First person: Philosopher. What is the role of a philosopher in the modern world? Who is a philosopher and what does he do? Ancient philosophers

The philosopher awakens within each person individually, as K. Jaspers noted. Therefore, as you know, you can be a shoemaker or glazier and go down in the history of philosophy under the names of Jacob Boehme or Benedict Spinoza.

Who is a philosopher - an intellectual who reads texts or a peasant who knows the basics?

The philosopher awakens within each person individually, as K. Jaspers noted. Therefore, as you know, you can be a shoemaker or glazier and go down in the history of philosophy under the names of Jacob Boehme or Benedict Spinoza. You can graduate from the philosophy department of the most prestigious university and still not become a philosopher, but still receive a specialty as a teacher of philosophy. This example does not mean that in order to become a philosopher, one must fundamentally abandon the study of philosophy. Latest installation often gives rise to so-called popular philosophizing. Hegel characterized it this way, designating it as the “royal path” in the study of philosophy. To do this, you must, first of all, not read any philosophical books in full, but only look at the table of contents and a couple of reviews, then in any salon, the thinker noted, you will be able to speak as a philosopher. Thus, to answer your question, a philosopher should and is obliged to read a lot of texts, if only in order not to reinvent wheels. But at the same time, he must be able, first of all, to think philosophically, and this is an internal state. Common mistake when turning to a philosopher they hope that he will explain everything, but it is the philosopher who to a greater extent can sow not so much knowledge as ignorance as the knowledge that we, in principle, cannot know absolutely anything. I simply expanded here on Socrates’ well-known statement “I only know that I know nothing.” A philosopher, like no one else, understands the substantive limitations (objectivity) of the knowledge acquired, for a scientist looks at the world through the prism of substantive glasses. A biologist sees, for example, in a person a set of certain biochemical processes, a physicist can interpret a person through physical parameters, a sociologist considers a person as an element social system performing certain functions. But none of them speaks about man as such, about his essence. Philosophy seeks to reveal the essence of the object being studied, of course, relying on positive knowledge about the world, but not limiting itself to this. For man, as a cognizing subject, not only knows the world, but also experiences it, being at the same time a part of this world.

What is the role of a philosopher in the modern world?

On the one hand, a philosopher is a keeper of the traditions of a particular culture, developing the basis for a system of values. On the other hand, philosophy “constructs the worlds of the future” (V.S. Stepin), thereby questioning what exists in the present, and in this incarnation the philosopher can act as a destroyer of values. Hence this difficult attitude philosophy and power. When the government is satisfied with a philosophical system, it supports philosophers in every possible way, but when philosophers criticize it, it condemns them quite harshly, since the time of Socrates. And sometimes, as happened in the history of our university, the authorities even close philosophy faculties, relying on the well-known resolution that the Minister of Education, Prince Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, presented to the Tsar: “The benefits of philosophy are doubtful, but the harm is obvious.” Indeed, philosophy may not bring immediate benefit, because it initially acts as disinterested knowledge, but how difficult it would be for us to live if around us there were only what is useful. Philosophy poses ultimate questions about being and man, which we sometimes refer to as eternal questions. And no matter how positive knowledge about the world is developed, there always remains a layer of metaphysical problems that the philosopher talks about.

Who is a philosopher in society - a prophet or a black sheep?

The famous philosopher Zenkovsky traced the origins of Russian philosophy to the holy fools who put on a mask of madness to convey the truth to power. And this could save him from reprisals. I don’t think that the task of philosophy is prophecies, for this in ancient Greece you would be directed to the oracle, the philosopher only offers solutions, including certain scenarios for the development of events. Therefore, for the average person waiting for the result, this is certainly identified with the concept “ White crow" The average person always expects simple answers and goes to the philosopher for a recipe, and in return he may receive an even greater expansion of the sphere of ignorance. This is exactly how Aristophanes mocked Socrates in his comedy, creating the image of a philosopher who asks stupid questions like: “Does a mosquito squeak with its larynx or its ass? How many feet of flea feet can fleas jump?”

How is a philosopher born - out of a calling or following his choice?

Any calling must be accompanied by a choice, otherwise it will not be realized.

