Alexa's real name from Star Factory. What happened to the participants of the “Star Factory”

Alexa is a singer who has become popular throughout the post-Soviet space. In 2009, she disappeared from the television screen, stopped giving concerts and appearing in public. The artist is engaged in design various decorations, which he presents on his pages in in social networks.

Alexa's personal life is busy. At first she was in a civil marriage with rapper Timati. Then the girl often changed lovers. In 2018, she began dating a famous computer scientist from Ukraine. According to rumors, Alexa is going to marry him soon.

After the start of the “Star Factory” project, many music lovers started talking about the popular performer. Fans began to find out what the singer’s career was like, what her height, weight, and age were. How old is Alexa (singer) is easy to calculate. In 2018, the artist celebrated her 30th birthday. The artist announced the event on her Instagram page.

Alexa (singer), whose photo in her youth and now can be viewed on pages on social networks, has a height of 175 cm. The artist weighs only 51 kg.

The girl considered herself plump, so she struggled with excess weight for a long time. She almost reached the point of anerexia, which only psychiatrists helped to cope with.

Biography and personal life of Alexa (singer)

The biography and personal life of Alexa (singer) from the time the girl appeared in the show program “Star Factory” attracted the attention of a multi-million army of music lovers throughout the post-Soviet space.

On a fine September day, a baby was born in one of the Donetsk maternity hospitals. The girl was named Sasha in honor of her dad, with whom she is still more friendly.

Father - Alexander Chvikov was engaged in business, he produced concrete blocks, which were then used in construction. Sasha's mother led household and developed the creative side of the baby’s character.

Since childhood, the girl sang, danced, played the piano and wrote poetry very well. IN regular school Alexandra felt squeezed, so her parents transferred her to home schooling.

From the age of 10, Sashenka took part in vocal festivals that took place in Donetsk and Ukraine. In addition, Alexa attended a studio for models, where she was taught how to walk and show herself correctly, and stay relaxed in front of the camera.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the singer became famous in home country, releasing the song “Air Kiss”. At the age of 16, a girl sets off to conquer Russian army listeners.

16-year-old Alexandra, as a result of a tough selection, got into the Star Factory - 4. She took the creative pseudonym Alexa for herself.

The young artist amazed the jury and listeners with her talent. She was able to become a finalist in the project, but failed to win. Irina Dubtsova took first place that year.

After participating in the Factory, the artist became incredibly popular. She was happy, believing that her dream was coming true. Alexa becomes producer famous composer Igor Krutoy, who led the 4th star factory.

For several years the star Russian stage actively performed. She often took part in various television projects. But in 2006, Alexa began to conflict with her producer. She believed that royalties from concerts should belong entirely to her. This led to a break in relations with Igor Krutoy.

Then Alexa began to collaborate with others music producers. First it was Yana Rudkovskaya, and then Alexander Seltsov. But the previous success was not achieved. The singer tried to make it to Eurovision, but in the Russian qualifying round she was ahead of Pyotr Nalich, who did not even become a finalist in the project.

In 2011, Alexa disappeared from the television screen completely. She stopped performing and writing songs. The artist began to experiment with her appearance. But this caused a negative reaction from the public. In 2015, the show business star made plastic surgery, returning to its original appearance.

Currently, the artist is traveling and creating jewelry. She recently presented new collection jewelry.

The personal life of the artist was actively discussed immediately after the Factory. She was in a relationship with rapper Timati. But this did not lead to marriage. Then the artist often changed fans. Alexa is currently dating Vlad Tislenko, a computer scientist from Kyiv.

Family and children of Alexa (singer)

Alexa's (singer) family and children are among her priority issues. The singer is currently single and has no children yet. But the show business star dreams of having a daughter or son. She thinks this will happen soon. It’s just enough to find your beloved spouse.

Our heroine's father is engaged in business. He has been supporting his daughter in her creative activities for many years. Alexa loves her dad incredibly and consults him on any matter.

Little is known about the artist’s mother. The woman was doing housework. She developed the creative talent of her only daughter.

Alexa's former common-law husband (singer) - Timati

During her stay at the Star Factory, the young singer fell in love for the first time. She began dating a guy named Timati, who performed rap songs. After the project, the young people began to live together, dreaming of a quick marriage. The only thing that stopped them was the girl's young age.

In 2008, the lovers separated. They declared that they would no longer live together. The girl left for her native Donetsk, where a few months later she got married.

