How to take a brownie to a new home? How to get a Brownie in a new apartment or house.

Since ancient times, it was believed that spirits lived in houses, helping the household and guarding the home. They were called brownies.

Brownies were neutral spirits. Why not kind? Because, despite all the help to people, and there was a lot of it, the brownies had their own character and could dislike the owners, and they were hunters to play around with. For example, if the owner did not like the brownie, he would sit on his chest and begin to put pressure, but when the person woke up, at first he could not even move. And he only asked the brownie: “For better or worse,” expecting to hear a hoarse “yes” or “no” in response.

However, now this condition has long been called sleep paralysis, and this means that you just woke up faster than your body.

Other pranks of the brownie are not so easy to explain by science. On a windless day, he can calmly slam the door if he doesn’t like something. Al things to hide. The brownies even pinched some owners in their sleep until they bruised.

To appease the brownie, you had to put something sweet, like a cupcake or cheesecake, on a saucer and place it in the corner. Just be sure to say: “This is for you, brownie father.” Other beliefs say that brownies love milk and cream, and some don’t disdain vodka!

The kind brownie always braided the housewife's hair in her sleep so that her hair would grow beautiful and long, helped old things last longer, and discreetly added them to the owner or hostess. the right thing under your arm. Who would want to part with such an assistant? But it just happens that you need to move, but you don’t really want to live without a brownie in a new place. For this, people have come up with many special rituals.

For one of them you will need: a scarf and a small pebble. You need to spread a scarf on the floor, put a pebble on it and ask the brownie to go with you, and then tie the scarf tightly, untying it only in a new place.

If this method is not to your taste, then well, there is another one! It is similar to the previous one, only instead of a scarf you need a strong canvas bag, and instead of a pebble, a coal or an awl - as a symbol of a new home. The night before moving, put something tasty for the brownie in his usual place, say, “Go with me to new house, Father Brownie, you are the owner of the house, without you I won’t be happy there,” and in the morning tie the bag and take it to a new home.

By the way, so that your relationship with the brownie in the new place is good, place pickles, sweets, and various drinks on the table. Remember carefully how much you put in and go to sleep with friends or family at night. When you return in the morning, look around, if there is less of something, then the brownie asks to feed it. By the way, you can’t eat the leftovers of the feast yourself; it’s better to feed them to birds or animals.

Whether there are brownies or not is, in essence, not for us to decide. For those who believe in them, they exist. For those who don't believe in them, they usually don't exist. Sometimes something suddenly happens that makes a person believe in a spirit, brownie or other force, but if you grew up as an inveterate skeptic, you can write off even a saucer flying near your nose as hallucinations, and not as a poltergeist gone wild.

And for those who believe in brownies, it will be extremely important to take the “owner of the house” to a new home. And here the bag, scarf and everything else will not help unless you sincerely ask him to keep you company. Good word it is pleasant for the brownie too.

Our ancestors believed in the power of the home and believed that the true owner of the room is the brownie, who protects the family from harm and the household from damage. When changing your place of residence, you don’t want to lose the protection of your home. Therefore, you need to remember how to pick up a brownie when moving to new apartment so as not to part with your former way of life. To do this, you just need to correctly call the old man with you, and he will follow you to another home.

Description of the creature

Each dwelling has its own soul, be it an apartment or a house, everywhere there are invisible inhabitants who help or harm, it all depends on the behavior and morals of a person. Since ancient times, it has been customary that a brownie is a small creature of human build, whose face resembles the face of its owner, its body can be covered with thick hair or be smooth. According to some reports, the creature has its own family, consisting of a wife and children.

Brownies are the guardians of the home, but he is interested not only in housing, but also in the people living in it. The brownie will protect those who are neat and love cleanliness, sometimes allowing themselves small pranks, and will punish and frighten drunkards and lazy people.

A good brownie can save a house from a fire or warn of an upcoming incident by giving a certain sign. Having hidden the keys from the owner, do not let him go outside, but such behavior can also mean ordinary pranks of the brownie. If you cannot find a lost item in the house for a long time, then you need to say out loud the words:

“Play and give it back.”

Of all the rooms, brownies love the kitchen most; their habitat can be:

  • behind the stove, it’s warm and cozy;
  • next to the broom, therefore both the cleaning attribute itself and the place where it is kept must be clean.

The existence of a brownie in the house was considered good sign, from ancient times they were cajoled with all sorts of delicacies. In the first days of the month, each housewife put out a bowl of goodies, knowing that the brownie would come to feast on it. The offering was in the form of a jar of milk with a crust of bread, but porridge and pie could also be presented. Sometimes the house elf doesn't even mind drinking a glass of wine, but only once.