To what layers of reality does philosophical reflection extend?

Philosophy, in a metaphysical version that is close to me, explores the ultimate foundations of being, of which man himself is a part. In science, the phenomenon under study is objectified and the volume of knowledge is constantly expanding, striving for an ever more accurate reflection of nature. That is why here the latest scientific theory will most adequately reflect the world. In philosophy the situation is different. Philosophy acts as a special semantic space, the boundaries of which are those very ultimate questions about the essence of truth, about the understanding and criteria of beauty, about being, etc. But the answers within this philosophical space can be very different, including the opposite. Therefore, the development of philosophy does not occur in a vectorial manner from the past to the future, and Plato may turn out to be more relevant than a modern philosopher when solving a particular problem. And this ensures a dialogue within philosophy, including with those ideas that were put forward many centuries ago.

What is the competence of a philosopher - does he change the world or does he change himself in the world?

The word competence does not apply well to a philosopher, as, for example, to an artist or poet. Who is more competent Rembrandt or Raphael? The philosopher, like the artist, in a certain sense creates unique creations. That is why philosophy should not be taught in the same way as the study of ordinary disciplines, as, unfortunately, this happens, because in philosophy, questioning can be much more valuable than answering.

How erudite must a person pretend to be a philosopher be?

“Much knowledge does not teach intelligence,” the ancients said, and Hegel generally opposed erudition in philosophy. Erudition, he used to say, is based on a lot of unnecessary knowledge. This is knowledge for the sake of knowledge. A person who wins quizzes and solves crossword puzzles, that is, apparently possesses a large body of knowledge, can be absolutely stupid. True, this does not mean that a philosopher should, in principle, know nothing. Kant called this method of philosophizing, based on fundamental ignorance, “misology.” In this case, philosophizing is very simple. You just need to make your thoughts as incomprehensible as possible more people, and ideally, probably, incomprehensible for dialogue between oneself and the mirror (but this is already a case from psychiatry). Unfortunately, this pseudo-complexity is very popular. And people don’t understand that talking difficult is much easier than talking simply about difficult things, which, it seems to me, is what philosophy should do.

Who, besides the philosopher himself, needs the knowledge obtained by philosophy?

The one who sees benefit in such knowledge, including benefit for himself, that is, disinterested benefit.

And, accordingly, who pays the philosopher? And for what?

If you mean teaching activities, then it is for it that, in our case, the state pays. But this is not directly related to philosophy. Of course, in the history of human culture there have been cases when a philosopher was paid, so to speak, for providing consulting services. And it must be said that philosophers often strive for such a position. My opinion is that a philosopher should be distanced from power. As H. Arendt ironically noted in her letters to Heidegger, that nevertheless philosophers, starting with Plato and Aristotle, and Heidegger himself, strive to lean against some tyrant. The logic of such a rapprochement is clear. This is an attempt to implement some of my ideas practically. But, as a rule, this ends disastrously for the philosophers themselves and very rarely contributes to the implementation of their ideas, but rather acts as a means of justifying those subjects to whom they lean.

Is it a profession - a philosopher - or is it a whole bunch of professions? What niches are there for graduates to exist in?

Philosopher is not a profession. It is a calling and even a way of life. And the profession acquired at the faculty is called “philosophy teacher.” However, if at the same time at least someone becomes familiar with philosophy not in the scholastic sense, as I. Kant put it, but in its world-historical meaning as a science that determines the goals of the human mind, then this is a great success.

Is the practice of political technology a form of vulgarization of philosophical knowledge?

Polytechnology has nothing to do with philosophy. This is a certain set, in this case, of actions that allow achieving the corresponding results. Unlike philosophy, it has nothing to do with the truth or essence of an object, including something as complex as politics. This is why the recipes of polytechnologists work so well in a stable society and instantly lose their effectiveness in an unstable situation.

What tasks does a philosophy teacher at a university set for himself?

To introduce a person to that knowledge and, most importantly, to the ability to reflect on the complex ultimate questions of existence that has been accumulated by humanity, to teach the student to be able to ask philosophical questions or, in other words, to philosophize.

