Leningrad broke up with Alice Vox. Why Sergey Shrunov traded Alice Vox for mid-level singers Vasilisa and Florida

30-year-old Alice Vox, former vocalist group "Leningrad", talked about how she left the group, seemingly at the height of fame. Many fans of the team still consider her best soloist groups for the entire existence of Leningrad. In March 2016, Alice announced her departure and the start of a solo career. Sergei Shnurov then, at one of the concerts, sarcastically joked about her departure.

Everyone asks me - where is Alice? In my opinion, this is a stupid question, since it is clear that she is not here. But we will answer with a song that will be performed by Adolfych (one of the group members. - Note auto). Afterwards it sounded new song a collective whose name sounds like, to put it simply, “go back to where you were born from.”

After Vox released solo album, which many called a failure. Now the singer is still in free swimming. Recently she gave an interview to Cosmo magazine, in which she talked about her scandalous departure and the humiliation that she had to experience from Sergei Shnurov.

In fact, there was no trigger. After three years of working in the group, the relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, Sergei often began to lash out at me, shouting... We stopped understanding each other. I told Sergei about my decision to leave the team on March 12, 2016. In that conversation, I immediately reassured him, saying that I would remain in the group until I found and introduced a replacement. He took this news calmly, even friendly. I asked to stay until July. I agreed. We discussed technical issues, laughed, hugged and kissed goodbye... I started looking for vocalists, showed him demo recordings of different girls. I brought Vasilisa to the team, she worked for a year after I left. In the meantime, we went to Ufa, played a great concert, after which Shnurov stopped answering calls and SMS. I learned from Vasilisa that it is forbidden to even pronounce my name in a group, and from the group’s logistician I learned that big concerts Two new girls will go to Moscow on March 24. Just before the concert, Sergei called, said something incomprehensible and hung up, without even allowing me to say goodbye to him as a human being.

Vox admits that this act of Shnurov offended her very much, but she is not angry with former colleague:

What can you say to a person whom you regularly supported, treated, fed, consoled, inspired and encouraged... and he... I have never been so wrong about people. But I forgive him. Apparently, I am his weakness. But this does not justify him. That's why I'm not going to talk to him. And I still communicate with some of the guys from the group.

Although, according to her, Shnurov has a lot to apologize for. For example, for a concert during which, as Vox claims, he forced her to undress on stage. Then Alice, in front of hundreds of people, first took off her dress, remaining topless, and then even “accidentally” showed her breasts to the public. Having finished the song, she stood behind Sergei and, taking off her panties, threw them into the hall.


I didn’t like the division of the team into small communities of interests. These interests, as you understand, were far from books. In the third year, the same jokes and stories (again, not from books) began to irritate me. I remember with hostility my feelings on stage during the performance of humiliating shorthand performances, as well as the scoldings that Sergei gave me when I tried to avoid these gestures. My worst memory is June 6, 2014. This is a nightmare, the trail of which haunts me to this day. The process of adopting a law banning swearing was underway. Sergei was in a panic and couldn’t find anything better than to undress me on stage. To get me to do this, careful psychological work was carried out. Sergey is an experienced manipulator. And I, a 25-year-old girl who unconditionally trusted her leader, had no choice but to obey. All! Since then, my life has been divided into before and after. I cried all night after the concert and lost my voice for two weeks due to nervousness. To this day I have not been able to wash myself away from this humiliation, in which I was the only victim. Moreover, as it turned out, this sacrifice was completely in vain, since this law did not affect Sergei. I prefer to simply forget about many other episodes.


Still, Vox is grateful for that time because she “became a better judge of people.” She dreams of a house with panoramic windows and every day “to be the best version yourself."

— I have a rule: don’t set global goals for yourself. Setting a specific maximum goal means for me setting a ceiling for myself. Give up early. Marcus Aurelius said: “Do what you must, and come what may.” I live by this principle, and the result always exceeds my expectations. One more rule (my own): work and don’t whine. It opens up vast horizons for me, because I am used to achieving success in all my endeavors.