Preparing to move

Everyone should know how to pick up a brownie when moving to a new apartment and spend a housewarming party with the old household routine. The main thing that should be taken into account when moving to another apartment is its previous owners, how they lived, what they did, then you can hope that your brownie will get along with the owner of the new place, otherwise there is no point in taking the creature with you.

You can pick up a brownie when moving only with his consent. If you do not receive approval and, without asking the creature, forcibly take it away, expect trouble. It is best to ask him on the eve of moving to a new monastery whether he wants to be with you or will keep the old hearth; for this you will need to call the brownie for a conversation.

  1. A couple of days before the ritual, you should appease the old housekeeper - this could be a piece of candy placed on the windowsill or a saucer of milk overnight.
  2. The conversation should be conducted during the day, preferably alone and in complete silence.
  3. Cover the table with a tablecloth and place all sorts of goodies: sweets, buns, milk.
  4. Turning your back to the table, you need to say:

“Father Brownie, come and feast and talk.”

When you hear a rustling behind you, do not be alarmed and do not turn around, so as not to scare the brownie. Contact him with a request to talk, if he agrees, he will touch right hand, and does not want to talk to the left, so they ask about readiness to move to another apartment.

Correct move

With a properly planned move, your brownie will rush with you to a new home. It is generally accepted that the most suitable days for moving to a new home are Monday and Saturday. Before leaving for a new habitat, you should clean your previous housing:

  • general cleaning is carried out, it is necessary to remove every corner, even the smallest cobweb;
  • be sure to heat the stove or oven;
  • the windows are washed and opened wide;
  • All flowers are watered before moving.

The cleaning of the monastery is carried out with good thoughts, doing everything for the benefit of the next owners, then you will be lucky in the new place. If you have pets, they must be fed before moving to a new apartment. To please the brownie, you must first prepare a new home:

  • be sure to check the cleanliness, clean the new abode yourself, pay special attention to the new stove or stove, it must be clean;
  • in a corner of the kitchen, make a small house made of straw, into which the brownie will move in;
  • put on the windowsill fresh bread and garlic, which the creature will really like.

Transportation of the brownie

It is necessary to pick up a brownie wisely. Most The best way- take a huge cardboard box. Spaciousness and cleanliness are the main criteria for selecting a box. Place soft things in the container: pillows, blankets or towels, put candies on the very top, which will attract the keeper. The box is the last to be taken out of the house, when everything is collected and taken out, it is left for some time in an empty house so that the house-elf decides his future fate.

Instead of a huge box, they use small boxes carved from wood. You can put a couple of sweets in the box and before leaving say:

“Brownie, brownie, I call you with me. If you want to come with me, get in here and get some treats.”

Return for the box the next day, if it is untouched - the house elf does not want to go with you, and if the candies are eaten, close the box and take it with you.

Using Pets

Pets simplify the task of moving a brownie to a new home. The creature living in your house loves animals very much and becomes attached to them; cats are especially revered. If you are a loving owner, the brownie will follow you.

In order for the keeper to know information about the new home and quickly prepare for the move, it is necessary to take your animal with you when visiting the new apartment. The energy of the new home will remain in the animal’s memory and will be transferred to the brownie.

Immediately before moving, you need to feed the cat milk and put out 2 saucers with treats so that the animal and the owner of the house eat their fill. When you open the door of your new house, first let the cat in, let him look around for about 5 minutes, and then follow him in. The place chosen by the cat will be the new home for the brownie, where you can put a box of sweets in which he will live.

Attracting a house elf to a new home

The easiest way to lure a brownie to a new place of residence is a ritual using house slippers. You need to throw your slipper under the wardrobe or sofa, so that it is out of reach; the second slipper is taken to a new habitat with the words:

“Brownie, come with me, to where the second slipper is.”

There is a ritual for picking up a house elf:

  • Spread a small light-colored towel at the threshold;
  • sit on your knees and bow with the words of a request to the brownie: you must ask not to leave your family and follow you;
  • fold the towel 4 times and take it to your new place of residence;
  • put it on the doorstep and say:

“Welcome to you, master, let peace and goodness come to your home.”

When cleaning, you should collect garbage from the corners of the old home and put it in a white cloth. Tell the brownie that his treasures have been collected, and in the new place place the bundle in the corner, putting a white crust of bread on it. If at night you hear a rustling sound coming from the corner, do not be afraid - it’s a brownie who has come.