Former common-law husband Alexa (singer) – Timati, according to rumors, took the girl from under the aisle. The lovers began to live together again. But not for long. A year later they broke up, this time forever.

After a short time, Timati got married and became a dad. He is currently actively performing. His work is loved by numerous fans.

Recently, the performer was reported by news agencies due to a quarrel with a colleague. Details of the conflict have not yet been disclosed.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexa (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexa (singer) are often updated with the most reliable information about the popular artist.

Singer Alexa is one of the most prominent representatives of the Russian “Star Factory”. Having taken part in the fourth season of the popular television show, the girl instantly won the hearts of all fans of the project and became one of its most famous “graduates.”

Today Alexa is a self-sufficient singer who is actively working on writing new songs and preparing new tour programs. It is for this reason that our story today is about creative and life path This Ukrainian beauty will certainly be of interest to many people.

The early years, childhood and family of singer Alexa

Alexa, or rather Alexandra Chvikova, was born on the fourth of September 1988 in one of largest cities Ukraine - Donetsk. Her mother was a housewife, and her father Alexander Chvikov headed the successful Donetsk company Energosbytprom, which specialized in the production of wall blocks.

It is worth noting that it was with her father that the girl was always especially close. The successful businessman literally doted on his daughter, and she always reciprocated his feelings. As noted in some sources, Alexa even chose her stage name in honor of her father. Thus, father and daughter always remained closely connected.

Singer Alexa in advertising

At the age of eleven, our today’s heroine began to actively get involved in creativity. She wrote poetry, studied dancing and singing, and also learned to play the piano in one of the music schools Donetsk.

Around the same period, the girl began to appear among the participants in prestigious music competitions in his native Ukraine. She was successful, but, of course, she was still far from real popularity. With the active support of her father, some time later the girl managed to break into the modeling business. She took part in several advertising campaigns, and her face began to appear on billboards.

Alexa's first songs

In 2001, to success in modeling business There were also new successes in the musical field. During this period, the young (or rather, young) singer recorded her first single - the song “Air Kiss”, which very soon began to be heard on many radio stations in Ukraine. Soon, a video clip of the same name filmed for this composition began to be actively broadcast on music channels.

Alexandra Chvikova - Alexa

In the second half of 2001, with the financial support of her father, our today’s heroine began working on recording her debut album, which was also called “Air Kiss”. Alexa's first album was released in Ukraine in 2001, but did not become particularly popular.

Going headlong into creative activity, the girl, however, did not forget about school and, in the end, passed all the exams as an external student. After this, Alexa was able to fully focus on her career.

In the mid-2000s, the girl went to Moscow, where she collaborated with Russian producers. However, very soon a new opportunity loomed on the horizon, and our today’s heroine did not fail to take advantage of it.

Singer Alexa's career, Star Factory

In 2004, Alexandra Chvikova appeared at the casting of the popular project “Star Factory-4” and eventually successfully passed the competitive selection. But getting to this point television show unexpectedly for everyone, it turned out to be a very difficult test for Alexa. Already at the very beginning of the project, the girl began to feel depressed. She began to ask the producers of the TV show to let her go home to Donetsk, but they, after some deliberation, still refused to the sixteen-year-old singer.

Timati feat Alexa - When you're near

The situation began to improve somewhat only after a young girl began an affair with rapper Timati on the project. This relationship allowed the young beauty to find some balance in her soul and find the strength to participate in a television music show.

Ultimately, Alexa reached the finals, performing in two nominations the compositions “Moonpath” (a remake of Alsou’s song) and “Where are you,” which later became her main hit. The participant's ratings before the final were quite high, however, despite being among the finalists, the girl still could not make it to the number of prize-winners.

Despite this unfortunate failure, Alexa entered into a lucrative contract with producer Igor Krutoy, who subsequently for a long time“supervised” the young singer. However, this cooperation also had a downside. In the mid-2000s, riding a wave of success, the girl suddenly disappeared from all television channels. The reason for this is believed to be a conflict between the producer of Channel One (Russia) and the composer Igor Krutoy.

Alexa was able to regain the public’s attention only in 2007, when she, together with her boyfriend Timati, recorded the song “When You’re Near,” which subsequently played on music channels for a long time.

Subsequently, the singer began collaborating with producer Yana Rudkovskaya, but some time later she decided to bind herself to contractual obligations with another manager, Alexander Seltsov. However, her father always remained the main mentor and adviser for the singer. With his support, the girl recorded two albums - “My Vendetta” (2007) and “Imaginary World” (2011), and also released several new music videos.