What actually happened between you and Sergei Shnurov?
In fact, there was no trigger. After three years of working in the group, the relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, Sergei often began to lash out at me, shouting... We stopped understanding each other. I told Sergei about my decision to leave the team on March 12, 2016. In that conversation, I immediately reassured him, saying that I would remain in the group until I found and introduced a replacement. He took this news calmly, even friendly. I asked to stay until July. I agreed. We discussed technical issues, laughed, hugged and kissed goodbye... I started looking for vocalists, showed him demo recordings of different girls. I brought Vasilisa to the team, she worked for a year after I left. In the meantime, we went to Ufa, played a great concert, after which Shnurov stopped answering calls and SMS. I learned from Vasilisa that it is forbidden to even pronounce my name in the group, and from the group’s logistician I learned that two new girls will go to big concerts in Moscow on March 24. Just before the concert, Sergei called, said something incomprehensible and hung up, without even allowing me to say goodbye to him as a human being.

Do you have unspoken thoughts that you want to convey to your former colleagues?
What can you say to a person whom you regularly supported, treated, fed, consoled, inspired and encouraged... and he... I have never been so wrong about people. But I forgive him. Apparently, I am his weakness. But this does not justify him. That's why I'm not going to talk to him. ​And I still communicate with some of the guys from the group.

What about the new soloists of Leningrad?
I have known Vasilisa for 5 years, and I brought her to Leningrad. After a year of working in the group, she disappeared somewhere... I’ve known Florida even longer, we often performed together long before Leningrad, I treat her very warmly and am always happy about her successes. But I don’t follow the group’s work, to be honest... If earlier they somehow ended up in my news coverage, now I practically don’t see them at all in the news feeds of even my friends.

“I have never been so mistaken about people before”

What moments do you remember with hostility?
I didn’t like the division of the team into small communities of interests. These interests, as you understand, were far from books. In the third year, the same jokes and stories (again, not from books) began to irritate me. I remember with hostility my feelings on stage during the performance of humiliating shorthand performances, as well as the scoldings that Sergei gave me when I tried to avoid these gestures. My worst memory is June 6, 2014. This is a nightmare, the trail of which haunts me to this day. The process of adopting a law banning swearing was underway. Sergei was in a panic and couldn’t find anything better than to undress me on stage. To get me to do this, careful psychological work was carried out. Sergey is an experienced manipulator. And I, a 25-year-old girl who unconditionally trusted her leader, had no choice but to obey. All! Since then, my life has been divided into before and after. I cried all night after the concert and lost my voice for two weeks due to nervousness. To this day I have not been able to wash myself away from this humiliation, in which I was the only victim. Moreover, as it turned out, this sacrifice was completely in vain, since this law did not affect Sergei. I prefer to simply forget about many other episodes.

But there is something good in any story... What are you grateful to Leningrad for?
I began to understand people better, became less gullible. Turned from an extrovert to an introvert. I learned to value myself more. I have gained enormous professional experience, including working with a team, technical issues, and organizational ones. My vocal range has increased. I learned to dance and sing at the same time without getting out of breath. Thanks to this skill, I now sing entire concerts with virtually no breaks.

“I cried all night after the concert and lost my voice for two weeks due to nervousness.”

What did you imagine solo career? Have all your hopes come true?
My work fully meets my expectations. I have always worked solo, and working in someone else’s team was a new experience. Of course, now I have more responsibility to the viewer! But the payoff is colossal! Well, as for hopes... I hoped that no one would interfere, but... It turned out to be difficult to convey my creativity to people. A whole number of media outlets (radio, TV channels, and glossy magazines) are prohibited not only from covering my news and publishing material with me, but also from simply communicating, making friends, going to my concerts... More than once already ready material removed from print and even withdrawn after publication. The same ban affected many concert and club venues, as well as concert agents and organizers of private events. For my first video, about five “disses” were ordered from different bloggers. In general, every success of mine is accompanied by a ton of dirt. For my birthday, I was given a “gift” - the pessimization of my Instagram account. For each clip, dislikes and angry comments are ordered. Once we got 370 thousand live views on YouTube! Now anyone who has it can do it bank card and Internet access. This is why my comments and statistics on YouTube are closed. In an era when subscribers, views, likes, dislikes and comments are just a matter of money, statistics no longer reflect the real state of affairs.

What new things did you learn about yourself when you started working on your own?
That I am a strong leader and a strict leader. I used to think that I was such a cute, white and fluffy daisy girl. Now I know for sure that this chamomile has nerves of steel, an iron grip and unbending willpower. I had to believe in myself unconditionally. When you are your own boss and investor, you can’t live without it.