Transporting a brownie from home

Moving to a new home is a mysterious ritual that embraces the traditions and superstitions of the people. When leaving the old house, one should take out bread and salt with the words:

“Brownie, brownie, try the bread and salt. Come to the new house with me."

The stove in the house belongs to the brownie, he lives there, therefore, in order to move it to a new home, you need to remove the coal from the stove with a shovel and put it in the stove of the new home. It is quite simple to use the method of transferring it in a bag into which an awl or coals from the oven were placed.


The brownie is the soul of the house: if kindness, coherence, and love reign within the family, then the owner of the home is calm and polite. The brownies do not respect slobs and slobs, they scare, throw things over, and make noise. It has long been the custom that when moving to a new house, you should ask your brownie to follow the family in order to maintain order and peace between spouses and their children.

How to pick up a brownie when moving? This question is asked by everyone who does not want to part with the brownie to which they have long been accustomed. Find It can sometimes be quite difficult with the new owner of the premises, so if there is an opportunity to take with you the peaceful grandfather to whom you are already accustomed, then you should not disdain this chance.

You should know that each room has its own owner - the brownie. If you take the old brownie with you and bring him to a new place where the owner will already be, then they may not get along together. Therefore, it is advisable to bring a brownie with you only when the premises do not have their own owner.

Remember that before picking up a brownie, you must first ask him if he wants to be transported to another place. If you take the owner of the house without his knowledge or desire, he will refuse to cooperate with you.

Therefore, before you begin these rituals, you should call the brownie and talk to him. If he agrees to follow you to a new room, then only then can you carry out a ritual with which you can move the brownie.

Remember that the best time to move is on Mondays and Saturdays. These days are favorable for moving the brownie to a new premises.

Before you leave an old house or apartment, you need to wash it well. If there is a stove in the house, then it needs to be lit. If you live in an apartment, then it is better to turn on the oven for a while.

These manipulations must be carried out, since you should clear the room of your energy. If you leave the premises and leave it in poor condition, then various troubles and illnesses will fall on the new owners. Be sure to feed your pets well before leaving.

Upon arrival at your new home (if you want to bring a brownie there), be sure to make him a small house. To do this, you need to bring a small bundle of straw and place it in the farthest and most secluded corner. It is also important to wash your new apartment well beforehand.

For a brownie to want to come with you, there must be something in the house symbolizing fire. For example: stove, bread, nettle, a little garlic. If possible, bring a swallow's nest to the new room. The new owner will like this environment.

It is important to choose the right transport on which you will transport the owner of the house. Typically a large box is used for this. But it is important that it is not only roomy, but also beautiful.

Both you and the brownie should like her. You can put soft things in the box. These could be pillows, soft terry towels, soft fabric, some sweets or bread. This will attract the attention of the brownie.

When you have already packed up and removed all your things from the apartment, you should place the box in the middle empty apartment. Leave the room for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the brownie will have time to get ready and decide whether he needs to move to a new room.

Instead of a box, you can also use a beautiful box made of wood. It should not be metal or marble. Before you leave the apartment and let the brownie make his decision, you need to say:

Grandfather, grandfather, I’m taking you with me. I'm moving to a new place. If you want to be with me, then get in here. I'll show you your new home. You will be the master there."

The task has been greatly simplified for those who have pets at home. The brownie loves them very much, so if the animal was treated well in the house, then he will love the residents. The brownie is especially good with cats.

If you have a cat, then before leaving you need to feed him well, and put 2 saucers filled with milk. One for the cat, and the other for the owner of the house. This way you will appease the brownie. Be sure to take your cat with you to your new apartment.

Even when you go to inspect the property you are going to buy for the first time, take this animal with you. Upon returning to the house, the cat will convey information about the new place to the brownie.

If the cat feels that he will feel good in his new home, then the brownie will also be sure of this. Be sure, when you finally move and take your brownie with you, the first thing you do is not go into the new premises yourself. Start the cat first.

If the animal immediately finds itself appropriate place, then a brownie can be placed in this place. After this, place the box with the new resident you brought on the threshold and, closing the door, leave the room for half an hour. The box must first be opened with the words:

,Here is your new home. Welcome!"

During this time, the brownie will have time to get out of his vehicle, look around and find a suitable place for himself. You can also (before opening the box) place a small saucer of milk at the entrance. This way you will appease the new owner of the house.

The box should remain open all night. There should also be treats for the brownie in the kitchen throughout the night.