Questions asked by Elmira Davydova

A philosopher can also be called a person who belongs to a certain philosophical school, shares its ideas or lives in accordance with these ideas, that is, implementing philosophy as a way of life (for example, Diogenes). According to Kant, the main meaning of philosophy is its humanistic recognition, notes Prof. Oizerman - A philosopher is a person animated by an uncompromising consciousness of his absolute responsibility to himself and thereby to all humanity.

Plato compares philosophers with fighters. That, however, in the East, one must understand, there is “Combat”, where “the art of martial arts is the art of cunning, the art of cunning is the art of advantage.”

The term "philosopher" (φιλόσοφος) is older than the term "philosophy", and was originally used to mean educated person at all. According to Diogenes Laertius: Philosophy is philosophy, and Pythagoras first began to call himself a philosopher when he argued with Leontes, the tyrant of Sikyon or Phliunt; sage but, according to him, Maybe be only God, not a person. For it would be premature to call philosophy “wisdom,” and the one who practices it “sage,” as if he had already sharpened his spirit to the limit; and a philosopher ["philosopher"] is simply one who is attracted to wisdom. Leontes' question, Who He such, Pythagoras replied: « Philosopher», What does “lover-wise” mean? Life, he said, similar games: some come to compete, others to trade, and the happiest come to watch; so in life, others, like slaves, are born greedy for fame and profit, philosophers - for only the truth. However, the first author in whom the word “philosopher” appears is Heraclitus: - Male philosophers should know a lot - this is a “researcher of the nature of things.”

In explanatory dictionaries:

Ushakova: PHILOSOPHER, husband. 1. Scientist, specialist in philosophy; A person engaged in developing worldview issues, a thinker. “Anyone can be a philosopher... who was born with the habit of thinking and looking for a beginning and an end in everything.”Maksim Gorky. 2. A person who has a calm and reasonable attitude towards all the hardships of life (colloquial). 3. In the old days - a student of theological seminary in the class of philosophy.

PHILOSOPHER- (philosophos - friend of wisdom) every person engaged in research. Later, the word “philosopher” began to be understood as a type of person striving for final, comprehensive clarity and...

Philosopher , from: Phil; Sofa - philosophos lover of wisdom). Dictionary of personal names. Philosopher “Lyubomudr” July 13 (May 31).

PHILOSOPHER 1. in ancient times, a person who knew how to create a theory of life wisdom for himself and lived guided by it. 2. studying philosophy or putting it into practice. 3. a scientist who leads a quiet, solitary life. 4) person... Dictionary foreign words philosopher- thinker, sage, wise man, cultural philosopher, wise man; Zeno, Kant, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Spinoza, Schelling, Descartes, Schopenhauer, Bacon, Democritus, Hume, Galileo, Leibniz, Menippus, Locke, Chrysippus, Epicurus, Heraclitus,… Synonym dictionary

philosopher— PHILOSOPHER 1. A person who studies philosophy. This Philosopher of the silent sect. You won’t be able to get a single word out of Nevo; he apparently swore not to speak until death. 1783. Chulkov Historical Dictionary Gallicisms

philosopher- wise man... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms

PHILOSOPHER, husband. 1. A specialist in philosophy, as well as the creator of what n. philosophical system. 2. A person who has a reasonable, judicious and calm attitude towards all the phenomena of life, towards its adversities (colloquial). Dictionary Ozhegova

Philosopher— This term has other meanings. For Rodin’s sculpture, see The Thinker (sculpture) ... Wikipedia

philosopher- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? philosopher, anyone? philosopher, (see) whom? philosopher, by whom? philosopher, about whom? about the philosopher; pl. Who? philosophers, (no) whom? philosophers, anyone? philosophers, (see) whom? philosophers, by whom? philosophers, about whom? O … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Philosophy(boyar. wisdom, prisons Czech-ass) is intellectual Eros, that is, love (eros or philia, which is almost the same) for wisdom (sophia). " No one who makes quackery their profession can have an accurate and clear mind.” Voltaire. About knowledge, Socrates: “I know that I know nothing, but many do not know this either.” For this reason, the oracle of the Delphic temple called Apollo a sage, and the epistemologists talk nonsense and never worry

" Philosopher- this is the most notorious swindler, cynic and hypocrite, a container of the incontainable, possessing intention or appropriating his own thinking, his feelings and concepts, and also, if possible, appropriating the ideas and expressions of another person, as well as his things, work and thinking for the purpose of manipulation with the help of coercion, coercion, coercion and violence. A living philosopher acting in the flesh is Proteus or Baldanders, a chameleon and a jellyfish, putting on all the vices human existence, walking ahead and dragging its reism (identifying properties and things) behind events. A masculine noun that suffers from all the fits and changes of natural and social landscapes, but is able to express its maxims in written language.