Alexa currently

In 2009, Alexa appeared among the participants in the qualifying round for the Eurovision Song Contest, but she international festival Still didn't hit it.

In subsequent years, the singer's name appeared in the press more often not in connection with her new musical successes, but solely in the context of changes in her appearance. The girl noticeably enlarged her lips and also had a nose job. IN Lately Alexa rarely performs. Reports began to appear in the press that the girl was suffering from anorexia.

Personal life of singer Alexa

While still at the Star Factory, the girl began an affair with the singer Timati, but after the end of the project, the relationship between the young people quickly went wrong. In 2006, the celebrities finally broke up.

Subsequently, there were reports in the press that Alexa was allegedly dating a young performer Andrei Popov (known under the pseudonym Lil Pop), but very soon news about this novel were actually refuted by new news from personal life singers. This time, photos of Alexa in the company of Kyiv programmer Vlad Tislenko leaked to the network. Today he is considered the singer’s new boyfriend.

Alexa got on "Star Factory-4", when she was only 16. Then all the teenage girls cried in front of the TV to her song "Moon Path". By the way, her fans were no less upset when the relationship and Alexa- the brightest couple in the entire history of the project - did not work out. As is the girl’s musical career. That's why she left for her native Kyiv. But now everything is different for her. Alexa back to Moscow, is going to resume her career, and everything is fine in her personal life - she is dating a handsome businessman named Arthur and seems to be happy. In our interview, she spoke about her relationship with Timati, Igor Krutoy, Yana Rudkovskaya and shared her plans for the future.

About the casting for “Star Factory”

Joseph Davydovich Kobzon advised me to go to “Star Factory” when he heard me sing. The casting was incredibly scary; there were a huge number of people there. I was embarrassed to go in front of the famous jury ( Victor Drobysh, Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Korobko and his wife Marina Leonov a - vocal teachers), I remember walking to the microphone with shaking hands and legs, the camera and light were pointed at me. I'm standing and I'm shaking. I will never forget this state. I'm humming a song Winter dream, and then they interrupt me: “Come to the piano, we’ll take you”. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I realized that I had become a participant in the project. I wasn't ready for this. At that time it was more of my father's initiative. The next day he came into my room, saw my tears, sat down on the bed and said: “Daughter, I give you an hour to think: either you stay in Moscow, realize your dream, or I’m sending you abroad to study.” And without thinking twice, I said that I would stay.

About “Star Factory”

I called "Factory" a dollhouse where we were puppets that they tried to control. There were cameras everywhere, but I was in this at a young age that she didn’t pay attention to anything. I didn’t even have any thoughts that I was being filmed. To fame after "Factories" I was calm and didn’t lose my head. In others, I also didn’t notice star fever, but some developed problems with alcohol, and they could afford to go on stage drunk.

About the “Factory” mode

It was such exploitation! It was difficult: you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t wash your face, there are three or four concerts a day, endless flights, it even happened that we slept on the floor of the plane, almost at people’s feet, we just had to take a horizontal position and somehow rest .

And so on for a year and a half. We ate differently. Sometimes it was good, sometimes we ate fast food, washed down with Red Bull or Coca-Cola, and ate Snickers. The fees for performances were meager: they paid from $50 to $100 per concert.

Why was there an alarm on the refrigerator at the Factory? On nervous soil many girls began to get better, especially Ira Dubtsova, Nadya Igoshina and Nastya Kochetkova . A month later she came Lina Arifulina and measured everyone with a measuring tape. And they installed an alarm on the refrigerator: when the door was opened at the wrong time, the siren would sound.

It got to the point that we hid under the table so that the cameras wouldn’t see us, grabbed sausages, cheeses and hamsters.

About Timati The first person I met at the casting was Timati . He approached me himself and immediately liked me. I've never met anyone like him before. We had a beautiful story with him, not PR, as many might think

. After “Factory” we still maintained relations for some time, but then we stopped communicating. The need for warmth and care, which was especially sorely lacking during the “Factory” period, apparently united us then. We were together on tour, and then we gradually began to grow apart, I began to go home for a long time, everything began to get lost. I even had depression and it took me over two years to start a new relationship. This was my first true love.

About Russian show business I moved away from show business, because I got enough of it, and moved to my parents in Donetsk

. Of course, I love the stage, I love singing, but I’m not ready to live by the “laws of show business.” I don’t like to depend on someone, to be within some kind of framework. I like to do what I like, and not what people from the outside dictate.