The unexpected news that fans of the Leningrad group learned in the spring of this year shocked many. The lead singer of this group, Alisa Vox, who gained fame after the song “Exhibit,” was fired by Sergei Shnurov. This decision caused mixed reactions from fans musical group. Later, Shnurov himself explained that the girl had contracted “star fever,” which forced him to make such a serious decision. According to Shnurov, this illness manifested itself in Alice in various ways. At the same time, as Shnurov himself said, in the team and off stage she demonstrated different behavior. She said to one that working in the Leningrad group was important for her, since it was an invaluable experience for her career. And to others she presented Leningrad leader Shnurov in a negative light, declaring that he had created a dictatorship in the group. The musician himself said about such actions of Alice that the girl had caught “star fever.” According to him, her further plans for a solo career are her personal matter.

After her dismissal, the singer gave interviews to women’s portals left and right. In them, she said that the musician cut off her oxygen in literally everything. He himself made decisions about what to sing and generally what to do on stage. According to Alisa, in public Shnurov appears as an alcoholic and a hooligan, and when he is engaged in creativity away from prying eyes, he turns into a director of the Leningrad Theater. According to Alice, in this project he acts not only as a puppeteer, but also as a dictator. According to Alisa, she was not satisfied with Shnurov’s idiotic demand for soloists. As Alisa said, Shnurov demands that a girl who gets into the group must be married or in a relationship. According to Alisa, the musician sent Yulia Kogan to maternity leave, and she herself was supposed to be in a relationship with Dmitry Burmistrov. A free girl, according to Vox, as Shnurov believes, should not be present in his group, otherwise the single members of the group will fight for her.

After the dismissal of Alisa Vox, Shnurov quickly found a replacement for the girl who had left the group. Shnurov, as it later became clear, does not need unique voices. He just needs average singers. As a result, Vasilisa and Florida appeared in the team. Moreover, these girls were picked up by a karaoke musician. This summer, fans of the group who purchased tickets to the concert of the musical group wanted to see Alisa Vox on stage. However, instead of her, two girls appeared before them who do not have good vocal abilities, and in addition, are deprived of beauty. However, this is the musician's decision.

The relationship that connected Sergei Shnurov and Alisa Vox since 2012 suddenly came to an end. The soloist who performed the hit “Exhibit” left the group, explaining her decision by the desire to start a solo career. In turn, the leader of the team said something about a fire that should be burned, but did not explain the intricate metaphor. Dni.Ru suggested what could really happen between Sergei and Alisa.

And the first version is connected with jealousy. Rumors have repeatedly appeared in the press that the vocalist is having an affair with the founder of Leningrad. After they lit up right on stage, depicting obscene movements, many thought that the colleagues were also lovers. “Sergei loves young girls – he doesn’t even consider ladies over 30. Alisa fits his parameters exactly, so I wouldn’t be surprised,” said ex-member of the group Yulia Kogan.

It is possible that Shnurov’s wife was jealous of his young blonde. Feeling competition, Matilda could ask her husband to rid her of her rival, with whom he spent a lot of time during concerts and tours.

The vocalist's departure may also be explained by resentment. After the premiere of the sensational video “Exhibit,” in one of his interviews, Shnurov said that the success of the composition was entirely his merit. “Alice was lucky in many ways. Everything coincided: she was able to hit those notes, she was married, she had a passport with Schengen in it,” he said.

It is noteworthy that he did not even mention the artist’s talent, and took the laurels of the composition about the Louboutins, in which he did not even sing, for himself. Perhaps this is why Alisa was offended by her colleague and decided to build her solo career.

One of the versions of the separation of Vox and Shnurov could also be envy. It is easy to guess that in Lately The soloist of the sala is very popular. During her four years of participation in the group, she performed such hits as “Patriotka”, “Bag”, “I Cry and Cry” and, of course, the sensational “Exhibit”. Perhaps Sergei was afraid that the blonde, who performs most of the songs from the new album, would simply outshine him, and decided to say goodbye to her.

Moreover, the leader of Leningrad has already become a habit of changing soloists at least once every four to five years. And Shnurov hastened to get rid of Yulia Kogan, who joined the team in 2007, when she became almost cooler than him.
It's no secret that Shnurov is very jealous of his creation and does not allow any competition. Sergei always wants to remain the main star of Leningrad. Perhaps, feeling Alice Vox's breath on his back, he simply decided to get rid of his competitor before she eclipsed him.

One should not exclude the most simple version. It is quite possible that creative ways colleagues who worked together for about five years simply drifted apart, and they parted ways mutual consent. Alisa decided to do solo projects, and Sergei simply added new blood to the group.

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