There are many simple ways, using which you can attract a brownie and move him to a new apartment.

1. The easiest way to do this is to put it in the front door box in which soft items will be folded, and then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Your brownie will definitely climb into this box and go with you. And some beliefs convince us that to move with your brownie, it’s enough to grab a broom from your old apartment.

One way or another, after arrival you need to let the brownie in. Place the same box at the entrance and open it. Then pour milk into a saucer and place it on the floor. The brownie will certainly go and feast on your caring hands, especially since he could get hungry on the road.

2. Take old couple shoes(preferably these should be slippers. You can replace them with bast shoes). Place one slipper under a cabinet or any other heavy furniture.

Standing on the threshold of the apartment, ask the brownie to follow you, come to where the second slipper is. And put the other half of the couple with your things and take them with you to your new place of residence. The brownie will definitely follow you.

In order for the owner of the house to follow you, place the slipper you took with you on the threshold of your new apartment and whisper:

,Grandfather, grandfather, follow me. We will live richly and happily."

3. There is another way attracting a brownie to a new apartment. To do this, you need to place a towel in the old house before leaving.

Kneel in front of him and from the bottom of your heart ask the owner of the house to follow you, then fold the used attributes several times. At your new place of residence, again lay out a towel at the doorstep and say:

“Happy housewarming to you, master!”

Even before moving, you can collect all the garbage that is located in the corners of the apartment. It needs to be poured onto a large white piece of fabric. Wrap up the package and ask the brownie to follow his treasure.

Bring the finished package to your new place of residence and place it in a secluded corner. You need to put a few pieces of bread on the brownie's treasures. The brownie will not be able to refuse your request.

If you have a good relationship with the owner of the house, then moving it will not be difficult. He will willingly follow those whom he likes, who do not offend him and who honor him. Don’t forget to regularly feed your brownie with sweets and milk, and then he will become a faithful assistant and guardian of your family hearth.

Some rituals when moving to a new apartment.

As we have already found out, moving from one place to another is not an easy, responsible matter. Don’t forget anything, carefully pack everything, transport it safely and, finally, place it in its place - this is just a dry summary of the sequence of actions, and how many labor-intensive processes are behind these words... And yet, most people still find time for one more action, we usually call these rituals.

At the same time, some rituals when moving to a new apartment are not without meaning, while others cause bewilderment and slight shock - there is no clear answer on how to approach this. Out of pure curiosity, you can walk through several of them, at least to smile, and maybe become interested.

Moving to a new apartment conventionally includes three stages:

*actions at the old place (collecting things, loading);
*actions in a new place (unloading, arranging things).

In this chronological order, we will consider some rituals when moving.

One of the interesting rituals is advice from the teachings of Feng Shui, to which Lately everyone listens more people. You are invited to bake a loaf, pie, cake or something like that from the dough according to the recipe of your choice. The only condition is that the shape of your baked goods should resemble a house. It is recommended to eat it immediately before moving, thereby you carry with you the very essence of the house where you lived.

Another moving ritual is more mystical. In a vessel, preferably made of glass or ceramics, you carry salt around the old house, mentally imagining how it absorbs all the energy of your life in this house, all emotions, negative and positive. Let the salt sit in a dark place for a while, imagining during this how your old house is being cleansed of everything that was. At sunset in a deserted place, you should bury this salt and leave without looking back. After this, you need to wash your hands.

As for rituals in a new place, the most favorite of them is housewarming. It is useful and pleasant in all respects - a housewarming party will help you get to know your future neighbors and psychologically adapt to a new place. It is not surprising that this ritual not only caught on, but also became mandatory.

It is also recommended that upon arrival at your new place of residence, you announce your presence by taking several consecutive steps. You need to open the windows in all rooms, turn on the lights in each of them, and drain a certain amount of water. This ritual is useful because at the same time you will check the serviceability of all instruments and devices.

The list of rituals that have one thing in common can be continued ad infinitum general property- all of them are designed to attract prosperity to your new home and preserve as much as possible the good things that were in your old home. You just need to remember that only you yourself can do this better than rituals.

Moving to a new apartment: interesting signs.

An important sign when moving, especially if you are moving into an apartment after the old owners, is to get rid of the accumulated negative energy. To do this, it is very important to do this immediately after moving general cleaning, thoroughly washing the floors and wiping off dust in all places.

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house you can hang a horseshoe above the front door; this should be done with the horns facing down. This sign is associated with happiness and prosperity reigning in the new apartment or house.