About Igor Krutoy I'm incredibly grateful. This is a man of his word, a person who will always support and help you. He treated me like a daughter, at that time he even tried to replace my mom and dad. My entire career began thanks to his work.

About Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana has never been my producer. She was my manager, director.

About the producers

After “Factory” and the tour, I worked with Igor Yakovlevich. In principle, we never diverged. But then, unfortunately for me, a producer appeared in my life who promised to help me and achieve what I dreamed of, and I, of course, believed her. Firstly, this was an example for me of how people know how to extort money. And, secondly, I understand that I would never want to encounter such a person again in my life.

About returning to the stage

I still sing and perform, but for my own pleasure and with close people. If a professional producer appeared in my life, I would gladly return to Russia and big stage. But so far I have not found a person whom I can trust, including financial matters.

About the negative

He is in my life. But I’m also grateful for him, because he doesn’t let me relax.

About running

I run every day. My personal record is 24 km. I dream of participating in a marathon, and when I voiced this idea to my dad, he said: “Okay, daughter, don’t be too big of a fan. Everything should be done in moderation, for your own pleasure, and not at the expense of your health.”

About sport

I love extreme sports and activity. For me it's skiing, monoskiing, parachuting, scooters, diving, surfing, windsurfing. Yes, there are days when I want to relax, go to the sauna, lie in the bath or pool, but rarely.

Alexa – popular singer, a model that not everyone likes, but which everyone talks about - a native of Donetsk, born 09/04/1988.


The girl's childhood can be called cloudless. She is the only daughter of the wealthy owner of one of the Ukrainian energy companies, Alexander Chvikov, who at birth received her father’s name and his boundless love. Since it was inconvenient to call father and daughter Sashami, all relatives soon began calling the girl Alexa. She kept this name for herself as a creative pseudonym.

Alexa’s mother did not work and could devote all her time to her family and activities with her talented daughter. The girl showed artistic abilities from a very early age and only dreamed of becoming a singer. Accordingly, the parents began to develop their daughter in this direction.

She studied singing, dancing, and already at the age of 11, thanks to tall and excellent appearance, Alexa made it onto the podium.

The girl liked the classes at the modeling school, but in no case did she want to associate herself with this profession. However, from there she learned a lot of useful things and, first of all, the ability to behave perfectly in front of the cameras and always look impeccable.

At the age of 13, she persuaded her father to film her first video. With the simple song “Air Kiss,” Alexa first appeared as a singer on all popular TV channels in Ukraine and quickly acquired her first fans. But the popularity that the girl dreamed of was still far away.

Even she herself felt that she lacked professionalism, and the girl, completely abandoning school, began studying vocals with the best private teachers. However, the father insisted that her daughter still receive a certificate, and Alexa studied at home and then took exams as an external student.

"Star Factory"

Alexa's first serious professional experience and, in fact, the start of her singing career became the “Star Factory”, to which the girl went at the age of 16. Individual sessions vocals gave excellent results, and the girl was able to pass a very tough preliminary selection and made it into the main lineup of participants who competed live for the main prize.

Participation in the competition became extremely stressful for Alexa, who had no such experience before. Moreover, the filming took place in Moscow, and for the first time she was alone so far from her family. She really missed the support of her loved ones, and she even asked the organizers to let her go home for a few days. But the format of the show required the constant presence of all participants.

Alexa unexpectedly found the support she needed so much in, with whom she had an affair whirlwind romance. Thanks to the emotional takeoff, and perhaps some advice from someone more experienced in musically Timati, Alexa was able to make it to the finals of the show.

But she failed to take the prize – the competition was too high. However, Alexa became popular, and after the show her career quickly took off.

Solo career

After the completion of the project, Alexa was offered a contract by Igor Krutoy, but their cooperation did not last long. Presumably, the reason for his breakup was Krutoy’s conflict with the management of Channel One, and Alex was only interested in rapid promotion.

Alexa managed to collaborate with Rudkovskaya and Seltsov and released two solo album. But they did not gain much popularity, and the producers stopped further cooperation with the singer. Trying to qualify for Russian Eurovision also ended in failure. And the singer became disillusioned with her musical career.

For some time, she completely disappeared from the screens and practically did not go to social events. She tried to relieve her depression with the help of rather radical experiments with her appearance, which changed the pretty girl almost beyond recognition and caused condemnation from her remaining fans. Alexa greatly enlarged her lips and changed the shape of her nose.