Philosopher- this is not a position, not a title, and not even a nickname, like a merchant - not busy with anything, doing nothing. For the slaves gave humanity free time - people turned away from Chronos Odiosus - the insane, all-consuming god who did not react to anything, and discovered Kairos - the time of creativity, the elusive moment of luck, the god of the happy moment. Free time allowed a person to “declare a profession” or occupation as his business, for example, a speaker - a master oral speech orphilosopher- able to write down his thoughts, create a thesaurus (treasury of the possible and actual). With the advent of a means of displaying information human activity turned into an arena of struggle (Plato's philosopher became a fighter) for the unification and division of labor - property. With the complication of the forms and content of human aspirations, this certainphilosopherbecame a “rule-maker” and could establish or obey everyday principles. It was not without his participation that the “Digests of Gentlemen” were written - eupatrides of luck - “three-headed professions”: sailor - warrior - merchant. It must be assumed that philosophers have become intermediaries - restitutes, appealing or calling for the return of certain values, but under the weight of circumstances they give up their abilities - prostitutes, and as economic and psychological relationships between subject and object they became easements. Perhaps the so-called “philosophical law” arose, which immediately became an exchange commodity and acquired estate or class status.

Philosopher- this is a player of the marginal exchange with all the character and content of his service between Apollo and Dionysus, between sleep and drunkenness, dreaming and intoxication, rushing from Parmenides with Heraclitus to Hegel and Nietzsche. And his philosophy is a leper colony with all the “black holes of Calcutta” and “black holes of Cosmology”, and at the same time it is the persistence and strategy of “fullness-emptiness” in the space of dialectical contradictions and the gravitational field of invariant terms.

Philosopher- this is modern virtuality and no longer in the field of social science, but in the field of robotics, which was originally meant by humanization, and not marginalization, engineering art - systems engineering - technology - “combat humanism” - the unity of “man and technology”. The absolute unity of the endless development of the world packed into Number -| A|= ∑W N." Uddalaka.

Among all the humanities, philosophy is called the most insidious. After all, it is she who gives humanity such complex, but also important questions as: “What is existence?”, “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why do we live in this world?” Hundreds of volumes have been written about each of these topics, their authors trying to find the answer...

But more often than not, they became even more confused when searching for the truth. Among the numerous philosophers who have made their mark in history, 10 of the most important can be identified. After all, it was they who laid the foundations for future thought processes that other scientists were already struggling with.

Parmenides (520-450 BC). This ancient Greek philosopher lived even before Socrates. Like many other thinkers of that era, he was distinguished by incomprehensibility and even a certain madness. Parmenides became the founder of an entire philosophical school in Elea. His poem “On Nature” has reached us. In it, the philosopher discusses issues of knowledge and existence. Parmenides reasoned that there is only an eternal and unchanging Being, which is identified with thinking. According to his logic, it is impossible to think about non-existence, which means it does not exist. After all, the idea “there is something that is not” is contradictory. Parmenides' main student is Zeno of Elea, but the philosopher's works also influenced Plato and Melissus.

Aristotle (384-322 BC). Along with Aristotle's pillars ancient philosophy Plato and Socrates are also considered to be. But it was this man who was also distinguished by his educational activities. Aristotle's school gave him a great impetus in the development of the creativity of numerous students. Today scientists cannot even figure out which works exactly belong to the great thinker. Aristotle became the first scientist who was able to create a versatile philosophical system. Later it will form the basis of many modern sciences. It was this philosopher who created formal logic. And his views on physical basis the universe has changed noticeably further development human thinking. The central teaching of Aristotle was the doctrine of the first causes - matter, form, cause and purpose. This scientist laid down the concepts of space and time. Aristotle paid a lot of attention to the theory of the state. It is no coincidence that his most successful student, Alexander the Great, achieved so much.