But in the old days, bunches of St. John's wort were hung in houses to protect against evil forces and evil spirits - this is the so-called amulet.

The sign that when moving you should let the cat into the house first will help your new home become hospitable. That's why they say that the cat should come in on its own, you just need to put it at the door.

In general, there are a lot of signs and even superstitions associated with a cat. Some take a closer look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she has chosen. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, a bed is placed. But this is not always correct, because the bed is located according to the principles of Feng Shui for the bedroom and according to other signs.

Well, what should you do if your cat falls asleep in the kitchen or bathroom? Of course you won't sleep there!

What things to unpack first when moving.

So, the car with all the goods you have acquired drove into the yard of your new home. But it’s too early to relax. You will have to unload and arrange things, and this will determine how successful the move to your new apartment will be. We hope that you have prudently numbered your boxes of things, and the most prudent ones have also written a list of all things on the box for convenience. Then the final stage of the move will not raise any questions and will not take much time. All you have to do is decide which items to unpack first.

First of all, you need to unload from the car all items that will interfere with the removal of furniture. These can be fragile chandeliers, a TV, indoor plants, etc. - all of this can be temporarily placed on the ground or on a bench near the house. Now you can remove and deliver the furniture to your home. As furniture is brought in, it should be immediately unpacked and inspected for damage in transit. This will be easy if you have the inspection report drawn up at the time of preparation. It is recommended to assemble the furniture, if required, and arrange it with the help of movers immediately to where it will be located in the future. It is better to plan this in advance and include it in your moving plan. If you did without a plan, just keep this information in your head and monitor each arrival of movers with furniture, giving them instructions for arranging items.

If necessary, you can walk with a damp cloth along the outer surface of the furniture and wipe the shelves in the cabinets.

After the initial arrangement of furniture and unpacking things from boxes, it’s time to get rid of the now unnecessary packaging in the form of countless boxes and heaps of packaging material. As soon as the maximum space has been freed up, it would be a good idea to wipe the floors. However, this must be done after installing curtain rods, installing blinds or hanging curtains on the windows.

The question of which things to unpack first has already lost its relevance, and it is the turn of those things that are lonely awaiting their fate on the street. Bring in the TV, plants, vacuum cleaner, bedside tables, ottomans, chairs, in general, everything that is left. When the last thing is included, and the entire list of things is ticked off on your act, all that remains is to look at everything again with the owner’s eye and sign the act of completing the work with peace of mind in order to let the movers go and remain in the circle of your family.

The more organized you are in arranging furniture and laying out things, not forgetting to remove trash in the form of packaging material, the sooner you can drink tea in your new home environment after moving to a new apartment and congratulate yourself on its successful completion.

The brownie lives in almost every home. Most often it can be found where several generations of a family have lived. It is not easy to detect his presence, but if the brownie is not satisfied with something, he will definitely show his dissatisfaction.

The brownie is a mystical entity that has been protecting people’s homes from time immemorial. It is able to protect against many misfortunes: fires, scandals, theft, ill-wishers. However, if the family begins to disrespect their home and creates a mess, the brownie may get angry, and then you will know for sure that he lives with you.

Signs of the presence of a brownie

1. Loud noise. Sometimes at night the brownie can express himself by rearranging the dishes in the kitchen, slamming doors, and loudly stomping. He usually gets angry when housewives stop carefully maintaining order. In this case, the brownie becomes mischievous, hides things, thereby calling for cleaning.

2. Pets. The most common pets, cats and dogs, always see and hear more than people. If you notice that your dog sometimes looks warily into the corner, begins to wag its tail and tries to play as if with itself, most likely it sees a brownie. Cats may also suddenly freeze and then begin to purr, arching their backs as if being stroked by an invisible hand. However, if animals show anxiety, whine, hiss, or hide under furniture, perhaps there is not a brownie in your house at all, but evil spirit. In this case, it is necessary to clean the house or apartment. Walk through all the rooms, sprinkling the space with holy water, put a little salt in each corner, and then walk with a lit candle.

3. Loss of sweets and small items. We often forget that the brownie also feels our mood and is ready to help us in difficult times. Left without a treat, he may steal a few candies, the wrappers of which will periodically catch your eye in the most unexpected places. He can also shift keys, scissors and other objects out of spite. Pour milk into a small cup, put porridge with butter in a saucer and place it in a corner. Ask the housekeeper for forgiveness for your inattention and ask him to guard your house with the same strength. Also ask for missing items to be returned in exchange, for example, for jelly beans.