In 2016, her name appeared in the spotlight again. But no longer as a singer. With the support of her father, Alexa took up jewelry and within a year prepared her own collection, which was quite warmly received by beauty connoisseurs. Now she is realizing herself in this direction and returning to music is not yet in her plans.

Personal life

Alex calls Timati his first serious relationship. Although many still do not believe in the sincerity of their feelings, considering the stylish couple to be a publicity stunt by the producers. The reason for such conversations was their imminent separation after the end of “Star Factory”. After going through a breakup, Alexa returned home and even started a new relationship.

With Timati

However, after some time, Timati came for the girl and persuaded her to return to Moscow. The couple lived together for about two years, although most of this time Timati went on tour. In 2007, they even filmed a video together, and soon after its release they broke up completely.

After this, the singer repeatedly changed fans, but she was unable to build a relationship with anyone. long relationship. Recently, she began posting photos online with Kyiv programmer Vlad Tislenko. But Alexa has not yet commented on this relationship. By the way, she corrected the unfortunate consequences of cosmetic manipulations and now looks simply charming again.

Many people have probably seen on television and in newspapers the development of relations such famous people, like rapper Timati and singer Alexa. Their love story was incredibly romantic, because so different people They complemented each other so much. According to witnesses of that relationship: “It was heading towards a wedding!” But, unfortunately, due to the influence of various circumstances, the stars are no longer together. Why did Alexa and Timati break up? This article will tell you about this.

Meeting Timati and Alexa

Why did Alexa and Timati break up? Let's start from the beginning. This couple met at the casting of the show “Star Factory 4” in 2004. Timati was 21 years old at that time, but Alexa was only 16 years old. The guys found it right away mutual language, and their romance began to develop so rapidly that doubts involuntarily arose about the sincerity of their feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the process of conquering Alexa, because it was very romantic. Timati, not embarrassed by those around him, gave Alexa tender kisses, showered her with a huge number of flowers, and supported the girl during her appearances on stage.

Alexa’s father was very worried about the couple’s relationship, since the guy, who had a lot of tattoos and a desire to become famous, did not inspire confidence. Alexa also had constant conflicts with her mother, since she argued that even on the show you need to maintain decency, and kissing is not included in this concept.

Timati - Alexa: relationship after the end of the show “Star Factory 4”

After the end of the “Star Factory 4” project, all participants in the show went on a tour around the country. It was at that moment that the relationship between Alexa and Timati began to deteriorate.

After the end of the tour, a very strong quarrel arose between the couple, as a result of which the young people decided to separate, and Alexa returned to her hometown- Donetsk.

After a certain time, Timati went for Alexa (having disrupted her wedding) and their relationship lasted another year. In general, the couple was together from 2004 to 2007, not taking into account breaks. So why did Alexa and Timati break up? And what prompted the man to rip off such an important event in a girl's life? Was there love?

Did Timati really ruin Alexa's wedding?

After the couple’s first separation and Alexa’s return to her hometown, her parents decided to speed up the process of “forgetting” Timati, and introduced the singer to a young coal oligarch. Their relationship led to an engagement, and Alexa's father insisted that the wedding take place as quickly as possible.

Alexa was not in love with the man who was to become her husband, but she did not oppose the will of her parents. In turn, when Timati found out about Alexa’s engagement, his world was shaken. At one point he realized that he was unable to live without this girl.

After realizing the above fact, Timati decided to go to Donetsk. In the dark, he snuck into Alexa’s house and woke her up with a kiss. The young people seriously discussed their relationship and came to the conclusion that they should be together.

In a matter of minutes, having collected all the necessary things, Alexa and Timati got into a taxi, which was already waiting for the couple around the corner of the house. And half an hour later they were on a plane to Moscow.

After this situation, Alexa had to try hard to get her parents’ forgiveness.

This story was heard from all the journalists. From the outside star couple There were no denials, they only smiled mysteriously, so it is impossible to say for sure whether this was true.

Gift idea from Timati for Alexa on her coming of age

A memorable moment in the couple’s relationship was the gift that Timati wanted to give the girl for her coming of age.

Since Timati is already long time While he was busy drawing sketches to create men's jewelry, it was not difficult for him to make a sketch for a women's ring. The rapper was also interested in studying various precious stones, but in the ring for Alexa he decided not to invent anything and opted for the classics - diamonds.

The ring was created in Italy by one of the fairly famous jewelers. It is made of white gold, with diamonds and a monogram (until now unknown, since Timati kept it a secret). In addition, the ring has a special secret: only Alexa can open it and, accordingly, put it on.