Marcus Aurelius (121-180). This man went down in history not only as a Roman emperor, but also as an outstanding humanist philosopher of his era. Under the influence of another philosopher, his teacher Maximus Claudius, Marcus Aurelius created 12 books in Greek, united under the general title “Discourses about Oneself.” Meditations was written for inner world philosophers. There, the emperor spoke about the beliefs of the Stoic philosophers, but did not accept all of their ideas. Stoicism was an important phenomenon for the Greeks and Romans, because it determined not only the rules of patience, but also showed the path to happiness. Marcus Aurelius believed that all people, through their spirit, participate in an ideological community that has no limitations. The works of this philosopher are still easy to read today, helping to solve some life problems. I wonder what humanistic ideas The philosopher did not at all prevent him from persecuting the first Christians.

Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109). This medieval philosopher did a lot for Catholic theology. He is even considered the father of scholasticism, and famous work Anselm of Canterbury became "Proslogion". In it, with the help of ontological proof, he provided unshakable evidence of the existence of God. The existence of God flowed from his very concept. Anselm came to the conclusion that God is perfection, existing outside of us and outside of this world, surpassing in magnitude everything imaginable. The philosopher’s main statements “faith requiring understanding” and “I believe in order to understand” then became the original mottos of the Augustinian philosophical school. Among Anselm's followers was Thomas Aquinas. The philosopher’s students continued to develop his views on the relationship between faith and reason. For his work for the benefit of the church, Anselm was canonized as a saint in 1494. And in 1720, Pope Clement XI proclaimed the saint a Teacher of the Church.

Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677). Spinoza was born in Jewish family, his ancestors settled in Amsterdam after being expelled from Portugal. In his youth, the philosopher studied the works of the best Jewish minds. But Spinoza began to express orthodox views and became close to sectarians, which led to his excommunication from the Jewish community. After all, his progressive views were in conflict with the inveterate public views. Spinoza fled to The Hague, where he continued to improve. He made his living by grinding lenses and giving private lessons. And in his free time from these ordinary activities, Spinoza wrote his philosophical works. In 1677, the scientist died of tuberculosis, his deep-rooted disease was also aggravated by inhaling lens dust. Only after Spinoza's death his main work, Ethics, was published. The works of the philosopher were synthesized into one scientific ideas Ancient Greece and the Middle Ages, the works of the Stoics, Neoplatonists and Scholastics. Spinoza tried to transfer the influence of Copernicus on science into the spheres of ethics, politics, metaphysics and psychology. Spinoza's metaphysics was based on logic: it is necessary to define terms, formulate axioms, and only then, using logical consequences, derive the remaining provisions.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860). The philosopher's contemporaries remembered him as a little ugly pessimist. He spent most of his life with his mother and cat in his apartment. Nevertheless, this suspicious and ambitious man was able to make his way into the ranks of the most important thinkers, becoming the most prominent representative of irrationalism. The source of Schopenhauer's ideas was Plato, Kant and the ancient Indian treatise Upanishads. The philosopher became one of the first who dared to combine Eastern and Western culture. The difficulty of the synthesis was that the first is irrational, and the second, on the contrary, rational. The philosopher paid a lot of attention to questions of the will of man, his very famous aphorism became the phrase “Will is a thing in itself.” After all, it is she who determines existence, influencing it. Main job The philosopher’s entire life became his “The World as Will and Idea.” Schopenhauer outlined the main ways a decent life- art, moral asceticism and philosophy. In his opinion, it is art that can free the soul from life’s suffering. You must treat others as you treat yourself. Although the philosopher sympathized with Christianity, he remained an atheist.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). This man, despite his relatively short life, was able to achieve a lot in philosophy. The name Nietzsche is commonly associated with fascism. In fact, he was not a nationalist like his sister. The philosopher generally had little interest in life around him. Nietzsche was able to create an original teaching that has nothing to do with an academic character. The scientist’s works cast doubt on generally accepted norms of morality, culture, religion and socio-political relations. What's it worth? famous phrase Nietzsche "God is Dead." The philosopher was able to revive interest in philosophy, exploding the stagnant world with new views. Nietzsche's first work, The Birth of Tragedy, immediately labeled the author a "terrible child" modern philosophy" The scientist tried to understand what morality is. According to his views, one should not think about its truth, one must consider its service to a purpose. Nietzsche's pragmatic approach is also noted in relation to philosophy and culture in general. The philosopher was able to derive a formula for a superman who will not be limited by morality and ethics, standing aside from good and evil.