4. Sleep. Brownies who love their home and owners often help them. For example, in a dream they can tell you a solution to a problem, indicate who in your close circle is hostile. In rare cases, the brownie indicates the place where the treasure is hidden. This is how he shows respect, thanks for your care, but most often it is gratitude for the fact that when you moved, you did not forget about him and offered to go to a new home.

5. Security. We often feel a state of anxiety, but when we return home, we notice that our fears have evaporated somewhere. A feeling of peace, warmth and comfort appears. And at night we are not tormented by nightmares, we easily fall asleep and wake up cheerful and rested. This is also an indirect sign of the presence of a brownie in the house, caring about your safety and peace of mind.

6. Warning. Sometimes it happens that in the middle of the night we suddenly wake up with strong feeling anxiety, and in a dream we feel as if something has fallen on us and is pressing. This is how the brownie warns of impending danger. He can also make a loud noise, slam the door, or press the front doorbell. In this case, you should take care of your safety and prevent gas, water or fire leaks by rechecking everything important places in the house.

7. Guests. Often before someone drops by to visit you without warning, you have a premonition of it. This may be intuition, but most often the brownie warns about all uninvited guests in advance. A quiet knock or a ringing telephone warns of people with good intentions. A feeling of anxiety, a suddenly broken glass and worried pets signal that ill-wishers want to visit your home.

8. Children. If there are children in the house, pay close attention to them while playing. Brownies with special attention and treat younger family members with respect, play with them and protect them. You can often notice that a child sets up an extra utensil for a puppet tea party, laughs loudly, and tells something into the void. Young mothers often notice that a child who suddenly screams in his sleep becomes silent, his blanket is adjusted, and the cradle rocks quietly.

9. Feelings. When moving to a new home, you should carefully listen to your feelings, especially if someone lived in the house before you. Often, owners leave their apartments and houses without taking the spirit with them. In this case, the brownie is unlikely to treat you kindly. His trust must be earned. If you feel anxious, leave the little spirit a treat and offer friendship. As a gift, you can give him a piece of fabric, old clothes, hay, or a shoe. If this a private house, then the brownie will definitely choose a secluded corner where he will settle down with great comfort. In apartments it is more difficult for a brownie because of the small space, but even here he can find a place under the bathroom, on the mezzanine or in an old suitcase. If, after time, your life has improved, you feel calm and peaceful, it means that the brownie has accepted you as the new owners and is ready to serve. If the feeling of anxiety grows, things disappear in the house, scandals become more frequent, it is worth thinking about driving away the evil spirit.

10. Appearance. In rare cases, the brownie reveals himself. If a small gray or smoky kitten insists on asking at your door, let him in. Brownies are often embodied in these animals. It also happens that the brownie warns about something so significant that it dares to appear in front of us. It could be a small blurry silhouette, a cat, a gray-haired old man. It is important at this moment to concentrate and ask what news your home protector has brought. If you feel warm, happy news awaits you; cold, chills, trembling or a feeling of danger - expect trouble.

If you discover the presence of a brownie in your home, try to make friends with it. This little helper can improve your life, help you and protect you from any evil. However, if it is aggressive and haunts you, perform a ritual to expel the entity, because it may turn out that it is not a brownie, but an evil spirit. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

To prevent the “owner” from getting angry, you must adhere to some rules:

  • do not swear, do not utter swear words, do not keep negative thoughts in your head;
  • don't be lazy;
  • no smoking;
  • maintain cleanliness;
  • offer sweets to the brownie.

  • Before appeasing a brownie in an apartment or house, it is recommended to talk to him, ask for forgiveness, tell him about your affairs, and ask for advice. These creatures love communication and will hear the resident, even if he communicates with them mentally.

    All brownies love to be treated to cookies, sweets or sugar. You can put the sweets in a separate saucer, pour a glass of warm milk and put them in a secluded place, with words inviting the brownie to try the treat.

    Brownies love to play like little children. If you put multi-colored beads, candy wrappers, small toys in a box and put this “wealth” somewhere higher (for example, on a closet), the brownie will be incredibly happy.

    These invisible creatures love money. If you take a five-ruble coin and offer it, putting it, for example, behind a battery, the “owner” will definitely thank you.

    Many people think about how to appease a brownie in a private house after moving. Our ancestors tried to take brownies from their old homes to new ones. To do this, you don’t need to do anything, just call them with you in any words. The keeper of the hearth will be glad of such attention and will gladly go to a new place. And happiness and peace after the housewarming will be ensured for many years.

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