Initially, this gift was supposed to be presented along with a marriage proposal, but something did not work out.

Renewal of relationships: Alexa and Timati

Why they broke up then is not entirely clear. But after that their relationship resumed for some time. In 2010, both stars were invited to Yalta for the famous children's competition « New wave" Even during the flight, the couple took several photographs in which Alexa was sitting in Timati’s arms.

During the competition, the young people did not leave each other and constantly held hands. In the evenings, the couple could be seen in various romantically decorated restaurants in Yalta.

Unfortunately, this relationship lasted no more than a few months. So why did Alexa and Timati break up if everything was so beautiful?

The reason for the final separation of Alexa and Timati

Why did Timati break up with Alexa? He has his own opinion on this matter. According to Timati, he is the type of person who prefers to constantly be in the spotlight, and for this he needs to attend various parties and meetings every day. And Alexa, in turn, is one of those who would prefer to spend the evening at home. Due to such differences in character, the couple broke up. The rapper stated that he was unable to change himself, and Alexa was not obliged to tolerate this state of affairs, so the best option for them would be if Timati let the girl out of his life.

Did Timati really leave Alexa? The girl also has her own version. According to Alexa, things were a little different. Timati constantly went to various parties, and Alexa stayed at home. For the girl, although this situation was unpleasant, she was ready to put up with it. But the end of her patience came exactly at the moment when she saw the singer Yulia Volkova wearing the pendant that Timati always wore without taking it off. Timati then justified himself by saying that with Alexa they had love, but with Volkova they had passion, and these are completely different things. For Alexa, this was not an argument and she, having collected her things, left Timati.

Whatever it was, there is no longer anyone like Timati-Alexa. They broke up back in 2010, but echoes of this beautiful story love can still be heard. Only they two know the real reason rupture.

How Alexa survived the breakup with Timati

Did Timati and Alexa love each other? The history of the relationship of this beautiful couple worries all fans. But only they know the answers to all the questions, everything else is versions and guesses. One thing is for sure: parting with Timati was quite a strong blow for Alexa. For several weeks, the singer fell into depression, from which her father, who always supported Alexa and was initially against her relationship with Timati, helped her get out of it.

Further, the young singer decided to completely immerse herself in her work, and the girl embodied all her pain and experiences in famous song"My vendetta." As the singer later said, with this song she put an end to their relationship.

Alexa's personal life for 2016

For several years now, Alexa has been happy wife hip-hop artist Andrey Popov. The singer is five years older than her chosen one, and at the time they met, the performer was not even of age yet.

The couple met during the filming of a video for a beginner music group La La by Babes, in which Alexa starred as Andrei Popov’s lover.

In addition to the love of music, young people are connected by the fortune of their parents. Popov, like Alexa, is the child of a fairly wealthy person.

According to some reports, the couple is expecting a child.

Timati's personal life for 2016

After breaking up with Alexa, the rapper had many different girls, some of them stayed in his life for several years, and some, for example, Alena Shishkova, left huge contribution in his life (daughter Alice).

Timati dated Alena Shishkova for several years, the fruit of their love was their daughter Alisa. But, unfortunately, the couple broke up. The initiator of the breakup was Alena Shishkova, because she fell in love with football player Anton Shunin. Today the couple supports a good relationship and even celebrated their daughter’s birthday together in the Dominican Republic (Alice turned 2 years old).

Timati’s latest romance is with “Vice Miss Russia” Anastasia Reshetova. The couple has an age difference of 13 years, but this does not interfere with their relationship at all.

It is likely that this particular girl will become Timati’s official wife, since she is already telling the public that she dreams of having children in a few years, and their birth without a stamp in the passport is unacceptable for her. And knowing Timati’s attitude towards children, he may not be able to resist the beauty’s pressure.

Having analyzed the lives of Alexa and Timati on modern stage, we can say with confidence that “everything is for the better.” Alexa is a happy wife, and perhaps already a mother, and Timati can attend parties, develop as a rapper and, of course, raise his beloved daughter Alisa.

This is how Timati and Alexa live today. The love story of this couple was incredibly romantic, especially the moment when Timati took Alexa away from the wedding, but even that faded away, leaving behind only memories. Or perhaps this love did not exist at all; no one can be completely sure of this. According to some sources, the couple's feelings were real, but according to others, this was a perfectly acted story that should have hooked the audience. Whatever the truth, this couple will forever remain in the hearts of those people who watched the development of their relationship.

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