Roman Ingarden (1893-1970). This Pole was one of the most prominent philosophers of the last century. He was a student of Hans-Georges Gadamer. Ingarden in Lvov survived the fascist occupation, continuing to work on his main work, “The Dispute about the Existence of the World.” In this two-volume book, the philosopher talks about art. The basis of the philosopher’s activity was aesthetics, ontology and epistemology. Ingarden laid the foundations for realistic phenomenology, which is still relevant today. The philosopher also studied literature, cinema, and the theory of knowledge. Ingarden translated into Polish language Philosophical works, including Kant's, taught a lot at universities.

Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). This philosopher is very loved and popular in France. This is the most prominent representative of atheistic existentialism. His positions were close to Marxism. At the same time, Sartre was also a writer, playwright, essayist and teacher. The work of philosophers is based on the concept of freedom. Sartre believed that it is an absolute concept; man is simply condemned to be free. We must shape ourselves, taking responsibility for our actions. Sartre said: “Man is the future of man.” The world around us has no meaning; it is man who changes this through his activities. The philosopher’s work “Being and Nothingness” has become a real Bible for young intellectuals. Nobel Prize in literature, Sartre refused to accept because he did not want to question his independence. Philosopher in his political activity always defended the rights of the disadvantaged and humiliated man. When Sartre died, spend him in last way 50 thousand people gathered. Contemporaries believe that no other Frenchman gave as much to the world as this philosopher.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961). This French philosopher was at one time a like-minded person of Sartre, being a supporter of existentialism and phenomenology. But then he moved away from communist views. Merleau-Ponty outlined his main ideas in his work “Humanism and Terror.” Researchers believe that it contains features akin to fascist ideology. In a collection of his works, the author harshly criticizes supporters of Marxism. The philosopher’s worldview was influenced by Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Freud, and he himself was interested in the ideas of Gestalt psychology. Based on the work of his predecessors and working on the unknown works of Edmund Husserl, Merleau-Ponty was able to create his phenomenology of the body. This doctrine states that the body is neither a pure being nor a natural thing. This is just a turning point between culture and nature, between one's own and someone else's. The body in his understanding is a holistic “I”, which is the subject of thinking, speech and freedom. The original philosophy of this Frenchman forced us to rethink the traditional philosophical topics. It is no coincidence that he is considered one of the main thinkers of the twentieth century.



(from Greek philosophos - friend of wisdom)

initially, e.g. according to Heraclitus, this is the name given to anyone engaged in research. Later, the word “philosopher” came to mean a person striving for final, comprehensive clarity and truth. A philosopher is born as such and is not associated with any special life circumstances; The connections with the world and manner of cognition characteristic of a philosopher appear again and again at all times in all philosophically gifted people. The philosopher differs from the artist in that he seeks the image of truth not in visual symbols and concrete images, but in concepts; What distinguishes him from a religious person is that the philosopher strives to explore the truth not to achieve personal holiness, but in truth itself; he considers things according to their essence. But the philosopher is not actually a scientist, for his views are the results not only of the application of his method and consistency with experience, but also the results of his inherent individual strength of inner conviction (it is assumed that he has one). However, pre-philosophical and non-philosophical forms of attitude towards the world also influence the philosopher, are perceived by him and are used in the search for truth. They talk about poet-philosophers, religious thinkers and scientific schools philosophers. A philosopher in the true sense of the word is always significant. Since philosophizing is posing the question of the final, final meaning that can be given to something given, we have the right to demand from the philosopher the unity of his theory and being; he must implement his philosophy in his life. It is essential for a philosopher to be at some distance from people and events: he needs a certain distance between him and things in order to take in them with his gaze. From this premise of all philosophizing arises the so-called. philosophers from the world.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .



