap and vest,

And on the ribbons there are anchors,

There is a large buckle on the belt -

The sailor was not given in vain!

Go on a hike, go on a hike!

The sea calls for the brave.

The sea calls for the brave -

We will go to serve in the navy!


In the depths of salty waters

He made hundreds of works:

He lifted the load from the bottom,

He was looking for pirate treasure.

Saved a boat from a shark

He carried gas along the bottom.

He took photographs for a book,

What all the boys read.

And he took care of it in earnest

A moment, a second and a minute,

After all, I hesitated - and now

Oxygen is running out.

Diver he is Mishkin’s grandfather.

There is his portrait on the wall.

We are ready hundreds of times

Listen to grandpa's story

(I. Ageeva)


Fisherman is a marine profession.
He must be resilient.
He knows the means of fishing
And I'm familiar with navigation.

(O. Poveshchenko)


We love pancakes with jam

Pies with apples

Delicious birthday cake

Made from crumbly flour.

But I want to reveal a secret:

You won't see any pies,

If suddenly there are combine harvesters in the field

The bread will not be removed.

At dawn, it's just starting to brown

Ray of dawn poplars,

The combine operator will stand at the helm

And quickly to the fields.

He looks like a captain

But the ship is led by the steppe.

He argues with the wave stubbornly,

Only with a golden wave.

Beware, quail,

And a grasshopper and a groundhog.

The prickly one is already lying down,

Smooth, thread-like windrow.

And the wheat flows, flows

Golden river...

And cars in a line

They are bringing bread for you and me.

Here the mountains gathered him -

So, let's eat some buns.

And for this the combine operator

We say “thank you”!

My father is a reindeer herder

My father is a reindeer herder!
On a clear autumn day
He will find it even from a distance
He owns his reindeer.
Knows many signs
Whistle or word
On the path he will find a trace
Any leader.
If a deer hits the ground
sharp horns,
So it will be a blizzard day,
Snow is just around the corner.
If he snorts by chance,
Will turn to the ravine,
So, see you in the morning
There's a team on the way.
And the running of the sleigh will disperse
All your sorrows -
Because we are friends
We met on the tundra!


He's a molder
He's a grinder
Plasterer and tiler,
He's a miner
And the diver
And a climber installer.
Who is he?
Tell me briefly.
Surely, -

(V. Pakhomov)


(Poetic ABC of professions by Irina Tokmakova)

I was on the river on Chernilnaya
The city is small, dusty,
From time immemorial
His name was Bukvarinsky.
There, without knowing adversity,
There lived a very nice people:
And hardworking.

A - pharmacist

B – cooper,

B – fuller,

G – potter,

D - a hefty crusher,

E - corporal, he is a military man,

AND - a simpleton tinsmith,

Z - old man cutter,

AND - bearded historian,

TO - a dapper dyer,

L - tinker,

M - painter,

N - porter,

O - shepherd,

P - writer,

R - radio operator,

S - shoemaker,

T – tourist,

U - fearless tamer,

F - eccentric amateur photographer,

X – battle painter,

C - famous dulcimer player,

H - a wonderful watchmaker,

Sh - driver, great joker,

SCH - his puppy Bouquet,

E – electrician-power engineer,

Yu is a lawyer,

It's me, my friends!

(I. Tokmakova)

Theme "Tools"

Riddles about tools.

The horse is steel, does not ask for oats, but plows and mows (tractor).
A black horse runs, dragging a lot behind it (locomotive).
It flies - it buzzes, but when it lands, it becomes silent (the plane).
Bent in an arc, in the summer in the meadow, in the winter on a hook (scythe).
They have teeth, but do not bite (rakes).
Born in the forest, but runs the house (broom).
Steel horse, linen tail (needle and thread).
Two slender sisters in the hands of a craftswoman
We dived into loops all day
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka (knitting needles).
I don't need oats to give you a ride. Feed me gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves, And then, kicking up dust, it will run... (car).
What a miracle the yellow house is! There are a lot of kids in it! Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline (bus).
Where they build new house, a warrior walks with a shield.
Where it passes, it will become smooth, There will be a new site (bulldozer).
A thin-legged creature dances in a woolen clearing,
A stitch (sewing machine) crawls out from under a steel shoe.
I walk next to the janitor, shoveling snow around
And I help the guys make a mountain, build a house (shovel).
I am higher than the house and easily with one hand
I’m lifting a huge load, Who do you think I am? (crane).
With my nose I chop and stab, And with the back of my hardened head I knock and pound (with an ax).
This eye is a special eye, it will quickly look at you,
And the most accurate portrait of you (camera) will be born.