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    Philosopher- Philosopher ♦ Philosophe I don’t remember who exactly - Guitton (***) or Tibon (***) - told this story, which supposedly happened to him. It happened at the beginning of the twentieth century, in a more or less remote village. Young philosophy teacher... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    And husband. Star. ed. Report: Filosofovich, Filosofovna. Derivatives: Phila; Sofa.Origin: (Greek philosophos lover of wisdom, philosopher.)Name day: June 13 Dictionary of personal names. Philosopher “Lubomudr”, lover of wisdom (Greek). June 13 (May 31) –… … Dictionary of personal names

    - (Greek philosophos, this, see philosophy). 1) in ancient times, a person who knew how to create a theory of life wisdom for himself and lived guided by it. 2) studying philosophy or putting it into practice. 3) a scientist leading a quiet, solitary life. 4) person... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    philosopher- PHILOSOPHER, PHILOSOPHER a., m. philosophe m. 1. A person who studies philosophy. BAS 1. [Mamant:] This philosophist of the silent sect. You won’t be able to get a single word out of Nevo; he apparently swore not to speak until death. 1783. Chulkov As you wish... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    PHILOSOPHER, philosopher, husband. 1. Scientist, specialist in philosophy; A person engaged in developing worldview issues, a thinker. “Anyone can be a philosopher... who was born with the habit of thinking and looking for a beginning and an end in everything.” Maksim Gorky. Philosophers... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PHILOSOPHER, huh, husband. 1. A specialist in philosophy, as well as the creator of what n. philosophical system. 2. transfer A person who has a reasonable, judicious and calm attitude towards all the phenomena of life, towards its adversities (colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Philosopher (meanings). The request "Thinker" redirects here; For Rodin's sculpture, see The Thinker (sculpture) ... Wikipedia

There are many definitions of philosophy. The first describes the discipline as a science that studies the fundamental nature of existence, the meaning of life, and the place of man in the world. Second option: the main task of philosophy is the search for truth.

The work of a philosopher is to find answers to the eternal questions of the universe: who we are, what is our purpose.

To better understand the tasks, object and subject of the study of philosophy, let’s plunge into history. Scientists believe that the discipline appeared in Greece at the turn of the 6th-7th century. BC. During this period, humanity was experiencing a rapid technological rise and, as a result, a class appeared in society that did not take part in hard physical labor. Its representatives could devote themselves entirely to spiritual and cultural life.

Development of trade relations between different peoples led to a conflict of worldviews. Religion, spirituality, and the way of life of people began to closely intersect with the first scientific discoveries in medicine, astronomy and other natural sciences. At this moment, philosophy appears, whose representatives set themselves the task of giving rational answers to questions about the essence of being.

The modern functions of the profession of philosopher can be represented as follows:

  • Worldview. Allows a person to critically evaluate himself and other people.
  • Methodological. Without going into fancy definitions, this function can be defined as a certain set of certain norms with the help of which knowledge of reality occurs.
  • Prognostic. The first representatives of science were engaged not only in self-knowledge, they also made predictions for the future. Most of the forecasts were utopian in nature, but some were quite adequate.

Do not miss:

Where do philosophers work?

Philosopher is not exactly a profession, but rather a special way of thinking. It is worth noting that in the XV-XVI centuries educational institution could bear the name “university” only if there was a faculty of philosophy.

Students of modern universities are taught ethics, logic, theory of knowledge, and history. Teachers set themselves the goal of teaching students methods out-of-the-box thinking. The profession of a philosopher provides excellent assistance for achieving success in the most different areas. Among them: journalism, advertising, business.

IN Western countries employers have long understood this. When employed in big business corporation, a specialist diploma in this specialty provides significant advantages. What can an ordinary manager offer? Most likely, standard solutions, while the philosopher finds creative approaches for the development of the company.

You can master the profession of philosopher at the following universities:

  • Voronezh State University;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Faculty of History and Philology of Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Philological Faculty of the Ural state university named after A. M. Gorky;
  • Institute of Philology and Mass Communications of Nizhny Tagil Social and Pedagogical Academy.
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