I'm a one-eared old woman, I'm jumping on the canvas
And I pull a long thread from my ear like a cobweb. (Needle)

She got down to business, squealed and sang.
She ate, ate, oak, oak, broke a tooth, tooth. (Saw)

He himself is as thin as his head. When I went to work, everyone heard it. (Hammer)

They hit Yermilka on the back of the head, he doesn’t cry, he just hides his nose. (Nail)

The gardener with the long nose lives.
Wherever your nose shakes, water will flow. (Watering can)

They have teeth, but don’t know toothache (Rake)

A new boat is sailing along a wooden river,
its pine smoke curls into ringlets. (Plane)

Born in the forest, but runs the house. (Broom)

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. (Scissors)

Uncle Nikon's bald spot is all worn out. (Thimble)

Proverbs, sayings about tools and tools.

A sharp ax and an oak tree

You can’t cut a stone with a sharp ax, you can only trample it with an axe.

A carpenter without an ax is a hut without a corner.

The carpenter thinks with an axe.

It is not the fur coat that keeps the carpenter warm, but the axe.

A tailor without pants, a shoemaker without boots, and a carpenter without doors.

With wings - flight, with business - honor.

Seven households have one axe, and even that one without an axe.

The more nails, the stronger.

It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

The knife is dull, and the owner is stingy.

The scissors are sharp, but the fingers are dull.

The scissors are straight, but the hands are crooked.

Conscience with a hammer: it taps and listens.

Murder will out.

You can't heat the sea with an awl.

Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor.

Hit with a hammer - you won’t live by hunger.

Every work of the master is praised.

He himself is silent, but his hands are loud.

Mastery is given to those who devote themselves entirely to the work.

He who has dexterity works deftly.

Whoever is first in work, to him glory is everywhere.

Time for business, time for fun.

Poems about tools

Together with dad

Dad gave me a hammer
And he said: "Come on, son,
Let's build a fence together
Let's tidy up the yard.
I will saw, plan,
You are the one who nails the planks."
Together we got down to business,
And the work began to boil.
N. Kovaleva


I'm spinning next to my dad.
I know I’ll be useful to dad.
Dad nags - I stand.
He whines - I sing.
Nailing - I look, Gvozdik
I keep it thin.
V. Levanovsky

Watering can

I have a watering can. Oh, what a watering can!
Have you seen my new watering can?
How the moon shines... If it's dry,
I will fill it and water the flowers.
Leika-well done - Lei-ka, lei-ka,
Don't skimp on the water! - If it's very hot,
I don’t mind water: Drink, Carrot,
Turnip, drink, tomato and
Leeks and green cucumber!..
- Hey Leika, well done!
V. Lanzetti


In winter at the shovel. There was no matter
She became rusty from sadness.
Vegetable garden in spring
She began to dig and began to shine again.
R. Seph

You can't find a better deal
No hammer for me
Life would not be sweet.
Without plane and saw
The days would become unpleasant.
So we would climb in the morning
Boredom and yawning
Without pincers, without an axe,
No rotation.
It's good that it's in the workshop
Everything you need is at hand.
Plan, amuse -
Drill, stab -
You couldn't find a better deal!
A. Shibaev


A knock is heard near the barn -
The grandson hammers nails.
To become a master,
He's been trying since the morning.
Missed - hit your finger!
The sufferer wants to cry.
But what's the use of crying?
What if they hide the hammer?
N. Gorodetskaya


Zoom-zoom-zoom, the saw squeals,
She's always busy.
The hammer knocks: - Knock, knock, -
He is a friend to skilled hands.
And the plane: - Whack-Whack-Whack,-
Doesn't stop talking for a moment.
Good grandfather Vano
Been on my feet for a long time.
Sings: - Deli-deeds,
I can't sit idle!
N. Shamanadze


Knock, knock, hammer,
Hammer the nails into your heels.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock,
And in the outsole, And in the heel.
V. Livshits


Embroiders, sews a needle,
My finger hurts
It hurts my finger.
And the thimble at the same moment
On the girl's finger
Says to the needle:
- Shay,
Don’t you dare inject yourself!
M. Kulskaya

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